#chart analysis astrology
mellifluous-fluff · 1 year
Important Notes in Chart Rectification
With Pedro Pascal 
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WHOLE SIGN VERSUS PLACIDUS: There are some basic ideas I would like to address about chart layout and rectification. Let’s begin with the ascendant. Your time of birth tells you which sign was coming over the horizon at your moment of birth. That sign is your ascendant. The ascendant dictates which sign is in your first house, always. In Placidus, the degree of your ascendant is the beginning of your first house, the houses and signs do not share the exact same space. In whole sign, the beginning of the first house is set to the beginning of the sign your ascendant occupies and the ascendant is labeled AC at its degree within that sign. The sign takes up the whole house, thus the name, so in the whole sign system the house and the sign share the same space. The ascendant is crucial to your natal chart layout because it tells you where all of your placements fall within the chart, and since the houses each represent different aspects or areas of your life it tells you where in your life the placements play out. I’ll show you Pedro Pascal’s Chart. (The birth time will move so take note of the changes.)
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These two chart have the same birth time but because the houses are calculated differently you can see how the moon moves from the first house in Placidus to the second house in Whole Sign.
THE MOON: This is not the only important piece of information your birth time gives you. The Moon is the fastest moving object in the natal chart, it changes signs every 2.5 days. This means that if you do not have your correct birth time you will not know the degree of the moon, and if it’s one of the days it changes signs you will not know which of the two signs it occupies. This is crucial information. The moon is your emotional body. It tells how you process your emotions and how you find comfort. Aspects to the moon can tell you a lot about a person and, because all aspects contain an orb of efficacy, the moon in the course of the 24 hours of the day you were born will move in and out of aspect orbs with your other placements. If it changes sign entirely this will also affect how any aspects are expressed. The harmony or disharmony of the element and modality of the aspect will be completely different in a different sign even if the placement is only a degree or two away.
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See how Pedro’s Moon moves from Sagittarius to Capricorn? It also moves into an opposition with Saturn, note the red line connecting the two in the first chart with the 10 pm birth time. At 12am Saturn and the Moon have no relation to each other. The Moon is also moving away from Neptune. An out of sign, out of house conjunction is very different from and in sign, in house conjunction and the farther away they move from one another the weaker the connection. If you have seen any of my other celebrity chart analysis you will also know that numerology plays strongly into the assessment of the chart and thus the exact degree of both the moon and the ascendant are needed for proper analysis. 
THE MC: Something I have seen many people overlook when talking about guessing a celebrity birth time is the MC. They talk about the AC and how the person seems but the AC is more what you see when you know someone personally and have moved past initial impressions. Those initial impressions are the MC. The MC is how people seem to strangers and, in the new digital age, their online persona. I imagine in pre-computer ages this would have been how someone was known publicly to people that they hadn’t met or hadn’t interacted with much. Their public reputation. This makes sense when you think that the MC is the most visible point to everyone and the sign coming over the horizon is there only briefly for those who view it at the time. It’s what everyone sees versus what you see. So when looking at a celebrity chart you need to consider how they are viewed by the public. Specifically, the pervasive and enduring opinions about them that seem to simply exist regardless of evidence to the contrary. That is because the MC is not just how the public views someone but how they WANT to view them. It is very hard to shake the image of the MC and will always be met with anger and outrage. Any time you see a celebrity or online personality facing backlash for a lifestyle choice the public disagrees with it is likely because they are acting against their MC and this creates an uncomfortable friction with the image that their fans have of them in their minds. 
Pedro has said he’s either a Gemini AC or a Cancer AC. This means He’s either a Taurus, Aries, or Pisces MC. These are the important things to look at for those of us who do not know him personally and I will explore them in an upcoming post.
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COMPARE THE HEMISPHERES: When looking at a birth chart without a birth time, what I like to do is make up a few charts with likely AC/MC placements and see how the planets fall and what aspects it makes or eliminates. Sometimes simply looking at a mock up chart can rule it out as it communicates characteristics of the native that they do not possess, but a different birth time will read a lot more like them. For instance in the first examples of his chart with Capricorn or Sagittarius risings the planets are in the bottom half of the chart, meaning they are private and focused on his self development or personal life. With a Gemini or Cancer ascendant the planets are above the horizon meaning his life is more public and geared towards his work and interpersonal relationships. It is not uncommon for a public figure, like an actor, to have most of their planets above the horizon like this since that’s the main area of their lives that they put their time and energy into. It also speaks to being seen, quite literally. 
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carmelcoco · 3 months
venus notes. 🩰
Disclaimer. these observations do not have to resonate with everyone and everything, all expressed in this post is based on personal experience and research.
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(comment down your venus sign & posts which you guys would like to see from my side in the future)
🩰 aries venus
Venus in Aries? Super passionate! Aries is all about passion and action, while Venus is love, beauty, and relationships. So, if you've got this combo, you're all in for fiery romance. You're into your partner big time, always wanting to keep things exciting and new. You might even be the one who starts things off. Quick to fall for someone, you dig that rush of feelings, especially if your crush gets all possessive. Yep, you can get obsessed too, thinking they're "the one". But sometimes, you pick the wrong ones, drawn to the drama. You dive in headfirst, but your passion fades fast if the fire ain't burning. You thrive on arguments or a partner who's a bit aggressive – it's just your style. Love's a thrill for you, so you act on impulse, not always taking it seriously. You're into the chase, but deep down, you want someone who's all in. You're attracted to ambitious, independent types, but in the relationship, you like to be the boss. Bold? Oh yeah! You'll straight-up tell your crush you're into them. Sure, you care about others, but yourself? That's priority. Sometimes, it causes issues in relationships, 'cause you fear losing your freedom. You'll find any excuse to be with your crush, even if it means dragging out a dry convo. Depending on how much you're into them, you might show your wild side early or play it cool. And when you're crushing, hygiene's on point, and you're dressing to impress. You won't admit your feelings outright, but you'll drop hints like crazy.
🩰 taurus venus
Venus in Taurus is renowned for instilling a profound sense of security, stability, and comfort. Individuals with this placement often take pleasure in savoring life's finer aspects, finding delight in material possessions and indulgences. Their relational and moral approach is frequently characterized as traditional or "old-fashioned". They tend to prioritize commitment and steadfastness in romantic connections, upholding conventional values in matters of love. Despite potentially limited romantic experience, those with Venus in Taurus display considerable wisdom in relationships. They exhibit a preference for actions over verbal expressions of affection, recognizing the unreliability of words at times. Their demonstrations of love are earnest and heartfelt, reflecting their belief in the significance of genuine affection. While they may refrain from overtly pursuing individuals they admire, they possess a magnetic allure that draws others toward them. Often possessing physical attractiveness themselves, they appreciate similar qualities in their partners, valuing aesthetics in relationships. Patience is a virtue for those with Venus in Taurus, as they are willing to await the arrival of a dependable, well-established partner. However, this patience can sometimes lead them to remain in unsatisfactory relationships or jobs due to concerns about financial security or other forms of stability. Despite their investment in relationships, individuals with this placement may harbor apprehensions about potential emotional hurt, which can result in them setting boundaries in love. Their cautious approach may deter them from readily reciprocating romantic advances, yet they remain dedicated once committed. They are drawn to ambitious individuals with financial stability, reflecting their own values and aspirations. While they maintain a private stance on their romantic interests, they are discerning in their choice of confidants. Fear of rejection and a desire to maintain a flawless image may occasionally hinder their pursuit of love, yet they persist in their quest for perfection in matters of the heart.
🩰 gemini venus
If your Venus is in Gemini, you're into folks who know how to talk the talk. You're all about people who are smooth talkers, good in social situations, and just plain smart. But sometimes, you get too caught up in what people say and forget to pay attention to what they do, which can cause some mix-ups. You're into exploring different kinds of beauty, art, and love styles, and you can find love in lots of places, not just with a partner. In fact, having a significant other isn't always at the top of your mind. You can be hot and cold in love, one day you're all about someone, the next they're not even on your radar. Commitment? It's not that you can't do it, but you're kinda wary of getting too deep. You like to keep things cool and smooth when you're into someone, remembering all those little details. You're after someone you can connect with on a brainy level, not just an emotional one. So yeah, you might seem a bit distant at times. But hey, you're charming as heck, so people are drawn to you. You're the friendly type, always ready to start a chat and get to know someone better. And when you're crushing, you want to be the one who makes them laugh, so watch out if someone else steals their attention! Before you get all chatty and flirty, though, you keep your feelings under wraps. Seriously, no one can tell you're into someone until you're ready to spill the beans. Gemini Venus adds a playful, fun vibe to your romantic life, and you're all about finding someone who can match your energy and keep things exciting. But deep down, you want more than just fun – you're looking for someone you can really connect with on a deeper level.
🩰 cancer venus
People with Venus in Cancer are super loving. When they fall for someone, they fall hard and fast. When they like someone, they're not subtle about it. They'll either come off as rude or super friendly, no in-between. But with their crush, they'll turn on the charm, trying to be adorable and impress them. They'll pay attention to every little detail and practice what to say in their head. They need lots of reassurance and security in relationships, or they'll feel unloved. But when they feel safe and loved, they're amazing partners. They remember every little thing about you, seriously, everything! Their love is powerful and nurturing. They'll do anything for the ones they care about, even if it means sacrificing for them. They crave deep connections and bonds with others, but they struggle to express their feelings because they're not used to being heard. They're sentimental beings, often getting lost in thoughts about past relationships. They're great at taking care of others, almost like a natural instinct. They have this motherly vibe that attracts people, especially kids. Sometimes they can get a bit too obsessed with the people they like, which can be intense. They're drawn to serious, protective types who make them feel safe. But if they're not into them back, it's like heartbreak city, and they'll go to extremes to win them over. If they settle down, they want stability and security. They're picky about who they fall for, but when they do, they're all in. They'll smother you with affection, wanting you to see how much they care. It's tough for them to spill their feelings, but if their crush is as stubborn as they are, they'll drop some major hints or just come clean. Patience and intuition are key when dealing with them!
🩰 leo venus
People with Venus in Leo are a tough nut to crack when it comes to commitment. They're all about knowing your value and what you bring to the table. If they don't see you giving them the love experience they crave, they're outta there. But watch out, they can fall for love bombs real quick. When someone showers them with attention, they eat it up, even if there are warning signs. They're elegant and charming, craving to be worshipped and adored. They want a partner who shows them off and takes pride in being with them. Winning them over? It's like a game, and they love the power trip. But in friendships, they're super generous and lovely. Sometimes they can come off as cocky, especially when they're trying to impress someone they fancy. But hey, they're great at planning epic dates and spoiling their partners. They're all about themselves too, soaking up compliments like a sponge. They might flirt with people they're not into just for kicks, which can lead to misunderstandings. But when they're truly in love, they're fiercely loyal and generous to a fault. They need someone with as much energy and zest for life as them to feel fulfilled. They're pretty decisive when it comes to their crushes. You'll know where you stand with them, no guessing games. Plus, they've got that magnetic charm that draws people in like moths to a flame. But here's the kicker: they can struggle with commitment issues. They're always chasing the next thrill, and if you don't measure up, they'll drop you like a hot potato. They'd rather start as friends or really get to know someone before diving in. And if they can't brag about you, it's game over. When they like someone, they're not shy about showing it. They'll playfully tease their crush to gauge their interest, and they've got a knack for remembering the little things. They might even go all out and buy them something special just because they mentioned wanting it.
🩰 virgo venus
People with Venus in Virgo can be real overthinkers when it comes to relationships. They nitpick and find flaws where there might not even be any. They're after partners who are genuinely interested in them, who notice the little things about them that they might miss. Remembering tiny details about them? That's a big win. They're all about providing for their significant other, creating stability and order in their relationships. They're not in a rush to fall in love 'cause they're pretty cool flying solo. But don't get it twisted, they're not against relationships, they just need to see the value in it. They're like detectives when it comes to the people they like, studying them inside and out to understand their feelings. They're not the most romantic folks, but they're all about giving you the kind of love that suits you best. They're pretty savvy when it comes to love, relationships, and money. They've got high standards and are picky about who they like. They want to feel special and seen by their partner. They might attract a lot of attention, but catching the eye of someone they're into? That's a whole different story. They've got a playful side, enjoying simple and elegant things. If they're not starting off as friends with their crush, it's probably not gonna go anywhere. They're all about testing loyalty before diving into anything serious. They'll get shy around their crush but will jump at any chance to help them out, just to show they care. They might seem a bit confusing, giving mixed signals, but they're just playing it cool. They won't chase after their crush forever, though. These folks know their worth. Physical touch is their love language, so don't be surprised if they're always trying to playfully wrestle with you or lend a hand. They'll take any chance they get to chat with their crush, even if it means asking to partner up for a project. If their crush can meet their needs as a friend, they'll quickly start imagining a romantic future together. But remember, with these folks, slow and steady wins the race.
🩰 libra venus
Alright, let's dive in! Libra Venus folks are like straight out of a romance novel, smooth talkers and super dreamy. They're total eye candy, but sometimes they hold back 'cause they're scared of looking too soft. Even though they might play it cool, they're secretly love gurus. Seriously, they've got this knack for loving people just right, like they've got a playbook or something. They're suckers for romantic flicks and dream of being treated like royalty. They just want to know their partner's head over heels for them. And they're not stingy with affection either, they'll spoil you rotten. But here's the thing: they're hopeless romantics. They love to flirt, but when they find someone who really lights their fire, they're all in. Love's their main motivation, and they're all about keeping things fair and making sure everyone feels seen. But sometimes, they need a little extra validation themselves to feel secure, which can make them clingy. They've got killer style, and even if they don't, they can rock any look. They're all about making others happy, sometimes to a fault. They dig people who can flirt back, have killer fashion sense, and are down for whatever. Libra Venus folks aren't about taking it slow. They're all about diving headfirst into the action. When they're into someone, they're not shy about it. They'll crack jokes about being together and go all out to win their crush over. They're big daydreamers, always picturing their crush in different scenarios. And they're not afraid to shoot their shot, even if it means embarrassing themselves a bit. If they're not sure about their feelings, they'll keep it under wraps until they figure it out. They're all about cheesy pick-up lines and making their crush smile. They'll do whatever it takes to win them over, even if it means biting their lip and winking. And if their crush shows interest back, get ready for some serious blushing!
🩰 scorpio venus
Alright, let's break it down. People with Scorpio Venus might have a thing for the wrong crowd because they're not feeling too confident. They can latch onto someone real quick and get super intense about it, but they're not easy catches themselves. It takes them a hot minute to decide if they're in it for the long haul, but once they commit, they're in it for life. They've got this mysterious, captivating vibe that draws folks in like magnets. They're all about passion in relationships and they want someone who's all in. Plus, they've got this knack for attracting romantic attention without even trying. But watch out, they can get a bit possessive 'cause once they're into someone, they're all in. They want to be needed by their partner, and they're not big on sharing. They might be into people who are open-minded and don't judge, 'cause they're not big on sharing their feelings. Or they might dig someone who's just as mysterious and seductive as they are. They need friends they can trust, and they're drawn to darker colors like black. They're not big on PDA, but they've definitely got some serious sex appeal. These folks ride a rollercoaster of emotions when they've got a crush. One minute, they're head over heels, the next, they're kicking themselves for catching feelings again. They won't make the first move unless they're sure their crush is into them too. If they do start talking to their crush, they'll try to play it cool at first, but once things are official, they're all about that energy and excitement. They're suckers for old-school romance and passion.
🩰 sagittarius venus
Okay, let's break it down. These folks are total jokesters and love cracking people up, but they can also be a bit wishy-washy when it comes to their feelings for someone. They might dig folks who are a bit obsessed with them, but they also get a kick out of charming people who play hard to get. They're on the lookout for that one special someone who really catches their eye. And let's be real, they can be a bit full of themselves, especially when it comes to love. But hey, it's all part of their charm, right? When they're in love, they're all about having a good time and going on adventures. They might be down for commitment, but they're cautious about who they commit to. They need a partner who's just as fun-loving as they are, otherwise, they'll get bored real quick. They crave that thrill of love and might act on impulse when they're feeling it. They hate feeling tied down and want to keep their freedom because, at the end of the day, they belong to themselves. They're not big on emotions or emotional people, but they do want that passionate love, even if they're not ready to commit to it fully. They're drawn to independent, fun-loving folks who have a bit of influence or power. Their feelings come and go like the wind, and they can be sensitive to rejection sometimes. They'd rather chill with their friends than deal with lovers 'cause friends give them more freedom. They'll show you they care by making a big deal out of the things they think are important. They might even be open to exploring different kinds of relationships, like open ones. And yeah, men with Sagittarius Venus tend to have a thing for women from other countries.
🩰 capricorn venus
Alright, let's simplify this. So, folks with a Capricorn Venus aren't big on showing their feelings openly. They're more about investing in the relationship for the long haul. They like to feel needed and show love in practical ways, like providing security and stability.They're super loyal but can get jittery if things don't feel stable. They're not great at expressing their need for care and nurturing, but they crave it deep down.When they find someone they're serious about, they're all in. They can come off as a bit blunt sometimes, but that's just their style. They're into classy, professional vibes, and they've got a secret, wild side, especially in the bedroom.They can be a tad controlling and protective when they're into someone. They're not the type to shout their crush from the rooftops, though. They keep it on the down-low or share it with close pals.Rejection hits them hard, and they might get cold and distant. They attract a lot of friends who crush on them, but they're all about impressing their main squeeze. They'll drop everything to be there for their crush, even if it means ditching their own plans.They're not shy and will chat up a storm. Body language is big for them, and they're social butterflies who also enjoy their alone time.Spirituality is a big deal for them, and they can seem a bit distant sometimes. They're not into clingy or flighty types; they dig someone strong and independent. Their soft side only comes out when they feel totally safe and secure.
🩰 aquarius venus
These folks are pretty one-of-a-kind when it comes to love. They're into quirky and unique people, so if you're not a bit "weird," they might not be into you romantically. They're also super straightforward—they'll tell you exactly how they feel. Sometimes, they're a bit hesitant about love, but deep down, they really want it. They're more logical than emotional, which helps them see the truth in relationships. They're attracted to folks who like them for who they are, inside and out. They enjoy being with friends more than lovers and might even fall for their pals sometimes. They really value their individuality and freedom to be themselves. They can be a bit attention-seeking, but once they find the right person, they're good. They rock platform boots and oversized shirts like nobody's business! They're huge daydreamers and love learning everything about their crushes. Starting as friends is cool with them, but it's not a must. They're the type to get super excited over a simple "Good morning" text from their crush. Just remember, their crushes come and go, so be your unique self to catch their eye. They're not into superficial stuff when it comes to attraction, especially if there are no issues in their chart.
🩰 pisces venus
These folks have this whole picture in their head of what their ideal partner should be like—how they act, everything. But if reality doesn't match their fantasy, they can lose interest real quick. They're big on romance, sensitive, stable, and love creativity. They want someone who can handle a relationship but also has a bit of chaos in them. When they love, they really go all in, even to the point of sacrificing themselves. But sometimes they end up giving their love to the wrong people. They're used to attracting the wrong types because they don't realize they deserve better. They're into spiritual stuff like crystals and incense, and when they're in love, they can act all childish. Logic goes out the window when they're in love—they miss red flags because they're too focused on their ideal traits. They're also super generous, even if they can't afford it. They're great listeners and really empathize with their loved ones' problems. They might crush on someone just because they're good-looking or fit their fantasy. But when reality hits, they can turn cold real fast. They're always on the lookout for that one perfect soulmate. Pisces Venus folks are the ultimate hopeless romantics. They're always dreaming about their perfect love story, which sometimes leads them to ignore warning signs. They're all about putting others before themselves and seeking that deep spiritual connection with their partner. Being sensitive souls, they can really understand what's going on beneath the surface in a relationship.
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this post was created by @carmelcoco on tumblr <3 if reposting my work please give credits.
pics by @i04rei
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perpetualcosmos · 2 months
Mini Astrology observations
*please note that these are my personal observations, not yet coming from a professional opinion*
❃ Most Virgo placements tend to be into music/art/digital art and will definitely have something related to stomach issues or issues regarding their health. Hence we see most people with these usually have a focus on their health (subject to change with the aspects involved in the chart).
❃ saturn/Capricorn placements have been through many lessons during their lifetime, especially their childhood. Most of them have had to grow early and take charge of their life, these lessons sometimes being harsh that it affects their mental health as well. They also work hard and learn to stand on their own feet early on but they struggle through a lot. Delays could've happened in their career but when they reached a quotient, they truly do shine when they have learned from the trauma and lessons.
❃ People with Venus in 12th/8th house, do sometimes attract partners who might have toxic traits around them and could be very insecure of their success or happiness. You will always have a strong intuition about this, but you might also excuse your persons/partner's behavior when you are w.r.t. underdeveloped.
---> As 12H is the house of hidden enemies, along with idealized standards of these individual, they truly have to learn to assert boundaries and learn to balance out a connection/relationship. As well as you might also have a strong intuition, knowing it might not end well or have a "feeling" That the connection might not work but would stick because of this love with the idealised side of the person. For ---> 8H - you don't love easily, but when you fall, you fall hard. Your relationship would bring out alot of triggers for you in general, alot of the suppressed underdevelopment might start coming out through your relationships/connections. It's always taken to extremes, either very happy or very chaotic. Many lessons, could be that your person might also be insecure of your financial stability.
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A/N: thank you for checking this post 🫶
With grace & love ✨
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uyuforu · 4 months
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Uyu's Astrological Observations II
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₊˚⊹ ᰔ Pisces Rising looks so angelic, their beauty is out of this world
₊˚⊹ ᰔ Stop forgetting degrees when you check your placements!! It's like eating food with our flavor.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ Saturn isn't a planet only about challenges and obstacles, it also means long term things! Saturn needs more love, it's not a bad planet!
₊˚⊹ ᰔ I discovered from @psychelis-new that you are more likely to get vivid dream on a full moon of a sign that is important in your chart. (ex.: I'm Leo sun, and I got vivid dreams on a Leo full moon)
₊˚⊹ ᰔ If you check your synastry with a celebrity and their personal planets fall in your 8H, you are obsessed (big + if it's their Neptune).
₊˚⊹ ᰔ Vertex in 7H Composite is a huge sign for marriage
₊˚⊹ ᰔ Alma conjunct Juno Synastry... true love placement.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ 6H synastry is truly beautiful to me and not talked enough. It gives healing energy.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ One of my best friend and I got our sun in each other's 6H, and we have been helping each other a lot on a daily basis, but also spiritually.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ One of my best friend has 8H stellium in her natal chart, and men are obsessed with her. Because Chiron is here, it also explains why she hates it.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ This best friend also got a bf, and in their synastry, his Union asteroid exactly conjunct her Venus, and he totally fell in love at first sight ;-;
₊˚⊹ ᰔ One of the Twin Flame synastry to me is having a lot of opposites placements
₊˚⊹ ᰔ Me and my TF have our sun in each other's 4H, it's truly cute to me. We are each other's home.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ Leo stellium in Solar Return Chart could indicate getting fame for something
₊˚⊹ ᰔ If someone's North Node exactly conjunct your South Node, they are your karma...
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lunaapudleonem · 5 months
Astro observations about ✨synastry placements✨
4th house synastry placements = i've noticed that if romantic partners have a lot of planets in each others 4th houses or one partner has a stellium of planets in another partners 4th house, that can indicate very close relationship since the moment the two individuals met. They feel like they're with someone who's like family to them so it also might happen that some of their flaws and weaknesses are exposed at the beginning of the relationship. For example, it is not unusual that very early on one of them helps the other partner when they are sick, sleeps over, goes grocery shopping with them or cooks for them/with them. They also might cuddle a lot and have a hard time separating from one another when they are together (since 4th house synastry placements can indicate clinginess in the relationship). Talking about each other family situations, bonding over family trauma and discussing about their everyday routine is also most likely to happen early on in the relationship.
5th house synastry placements = these placements can indicate that the relationship between the two individuals is very amusing, fun and dynamic. These placements can sometimes indicate that there is some level of competitiveness between the partners. The partners also might enjoy playing different kinds of games together, trying out new things and being creative together. One persons Mars in another persons 5th house can indicate fun and creative sex life. One persons Moon in another persons 5th house can indicate that the Moon person feels very excited and joyful when they are around the house person.
Mars - Jupiter positive aspects in synastry = great and often sex, high sexual desire between the partners
One persons Venus in the other persons 3rd house = the house person loves to flirts with the Venus person and the Venus person is absolutely mesmerised with the way the house person expresses themselves. Good communication, good banter and discussing interesting topics is what characterises the relationship. + Mercury - Mercury positive aspects and one persons Mercury in another persons 1st house can also indicate amazing conversation that starts from the moment the two individuals meet. Basically these two people can't shut up when they are together.
Moon - Mars tight aspects = be careful since these placements can indicate high fertility (it is even higher if there are 4th and 5th house placements in the synastry)
Chiron - Venus/Moon aspects = these relations between the Chiron and the planets can be very hurtful, it can indicate sometimes a toxic relationship
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vivmaek · 7 months
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♂ Virgo Mars - It seems as though individuals with this placement are running off some sort of nervous energy. It is best if these types are kept busy. They feel a deep need to be productive and are constantly scrounging for something to do. Relaxing is not something that comes easy to them. Their body is always occupied with some sort of task, they always have something to do. People with a Virgo Mars make for excellent multi-taskers. They can take on multiple projects all at once without forsaking the quality of their work. Systems and routines keep these people in check. They wouldn't be able to carry out all their plans without being diligent and organized.  Within the span of a single day, a Virgo Mars will carry out their work duties, participate in their favorite hobbies, run errands, and then socialize with friends. They can do it all. To others their life may seem rather hectic even if they personally feel like things are running smoothly. 
♂ Leo Mars - This is a great position for mars. People with this placement are truly in charge of their own lives. They run off a lot of passion and vitality, they love life. These types display a sort of strength that never goes unnoticed. They are incredibly ambitious and set big goals for themselves. Confidence and strong convictions will help them carry out their endeavors. They step into the role of a leader without thinking and have no problem dictating the actions of others. More often than not, these types tend to act on their ego. A Leo Mars carries everything out in a manner that is dramatic or grand. They have big hearts. Disloyalty and betrayal anger them the most. They seek admiration through their actions, and if this isn’t given to them, they will freak out. They are also more easily embarrassed in comparison to other placements. Humiliation is something they fear. 
♂ Cancer Mars - The actions of a Cancer Mars are directly tied to their emotional state. The same can be said for the level of energy that they display. They frequently go through highs and lows. They will feel ready to take on the world and then a couple weeks later they’ll feel a need to hide from the world. If they are in a bad mood, nothing is going to get done. However, they are still helpful. They don’t want to let people down and will still lend a hand if needed. Although there are times in which these types choose to be passive, they also have the ability to be direct and authoritative. When faced with injustice or the hurt feelings of others, they will stand up for what they believe is right with conviction. They are protective over people, and they express aggression in a way that is covert and manipulative. 
♂ Gemini Mars - People with this placement are forever outrunning boredom. They stretch themselves thin when it comes to being busy and taking on plans. A Gemini Mars is incredibly restless, these people are always on edge. When irritated, their words are cutting. Their nervousness may be mistaken for anger by others. They use a lot of sarcasm and love to stir up verbal debates. People with this placement might struggle with maintaining focus. They are great at starting projects but lack follow through. They become distracted easily, or even worse, they might become bored. Discovering the newness of life is what makes these types feel passionate. They live on the edge of their seats and their actions are driven by curiosity. A Gemini Mars needs to be doing something interesting everyday to feel satisfied. Quiet routines and the methodical process of everyday life drain people with this placement. 
♂ Taurus Mars - Those with a Taurus mars have a stubborn streak that surprises others. These types are calm and take life slow. For the most part, they live life in peace. They stick to themselves and aren’t ones to get involved in conflict or drama. Their goals are important to them, and they are methodical in their approach to success. People with this placement have an unwavering sense of determination. They don’t define themselves through their setbacks and failures. They understand the value of being still. Once they’ve set their mind on something, there is no turning back for them. Other people might mistake them for passive. However, they have no problem saying no and will put up a fight if their decision is pushed. They might become provoked if people unexpectedly change plans. These types are driven by stability and struggle with being adaptable. 
♂ Aries Mars - Impulsive, reckless, and flashy are just a few words that come to mind when thinking about this placement. People who have an Aries Mars are driven by instinct and tend to lead exciting lives. They’re not afraid to take action and are always ready for what's coming next. They move through life quickly. These types are competitive and like the idea of being the first to do something. They want to be number one, or the best, in whatever it is that they do. They’re quick to make decisions and love to take on a challenge. They lack patience and are angered by passive aggressiveness.  This placement is famous for displaying a quick temper. But, they are also quick to get over conflict and don’t hold grudges. 
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ghostlyferrettarot · 5 days
🖇☁️Astro observations #4☁️🖇
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❗️All the observations in this post are based on personal experience and research, it's completely fine if it doesn't resonate with everyone❗️
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★Air Signs form friendships for life, they are family to them. They tend to have a closer relationship with their "tribe" or friends than with their blood family.
★Pluto 1st house gives the natives an enigmatic aura to them and a curious nature. They are great detectives.
★Venus-Mars conjunt tends to intensify their relationships; they love passionate connections and doesn't like monotony.
★Sagittarius Risings are good mentors, they are really understanding and pasionate about their interests.
★Taurus moons are really observants of their environments, they don't talk much but when they do, they always know exactly what to say.
★Water Moons and Taurus moons have a lot of artistic potential, they connect with what they do in a really profund way.
★Virgo in the 2nd house tends to have an obssesion surronding some material things, for example collecting books or figurines.
★Fire Moons are really good public speakers, they have a talent for social connections.
★Scorpio Rising likes their privacy, they could go through a full 180° transformation without you even notice at the start.
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rainy-astrology · 1 year
Venus signs
My view on Venus ruling different signs. Venus is the planet of love and beauty, attraction, expression, and creativity. May change/add to this later.
Aspects to Venus, house placements, and degrees can affect how your Venus expresses itself.
If you like kpop and astrology, I do chart readings for idols and astro notes. List is here
Venus Aries is in detriment. Venus has a soft and calm energy, whereas Aries are often the opposite. They're not very romantic and/or affectionate people at all. If anything, they seem quite awkward with it. They want to show their love to others but don't seem to know how. Despite this though, they will still show their deep care and passion regardless.
E.g BTS Suga - he clearly loves the members, but he seems a bit awkward in how to initiate his affection. He likes holding hands (however seems very shy about it), dislikes arguing and will show affection to avoid it, and even wanted to get a red string tattoo with them.
Venus in Taurus is domicile. Very sensual and relaxed kind of energy about them. Very nice and calm. Can make anyone feel comfortable with them. May attract all sorts of people. They like to take things slow, don't like to rush. Need to truly feel you physically and emotionally. They really want to make sure they can trust you. May be into luxurious things, have an eye for elegant fancy things.
Seem to crush very easily and on many different people. They like intellectually stimulating people. Their way of bonding with others seem to be having any type of conversation - no awkward moments, just endless and random discussions. They may be into preppy kind of fashion or just something nice, they want to look stylish and smart.
A bit shy and closed off at first, but once they like someone, they can be really attached. Clingy clingy venus sign. They'll give you a lot of love and want you to reciprocate it, even if they don't say so. They really will do almost anything for people they love. I also notice they look quite nice in pale and light colors like a pastel blue, just a soft palette in general.
Leo venuses are very expressive about their love and loyalty to others. Grand gestures are both given and received. Even if they aren't the most visibly affectionate, they still have other little ways of showing it. They can have a bold sense of style or just naturally stand out without even trying.
Venus is fall in Virgo. Virgo doesn't mix well with the carefree, loving free nature of Venus. Virgo Venuses are the probably the hardest to tell if they like you or not. The least openly affectionate. However, their love language seems to be acts of service. After all, Virgos like to help people. They're also highly observant - they notice every little thing about you and will keep note. I also notice they just like to watch people, just enjoy their close ones' company. Prefer clean and simple fashion, Virgos want to look presentable since they're very image conscious.
As a Virgo Venus myself, I've been called cold and heartless since I am not very affectionate...Hugs, kisses, saying I love you, and all that is just not for me. However I show my care in other ways - I'll always listen if you need me to, give advice, and try to help with whatever you're struggling with.
Venus is domicile in Libra. Libra Venuses seem to love giving their love to others. They really like giving and receiving affection. Playful and charming. All Libra Venuses I've met and observed are not shy about their love at all. May really be into light toned colored clothing, loose and flowy clothes, pretty, elegant aesthetics.
Venus is detrimental in Scorpio. Known for their obsessive and possessive nature, Scorpio Venuses can get very attached and obsessed to people they like. Scorpio is too intense for Venus. They're definitely the type to pursue with no hesitation if someone catches their eye. All or nothing. They're very observant like a Virgo Venus and really won't forget anything about you. A lot of them seem to like wearing dark clothes, maybe a little on the cool/edgy side.
Sagittarius venuses seem to like being mean as affection...Playful teasing and light bullying. But to be fair, I've rarely seen Sagittarius placements that are...soft and gentle. It takes a lot of effort to actually catch them since they don't fall for people easily and would rather be on their own most of the time. They might date just for a fun experience, since Sags want to experience every part of life. If they do truly like you, they will want to take you on their adventures too
Capricorn Venuses have very high standards, very picky. They are slow to letting people in, but they can be very sweet and almost cheesy once they like you. Cap venuses let down their serious exterior down if they trust you enough. They will always try to help you if you need it. They may like to buy or make gifts for people they like. They really seem to like vintage items and clothing, very refined sense of style.
One of my best friends has this and she's quite affectionate towards me. She likes buying/making me gifts, tells me she loves me, and has joked about kissing me - she knows it makes me cringe and gets a laugh from it. She's also an Aquarius dominant and Scorpio rising...Those 2 + a Cap venus is kind of surprising isn't it lol? She also thinks about having a partner, but her type of men seem to only exist in fiction lol
Aquarius Venus people may prefer to be friends first before becoming romantic. They definitely love platonic bonds though and may love to spend a lot of time with their friends and/or families. They want to be with unique, like minded people. They may like strange people, just like themselves. I honestly think they care the least about physical looks - we all care to a degree but for an Aquarius Venus, you really can not simply win them over with just looks alone. Definitely need to be an interesting individual, need to stick out to them. A lot of them may like to dress comfortably, may wear solid colors. Have their own sense of style that usually doesn't adhere to social standards. But still well put together
Venus is exalted in Pisces. The romantic and idealism of Venus is boosted even more in Pisces. Pisces are very dreamy and romantic for sure, very artsy and creative. I've noticed Pisces Venus are very warm and welcoming to everyone. They're empathetic and understanding people, sensitive. The downside is probably they can be a little too open and hopeful, need to be brought back to reality sometimes. Other than that, they're usually really sweet people.
Astrology notes
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cyb0rs · 1 year
★ Marilyn Monroe ★
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Birth Chart Reading ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
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୨୧ Her big 3 ୨୧
Gemini Sun —Aquarius Moon —Leo rising
Despite being a highly intelligent, cultured, and well-read woman with a personal library of over 400 books, Marilyn Monroe's intelligence was often overlooked during her lifetime. Her curiosity and diverse interests are the things that I mostly attribute to her Gemini sun a sign that is known for being a "jack of all trades." Marilyn’s love for reading was a reflection of her intellectual curiosity. However, the media portrayed her as a one-dimensional figure, focusing solely on her physical appearance and labeling her as a bimbo and sex symbol. Marilyn Monroe's Aquarius moon greatly influenced her worldview and political beliefs. She was a strong advocate for equality, even during a time when it was considered radical to stand up for marginalized groups. For instance, she helped elevate Ella Fitzgerald's career by using her own influence to secure Fitzgerald a performance at a popular nightclub. Marilyn Monroe's Leo rising was a key factor in her becoming the iconic figure that we know today. A savvy businesswoman, she was skilled at reinventing herself to capture the public's attention. Her Leo rising was an extreme example of the placement, a placement associated with glamour, fame, beauty, and self-expression. Scorpio in the 4th house in her chart may have contributed to her difficult upbringing, including living in foster care and having a neglectful, alcoholic mother and an absent father. These challenging circumstances may have influenced her tumultuous love life. What I love about Leo risings in general is that no matter what they’re going through they’re able to wear a persona that shows the outside world otherwise, an example of that was when Marilyn came out of the hospital smiling to the photographers after she had a miscarriage.
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✥ Key aspects in her birth chart ✥
A tumultuous childhood
Chiron in the 10th house —Pluto in the 12th house house —Saturn in the 4th house
Chiron: an individual’s greatest emotional wounds.
10th house: public image, reputation, structure, father, fame.
Pluto: an individual’s path to the dark night of the soul and through it. Destruction and regeneration.
12th house: solitude, institutions, confinement, mental illness.
Saturn: an individual’s accountability to their responsibilities. Restriction and limitations.
4th house: home, family, mother, roots.
It is absolutely fascinating to see that Marilyn had these placements in her chart. Chiron’s presence in the 10th house shows that she had to rely solely on herself for parenting and may have felt unwarranted guilt over her father leaving the family. This contributed to her never experiencing a normal childhood and being burdened with an excessive amount of responsibility at a very young age. Her struggles and troubles were evident to the public (the 10th house). The 10th house looks at the 4th house where her Saturn lies the planet of restriction, lessons and struggles in the 4th house the house of home family and the mother which offers insight into her home life and parents. Unfortunately, marilyn’s mother was mentally unstable and struggled with alcoholism, leading to her being institutionalized and unable to provide a stable home environment for Marilyn. As a result, Marilyn never felt safe in her home and lacked a consistent parental figure to rely on. Finally, Pluto in the 12th house, Pluto is the planet of transformation, destruction and rebirth, having this intense planet in this house was really difficult for her she struggled with her mental health all her life this Pluto placement in the 12th house indicated that she had to be put in a foster care because she had no one to take care of her. She had to bear an unreasonable amount of responsibility from a very young age.
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Neptune conjuncts her ascendant— Lilith in the 1st house
This placement could help explain the public’s obsession with her and could be a driving factor behind the media’s portrayal of her as nothing but a beauty queen/sex symbol, often neglecting other qualities and talents. Since Neptune could indicate illusion, it’s possible that the way people idolized Marilyn was more based on a fantasy and imagination than reality— merely a projection of her but not the real her. Unfortunately, this skewed depiction of her is the cause of the public’s objectification of her which was deeply dehumanizing and debilitating for her mental health. Lilith in the 1st house might have felt to her like that her deepest wounds, insecurities and shame were crystal clear to her and were things that she might have been aware of constantly all the while being unmercifully sexualized by the media. She is naturally alluring that is what these placements essentially convey.
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Mars in pisces
This particular placement is another placement that furthermore made the media and the public objectify her. The Piscean influence in her chart highlights certain characteristics such as a tendency to repress anger which may led to her depression as reported by the close people around her that she would stay in bed & eat, that she wouldn’t shower for days and that her bed would contain food crumbs from all the times she ate on her bed without having the physical and mental strength to clean the room due to her depression. She had a perceived sense of victimhood she felt defeated by the media and the terrors of her past haunting her. Another angle of the illusion that this Piscean placement shows is people’s perception of her, the way they viewed her as a sex symbol despite her stating that she hates sex.
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Moon square Saturn
Having her moon in the 7th house squaring her Saturn in the 4th house shows how she tried to fill the void that was caused by her early childhood traumas by clinging onto the men that she was involved with. She might have looked for love in those men but also for her identity. She was an intelligent woman and she was enamored by her husband Arthur Miller who was a playwright who happened to be the first man in her life to validate her intelligence and took her and her hunger for knowledge seriously. Another man who happened to meet her and spend time with her stated that her whole life was a search for identity and that her sexual persona was a complete lie.
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astrosky33 · 6 months
CHART ANALYSIS P1: The Sturniolo Triplets
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Triplets/Twins Charts
Triplets and twins are born on the same day and sometimes will have the same or close birth times because of c-sections like the Sturniolo Triplets. Many people because of this ask, how do they have such different personalities but have the same chart? The explanation is astrology is a polarity and also certain challenges or situations in your life can activate specific placements more than others and in turn can give you stronger energy from that placement. Also keep in mind if the birth times are even seconds away from each other the rising degree can change which makes a big impact as well
Their Fame Indications
Some examples I will be using are in these celebrities Sidereal charts
☆. ┊Uranus in the 11th house
This is a big indication of gaining fame through social media since Uranus represents technology and the 11th house represents fans. People with this placement can easily accumulate lots of followers online. Fame may even happen for these people very suddenly since Uranus also represents sudden changes/events
Ex: Jake Paul, Noah Beck, Vinnie Hacker, IShowSpeed
☆. ┊Neptune in the 10th house
Neptune is an underrated planet when it comes to fame and not talked about much, but it represents glamour, idealization, and is also the higher octave of Venus. Placed in the 10th house which is the house of fame can not only indicate fame but also that many people are inspired by them and that they can attract many copycats
Ex: Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson, Walt Disney, Jesus
☆. ┊Leo stellium
Stelliums show important and prominent energies in our life similar to chart rulers and north nodes. Leo is ruled by the Sun which represents attention/spotlight so this stellium can bring you lots of attention even if unwanted
Ex: Dylan O’ Brien
☆. ┊Mercury in the 5th house and their 3rd house ruler in the 5th house
The 3rd house and Mercury represent social media and the 5th house represents attention/spotlight. This can indicate gaining lots of attention on social media more easily than others
Their 3rd house sign is Cancer (ruled by the Moon) and their Moon is in the 5th house
Ex: Addison Rae
☆. ┊Fame Degrees 11°, 17°, and 28°
Neptune at 11° (the internet fame degree) can cause many people on the internet to find you creative and be inspired by you. It can also cause people on the internet to find you very attractive. This is a big indication of fame in general as well; Ex: Olivia Rodrigo, Taylor Swift
Pluto at 17° is a big indication of fame since 17 in numerology rules over fame and Pluto represents power; Ex: The Weeknd
Moon at 28° not only indicates wealth but also is a household name degree; Ex: Kim Kardashian
Small Differences in their charts that have a big impact
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Nick is the only one who has a different ascendant degree than the others. His rising degree is at 7° while Matt and Chris’ rising degree is at 8°. If you aren’t familiar with degrees click here but basically 7° is a libra degree and 8° is a scorpio degree. Your rising degree can have a huge impact on your identity, personality, mannerisms, and appearance. Libra is ruled by the planet Venus which is the planet of femininity and Nick is the most feminine one out of all of them. Some say Libra placements/degrees can also be an indication of being a part of the LGBTQ+ community and from what I’ve seen in peoples charts I do personally agree that it can be an indication
Chris is the only one that has a different Midheaven degree than the others. His MC degree is at 21° while Nick and Matt’s are at 20°. This can affect the way the public views Chris a lot differently than Matt or Nick. It can also affect Chris’ purpose in his career compared to the other two
Their Asc Persona Charts
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TW: Weight
Even with their birth times all one minute apart they still have entirely different ascendant persona charts -> more about pc’s which can give them all entirely different personas and can make their appearance slightly different
Ex 1: Nick has Jupiter in the 1st house in his Ascendant Persona Chart. Jupiter can represent abundance and the 1st house represent the physical body. They’ve said before that Nick weighs 20 pounds more than Chris and Matt
More Observations
✧. ┊Saturn in the 3rd house
Your Saturn placement is an underrated place to check for insight on your career/s because Saturn rules over work. With there’s being in the 3rd house it makes sense cuz that’s the house that rules over social media and they’re YouTubers/Tiktokers
✧. ┊Neptune square Ascendant
This aspect can cause people to copy you and as you may know there’s lots of people that try to copy their videos and the things they say (ex: shebami and his friends). This is because Neptune rules over mirroring and idealization while the Ascendant represents your identity/self. It makes others want to be you and mirror you
✧. ┊Mercury conjunct Jupiter
This can indicate being very funny since Mercury represents humor and Jupiter represents comedy. It indicates being successful through social media as well
✧. ┊Astrocartography Lines through Los Angeles
In their astrocartography map they have both a north node square as line and jupiter line through LA which I’ve found are common in charts of people who are famous
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natalyarose · 1 month
𝓚𝓾𝓻𝓽 𝓒𝓸𝓫𝓪𝓲𝓷 - 𝐵𝒾𝓇𝓉𝒽 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓇𝓉 𝒜𝓃𝒶𝓁𝓎𝓈𝒾𝓈
warning: very, very long lol
I wanted to create an in depth chart analysis on someone, and it had to be someone famous whose life I knew well. I honestly don't keep up with celebrities much, but the obvious answer to me was Kurt. When I was an angsty, hurting, misunderstood young teenager, he had my whole heart. I came from a very 'pristine' upperclass neighbourhood, yet my home life was a battle ground. In my childhood, I didn't meet a lot of people like me who were also hurting or have been to dark places (or at least, nobody would talk about it), so someone as raw as Kurt & a sound as unapologetic as Nirvana was like an oasis, I felt love. I sort of grew out of the 'obsession' with him as a person, but I still remember the way Nirvana and Kurt's imprint on this Earth made me feel. I was utterly intoxicated. The music, the poetry, the eyes, the passion, the pain of an outcast, the sarcasm, the anger at injustice... magic.
So without further ado, let's delve into Kurt's chart. I'm going to try to talk about the key things I notice. I'll be applying Ernst Wilhelm's Dhruva Galactic Center Ayanamsa (on Astroseek, Galactic Center mid-mula).
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Moon in Punarvasu
Let's start with the Moon, typically considered the most intimately personal planet in Vedic Astrology. It actually takes some adjusting for me to see Kurt as a Punarvasu Moon since in Lahiri he is Ardra and I think he's sort've become a 'poster child' for the moody, edgy, destructive nature of Ardra. Even I used him as a prime example of Ardra in a video a few years ago... but I realise now it makes perfect sense. He is still very Rahuvian, which I'll further explain in a bit.
First of all, we're looking at the Sidereal Gemini section of Punarvasu-a brilliant mind, comedic, a writer, a communicator, and as we know a musician. I see Punarvasu's Jupiterian nature in his kindness, gentleness and intense loyalty to his values when it comes to protecting & advocating for the innocent. Kurt was very protective of women and children and despite his 'rockstar' image, was humble and always seeking to use Nirvana's music to advocate for social change. I know this behaviour can be seen as Rahuvian in nature, but I actually think this perception comes from misunderstandings from the Ayanamsa issue. Rahuvians can absolutely take an interest in social/political protest, but often Rahu natives prefer to 'play the game' and find purity and order in the chaos & illusions rather than actively push for expansion (Jupiter) and change.
As seen through various forms of literature & media documenting his life, Kurt had a tendency to look out for & befriend underdogs- a common trait of Jupiterians.
Another thing to note is that Jupiter rules sound. A strong Jupiterian placement gives an extremely powerful sonic presence. Kurt was an amazingly versatile singer, his ability to alternate between soft, melodic vocals & raspy, fierce, powerhouse metal-esque vocals was- is, phenomenal. The emotion and meaning conveyed in his voice is felt vibrantly even when the lyrics are muffled (famously, Nirvana lyrics are hard to understand lol).
The gentle nature of Kurt's Punarvasu Moon really shines through in these photos I love. Not to mention, Punarvasu being the Cat yoni! Kurt adored his cats. He also adored his daughter, in the sadly, short time he spent with her, in interviews and photos taken around the time we get a glimpse of his love and tenderness.
Physically, yes, Kurt has very Rahuvian gorgeous eyes, the 'scruffy' look that's typical of Rahu men, etc. - but look at his chin! Jupiterian natives are easily identified by their prominent chins (Jupiter connecting to the voice places an emphasis on the chin/throat area). Not to mention his hair- Cat yoni Nakshatras often give very sleek, smooth hair like a kitty cat. I know a few Punarvasu men with that kind of hair.
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Punarvasu Nakshatra is often connected to imagery of angels. A lot of famous photos of Kurt depict Angel-esque wings in the background. Nirvana's album 'In Utero', depicts the figure of a woman with angelic wings. I see the Punarvasu angelic effect in the way I often see people remarking that Kurt was 'too pure for this world'.
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One more distinctly Punarvasu theme I want to mention - Punarvasu's mythology is all about second chances, 'trying again'. Before Nirvana, Kurt started a band called 'Fecal Matter' (lol, wonderful). The band fell apart, but then came Nirvana. It is said that Punarvasu natives always get a 'second chance' or that things come in twos.
Another much sadder manifestation of this theme: As talked about in 'Kurt Cobain: Montage of Heck', as a teenager Kurt Cobain attempted suicide. He heard a train was coming then went and lay on the tracks. It turned out that the train went on the other track. I guess you could say he got a 'second chance' in a way.
As we know, his life ended through suicide :(
Kurt's Punarvasu Moon sits in his 10th house, considered the house of career, the public eye and ambition. This makes perfect sense and is a very common placement to see in celebrities. With Moon in the 10th house, the emotions and internal nature are on display to the public in some way, which is true for Kurt. The native is radiant and marvelled at in their vulnerability of spirit- the 10th house and MC can be seen as the sky, and when Moon is in the 10th, everyone is looking up at you, enchanted.
His Moon is quite close to Jupiter. Most people would say it's too far to be a conjunction and technically it is, but I have a very open mind when it comes to aspects- especially aspects to the Moon! The faster changing the planet, the more sensitive it is to surrounding planets. I would argue that the Moon can feel influenced by planets close to a whole sign away (I'll have to make a seperate post on this at some point).
Anyway, Jupiter being close to Kurt Cobain's Moon only enhances his Jupiterian qualities. Jupiter on (or near to) the Moon can amplify the intensity of a person's emotions and internal convictions.
Jupiter also relates to spirituality - Kurt explored different religious structures (Christianity, Buddhism, etc.) at various points of his life, which makes makes sense considering his Jupiter ('Guru', spirituality, faith) is in Pushya, a Saturnian (restriction, structure) Nakshatra. Pushya is also known to be the 'birth of sadness' amongst the Nakshatras.
Ascendant in Uttaraphalguni (conjunct Pluto & Uranus)
Of course, in traditional Vedic Astrology the outer planets aren't used, but I incorporate them; especially when they're this prominent in their positioning- Kurt has both Pluto & Uranus very closely conjunct his ascendant, Uranus & ASC forming a 0° orb. While amazing, it is very typical to see this or similar astrological placements in the charts of people who've had a major impact in this world! While the inner planets are more personal, the outer, slower moving planets speak of the masses. Outer planets are generational, showing their influence in major trends and global events.
Kurt having these outer planets so close to his Ascendant speaks to how powerfully influential he has been on our world. He's inspired not one, but now many generations of youth with his image, his legacy.
It is not uncommon for people with Pluto on the Ascendant to become famous for their death which rings true for Kurt. A lot of people who may know not much else about him or Nirvana, know of his death and the tragedy surrounding it. Pluto gives him a natural intensity.
Uranus on the Ascendant speaks to a person who is eccentric, erratic or somehow unusual. 'Alien-like'. Kurt is often praised for his unique, unconventional mind and approach to his artistry. The first house being intimately related to how a person dresses & represents physically, Kurt dressed in many controversial ways, often to make a statement on political issues (wearing dresses for example).
It is no wonder Kurt's ascendant is in Uttaraphalguni, a Sun ruled Nakshatra. Sun ruled Nakshatras are radiant and tend to make natural leaders. He was of course, the frontman or the 'face' of Nirvana. Uttaraphalguni tends to be very good natured, but no-nonsense. Especially in the Virgo section. Uttaraphalguni natives are often kind in my experience, but have little tolerance for lack of efficiency which is true of Kurt, who held his bandmates to a strong standard. This Solar objectivity of knowing what's up to standard and what misses the mark is likely a big reason for Nirvana's huge success! Kurt was known to be somewhat ruthless or at least, very particular in how he wanted things to go in the band. (also a trait we see in Venusian Nakshatras; Kurt having Rahu in Bharani).
Sun Nakshatras tend to bless their natives with a natural sense of ease and comfort. The unapologetic authenticity Sun Nakshatras radiate means it's not uncommon to see these people as pioneers in whatever their field is. Nirvana was a huge catalyst and made a name for themselves in the genre of 'grunge', but Nirvana continues to inspire all kinds of artists to this day.
Kurt having his ascendant in Uttaraphalguni made him a naturally magnetic person to women and men alike. People are extremely drawn to the warmth, loyalty and genuine nature of Solar natives.
Authenticity was a value held in extremely high esteem for Kurt. It was typical for him to do things like, playing songs Nirvana was told they couldn't play, just for the principle of it. While I mention Kurt's exploration of religion earlier, Kurt rejected the Catholic concept of God very strongly. He despised what he saw to be unfounded control over others' being, creativity & sexuality.
Sun Nakshatras are self made: they lead, others' follow/take inspiration.
A very good friend of mine showed me that people with strong Solar influence in their charts photograph very well in black and white because of their energetic radiance (they shine so brightly, they don't need colour to stand out). It also can be attributed to the fact that Sun Nakshatras tend to give strong and sometimes sharp & chiseled features. Another interesting thing is it's not uncommon to see Sun people with natural golden yellow-y streaks through their hair, which is true of Kurt Cobain.
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Sun in Shatabisha
Shatabisha is the all seeing eye. It is the Nakshatra pertaining to secrets & the collective unconscious. Shatabisha natives are very tapped into the minds and emotions of the collective. They can be natural born mystics, very hyper aware of 'behind the scenes' or 'under the surface' societal themes.
A lot of Shatabisha natives are extremely cognizant of social & political issues. While I believe it is moreso Jupiter Nakshatras that take on that strong drive to actively make noise and make a change, Rahu is the observer, Rahu sees what is the issue. Hence Shatabisha translating to '100 healers'. Rahuvians will often dress or behave in unusual or eccentric ways, as if to show the world they cannot and will not be placed into a box of any kind. I mentioned earlier Kurt dressing and portraying himself controversially in ways such as wearing dresses, very aligned with Rahuvian nature.
Rahu/Shatabisha's sensitivity and attraction to altered states of perception (the all seeing eye wants to see the world from many angles) means that there is often a natural inclination to explore substances. A lot of Shatabisha natives I've met in real life engage in some form of escapism be it through gaming, drugs, or even sugary foods & energy drinks that give that hit. This is especially the case for Rahu influenced men rather than women, because the slightly more feminine nature of Rahu can feel less natural to men. They may feel they have a harder time dealing with the challenges/expectations related to being a man in society when they are influenced by such a flowy & feminine force. They feel themselves being the observer rather than the 'do-er' and it can cause self-esteem struggles. However, Kurt's other placements (namely, Jupiter & Solar influence especially) helped to give him a natural ability to be more hands on in life.
Of course famously & tragically, Kurt got lost in his addictions and his mental health deteriorated. I'm sure we can't blame the entire tragedy on Shatabisha energies and there's more in his chart we could look into to understand why/how this came to be, but looking broadly at patterns of Rahuvian men, we can understand the theme.
Shatabisha natives have the ablitiy make amazing art; the sheer vastness of their minds and Rahu's receptivity to external influences means that they have a wealth of ability to take in inspiration from others, then transform it into something unique and out of this world!
Every Shatabisha native I've met knows EVERYTHING there is to know about the artists, books, fashion, YouTubers, etc. they are interested in. They often have physical collections, and are very keenly attuned to pop culture (or just media in general). I've met a lot of Shatabisha natives who have a very specific genre/subculture they take interest in and know everything about, yet they still know everything about 'mainstream' culture too. Idk how they know so much lol, but I believe the all seeing eye effect of Shatabisha makes it easy for them to take in that information very efficiently.
We see this incredible art & knowledge of culture in Kurt, who was openly a fanatic of many other artists and referenced who and what he knows time and time again in his music.
Kurt's Shatabisha Sun is in his 6th house, meaning these energies are especially highlighted when it comes to his everyday life, day to day employment, etc. which we know is true seeing as he was a musician.
One of Kurt's first girlfriends used to be the 'breadwinner', and Kurt would stay home and paint or write music.
Also in his 6th house is Mercury in Purvabhadrapada- Mercury rules over the intellect, communication, thoughts. Kurt was known to be very moody and somewhat unpredictable. Purvabhadrapada's symbol is a man with 2 faces, so an unpredictable and dualistic quality can be see in the way he expresses himself. Mental health struggles can definitely be seen with this placement. Being the height of Jupiter, we also see a more aggressive form of Jupiterian challenging of limitations & societal expectations in Purvabhadrapada, which we do see with Kurt.
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Uttarabhadrapada 7th House Stellium
Kurt Cobain has Venus, Saturn & Chiron in the 7th house.
The 7th house is the house of marriage, partnerships, business and other people. I learnt that the 7th house is associated with fame, as when you are famous you know a lot of people/are viewed by the people. Also, achieving fame often has more to do with connections, contracts, and partnerships than it does to do with ambition & talent alone. So it makes sense that a famous person would have a strongly lit up 7th house.
Looking at photos of Kurt, I'm noticing how Saturnian he appears- the symmetrical features, 'stern' look. That also can be attributed to him having a prominent Sun Nakshatra which gives a 'stoic' nature, but Saturn really comes through as well. He is also very Saturnian in his rulebreaking tendencies- Saturn Nakshatra men tend to have a strong internal moral code but love to break rules that they don't deem to be rules that are there for a good reason.
At 19, Kurt spray-painted 'God is Gay' and was arrested for it. He did this to irritate homophobic people, homophobia being something he stood strongly against having had a very close friend in school who was gay.
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Uttarabhadrapada in particular is an extremely intense Nakshatra. It's related to sacrifice & suffering in the name of providing for the greater good, being the cow yoni (as cows provide milk). It's symbolised by the death bed. This is eerie knowing of his suicide, but beyond that I think it really fits with Kurt's views on fame. He didn't necessarily enjoy being famous or plan to become as big as Nirvana did, but in a way being that famous is sacrificial. The media milked him and his life in whatever way they could as they do with most uber famous people.
The 'suffering', Saturnian starvation and sacrificial themes in Uttarabhadrapada have a natural connection to the story of Jesus, which of course we see Kurt depicting Jesus on the cross in the Heart Shaped Box music video. A beautifully poetic song.
Venus being the planet of beauty, love, art, and femininity, means it is very important to look at in the chart of an artist, and Kurt's Uttarabhadrapada Venus being conjunct Chiron really speaks to how a lot of Nirvana & Kurt's songs speak of pain and suffering. Chiron is 'the wounded healer'- it is said that where your Chiron is can be where you have the power to help or heal others, but struggle yourself.
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Of course, Kurt's 7th house Uttarabhadrapada stellium reflects his infamous relationship with his wife Courtney Love, very well. Kurt's ascendant is in sunny, jovial Uttaraphalguni, and many are of the opinion that Courtney or at least, the relationship really dragged Kurt down and wore down his psyche sadly. I don't like to speak too badly of anyone, but a lot of people see Courtney as a huge influence on Kurt's deteriorated physical and mental health. They would exasperate one another's drug issues, both struggling to stay clean even with a baby in the picture.
Courtney is really painted as a villain by many which is very Uttaraphalguni-Uttarabhadrapada axis... Uttaraphalguni is the shining Sun, Uttarabhadrapada is the dark, cold depths of the ocean... also, ice. This perception is rampant, many viewing Courtney as a manipulative 'psycho', some even theorising that Kurt's tragic death may have been a homicide of her doing.
You could even say that Courtney is the Uttarabhadrapada 'sacrificial lamb'; her own reputation taking a drastic hit so that the image of Kurt as blameless for how things ended can live on. Of course, it could be read the other way around in that Kurt was the 'sacrifice' in this relationship. Either way, these energies are present.
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These photos of their wedding (famously, Kurt is in his pyjamas lol) in Hawaii are actually very Uttarabhadrapada in nature- the stormy dark weather and the ocean outside. The Sun is feint in the background- perhaps could be interpreted as symbolic of Kurt's Uttarabhadarapada 7th house (of marriage) drowning the light & joy of his Solar ascendant. Not that they had no joy together, but more that together they were headed down this dark path.
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Rahu in Bharani/Ketu in Vishakha & Mars in Swati
Being a Shatabisha (Rahu ruled) Sun, Rahu in Kurt's chart becomes extremely significant being a depositor.
Rahu in Bharani is I imagine, at the root of a lot of Kurt's artistic interests. Kurt had a fascination with life & death, life in the womb, & the female anatomy, all Bharani themes. The most obvious example of this being Nirvana's album literally being called 'In Utero'. Also, there is a Nirvana song literally titled 'moist vagina' lol, a personal favourite actually (I find it so sexy & raunchy in an odd way haha)
Another thing that comes to mind is Heart Shaped Box- after Lana Del Rey (Bharani Venus & Rahu) covered it, Courtney Love revealed that the song was about her vagina lol...
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Ketu in Vishakha can speak to obsession and drive, Vishakha being 'the Star of Purpose'. This is an extremely strong willed and potentially very artistic placement for Ketu. Vishakha is ruled by Indra, King of the Gods & Agni, the God of fire. Indra ruled over storms and rain. Ketu in Vishakha gives way to very intense emotions and a very powerful drive to create and fulfil what gives the native that sense of purpose. For Kurt, that was his music. I'll note that this means Kurt has a Grand Trine in the three Jupiter Nakshatras -
Moon in Punarvasu, Ketu in Vishakha, Mercury in Purvabhadrapada
A grand trine in a chart can point to someone possessing a unique gift or ability that comes effortlessly to them. As mentioned earlier, Jupiter rules the voice & sound in general. Jupiter rules expansion, growth. The weakness of Jupiter comes with overindulgence, going too far into the deep end. While Saturn willingly goes into the deep end through sacrifice & limitation, Jupiter can drive itself into dark places with its sheer lack of limitation.
Mars in Swati is at first glance, a very gentle Mars as Swati is ruled by Vayu, God of the Wind. It is not an angry Nakshatra perse, but it can be extremely cutting and 'quick with words' as it is the butcher caste. Of course, Kurt was a poet at heart.
One of Swati's main mythologies (to make it short and sweet) is about a boy who impressed the Gods with his bravery and abilities, and was then blessed with powers. However, the boy was a mischievous child always causing pranks, so for his 'naughtiness' he was then cursed to forget his story & his powers. However, later down the track he was reminded of his powers and his past.
This story highlights Swati's tendency to be extremely self-doubting of their own capabilities. They have 'forgotten' their powers and need to remember. Swati natives really struggle with feeling as though they aren't 'enough' and just like the story, really need people in their life who consistently remind them of their abilities and what they're capable of.
Kurt was known to be very self-deprecating in this way, often doubting his abilities and and despising the way he looked (also something we see with Chiron conjunct Venus).
Swati also gives a playful and childlike nature, often taking an interest in dolls, cartoons and other playful novelty things which is true of Kurt.
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IC in Mula, MC in Mrigashira
Lastly, I'm going to briefly talk about Kurt's IC-MC axis.
The IC represents the childhood, home life & inner/private self. Mula is the final Ketuvian Nakshatra, and translates to 'roots'. Mula's primary motivation is truth, getting to the honest root of things regardless of whether it's pretty or not.
Mula for this reason is a Nakshatra associated with destruction, because the truth will often break absolutely destroy the ground of faulty foundations in society.
As the IC, this could represent a situation where in the household, this child acted as the whistle-blower of truth and saw through the family dynamics + were outspoken about what they saw. This rings true of Kurt, he was seen as somewhat of a 'problem child' at home and was outwardly, vocally embarrassed and unhappy with the turbulent family situation.
So at Kurt's core inner self, he valued truth. He would rather an 'ugly' disturbing truth than a beautiful lie.
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The MC represents a person's outer persona, the identity and values the person wishes most to present to the world. Mrigashira is the birth of Mars. Mars is the maverick, the rebel, but also the fighter.
I definitely see that society at large had this perception of Kurt that he was this martian, aggressive person in some ways; especially taking the emotion and lyrics put into him & Nirvana's music at face value.
Mrigasira Nakshatra is known for being a 'troll', and Kurt trolled the media a looot. I think of that time in Nirvana when he intentionally butchered Smells Like Teen Spirit. Or him mocking the media's constant gossip about him like in this clip '...dead, pregnant, on heroin... I'm a hermaphrodite as well!' lol.
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I'm going to finish this analysis here, this ended up being very long, but I hope it was interesting for someone! It was good practice for me... it also reminded me why I don't do readings anymore lol, I love astrology but... man. This was just the icing on the cake too!
Thankyou for reading ♡
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carmelcoco · 7 days
mercury notes
trauma through mercury signs 🥀
warning - content may be triggering, following are not absolute facts take them with a grain of salt. And please reach out to your loved ones and take care of yourself.
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〰 aries mercury
they probably had a childhood were they didn't feel heard enough so growing up they learned to communicate by being loud and as quickly as possible or either learned to kept it all in. Someone older or leader of the family may have controlled them in their childhood, could be a teacher as well. probably grew up in a family where yelling was normal.
〰 taurus mercury
they had to learn to adjust a lot, they were probably the 2nd choice growing up. they learned whom to trust and whom not to at a very young age. they could've went through an experience where someone close to them broke their trust and hence they learned not to share too much of them to others.
〰 gemini mercury
gemini mercury was the odd one of the family who had to learn how to deal with their parents (parents could have different style of communication or either were ignorant towards the child or busy). They learned to entertain themselves at a young age through gaining knowledge this may also happen due to them wanting to be interesting enough so that their parents would spend time with them. can be prone to oversharing or not sharing at all.
〰 cancer mercury
cancer mercury tend to hold on their feelings until it is impossible to do so anymore and if they ever try to communicate and the other person does not recognises it, it could be hard for them to do share their feeling with that person in the future. They may tend to get emotional or cry while talking about how they feel. they can hold grudges (if underdeveloped)
〰 virgo mercury
They were probably criticized as young kids for whatever they did resulting in them being so cautious as adults and sometimes manifested as anxiety or nervousness. Healing work can be really good for them.
〰 leo mercury
as kids they may have gotten to much attention or no attention at all resulting them to learn to take charge of the situation as adults. They learned to create boundaries to protect themselves and learned to be as straight forward as possible. some can be people pleasers is underdeveloped.
〰 libra mercury
they probably were criticized or made fun of as kids resulting in them having some kind of insecurity. they likely put a facade around people and act as if everything is fine. they tend to flourish into very reliable people later in their lives.
〰 scorpio mercury
went through a lot as a kid. learned to shut their feelings and isolate. didn't know how to stand up for themselves and all this comes with them even in adulthood. they tend to not trust people's words easily as they have had experiences where there trust was shattered. self love is key.
〰 sagittarius mercury
they felt better at school than at home. probably were pretty know in their school for their humour and smartness. they learned to push away their feelings and to avoid them and rather focus on other things. they probably were the kids making dark jokes about how messed up their life is.
〰 capricorn mercury
they had quite practical parents who taught them things like work and practical skills at a young age. they were told that they must be able to take care of themselves. they learned to communicate in an assertive manner and had good values as kids. their parents weren't that affectionate and could be strict, creating fear around the child of not wanting to disappoint them.
〰 aquarius mercury
they were the kids who either barely talked as kids or were nervous to talk or let their thoughts be heard maybe because when they tried to share their thoughts they were either laughed at or judged. they were called the alien or odd ones of the group. very eccentric people honestly.
〰 pisces mercury
they had difficulty understanding people so they learned to give half answers or vague answers as they didn't want to come off as dumb or wrong in front of others. They probably were the kids who weren't able to stand up for themselves during fights. They may have trouble conveying what they are feeling in the moment.
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this post was created by @carmelcoco on tumblr <3 if reposting my work please give credits
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gjenkatarot · 4 months
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Tarot masterlist | Exchange readings | Paid readings
I don't have Ni-ki's exact birth time, so the analysis might not be super precise because I can't determine his ascendant or which houses each planet is in. Just to be clear, I'm not a pro astrologer, so don't take this too seriously. It's just for fun!
Ni-ki's Sun in Sagittarius reflects his love for adventure and deep contemplation about life. He's always curious and eager to learn new things, driven by a strong urge to uncover the truth about the world. However, this quest for knowledge sometimes leaves him feeling restless as he searches for deeper meanings. The 17th-degree placement of his Sun hints at a potential for fame or recognition, suggesting he possesses natural talents or charms that catch people's attention.
His Moon in Pisces reveals his caring and imaginative nature, deeply connected to his emotions and sensitive to others' feelings. Ni-ki prioritizes others' well-being over his own, ensuring everyone around him is okay. Despite his love for beauty and art, represented by his Moon at the 26th degree in Taurus, he may struggle with overwhelming emotions due to his deep sensitivity.
The square aspect between his Sun and Moon indicates an inner struggle between his desire for freedom and truth, and his need for emotional connection and understanding. This conflict often leaves him feeling conflicted about his wants and needs in life.
Ni-ki's Sun in Sagittarius in a trine aspect to Saturn in Leo at 11 degrees showcases his strong sense of self-discipline and ambition. This blend of disciplined ambition and optimism allows him to pursue his goals with determination while maintaining a sense of adventure and enthusiasm, potentially leading to success and stability, especially in areas related to self-expression and creativity.
With the Sun in Sagittarius sextile Neptune in Aquarius, Ni-ki possesses a harmonious blend of idealism, creativity, and humanitarianism. He's imaginative, intuitive, and spiritually attuned, driven by a desire to make a positive impact on the world. This aspect enhances his ability to inspire others and bring his visionary ideas into reality, finding fulfillment through activities that allow him to explore spirituality, express creativity, and contribute to society's greater good.
Ni-ki's Sun in Sagittarius in conjunction with Pluto in Sagittarius signifies a deep sense of personal power and intensity, driving him to uncover hidden truths and transform his beliefs with unwavering determination. This aspect indicates resilience and the ability to undergo profound personal growth and regeneration, potentially leading to intense periods of self-examination and identity transformation.
His Mercury in Scorpio at 26 degrees suggests a sharp mind keen on discovering psychological depths. The trine aspect between his Moon in Pisces and Mercury in Scorpio enhances his communication skills, allowing him to express himself with empathy and authenticity. Ni-ki excels in artistic or literary pursuits, channeling his deep emotions, imaginative visions, and penetrating insights into meaningful forms of expression.
Ni-ki, with Mercury in Scorpio sextile Chiron in Aquarius, possesses a natural gift for communicating with profound depth and insight, particularly concerning matters of healing and personal growth. His innate understanding of his own wounds and those of others allows him to offer guidance and support through his words and insights. Ni-ki excels in connecting with others on a deep emotional level, fostering a sense of understanding and empathy in his interactions.
Ni-ki, with Mercury in Scorpio sextile Venus in Capricorn, communicates his feelings and thoughts with intensity, sincerity, and emotional authenticity. His communication style is marked by clarity, persuasiveness, and effectiveness, fostering strong connections with others. This aspect reveals his keen understanding of relationship dynamics and an intuitive grasp of others' needs and desires. Ni-ki tends to build relationships on a foundation of mutual respect, shared goals, and a sense of responsibility, creating bonds that are both meaningful and enduring.
With his Venus in Capricorn at 26 degrees, Ni-ki values security, tradition, and long-term commitments in love. He expresses affection in a practical and grounded manner, showing love through acts of service, practical gestures, or emotional support. Despite appreciating beauty and elegance, he finds pleasure in indulging his senses while maintaining a refined aesthetic sense.
Ni-ki's Venus in Capricorn conjunct Chiron points to potential deep emotional wounds in his romantic life. This aspect signifies a journey of healing, particularly related to issues of self-worth, love, and intimacy. Ni-ki is naturally drawn to those who share similar emotional struggles, displaying a strong desire to aid in their healing and fulfilment. Creatively, he finds solace through art, music, or poetry, using these mediums to process and express emotional pain. Ni-ki may be attracted to partners who embody uniqueness and eccentricity. Such relationships play a vital role in his healing journey, allowing him to embrace his individuality and seek fulfilment through non-traditional dynamics.
The square aspect between his Moon in Pisces and Pluto in Sagittarius suggests Ni-ki may experience intense emotional reactions and deep psychological insights, potentially encountering challenges related to trust, intimacy, or sharing his deepest feelings with others. This can also bring up issues with your mother, though not always. This aspect encourages him to confront and transform deep-seated emotional patterns or fears, leading to significant personal growth and empowerment.
With the Moon in Pisces sextile Chiron in Aquarius, Ni-ki possesses a natural ability to channel his emotional sensitivity and intuition into healing, connecting with others on a profound level to offer comfort and support. This aspect suggests a draw to unconventional approaches to healing and personal growth, finding solace in expressing his authentic self in unique ways.
Ni-ki's Mars in Taurus, opposite Jupiter in Scorpio, may lead to inner conflicts between stability and security, and the urge for expansion and growth. He may struggle with balancing practicality with adventurous risk-taking, potentially experiencing excessiveness or overextension in pursuit of his goals.
With Mars in Taurus squaring Saturn in Leo, Ni-ki may face frustration and obstacles in asserting himself and pursuing his ambitions. Saturn's influence may create delays or setbacks, requiring him to cultivate patience, discipline, and persistence to overcome adversity.
Ni-ki's Mars in Taurus sextile Uranus in Pisces suggests he finds creative ways to pursue his goals, embracing unexpected changes and adjusting plans accordingly. His dynamic and energetic approach to life inspires others to embrace their uniqueness and explore new possibilities.
With Jupiter in Scorpio square Neptune in Aquarius, Ni-ki may grapple with discerning reality from fantasy, potentially experiencing disillusionment or disappointment when expectations aren't grounded in reality. However, this aspect also inspires creativity, spiritual growth, and artistic expression, encouraging him to balance dreams with grounded action.
The North Node at 11 degrees Aries indicates Ni-ki's life purpose involves taking bold initiatives and embracing new beginnings with confidence. The trine aspect between Saturn in Leo and the North Node in Aries brings stability and discipline to his journey, aligning his efforts with his soul's evolutionary path.
With Juno in Gemini opposing the Sun in Sagittarius, Ni-ki may face challenges in partnerships due to differences in beliefs or communication styles. However, the trine aspect between Juno in Gemini and Neptune in Aquarius facilitates open communication and a shared vision within relationships, fostering empathy, compassion, and understanding.
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uyuforu · 22 days
Is lunar return as important as solar return? What's the difference? Are the interpretations the same?
Thanks 🤎
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Astro Observations: Lunar Return Chart I
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Hii! That's a very good question! So Lunar Return Chart is pretty similar to Solar Return Chart, except that it is focused on the moon. While the Sun takes a year to come back, the Moon takes a month, so your Lunar Return Chart change every month. It will tell you how your month will go, what will most likely happen. I have never been through a lot of Lunar RC but I will try yo make an observation post now! I hope you will like it :)
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How to make a LRC?
✮⋆˙ Go on Astro.com
✮⋆˙ Free Horoscopes > Horoscope Drawings & Data > Extended Chart Selection
✮⋆˙ Chart Type: Scroll to "Lunar Return Chart"
✮⋆˙ Start Date: I suggest to start with 1st of the month and you'll see the date written when your LRC starts on your chart.
╰┈➤ For ex: For April, mine starts on April 12th 2024 and the next date if May 5th 2024 for my May LRC. So be careful about the dates!
✮⋆˙ Don't forget to add additional objects if you want to, and you are done!
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All pictures are from Pinterest.
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ִ ࣪𖤐 Best tool to know about LRC.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Sun 1H will make you have focused on confidence this month. You could also be more bold and you could be more courageous. You could want to take actions on whenever house/ sign is complimentary to that placement. You could also move more and be more physical in general.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Sun 3H will make you have a month focused on expressing yourself. You could also commit to know more about yourself, discover yourself, and it could be a time of getting to know us better.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Sagittarius Rising/ 21° will makes you appear as pretty open minded this month! You could appear as curious, smart, immature too, but you could also appear as someone who knows a lot of things and who want to learn more.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Gemini Rising/ 27° is quite similar as Sagittarius Rising/ 21° but you could appear as gossipy or veryyyy talkative lol. People could think you speak non stop.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Moon will always be at the same sign as your Natal Moon and same degree also, so you should look mostly on which house it falls every month.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Moon 5H will make you feel quite creative this month. If you want children, you could want to be pregnant. You could also find yourself spending more time with children this month! You could be very sensitive to art in general but also you could be good at acting/ pretending your emotions. You could want to spend more time with friends, loved ones. You could be more flirty this month too. More romantic.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Mercury 3H means you will def speak this month about you, your thoughts, your feelings, you will share! It's a good time to go to therapy, to talk to a friend about you and what is deep inside of you. You will probably need to lash out. You could also spend a lot of time just talking, small talking, but actually speak with people will probably be a need this month. You could also be very into drama and gossips lol.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Venus 3H could mean you could do or have a love confession! You could speak a lot about your feelings this month, speak a lot about love and how you love people around you. But you could be overanalyzing or overthinking your feelings and your relationships with your loved ones this month too.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Chiron 3H could mean you will have hard time with communication this month, you could argue more with your friends, or people in general. This could be because of miscommunication or just misunderstanding people. You could also speak in a more mean way this month, and be more vulgar too.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Mars 12H could mean you are quite sensible this month and you could not have much motivation. You could be very lazy and it could also be a sign of depression.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Mars 2H could also be you being lazy but you could also be very money focused. You could not be quite that motivated.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Jupiter 5H means you will be lucky for sure this month and you'll probably be very creative too.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Jupiter conjunct Uranus 5H could mean a sudden idea on the creative side, or a sudden luck that you didn't expect.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Mars conjunct Saturn means you'll struggle to be motivated this month.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Saturn 2H could be that you'll very focused on your money and income situation, this can be stressful because you'll feel like you need to take responsibility for that.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Uranus 5H could be a sign of sudden ideas, sudden popularity, sudden love and flirt, romance could happen unexpectedly, but also fun moments.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Pluto 1H could be there is a big change about your physically. Perhaps you'll decide to lose weight or do more sport this month.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Sun 10H means you can focus a lot on your career, your reputation, how people see you but also you progress in your life. You could become just very hard working and you could be more busy during this month.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Moon 11H could be that you'll probably spend a lot of time online, you could also find some comfort online, talking to some online friends perhaps or just texting/ calling friends. It could also watch a show you love, or playing video games. Technologies and internet can bring you comfort. But being with friends, talking to friends or spending time with people with whom you feel good.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Mercury 9H could be that you can be focused about learning a new language, or learning things about a certain culture. You could also just be very focused on your studies, whatever you do. Even if you work, you could be very focused about learning new techniques or tools. You could also be more into spirituality than before.
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ִ ࣪𖤐 Leo/ 5°/ 17°/ 29° Rising will make you seen as very popular, someone people look at a lot, you could be seen as the main character. You could be very fashionable and you could dress up very well this month. Could be a sign to be a it-girl.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Libra/ 7°/ 19° Rising will make you be perceived as very beautiful, fashionable, good looking, you could be seen as someone who dress up well, do well your make up, take care of your appearance.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Sun conjunct Venus in 10H could mean you could become very popular and well liked by other people this month. You could have a lovely reputation. You could also get a good popularity at work.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Venus 10H will make you love your job! You could also love your reputation lol. This could be a sign of you feeling more well liked and you could really like the popularity you get.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Venus conjunct Uranus 10H means you can get an unexpected popularity at work, or recognition. You could not expect it, or this can be pretty sudden and unplanned. This could also happen online.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Sun conjunct Uranus 10H could represent sudden fame! It can also represent sudden rise up in your work, career, you could get a sudden recognition for something you do. A good popularity and rise up in your reputation.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Mars 9H could mean you'll have more motivation in studying this month. You could want to learn more and you'll have a lot of drive to do so. You could also be very motivated to expand your knowledge in general.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Mercury conjunct Mars 9H means you'll study a lot during this month. You could want to achieve a certain goal. You could also be talking a lot about your spiritual goals if you have some.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Jupiter 10H means you can get lucky in your job and career. You'll also be very luck in general because of your good reputation! This also means you'll probably get good opportunities at work.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Venus conjunct Jupiter 10H represents big opportunities that you probably always wanted to happen in your work. Opportunities that will make you love your job more.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Sun conjunct Jupiter 10H means your month will be very focused on your work and the opportunities you'll have. You'll be very focused on your career this month because you'll feel more lucky about it.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Jupiter conjunct Uranus 10H means unexpected opportunities and good fortune in the work field! Happy!
ִ ࣪𖤐 Uranus 10H means expect the unexpected in your career field! You could have some things happening suddenly in your work.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Saturn 8H could be a sign of feeling very overwhelmed, and depressed this month. You could have the feeling to go insane sometimes. Be aware of this, this is a sign to be careful with your thoughts. Your mental health will not be that great, so don't be afraid to ask for help.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Neptune 9H means some life lessons will probably confuse you and you can get hard times to learn those. But this could also mean you will probably be more spiritual this month!
ִ ࣪𖤐 Vertex 5H means something important could happen in your love life, fun life or creative life.
ִ ࣪𖤐 When your LRC Rising is the same as your SRC then this month will be very important in your life!
ִ ࣪𖤐 Pluto 6H means there could be a change in your health and how you eat, how you live your life. You could also try to work on your health, and mental health too.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Part of Fortune 1H could be a sign of a glow up. It could also be a sign of you being naturally lucky this month.
ִ ࣪𖤐 North Node 9H could mean you will learn some important life lessons this month.
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lunaapudleonem · 2 months
Placements in the natal chart that indicate a good connection with your sibling(s) 💞
Jupiter in the 3rd house
Ruler of the 3rd house positively aspected ; ruler of the third house trine/sextile/conjunct Jupiter
Venus in the 3rd house
Mercury trine/sextile/conjunct Moon
Ceres in the 3rd house
Mercury trine/sextile/conjunct Ceres
Vesta in the 3rd house
Vesta trine/sextile/conjunct Mercury
Sun in the 3rd house
Sun trine/sextile/conjunct Mercury
Moon in the 3rd house
Placements in the natal chart that can indicate a bad relationship with your sibling(s)
Pluto opposite/square/conjunct Mercury
Pluto in the 3rd house
Saturn in the 3rd house
Mars opposite/square/conjunct Mercury
Saturn opposite/square/conjunct Mercury
Chiron in the 3rd house
Ruler of the 3rd house badly aspected; especially if the 3rd house is empty
Lilith in the 3rd house
Uranus in the 3rd house
Mercury opposite/square Uranus
Neptune square Uranus
Dm me for a reading !! 💗
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vivmaek · 1 year
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Libra Suns are soo oblivious sometimes. I can never tell if they’re doing it to get something or if they’re actually having a dumb blond moment. 
People with Mars in the 2nd house need to learn how to share. They become territorial over their possessions. As children, they were the types of kids to show off a cool toy and then go, “but you can’t play with this one because it's special.” 
Mars in Pisces are the types to make a passive aggressive comment under their breath, and then when someone calls them out, they go, “I didn’t say anything!” 
When people who have Mercury in the 8th house become obsessed about something, they will never shut up about it. Just when you think you’ve managed to steer conversation into a new direction, they will find a way to bring up whatever topic is plaguing their mind. 
Pluto in Sagittarius generation is so self-righteous. Everyone is overly aggressive with their opinions, everyone thinks they’re right, and everyone is under the impression that we’re going to be these revolutionary radicals who will serve justice to those oppressed when most spend their time on the internet trying to cancel people. Like seriously we get so heated over nothing sometimes. I think that's because this generation really struggles with misdirected passion. I’m excited for these Pluto in Aquarius babies tho 
Aries Moons and their temper tantrums, that's all. 
People who have their Mars in Taurus will destroy things when they get angry, literally like a raging bull. They make a mess and fling things around, like what is that accomplishing?? And then afterwards they clean it up like nothing ever happened. 
The uncomfortable look on a Gemini Moon's face when someone starts to cry, they wanna leave asap and are looking for the nearest exit. 
Leos will cry, scream, and throw a fit over their hair. DO NOT MESS WITH THEIR HAIR. It's the one quality they like about themselves. A bad haircut or color treatment will have them SPIRALING. Like a serious identity crisis. They die inside when someone goes, “It's just hair, it will grow back.” 
Mercury Libras and the lies they spread! They lie about the smallest things and it's usually in an effort to people-please. 
People with their Mars in Sagittarius are psychos when they're mad. They lack the foresight to see how they’re putting themselves and others in danger. I’d say they are the most likely to carry out some form of revenge.
If you’re dealing with someone who has their Venus in the 8th house, make sure to establish some firm boundaries. They will just keep taking if you let them.
Venus 11th housers cause so much drama every time they develop feelings for one of their friends, I never seen this not cause tension within a friend group. 
12th house stelliums and the way they always maintain distance, and everytime you get too close they pull back, actually super frustrating. Also the silent treatments they pull! They’re not even doing it to punish, they're just doing it because they’re uncomfortable, but it still ends up feeling like a punishment for the other person.  
Mercury in Taurus individuals are sometimes too blunt. I honestly really love this quality hehe, but I have to admit they’ve offended me just by pointing out the obvious. 
Aries 11th housers always feel like they’re in competition with their friends. 
Moon Trine Uranus and crying at the most unexpected things. I have this friend that I’ve known since middle school, never saw her cry once. Even when we graduated and said our goodbyes for college, nothing. Then a year later, we were watching the finale for Euphoria together, and this girl started bawling at the end. I was like out of all the things to make you cry this is it?? Haha, I love her. 
The Pluto in Virgo generation hands out criticisms left and right. If my friend's parents had this placement, I always felt like they were judging me. 
Capricorns and their obsession with money, and also how they fail to realize that not everyone else is driven by monetary gains. 
Aquarius’s love to act like their egos aren’t big. The only reason why Leos get checked more on this is because of their bold sense of expression. 
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