#charles vane voice
wen316 · 7 months
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Charles Vane , I’m sorry was someone else in the series , he had my full interest and attention .
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avastyetwats · 6 months
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Memorable (and favorite) moments of Captain James Flint cursing.
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'Charles Vane has a delicious, gravely voice… what I wouldn't give to hear what filth he would spout in bed!'
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hotniatheron · 1 year
How are the Spanish accents in black sails not funny
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dragon-of-the-soutn · 5 months
So with Black Sails now on Netflix I just want to talk a little bit about my favourite monologue from the show….
Charles Vanes monologue to Flint when there in Miranda’s House.
Yes I know it’s the ‘is it gay to live in a house’ speech but as I’ve gotten older it’s come to mean a lot to me I guess.
Because it’s asking the question, what would we do, we the people who live in the safety and comfort of our homes, our communities, the safety provided to us by the state, do to keep that comfort? To keep ourselves in the familiar comfort of civilisation and what that comfort requires from us. For us to look past and ignore. A question I think is more important now than it was a decade ago.
“Give us your submission, and we will give you the comfort you need.”
I think it’s a monologue most comparable to Max’s speech to Anne at the beginning of season three when she speaks of what home means to her and in an way Madi’s voices speech to Rogers in season four. They know what was required to build that home, a question that I think is very important for those of us living in the West to ask ourselves, particularly with our counties histories of colonialism.
Idk but when I’m thinking about the big theme of civilisation in the show this is the speech, alongside Max’s that comes to mind. Because all these character have been hurt and rejected by civilisation in one way or another but I think out of all the characters, even Flint, Vane and Max get civilisation best of all in a way. Vane because he wholeheartedly rejects it and Max because she most of all understands what was required to build that room in the first place.
Just yeah. The ‘is it gay to live in a house’ speech always gets me because it’s the civilisation speech to me. It’s defiantly the one that’s made me sit down and think the most.
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mycenaae · 11 months
[charles vane voice] fellas is it gay to live in an inland house in nassau
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blacksails-rarepairs · 7 months
black sails rarepair week 2024: the week in review
a brief overview of the fics and art posted for rarepair week! there's a delightful array of work here--modern AUs and canonverse, comfort reads and belligerent sexual tension, repression and introspection, gen and queerplatonic and romantic and unrequited affections.
the event is now closed, but the fics & art posted as part of it can be read and appreciated at any time! comments, kudos, reblogs, etc. are highly encouraged!
huge thanks & all my gratitude to everyone who participated--it has been my honor to serve as your host <3
now: the rarepairs!
an introduction by Benja
rated T. Flint & Gates.
fascinating portrayal of Flint's early days as Flint in Nassau, from Gates's POV, with super sharp dialogue
The creation of Captain Flint, from Gates' perspective.
this is what you do at parties (right?) by sunset_waltz (@thenobleprincess)
rated T. Abigail Ashe/Idelle.
new college student Abigail meets-extremely-cute with local bartender Idelle. (nb: sunset_waltz's fics listed here are all set in the same modern & very queer/trans AU!)
Abigail is new in town, and Idelle is too pretty.
let me get this straight by ElectricKettle
rated M. Flint/Gates.
i'm nominating this fic for most apt use of the ao3 tag "Belligerent Sexual Tension" SERIOUSLY oooooough
Hal Gates is a man of moderation. He is not prone to impulse or hotheadedness. So why is it that this all goes out the window when it comes to a man named Flint?
i think it's magic (and i hope you'll agree) by sunset_waltz (@thenobleprincess)
rated T. Miranda Barlow/Madi.
meet!! cute!!! SO much chemistry
Miranda is Abigail's mom. Madi is her teacher.
a love lost or false by @van1lla-v1lla1n
rated T. Billy Bones/Charles Vane.
Jack Rackham reminiscing on the golden days and spinning tall tales about the love life of his buddy Charles Vane (rip).
I met Jack Rackham at a tavern once, long after the golden age of our kind, and he spun me a tale of a love lost or false, I knew not which, and I know not still to this day.
unspoken words (are preferred) by sunset_waltz (@thenobleprincess)
rated M. Bonny/Rackham/Vane but super multiship!
another installment in the author's rarepair-centric modern au, with so many fascinating poly character dynamics
Charles fucks up, and apologizing is hard.
post-XXVII by @kairennart
Flint/Vane art!!!!!! SUCH beautiful colors, amazing lovely expressions, have i mentioned that i'm in love with Flint's freckles BECAUSE. just go look at it <333
by the way (i forgive you) by sunset_waltz (@thenobleprincess)
rated M. Flint/Madi, Flint/Madi/Silver.
(modern au) Silver disappears, and Flint and Madi find each other as they grieve in his absence. & as if that weren't an amazing enough premise: BONUS OT3 AT THE END
After John Silver vanishes, Madi and Flint are left to their own devices--until he comes back.
under the stars and the sky by Veridissima (@thestagthatlovedthewolf)
rated T. Miranda Barlow & John Silver.
a very quiet and comforting middle-of-the-night Miranda-Silver interaction, with background Miranda/Flint/Hamilton/Madi/Silver. super compelling miranda-silver queerplatonic relationship
Miranda hears Silver walking past her bedroom door, and she can't help but follow him outside.
the unnoticed bulge by BilliesBud
rated M. Billy Bones/Charles Vane.
my wife's first fanfiction :''''''') a very tongue-in-cheek portrayal of a deeply repressed Charles Vane confused about why he's thirsting after Billy Bones
Billy living rent-free in Charles' head.
five times Howell was too blind to see what is right in front of him + the one time he wasn't by tahiri_veila (@twopointsinspace)
rated E. De Groot/Dr. Howell + unrequited Howell/Flint.
absolutely masterful portrayal of Howell's unrequited affection for Flint shifting to a requited friends-to-lovers situation with De Groot. (with bonus background silverflint)
"Welcome aboard." De Groot lowers his voice to a near-whisper. "Don't mind the captain's disgruntled mood. He may be a capricious bastard, but he's damn good at his job. The best, I'd say. You get used to his ways."
pourparler by @van1lla-v1lla1n
rated T. Max/Marion Guthrie.
i'll be honest this was mainly me thirsting after Harriet Walter. but don't you want to know what all those meetings between Max and Marion Guthrie were like! this is that.
Max meets with Marion Guthrie for initial negotiations.
joy, and music, and peace by Benja
unrated. Eme/Madi.
ough be still my heart this one is SO sleepy-sweet--literally sleepy like Madi and Eme have a cozy little rest together, a lovely moment of safety and security.
A moment of rest.
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playlistashton · 6 months
It bring me so much rage every time I think of how Roger Woodes remember Eleanor after her death
He betray her in the worst way possible with the Spanish invasion and then has the audacity to have her ghost fucking KNITTING
Like are you kidding me!?? This is Eleanor Guthrie the queen of thieves, the girl who threw Teach out of the island at seventeen, a woman who wielded enormous influence in Nassau, who had more power than the pirates captain *Charles Vanes’ voice* ‘‘power that doesn’t care how many votes you can tally who loves you who hates you who fear you power that just is’’
And his memory of her is her knitting in a corner. Yes he loved her but did he knew her even a little?
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glassheadcanon · 7 days
Tagged by @sayonaramidnight - thank-you (and forgive me for blabbing on about so many faves)! ^_^
the last book I read: last novel was So Big, by Edna Ferber; last non-fiction work was The Truth in True Crime, by J. Warner Wallace (I usually have one of each on the go, and switch back and forth between them)
a book I recommend: for fiction, (besides the above - Selina Peake is definitely a roaring 20's Midwestern American kindred spirit to Anne Shirley), Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke and Dorothy L. Sayers's Murder Must Advertise; and for non-fiction: Person of Interest by J. Warner Wallace and Mortimer Adler & Charles van Doren's How to Read a Book Oooh - and for fellow book lovers: Jasper Fforde's The Eyre Affair!
a book that I couldn’t put down: the most recent one would have to be Martha Wells's All Systems Red (book one of The Murderbot Diaries) - it had such a compelling narrative and focal character voice!
a book that I’ve read twice (or more): how to choose? Old (and new) friends include: Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, C.S. Lewis's The Screwtape Letters, and Dorothy Sayers's Harriet Vane novels
a book on my TBR: Mirra Ginsburg's translation of The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov has been at the top of the pile since being recommended by a colleague far too long ago but in the past few years it's been tough to put myself in the right mood and frame of mind for it, sadly
a book I’ve put down: for me, Nabokov's Lolita also immediately comes to mind (had a tough time with it ages ago and haven't picked it up since; like Miya I do want to give it another try - just haven't been able to bring myself to it, especially when there are so many more enjoyable alternatives out there, for me!)
a book on my wish list: way too many to choose from, but I'm really curious about Master-at-Arms by Rafael Sabatini
a favourite book from childhood: I honestly can't choose just one (so many of the classics were faves, especially L.M. Montgomery's and Lewis Carroll's) but for fun I'll admit that these ones: The Girl Who Owned a City by O.T. Nelson, Scott O'Dell's Island of the Blue Dolphins, and Lloyd Alexander's Vesper Holly books (like The El Dorado Adventure) were highly influential, as well
a book you would give to a friend: it always depends on their tastes, of course (though in the past I've enthusiastically gifted JSMN to adult friends who I know enjoy the genre, Island of the Blue Dolphins to young girls, and A.S. Peterson's The Fiddler's Gun and The Fiddlers Green to teen girls I know...I'm auntie to A LOT of nieces and nephews! :D)
a book of poetry or lyrics you own: Dorothy Parker's Enough Rope, and T.S. Elliot's Old Possom's Book of Practical Cats are old faves
a nonfiction book you own: I picked up The Lost Art of Reading Nature’s Signs by Tristan Gooley and look forward to reading it soon
what are you currently reading: currently revisiting my old friend, Anne of Green Gables, and then I hope to go through at least the next one or two in the series again😊
what are you planning on reading next: along with the non-fiction book in #11 above, I'm also thinking of taking Death and the Conjuror by Tom Mead with me on vacation in a few weeks
Tagging: @ashknife @jessilroberts @firefletch @cygnascrimbles (no pressure) and any other bibliophiles who're interested and haven't done this one yet!
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wen316 · 6 months
The look , the voice , don’t stop now …..talking , did I forget to say talking . Clip created by Wen316
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avastyetwats · 8 months
"The fuck you want." (Vane)
"So, are these the kinds of greetings I'm to expect after saving your life?" A snarky question in return, but a fair one, Vane thinks. Though, he isn't truly angry about it. Perhaps a little irked, but nothing more than that. The man is grieving, after all. He suffered a great loss and from it, came rage. Something Vane was all too familiar with, himself, but with Flint it seemed... different. Maybe a bit... unstable. A growing concern between some of the men, including his own. He takes a step closer, now able to look upon his face. "You look like shit. Smell of it, too." A pause as reaches his desk, arms crossing "Probably feel like it." He tilts his head, eyes narrowing. "When's the last time you actually slept?"
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myrmeraki · 8 months
charles vane’s character is compelling because of how he goes through life with the political lens of being formerly enslaved AND that experience is of course in and out of the show a radicalized one and a majority of enslaved people in the bahamas for this time would have been black and or indigenous to the areas. so when think about his character i have to think how much more of a punch he would have packed as a character and as a voice within the show if he had been written as a man of color.
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lichfucker · 11 months
lmaoooooo "brain damage in d minor" is a placeholder title and I live in fear every day that it's going to stick. the only other thing I call it in my own notes is "music and lyrics au" so unless something better appears I'm afraid brain damage in d minor will end up the actual title
a million years ago the sunder server watched music and lyrics (2007) for movie night, which is my favorite rom-com of all time, and I. could not stop thinking about how well the conceit works as a silverflint au. because I am the one with brain damage (in d minor)
it's likely the only bs modern au I'll ever write bc in general I find the canon time period far more compelling, but I digress. flint is a washed-up has-been-- he was in a boyband with thomas and peter ashe in the early '00s but it's been twenty years and his career is dead. suddenly he gets a call from gates, his manager, saying, "charles vane just left his band to get out of a contract with guthrie records and he wants to kick off his new solo venture by singing a duet with you, so you need to write a new song. okay bye"
the problem is that flint is a terrible lyricist. sure he could come up with a pretty metaphor, but he can't write things that are Relatable, and pop music is all about being Vague and Relatable. help, of course, comes from the least likely of places: john silver, a guy flint hires to water his plants, just so happens to be an excellent songwriter.
yes, this is extremely contrived. yes, it is following the plot of the movie to a tee (except, y'know, set in 2023 instead of in 2007).
a meet-cute for your perusal:
The buzzer rings, piercing through the rhythmic discordant chime of Flint repeatedly bashing his head onto the keys of the piano. Great. That’ll be Idelle in to water the plants, and he can either stay in the living room composing Brain Damage in D Minor while she does, or he can spare himself the humiliation and retreat into the privacy of his bedroom. Perhaps he’ll run a bath and drown himself in the lavish tub.
A sigh hauls itself out of Flint’s chest with all the effort of the tow truck that time in ’04 when the tour bus got impounded, and it takes similar heft for him to stand up from the piano bench and answer the door.
Flint registers long black hair before anything else, and his skull is so thick with cement that he nearly turns heel and stalks off to his room without so much as a grunt in hello—but he stops.
“You’re not Idelle,” Flint says.
A very astute observation: the person in the doorway has bluer eyes, tanner skin, and a significantly fuller beard.
The man’s gleaming smile falters. “No,” he says. “Sorry, did she not text you? I’m taking over for a few weeks while she’s away. Can I come in, or are all your plants out in the hall?”
Flint blinks. Considering the man looks like he hasn’t had a decent night’s sleep in his entire life, Flint hadn’t expected his voice to be so… smooth. Nor so English, not in Manhattan. Before Flint lets this stranger into his (admittedly, very thieve-able) apartment, though, he looks through his phone and—oh. Idelle had texted. Three times over the last two weeks. He’d even given her a thumbs-up emoji. Well, all right, then. He steps aside to let the man through.
“Thanks,” the man says, his bright smile back and full of teeth. “I’m John, by the way. John Silver.”
“James McGraw.”
Silver drops his messenger bag on the coffee table beside the chaise, looking around with cataloguing eyes at the veritable garden lined up along the floor-to-ceiling windows, the crystalline chandelier hanging over the dining table, the glossy baby grand on the shag carpet, the unmasked luxury in which Flint lives. “Watering can?” he asks.
“Under the sink,” Flint says, pointing him toward the kitchen. He waits a few beats and then follows, trying to keep a wary eye on Silver while appearing casual rather than paranoid. He leans coolly against the kitchen island just as Silver finishes filling the watering can. “So, Joe—”
“John,” he says, not unkindly. “Most of my friends just call me Silver, but I’d rather you call me John. No offense. Less personal, you know?”
“Using your given name is less personal than your surname?”
He gives Flint a pointed look. “I can be one of eight hundred Johns you’ve ever met, or I can be one of half a dozen Silvers, if even that many. Maybe we’ll be friends someday and you can call me whatever you like, but for now I’ll take John, thanks.”
Flint just barely suppresses a grin. “Fair enough,” he says. “Where are you from?”
Silver—John hesitates, and then he says, “London. And you?”
“Really? You don’t sound it.”
“I trained myself out of it, a long time ago.” Flint watches John tend to the orchid on the counter, careful not to over-water it; he’s gentle and methodical with it, which isn’t what Flint had expected. He’s not sure what he expected, in truth. “So,” Flint says, “you’re a friend of Idelle’s? Where is she, anyway?”
The question earns him an indignant snort. “Idelle is in the Bahamas getting married, and I,” John says, crossing the living room to the ficus by the window, “got the great honor of not being fucking invited. She tried telling me it’s because they wanted to keep the guest list small, but I know that’s a damned lie. She invited Muldoon, of all fucking people. Logan I understand, because he and Charlotte are attached at the fucking hip, but Muldoon?” John scoffs. “No, it’s because Augie—her husband—never liked me, not that I have any idea why. Truth be told, I think Idelle herself only tolerates me because she’s close with my sister, and she knows not to say a bad word about me to Max if she intends to say any words for the rest of her life.”
He keeps talking as he progresses down the row of plants. “I told Max to bring me as her plus-one just to piss them all off, you know, but she’d already committed to taking her girlfriend, and, honestly, that’s comeuppance enough. I am far more fun at weddings than Anne is. Luckily for you, I’m also a far better plant-sitter, so—Fuck!”
John hisses in pain and turns around to face Flint, sucking on the pad of his thumb. “Fucking cactus,” he mumbles around the thumb in his mouth. The two of them stand there, twenty feet apart, for an odd moment, the air thick with… something. John narrows his startlingly blue eyes, scrutinizing Flint. Flint hasn’t a clue what he might be looking for. His lips work at his thumb all the while.
And then John’s thumb leaves his mouth with an obscene smack, the sound so loud in the dense silence that had befallen them, and he says, “You look really familiar. Are you famous or something?”
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lagaans · 6 months
charles vane u piss me off also. speak in a normal voice man
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max-nolastname · 1 year
miranda's "within [flint's] chorus of torments none of them look or sound like me." madi's "i hear a chorus of voices...multitudes..." charles vane's abuser appearing to him in apparitions when he's doped up and high as a kite, eleanor sitting silently in the background, knitting away and shrouded in shadows, while rogers tries to go about his business
john silver's parrot named Captain Flint in Treasure Island .... Flint's "ghost" keeps tormenting him and silver keeps habitually answering back so john silver goes to the west indies version of petsmart to shop for a parrot he can then name captain flint so that he doesn't look cuckoo bananas to what remains of his crew when he talks to his ghosts because he looks like he's talking to his lil parrot
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maremote · 2 years
Black Sails Monologuolympics BR3.1: Secondary Main Characters: ROUND 1
3/12: Jack vs. Vane
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Jack, to Flint, in 309: "I am concerned about the men stealing from it. There's treasure inside that box, a handful of which could provide a lifetime of prosperity. Facing that kind of temptation, there are few men I would trust to self-deny. But it is not the treasure that concerns me most. Charles Vane's sacrifice is in that box. If your man is unsuccessful in seeing to his rescue, Charles Vane's death is inside that box. Along with my good name. Along with her lost love. Along with your late quartermaster's life. All the awful sacrifices made to assemble that box are now part of its contents, and those things... are sacred things that I trust in no man's hands. The next time that chest is opened will be after Anne and I walk away with it, And once the smoke is cleared... and all is done."
Vane, to Nassau, in 309: “These men who brought me here today do not fear me. They brought me here today because they fear you. Because they know that my voice, a voice that refuses to be enslaved, once lived in you. And may yet still. They brought me here today to show you death and use it to frighten you into ignoring that voice. But know this. We are many. They are few. To fear death is a choice. And they can't hang us all. Get on with it, motherfucker.”
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