#charlie has a muzzle and collar/leash
rainbowmothed · 7 months
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✿ sorry not sorry for this one guys... by the way, it fades to black!! so moreso suggestive than fully smut-ty? header art by sethdomain!
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Charlie blinked as she felt the hands on her shoulders, palms meeting the mattress of the bed, feeling the muzzle wrap around her face, restricting her razor sharp teeth from the world. It wasn't suffocating or hurtful by any means– in fact, the darkly-hued hands that wrapped it around her face were soft and gentle, caressing her pale face as they moved, tracing the heavy coat of blush on her face as their hands moved.
“Vaggie,” Charlie huffed out, chewing the inside of her mouth. She felt the primal urge to latch onto something rise up in her chest. Her girlfriend simply hummed in response, fastening the muzzle tightly around her face. Charlie blushed heavily, huffing under heavy breaths. It was restricting, but damn, did it feel good.
“Hold still, hon.” Vaggie replied to her whimpers coolly, pulling her hands away. The loss of contact was aggravating for Charlie, but it was soon replaced as the collar was wrapped around her neck. Vaggie tugged gently, causing Charlie to move backwards compliantly. “Is that comfortable?” Vaggie inquiried, tone sultry.
“Uh-huh.” Charlie responded breathlessly, feeling her pale skin heat up, a burning feeling rising in her chest. Vaggie smirked, placing a kiss to her temple, gently latching her teeth onto Charlie's neck for a moment, digging her sharp canines in gently. Not enough to draw blood, but enough to leave a mark. That was usually Charlie's thing. She loved leaving symbols of herself on Vaggie; whether that be through a bite mark, a kiss that left her black lipstick smeared behind, or her claws raking against her girlfriend's perfect skin. It was all good to her. Charlie loved the sight of seeing the golden blood of her girlfriend dripping down her neck, dripping down her collarbone–
Charlie was snapped out of her less than appropriate thoughts with another tug on the leash, Vaggie pushing her down onto the mattress, back pressed against it as her head met the headboard. Usually, Charlie was the one in control, so this was a nice change of pace. “You're so pretty, Vaggie.” Charlie whispered, enamored by the sight of her girlfriend in all of her glory.
Vaggie smirked. “Likewise, cariño.” The denizen replied to the compliments sweetly, like she wasn't pinning Charlie down to the bed. It was amusing, actually. Her Spanish accent slipped into her words, constricting them like a snake, coiling around them and slithering their way into Vaggie's sentences. And damn, was it hot. Or at least, Charlie thought so.
Vaggie pulled the leash closer, hand traveling up to wrap around Charlie's now prominent horn, tracing it with her fingertip. “You know,” Vaggie softly began, tone low and gravelly. “I hear people talking on the street, occasionally. As we pass. They say they could make love to you better than I ever could, some lousy sinner.” Vaggie grinned, pearly whites prominent as ever. Gorgeous as ever. Every part of the fallen angel was perfect, beautiful– every compliment in the book to Charlie.
“Do you think that's true, mi cielo?” Vaggie demanded, tone more commanding, but still holding onto those faint undertones of love and comfort. Charlie shook her head, but it was difficult with how Vaggie was restraining her. Hey– she wasn't complaining. It was sexy. More than, even. “Of course not. You're better than they ever could be, Vaggie.” Charlie retorted.
“Buena niña.” Vaggie chuckled, words gravelly, coiling the leash of the collar around her index finger and pulling it slightly. She liked seeing Charlie strain and comply as she pulled on the little string. Not in the painful way– the thought of seeing Charlie in pain wasn't remotely attractive to her. It scared her, even. But just seeing her underneath her, safe, as close as possible? That was the raw appeal behind it.
Vaggie's wings rustled slightly as she felt Charlie's hand touch her thigh, scratching against her skin. “I said not to touch,” she gently reminded, slightly disappointed as her girlfriend pulled away. But that wasn't the goal right now– the goal was to make Charlie feel good. Vaggie smirked, slipping her head between Charlie's thighs in a swift movement, knee pressing against the mattress as she hooked her index fingers around the waistband of Charlie's pants…
. . .
Charlie breathed heavily as she finished, not being able to touch her girlfriend, bite, anything– driving her crazy. Completely under her mercy. Vaggie slithered back upwards, licking her lips, swiping away remnants of Charlie away from her features. The denizen unclipped the muzzle from around the princess’ face, tracing her hand across the pale skin, and circular rosy cheeks.
Vaggie leaned forward, pressing her lips to Charlie's. Charlie could feel the taste of herself on Vaggie's tongue, which was quite… interesting? Charlie arched a brow as she slithered her serpent-like tongue into her girlfriend's mouth, finally settling her hands on Vaggie's shoulders. Thankfully, she wasn't met with being pushed away.
Vaggie slowly pulled away, admittedly hesitantly, as she unhooked the leash and unclipped the leash from around her girlfriend's neck. “Did I hurt you?” Charlie laughed in response to Vaggie's sudden worries, shaking her head. “I'm fine, babe! Truly!”
Vaggie softly smiled, less heated up and mischievous than earlier. Moreso delicate and welcoming, like a loving embrace in itself. “Let's get you cleaned up, then.” Charlie nodded, pressing a quick kiss to the angel's forehead, horns and tail retreating as she cooled down, resorting back into a more humane form.
Vaggie pulled herself off the bed, willing herself off the bed as she looked down at her shoulder, suddenly aware of the bite mark. “I don't even know how you managed that in the split second that you had the muzzle off, but okay.” Charlie shrugged innocently, winking. “A magician never reveals her secrets!”
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autumnwept · 3 years
Viktor is a shy individual when he meets someone, but he blooms and can banter with the best of them once he’s more comfortable. That being said, he tends to be more invested in animals than regular people. He currently owns 7 dogs, all adopted. A good portion of them are senior dogs that were left because they were considered too old and then 2 of them are handicapped. Annie, a coonhound, only has 3 legs and Theodore is both blind and deaf. One of the senior dogs, Charlie, has taken it upon himself to be Theodore’s personal seeing eye dog. He also owns 3 horses and a stubborn donkey that showed up on his property one day and refused to leave. He did check if anyone had lost a donkey, contacting police and animal shelters, vets, etc. but no one claimed him. He’s a real treat.
Annie is a purebred bluetick coonhound and gets stir crazy very easily. She was dropped off at a shelter with a “we can’t handle her” note attached to her collar and an infection spreading in her leg. They amputated the front left one and Viktor, while volunteering one day decided to take her home with him. Theodore was another volunteer day. He’s a giant samoyed/malamute mix. He was born without eyes and is deaf as well. He was passed around shelters for 4 years before Viktor picked him up. All he does is smile with his tongue hanging out and enjoys lounging at people’s feet. Charlie is 8 years old and he’s some type of Spaniel. When Viktor came home with Theo, Charlie was the first to approach him. He just took the leash in his mouth and started walking him around the house. At that point, the two were inseparable and Charlie makes sure he gets enough exercise, leads him to every meal and keeps him from running into objects… most of the time. Kisha is a 6 year old Irish wolfhound. She’s the only one of the lot that he actually had as a puppy and raised. She is the most well trained of the lot, but they’re all really good dogs so can he really say that about just one? She’s extremely gentle and thinks she’s a lap dog, but if anyone shows any sign that they’re going to hurt Viktor, she can seem very vicious. If she doesn’t trust someone, there is a good reason. She acts almost human and Viktor fully believes she understands every word he says. Luka is a 9 year old Swedish Vallhund that Viktor picked up overseas when he was travelling. The poor dog was roaming the streets looking for scraps and fearful of humans. Viktor spent 2 weeks following the dog and gaining his trust. When he finally let him pet him, the dog’s tail wagged and that was it. Viktor did everything he could and brought him home. Jak is a doberman mix and is 12 years old. He’s the oldest of the lot and his fur is graying around his muzzle and paws. Whoever had him did a poor job of ear cropping and so he’s missing a good portion, if not all of his left ear. He has joint problems but Viktor gives him medicine every day at the same time. He’s slow but he’ll still try and play with the others. Theo and Charlie lay with him a lot. Last is Mila. She is 10 and the odd one out. She’s a little bichon frise and thinks she’s as big as the other dogs. If anything, she’s the leader of this little patchwork pack. The best thing though is that she doesn’t bark. No high pitched yapping. She gets you to do what she wants with her eyes. It’s how she got Viktor to take her home.
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heartbetween · 4 years
Viktor is a shy individual when he meets someone, but he blooms and can banter with the best of them once he’s more comfortable. That being said, he tends to be more invested in animals than regular people. He currently owns 7 dogs, all adopted from shelters. A good portion of them are senior dogs that were left because they were considered too old and then 2 of them are handicapped. Annie, a coonhound, only has 3 legs and Theodore is both blind and deaf. One of the senior dogs, Charlie, has taken it upon himself to be Theodore’s personal seeing eye dog. He also owns 3 horses and a stubborn donkey that showed up on his property one day and refused to leave. He did check if anyone had lost a donkey, contacting police and animal shelters, vets, etc. but no one claimed him. He’s a real treat.
Annie is a purebred bluetick coonhound and gets stir crazy very easily. She was dropped off at a shelter with a “we can’t handle her” note attached to her collar and an infection spreading in her leg. They amputated the front left one and Viktor, while volunteering one day decided to take her home with him. Theodore was another volunteer day. He’s a giant samoyed/malamute mix. He was born without eyes and is deaf as well. He was passed around shelters for 4 years before Viktor picked him up. All he does is smile with his tongue hanging out and enjoys lounging at people’s feet. Charlie is 8 years old and he’s some type of Spaniel. When Viktor came home with Theo, Charlie was the first to approach him. He just took the leash in his mouth and started walking him around the house. At that point, the two were inseparable and Charlie makes sure he gets enough exercise, leads him to every meal and keeps him from running into objects… most of the time. Kisha is a 6 year old Irish wolfhound. She’s the only one of the lot that he actually had as a puppy and raised. She is the most well trained of the lot, but they’re all really good dogs so can he really say that about just one? She’s extremely gentle and thinks she’s a lap dog, but if anyone shows any sign that they’re going to hurt Viktor, she can seem very vicious. If she doesn’t trust someone, there is a good reason. She acts almost human and Viktor fully believes she understands every word he says. Luka is a 9 year old Swedish Vallhund that Viktor picked up overseas when he was travelling. The poor dog was roaming the streets looking for scraps and fearful of humans. Viktor spent 2 weeks following the dog and gaining his trust. When he finally let him pet him, the dog’s tail wagged and that was it. Viktor did everything he could and brought him home. Jak is a doberman mix and is 12 years old. He’s the oldest of the lot and his fur is graying around his muzzle and paws. Whoever had him did a poor job of ear cropping and so he’s missing a good portion, if not all of his left ear. He has joint problems but Viktor gives him medicine every day at the same time. He’s slow but he’ll still try and play with the others. Theo and Charlie lay with him a lot. Last is Mila. She is 10 and the odd one out. She’s a little bichon frise and thinks she’s as big as the other dogs. If anything, she’s the leader of this little patchwork pack. The best thing though is that she doesn’t bark. No high pitched yapping. She gets you to do what she wants with her eyes. It’s how she got Viktor to take her home.
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moonfurthetemmie · 5 years
For my first trick on tumblr, I present to you...this. Don’t ask. Just take it.
I wanted to do something with Champ ok he doesn’t get enough love-
Oh, Champion is DS Dream’s dog. In case you were wondering.
How To Get Lord Dream to Platonically Hang Out (and maybe dog-sit Champion once in a while)
It wasn’t entirely an accident you ended up with Champion at your house.
You were heading to the animal shelter to adopt a second dog; Charlie was lonely when you were out and about.
On your way there, you found a beautiful husky digging through trash from a can he or someone else had tipped over.
His fur was nice and clean-except for his muzzle and paws, of course!-so you knew he wasn’t a stray.
Since you were walking with Charlie, you couldn’t get close. You didn’t know if this dog was friendly. But Charlie bowed down on his front paws like he wanted to play, and barked at him.
The husky stopped its foraging and turned to us, his ears pricked.
You were afraid he was going to get aggressive, but he just started wagging his tail and padded over. He stopped very near Charlie and, after sniffing him for a moment, got into the same play bow.
Well, you thought, that’s much better than a dog fight.
But, of course, you could now see the husky’s collar. Your initial assumption was right; he’s wasn’t a stray. So who’s was he? Where did he come form?
“Hey, buddy,” you called. “Come here. I want to look at your tag.”
The husky tilted his head at you. He must’ve been a full-grown dog, but he was adorable.
“Come!” You tried again.
This time, the dog got up and padded over to you. Charlie jumped and tried to play with him, but the husky nosed him away.
“Charlie, no.” You tugged on his leash, not hard.
The husky sat down in front of you and patiently waited. He’d obviously been well-trained.
Thankfully, he had his tags on him. Some owners don’t put the tags on their dog’s collar. That never made sense to you; those tags were how people contacted you about your lost pooch. Why wouldn’t you put them on?
“Champion,” you read. “Is that your name?”
Champion wagged his tail.
“Aw, you’re so cute.” You flipped the tag over.
If lost, please call this number:
Below that was a number.
You scratched Champion behind his ears and pulled out you phone.
You dialed the number. After a few rings, it went to voicemail.
“Hello. You have reached the personal phone of Dream von Licht. If you have business with Justice Reigns, please call our business phone. If your reason for calling was personal, please leave a message.”
The beep sounded, signaling you were now recording.
What the hell were you supposed to say? The last person on any earth you had expected to be Campion’s owner was the CEO of the largest crime-fighting organization in existence.
You cleared your throat. “I, um, found Champion without his person. If you get a chance, call me back and...yeah.” You laughed nervously. “Sorry; I wasn’t expecting it to be you, Lord Dream. I’m, er, awkward. B-bye.”
You hung up and groaned in frustration. Why did you have to be so awkward? You could’ve done that so much better!
Ugh. Whatever.
You guessed you should take Champion home.
“Let’s go, Champion,” you said. “I’ll get you some food, alright?”
Champion obediently stood and walked home with you.
Charlie kept trying to get him to play, but Champion knew how to behave on a leash. Even though there was no leash.
“You’re a very good boy,” you told him. He gave you a doggy grin and wagged his tail.
He knows he’s a good boy. Adorable.
Your house was only a block away from where you’d found him, so you got there quickly.
You opened the door and Charlie, the proud little boxer he is, pranced right inside. Champion hesitated, but you reached into my pocket and pulled out the bag of treats you brought.
“Come on, bud!” you said. “It’s alright.”
Champion carefully sniffed the treat. Then, he snapped it up and came inside.
“That was easy,” you muttered to myself.
Your house wasn’t very big, but you lived alone so it felt like a mansion. It’s a bedroom, a kitchen, a living room, a bathroom, and a guest room that you used to do all your important stuff.
Once you took Charlie’s leash off and gave him his goodie, he hung around to see if you’d give him anymore. You didn’t. At least, not right away.
Champion watched for a minute, then came up and sat nicely.
“No more,” you said. “That’s it!”
Champion gave a little whine. He really wanted a goodie.
Charlie did his go-to trick for a treat; he sneezed.
“Oh good god-“
You gave them both another goodie. Champion snapped it up greedily and eagerly waited for more.
He was one of those dogs that tried to convince you that no one ever loved them at home, which was proof that he was well-loved.
Lord Dream must miss him a lot.
Once they’d realized you weren’t going to stand there and give them treats all day, Charlie trotted over to one of his toys.
It was one of those stuffed animals with a squeaker, made specifically for dogs who are power chewers.
He grabbed it and bounded over to Champion, going into his play bow again.
Champion sniffed at it. In a matter of seconds, they were happily playing tug.
You watched for a few minutes.
Charlie was a super friendly dog, so you weren’t really surprised he’d gotten Champion, a strange dog, to play with him.
But you were surprised how easily Champion had trusted you. Even the friendliest dogs are usually more trouble.
You wondered when Lord Dream would get your message.
Ink flinched. “I know! I’m sorry!”
Dream didn’t often get angry, but when his dog was concerned, he could get very emotional.
His golden eyes, usually so calm and welcoming, were hard and piercing.
“Why did you let him go?!?”
Ink looked down. “I- I didn’t mean to! The damn squirrel came out of nowhere and surprised me, I didn’t think he’d run after it-“
“He’s a dog, Ink, of course he’d run after a squirrel!” Dream sighed in exasperation, rubbing his forehead. “Go back to where you last saw him. Take someone with you. Don’t come back until you’ve either found him, or the sun starts to set. Understand?”
Ink nodded quickly and left.
Dream put his face in his hands.
On top of everything else, Ink just had to loose control of Champ. Great. Just perfect.
He didn’t notice his phone buzzing on his desk.
Several hours later, Ink and his companion came back without Champion.
“I’m so sorry,” the other human said. He truly was; although Dream didn’t miss the accusing glare the man sent at Ink.
Ink looked ashamed, but Dream knew that he was more scared of being in trouble.
“It’s alright,” Dream muttered. “I’m sure you both did your best.”
They both nodded. Dream sent them off, but Ink lingered.
“Do you need something?” Dream asked him. “I advise you to speak quickly; I’m not your biggest fan at the moment.”
“R-right,” Ink said. “I just thought...if you put your number on his name tag, maybe someone found him and tried to contact you? I know you always have your ringer off, so...maybe you didn’t notice?”
Dream stared at him.
Why the heck didn’t he think of that?!?
He reached for his phone, and indeed, he had a voicemail from an unknown number.
He let it play, Ink still in the office.
It was like a weight had been lifted off Dream’s shoulders.
Now hopefully, this person wasn’t the kind of human who would use his fur baby to blackmail him.
He dialed the person back, signaling Ink to leave.
You were stirred out of your light snooze to hear a phone buzzing. Whomst…?
You blinked and realized that there was more that one furry creature lying next to you.
Oh, right. You had Champion now.
Oh shit was that Lord Dream calling-
You fell out of bed in your haste to answer the steady ringing.
“H-hello, this is Y/N?”
“Good evening,” Said a very calm voice. “I believe I received a voicemail from you about my dog, Champion?”
“Ah, right. Big husky, likes affection and treats?”
The man on the other end chuckled. “Yes, that’s him. Thank you so much for finding him.”
You scratched the back of your head. You never really knew what to do with gratitude.
“I-it’s not a big deal,” you said. “I was taking Charlie for a walk and saw Champion digging through some trash.”
“Either way,” Dream said, “I was anxious.”

You chuckle. “I understand. I’d be frantic if I lost Charlie. He’s smart, for a dog, but he doesn’t have the best sense of self-preservation.”
Dream laughed. “Say, how have Champ and Charlie been getting along? Champ isn’t always the most sociable.”
You looked over where Champion and Charlie had taken over your bed and were snuggled in the most comfortable dog pile you’d ever seen.
“They’re currently asleep, and Charlie has his head on Champion’s belly. Take a guess.”
Dream sighed in what sounded like relief. “That’s good. Can I meet you in the morning to pick him up?”
“Sure!” You say. “Uh, do you know where the dog park is?”
“I do not,” Dream admitted, “But I can certainly find it. What’s it called?”
“Doggo’s,” You said. “One of the dog monsters started it up since he saw there weren’t any already in town. He just named it after himself.” You laughed, remembering the blind monster you’d become friends with. He and his fellow canines Dogamy, Dogaresa, Lesser Dog, and Greater Dog often mooched treats off of you. Occasionally, a smaller dog would come and absorb a tennis ball, then run off.
“Alright,” Dream said. You heard a scribbling sound, and you assumed he was writing that down. “Thank you again.”
“Don’t mention it,” You said. “What time would be good for you?”
“How does nine sound?” He asked.

“That’s fine,” You agreed. “See you then, I guess?”
You heard the tell-tale sounds of someone unwelcome entering the room and saying very loudly, “Hi, Dream! What are you doing?” on the other end. Dream muted the line, but not before you heard him say, in a very sharp tone, “Blue, what in god’s name-“
After sixty seconds, he unmuted it and said, “I’m terribly sorry about that. I’ll be looking forward to see you and Champ tomorrow morning.”
You were tempted to ask who the heck had the balls to break into his house or wherever he was, but decided that that was a terrible idea. Instead you simply said, “Goodnight.” and let him return the farewell before hanging up.
Dream set down his phone. He turned to Blue, who had tried to take his phone and ask who was on the other end. Probably to ask if it was a date. Ugh, Blue.
“Do you have any respect for anyone?” Dream asked through gritted teeth.
Blue, currently hiding under Dream’s desk, grinned. “Why on earth would I?”
Dream sighed in annoyance. “I’m not sure why I asked. Get out, before I kick you out.”
Dream let Blue out from under his desk and glared at him.
“May I ask who that was?” Blue said.
“You can,” Dream replied. “That doesn’t mean I will tell you.”

Blue’s grin grew. “Ooh, secrets, ‘my lord’? How suspicious! Well then, it must be a date, and I’m double curious.”
Dream resisted the urge to groaned.
“Out,” He growled. “Now.”
Blue shrugged. “Alright, alright. But I’ll figure out who it is eventually~”
“And you’ll be sorely disappointed,” Dream muttered. God; why did he have to make every little thing difficult? “Why are you here again?”
“I got bored,” Blue admitted. “Your brother and his friends are avoiding me, if you can imagine.” Blue pretended to be shocked and offended.
Dream rolled his eye lights. “I’m sure I can’t.”
Blue gave him a little wave as he left through the door.”
Welp. There went that problem, and surprisingly easily.
Knowing Blue, he’d probably follow him to Doggo’s and see who he was ‘dating’.
You checked your phone for the time. It was only 8:58, but it felt like it should’ve been later.
You’d only come like five minutes early, jeez.
Charlie and Champion were off on the other side of the dog park, playing with another dog, a big brown wall of fur named Brutus. A small bear would probably describe him better.
Brutus’s owner, a nice man whom you sort of knew, was sitting on a bench, watching the three of the be idiots.
“Charlie getting lonely?” The man asked, pulling you out of your thoughts.
“Hm? Oh, Champion. Sort of? I didn’t adopt him; I found him. He got lost. His owner should be coming around nine.”
The man nodded in understanding. “They must’ve been worried,” he said.
You thought back to the conversation you’d had with the CEO. He’d spoken calmly, but you could hear the relief in his voice.
“Yeah…he was.”
You suddenly spotted something in the corner of your eye.
…Holy crap the rumors were true.
You honestly didn’t believe that Lord Dream had giant glowy bird wings, but that couldn’t possibly anyone else.
And he was opening the gate to the dog park.
The man looked over, and his eye’s just about popped out of their sockets.
“Holy Moses- is that-“
“I think so,” you said. The three dogs stopped. Champion immediately ran over as fast as his little dog legs could carry him. The guy you assumed to be Lord Dream crouched down and greeted the husky enthusiastically.
“Yeah, definitely.”
The man stared at you but you walked over.
“Good morning!” You called. Lord Dream looked up. His golden eyes were full of relief. Champion just about knocked him over with his big husky paws.
“Good morning,” he replied. “Champ, down!” But he was laughing.
Even the most stoic and impassive business man has to have some good in them, if they have a dog.
...Unless they’re one of those horrible people who abuse their dog, but we don’t talk about them.
“Lord Dream, I assume?” You asked, trying not to laugh as the man failed to stop his excited pooch from licking his face.
“Yes,” he managed to say. “And I presume you’re Y/N?”
“That’s me,” you said. Champion was trying very hard to knock over his dad.
Charlie came trotting over, his tail and ears up, and wagged his tail at Lord Dream.
“Charlie,” you laughed, “leave him alone!”
But Charlie wasn’t as well trained as Champ, and tried to get in on the affection Dream was giving.
“Thank you so much,” Lord Dream said again. There was visible relief on his face. You got the feeling that he rarely showed this to anyone.
“It’s no problem,” you assured him again. “Really.”
Dream finally started petting Charlie. Charlie was very happy about this. He gave a little doggy grin and his tail wagged faster.
Then, he and Champ ran off again. Charlie preceded running to playing tug, so Champion ended up chasing him around and around. It was dizzying to watch, but at least they were having fun.
“Eight legs,” you said, “One brain cell.”
Lord Dream laughed. He watched Champ and Charlie almost plow into Brutus, who’d tiredly plopped himself down, but now he was up and running too. He was fast for a small bear. Champion, only slightly smaller, was still faster.
“They’re certainly having fun,” Lord Dream noted.
You shrug. “Dogs will be dogs. And Charlie gets along with almost everyone he meets. I’m not really surprised.”
“Almost?” Dream asked.
You snickered at the memory. “There was this guy. He was an asshole. He was hitting on me, but talking shit about the kind of dog Charlie was, which you really shouldn’t do to someone if your trying to take them in a date, and Charlie may or may not have goosed him. In the rudest way I’ve ever seen a dog goose anyone.”
Lord Dream chuckled. “Dogs are amazing creatures,” he said. “They have ways of knowing when you’re upset, or when someone is bothering you.”
You two lingered for a while longer, until your dogs were so tired they laid down in the grass and panted, tails still wagging.
“I should probably get home,” you said. “It was nice meeting you!”
“As should I,” Lord Dream said. “Champion, come!”
“Charlie! Come on, let’s go for a ride!”
Charlie looked up at you like, ‘what, you want me to get up?’
Champion hauled himself up and tiredly padded over to Lord Dream, plopped his rear end down on his foot, and leaned on his leg.
Lord Dream chuckled and scratched his ears.
“I missed you too,” Lord Dream told him, pulling his leash from his jacket pocket. “Let’s go home.”
Charlie, upon seeing Champion start to leave, jumped up and ran over. Champion stopped at the gate to tell Charlie goodbye, but Charlie whined and cried.
Champion, in turn, nosed Charlie like, ‘ah, come on! It’ll be alright!’
You and Lord Dream looked at each other.
“Um...you know, Charlie and I usually come here around five in the afternoon,” you said. “If you and Champ wanted to come back and play with Charlie.”
Lord Dream smiled. “I’ll keep that in mind. Have a good day, and thank you again!”
It’s a thing now; going to the dog park and chilling with Dream while your idiot dogs run around. It’s great. A lot of the other dog owners are friends with him now, too.
After all, it is a well-known fact that dog owners are friendly. If Dream has a dog, he can’t be as imposing as he looks in press conferences.
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intelwon · 5 years
Viktor is a shy individual when he meets someone, but he blooms and can banter with the best of them once he’s more comfortable. That being said, he tends to be more invested in animals than regular people. He currently owns 7 dogs, all adopted from shelters. A good portion of them are senior dogs that were left because they were considered too old and then 2 of them are handicapped. Annie, a coonhound, only has 3 legs and Theodore is both blind and deaf. One of the senior dogs, Charlie, has taken it upon himself to be Theodore’s personal seeing eye dog. He also owns 3 horses and a stubborn donkey that showed up on his property one day and refused to leave. He did check if anyone had lost a donkey, contacting police and animal shelters, vets, etc. but no one claimed him. He’s a real treat.
Annie is a purebred bluetick coonhound and gets stir crazy very easily. She was dropped off at a shelter with a “we can’t handle her” note attached to her collar and an infection spreading in her leg. They amputated the front left one and Viktor, while volunteering one day decided to take her home with him. Theodore was another volunteer day. He’s a giant samoyed/malamute mix. He was born without eyes and is deaf as well. He was passed around shelters for 4 years before Viktor picked him up. All he does is smile with his tongue hanging out and enjoys lounging at people’s feet. Charlie is 8 years old and he’s some type of Spaniel. When Viktor came home with Theo, Charlie was the first to approach him. He just took the leash in his mouth and started walking him around the house. At that point, the two were inseparable and Charlie makes sure he gets enough exercise, leads him to every meal and keeps him from running into objects… most of the time. Kisha is a 6 year old Irish wolfhound. She’s the only one of the lot that he actually had as a puppy and raised. She is the most well trained of the lot, but they’re all really good dogs so can he really say that about just one? She’s extremely gentle and thinks she’s a lap dog, but if anyone shows any sign that they’re going to hurt Viktor, she can seem very vicious. If she doesn’t trust someone, there is a good reason. She acts almost human and Viktor fully believes she understands every word he says. Luka is a 9 year old Swedish Vallhund that Viktor picked up overseas when he was travelling. The poor dog was roaming the streets looking for scraps and fearful of humans. Viktor spent 2 weeks following the dog and gaining his trust. When he finally let him pet him, the dog’s tail wagged and that was it. Viktor did everything he could and brought him home. Jak is a doberman mix and is 12 years old. He’s the oldest of the lot and his fur is graying around his muzzle and paws. Whoever had him did a poor job of ear cropping and so he’s missing a good portion, if not all of his left ear. He has joint problems but Viktor gives him medicine every day at the same time. He’s slow but he’ll still try and play with the others. Theo and Charlie lay with him a lot. Last is Mila. She is 10 and the odd one out. She’s a little bichon frise and thinks she’s as big as the other dogs. If anything, she’s the leader of this little patchwork pack. The best thing though is that she doesn’t bark. No high pitched yapping. She gets you to do what she wants with her eyes. It’s how she got Viktor to take her home.
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Boston Terrier Puppy. These adorable Boston Terrier pups are ready for a new loving home! The Boston Terrier is a very intelligent breed, they are well mannered and enthusiastic. they are gentle and alert, they pick things up quickly! they have been reported to be good watchdogs, barking only when needed. they get along with children and with elderly people and they are also friendly with strangers! they are playful, and very affectionate and likes to be around you! These pups will make you a wonderful family companion and friend! These pups are up to date on their shots, wormers and have been vet checked! These wonderful pups are family raised and well socialized! They have great personalities! These super friendly, outgoing pups are very playful and love having your attention! They are very kid friendly! If you are looking for a furry friend, look no farther! These pups can't wait to meet you! You are sure to fall in love with them at first sight! Come visit these beautiful puppies, say hi, and adopt the pick of the litter! Boston Terrier Puppy About this Puppy Breed: Boston Terrier Sex: MaleSize: Standard Birth Date: November 9, 2018 Date Available: January 4, 2019 Registration: AKC
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As their name implies, this breed was developed in Boston, Massachusetts. Originally weighing up to 44 pounds, the Boston Terrier was bred down from the bull and terrier pit-fighting breeds. This breed has the distinction of being the first non-sporting dog to be bred in America. Boston Terrier Puppy
The Boston Terrier is compact, sturdy, and small but is not delicate or fragile. This breed has a kind and gentle nature and is often referred to as the American Gentleman. They are lively, high-spirited, and playful. This dapper dog is a delightful combination of determination, strength, balance, and gracefulness. Boston Terrier Puppy
Highly intelligent, alert, and enthusiastic, the Boston Terrier is affectionate and loyal. This breed is quite animated and has a lovely sense of humor. They thrive on human interaction and on being an integral part of the family. They do best in a home with children over the age of eight years and are exceedingly good with the elderly. They will generally get along with non-canine pets, although males may fight with other dogs. The Boston Terrier has a very sensitive nature and will be affected either positively or negatively by tone of voice or the home atmosphere and environment.
Regular brushing with a firm bristle brush will minimize loose hair. This breed should be bathed only when absolutely necessary using a mild shampoo. The Boston Terrier has a tendency to drool so frequent wiping of the face is recommended. They eyes and ears need to be checked and cleaned on a regular basis. Boston Terriers are prone to such health issues as breathing difficulties, heart and skin tumors, and eye injuries. They do not adapt well to weather extremes.
The Boston Terrier has a coat that is fine in texture, short, glossy, and smooth. The color of the coat comes in black with white markings, seal, and brindle. Occasionally the coat will come in brown with white markings. This breed is an average shedder.
The Boston Terrier is eager and quick to learn. They may be difficult to housebreak and the crate training method is recommended. Due to their highly sensitive nature harsh and heavy-handed methods must never be used. This breed responds to praise, fairness, firmness, patience, and consistency.
Relatively inactive indoors, the Boston Terrier is quite content to just be with the family at all times. However, regular daily exercise is a must to keep this breed fit and in shape. They benefit from and enjoy securely leashed walks, family play sessions, and free play in a safely fenced area. Boston Terriers do well in an apartment, condominium, or city dwelling provided they are given sufficient exercise, attention, and stimulation. Boston Terrier Puppy Weight: 10-25 lbs Height: 15-17 inches Color(s): brindle, seal, or black with white markings on muzzle, between eyes, and forechest, and possibly white collar and lower legs Do you think the Boston Terrier is the right breed for you and your family? Check out our available puppies page to see all of our Boston Terrier puppies for sale! Bostons Terrier are known for their expressive faces and amusing sense of humor. They are eager and easy to train, and are excellent with children. These friendly, sturdy dogs are content to be around their people, have a medium energy level, and overall make excellent companion animals. blue boston terrier puppies for sale,  boston terrier puppies for sale in pa,  lilac boston terrier puppies for sale,  miniature boston terrier puppies for sale near me,  teacup boston terrier puppies for sale,  boston terrier puppies for sale in nj,  boston terrier puppies for sale in florida, boston terrier puppies rescue,  boston terrier for sale craigslist,  boston terrier puppies for sale in pittsburgh pa,  top boston terrier breeders, miniature boston terrier puppies for sale near me,  boston terrier puppies for sale in nj,  teacup boston terrier puppies for sale, Boston Terrier Puppies for Sale, | Lancaster Puppies, Boston Terrier Puppies For Sale, | Greenfield Puppies , Wisconsin Boston Terrier Lovers, | Boston Terrier Pups For Sale‎, Boston Terrier Puppies and Dogs for Sale in USA, Buy your Boston Terrier Puppy Online, Boston Terrier Puppies Available in Phoenix & Tucson, Boston Terrier For Sale in Ohio  Hoobly Classifieds, Find Boston Terrier puppies for sale in Australia, How to Find a Reputable Boston Terrier Breeder, How To Breed Boston Terriers puppies, Boston Terrier Puppies Online Shopping, Boston Terrier Dogs and Puppies for sale in the UK, Pure Breed Boston Terrier Puppies For Sale,
Cute Boston Terrier Puppies
Boston Terrier Puppy
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