#character: sapnap
itsfeckinwimdy · 2 years
c!Karlnapity x Reader (Romantic) (Soulmate au)
Reader Pronouns: They/Them
Summary: The quartet are soulmates and need help finding their way back to each other. What's better to help them than the Soulmate Goose Of Enforcement?
Warnings: Duck hybrid Quackity, Blaze hybrid (blazeborn) Sapnap, DSMP family canon, Y/n is Phil's kid and Wilbur sibling, angst, mentions of fighting, mention of war, mentions of exile, mention of previous death, ambiguous/open ending, and finally unconscious people who don't want tea.
Word Count: 5.3K (5379 words)
DSMP Masterlist
Published: 22/10/2022
(started writing: 29/05/2021, yes it has taken me over a year to finish this)
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Everyone had a soulmate. Sometimes it was easier to find them and be with them. Other times it was more complex and took a bit of time for everything to fall in place.
At least, that's what Karl told himself. But if he was being truthful, it was partly his fault.
The brunette kept hiding secrets from the people he loved. He claimed it was to protect them and that he would tell them if they needed to know, but honestly, he was scared. He was scared his partners, well now ex-partners, would judge him, and that if he told someone about his memory problems it would only worsen. That he would have to face reality, that he would have to stop time travelling, that he would have to stop trying to find a way to fix everything, that he would have to stop before he lost all his memory. Before he lost his partners. His soulmates.
But a part of him knew it was too late.
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The night before the Pogtopita-Manberg war, the four had holed themselves up inside George's castle, knowing that two of them would be fighting against the other two in the morning. It was something the four of them were trying not to think about, knowing there was a chance that any of them could be getting injured or losing a canon life.
The entirety of the quartet was tired. Quackity's wings were killing him from being buried under his shirt all day, Sapnap was itching to set something on fire, Karl was fidgety with nerves as he didn't want to fight tomorrow, in fact, none of them really did, and Y/n was cold from their bath they had taken to strip all of the soot and grime from their skin, due to Pogtopia not having the best living conditions.
Y/n's brother, Wilbur, and themself were the cause of all this mess. The two of them teamed up once he arrived on the server to cause chaos but ultimately made a power grab and created L'Manberg from a simple drug van and the shared thoughts and beliefs of others.
But then they lost it.
That caused the new leader to exile Y/n, Wilbur, and the teenager, Tommy, who looked up to Y/n and Wilbur as older sibling figures, knowing the three would fight for their country back, even if they no longer had any jurisdiction over it.
This led to them fleeing, Wilbur losing a canon life along the way as he dived in front of Y/n after Punz attempted to shoot his younger sibling. That night Punz feared for his life after Sapnap threatened to kill him if he ever tried to hurt his partner again.
After setting up base in an abandoned ravine, their dad's old friend Technoblade joined them, promising to help destroy the government.
Whilst planning for this upcoming war and having Tubbo as a spy, for which he, unfortunately, got executed, Y/n would try to spend as much time with their partners, that being difficult to do so as two of them lived in L'Manberg and Quackity was forced to work ridiculous hours for the drunken president.
Therefore, the castle became a safe haven for the four.
This led to Y/n spending most nights closer to the impending day of the war there. They were glad they could sleep in a proper bed with the people they loved, and that they got to have a break from the bickering between Wilbur and Tommy.
Noticing Karl fighting the urge to get up and start pacing again, Y/n shuffled closer to Sapnap, letting the blazeborn's naturally high body temperature warm them up, and they wrapped their arms around Karl's midsection, pulling him into their torso.
Reaching forwards, they managed to get Quackity to join to cuddle pile, Sapnap wrapping his arms around the three of them, or at least trying to.
That night, the four made a promise to always stick by each other's side and to never let each other go. To always talk and resolve problems and that they would be truthful to each other. After all, they were now fiancées.
As they made this promise, the sound of an achievement rang through their communicators.
'The Soulmate Bond' it simply read.
That night they knew it was meant to be.
But then again, that wasn't the right saying on this server. What was it again?
Oh yeah,
It was never meant to be.
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Sapnap was worried. And he had every right to be.
First, it was Y/n. After the death of their brother, they had started to pull away from the other three, becoming seemingly distant and only really there at night to sleep, disappearing for hours on end.
Quackity had followed them one day only to find them sitting overlooking a cliff. Apparently, it was where Y/n first took Wilbur on the server, where the two saw their first sunset together. Y/n would sit there as the hours would pass, watching the point on the compass spin, it no longer pointing to their bother. They began to snap back into their old self after Quackity sat with them, becoming who they used to be but more willing to fight.
Then Tommy got exiled. Sapnap and Karl believed they already knew, therefore not bringing it up, and Quackity simply didn't tell them. That sparked one of the biggest arguments they had ever had.
Y/n stayed with Phil that night.
Everything seemed fine for a while, with Y/n coming back home and then the quartet creating Cedar Rapids. And then Ghostbur came back, making it easier for Y/n to move on. Everyone was happy.
But then came the butcher army. Y/n refused to let their dad be pushed around and stepped in, earning themselves house arrest, by orders of Quackity.
That night they left. Sapnap remembers the conversation he had with them before they went. It was seemingly normal, Y/n saying they were staying with Phil for a few days. Except they didn't.
It was two weeks later they returned, hearing that Technoblade had killed Quackity. They helped the stubborn duck with his recovery. The blazeborn remembers the amount of shouting and the arguments that happened that week.
Looking back, he should've stepped in more. But he couldn't have known what was going through Y/n's mind at the time.
See Y/n was planning to blow up L'Manberg again. To finish their brother's job. They had realised how corrupt it had become, now wanting to get rid of the power the people who ran it had.
Sapnap should've seen it coming.
After doomsday, there was the final argument. Tensions were still high, and Quackity still couldn't see why Y/n chose to blow it up. Why Y/n would choose the side of Technoblade. The side of Dream. They explained why though. How L'Manberg was originally a power grab. How it was their idea to blow it up in the first place and that they were just finishing what that had started.
Sapnap should've stopped the fight. He should've stopped it before the words tumbled out of Quackity's mouth, before Y/n and Quackity exploded on each other, before Y/n walked away for what he thought was good.
Everyone's heart broke a bit that night.
Second, it was Karl. He started to disappear for a few days at a time, and when he returned? It was like his brain was scattered, and then he'd started to forget stuff.
At the time Sap had chalked it down to Karl's already bad memory, to his forgetful nature that his fiancée had. It began as small things. Karl forgot what day it was, where he left his book, what time he was meant to be at a certain place, and whether or not he had a meeting with the rest of Manberg's cabinet that day. But then It got worse.
Looking back, Sapnap realised that there were some days when Karl wouldn't say his or their partner's names until someone else said them. He had just thought Karl was messing around at the time, him just being cute and just wanting to call them by pet names but looking back at it, he should've realised sooner.
He should've realised when Karl came up with the idea of creating a new place to live, Kinoko Kingdom, because he said Cedar Rapids held no significate importance to him. Before he said it held no real value and that it was just where he lived because Sapnap lived there. Not because Sapnap, Quackity, and Y/n lived there, but because Sapnap lived there.
He should've realised before Karl completely shut him out. Before Karl would hole himself up in his library which he was forbidden from going in. Before Karl would forget him completely and call him by a stranger's name.
He should've helped Karl sooner. His heart cracked again.
Third, it was Quackity.
See the duck hybrid was stubborn, there was no denying that. Sapnap learnt this early on. If Quackity had his mind set on doing something, then there was a small chance, a very minuscule chance at that, of getting him to change his mind, the chance decreasing if Quackity was the one with the power to do what he wanted to do.
One morning, Sapnap had woken up alone. Karl had gone off again, who knows where, Y/n had just left maybe four days ago, and now Quackity had disappeared.
It stayed like that for a month. Quackity and Y/n were nowhere to be found. Karl occasionally disappeared and returned with his memory shot. Sapnap, probably wouldn't have minded so much if Quackity had told him where he was going, but after another month of no contact?
His heart broke again.
And the worse thing was? Karl had no idea what Quackity or Y/n meant to all of them.
And Finally, it was himself.
He could feel himself slipping away. With Karl coming and going, and no word from either Y/n or Quackity, Sapnap was stuck.
It wasn't like he had anyone to go to. His brother was locked away in a heavily armed prison, rightfully so; his Aunt Puffy was busy trying to deal with the fact one of her sons was locked up and also trying to solve this problem with the egg; his dad had been possessed by said egg, and was currently trying to take over the server; and his best friend was in some sort of deep sleep, only occasionally waking up.
He didn't know how much longer he could be there for Karl. As much as it broke him to ever think about leaving the Jacobs boy, he didn't know if it was worth it anymore, not without his partners. His first love and his third.
He didn't know how he could continue like this.
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About a month after the fight, Y/n wanted to go back. Even if everything wouldn't go back to normal, they still wanted to see them, to check that they were doing okay. Because if their partners, well ex-partners were okay, then they'd be okay.
Or at least that's what they kept telling themselves.
The day they went to leave, Y/n climbed down the ladder leading to their room, only to be met with their dad, Philza, in the main room. As they made their way towards the front door and began to pull their cloak on, he stopped them.
"What are you doing?" he asked, nursing the warm mug between his hands.
Y/n sighed, not wanting to have this conversation with their dad but knowing he wouldn't let him go without telling him first, "I'm heading to Cedar Rapids, why? Is something wrong?"
Phil's face fell slightly, "There's a blizzard. You won't be able to make it Y/n."
Y/n's face dropped, and their heart sank in their chest, "How long will it last?"
They hoped it wouldn't be more than a few days at most, however, they were wrong. They ended up spending the next month trapped in the Arctic, unable to get to where they needed to. Unable to apologise for the shit they said.
The day they were finally able to get to Cedar Rapids, it was empty. The land was barren, but the buildings still standing. Their shared house was empty of the majority of everyone's belongings, only a few of theirs and Quackitys left behind.
Where was everyone?
As they stumbled out of the house, tears trying not to fall from their eyes they hit a solid object. Their hands came up to steady themselves, something grabbing onto their biceps. Looking up they saw the face of one of their fiancées.
Pulling back from their grip, Y/n wiped away their tears, wrapping the arms around their torso curling in on themselves. Their fiancée's wings drooped in response and his arms dropped to his sides. The two noticed the obvious distance between them, both physically and emotionally.
Choosing to break the silence between them, Y/n spoke up, "Hey."
Quackity stood still, having an internal malfunction. He was trying not to say anything he didn't want to say, not wanting to screw up again. His wings tightened up behind him, the slits in his shirt allowing his wings to come through, as he stood defensively. His instincts were screaming at him to comfort Y/n.
Looking up at the duck hybrid, Y/n locked eyes with his, and anyone could practically see the awkwardness between the two.
"So, uh," Y/n began, eyes still locked with his, "How are you?"
Quackity's wings fluttered slightly, "I'm alright I guess?"
His response came out as a sort of question, confusing Y/n slightly but they choose not to question it.
"How're the others?"
Quackity paused and Y/n could see them visible tense and him trying to form an answer but not knowing what to say.
"Quackity?" Y/n began, taking a step closer to him, "What happened?"
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Hopping through the nether portal, Y/n grabbed a bunch of snow and hurled it at the goose that was following them, it letting out an exasperated honk and flapping its wings in annoyance. They stood up letting out curse words at the animal, beginning their trek back to their shared home. The white feathered animal biting against Y/n’s cloak and pants, attempting to pull the human back towards the nether portal.
The door slammed shut as Y/n walked through it, shrugging off the snow that had landed on their cloak. It felt like their ears were ringing, their mind spinning even though they could see clearly.
"What do you mean you left?"
"I did exactly what they did. What you did-"
Phil looked concerned at them, wondering what had happened, as his kid nonchalantly discarded their cloak and bag.
"What do you mean by that, Q? Where's Sapnap and Karl anyway, shouldn't they be around?"
"Well I wouldn't know, I came back one day to get them only to find they had disappeared along with all their stuff and most of ours."
"What do you mean disappeared?"
Phil's confusion began to grow as he heard the patter of webbed feet on his floor.
"Like gone. I don't even know where they are."
"Y/n," Phil began, walking closer and seeing the white goose standing next to his child, the goose attempting to pull on his kid's pant leg, it hissing at them when they shooed it off, "What's that?"
"This?" Y/n looked down at the goose, letting out a hiss in response to it honking at them, "It's a goose. And it won't leave me alone." They began frustration seeping through their voice, "Apparently it won't die, no matter how many times you push it into lava. So now I'm guessing it's some sort of immortal being that's come to spite me for my wrongdoings."
Y/n turned and climbed the ladder to the upper part of the house, the goose nestling down by the stairs, ruffling its feathers before it seemingly began to settle down.
"It's a soulmate goose."
Philza's head snapped around to face the voice, him calming once he realised that it was only Kristin. She made her way towards him, resting her hand gently on his shoulder, Phil leaning into the touch he could barely feel.
"The soulmate goose of enforcement only appears when there is an obstacle a soulmate pairing needs help to overcome," She continued walking over to pet the goose before it vanished, "It seems as if our little crow needs some help after all."
Upstairs, Y/n stared out of their window, watching the snow gently fall as they played with the three rings that were attached to a necklace around their neck. Each one with an engraving that referred to each counterpart in their past relationship.
"What do we do?" Y/n asked sitting down next to Quackity on the ground. The duck hybrid had finally stopped pacing and was now frustratedly pulling strands of grass from the ground before throwing them down, "How are we meant to find them?"
"I don't know," He began, "I don't know. I just- I keep thinking if we hadn't... You know... Then everything would be okay."
The two looked down at the ground, not noticing the goose begin to materialise in the distance. The silence between them was awkward. Neither of them knew how to continue and say what they wanted to.
"I came to apologise," Y/n spoke up, beginning to rip grass up from the ground. "I tried to come a month ago, but then there was a storm. But-"
"It would've still been too late," Quackity cut them off. Y/n looked up at him only to see him staring at the ground, refusing to look at them. "I left because I thought you weren't coming back, and then I had this idea-"
"What do you mean you thought I wasn't coming back? Quackity, I made a promise and so did you and the others! That we'd never walk away. Ever."
"Well, I'm sorry for thinking that then! It's just after the shit we both said I thought you were leaving this time for good! That you'd finally given up on us!"
"Can we not argue for once?"
"Oh, says you."
He stood up, taking a few steps backwards, before groaning in disdain.
"What now?"
"That fucking Goose is back!" Quackity sighed out, "I swear, it won't leave me alone."
"Okay, and what does that have to do with finding Karl and Sapnap?"
"I don't know okay! It's just this fucking thing won't leave me alone and keeps trying to drag me through nether portals." Quackity sighed, clearly frustrated.
"I'm sorry," he grumbled out, "I'm not good with emotions sometimes."
"I know," Y/n replied before standing up and taking Quackity's hands in theirs, rubbing their thumbs on the back of his palms when he didn't object or try to pull away. "You'd think the blaze hybrid would be the most hot-headed out of the four of us. Turns out, he's the least."
Quackity let out a small smile at their words before enveloping them in his arms, his wings fluttering and encasing the two of them.
“We still need to work stuff out,” Y/n said, voice slightly muffled, from where their head was buried in Quackity’s shirt.
“I know sweetheart, I know.”
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Sapnap was outside.
And he was touching grass.
This wasn’t unusual for the blaze hybrid, him liking to sit in the flower fields surrounding his house.
When Karl choose the leave Cedar Rapids, Sapnap couldn't help but follow him, not wanting to lose the last of his partners, even though it felt as if he had already gone. Like Karl had slipped through his fingers and there was nothing he could do to stop it.
He thinks that may be the reason why he subconsciously chose this place to live. The flower fields reminded him of the unproblematic childhood he had and the first home he knew.
The loud honk, which came from his left, startled him enough that he dropped the flower crown he was absentmindedly weaving, fire igniting around his horns. The amber flames swirled before dying down.
The goose waddled over to him, attempting to bite onto his sleeve and drag him. Sapnap attempted to swat him away only for the goose to hiss at him.
After a least a minute of this happening, Sapnap sighed at the animal before grabbing it over its wings and lifting it into his lap, the goose immediately settling down but now gnawing on his hand.
“Why do you have a Soulmate Goose?”
Sapnap didn't tear his eyes away from the creature that was nestled in his lap, it was still keen on trying to bite his fingers off.
“Nice to see you too Drista,” he said back, “What do you want?”
“To know why you have a soulmate goose? Duh?”
Spanap gave her a deadpan look, “Well I don’t know. Shouldn’t you know, aren’t you like a god or something?”
The teenager glared at him from where she was floating in the sky, “Just because you’re best friends with my brother doesn’t mean I like you.”
Sapnap rolled his eyes in response, returning to pet the animal in his lap, the softness of the feathers reminding him of the nights when Quackity would let them help preen his wings. The duck usually ends up curled up on his lap, his head on Sapnap’s chest listening to his heartbeat letting out soft chirps of appreciation. Sapnap's heart clenched at the memory.
The teenager let herself land on the ground, sitting down amongst the flowers as she stared to mess with the grass.
“My brother told me about them.”
“Who, Dream?”
“No, XD,” she glared back at him when he interrupted her, “He used to say that sometimes the humans would need help to be with their soulmate and that he and some of the other gods created this being that would help them, the people giving it its name.”
“The soulmate goose? Really?”
“That’s not its full name, idiot. It’s the Soulmate Goose of Enforcement,” Drista deadpanned. “Anyway, I wouldn’t have thought you would end up meeting it, you know. You get along so well with Karl, Quackity, and Y/n, therefore you wouldn’t- Oh.”
Sap looked down away from the teenager, returning to give the now quiet goose more pets.
“Yeah,” Sapnap whispered in response.
Feeling really awkward about the situation, the teenage god thought it would be best that she left, “I’m going to go and find Tommy, bye Snapchat!”
And with that, she teleported away leaving the blaze hybrid alone in the field.
Sapnap began to think about his choices again. About everything that had happened, about everything he didn’t say, about everything he could’ve, no should’ve done.
He knew he should’ve stepped in and stopped Y/n and Quackity from arguing. He knew he should’ve helped Karl more before he began to forget everything. He knew he should’ve helped himself, to stop himself from walking away from his home.
Yes, Kinoko Kingdom may be where he lived, it may be his, or partly his, but it wasn’t his home. Cedar Rapids was more his home, if anything, the Dream SMP was more of his home than this place.
His fiancées are his home, not here. Not anywhere else.
Not this place he ran to when he was scared. When he was terrified of losing the last person who meant something to him.
A few tears escaped his eyes, but he quickly wiped them away as the Goose in his lap let out another honk.
Unbeknownst to him, a figure started to approach him, coming to a stop a few feet in front of him, gentle cawing being heard a lot more.
“She was right you know,” The woman said, Sap looking up at the person standing in front of him, not recognising the figure. He tensed up, ready to fight the unknown person, but only if it came to it, "I didn't expect you four to have him."
"I'm sorry, but who are you?" he asked only for the woman to gently smile in response.
"I'm Kristin, Goddess of Death-"
"You're Y/n's mom," Sapnap interrupted.
"I am, amongst other things," Kristin sat down in front of the young adult, "It's nice to finally meet you Sapnap. Y/n talks about you quite a bit."
One of the few crows flying around came and hopped down on the ground between the two, dropping Kristin a shiny rock, letting the goddess pet them before flying off and joining the rest of its brethren.
"Sapnap," Kristin began, letting the blaze focus his attention back on her, "The best thing I could do is give you advice. Don't spend time dwelling on what needs to be done. Go, find Y/n and Quackity, and talk. If you keep bottling up your feelings, it's going to get you nowhere, and this guy here is just going to get more mad at the four of you for being idiots."
"They left," Sapnap replied, voice cracking slightly, "They left us-"
He tried to continue talking but sobs left his mouth as tears started to fall. His shoulders shook with each shuddering breath he took, his horns lighting with a dull blue fire once again.
Kristin shuffled forward, wrapping her arms around him, letting his head fall onto her shoulder as she ran a hand through his hair, comforting her almost son-in-law.
And as Sapnap let the tears fall from him and his emotions run, he knew he couldn't continue like this. He knew something had to change.
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The rain was bad that night.
It didn't rain much in Las Nevadas, it being in a warmer part of the smp, but when it rained, it poured like hell.
It was mainly when thunderstorms would happen in the main part of the greater smp that the weather would really be affected. It was like a cycle. Heavy rain that would cause the river to rise where L'Manberg once stood meant that light showers would last an hour at most and thunderstorms would cause heavy rainfall that would soak anyone to the bone.
Quackity knew it was a bad storm because even Slime was holed up inside.
He had managed to zone out the sound of rain hitting the window, the continuous drone allowing him to block it out as inherent background noise. The occasional flashes of light caused his wings to twitch in anticipation.
There was something wrong.
Quackity didn't know what exactly. It was more of an inherent feeling creeping up behind him, causing the occasional shiver to run down his spine. He just couldn't put his finger on it.
Slime was sat by the window, looking out across Las Nevadas. He personally likes the rain, just when it gets too heavy it affects his viscosity too much and throws him off. 'There's always the fountain', he thought, his fingers tracing the raindrops across the window.
Slime was following the raindrops as they fell, his finger reaching up to trace them before he remembered what his friend Quackity had told him the last time he did that.
Slime knew that he was a goopy guy but sometimes he would forget. He knew that he was bones or that he had to be but sometimes his brain didn't connect and say that to his goop. It was something he was working on because he had to seem like a human and that he had bones, even when it was a no-bones day.
Anyway, ignoring Slime's partial existential crisis, the goopy guy in a shirt and pants, and basically an identical outfit to his friend Quackity, he continued to stare out of the window before ultimately attempting to return to his previous task.
Quackity was not paying attention. The paperwork in front of him had been read at least twelve times but he still couldn't take the information in. Something was disrupting him and he couldn't work out what. It was an itch in the back of his mind, an annoying one at that.
He let out a sigh as he dropped the pen onto the table, leaning back against his chair and pushing himself away from his desk. He let out a puff of air, blowing the strands of hair out from in front of his eyes. Quackity really needed another haircut.
He stared up at the ceiling, his mind starting to wander.
How long was it going to take purpled to find Karl and Sapnap, surely not another week right? He couldn't keep living like this. In denial and regret, it was drowning him.
Even if the two decided they never wanted him again, then at least he would apologise to them. It was the least they deserved.
The shadowy figure in the distance continued to draw closer, forcing Quackity, who had unfortunately noticed its presence earlier but chose to ignore it, to rise up out of his seat and head towards the window. It was a person he was staring at, carrying a bundle of something in its arms, but for the life of him he couldn't work out who.
The rain was cascading down now, affecting his vision and the lights of his city did little to unmask them. His heart clenched at the sight of it; that same nagging feeling saying something was wrong hit him tenfold.
He turned to face Slime, having made up his mind he would go see if the masked figure was okay only for the doors behind him to be flung open.
It was Y/n soaked to the bone.
"Q," they began, terror etched onto their face. It made Quackity's feathers ruffle and stand on edge, wanting to wrap them in his arms and protect them from whatever they were afraid of.
"Q, it's Karl."
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The fire flickered casting light across the room. It was the only source of warmth alongside the abundance of blankets piled across the four of them.
The bundle held in Quackity's arms was no stranger to him, the mop of brown hair that usually covered his forehead pushed to the side allowing the damp cloth to rest there and lower the Jacobs boy's raging fever.
The duck's instincts kicked in and the other two stepped aside to allow him to swaddle and care for Karl. They knew he was in safe hands and that Quackity was better at dealing with sick people.
Y/n had propped themselves against the wall, a blanket thrown over their shoulders and wrapped around them. The cloak they had donned earlier was in a pile alongside some of the other wet clothes of both Sap and Karl.
They looked down at the duo huddled on the floor, Quackity's wings furling around the star-eyed boy in a protective cocoon. Chirps left his mouth as he changed the water on the rag before smoothing it over the brunette's unconscious forehead.
There was no guarantee that he would wake up. Y/n could only pray that the gods of prime would help him. They couldn't lose him.
"What happens now?"
Both their own and Sapnaps heads snapped up to look at Quackity, he having the courage to break the scared silence that had overcome them all.
Y/n looked to Sapnap, the blazeborn looking worse for wear. It looked like he hadn't gotten an ounce of sleep in the past years, like he was soon to be death-walking. Just like Karl.
His shirt was clad against his chest, the white material somewhat see-through but now drying allowing them to see the runes that lined his body. He was hunched forward, his own blanket lying over his shoulders as his hands were clasped together in his lap.
Figuring that he wasn't going to speak up, Y/n pushed themselves off the wall and moved to sit between Sapnap's chair, and where the two were huddled together on the floor. They grabbed the blazeborn's hand in their own and placed their other upon Q's shoulder causing him to sway towards them slightly at the affection.
"We talk." They spoke out, the three awake sharing glances at each other.
A distant honk sounded as the goose settled itself into Slime's lap, the goopy guy petting the animal before it began to fade into dust, blowing away into the sky.
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dsmp-for-kink · 5 months
cquackity for me is kinda is into praise but is shy in talking csapnap or ckarl about it
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DSMP lineup part 1!
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veggieharumaki · 8 months
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scouting irl manhunts
pinch hitting @dtblrsecretsanta (yes it’s late, no I am not taking questions at this time) for @deadpoetat3am! hope you like it :)
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bluishfrog · 4 months
Dnf as red pandas???? Otters maybe???
Someone is NOT okay with this prompt. Not naming names or anything.
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And I have dnf otters here :)
@ everyone: Send me your favorite animals and I draw them as dnf :D
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jun-hug · 2 years
i made a blob Picrew! [:
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goat-fanatic · 8 months
fire boy somwthing somwthing (its c!sapnap)
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rainystressed247 · 8 months
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I was supposed to do that a long time ago but I only managed to have time recently *sob*
But hey, it’s them!!!
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cdroloisms · 8 months
c!Sapnap was never a good friend to c!Dream and the fact that he insisted that he wanted c!Dream to get better and that he had his best interest in mind while also threatening to kill him if he ever escaped was crazy.
c!sapnap is soooo. so. like i think whats really interesting to me about him too is how personal the way he looks at all of this is--he's mad that c!dream slighted him and slighted him personally, he personally feels used and betrayed, and that's why he's mad and doing all of this. it's not really about a greater moral compass bc [looks at c!sapnap] UHHH THIS MAN DOESNT REALLY HAVE ONE. soundly chaotic evil like holy shit. his love for c!dream is so deeply rooted in possessiveness and it's just ... c!sapnap and the way he sees like, everything, honestly is so fucking like. like. it's about him and the people he's deeply connected to and that's It. he's immature? and well, uh, aggressive and emotional and unpredictable, and he's never really been a character motivated by righteousness as much as he's driven by what he thinks of as his right. the death pact with the revive book/death book and saying that hed kill dream and then george would just die without them both was really just, so. So.
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floridanotfound · 7 months
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just a boy and his mini fridge against the world
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dsmp-for-kink · 7 months
Dimension warping shenanigans. Like, 5 different Dreams (Early Dsmp, Prison era Dsmp, Manhunt, Notdream123(I love him),DreamXD(he's huge. I also love him)) and maybe 2 Sapnap (Dsmp(dreamnap fucked! It's Canon) and Manhunt maybe?)
Fun times, double pen at some point maybe 👍
*anyone that knows where I plagiarized this from, No You Don't!!!
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moxielynx · 2 months
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Redraw of a shitpost from 2021. Looking at this and the original has me kinda floored at how much I improved
Og image + the og drawing ⬇️⬇️
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fun fact a majority of the shitposts I made back in 2021, including this one, were with a mouse because I would make them during zoom calls so I couldn’t use my drawing tablet lmao
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sapnapstummy · 4 months
c!sapnap who grew up with parents who loved him and friends who loved him, who watches as his parents grow distant with him and each other, who watches as his friendships split apart and turn sour, who watches the world that once meant safety and home change into a desolate empty wasteland full of tragedy and loss. c!sapnap who grew up so loved having that love be turned sharp and drawn against him. c!sapnap who has to keep it together while everyone who once loved him decide he's not worth staying around for. c!sapnap who dies alone full of love but with no one to give it to.
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occultvettr · 3 months
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After like a year I decided I wanted to draw c!Sapnap again
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dannyboys-cats · 1 day
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negativepeanuthoarder · 8 months
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I'm sooooo fucking late to this trend
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