#ro reacts
zico-if · 7 months
how would the ROs react if a very grumpy/angry MC (obv traumatised lil baby) one day like genuinely laughed
It's such a small little thing, yet they can't help but be completely entranced by the sound of your voice. They find themselves staring at you, stunned into a silence that doesn't break until you turn to look at them with a puzzled look and blurt out a short "what?"
It's then a gentle smile breaks across their face, wider than anything you've ever seen with a happiness twinkling in their eyes that stems just from that simple noise.
"Nothing," they reply, burning the sound of your laughter to their memory. They'd like to hear it again, if you'd let them.
She pauses her motion, stilling her hands when she hears you laugh. She turns to look at you, tilting her head slightly to the side. "Did you...just laugh?" She questions, like she's uncertain if she heard it correctly.
"Yes?" you answer.
"Mm. I see," she says, satisfied with the answer and turns back to doing whatever it was she was doing, a faint and subtle smile gracing her lips. You don't fail to notice that her gaze seems to fall on you every now and then, as if hoping to catch you in the act of laughing.
Almost immediately, Aurius snaps his gaze towards the source of the sound. "You laughed," he points out, not bothering to hide the childlike smile on his face.
You blink at him. "I...did," you confirm, schooling your face back to a natural neutrality.
His smile never wavers. He looks at you as if you're a dream made reality. "It's truly a lovely sound," he confesses. "Perhaps one of my favourites." He'd never heard you laugh like that before. And oh how so euphoric it is to hear you do so.
When they hear you laugh, their eyes widen so much that it looks almost comical and in an instant, they'd wish that they'd been able to record that moment so they could reply it over and over. Suddenly, it becomes all that they can think of: hearing that sound again. That warm genuine laughter. "Could you do that again?" They ask.
"Hm? Do what?"
"That sound you just made. The laughter. I'd like to hear it again...please?" they ask, even adding a please to sound polite. Just once more. Even if it takes them a hundred tries to make you laugh, they only need to hear it just once more, because who would've thought that such a simple sound could bring them to their knees just like that.
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louroth · 1 year
Listen man I just gotta know how the ros dream of receiving love from mc. I wanna know what they stay up at night imagining with mc and their life together. I eat that shit up man
💀 you're the best. Thanks for the ask! Here's some daydreams the ro's keep for whenever their eyes slide closed:
Yor//Yana: the hunter sleeping in their cabin, beside them, and the whole place smells of fresh cedar wood, the fields whispering outside as they bend to the wind; to live simply, just the two of them, outside of the magnitude of responsibilities they have, to just be, within each other's orbit. To think of nothing but how fresh coffee smells, or how hunters breath feels on their skin, to just get to exist, free and floating like a cloud without anywhere to be. And maybe they would go to the market, and maybe they'd cook dinner together. Just a soft, quiet kind of love.
Auryn: There is a courtyard that is largely unknown, of an abandoned house on the outskirts of Riven east, where they would like to take the hunter. The skewed, rotten floors would creak as they led them through the house to get to it, hands softly clasped around hunters eyes and waist - and they would unveil a hidden world of rare frogs, plants and flowers that live around the neglected pool. They'd spend hours watching the life growing there, pointing and whispering, until voices grew husky and touch lingered longer than necessary - they'd fuck the hunter slowly, splayed out on the beautifully tiled floor around the pool, moss sticking to their skin.
Sene//Selene: dreams of bringing the hunter to Oakwerth as it once was, to see their life's work- to hopefully make the hunter proud of them. They'd lavish the hunter in expensive shopping, opera and theater, showing them off at dinners and balls before retiring to the clock tower they call home, and watch the sunrise together on the balcony overlooking all of Oakwerth, wrapped in each others arms, and perhaps a fine bottle of champagne.
Idren//Ida: they barely dare to think that far- to even have the hunter smile at them, laugh at their jokes, seems like dream enough. They imagine touch, sensation, more than anything; to just wake up and the first thing they feel is how hunter is wrapped around them, the weight of their leg on theirs. They quickly school those thoughts though, opting to treasure the real moments instead. Is hunter telling a story by the campfire? They won't tear their eyes away. Oh, but a true, heart-cinching, silly dream of theirs- Id sitting against a tree-trunk, hunter settled between their legs and resting their head against Id's chest, the hunter opening a book and asking Id to read aloud. You have to hold it, Id dreams of murmuring in their ear, dragging their fingertips up and down hunter's arms. If I am to hold you.
Leith//Custom: They just want to go back to how things were, in that run-down little cabin. They dream of painting a room together, chasing each other with paintbrushes until they are both covered in paint-streaks, or making clay pots together a la Ghost, or finally turning that bureau into something beautiful. They also dream of showing hunter what they have discovered, but I can't get into that here.
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leftski-if · 11 months
How would the RO's react to an MC that said "I want a mini-league soccer amount of kids"
Ruokar laughs, then pulls the MC close and grins. "We'd better get started, then," he says, followed by a kiss.
Magreth isn't sure how to respond at first, falling quiet and looking a little bewildered as he struggles to make eye contact. Eventually, when he finds his voice again, he glances back to the MC and says, "Maybe... we can start with one and go from there?"
The comment comes as a surprise to Freja, but not an unwelcome one. She says she's never been the sort to plan much in advance - life never goes quite the way you expect, after all - but she's always wanted to adopt. If it's in the cards, there's no reason to stop at one.
Mint, having no interest in having children of her own, would grow quietly worried at first. Several long but heartfelt conversations later, she begins looking into acquiring a permit to open an orphanage or school within the city that she and the MC can manage together.
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defiledtomb · 2 years
smol!MC: sitting in RO's favorite relaxation chair "If you attempt to move me, I will sandbag." Now how would everyone respond to this in at least the crushing stage, I wonder. I can see Y either giving up the spot for the time being, or indeed just picking MC up since it would be nothing to move something so lightweight to them. 🤭
Ok but :') this is adorable. Thank you for the ask :>
Since they are adults in a professional setting though, I'm going off that this is once they are in a relationship and in private (or amongst their inner circle)
Y would loom over MC, brow quirked, arms crossed and a slight, impatient tilt to their head. "Can't I at least get to have the chair while I read this book? My joints ache, y'know." MC flips a page if their own book, and smirks. Y braces around MC, gets in real close, so that the hunter feels Y's breath ghosting over their nose. "You'd do this to an old wo/man?"
Auryn would at first bundle MC up with all their arms, constraining them, but when the hunter goes into full slinky mode, slipping like a gelatinous mass through all Auryns limbs, Auryn would let go and relax too, smothering MC under their loose shape. Just a tangle of limbs. A fleshy horror of laxed muscles. Someone would walk past and ask if you're alright, and Auryn would wheeze "if you can't beat em, join em" and then slither back into the pile.
S would give a withering stare but accept defeat rather instantenously, taking a seat by the desk instead. For a while, it's peace and quiet, but the hunter would feel s' stare in the back of their neck, and it would just escalate from there. Sighs, groans and unintelligible muttering of a certain annoyed cadence, and then a smattering of nervous pen-tapping, page flicking and fiddling and drawers shutting and- "Alright! Enough already," MC hollers. "You get the seat, just, for the love of gods, stop." And S, ever the victor, would claim their throne.
L would either pick MC up and place them in their lap, or gracefully drape themselves over the hunter. They would hiss if MC would try to move them. Hiss.
Id would be the one to throw the hunter over their shoulder and deposit them elsewhere. Or they'd melt into mist and just fog up MC's vision. "How do you like that, chucklefuck? Two can play at this game."
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kathrinesadventures · 8 months
how would the ROs react if the MC during deep crushing breaks their heart? but they do not know it is to protect them cough cough
Well, that's a difficult question to ask. Blaine (Marcus/Melissa) and Valentine (Vale/Vivian) are going to go through the same emotions. Heart break, sadness grief, they both will probably kidnap the MC, though Valentine is less likely to do that then Blaine.
You have to remember that those two don't really know how to deal with the emotions you suddenly gave them.
John and Elizabeth on the other hand? *Whistles*
For those who don't want to feel bothered, turn back.
Now, John's reserved, so if you somehow manage to pull him in, and then let go all of the sudden, then he'd be furious. If you don't explain why you're breaking up with him, then well... I don't know how to put this in simpler moment but expect the next 8 hours to be the steamiest moment of your life.
Elizabeth's almost the same, though a collar and a little bit of flogging will be involved.
Once they're both satisfied, they'll let you go but not before you regret it so deeply that you'll be thinking of going back every single hour, and they won't accept you unless you come back on all fours. Elizabeth and John are the types that will make you crave their touch against your bare skin, their breath against your body, and the warmth they provide you. They'll make you feel afraid yet safe at the same time. But that'll be a bit long into the book/game.
So, yeah, it got a little steamy but that's how John and Elizabeth are. Hope that answers your question!
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pixiereblogs · 1 year
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Pixie Recaps Picard | Imposters
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pixiecaps · 1 month
at one point during the debate elq tells roier to shut the fuck up and to die like his grandpa. and roier is left jawdropped. i miss elq
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amateurmasksmith · 7 days
I swear, if Janus ever impersonates Virgil…
I’m gonna lose it
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How would the ROs react to a shy MC just nervously asking for a kiss while blushing up a storm and avoiding making eye contact with the ROs?
Julian looks down at you, trying to hold back the budding smile on his face. By the gods, he wants to tease you and he will. "I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that. Could you speak a little louder?" He cups his ear. When you repeat yourself he merely hums, wagging a finger. "What was that? Speak up, love." He snorts at the sight of you struggling. "As much as I want to tease you more," his arm wraps around your waist, pulling you against his chest. "I will give you what you want. Just this once."
Julianne smiles at the sight of you. She wonders if you're aware of how beautiful you look when you are flustered. "Aw, you want a kiss?" She hums teasingly, gaze soft. "Say please."
". . .Please?" You say, breathlessly as you fidget with the loose threads of your clothes.
She swallows as the word tumbles out of your pretty mouth. That shouldn't have the effect on her it does. She caves in. Like she always does.
Dylan frowns at the sight of you nervous. Something twisted in him likes that he still manages to have this effect on you, though he quickly squashes down that train of thought.
He takes a step closer to you, cupping your cheeks, lifting your head to meet your gaze. "You want me to kiss you?" He murmurs, soothing your nerves. At your nod, he presses his lips against yours. It's slow, it's sensual, it's tantalizing, it's tender. Its everything you have ever wanted. "Another one?" He murmurs, your lips glistening from the aftermath. Without waiting for your response, he kisses you one more time. Then again. And again. Till you're breathless and heaving. Till you forget your name.
Warren's blinks, stiffening at the request. His lips quirk upwards when the realisation sets in and he cups your right cheek in his hand, planting a kiss to your forehead. He laughs at your pout, the sound throaty and warm. "I said I wanted a kiss."
"You didn't specify where."
You tap your lips with your forefinger, heat pooling in your chest, right where your heart resides.
He smiles, his hand wrapping around the back of neck as he leans in, pressing his mouth on yours.
Aiden raises a amused brow at your flushed countenance. A smug smirk tugs at his lips as he intertwines his fingers with yours. He brings the back of your hand to his lips, kissing your knuckles. "You know you don't need to ask, sweetheart." He looks at through his lashes. It always made you envious. He has beautiful lashes. His hand curls around in your hair, pulling you in. He bumps his nose against you gently, a rare fond smile on his face. "Next time, just kiss me instead." He does give you what you want. But also much, much more.
Mia tries not to laugh. It's cute. You are cute. Unfortunately, for you she likes to torment you. She places a finger under your chin, lifting your head to meet her eyes. "Eyes on me." Her long nail traces a path from your chin to your jaw to the back of your neck, the gesture making goosebumps rise on your arms. "Now, what are the magic words?" She teases. She wants to give it to you as much as you but she won't. Not until you say it properly. Not until you're begging and whining.
Jessica gazes at you and her expression softens. She cups your face in her hands, her thumb under your eyes, caressing your cheekbones. "Since you asked so nicely, I'll give it to you." She murmurs softly against your lips, giving you what your desire. Her lips trail down wet kisses from your jaw, to your neck. She sighs, closing her eyes, burying her face in neck. "Now, I am the one who needs more." You think you hear the smile in her voice. "You truly are the worst."
Heat rises up Heather's neck. A choked laugh espaces her throat and she tucks a loose strand of hair behind her eyes. Or she tries, since it stubbornly falls back to frame the side of her face. "You want me to kiss you?" She swallows. It's silly, really. She shouldn't be feeling so giddy. You have kissed before but it's always as exhilarating as the last time. "You know, you didn't need to ask." She breathes, her voice rising by an octave. "You can always kiss me whenever you like. . ." She trails off, licking her lips. Trembling fingers, curl around your wrist, guiding your hand to her right cheek. She kisses your palm, looking at you, cheeks flushed. "C'mere."
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i have learned what shadowpeach is! and i think its hilarious
sun+moon coded, friends-to-enemies-to-?????? duo is so interesting i wanna put them under a microscope
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mantischrysalis · 1 month
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mingus plushie time…
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oneknightstand-if · 10 months
Say deep into the romance(the notorious L word has been said and everything), how protective of the MC's are the RO's? And how would they handle losing the MC(i,e the MC died in the final battle/sacrificed themselves to win the day or something angsty like that)?
Well, a bunch of the ROs will already be trying to protect the MC as much as they can even before any romance, so there's not too much room to improve there. Also high affinity platonic bond can trigger this as much as any romance.
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Merlin: Already the resident bodyguard/babysitter/cat-herder of the group. May give the MC a bit more attention when the group is in danger... but they're already watching over you. They'd perhaps feel more regret if they had to cut the MC loose.
For them, MC's death is... expected. Human lives are so ephemeral, after all. They'll always remember you... even thousands of years later and will bring the MC up in random conversations to random people. Probably MC's most embarrassing moments. For anyone paying attention & talking extensively to them in the game, Merlin already has repeatedly brought up their last longterm lover.
Biggest change here would be Merlin nearly killing themself to make certain that the MC's soul doesn't get dragged to Heaven or Hell. That's the fate that they'd find horrific for a loved one, not the natural death expected of all mortals.
Adrian: He's already potentially carrying the MC away from danger through half the city whether they like it or not so there's no room for Adrian to get more protective without going full yandere on you.
If the high affinity MC is dead, then Adrian is also most likely dead as well. He's the most ride or DIE of all the ROs and this already has implications if you go through the route where the MC refuses to leave their apartment and gets kidnapped by Merlin and Adrian.
Arthur: Due to his nature, he's already MAXIMUM THE PROTECTOR. He may be paying a bit more attention to you during times of danger, but he's already protecting you to his full capability and won't be acting any differently... after all, he's the High King and can't prioritize your safety over all others.
The same goes for the MC's death. The Post Apocalypse is still going to be a complete clusterfuck so he won't have time to stop and grieve. (The same as he won't have time to stop and grieve the fall of Camelot and the deaths of most of the people he knew because unlike the other Harbingers who reincarnated or who actually lived through the 1500 years span of time, to him Camelot fell last week.)
He'll create a suitable memorial customized exactly to the MC's tastes once things have calmed down. And Merlin will sneak over to comfort him, because Merlin's one of the few who can see past Arthur's strong front.
Percy: He's going to be hanging around a high affinity MC a lot, romanced or not. You're probably not going to notice much difference protection-wise as he's the sort who'd jump in to help you without a moment's notice even if he didn't like you.
At the MC's death, he'd probably disappear into a forest for several weeks without anyone being able to find him. He'll eventually return to the group though because he knows that he's needed. The MC would've been his first romantic love... and most probably will be his last as well.
4̷0̸4̸ ̷E̷r̷r̵o̴r̵ ̶N̶o̴t̷ ̴F̵o̸u̵n̶d̵: [SPOILERS]
Cassandra: She's a cop, so she's already keeping a protective eye out on the entire group as a whole. She'll be making extra special precautions for a high affinity MC. (This is probably one of the safest positions to have during the Apocalypse... as long as the MC behaves themselves).
Cassandra has some pretty traumatic stuff in her background, so this won't be the first lover she's lost. Her reaction will also depend on how you went... in an awesome blaze of glory (she'll build a statue for you) or something painfully drawn out & full of regret (heads will roll).
Vivian: Uh... you are probably going to need to have a 'discussion' with Vivian regarding her protectiveness. It can get a bit overwhelming at times. Like Merlin, she is well aware of the inherent ephemeral nature of a mortal.
So wouldn't it be better if she just 'took care' of all those people who approach you, just in case they turned out to be dangerous? And actually, why don't you stay with her at the bottom of the lake from now on? All the time. That would be very safe.
Otherwise, whatever killed the MC better hope it's already dead before Vivian gets at them.
Gwen: She's more the type that people protect than the type who protects people. The support from the background type. But you get close enough, that will not stop her at all and she will absolutely try to protect you to the best of her ability. Like right up there in the frontlines. You both may need to end up saving each other in that case.
About the MC's death... it's fine. It's fine. You've already died and reincarnated once. It can happen again. She'll be waiting for you. Eternally if necessary.
Lorelei: She'll already be highly protective of certain types of MCs (romanced or otherwise). Unlike some of the others, there'll actually be a noticeable change in her demeanor.
She's not the type to ever abandon someone in danger, but she will absolutely prioritize a romanced or high affinity MC over others. To the point where highly skilled fighter MCs may need to tell her to take a step back because she's jumping in even when it would be better that she did her own thing.
Will be quietly having a BSOD upon the MC's death (which she' ll blame entirely on her failing to protect and be there for the MC at the last moment). She'll eventually come back to the group as the icy version of Wrath, barely interacting with others while still carrying out her duties. (The other Harbingers are going to really have their work cut out for them there.)
Broderick: Another one who's demeanor will change after getting close to him... especially after what happens in his subplot. He'll be constantly protectively hovering over high affinity MC. But just during the dangerous times. (Which is actually all the time.) The MC will probably need to work through a few issues with him.
He'll be completely gutted by the MC's death and not really functional for quite awhile after that point. Definitely a changed man (and not for the better). It might take years for him to recover.
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moiraineswife · 10 months
Nana Morri's Ligament Manor is really just if the Encanto house was taken over by the Addams Family.
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kasiobite03 · 1 year
the empty frame in bobbys castle tower is a metaphor for jaiden and roiers family. they shared a house a bed items son, roier showed her his basement, melissa, his betrayal scars, and his home that was meant to be a community house. and jaiden couldnt fully believe she wasnt taking too much when it was her house! it was her base too! she moved out of the home she was building to move in with roier but she still felt like an intruder to her own home! she saw it as a temporary home for until she could move out and build her own base. but she still cared for and accepted every part of roier. and roier loved jaiden back too! when they died in that airship, he cleared out the dungeon and gave jaiden armor and spirit orbs and when jaiden accepted his anger and blame it just fizzled out. jaiden understands. so then roier left a empty frame at the bottom of the tower for jaiden to fill whenever she came back and they laughed and joked while tucking bobby in and jaiden said i bet you a hundred million dollars we'll see bobby tomorrow and roier said are you sure and it was a joke and then tomorrow came and jaiden was an hour too late. and then roier joked and laughed and when jaiden came and he had to break the news he couldn't anymore. because with jaiden roier can let down the jokes and with roier jaiden can be sure he has her back and support and when jaiden fell off the edge roier jumped down to join her before she could even say anything and they had pvp lessons together and a heart to heart as the sun rised and in the end the community house lays abandoned and bobby fields is filled with copies of the best day they had together and the attic is never looked at again and the top floor of bobbys tower isnt either.
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vermillioncourt-if · 7 months
How about instead of the mc dying how would the Ros react to dying in the mcs arms?
Womp womp, rip to the ROs. I'm interpreting this as them dying from a mortal wound and not like old age or sickness.
ROs dying in MCs arms
Let's start with the people who are afraid of dying, so Nahou and Kounao. They would be terrified in their last moments saying stuff like "I don't want to go yet" and other such things. It's up to MC to settle their asses down though before they work themselves into a panic attack as they're dying.
Sandong and Duqiong aren't okay with dying, but they're not losing their minds like Nahou and Kounao. They express regret about dying, but accept it for what it is.
Huaiqiao and Chanyu are kind of a strange case since both of them kind of expected to die early at some point (being a bodyguard and ex-assassin). They're more relaxed about it. Like weirdly relaxed. They'd say something like "well, can't say that was unexpected". They're weird, idk what to tell you.
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Hello! Here's the react!
ROs React to Someone Asking MC Out (Crushing and Selationship Stage)
Crushing - Alceste is going to march right over and insert himself into the conversation. He's gonna be a lil annoying and pushy about it, but it'll get the person asking MC out away from MC, so he doesn't really care.
Relationship - He's go over to MC the same way and wrap his arm around their waist and just kiss them to leave them breathless. He'll then look up at the person, if they're still there, and raise an eyebrow questioningly!
Crushing - If looks could kill... She's glaring daggers at the person but won't interfere unless MC looks like they're in trouble. If she's in a really bad mood, she's butt into the conversation and challenge the person to a duel.
Relationship - She'll slide up to you and slip her arm around MC's waist/shoulders and just look at the person. If they still have balls to ask MC out, she's just gonna go "they're taken" and drag you away.
Crushing - Dionys will seethe in silence. He might look calm and pleasant on the outside, but he's already pictured 30 ways to dispose of the person. He won't move from his spot unless MC looks like they need help.
Relationship - Dionys is a bit jealous, but is confident in MC. He might slip himself into the conversation to judge the person and then drop some pretty truthful but hurtful things about the person on them, if they don't leave.
Crushing - She's in the corner with Dionys, but she's not really plotting the person's demise, but more worried about if MC likes the person. She'll watch them carefully before deciding whether or not to go over there.
Relationship - Her coming over is 50/50 and it depends on her mood. If she had a good day, she'll stay where she is. She trusts MC. If she had a bad day though, she'd go right on over and nicely, but bluntly, tell the person that MC's taken and to "get lost".
Crushing - Enyo deadass probably doesn't even notice. Parties are so exciting for them, they're busy doing anything and everything else than watching MC. That said, if they do see it, they're going to interrogate MC later and be all nosy about it, but deny being interested in it!
Relationship - If Enyo sees, they're going over to MC and quite literally just drag them away from the person. If the person follows, Enyo might get a little testy and decide now is a good time for knife throwing practice, which MC will have to quick stop!
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