#charmed series finale
pennumbra · 2 months
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Pin journey update! @xannerz and I were super happy with the response towards the Cass flame design I posted earlier, and we're thinking that it would actually be the best pin for our first project! With that said, here are some other designs we've also been playing around with- perhaps ones to revisit or follow up on in the future. ✨
The hand/moonstone design is the simplest, but it might be my favorite.
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sherbovania · 7 months
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what's up metalgearheads today i'm here at big shell with emma emmerich
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tev-the-random · 1 year
And here I thought there would be a cool moment between Mean Gills, but Martyn fully went "NOPE! NOT HAVING THIS, THIS IS A DEATH GAME, GIVE ME YOUR TIME!"
Like damn he finally got his Red Spring-
Honestly? Also wouldn't have it any other way, I'm glad he was the one
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jovial-gender-jester · 2 months
if there's anything i care about more than magical girls, it's magical women
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curapicas · 3 days
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this was all the way back into chapter 39. hashtag Marcille please reveal SOMETHING about yourself challenge
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welcometogrouchland · 2 months
I am enjoying red hood: the hill, but it's kind of driving me crazy how after they did all that shit in Gotham War, they immediately tried to sweep it under the rug with joker: the man who stopped laughing (even tho the issue wasn't really resolved over there), and now giving Jason a series set in the past so it doesn't have to deal with the fallout...DC please...
#ramblings of a lunatic#dc comics#I heard someone say that the next installment of dc vs vampires is seemingly the last thing Matthew Rosenberg has lined up at DC#which is a shame bc after reading his red hood: gotham war tie-in issues i think he has a pretty decent handling on Jason#the complicated and oft times contradictory line he walks between what violence is necessary and what isn't#but his sympathetic elements and charm are still on display#sigh. i need to read task force z don't i#one day I'll read under the red hood in full to get a taste of full on villain!jason#if i stick w/ GA past the phsycial volume i own I'm bound to come across him again and see if ppl are being normal abt the mia thing#idk I think jason as a character has somewhat suffered due to the fact that his character development was very much connected-#-w the n52 reboot#which worked at the time but now that a lot of that continuity is being brought back#it's making ppl realise that we didn't get a true ''jason putting aside differences to try and work w/ the batfamily'' arc or moment#although I do remember him being anti-heroic in the final crisis tie-in?? with kyle and donna right????#i honestly think jason just needs a bit of tlc and introspection and this new storybeat provides a cool outlet for that#(someone talk to me about my red hood idea/pitch pretty pleasseee)#and definitely some cleaning up of his continuity (maybe after some more universe altering events. sigh)#but instead of hopping right on that when they have the opportunity we're getting an (admittedly fun) flashback series#in which jason is more of a co-star than headliner#bwahhh
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linthehero · 10 months
im curious, brcu fans do you guys also know theater class? and magic funhouse? this might be a dumb question but most of us lean more towards his newer content and Real OG characters and i don’t see people talk about magic funhouse very much and especially not theater class so im wondering
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hdfjsjkj · 30 days
the mortal instruments is a fun book series when you don’t have a bitch in your ear telling you it’s badly written
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thelegendofmrrager · 4 months
Happy to announce after eleven long years... I am finally halfway thru Bleach
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vvelegrin · 7 months
i've succumbed.
grabbed a copy of ender's game from ebay.
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tea-cat-arts · 1 year
Anyone know if someone has edited Mest’s face bouncing around the screen like the Microsoft idle animation while “you ruin everything, you stupid bitch” plays in the background?
And if one of y’all decide to make it, can you please tag me
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paigemathews · 1 year
I have briefly discussed both of the Morris boys before, but I truly do get a kick out of Michael being thrown into magical shenanigans. DJ? DJ’s chill. He’s got this. Mortal as he is, he’s been engrained into the next gen’s chaos for years. He’s working as an assistant private investigator for an agency ran by a witch and minored in like. folklore or classics or something to have more background on some of the random magical things that comes up. He’s not magical, but that world is second nature to him.
Michael? look, he’s a few years older than the rest of them and so everything was pretty chill until he went off to college because that’s when the rest of the next gen started entering high school and figuring out that they can fight demons without telling their parents. Now he visits San Francisco and can’t avoid magical nonsense. He tries very hard to be polite about it, but also is lowkey breathing into a paper bag so the other next gen kids try very hard to leave him out of it but uhhh, it just keeps happening. Like he’s literally in New York and Chris orbs him and DJ into Michael’s apartment and Michael screams before realizing who it is and just has this moment of dread as he asks if there’s something going on in New York and Chris is just 😬 and dips to go vanquish the demon, have fun with your brother!
And like nine times out of ten, he isn’t helpful in a magical situation. Like sure he’s a great lawyer and a generally skilled person, but like. A cross examination isn’t gonna do shit when there’s a demon flinging energy balls at you!! And that’s v funny and all but also: the one time that Chris and DJ show up and are like hey, we need a lawyer is ofc the one time that it’s Michael’s element and so he agrees because this is his little brother (and little brother’s chaotic best friend) and he rolls up except it’s fucking. magic. court. 
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hyperfixationsstation · 10 months
a thing about me is that i have never finished a tv series ever and then ill rewatch them with the intention to finish the series and then ill stop half way through and then move on to whatever my brain wants to fixate on next
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pomarrillo · 2 years
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my favorite part of watching older anime series is when you get to the episode where they finally update the aspect ratio to fit more modern wide screens because it makes me feel like i travelled back in time because i see it and go :0!!! holy shit!!! look at how big that screen is!! despite most things i watch already having a modern widescreen aspect ratio
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figurelifeflirt · 2 years
Charmed Season 4 Episode 13 The End Is Not The End
I was worried we'd end on a cliffhanger. And, well we may never know what the house at the end looks like on the inside, I am happy with the way things ended. I wish we had gotten to see Macey one last time. She was a lovely character and if she had still lived, she had potential to overtake Maggie as my favorite female character. I'm intrigued by Harry's dark lighter powers. He has become a very well rounded character, not to mention sexy as hell. I will miss The Charmed Ones but I'm glad we got to meet them and join them on their magical journey.
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