#character: freja
leftski-if · 11 months
How would the RO's react to an MC that said "I want a mini-league soccer amount of kids"
Ruokar laughs, then pulls the MC close and grins. "We'd better get started, then," he says, followed by a kiss.
Magreth isn't sure how to respond at first, falling quiet and looking a little bewildered as he struggles to make eye contact. Eventually, when he finds his voice again, he glances back to the MC and says, "Maybe... we can start with one and go from there?"
The comment comes as a surprise to Freja, but not an unwelcome one. She says she's never been the sort to plan much in advance - life never goes quite the way you expect, after all - but she's always wanted to adopt. If it's in the cards, there's no reason to stop at one.
Mint, having no interest in having children of her own, would grow quietly worried at first. Several long but heartfelt conversations later, she begins looking into acquiring a permit to open an orphanage or school within the city that she and the MC can manage together.
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freyofthewoods · 10 days
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Lines for Frey are done! Just need to color her and get Darkdancer's done then his colors and pull together the character sheet!! Very excited to get her slowly moving forward here.
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gin-draws · 1 year
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nothing like an archmage crashing your sleepover
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zerofinite · 1 year
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sheepaleepz-but-art · 2 years
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“oh god who taught you that--”
squeezing out a couple more drawings for Black History Month haha. got freja and kenji this time :)
freja doesn’t know any swears in ASL (yet), but she will fingerspell them and/or write them down when she gives kenji notes
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breitzbachbea · 1 year
1, 3, 9, 11?
OH, thank you very much!!!!
Meta OC Question
What inspired you to create your oc?
Depends on the OC, but there's two reasons at the start of all my OC endeavours in the past, which also intertwine:
I've always been a very creative kid with adhd that makes her daydream all day long, so I've been plagued by visions that needed a creative outlet & writing was the choice.
Since I wrote since elementary school, whenever I liked another piece of media, I'd express it by writing fanfiction, which would usually involve OCs. I'd often spin so hard and so fast out of control that I would make up a whole batch of OCs, often together with friends, who'd interact with the main cast and story, but also spin off into their own storylines.
These days, where I only make OCs and write mostly for my Hetalia Human AU (which is 10% Fanfic, but 90% Orig Fic): The mainer characters come to me because I am plagued by visions and constantly inspired by real life. I have over 250 named characters in this AU, PLEASE stop me from making more. Went to Romania for Erasmus for a week and came back with an OC concept that could have such a dysfunctional and toxic queer romance with one of my underdeveloped Hungarian OCs. I need to be stopped.
However, once mainer characters are established, OCs related to them spring up out of necessity or because I am like 'You know what I didn't do yet and would be fun in relation to these new bitches and also the old bitches?'. OC creation never happens in a vacuum, I am all about how they add to the world I created for the past 10 years and could interact with its inhabitants.
3. What is the origin of the character's name?
Used to go on babynaming sites and look at the most popular options, which is why all my Irish mainer characters have English names (RIP). These days I like to do some research on the cultural background they come from and also take inspiration from public figures from their country/region/city. However, once that is done I usually just visit Behind the Name and spend 15 minutes browsing, talking with friends about options, ignoring their feedback and then choose a name by closing my eyes and throwing a dart at the PC. I do consider nominative determinism to a degree, but I'll tell myself that the parents who named the kid couldn't have known what they will grow up to be and I'll also get used to any name.
I also love to use names I encountered in life, too! Like old classmates or family names of friends!
9. In a group dynamic, what kind of role does the oc usually fill? Are they a worry wart? A troublemaker? The straight man?
I LOVE GROUP DYNAMICS AND I HAVE SOOOO MANY OF THEM. Let's take the Chaos Seven, aka Team Ireland + Soph and Team Sicily as an example.
Team Ireland shares one collective braincell. Paddy, who's twice as old as Harry and Charlie, is its keeper about 40% of the time. Since he helped raise Harry since he was six, is a father figure to Charlie and helped raise Sophie since she was born, he's the Guardian figure of the Group. Hashtag Daddy Paddy. However, he's also a bastard like his own kids, so while he tries to be a good influence, he's not exactly the voice of reason. Just hopelessly devoted to the three and wants to ensure that they don't make choices they will regret without return.
Charlie is the social butterfly, or at least the one who's the most willing to engage in diplomacy and also enjoys working people the most. Do not let that fool you, half of the European underground wants to punch his teeth in for being endlessly annoying, but the other half wants to either fuck him or keep him as a purse dog. He and Harry are brother's from another mother and when Harry is too stubborn and fatalistic to consider anyone outside of himself, Charlie will pick up the slack and care for him and their goals. To Soph, he's the big brother figure with whom she can discuss personal affairs that she feels Harry and Paddy are too close and guardian-like for comfort to discuss with.
Harry's the driving force that inspires the others, since if he is hellbent on something, he'll pull through with it and won't let anyone push him around. He bickers all day long with the rest (especially Charlie, Soph and Harry do nothing but pick on each other), but is also always there to root for the others and take risks on their behalf. Probably the biggest troublemaker, but since Team Ireland as a whole is nothing but troublemakers, it's a bit unfair to single him out. He's got an unmatched love for pranks, though!
Soph is the nestling, the little darling of the family. All the others care for her, and as she grows up, she takes more and more after her brother, for better and for worse. Being Harry's little sister, the two are especially close, but she worries and cares for all three of them, as they do for her. When she's with the other three, she's a troublemaker who's not gonna let anyone push her or her family around, much like Harry.
Michele ... he is the leader and the voice of reason in Team Sicily, the one who raised the twins Marco and Lorenzo together with his mother. Since Marco and Lorenzo look up to him, he's also their guardian figure and tries to be as good an influence as he can - he's also constantly herding cats with these two mischievous guys.
Marco and Lorenzo share their creativity and their analytical thinking, as well as their love for mischief. They're definitely troublemakers, but at the same time problem solvers extraordinaire. And while their devotion to Michele is blind to a degree, they also unite in pulling him back onto the rug at times. It's not often that they need to play the straight man and they aren't good at that role with anyone but Michele, but they can do it.
11. What is your least favorite trait regarding your oc?
I mean it is an Organized Crime AU, so for most it gotta be, among others, the uhhhh ability to justify the horrors to themselves.
But that aside. I don't really think in favourite and not-favourite, since an interplay of traits is what makes OCs so close to actual humans and simply fun as literary constructs.
If I was held at gunpoint, though - That Hugo is so persistent in his quest to be liked/loved/the best that he can't take no for an answer in the long run, to his own detriment and everyone else's. That SK, aka Sri Kadek, is so stubborn in her perceived role as being the fixer of the family that she won't consider someone else's motivation for how they treat her could be genuinely out of caring for her. And most of the OCs are assholes, again because of the circumstances and I am a messy bitch who loves drama, but the Arora twins (Frej and Freja) take the objectification and the prioritization of their entertainment a little bit far even for this crowd. (... but also, that does make them very very sexy <3).
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asatroende · 1 year
I wish there was a tumblr specific discord or something for discussing asatro, I have so many thoughts in my head about stories and folk tales and all that but I can’t like develop them at length with other people of the faith and I don’t wanna join an organisation about it
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lil collection of tarot cards I started for the og campaign,,,,, I’ll do the rest someday,,,,,,
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grimm-the-tiger · 2 months
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A redraw of another old piece that originated from around the same time as my previous redraw. Both are characters from my (still-unpublished because I'm lazy) webcomic Into the Dark. The original is below the cut.
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leftski-if · 1 year
hey dear author! just wanted to pop in and say that i love RoTC 💞 mint and magreth just stole my heart! and i really enjoy the brothers relationship 🥹🥹
are u familiar with dimension 20? theres a line in ACoFAF where brennan goes "if you are orphaned, then so am i and you will never know a lonely day again as long as i draw breath" how would the ros react to a super cheesy mc that tells them that
Thank you kindly! I very much appreciate that <3
As for your question, I'm only familiar with the name and haven't seen any Dimension 20 content personally, but I think I can still answer based on the gist of the quote, even if I'm lacking in context. (Hopefully what I say makes sense haha)
Ruokar would be a bit taken aback by the seriousness of such a declaration, but he definitely appreciates the sentiment. He's very much a ride-or-die type himself and would do anything for the people he loves so he more or less feels the same, even if he would express it differently. The MC would receive a big hug in response.
Magreth would be at a loss for words and would take some time to process it, and perhaps have to resist the instinct to point out that the MC is in fact actually orphaned. He too appreciates the sentiment, though, even if the specifics of the wording would confuse him, and do his best to express similar feelings in return. I imagine him nodding back, then deciding he should probably try to say something. Probably along the lines of, "I'm here for you."
Mint would absolutely love it. She thrives on poetry and dramatic and extravagant gestures, so to hear such a thing from a loved one would be a treat indeed. Depending on the day, she might declare how gallant and dashing the MC is, or simply jump in their arms to give them a hug and a kiss.
And Freja, as someone who has indeed experienced such loss and loneliness in her life, would be quite touched by the statement. Despite her outward reaction being rather stoic in the moment, she would take the words to heart, and of all the ROs, they would probably be the most meaningful to her. It's a sentiment she would hold close going forward and likely reference again in the future or incorporate into her wedding vows.
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my-fe-ocs · 9 months
me, several months ago: i've made a lot of girls for this story, i should make another boy for the golden deer class
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me, now: dammit
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i made another girl after all
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gin-draws · 2 years
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magical girlfriends ✨
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matrotas-muse-hub · 1 year
Freja Aldhomr
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*character design subject to change, potential rework in progress.
NAME: Freja Aldhomr (pronouned fray-uh awld-ho-murr)
AGE: Physically 27, true age unknown due to spending time in the realm of the fair folk
LANGUAGES: Common, norse-equivalent (based on setting)
BIRTHDAY: October 11th
SPECIES: Iceborn human
GENDER: Female
PROFESSION: Mercenary / Adventurer
HAIR: Short, white
EYES: Light blue
SKIN: Pale white
HEIGHT: 5'9"
WEIGHT: 150 lbs
TATTOOS / SCARS: Freja has a fist-sized scar near her left shoulder blade and above her sternum from when she was impaled by a cursed spear.
SPECIAL ITEMS: Enchanted oversized bracers that hover around her wrists.
Physical Capabilities:
Strength: Freja is quite strong, being able to fight on the frontlines in combat. Part of this is due to the elemental she is bound to.
Dexterity: Average
Hardiness: If Freja is one thing, it’s durable. Her body has been reinforced by the elemental spirit housed within, and she’s even capable of deflecting blades off of her arms when using its power. She is by no means impervious, but she is certainly harder to wound than most
Weapons: Freja conjures a spear made of ice as her main weapon
Mental Capabilities:
Intelligence: Average, though she is quite learned in alchemy and general herbalism from her time with the witch Melusynne
Wisdom: Average to slightly above average. She’s learned a few lessons in her lifetime.
Charisma: She’s a bit clumsy when interacting with others, but some see it as endearing. She does try to be friendly, however.
Supernatural Capabilities:
Elemental Binding: Freja’s life was saved by Melusynne, the witch. Melusynne stabilized her from death by binding Freja to an ice elemental whose natural power aligned with Freja’s iceborn blood, granting her even further hardiness. Due to this, Freja is able to call upon the elemental that is bound to her to enhance her combative capabilities by borrowing its strength.
Freja Aldhomr is the daughter of Lars and Friga Aldhomr, an only child. When Freja was a child, her family entered the Eynvarg tribe, a northern tribe of barbarians formed of outcasts bound together. The tribe she was born into, the Völsung, was decimated in an enemy attack. Fearing raising a child in a tribal war, Friga took Freja from the Völsung with the chieftain’s blessing and Lars stayed behind to fight. Freja and Friga never knew what happened to him for certain, but the fact that he never sought them out afterwards was telling enough.
Within the Eynvarg tribe, Freja was selected as a candidate for the iceborn blessing in her youth. It was a magical ritual that would imbue her with the ability to manipulate ice magic, as well as extend her natural lifespan. The Eynvarg’s chieftain Tyrvald was one of the few who knew the secret means to bestow such a powerful blessing. While each iceborn’s proclivity towards ice magic varied, it was nonetheless a powerful boon and a great honor to receive in their culture.
While her blessing gave her a proclivity towards ice magic, Freja was more interested in melee combat. Her childhood crush Arkyn Baldr, the grandson of the chieftain, was also an iceborn who focused more on physical training rather than magical training. Additionally, the tribe was full of expert warriors from all across the lands who could train her. After all, the Eynvarg tribe was made up of exiles and strays, lone wolves who united together to form a new pack. Freja found she had a  talent for the spear, but she was only just barely proficient with it when a tribal war began. In the first battle, Freja broke her leg and was unable to fight until it healed.
She was resting in the medical tent a week and a half after breaking the bone when the camp was surprise attacked, their approached concealed with magic. Freja managed to escape immediate death by hobbling out of the tent with a spear as a walking stick, but she didn’t get far. Enemies chased her, and Freja ran into the night to escape. In the tundra plains, there wasn’t much cover, and she took a spear to the back. Ironic, really. She didn’t make it much further before she collapsed. But in the little distance she did walk, she unintentionally stumbled across a gateway to the realm of the fair folk.
Freja awoke in a witch’s hut, the thick smell of herbs in the air and pain all over. Her memory was a mess, and the woman who was caring for her was a complete stranger. Melusynne was her name, a black haired beauty with pointed ears who looked to be in her twenties. Melusynne informed Freja that she came upon her dying in the woods with a cursed spear through her torso. The curse was a violent one, designed to poison not only the body, but the spirit, draining the recipient of their vitality and mana until death. Melusynne explained that she summoned a spirit of nature to reinforce Freja’s mana to fight the curse, but unexpectedly, the spirit made a bond with her. The witch gestured to Freja’s hands which she found covered in ice with jeweled bracers floating around her wrists, bracers much too big for any human to wear.
The bracers, Melusynne explained, carried a special enchantment to house the ice spirit that had bound itself to Freja. The ice spirit would continue to provide mana , reinvigorating Freja’s body until she could overcome the curse. Eventually, Freja would learn to manifest part of the elemental spirit’s power through the bracers as a medium, gaining even more control over ice magic..
Over the next few weeks Melusynne helped Freja to rehabilitate her body which was in awful shape from the battle she no longer remembered. After that, to repay the woman’s kindness, Freja helped Melusynne with any work she could around her small log cabin.
Freja of course let Melusynne know of her memory loss, and over three months the two had little luck recovering any important information. Freja knew she had come from somewhere cold, but Melusynne lived in a temperate forest, nowhere near any Arctic or Antarctic regions. With no real idea of where to go or who to find, Melusynne proposed the idea of Freja traveling the world by herself. Perhaps experiencing a myriad of new things would jog her memory. Freja agreed, and after a warm goodbye to her savior she departed. And so, Freja left Melusynne behind, leaving the fair realm and seeking new experiences and adventure.
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trollfactory · 1 year
New refs for the Troll Factory characters! They are furry now, yeah!
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Sanning Söderberg (they/them) is egotistical, arrogant, and sarcastic, but also insecure. They project their insecurities through BOUND, an alt-right group, and call anyone who doesn’t agree with them a troll, which is their favorite buzzword. Doubts still pop up from time to time, but when they meet a real troll the world is turned upside down.
Saga (she/her) is a mysterious being called a troll, a magical being who knows little about society. Saga is shy but also oblivious and clings to Sanning even when they’re a bit mean to her. She is very interested in meeting new people and discovering new things.
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Jesper Dahlman (he/him) is a boy of very few words, but when he uses them they’re right on the money. He stays calm in the most precarious situations, but switches very quickly to anger once the bucket is full. Jesper vents his frustrations through basketball.
Dagmar Dahlman (she/her) is an extroverted jack-of-all-trades who never pays attention in school but somehow picks up all sorts of information. In her free time she plays the drums, and makes music together with her best friend Sven who prefers bass guitar. They host all sorts of parties, much to the annoyance of Sven’s parents.
Sven Berglund (he/him) is a bit thick-headed but a very well-meaning and talkative guy. He is Dagmar’s best friend, and they usually host parties at his home. Although Sven is a bit loud, and he doesn’t always think things through, he really means well and he’ll do anything to help his friends.
Edvin Berglund (he/him) is a bit of a nerd and, contrary to his brother Sven, a bit of a scaredy-cat due to his overthinking. His awkwardness makes it difficult for him to make meaningful connections, although he painstakingly tries to initiate one with his crush Sanning.
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Freja Havsblom (she/her) is a headstrong fisherwoman and mother of Sanning. She’s usually at sea for most of the working week, but tries to support Sanning however she can when she’s at home. Freja is smart and observant, and always takes action quickly. She fell in love with Sigge after delivering salmon to the restaurant where he worked at every week, and talking a bit everytime. Freja goes swimming every weekend, a rare pastime for a fisherwoman.
Sigurd Söderberg (he/him) is a magnificent cook, although usually he is only a chef at home. Before he was a help in a professional kitchen, but since Sanning’s birth the stay-at-home dad cooks meals every weekday which people can pick up at their house. Sigge is a jovial and fun-loving man. His tendency to overthink turned into a book he used to plan his conversations with his wife Freja in when they first started to meet at the restaurant he worked at.
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A ruthless businessman who will do anything if it makes him money. As CEO of the leading company in everything, Mimer Corp., Rasmus Locke (he/him) is obscenely rich and far ahead of anyone else in Midgård. He sees every animal as an opportunity, and every troll as cattle. If something isn’t worth the hassle, he discards it. Locke's silver tongue makes him a formidable opponent even when he’s truly a frail old man.
Gunilla Torsdotter (she/her) is the ruthless overseer of the Troll Factory, only answering to Rasmus Locke himself. Although her job is the creation, demolition is the first word in her vocabulary and she isn’t afraid to use it. Her short temper and sledgehammer makes it very dangerous to piss her off. Gunilla only ever thinks things through when not doing so might cost her the position she holds.
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Bengt Yggsson (he/him) is a right-wing politician and the leader of the HAL party. He believes (or he says he does) in honesty and freedom for all to do what they want with as little interference from the government as possible. Although he seems jolly, if not almost a bit aggressive with a hint of delusional in public, in private he is held on a short leash by the lobbying of Mimer Corp. and by extension Rasmus Locke. On the inside Yggsson is a hollow husk of a misguided man once excited to make a better world.
Fredrik Nordsson (he/him) is a politician affiliated with the centrist PSH party, and the current president of Midgård. While he should be making changes for the better, he is a spineless liar who denies anything he has said, and he gets away with it too, being re-elected for the past five terms due to the citizens not knowing anyone better. Nordsson is blissfully unaware (or so he claims to be) of any dirty practices happening in the government, especially inside the HAL party.
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clownforce99 · 2 years
Fives: I can't believe you live nearby, and you won't let anyone crash at your place.
Freja: You people already know too much about me.
Echo: I know exactly three facts about you, and one of them is that you won't let any of us crash at your place.
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porifebba · 2 years
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November 2021
A very early Saga and Sanning.
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December 2021
Some sketches for Saga and Sanning, and Rasmus Locke and Bengt Yggsson too, two evil politicians.
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January 2022
Some newer old designs for Saga, Sanning, and Sanning's parents, Freja and Sigurd.
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