#charcol bags
evermorethecrow · 5 months
1, 9, 43, 72, 90, 91?
1: do you carry around a bag when you're out and about? if so, what's usually in it?
Drawing pad watercolours charcole sticks pencil case metal
9: who is your biggest inspiration?
This one's tricky I have a few I'd say fujimoto counts as one though
43: do you play any instruments?
Yes!! Acoustic guitar and kazoo if it counts
72: which is more important when it comes to clothing, comfort or style?
Depends on the day, comfort mostly
90: weirdest habit?
Cracking my back by twisting backwards till my hands touch the floor or like eating things I shouldn't
91: what's a common misconception people have about you?
people think I'm scary at lot???? Irl???? I don't see it 💔
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airoktechnologies · 3 years
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Are bamboo charcoal Air Purifying Bags useful?
One of the best ways to purify air naturally indoors is by using activated charcoal. It removes toxins, and gets rid of allergens and molds. Placing charcoal purifying bags in your home also removes bad odors giving clean air indoors. But, how effective is it?
Do bamboo charcoal air purifier bags really work?
Activate the charcoal bag by keeping under the sunlight. Activated bamboo charcoal air purifying bags work and not only they can get rid of some dust particles, mold spores but even cigarette smells and other bad odors. Since bamboo charcoal has a much larger surface area for absorbing impurities, they show better results. Activated bamboo charcoal has 10 times the surface area and so the structure is highly porous and thus absorbs many types of toxins including ammonia and formaldehyde.
Working of an activated bamboo charcoal bag
As air flows over the bag, the porosity of charcoal inside the bag creates a surface area that traps pollutant particles giving out clean air through a process called adsorption. 
On a molecular level, adsorption is the process by which a solid holds gaseous molecules or of a liquid or solute as a thin film.
This solid material used for adsorption is a combination of porosity with high surface area. 
 Thus, Adsorption is the attraction of molecules onto the surface of a solid. While in the charcoal bag case, it commonly adsorbs household pollutants such as mold and unpleasant odors. Charcoal traps pollutants on the surface as dirty air passes over it, cleaning the air to circulate indoors. If you’re cleaning your house after a while, it's a great idea to place these charcoal air purifying bags in various corners to remove drywall dust from indoor air
Basic differences between regular charcoal and bamboo charcoal air purifying bags:
Regular charcoal Bamboo charcoal
low surface area for adsorption 10 times more surface area for adsorption
The air purification rate is slow Much faster at cleaning indoor air
Note: One gram of activated charcoal has approx 10,000 square feet of internal surface area. That’s why it is also used in some air purification filters.
Bamboo charcoal when activated has a bigger surface area per gram, that means it is more porous than regular charcoal for cleaning the air. It helps in removing excess humidity in the house. 
Durability of a bamboo charcoal bag
A bamboo charcoal air purifying bag can last upto 2 years when being used indoors. After that, you can discharge the bag by mixing into the soil for the toxins and odors to break down and dissipate into the environment. They might not work as effectively in areas around construction sites. Otherwise, they work upto 2 years in a normal atmosphere indoors.
Best Bamboo Charcoal Air Purifier Bags (Reviews)
Air purifiers are great. Brands like AirOK have amazing reviews for their first ingenious air purification products. They have different bag sizes available for different room sizes. It is cheaper and a natural alternative in activated bamboo charcoal air purifying bags. 
They have been tested and proven in different parts indoors for example for removing shoe odor, neutralising indoor room air, clearing dust particles, getting rid of mold spores, and cigarette smoke odors. They can also be used in car cabins. They last upto 2 years when refreshed regularly.
The best feature/quality of the Nature Fresh bamboo charcoal bag is that it has no scent at all, so it is a great choice for anyone suffering from allergies. This also makes them safe for pets.
The bags are usually designed with a small ringed hole or a loop to make it easy to place or hang them in any corner in your house. They are very effective in small indoor spaces like the bathroom or even if kept in a fridge. Because of the activated charcoal, they remove the smell in no time i.e within 2 or 3 hours. They are definitely best suited for your car, closets, drawers, refrigerator, and even kept inside shoes/gym bags. 
The bags can even get rid of odors from new furniture such that there isn’t any discomfort in the house within the first day of using them. They are a good replacement for scented aerosol sprays. They dry up the air from excess humidity and give fresh air. 
As a general conclusion and recommendation, bamboo charcoal air purifying bags do work to purify indoor air. For effective results, use the bag in small areas, or use more than one if the room size is large.
On a molecular level, adsorption is the process by which a solid holds gaseous molecules or of a liquid or solute as a thin film. This solid material used for adsorption is a combination of porosity with high surface area. 
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naany666 · 4 years
PureAir Max Charcoal Bag is a small canvas sized bag having 100 percent activated and porous bamboo charcoal. It helps to purify the harmful odors and allergens present in the environmental air. The activated charcoal filters the air particles that are responsible for causing allergies. The natural ingredients ensure safety and give positive outcomes.
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viz3 · 7 years
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Inspiring people #2 When someone appreciates your scribbling too much that she shares it online. The art of studying 😴😜😜😜
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tekaza · 4 years
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Morning Errands 014
Pose: The Owl - Viva Diva - pose 1
Backdrop: K&S - // Striped street. Backdrop
Head: Genus Babyface [ No Longer Available ]
Body: Legacy in Perky
Tattoo: Hoodlem - Monarch x Fresh
Body Applier: HOODLEM - Tone Cream
Bag: DDL - Can’t Get Enough in White - Shoulder
Nails: alme. Rose Gold Ombre Nude
Hair: DOUX - Kimberly
Hairbase: REVOUL - Juicy
Shirt: Pink Charcol - Crop Top White
Shoes: FLI - Flimax424 in White
Pants: Off-Line x Havoc - Cranberry Pants @ Tres Chic
Choker: Nov x Rossi - Playgirl choker in Gold
Nose Ring: REVOUL - Boujiana Glam Collection - Septum, Heart Stud, and Hoop in Gold
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lesbian-bookworm · 5 years
I got new toys
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Image contains
A bag full of drawing carcole
A bag containing white colored charcole (off screen on the photo)
A miniature protractor
A 45 degree and a 60 degree minature triangle measuring tools
A half foot ruler
A set with six dirrerent width sketch pencils, an erasure, and a sharpener
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Commission for @frostedturquoise
Fandom: TF2      Pairing: Pyro/Spy
Request: Fantasy AU with pyromancer/assassin
Concept:  Assassin NB Pyromancer/Assassin - Date/NSFW
Title: Burn After Reading
Ash swirled through the desolate alley, sticking to the blood spatter and clinging to the corpses that littered the dingy brickwork. The artisan behind such destruction lingered, unusually, over the scene of the crime; swathed in shadows, as was his trade, and only barely discernible to the trained eyes.
Satisfaction coursed through the assassin’s veins at a job well done, though he lamented the mess it had made of his beloved hand-crafted boots; blood was such a pain to have to remove from leather. Ah, but that is the inherent downside of having murder and deception as your primary trade… you can buy expensive attire, but it oft becomes ruined in the pursuit of the next commission.
A gout of piercingly bright flame announced the arrival of his beloved, and the means by which disposal would easily be adhered. Silhouetted in the weak starlight, nothing more than a vaguely menacing shadow, was the one other sentient being on this whole miserable world that the Assassin could stand…
“Yes, yes, very impressive… as always.” He says, lips curling in his trademark smug smirk, “Then again, mon amour, there is little about you that it not… is there?”
Swathed in layers upon layers of obscuring protective attire, the pyromancer strode towards the corpses, eyes glued upon them in fascination through the hooded slits in their mask. They loved the way the assassin worked, the little details of how and who and why, all culminating in a gift to him… things to burn. Criminals and miscreants to offer up to the flames that the pyromancer adored with the same passionate fervour as they did their shadowclad lover.
“One moment, my little firebug…” the assassin implored, moving forth to kneel by the closest corpse. Deft fingers danced through the tattered clothing, eventually pulling forth an item, before he moved to the next in order to repeat the process. “One does not get paid if they do not bring back proof,” he explains, displaying a handful of similarly crested jewellery.
The pyromancer tilts their head, thinking about the nature and significance of what was being presented; either it meant a family… or, maybe a conspiracy. They hoped for the latter, for in that case there would always be more to feed their beloved flames…
“You are correct, to an extent, mon amour…” adds their lover, “It was a conspiracy born of a certain high-class family, intending to overthrow the current leaders through nefarious means… however, they never assumed to be caught. Conspirators and sabetours never do, do they?” The assassin tosses the items up and down, bouncing them in his palm with no small degree of pride as he intones, “Long live the house of Blu…”
Clapping their hands in delight, the Pyromancer celebrates with him. Such a large family, the illustrious Blus, removing even a fraction of them would be a fantastically long adventure! Somewhat muffled by their face mask, the pyromancer tilts their head at the pile of bodies in query. “May I feed the flames now?” they ask, in a tone that no mere mortal born of human flesh could ever hope to achieve.
It was an addictive voice, and every time he heard it, it sent thrills of pleasure shuddering through his body. The assassin was convinced that they must have some paranatural parentage, something supernatural surging through their veins that was so alluring, and yet terrified others.
Few had ever had the privilege of seeing them without their mask, and he was honoured to be among them. But the ethereal form they held was something… that definitively marked them out as something more than human, like a living candle, almost. He adored them, and made sure to show how much he loved every inch of them when they were alone together.
Assassins had many skills, but he was at least glad that some of his could bring great joy to his beloved through both murder and more intimate techniques. As was the case now, when his single acquiescing nod sent a delighted smile blooming across the pyromancer’s hidden features; no, one could not see it, but they were so intricately aware of one another after all this time… that the assassin could sense it. And it warmed his heart, like nothing else.
With an elated reverence, the pyromancer called forth flames of piercing brightness that squirmed and wiggled about their arms, like excited pets. Laughter, soft and gentle and unearthly filled the air with a preternatural degree of delight as they directed the living flame towards their target; each little flicker appearing to leap eagerly onto the corpses, enveloping whatever they could until culminating in an inferno. The heat was staggering, as was the smell, but neither present seemed to be put off by that; they had spent too long doing such things to become skittish now.
The assassin procured a cigarette from somewhere upon his person and leaned forwards to the flames; an obliging spark leaned out and tapped the end, setting it smoking. He nodded his thanks, and took a well-deserved drag; relaxing as he fingered the jewellery that would make them a king’s ransom this night.
As the corpses became charred remnants, leaving almost no trace of identity or humanity save the odd bone here and there; their ashes scattered on the wind, intermingling with those wafting from hearthfires all over the town. Such a convenient means of disposal…
Finally, his schedule was clear to do a little spoiling.
The Assassin sidles up to the Pyromancer, who was gently patting the remaining flames and encouraging them to go back to sleep for when they would next be needed, and placed a kiss on their masked cheek. “Meet me by the lightning tree in an hour, mon amour… I would to take you out this night.” he whispered, feeling the barest inclination of their head in response, before disappearing into the night.
Though most would be stashed in secret places under different names that could never be linked back to him, the assassin had taken his due payment for the eradication of the known extremists from his current employers, and decided to line several of his hidden pockets with enough to spoil his beloved firebug. His path through the dark streets went unnoticed by the many traipsing drunkenly past from tavern to tavern, nor was he spotted by the couples out strolling under the moonlight on such a clear night. Of course, he could have used magic to receive such discretion, but the assassin considered it a matter of pride that he be able to escape notice in plain sight, from skill alone.
His path to their secret meeting place was stalled on several occasions as he had to pause to purchase something to enhance their night together; which brooked some argument from more than a few hastily roused shopkeepers, until a sharp blade to their throats and the promise of shiny coins silenced their protests. Indeed, he had nearly been decked by the butcher, but all was well when he walked away with quite an enticing cut of meat wrapped and stashed within a secret compartment of his cloak.
Out of the slowly-growing town, past the winding main path and through a series of ruins was a forest; it was notoriously dark, dangerous, something allegedly full of glowing monsters and the like that parents liked to warn their children of. Naturally, the only glowing creature the assassin had ever encountered within the forest was the pyromancer themself, and a few of their fire sprites…
Speaking of which. As he stepped foot in the shadowy edge of the forest, little sparks arose from behind rocks, clearly having been waiting for him. The assassin held out a gloved hand to let a few sit, whilst others moved ahead and cast their light on the hidden path, so he would not lose his way. They would not harm him, even if touching bare skin, as he had learned many years before; such endearingly warm little creatures they were, when not feasting upon corpses, and he had grown to love them as much as the pyromancer.
“You’re here!” came that scintillating voice, as he broke through the dense trees and into the clearing. The lightning tree, charred and humming with electricity, stood imposingly above them all to one side; trees lining all sides but one, where a large series of boulders had been coerced, by flame, to melt into a shelter of sorts. It would be seen as an overhang, really, but the weather around here was rarely so wild as to require anything more rain-repelling.
Should a storm arise, they would simply move into one of the many secluded houses the assassin had purchased under various pseudonyms over the years; the closest of which was not five minutes’ walk away. A little rudimentary for the assassin’s refined tastes, but still, much loved by the pyromancer… although, it could be the large fireplace that lured them more than the promise of a soft bed or a shower. Who knew?
“Indeed I am, my little firebug, and what a welcome I received from your darling little sparks!” he charms, sweeping into the clearing with a side beam of delight. Only together were they ever really themselves… the masks, literal and figurative, left behind. A small flock of sparks hovered around his head, pulsing delightedly at the compliment; some nudging against the assassin’s unguarded face. He could not help but laugh, their warm flames tickled where they landed.
“Could it be they sensed I had brought them…” he pauses for dramatic effect, catching the attention of all the sparks in the clearing as he pulls out a large bag from beneath his voluminous coat, “some of their favourite charcol? Hmmm?”
He was nearly blinded by the sudden flare of excitement from them all, but the amused laugh from his pyromancer was more than enough to make up for it. The assassin sprinkled out the charcoal, and the sparks fell on it like pigeons to seed; flashing strange colours in their intense excitement. Beautiful, adorable, so easy to please and yet, you could not help but to spoil them as one would a favoured child.
“They’re going to be too full to start even a grassfire tonight, you know that don’t you?” the pyromancer admonishes gently, but clearly they had anticipated his spoiling of the sparks, because there was already a good fire blazing in the midst of the clearing. They press a kiss to his cheek, and his heart feels as bright as the sparks, delighted from pleasing them so effortlessly. “How can you pretend to have such a cold heart, when you are so kind?”
“Easily, mon amour, for you and the sparks are the only things I could ever be warmed by… everyone else is merely, a contract waiting to be fulfilled.” he purrs, pressing closer to feel the warmth… and jerking back suddenly. “Ah, yes, I had forgotten! I have procured us the finest assortment of meat and vegetables that one could threaten out of dozy shopkeepers at this hour…”
He paused, “Unless you would prefer I go and steal away a meal already made, that is. We don’t have to cook anything, if that is not your wish…”
It was too late, they had already taken the food parcels and were busily sprinting across to the firepit; expertly assessing each item and deciding which spices and herbs to use. Cooking was, it had shocked the assassin to discover, their other great passion; though when he realised just how many meals could be cooked atop a fire, it became somewhat more understandable.
Twirling a knife in his hands, he moved over to the large flat boulder that had always served as a rather impromptu bench, and began expertly slicing up the vegetables. They did not speak to one another, but moved in an effortless tandem born of years together, of anticipating without realising. It was a mesmerising dance to behold, and yet, none but the sparks were privy to such a sight. And they would want it no other way.
Pressed close, side-by-side they finished their meal, the bench at their back and firepit to the fore, allowing them to bask like well-dressed lizards in the warmth of their own personal sun. Dinner had been devoured swiftly, and each morsel was tastier than the last; or at least, that is how it seemed to the pair. Though perhaps it was the company, more than anything, that made the evening feel so divine.
The assassin rested his head on their shoulder, feeling fingers intertwine with his own as the both gazed into the dancing flames; safe, sated and content. All emotions and sensations that one in his profession rarely experienced more than once in their lives, and yet, he had it whenever he wished… for the pyromancer was always there, always with him. And he, with them.
Sometimes his work required subterfuge, seduction, going undercover… and yet, it was never held against him. Though sometimes, the assassin felt it should; the pyromancer never made him feel as if he had abandoned them, or betrayed them by using his more carnal skills to lower a target’s guard… but it had begun to wear on him. Perhaps it was merely that he had been working so often lately, that this subtle pleasure of being with the one he loved, had been denied so long.
“It’s okay.” they breathed in his ear, turning their head just enough to press a kiss to his temple. He had long suspected that they could read his mind, or maybe it was simply that his lowered guard around them allowed the pyromancer to read his thoughts on his cursedly-expressive face. “You do what you do for us, and because you enjoy it. Like when I burn things, sometimes important things... or when the sparks and I go away for a little while, and you’re left alone.”
“I would never stop you from such things, mon amour… but that is different. When you go away, there is no chance that you will not return, or that you have been seducing people just for the chance to slide a knife between their ribs.” he pauses, frowning. “Actually, mon amour, are you perchance sneaking away to have an affair with a rather attractive volcano or somesuch other fiery temptress behind my back?”
They laughed, as he had intended, and that same gentle thrill of warmth flittered through the assassin. Their warm eyes turned upon him, so like molten gold he could barely begin to guess where the fire’s reflection ended, and their irises began…
“If you wanted to know you must only ask, oh smoke to my flame…” they smiled, and he knew they were toying with him. That nickname only came into play when they wanted something, usually-... oh.
Turning slightly, they pressed their well-honed body along the length of his own, and warmth seemed to blossom between the pair. “My smoke, it doesn’t matter where you go or who you share yourself with or why… as long as you return to my flame when you are able, so I know you are safe.” they whispered hotly into his ear, pressing a kiss beneath it, and trailing down his throat as their fingers expertly unlatched the cloak clasp at his throat. Hands slid beneath his dark tunic, running the length of his torso; muscular but not as much as his lover’s; pitted with scars, detailing a life fraught with close encounters with death.
He arched into the sensation, taking the rare opportunity to not think, not plan, not be on his guard at all times. It was not rare that they traded roles, but it had been some time, and more often than not the Assassin tended to enjoy wringing every last shrill cry of pleasure from the other with his ministrations. But this… this was also good.
“When your mind is full of heavy things, you just need a spark to clear it away…” they hummed, half to themselves as the pyromancer swiftly divested him of his tunic. Teeth nipped at his collarbone, and a hot tongue laved the minor discomfort away, before trailing languidly to his chest. The assassin felt their arousal pressed against his own, and somewhat impishly rocked his own hips against them; they gasped, then retorted by grazing a nipple with their teeth so he shuddered. A noise escaped, part surprise but mostly unintelligible. He felt their grin pressed against his abdomen as they moved down slowly, oh so slowly, trailing hot wet kisses that slowly cooled despite the warmth of the fire before them.
Boots already tossed aside before dinner, it was a simple matter for the other to slip off the assassin’s remaining attire and toss them aside. Spreading the cloak against the ground, the pyromancer coerces his lover into laying down, and slides between his thighs to press teasing kisses and nips along the sensitive flesh. Bare, in every conceivable meaning of the word, the assassin’s trust in them was as erotic as anything else; to be so close when he was so vulnerable and willing, was a gift. One that the firebug wished to reward.
Their hand lightly caressed the hot, heavy length as it stiffened under their gaze and begging for attention. The assassin held himself still, quietly awaiting whatever pleasure was to come, shivering lightly as hot puffs of breath ghosted over his sensitive skin. He gasped as their tongue painted a slick stripe of spit along his shaft, teasing the head with a roll of that talented oral appendage, before moving down to kiss at his balls. Sucking one into their mouth, and tickling with their tongue before releasing it to repeat the process with the other…
His hands clenched into the cloak, limbs trembling as they remained as still as possible for their lover; panting lightly, as a pleasure-induced flush began to creep up into his cheeks. They licked again, and he huffed a small cry of pleasure as they sunk down on the head; moving to envelop the head and explore every inch with just their tongue… until he was shuddering from the sensation. The pyromancer grinned, lewdly allowing spit to dribble down the shaft where their hand now grasped and twisted along with the bobbing rhythm of their head; and his breath came in short gasps now. Every nerve ending tingling as the sensation seemed to grow with every movement. Heat pooled within his abdomen, tight and roiling like a volcano ready to to erupt…
And he jumped, slightly, as he felt a far-too-cool slick of lubricating potion being applied to his hole by the pyromancer’s free hand. How had they known he’d brought that? No matter… They gave an apologetic suck, returning to their enthusiastic task of drawing his cock deeper, and deeper into their mouth until it felt like they would swallow him whole. He moaned despite himself as the first finger slide inside, well-lubricated and wriggling about to acclimate the environment for what was to come.
The assassin wriggled his hips at the entrance of the second finger, and bucked back onto the third, torn between the desire to thrust forward into the wet heat… or back upon the well-slicked fingers. His balls were tightening as he warned the other, who tapped him twice on the leg to say they understood… and to give permission for him to thrust, they would be okay.
Unable to stop himself, the assassin sated both desires simultaneously, frantically thrusting forwards into the pyromancer’s sinfully hot mouth, and down upon the fingers thrusting languidly into his body just shy of where he needed them. The pleasure was bubbling hotly just under the surface, until he could take no more without losing his mind, and came in great hot spurts with a scream.
The pyromancer pulled away, dribbling a gooey white mess upon the pair as the assassin came, covering his own abdomen with ejaculate more than anything else. A small spurt hit the pyromancer’s cheek, and they laughed, wiping it off absently with a finger, and licking it clean.
Shuddering, feeling spent but not quite sated, the assassin tried to catch his breath as he felt the other move up his body to press a lewd kiss to his mouth. He could taste himself, and it was hilariously debauch to do so, from his perspective.
Their own hard length pressed against his abdomen, rutting gently against the assassin’s and slicking itself in his cum; the pyromancer shuddered, clutching tight to their lover as they rocked. It was a sinfully delightful sensation, and he hesitated to stop them but… who knew when they would have the opportunity again? He places a hand on their arm, and they freeze, looking down in concern. “Mon amour, would you not prefer to put all your excellent efforts to better use?” he queries, parting his thighs suggestively, and rubbing the reviving cock against that of his lover. Their eyes were wide in surprise, clearly being so lost in the moment that they had utterly forgotten that such a thing was a possibility.
“Are you sure?” they checked, slicking themselves and his hole again with an almost obscene amount of lubrication. He smiled, and nodded, and they kissed him deeply as their cock slowly slid inside the assassin with practiced precision. Slow, easy, methodical, and mindful of how the other was feeling…
“Ahhh, mon dieu... “ the assassin whispered, eyelids fluttering slightly as the long-absent sensation of being filled by the warm, thick length of his lover’s cock was restored to him. The pyromancer grinned, kissed the corner of his mouth and tugged experimentally at the assassin’s newly revived shaft, just to see him writhe.
They rolled their hips, and he gasped as they scraped over his prostate in a ludicrously lazy manner; it sent little bolts of lightning up his spine. Ah, they must do it this way far more often!
He thrust back slightly, regretting not being in a more favourable position to contribute… but then, they liked him like that, anyway. Where they could be in sole control of providing pleasure to him.
Just as he loved bringing them to the brink of oblivion, when he had the time and opportunity to do so…
Who could blame them?
They thrust slowly, gently in and out; a slow drag that reminded them both of how entangled they were, body and soul. Movements slowly growing in speed and strength with every passing moment, until the sharp slap of flesh against flesh could be heard ringing throughout the clearing. The assassin clung to their lover, rocking against each thrust and letting a strong of cries, praise and curses tumble free without censor. It was so good, he could almost feel himself ready to come again… and so soon after such an explosive orgasm? Clearly, they had magic of their own.
“Mon amour…” he moans, frantically pushing back against the swift thrusts and not caring for how sore he would feel later, only trapped in the moment wherein the pinnacle of pleasure was within reach. Their arms hold him tighter, their thrusts angling to relentlessly target his prostate until the assassin can barely recall his own name as his balls tighten almost painfully.
“Go on, my smoke… come for me… feed my fire,” they whisper, slamming into him with frantic need, their voice strained by how close they were to falling over the edge. He feels them drive into him again, again, again… and then it was too much. With a scream that they would probably hear all the way in town, the assassin feels his orgasm explode throughout his body, nails digging into the pyromancer’s back as his toes clenched. He shudders frantically as their thrusting continues while he comes between them, and feels their rhythm grow erratic.
Their breath comes out in harsh gasps as sweat beads off their forehead and falls onto his face. Eyes fixated on his own as they pump into his slowly relaxing body twice more before curling in around the assassin and coming with an unearthly beautiful cry of ecstasy. He strokes their face, chest, sides, whatever he can reach as they thrust through their orgasm; breathing heavily and trembling with exertion, relief, love and pleasure.
When at last both lovers have quietened, he draws them to his chest, holding them close. The assassin presses a kiss to the pyromancer’s temple, stroking patterns into the flesh of their spine, and watching the stars move. It feels like the hum of the universe is resonating through his bones, and by the ecstatic look upon their face, they must feel it too.
He is not sure when they pull away and disengage, only that at some point they do. Rising and cleaning themselves, automatically, before laying back down upon the cloak and allowing the sparks to create a blanket over the top of them. So very much like a pack of incendiary cats, those little creatures.
The pyromancer curls around him, and the assassin returns the embrace tightly.
He kisses them, sweetly. “Like a fire in the night, I will always be drawn to you, mon amour…”
They return the kiss, grinning as they begin to drowse. “And I love you too, smoke to my flame…”
The fiery blanket crackled, and the pair cracked open their eyes.
“And of course, we love you too, little ones…” the assassin reassured the sparks, who immediately calmed down.
And with that, those in the clearing slept well, sated and content in their tiny corner of the universe. All was well.
The End.
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I have no idea and he wont tell! I asked why he couldn't have just got charcole from the store but apparently they only have the really big bag and now I have been dragged into yet another one of his diy projects 😤 time to go build a fire and burn some shells, lol this might actually be fun 🤣
Whoa feels adventurous lol. Seems like your brother loves doing the diy stuff and you are always dragged into whatever he is doing somehow lol. This is funny hehe.
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gubbacciusa · 3 years
Standard Masks for Adults - Charcoal Grey | Gubbacci
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Comfortable masks
Materials- 95% Cotton & 5% Spandex ( This combination allows for 4 way stretch of the fabric and helps kids to keep the mask on)
Replaceable PM 2.5 Filter (3 filters are provided with each order)
Nose Clip for better fit and prevention of fogging of eyeglasses
Comes in an individual Gubbacci cloth bag
Made in India
Buy Now- Charcol Chrey Mask
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blogvaidehipalsokar · 4 years
You are at some dinner party and the suddenly your attentions goes towards the menu section where your favourite dish is being served, you hog up it to a bit extra and after your dinner when it is time to dance you suddenly start to feel uneasy in your stomach and you figure out it is gas there is pain and now your mood of party is all gone, you just want to get back home.
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Gas in your stomach is formed in your large intestine (colon) where bacteria, A fiber, some starch and some sugar that are not digested.
Average adult passes gas between 12-21 times a day and if it builds up and you are unable to expel it then you will start feeling pain and uncomfortable.
·     Overeating
·     Swallowing air while you eat or drink
·     Gum chewing
·     Smoking
It is often caused by what you eat, to know how to maintain a proper and healthy diet got through the blogs on 3MEDS app.
To keep a note of which food is giving you gas is to maintain a diary.
·     Blenching
·     Burping
·     Stomach cramps
·     Bloating or feeling of fullness
·     Chest pain
So far we discussed, what is gas and how it is caused, now moving on to our main topic that is tip to get rid of it or avoid it, so let’s have a look on them.
It will suit you the best if you are a tea lover only you will have to switch from your regular tea to charmomile tea, it reduces bloating and indigestion during bedtime or before meals.
We know how beneficiary are cloves for our health, we tend to use it as a solution for many of our health problems and same goes for gas too, add 2-3 drops of clove oil in 8 ounces of water and drink it after meals which will help to digest enzymes. DO IT WITHOUT FAIL!!
It is an supplement which prevents constipation and it may sound different but it is easily available in any medical shop near you, it has some side effects you might get black stool so please do not freak out it is harmless.
Yes, it is okay there is nothing to be embarrassed of it is a natural thing to happen everyone does it Beyonce too, so do not feel shy and wreck your system just let it out and feel calm and relaxed
Constipation can hit you hard and can create trouble during gas so try to pass stool, try as much as you can drink hot water to make it easier but do not over limit and force it too much, let it be as natural as possible.
Getting late for office, schools and etc makes you eat faster and in an improper way but it can create problem in your digestive system so eat slowly and try to chew each bite 30 times, make a note of this point and act on it please because you will find another metro or local if you miss one.
Take a hot water bag or a hot wet cloth and place it on your stomach and lie back down, press it on your stomach firmly, this is a very useful and an easy step to follow, whenever you start to feel pain your stomach because of gas apply this tip, it will help you in reducing your pain  at some level.
Make exercise as a part of your life because it literally a solution to each and every health problem in your life, do not do heavy exercise just do some lower stomach or abdomen exercise to relax your abdomen are, overdoing it can result in more pain so please do take care of it and do not swim in the flow. Go through some websites of best healthcare facilities to know about particular exercises during gas cramps and pain.
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Main intention of mine was to inform you about most of the natural ways to get rid of gas or to avoid it at all but if it is something more intense then do contact a doctor and get your prescription, you can get your medicines with best qualities at your door steps by uploading your prescription on 3MEDS an online pharmacy app and get them at your door steps in no time.
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hireikotsu · 7 years
For @mustardyellowsunshine ’s latest “did you just _____” prompt!
“Did you really just eat all of that?” Kagome asked with her nose scrunched as she watched Inuyasha slurp the remainder of ramen liquid.
“Yeah so what’s the big deal?” The half demon’s voice wasn’t in it’s usually high and demand tone that it was usually set in but more like a small child who just didn’t quiet understand what was going on.
“You ate SIX cups of instant ramen, Inuyasha.” Just the though of the amount of salty water that he ate was enough to turn herself against ramen for six months.
“I don’t see why you’re freaking out. I always eat a lot! Actually… can I have another cup?” The boy went for the yellow backpack but Kagome snatched it before he had a chance holding it tightly against her chest. A look of horror frozen on her face as she could only stare. Was he for real? He wanted ANOTHER cup.
“Your cholesterol is going to go through the roof!” Kagome yelled at him as she digged through her bottomless pit of a bag looking for a water bottle to hydrate him.
“You’re going to go in cardiac arrest!”
Kagome watched as Inuyasha’s eyebrows creased together at her futuristic medical terms. Once he passed the three minute mark whispering ‘charcol stall’ and 'carts need rest’ to himself she had enough.
“Don’t hurt yourself.” She said with narrow eyes and snapping the silver headed boy out of his thoughts.
“Give me another cup, woman!” He finally snapped back into his default setting; stubborn.
“What did you just say to me?” Kagome’s voice dripped with poision but Inuyasha was blinded with love and a high blood pressure.
“I said. Give. Me. Another. Cup. Woman.” He challenged the words fell out of his mouth before he could stop and think about what he was really saying. As long as he ended up with another hot cup of salty goodness the half demon could not careless.
“Inuyasha.” His ears twitched as all of his instincts screamed red alert. He could almost see flames radiate off the school girl and he could only gulp.
“Whoa wait there Kagome we can talk about this!” His hand out in surrender as he hoped to some how coax her before she could-
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End of Quarter clean out - What’s in my backpack
I know I’m not really a studyblr (at all tbh) but I am a straight A student and kinda meticulously organized when it comes to school, so I guess this might be kinda interesting? 
Outer Pockets:
Two lip balms, one matte lipstick, a stick of matte concealer, a jar of makeup wipes, and roll-on perfume
Bluetooth headphone case
Charger with 6-foot cord
Power bank
Two microfiber lens cloths, my glasses, and a contacts case
Pocket constitution
Various miscellaneous writing utensils
Hand lotion in lavender to relieve stress/anxiety
Hall pass
Stress ball
Bluetooth speaker
Nalgene water bottle
Main pocket:
For (AP Gov, IB Euro, higher-level math, and Pre-IB English, aka my note-heavy subjects, and for important papers.
French folder
Science/on-level math folder
Folder for readings (mainly Gov and Euro) and handed back work.
Graphing calculator (in it’s case, with charging cord)
Pencil case
Four or five pencils, fourteen pens, one sharpie, four colored pencils, one charcol pencil, two highlighters, two erasers, silly putty and a clip.
A small makeup bag with pads/tampons
Secondary pocket:
Lunch bag
Black beanie
A documentary on scoliosis
2 band-aids
A pair of gloves
3 permanent markers
My small purse (which is basically a wallet)
$15 hot cash from hot topic
In my locker:
Six books on the Russian revolution for my Euro IA
A book about immigrants in America that my father’s story is published in
A hoodie
A metal cookie tin full of granola bars, chocolate, and emergen-c
A folder with research on colleges/scholarships
A collapsible tote bag that can be folded up until it fits into your palm
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jewellrixcom-blog · 6 years
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$35.60 Charcol Grey Hot Pink with Accent of Silver Handmade Beaded Bracelets Set-seed Beads-nepal- Exclusive - CY120CBORR5 - Bracelets, Bangle Beaded bracelet handmade in Nepal by Nuptse. Materials: size 11/0 TOHO Japanese seed beads, cotton thread. Measurement: Approximately 7 inches in length and 0.25 inches in width. One size fits all Care Instructions: We recommend no exposure to water Packaged in a handmade Nepalese lokta paper gift bag ready for gift giving You may also like other Bangle at: https://www.jewellrix.com/293-bangle , Bangle
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HALLOWEEN SWRRRLS! Single sliced Vanilla swiss cake rolls with Charcolate buttercream filling and Pumpkin Buttercream on top! Available today only! Along with $5 MyStErY Bags! Open 4-8pm! #atxvegan #spooky #veganhalloween #glutenfree #hellyeah https://www.instagram.com/p/BpUxZzXnuX_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1a4gi4suyxa16
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gordanladdskitchen · 8 years
The 3 Top Rated and Best Tailgate Grills for Your Next Tailgate Party
What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear about a picnic or a tailgate party? Fun, food, friends and tailgate of course, right? So is there anything more important to a tailgate party than having one of the best tailgate grills with you? Well, the answer is generally a no.
​Today, I will help you know more about the top rated best grills available out there in the market but before that, let’s look at the overview of the factors that you need to consider while picking up the grill for your party.
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Propane Grill Vs Charcoal Grill – What’s the Difference?
Small Propane Grills
Charcole Tailgate Grills
Considerations Before Getting a Tailgate Grill
The Top Rated Picks the 3 Top Rated Tailgate Grill
The Coleman Road Trip LX Grill
Weber Q2200 Liquid Propane Grill
Cuisinart CGG-200 All-Foods Tabletop Gas Grill
Picnic Time 'Vulcan' All-In-One Tailgating Cooler/BBQ Set with Trolley
Propane Grill Vs Charcoal Grill – What’s the Difference?
When it comes to achieving the perfect taste and sear, you need a grill that matches perfectly with your talent and the techniques that you use.
The small grill you have chosen needs to offer great convenience along with being portable. The main difference that separates a charcoal grill from a gas grill is the amount of smoke they release, and the former is known to produce a lot more.
Small Propane Grills
​Small propane grills offer the cleanest cooking along with being the most convenient grill. All it requires to work is an LP tank or a bottle. Attach the LP tank, turn on the knob and give some time to the grill to pre-heat. After some time, you can adjust the temperature and start the grilling process.
​When using the propane grill, you don’t have to deal with messy briquettes or the lighter fluid smell. You will have tasty grilled food ready within a short span of time.
Cleaning up the grill is also a breeze as you do not need to worry about disposing of the messy ashes left over by the burned charcoal. In a majority of cases, the grill grates are coated, and a little soapy water will make it sparkling clean again.
Charcole Tailgate Grills
​On the other hand, charcoal tailgate grills are less expensive as compared to their counterpart but they take up a lot of time to reach the optimum temperature. It also gives a crusty caramelized and smoky flavor to the food that is being grilled on it.
Also, not forgetting that cleaning can be a big chore too. Whatever you decide to pick up, it comes down to a person’s own preferences.
Considerations Before Getting a Tailgate Grill
So now that you know the different type of grill, and decided to get one the best tailgate grill available in the market. But before you part away with your money, here are few things that you should put into consideration first.
​Whether you choose the propane grill or charcoal grill, keep in mind of these suggestions as they will make it easy for you to make an informed decision.
Pick a grill that comes with a rust-resistant surface. The options include selecting a grill made from aluminum, stainless steel or porcelain coated cast iron.
Grill grates made from stainless steel are more durable, heat more evenly and sear the food in a better manner.
If you are looking for propane tailgate grill, make sure the push-button, knob or the electric ignition produce a single spark for igniting.
Remember that porcelain coating on the surface can chip therefore do not clean the porcelain coated grill with a stainless steel bristle brush, rather choose a brass cleaning brush.
The grill that you are picking up should have multiple vents to keep the heat and smoke in control.
Heat is distributed more evenly with the pipe, rail or tube shaped burners as compared to the bowtie, H or bar style burners.
The grilling surface of the tailgate grill should be large enough to grill chicken or other foodstuff directly or indirectly.
Make sure you understand that smoke is not responsible for changing the flavor of quick-grilled tailgate food, so don’t expect a miracle in the taste of the food.
If you are going in with a small charcoal tailgate grill, make sure you have enough space to access the briquettes. Ash is an excellent insulator, and that is bad. If you let it build up in the grill, the performance of the equipment will be reduced considerably.
You must also consider the weight of the grill you are choosing and must be clear about the person who is going to handle it. The bigger grill is harder to move around.
Get an insight of the overall dimension of the grill. You should know its length, breadth, height and what are the storing option of the grill.
Along with the appearance and the features of the grill, you should also consider the manufacturer’s warranty. A well-established brand offers a warranty of over 2 years while not so popular brands give 6 months of warranty.
The Top Rated Picks the 3 Top Rated Tailgate Grill
The Coleman Road Trip LX Grill
The Coleman Road Trip LX Grill is a tailgater’s delight. This is a brand; most tailgaters are familiar with, and you are bound to see this grill at one party or the other.
The Coleman brand is known to produce high-quality products specifically designed for the outdoor lifestyle. This grill has two adjustable burners along with having the versatility to mix and match the cooking surface. It's also coated with porcelain coats which makes it easier to clean.
What we like about it...
Folds up in a small space
Extremely portable
Fast ignition
Easy to clean
What we don't like...
The grill is kinda pricy
Coleman 9941-768 Road Trip Grill LX (Blue)
List Price: $283.10
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Weber Q2200 Liquid Propane Grill
The Weber is a fantastic grill and is a breeze to use. It is extremely sturdy, weather resistant, cooks to perfection and comes with precise controls. If anyone of you has used it before, then you probably already know how well this wonderful grill works.
Moreover, it comes with 5 years of warranty which makes it a great deal!
What we like about it...
Highly robust
Cooks perfectly
Fast ignition
Easy to clean
Made in the USA
What we don't like...
Have a small cooking area as compared to other grills at same price
Weber 54060001 Q2200 Liquid Propane Grill
List Price: $249.00
Price: $249.00
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Cuisinart CGG-200 All-Foods Tabletop Gas Grill
Powered by 12,000 BTU, the Cuisinart CGG-200 All Foods Tabletop Gas Grill is one of my favorite. It comes with a twist-start ignition and reaches a temperature of 500 degrees Fahrenheit easily.
The Cuisinart CGG-200 comes with stainless steel grill lid and handles while the grill and the interchangeable surface is made up of porcelain coated cast iron.
What we like about it...
Twist-start ignition for easy start-ups
Folding side shelves
Power of a large grill available in a convenient size
Easy to set up
Cook like a professional
240 square inch cooking grate
Sturdy one-piece welded grill bars
What we don't like...
I don’t have much to say here because I loved my grill
Cuisinart CGG-200 All-Foods 12,000-BTU Tabletop Gas Grill
List Price: $132.28
Price: $132.28
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Picnic Time 'Vulcan' All-In-One Tailgating Cooler/BBQ Set with Trolley
Although the Vulcan does not get as much love and reviews compare to the above grills but this portable grill with trolley is the most convenience grill you ever need for your next tailgate party.
The Vulcan is not just a tailgater grill rather it also has a storage bag, a cooler, and a trolley – the all-in-one. If you are looking for something extremely portable yet super convenient, the Vulcan is definitely your best choice.
What we like about it...
Super convenient
Multipurpose grill
What we don't like...
The grill is kinda pricy
Picnic Time 'Vulcan' All-In-One Tailgaiting Cooler/BBQ Set with Trolley
List Price: $266.95
Price: $227.42
You Save: $39.53
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So now that you have the best tailgate grill, how often do you plan to use the grill over the course of time? Are you planning a party soon? If not, then start sending out an invite to your friends and throw a tailgate party. Not sure how you can arrange a tailgate party? Here are some excellent resources for your reference.
​Barbeque party is the best way to enjoy the winter sun. However, while tailgating, don’t forget the food safety and make sure you have everything you need to make the party a success. There are various brands out there selling the best tailgate grill but you need to make sure your choice of the grill will make your next tailgate party a success.
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The 3 Top Rated and Best Tailgate Grills for Your Next Tailgate Party0 comments
The post The 3 Top Rated and Best Tailgate Grills for Your Next Tailgate Party appeared first on Gordan Ladd's Kitchen.
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