#chase & moira.
tates-striped-sweater · 9 months
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Murder House alignment charts
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Mantis Moira by Chase Ehrenberg (bestchasescenario)
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stayliquid · 5 months
closed starter for @morronescamila muse. chase pierce, hitman, fc dylan o'brien.
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"it's fine, i just need to sleep it off. don't worry about me."
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blushdrunksa · 8 months
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she was standing out the back door with a cigarette between her fingers. she heard the front door open and close and looked over her shoulder, "i made dinner..." she murmured and turned back to the night sky for a moment before putting out the cigarette and closing the door. she gave chase a little shrug and slipped into her seat before criss-crossing her legs on the chair. / @stayliquid
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cheriewatch · 6 months
Merry christmas to everyone who isnt a moira main
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wildissylupus · 9 months
I think it’s less the idea that Ashe doesn’t look realistic for me more the fact that aside from Ana women in overwatch tend to look much younger than they are.
Honestly I'd say the only three that don't look as old as they should are Sojourn, Moira and Mercy. All three of these characters are always under some kind of stress, and with Mercy presumably not receiving any cosmetic bonuses from her Valkyrie suit's nano-biotics, she should definitely look older.
It's been improved on Moira a bit with the grey hairs in her new designs, but she has to deal with Reaper, Doomfist and Sombra on a regular basis so she should look older. Again the same goes for Angela, canonically she's seemingly always stressed and falls asleep at her desk more often then not. The fact that she looks younger then Cassidy, someone who actually shows that stress aging and is the same age as her, shouldn't be possible without her nano-biotics having some cosmetic advantages, which I'm pretty sure was debunked awhile ago.
From what I see most of the female cast is under or early 30's, and they look like they fit the ages. Honestly I just think we need some older women characters. We have way too many young women characters in game compared to how many the male characters do.
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stayliquidarchive · 1 year
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chase could be heartless. he absolutely needed to be in his line of work. being heartless toward moira proved to be a bit more difficult, but he could do it if he really needed to. he listened to her words, though he simply let her continue instead of responding to any of them at first. by the last delivered line, he could tell she was crying. coming to a stop, he arched his back a bit before finally turning to fully face her. " letting you go does not make me a coward. " he replied in a low tone, a stark contrast from her own words. " i don't want to be the one bringing you into the crossfire, whether you've dealt with it before or not. " he pointed as he spoke, his lips in a thin line. " are you gonna go home now? " so much for being really heartless when he needed to be. fully pushing her away was harder than he had anticipated. @blushdrunks // continued from here.
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circesoracle · 1 year
The Eternal Light - Overwatch, multi-ship
Relationships: Fareeha Amari/Angela Ziegler, Moira O'Deorain/Angela Ziegler, Widowmaker/Angela Ziegler, Lena Oxton/Angela Ziegler, Brigitte Lindholm/Angela Ziegler, Sojourn/Angela Ziegler, Junker Queen/Angela Ziegler, Kiriko Kamori/Angela Ziegler Summary: Death was not the end. It was not quite a beginning, either. It was nothing. Everything. Every moment lived from birth to death repeating back on itself forever. It was the single moment the heart stopped beating. It was incomparable to anything else. A bit like sleeping.
It was attended by a woman, known only as Mercy, who in her loneliness did pull from death's grasp women of battle and great strength, offering them in their final moments whatever they might desire of her. Often they pass on, to that wondrous, nebulous, unknowable end. Sometimes, she requests an eternity at her side in return for their last wish.
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rosewaterandivy · 9 months
i. keep the embers blowing
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summary: family lore and a new resident to your small seaside town.
pairing: s.h. x witch!reader
w.c.: 2.4k
warnings: my blog is 18+ MDNI; vague allusions to magic and the like, carpenter & flannel-wearing Steve, and a meet-cute
a/n: she finishes one series only to begin another! Oy vey. Hope you like, and if you do - let me know!
Nota bene: Reblogging, commenting, and liking my work is always appreciated! Reposting, however, is not. Enjoy! 💜
Series Masterlist | Playlist | Currently spinning:
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For nearly three hundred years, the Callahan women were blamed for everything that went wrong in town. A summer drought and a ruined harvest, a mare and colt lost while she was in foal, a long winter, an outbreak of chicken pox— it didn’t matter if such phenomena could be explained by science or logic, it all ended up with the Callahans as personae non gratae.
Inside the white, two-storey house at the end of the Willow Lane lived an orphaned girl grown into a woman under her aunt’s guiding hands; Kelly and Moira never had children of their own, and when you turned up on their doorstep that fateful day, they welcomed you with open arms and never even batted an eye. In time, they would tell you of the curse that took your father from you and left your mother to die of a broken heart.
Childhood, for you, was filled with a series of small slights and mortifications. No one would touch a pencil or crayon if it was held by you. No one sat with you in the lunchroom. Teachers and parents regarded you with a silent derision and did nothing to temper the taunts of the other children. Boys looked at you like something to be conquered and girls feared you, not that it stymied any of their mean girl behavior.
“Fuck ‘em all,” Kelly would say, throwing more cayenne into the vegetarian chili on the stove. “You’re better off without them, sweets.”
A mantra that sustained you from that day forward.
Sailing through high school to graduate at the top of your class, you fully intended to attend a prestigious university on a full-ride scholarship. The aunts encouraged you to fly the nest and chase your dreams— but then Moira fell sick. You deferred your enrollment for a year, which turned into two and eventually the scholarship was awarded to someone else. Moira’s care fell to you and Kelly, tag-teaming on chauffeur duty and going to doctor’s appointments.
You worked odd jobs around town, entirely dependent on the few townsfolk that would hire you— an abjectly miserable situation. Save for the twist of fate that brought Tracy your way. One day, Moira and Kelly sat you down in front of a large, dusty tome. Sputtering a cough, you batted at the dust motes floating in front of you.
“This,” Kelly said, sliding the book toward you, “Is the family grimoire.”
“It’s well past time you were told, dear heart,” Moira added, with a kind smile.
Tentatively, you brushed a finger against the worn cover of the grimoire tracing the looping ‘C’ of your last name, the gold embossing as bright as if it was newly pressed. They regaled you with the tales of your ancestors, Mary who built this house and worked the curse out of heartbreak and desperation, Sybil who worked the people of the town into an uneasy truce— supplying women with love spells and fertility potions, all the way up to your mother, who fell in love despite knowing the dangers and brought you into the world.
It wasn’t as if they had kept magic from you, far from it, in fact. Kelly and Moira kept up Sybil’s business, as the generations of Callahans before them had. Some years, business was better than others— but the aunts were crafty and seemingly always had something saved for a rainy day. Aside from one small spell in your childhood, you’d simply never expressed an interest in learning the craft. Not wanting to push you, they’d never pressed the issue and assumed you would come to them when, and if, you pleased.
“You were spellbound when you came to us,” Moira says sadly, “Your mother’s handiwork.”
“A bitch and a half to undo,” Kelly adds, taking a long sip from her wine. “You’re free as a bird now though.”
“You showed great promise when you were younger,” Moira smiles, “And I hope we’re not too remiss in beginning your education now.”
She pushes a creased piece of paper your way. You unfold it carefully, the overwhelming scent of cotton blossom and denim invading your nostrils. Reading over your tween-age loopy script in gel pen, a smile blooms on your face.
He will hear my call miles away. He’ll whistle my favorite tune. He always checks his blind spot. He can flip pancakes in the air. He’ll be marvellously kind. He’ll let me map constellations on his skin. His eyes will be as warm as honey and glinting like emeralds.
“What is this?”
Kelly smiles knowingly, “Your half-assed attempt at Amas Veritas.” She plucks the paper from your lax grasp, “If I remember correctly, you were under the impression that if you dreamed up a guy who couldn’t possibly exist, then you wouldn’t be hurt.”
“That the curse would end with me.” Your voice is hushed, recalling how naively you hoped all those years ago. “So, why now?”
It was Moira who answered you with a mischievous grin, “Well, my dear, why not?”
That was a decade ago. In that time, Moira had recovered from her illness, and together with Kelly, they had molded you into quite the talented witch. And after putting yourself through college, you’d opened a shop downtown— Bell, Book, & Candle. Your clientele ranged from tourists to townies and even your childhood tormentors. In time, the Callahan curse had faded from a vindictive tool used by school-yard bullies or "good families" with something to prove, to merely a piece of local lore— In a bind? See the Callahan girl at her shop or take the bluestone path to the back of the old white house on Willow Lane and knock twice on the whitewashed backdoor.
“I don’t know what to tell you,” Tracy called from the tea shelves where she perched on a rolling ladder on the wall. “But we’re completely out of the Assam tea for Mrs. Collins’ Irish Breakfast blend and she’s already called twice about it.” She unceremoniously shoves the empty container back on the shelf and propels herself down to the register.
Worrying your bottom lip between your teeth, you sigh and search for a pencil in your haphazard topknot. “I’ve called our supplier and he swears it was sent in the current replen.” Finding a pencil, you make a note in the fliofax as your hair cascades down past your shoulders. With another sigh, you finished jotting down necessities. “I trust Frank when he says it was shipped, but we normally don’t have these delays before the first snow of the year.” You glance up to see Tracy shrug. “I’ll make a trip down there sometime this week,” you conclude as the front door chimes.
Several customers poured in as Tracy greeted them, “Welcome in! What can we help you with today?” You went back to the paperwork as the customers dispersed across the store. You could hear Tracy in her conversation with someone about the latest town gossip. (“Are you sure it was the Blakely house? Holy hell!”) You shook your head and smiled, that will spread across town like wildfire in no time, you muse. Busying yourself with tidying the cash wrap, you notice a customer ready to check out.
“I don’t know how you do it!” The newly married Mrs. Smith gushed, “I always walk in here thinking I won’t need anything and I come out with a treasure every time.” You smile politely and ring up her purchases. Pushing the memory of her shouting at you, as you cowered behind Kelly, She started it!
“Well, you’re walking away with some of my favorites,” you say. “I found these scarves when I was in Milan, aren’t they lovely?” Carefully wrapping the scarves, candles, and salve, you continue with the small talk. “With the salve,” you say seriously, “Use it on your lower abdominal area, no more than twice a day.”
Mrs. Smith nodded, mentally making a note. “I can always call you if I have questions, right?”
You nod, “Of course, that’s what I’m here for! Your total comes to 45 dollars today.”
Mrs. Smith paid for her purchases and thanked you and Tracy as she left the store. Tracy eyes you warily, “Was that the salve I think it was?”
Rolling your eyes and stepping out from behind the counter, you laugh, “I think you know the answer to that.”
Tracy scoffs, “God! The last thing this town needs is more kids, damn it Callahan.”
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A wind blew softly through the trees, resplendent in their golden yellow hues. A black lab padded among the pine needles while a steady crack sounded down the street. Further up the lane, a young man was bent over to split firewood. His maul slung over his shoulder as he stood to wipe his brow. The weather hadn’t yet turned its frosty shoulder as it was still early in the season, but, nevertheless, preparations must be made.
Turning back to his task, he set a block of wood down on a stump and took a step back. As he was about to begin again, he noticed a car turning toward the Callahan house. Brows furrowed, he placed his maul down and let out a clear whistle, “Lucy!” Ears perked, the dog bounded up from the glen to his side. With a smile, he gave her a nice head scritch and watched as a Subaru ambled up the drive to the white house at the end of the lane.
Later, after a motor-mouth blonde and lean brunet had arrived, the town’s newest resident stepped out for a stroll. Throwing on a flannel to combat the early evening’s chill, he poked his head into the kitchen.
“Lucy’s been fed and walked Rob,” he says to the woman at the stovetop. “Don’t let her fool you.”
She turns with a bemused smile, “I know Steve, s’not like I was born yesterday.”
“Same goes for Eds,” he concludes with a nod before slipping out the door.
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Just as you and Tracy were making closing preparations, the bell on the door chimed and a pink-cheeked brunet man walked in. Tracy, eyeing the stranger up and down, let out a low wolf whistle as you jabbed her in the side.
“Hi, welcome in!” You greeted, giving Tracy the eye while she petulantly rubbed at her side. “Is there anything, in particular, I can help you with today?”
The stranger made eye contact with you, his eyes a lovely shade of hazel, and smiled. “Actually, I think I’m looking for you.” He took a step toward her, “Callahan, right?” Tracy snorted and turned to busy herself with something.
You hesitated, never having seen this man in your life, “Um, yes?” You held out your hand to shake, “And you are?” His hand met yours, igniting a tingle at the base of your spine— a firm shake of the hand, his skin surprisingly warm.
“Steve, Steve Harrington. I just bought the property down the way from yours.” His hands were rough, he probably worked with them a lot. He smelled of freshly split wood, towing in a cloud of a pleasant, sappy aroma— warm and inviting.
You dropped hands and tucked a piece of hair behind your ear, “Oh, I think I heard something about that. Well, congratulations! It’s a lovely property.”
He nodded in agreement and surveyed the store and its proprietor. You were casual in blue jeans and brown leather boots, paired with a light sweater. Hair slightly wavy and a lovely shade. Soft and feminine features, but your energy radiated strength.
“Yeah, well,” Steve cleared his throat, “I’m really excited to have a place by the water now.”
You smiled, “No place I’d rather be.” Steve, huh? You tried to place him, he seemed so familiar, and yet…
He definitely wasn’t a beach bum, he lacked the sloping posture. Maybe he was one of those rich summer vacationers? “Well, if you need anything please, don’t hesitate to ask!” Glancing around, you hoped to find Tracy, but she had made herself scarce. Damn.
Steve mused a minute before speaking, “Thanks, think I’ll just browse around for now.”
Robin had sent him out with strict instructions and a list— myrtle, myrrh, a tea of some kind, and then, of course, Eddie had chocked in his items as well: devil’s nettle, a very specific type of coffee bean, along with a few other odds and ends.
Luckily, he could find most of the items with practiced ease and sauntered back to the counter. Making idle chit-chat, you rang up the purchase and recommended a few local cafes and stores for his consideration.
“So, what brings you to our neck of the woods?”
“Oh, me?” He smiles as you bag up the purchases, “I’m just some guy with a carpentry business.” Passing the bag to him along with a receipt he thanks you and turns to leave, but not before sliding a card on the counter that reads: ‘H & M Design and Construction: REMODELS, DRYWALL, CARPENTRY, PAINTING, INSTALLATION, ELECTRICAL, REPAIR - WE FIX THINGS.’
Before the bell can chime to signal his leave, he glances to the built-in bookshelves gracing one wall of the store, ladder docked near the register where Tracy left it.
“Your teak could do with a good oiling,” he nods to the built-ins in questions, “Think about it.” And stepped out of the store with a wave, into the indigo night.
Tracy, seemingly coming from nowhere, wore the contented grin of a cat who caught the canary. “Babe,” she said sweetly, “Do you have any idea who that was?”
Distracted by reorganizing the front of the store, you shrugged, “Said his name was Steve, just bought the old Blakely property.”
Tracy hummed and busied herself with tallying up the till eyes falling to the cream-colored business card. She pocketed it, making a mental note to call for an estimate for the store later that week.
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In the early morning, a cool breeze swept through the open second-floor window of the Callahan house. Quilts half on the floor, you shiver slightly and roll on to your side throwing an arm over your eyes. All was silent. The moonlight illuminated the photo of your late mother. The woman appeared to smile graciously at the photographer, her husband and your father. A slight breeze too swept through the photograph; the older woman laughed warmly.
This breeze continued down the to the old Blakely house. A picture window was opened slightly for the wind to slip through. Steve, dozing on the couch with a blanket half covering his torso, sighed in his sleep. The sea air was doing him some good. The breeze tousled his hair before it gracefully dissipated.
Unbeknownst to the two residents in the realm of dreams, a change was carried on that breeze. Slow and gradual, but still a change. It was coming swiftly and with intent. Just as a mother once promised her daughter it would.
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dawnthefox24 · 3 months
*Moira,Genji,Cole and Reyes are playing a team sport/bond together on their strengths and how they work together.* Moira: *looks at Cole seeing how relived he is being her partner* Aren't you upset that you didn't get to be on the same team as Gabriel? Cole: *Looks at her and shudders a bit* Have you ever played a game with Gabriel? Moira: N-No…? Cole: Than you haven't been trapped in a cage with a wolverine, cause it ain't fun I rather have you as my partner. Moira: I'm sorry...WHAT!?! *Meanwhile, on the other side of the field* Gabriel: *is watching Geni being chased by a robo-lion that torb made while holding Genji's sword and shurikens*: I SAID FASTER! DO YOU KNOW WHAT THE WORD “FASTER” MEANS? IT MEANS MORE FAST!!!! Genji: *is running like no tomorrow * WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!! Gabriel: IF COLE CAN FIGHT A WOLVERINE YOU CAN OUT RUN A LION!!!
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tates-striped-sweater · 9 months
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More Murder House alignment charts
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overwatchfics · 2 years
can you do Shimadas + saving their s/o when their vigilante activities go wrong? 🥺
Shimada's Saving Their Vigilante S/O
A/N: I have a feeling I know who this is...
Content Warning: Contains violence and minor character death
Being chased by what was left of his clan, Hanzo knew they'd come after you eventually.
He just didn't know when
Especially since you two worked together to take out the last of the corrupted Shimada clan
One mission you and Hanzo decided to split up and take a fortess from both sides
Unfortunately for you, an alarm was sounded when you were spotted by a guard
You tried to find cover when a couple bullets grazed your side, knocking you down.
In minutes you were surrounded by Shimada cronies all with katanas and guns raised and aimed at you
The main guard was approaching you with a gun in hand when an arrow struck him in the head.
The other guards looked to Hanzo's direction only to get stuck with even more arrows
With the few remaining turning their attention to you, he jumps down from his perch, a look of cold rage set on his face.
One guard charged at him with his sword raised, Hanzo caught him by the throat and slammed him into the ground, effectively knocking him out.
Without thinking, Hanzo picked up the blade and went on a frenzy slicing through the remaining guards one by one.
After all guards were slain, Hanzo stood, his chest heaving, He looks to you and down to the sword his hands shaking as he drops the blade and runs to your side.
He slides to his knees and collects you into his arms tightly
Thank god you're alive, I had feared the worst
Hanzo hadn't picked up a blade since he's killed his own brother, but he knew he had to protect you. At this point he's enveloping your body with his as he releases choked sobs into your shoulder.
Once home Hanzo wraps his arms around you in bed and pulls you close, refusing to let you go
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Talon was a common enemy for overwatch and while Genji recently convinced you to come to Overwatch's side, he knew Talon would be after you as well (Like Hanzo's situation)
One mission went terribly wrong when your group was ambushed and taken to the science division of a Talon base.
Genji felt his temperature turn to ice and ignoring the calls of his allies, tracked you down right away.
He'd melted through Talon forces swiftly and quietly, with the exception of making his hand burning hot and pressing it to a guard's neck to gather information on where you were being held
When he'd found out it was the science division, his stomach dropped Moira
Without hesitation he breaks through the vent and drops to the floor.
What Genji saw broke his heart.
You were strapped to the table with your half naked body littered with bruises showing signs of struggle. A couple IVs were poked into your arm
You looked so pale, so weak.
Genji felt a rage he hadn't felt in a long time bubble up in him, but he could handle it later, right now he had to get you out of here.
He Takes out the IVs, untie the straps, and gathers you in his arms, he hears heels boots click against the floor and he knew he needed to make his escape, so he puts you over his shoulder and crawls out of the window and makes a mad dash.
As he gains distances, he can hear the frustrated frantic yelling of the mad geneticist
Once he gets home with you, he bathes and dresses you comfortably and prepares food for you
Once you wake up, he cracks and tries his best not to break down in front of you.
Genji grabs your hand and presses it to face and confesses he was terrified to lose you
His tears slide onto your hand and he presses a tearful shaky kiss to your lips, proceeding to bury his head in the space between your shoulder and neck, breathing you in.
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Listen, we all know it's gonna be the Hashimoto
You and Kiriko were partners in crime against the Hashimoto
both knew the risks and most of the time had a clear view of each other's backs
Most of the time
You had a bad habit of going out on solo missions to deal with the Hashimoto, and one of the few times Kiriko decides to tail you in secret you get ambushed
You were walking through an alleyway, weapons ready and investigating the markings of the Hashimoto on a wall when you're heard the unsheathing of swords and the clicking of loading guns
They were fast in jumping down from the roofs and you weren't quite fast enough.
You'd felt a stabbing pain in your shoulder and in your abdomen and looking down you'd been ran through by a couple blades.
Kiriko you had just caught up to you immediately calls out to her fox spirit and throws her Kunai
This time, aims she does not aim to spare, she aims to kill
She gets her wish when the sickening crack of kunai against skulls rang throughout the alleyway
The Hashimoto guards, who's blades had been right through you, pull out as they fall to the ground.
The world for you is shifting around and spinning as you feel yourself falling
Kiriko's glowing eyes are vibrant as they lock on to you and she teleports, catching you before you hit the ground. She uncorks her healing Suzu, and brings it to your lips, she tilts your head back and forces you to drink it
Your wounds seal up and Kiriko hears growing and shuffling and she sees a bleeding Hashimoto trying to crawl away.
She throws a kunai, and she hears her shot connect and his breathing stop.
Kiriko identifies that the life-threatening wounds are healed, but she lays ofuda on you to keep you stable as she carries you home.
Once through the front door, you see the glowing stops and her strength is waning, she makes it to her bed and lays you gently on top of it before crawling on top of you and cradling your face in her hands. She peppers your face in kisses before slowly leaning in and capturing your lips in hers.
Kiriko flops over next to you on her back and pulls you to her side, allowing your head to settle under her chin and she strokes your hair
don't ever do that again, not alone, we fight together.
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stayliquid · 4 months
closed starter for @godqveens! x muse. scott bennett, it guy/drag racer, fc dylan o'brien.
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"every time i try to fix things, i only make them worse. so i'm not gonna bother anymore."
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lovedrruunk · 2 months
Overwatch nightmare blunt rotation and why ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀི₊ ⊹
From scariest to tamest
Junkrat, I don’t think I need to explain much… you’ll take a hit and next thing you know he’s trying to convince you into amputating his right leg. I think overall it’d be a terrifying experience, also he def laced the blunt with some homemade contraption he made. NOTHING good will come out of this and you will most definitely wake up in a hospital bed
Junker queen, will actually try to FIGHT YOU… YOU ARE NOT WINNING !!!! An hour in and she’ll be chasing you around the house playing fnaf 4 irl. She’s actually so scary and will have you crying. After three hours of pure horror she’ll blink and just be like “huh?”……..she forgot about everything and is back to normal….
Moira, you’ll take a hit and next thing you know she’s trying to convince you into letting HER amputate YOUR right leg… She’s stressed out 24/7 so the only reason she’s not lacing it with some potion in order to use u as an experiment is because she also needs a hit..so….better than junkrat I’d say…
Tracer, not scary but really annoying. As much as I LOVE her she’s a yapper and will NOT shut up…. Will have your ears ringing and her mood swings would be terrible to deal with
Hanzo, the ultimate TRAUMA DUMPER !!!! WE DON’T CARE !!!!! Will be crying telling you about how he had to kill his own brother only for him to come back scarred and robotic and you’ll just have to be like ohhhhh I’m so sorry you had to go through that ohhhh….. will have all your pillows covered in tears and snot…disgusting…
Venture, GUYS…. Let’s be so for real they’re tracer part 2… by the end of the night you’ll know every rock type and crystal ever discovered. Will give you a 2 hour recap of Steven universe that you can’t escape from. They’ll also get really hungry and literally raid your fridge
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wildissylupus · 10 months
Talon and Manipulation
Alright, the people have spoken so here you are. An analysis on the manipulation found in Talon. Specifically the inner council.
(Note; Ramattra will not be included in this because he is getting his own separate analysis, not only that but he is working with Talon, he is not a member of Talon)
Now you might think I'll start with the obvious choices like Reaper, Sigma and Widow, but no, I want to start with Baptiste. Specifically the manipulation used to bring in regular people into Talon.
In the Liberation mission if you play Baptiste when the Ramattra's speach comes on Baptiste will say "I recognize propaganda when I see it", meaning Talon most likely doesn't personally pick out their soldiers, they use propaganda. Which means that there is likely more people like Baptiste who joined Talon to make the world a better place and are now lying to themselves to keep that vision going.
This is only the beginning of the analysis and we already see that the foundation of Talon is built on manipulation, on the altered vison of what Talon is.
Ok, let's get into the meat of it.
Widow, the manipulation Widow faced is probably the most commonly talked about, but only in context of her brainwashing and being forced to kill Gerard. No one really talks about what happened after. After she killed Gerard she was left without anyone to turn to and no where to go, she was terrified of how the kill made her feel. So she went to the only place she thought she would be safe, a place where she could chase the high she got from the kill, she ran back to Talon. Widows motivation for joining Talon isn't just to get a adrenalin rush, but it's also out of survival, and I think that's why she's so hostile towards Baptiste.
Baptiste got out, he survived, and now he's being helped by Overwatch. He's living proof that what happened to her, what she's doing, was unnecessary, that there was a possibility that if she stayed with Overwatch she could have gotten help. So she's hostile, she's angry at the world and at herself, but she can't leave now because she's in too deep, she's done too much. Widow's loyalty to Talon is literally programmed into her, though she did seemingly make the choice to fully join Talon, she can't make the choice to leave.
At least not yet.
Sigma is probably the most simple, he's broken, he was broken before Talon captured him, and the only people who seem to care are Overwatch associates and Sombra. Sigma is incredibly unstable and Talon uses that to their advantage. Sigma goes through constant experimentation, though we don't know what this experimentation is, considering it's Moira conducting them we can assume it's bad.
Sigma is honestly the most tragic out of most of the Talon members, unlike everyone else we know who was in Talon, he's the only one who genuinely didn't have a choice. He was taken by Talon to which he was then used for his research and powers. We can assume that Sigma hasn't gone on any field missions, or at the very least ones that included the obvious harming of other people.
The only reason Sigma hasn't left Talon left is because he is genuinely being sheltered from the harm that Talon is doing, to the point where when they do do questionable things he either thinks it's normal, or he's oblivious to it.
Gabriel Reyes is probably the epidemy of the affect Doomfists manipulation, he's honestly the reason I wanted to make this analysis. At the point when Reyes first interacts with Doomfist its after Ana's death and during the point in time where he and Jack couldn't be in a room without fighting. If you have also seen my Cassidy analysis you would also know that I think he and Cassidy drifted apart by this point as well. When Gabriel first interacted with Doomfist he was without a support network, and as we've established, Talon uses that to take advantage of people.
After the explosion and after Moira "saved" Reyes (I'll get to that in a minute), it stated that Gabe did mercenary work by himself for a year before he officially joined Talon. A year where he had to deal with constant pain, the trauma of the explosion and the lack of a support network. Reyes becoming Reaper was destined to happen the moment he shot Antonio. Like Cassidy himself said, that was the moment Overwatch truly started to fall.
And the longer Reaper is with Talon, the less and less of Gabriel Reyes we see. Reaper is in constant pain because of Moira's experimentation, and we see that she refuses to help. This brings me to my next point, Reyes would have survived the explosion, with or without Moira's help. Presumably Gabe and Jack where the same distance away from the explosion, now we don't really know what happened to Jack but we know he survived. Yes, Reyes went through more experimentation but we see that it didn't have as bad of negative effects until after his "death". The constant pain and the struggling to keep his form is a result of experimentation after the explosion.
Why do this? Because Gabriel Reyes has proven to be an asset. So spin the narrative, make it so it seems that Reyes couldn't survive without Talon. This is something that Reyes himself sees through, but he's too broken to leave. He needs something to fight for and Talon gives him that so he doesn't leave.
The Inner Council
Doomfist and Moira are probably the biggest manipulators in the Inner Council, followed by Sanjay. Both Moira and Doomfist use subjective facts to get into their targets heads, making them question what exactly it is that they're doing, if what they're doing is working. They like to make people reliant on them, to have control over them, and it works most of the time. Most of the time Moira uses it to get under peoples skin, to make them squirm, she is manipulative but that isn't her main tactic. Dommfist on the other hand, most of his voicelines with people is him trying to manipulate them in some way.
Sanjay is an interesting case because to me it seems that he genuinly believes what he's saying and unlike the other two he seems to be swayed by others, able to recognize when someone else has a better methodology. Meanwhile Max seems to only really use manipulation and bargaining as a way to save his own ass.
And I've detailed this before but Reyes in the later years of Blackwatch was also manipulative but it seemed almost unintentional.
Where the manipulation fails
Doomfist and Moira both tend to target those who are loosing/lost their support network. People who are prone to emotion and tend to not think things through because of it. What this doesn't account for is the people who can handle that. Let's talk about Sombra.
Sombra is a member of Talon but unlike every other member she isn't loyal to it. She's only in it for the resources. It honestly seems that she doesn't like or get along with most of Talon. She's been pointed out both in universe and out to be the most likely person to betray Talon, the problem with that is Doomfist seems to underestimate her, not seeing her very likely betrayal as a threat. Reaper being the one to bring up his concerns. Sombra is a person with no support network yet she is unaffected by Talon's manipulation. This is because the way you get to her isn't stripping her of a support network, it's giving her one, and that's something Talon can't do. The two people she's loyal to are Sigma and Baptiste, they are the people she tries to help.
Sombra is a victim of the Crisis like Baptiste is but unlike him it seems that she knew exactly what she was getting into. So when Baptiste finally stopped turning a blind eye and lying to himself, Sombra got back in contact with him and helped him escaped. It also seems that Cassidy trusts her enough to still trust Baptiste after fining out that they're in contact. Not only that but Sombra either already is, or is going to become Jack's informant on Talon information.
Talon's manipulation failed on Sombra so bad that she is now playing them like a fiddle.
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stayliquidarchive · 10 months
closed starter for @kllrqveens !!
muse. chase pierce.
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" i know i said you could throw some of your laundry in with mine, but your thongs get all wrapped up with my sweatpants and then i have to sit here untangling them. "
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