#chasity’s ships 🚢
anakin-danvers · 4 years
Hello Chas! Can I request a pairing (I don't mind who, though I would possibly prefer Star Wars)? A bit about myself: I am incredibly quiet and shy, and really like having discussions about many things and just learning in general. I am fairly active and love the outdoors. I get overwhelmed easily and will probably need someone to distract me in someway from those things. I wear glasses and have forgotten them in weird places before.
Hey Aro! So happy you asked for a ship, love! 💗🥰
I ship you with Fox!
You don’t like going out much, instead preferring to stay home and going through your data pad in search of learning something new. But at the insistence of your friends, and a relatively stressful day at work, you succumb to the invitation of going out to 79’s one night. And thank the stars you did, because that’s when you lay eyes on him.
You are much too shy to approach him, instead content to simply see him from afar. Thankfully you don’t have to make the move. At the sight of the clone commander approaching your table, your nerves get the better of you, and you look at anywhere but at him.
He introduces himself as Commander Fox. Initially you think he’s there to talk to one of your friends, but to your surprise, he’s looking at you the whole time he speaking. Your friends see the curiosity in your eyes, and excuse themselves from the table to give you two some space.
In the beginning, you admit, there is an awkward silence. You’re much too shy to start talking to him, especially with how his hazel eyes seem to look at you as if he already knows you. It’s when he starts to ask about what you rather be doing than be here at 79’s that he gets you talking.
And talk you do.
In fact, you talk all night, and soon (too soon for your liking), the night is over. But you promise to meet again the next week, and you always keep your promises. Soon, the two of you are inseparable. He picks up on your mannerisms, and you on his.
Whenever he’s at your place after a mission, you feel more whole, more complete. He’ll always be there when you need him to be. Whether it’s for help looking for your glasses (multiple times a day) or to listen to you excitedly talk about the latest topic you’ve learned or to simply hold you after an especially hard day, Fox is always there.
It’s on one of those hard days that you realize something.
You get him from your job, and to say you feel overwhelmed is putting it lightly. You don’t feel valued at your job, and though you keep putting your best to your work, it seems that the work is never-ending. Fox is already in your apartment when you arrive (you’d given him a spare key, and he’s definitely been putting it to good use).
You’re happy to see him, as you always are, but you also don’t want to talk about just how down you feel. But Fox knows you, and with one look at your face, he’s setting down the data pad he’d been holding and embraces you. You sigh, your body giving into the warmth of his own. His hands play with your hair, fingers running through it, and Maker the amount of serotonin that flows through your body due to the sensation should be illegal.
His lips place a soft kiss on your forehead and you don’t even realize a few stray tears have fallen down your face until he wipes them away. He doesn’t say anything, he doesn’t need to. But as he looks at you the same way he did that night at 79’s, you know Fox knows you better than anyone does, he always has. And honestly, you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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anakin-danvers · 4 years
*raises hand* ma’am may I please request a pairing?? about me: half-Latina, athletic/former dancer, in need of stimulation 24/7, youngest child, intellectual but also kinda (read: very) clueless, always listening to music, deep thinker, loves to laugh, anxiety & isolationism are good friends of mine, craves soft things, honorable bad boys are *sigh*
Cristina! I’m so glad you asked for a ship 🚢 and I love the description you gave!
I ship you with Han Solo!
You met the literal epitome of honorable bad boy after taking up a few jobs at the Mos Eisely cantina. He’s no stranger to the dimly lit tavern, and one night after you finish your shift early, you find yourself unwinding with a few drinks. It’s when the band plays the lively music you grew up hearing and you make your way to the sad excuse of a dance floor that Han can’t help but stare.
You move to the music as if you have it memorized. It’s second nature to you, dancing for as long as you can remember. The youngest in your family, you were often able to pick up different parts of your culture from those around you. The one that stuck to you most was dancing.
The few drinks you took to unwind take its toll on you, because as you open your eyes to find chocolate orbs staring back, you smile. And that smile is what has Han up from his seat and walking towards you.
From this, you’ve learned that as smooth as Han is with his words, his dancing doesn’t necessarily follow suit. Since that night, Han never stops dancing with you when he has the chance, the action bringing a warm feeling to your chest. Sometimes you can’t help but laugh at how lost he seems to be. But he’ll keep making a fool out of himself on the dance floor just to hear you laugh.
When you decide to travel the galaxy with him, he, to your surprise, has a music player installed to the Falcon. Han insists he always had it, but when you point out the obviously newer state it’s in compared to the rest of the ship, all he does is give you a smile to confirm your suspicions.
Later, when he meets Luke, Leia, and the Rebellion, he tells you he’ll join them only if you want to. At the gleam of hope in his eyes, hope for something better, you instantly say yes. You’re initially afraid to be a bother to the crew; they all know so much, they all seem to have their specific purpose. When Han finds you in your cot, the anxiety of not being good enough to help the Rebellion clouding your thoughts, his heart feels heavy. He assures you that the main reason he wants to help the Rebellion is to ensure a better life for you together. His words warm your heart more than the suns on Tatooine ever could, and you hug him close to you, thanking the stars for having him in your life.
Your worry is soon scrapped, as you find your immense knowledge of the history of different planets is soon put to use in the Rebellion. You love to learn, and soon pick up many things around the Rebel base. When you’re not deep in thoughtful conversations with those around you, Han will find you in the small kitchen of either the base or the Falcon (both having working ovens secretly installed by Han himself). You’ll bake your worries away, and Han is always excited to taste your newest creation. Though he loves each one, he knows nothing is quite as sweet as the taste of your lips on his.
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anakin-danvers · 4 years
can i request a star wars ship for your 100 celebration? (you can pick from any trilogy!) i am a ENTP-T straight female. i’m about 5’2” and i have straight brown hair. i play softball and field hockey. i am witty, stubborn, artistic, and an original. i love listening to music and sketching from time to time. i love athletic wear, but i love to dress nice. i love to read and binge netflix in my free time. thank you lovely! :))
Hey Sarah! Thank you for requesting! 🥰
I ship you with Poe Dameron! Your witty personality is what first caught his attention. You two are both Resistance pilots, and after seeing you around the base many times, Poe took the initiative to get to know you better!
You are both stubborn, which can cause some conflict at times, but it also let’s you two understand each other when others might not. Being part of the Resistance is no easy task, but you’re definitely cut out for the job. Not only are your piloting skills up to par with Poe’s (or better you’d argue, since you often need less fixings to your X-Wing than he does), but you’re also great at squadron tactics and hand to hand combat.
On the rare occasion that you have free time, Poe will find you in a a hidden nook in the base, either laying down with some soft music playing, or enjoying a nice read on your data pad. When he finds you, Poe will either join you in your moment of relaxation, laying his head on your lap while casually going through some documents on his own data pad. When he has nothing on his agenda, he’ll just lay there and close his eyes, letting the music you’re playing or the simple hum of the conversations close to you lull him to sleep.
Honestly, you never get tired of looking at Poe. His smile warms your heart and brings a smile to your face every time. You’ll sketch him from time to time, always focusing on emphasizing the soft hair you love rubbing your hands through.
You two complement each other so much. You challenge one another to the point that no one else has, but it’s always in a way that makes each of you a better version of yourself. He knows you’re curious to learn, and he’s always looking forward to talking to you about anything new he found on a mission. Overall, you and Poe make a great team, lifting each other up and always being there for each other when you need it. Not to mention, he’s a great hugger and an even greater kisser ;)
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