#chazz writes fic
chazzam · 2 years
Greetings and salutations! Happy Pride Month to all! I’m not sure if anyone is really following me on here anymore, but if so, I’m looking for a bit of assistance with some upcoming fic.
So I’ve been focusing on the 3rd book in my series (I know it’s taking 6ever and a day, but it’s been a weird few years and I really am on a roll with it as of late), BUT. I have watched Heartstopper an alarming number of times, it has seriously gotten under my skin and made me grapple with shit around my bisexual identity I thought I had long since laid to rest, and now my brain has started to flat-out DEMAND that I write Heartstopper fic with a ferocity I haven’t experienced since the early days of Klaine. I already loved the web comic/graphic novels, but something about the show has created an itch in my emotional core that that I know only writing fic can scratch. So that’s what I’m gonna do. Which brings me to my request.
I’m looking for a British beta to take a pass at my fics before I post them, so they can hopefully sound more authentic and less like they were written by the blundering American douchebag that I am. I don’t require any feedback/editing help beyond that (not that it wouldn’t be welcome, it’s just not necessary and I do need to devote most of my writing time to my actual book), I just need someone who is British, and is either young enough or around young people enough to have a reasonable grasp of age-appropriate slang, word choices, etc.
I probably won’t write anything epic (at least, not in the immediate future), so this wouldn’t be a ton of reading, but I’m definitely gonna be posting some shorter canon-y fics very soon. If I don’t find a volunteer to help Brit-ify my fics I’ll most likely post them anyway, they probably just won’t be as good.
Anyway, message me if you’re interested! If I get more than one response, I will probably just go with whomever I hear from first. And thank you so much in advance to anyone that might be able and willing to do me this enormous favor! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
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aberooski · 7 months
An excerpt from a future chapter of Your Princeton Is In Another Castle:
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- Chazz
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“im so normal over them” i say as i lay hunched over my ipad furiously scribbling away “i am soooo normal over them”
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strangefable · 10 months
WIP Poll - tagged by @adelaidedrubman, @inafieldofdaisies, @direwombat, and @jillvalentinesday, thank you lovelies <3 <3 <3
Rules: Make a 24-hour poll with the names of your wips, let it run, then write one sentence for every vote the winner received.
i have considerably more wips than i could include here, so this is just a random selection tbh
passing some (no pressure) tags along: @thisisrigged4, @voidika, @v0idbuggy, @marivenah, @dumbassdep, @wrathfulrook, @cassietrn, @josephseedismyfather, @mars-colony, @foibles-fables, @poisonedtruth, @trench-rot, @shallow-gravy, @florbelles, @unholymilf, @chazz-anova, @aceghosts, @gayafsatan, @henbased, @funkypoacher, @socially-awkward-skeleton, @incognito-insomniac, @roofgeese, @turbo-virgins, @legally-a-bastard, @strafethesesinners, @vampireninjabunnies-blog, @peppertheferalraccoon, @confidentandgood, @the-lastcall, @clonesupport, @fourlittleseedlings, @kittiofdoom, @g0dspeeed, @theelderhazelnut, and anyone else i've still managed to forget <3
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alectoperdita · 7 months
20 questions writer meme.
Thanks to @heyholmesletsgo for tagging me <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
178 (one is a podfic)
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
1,761,591 words
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I'm mainly in YGO only now, but in the past, have written for Lucifer, Sherlock, Gundam Build Fighters, Sailor Moon, and a few other random fandoms
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The sum of our choices (Lucifer post-S3 canon-divergent AU)
Side Deck (YGO post-canon kaijou)
obvious things observed by nobody (also part of the same post-S3 Lucifer AU)
Confirmation Bias (Sherlock, post-Reichenbach Johnlock)
The tomorrows we'll never have (YGO Battle City canon-divergent AU with hints of kaijou and Priest Set/Jounouchi)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yeah, I usually try to. I've definitely fallen behind in the last few months, though. I'm sorry. I try to tackle it when I have energy, but it's a rare commodity and I use it to write usually.
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
These are more open endings than specifically sad/tragic endings, but they could end up there because they're open. It's a toss-up between Chilled to my bone and the recent ficlet where Jounouchi was kidnapped by Hirutani.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of them are fairly happy because I tend toward happy endings. But I can't really think of which is the happiest?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Somehow in the last two years, I morphed into being a majority smut writer. I'm still in the experimental phase, trying to write different kinds of kinks/tropes, but I feel more practiced at it compared to when I started. Overall, my preference is to try and use smut as a way to advance character/relationship development.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Yes. It's maybe not crazy per se, but some of them may feel discordant(?) in their source materials. Like I find it amusing to write crossovers between animes and Western live-action properties.
We do ourselves no favors is a Lucifer/YGO crossover casefic.
Going forth by day is an unfinished Sherlock/YGO crossover casefic.
Said the spider to the fly is a Sherlock/xxxHOLIC crossover ficlet.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not as far as I know.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not yet.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Sorta? The Horny Cinderella Incident was an idea workshopped between wahwahwashbear and myself. I wrote the prose for the
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Kaiba and Jounouchi forever 😍
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I try not to give up on WIPs, as it may take a few years but I eventually get back to them. But if I'm honest with myself, I'm probably never going to finish he lit a fire with icicles 😔.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Hmm... perhaps the smaller gestures characters might make that hint at their feelings?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Dialogue, especially in a way that distinguishes between characters via appropriate voice/cadence is something I generally struggle with. I also tend to be verbose even in dialogue, which means they require a lot of editing.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Unless the point is for the reader to also not understand the dialogue, I prefer to not do that.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Sailor Moon
20. Favorite fic you've written?
It changes every once in a while but right now it might be Lure. 😈
Tagging @leechysmile, @arien-elensar, @worldendercharles, @chazz-is-a-zelda-fan, @bdeblueyes, @unfriendlyamazon, @kaijous, and any other writers that want to do this one. <3
(Give me permission to tag you on games here.)
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simplegenius042 · 7 months
Late WIP Wednesday & Last Line (Paragraph)
Tagged by: @cassietrn @josephseedismyfather @inafieldofdaisies @direwombat @socially-awkward-skeleton @adelaidedrubman @g0dspeeed
Tagging: @strangefable @jillvalentinesday @wrathfulrook @chazz-anova @deputy-morgan-malone @derelictheretic @ec-10 @minilev @josephslittledeputy @neverthesameneveranother @onehornedbeast @shallow-gravy @voidika @vampireninjabunnies-blog @strafethesesinners @ladyoriza @ladyofedens-blog @little-wolf-seed and @nightbloodbix
Here's 3 WIPs and a Last Line Paragraph (from The UnTitledverse, Far Cry The Silver Chronicles and Life, Despair & Monsters) to make up for the lack of activity (I've been a little preoccupied but I'm all good now). NOTE: I'm still ironing out these scenes, so some changes might happen in the future of publication. Anyway, enjoy!
Here's a WIP for A Blast In The Past (not Jurassic World related), a fic that's story was heavily inspired by Bendy And The Ink Machine and writing style inspired by Tamsyn Muir's Harrow The Ninth. Come meet the second main protagonist of The Perfect Storm saga... and the narrator who torments him:
You opened the wooden door to Carmine Studios, the hinges creaking from age and the times you've passed through it, revealing the hall that would seal your fate, on a false hope you would see your old friend and boss, Terrance, once again… but all you had entered was an empty caricature of the real thing. A nightmarish mockery that you'd soon find would come to life. But you didn't know that, not yet. You were more focused on the nostalgia behind your work, weren’t you? Or what once was your work.
In the hallway hung old posters of cartoons that no one cared to remember anymore. You admire it without recognizing the deception. Do you want to know the real kicker here?
It’s all a part of the show… all half-lies and half-truths, but close enough to what you already recognize that you couldn’t tell the difference until it was too late.
Was Seeker the clumsy meerkat who would follow through on any dangerous stunt, regardless of how far it puts his safety in jeopardy, all for what he loved most… a banana waffle split with streams of caramel syrup trailing up and down? No, it was more selfless than that. Nauseously so. Wasn’t it his loyalty to his friends?
Heh. Friendship… what good did that do him in the end, Bowler Hat?
You shift to the next poster, the one you’re least familiar with. Who was she again? An intelligent wisp named after her actress, Emily Margarita? Or perhaps you remember her as something more impersonal… perhaps a cunning foe? Doesn’t matter to you now. All you know is that she was a co-worker who you described as a “nice dame with a great voice, like a canary”.
But you never would have understood why most of the blokes back then howled and whistled for her, even if you knew the truth. “She was no scag,” you’d say, but you’re smart enough to know that being hitched with her would be… unpleasant. Shame you never listened to your gut.
Then there was the star of the show! The only prick you knew craved for nothing but the spotlight. Endlessly seeking validation for his actions. Only satisfied once his legacy was recognized. A pitiful shapeshifter that took many forms but loved only one… “Mario Emmett! The demon that never could be!"
A lanky black creature with an ego that was bigger than he deserved. Was he the main protagonist of your little show? Who are you to know? You’re only here to follow a repetitive script, endless by design.
You seem confused pal, scruffy face scrunched up, wrinkles becoming more apparent as your tired eyes examining the poster a bit too close... Perhaps a little reminder of why you’re here will help out with that gap in your memory. Wouldn't you agree, pal?
You search through the pockets of your plain brown overcoat, and feel the thin paper edge of a letter. The one Terrence had sent you, remember?
Carefully, you tug it out. Not that the yellow paper didn't already look worse for wear.
Despite its lack of care, surprisingly not your doing for once, you were reasonable enough to fold it neatly like a professional old-timely gentleman. No, it was… Terrence, yes, Terrence who had scrunched it with little care. “Always had a knack for getting on my nerves,” you would bitterly think. Funnily enough, that’s the part of him that was done right. What an Abercrombie!
…Is that the right slang?
You unfold the letter up, again, for what would be, unbeknownst to you, the first of many times. You read the ink scribbled over the dirty gold paper once more.
More interaction between Jennifer and Sir Enigma Malvolio. Seduction... could be better Jennifer. Granted, Malvolio's not... normal. The extent of how "unnormal" he is though is yet to be recognized:
"You shouldn't be here."
Jennifer swiftly turned around, her back to the Apex's chamber pod, its mesmerizing fluid motion forgotten as she focused on the approaching short figure of Malvolio. She noticed just how quiet his steps were, and how he neglected to bring his cane down to the container's metal floor.
"Don't you know it's rude to snoop around in stranger's properties?" he asked, his voice echoing in the trailer, despite how restrained it is from the usual bombastic and joyous attitude he put up in front of Dicko. From what she could tell, he sounded more amused than angered that she came into his workshop uninvited.
His gaze was still as dead and false as it had been like in their first meeting.
Remembering why she was there, Jennifer shifted her stature, "I'm sorry. I just couldn't help myself after tonight's fight."
Seeing that Malvolio stopped approaching, tilting his head as he waited for her to continue. Thinking she had his attention, she looked around, blue eyes wide in wonder as she gestured the workshop, "This place is amazing."
Looking to Malvolio, who she still had the engaged attention of, she gestured to him and stated coyly, "You were amazing."
To what would have to be the eighth confusing she's ever received from this man, Malvolio snorted and tsked at her. With a shake of his head, he looked to her, a smile curved on his lips as he made his reply.
"Please, I barely did a thing. She's the one who deserves the credit. It was all her," he pointed his cane behind Jennifer, to the darkened pod, where the Apex resided in the waters, "I was merely the motivation she needed to win the fight."
Looking between Malvolio and the beastie, Jennifer selectively stammered as she said, "But you did create it. And shared its mind. Don't you agree that's more than enough reason for praise?"
For whatever reason, Malvolio scoffed, looking Jennifer up and down, scrutinizing her with his gaze as he impressively twirled his cane to rest on his shoulder, now looking more like a club than a walking stick. He unnerved and frustrated her. Jennifer needed him to lower his guard, to be completely oblivious to any danger she posed.
It just ticked her off that he was clearly unconvinced with her performance, and at ease while she had to keep her nerve together, especially for Dicko's sake.
Here's a FC5 WIP for The True Sinners of Silva on a (forced) picnic with Faith and Nadi, for a "girl's day out" as Faith had insisted to Jacob (though Nadi hadn't initially been invited). Have some lore, ship teasing and the aftereffects of Silva's terrible childhood. Also TW for kidnapping, cults, manipulation and discussion of eating disorders:
Faith let out a sigh as she clung on to Silva's arm, effectively anchoring the woman where she sat. And she wasn't sure what was more concerning; the fact she didn't mind Faith being so close to her, or the familiar content smile on the herald's face.
"I'm glad the two of us can finally hang out," Faith admitted, neglecting to include Nadi's presence, "Jacob had been hogging you for so long that I was afraid I wouldn't ever get to see you again."
Silva wasn't sure how to respond to Faith's small confession so chose to reply with a contemplative hum, ignoring the warmth she felt rushing in her face. She also ignored the gnawing hunger at the sight of the food as well.
Nadi must have noticed that she wasn't eating the food as both herself and Faith had been. She looked at Silva with concerned brown eyes.
Silva was unsure why the blonde would care though; she just wasn't that hungry. Not even for the barely nipped sandwich in her hand.
"...Something wrong with the chicken, enfer?" Nadi asked, her head tilted as she scanned Silva over with her gaze. Silva glowered at the woman, rather irked that John's right-hand would bring attention to her lack of appetite, especially while the present host was a herald.
"It's nothing," she told the Frenchwoman, lowering the chicken sandwich. Nadi was unconvinced, though, and looked to Faith, head jerking to Silva.
And unfortunately, Faith lifted her head from Silva's shoulder, adjusting herself to sit up straight as she shifted her attention from Nadi to her charge. Silva risked a glance next to her and had the misfortune of getting caught into the worried gaze of Faith's green eyes.
"Do you not like the food?" Faith asked, eyes wide in panic like she committed some unspeakable crime, putting a hand on her forehead as she continued, "I should have asked you what you wanted. I'm sorry, I was so excited for this picnic with you that I didn't think you'd have any problem with the food-"
Silva saw the growing distress on the herald and swiftly responded to put a stop to it. She didn't want to find out what the repercussions were from upsetting the brother's little sister.
"No, no, it's not the food," Silva stated, garnering Faith's attention as she listened, focus as intense as the floral scent that followed the herald. Once again unprepared for the sole attention of Faith, she hurriedly tried to clear up any confusion, "The food is good. It's just me. I'm not hungry."
Even though she said she wasn't hungry, Silva could feel the pained craving for the food, but her mind just couldn't handle the idea of consuming anything for the time being.
Faith's demeanor lost the panic instantly, and the calm that came across her face left Silva stunned at the whiplash.
"Huh," Faith said, looking over to Nadi, the blonde unbothered by the herald's rapid shift in emotions, who had a knowing look as she stared at Silva with sincere pity.
"Are you sure, enfer?" Nadi questioned, a brow raised, "Jacob said you don't eat a lot at the center. The last time you ate must have been, what... three, four hours ago? Can you really say you're not hungry?"
Silva refused to answer, looking away from Nadi as the conflict of hunger and lack of appetite raged inside.
Both woman present found Silva's silence to be confirmation, and Nadi asked, "You're not starving yourself to spite us, are you?"
Silva gave Nadi an incredulous look, straightening up, "What would be the point of that? Despite how unpleasant I find your cult, it wouldn't help me to weaken myself. And besides, like you said, I do eat at the center. Which would be counterproductive if my plan was to starve myself, no matter how stupid of a plan it is to begin with."
Nadi nodded along, not incorrectly correcting her on their group status, agreeing with most of Silva's words, "I believe you. So, what's up?"
Silva had half a mind to not outright curse the sharpshooter about the obvious reason being how she was kidnapped from her home and kept captive against her will surrounded by cultists. The terror and stress of not knowing what they're capable of. Nadi would never know the terror of being unable to predict a so-called prophet's next move.
Especially when he was your own father.
Silva snapped out of her musings when Faith's hand rested on her arm. Glancing to her, the herald gave a comforting squeeze, a small encouraging smile on her face. The action made Silva's face feel no less warmer.
So instead, she glanced between Faith's waiting green eyes and Nadi's sincere stare, and exhaled a sigh, as she softly revealed, "I... just can't."
Nadi nodded slowly, "But you want to."
Silva gave a nod at Nadi's correct guess. She looked down to the sandwich in her hands. She wanted to have it, and the basket of fruits with the baked goods. She desired it badly, but she couldn't let go of the dread that came with eating and swallowing.
"But you don't because you're afraid of what could happen if you do. Like choking? Or perhaps vomiting?"
Silva didn't need to say anything to confirm that what Nadi deduced was true.
Nadi hummed, and stated, "It seems you got yourself an eating disorder, enfer. An avoidant one from what you've described."
Silva eyed John's confidant. The name sounded familiar, something Kamski would have offhandedly mentioned. Curiosity did eat away at her, as she replied, "You seem to be familiar with this disorder."
Nadi smiled, though the smile didn't reach her brown eyes. She looked down to the apple she had been biting on, "That's because I suffer from the same thing. Unlike you though, where you don't eat enough, I eat too much. I've gotten better though. John, la chérie, helped set up a diet and routine for me. Got me to memorize timing as well. He and Alexander still check up on me from time-to-time, but it's greatly appreciated."
Silva was surprised; both by Nadi's confession and the fact John of all people went out of his way to help Nadi. Silva thought him incapable of such a thing, given his holier-than-thou attitude towards her.
And finally the last paragraph for the still unnamed arranged marriage FC5 scenario. And Alexander (AKA Jacob's most trusted and loyal right hand man) is pissed. TW for cult views, a war crime and mentioned coerced/arranged/forced marriages. Also mentioned drug (Bliss) use. Snippet below:
Letting out a deep, shaky sigh, Alexander stared straight into Jacob's cold blue eyes, and said, "So you must understand my... my confusion and my shock and my fury when the Sinner herself, stumbling around the halls, high on fucking Bliss, wept in my arms as she told me exactly everything you and Joseph and John and Faith neglected to share with me or Nadi or the rest of the congregation. You told me she agreed to our negotiations. No, not our negotiations, you told me she agreed to your family's negotiations as soon as it was put forward. You told me this marriage between a suitor of her choosing, no matter how nonsensical and impractical and detrimental the wedding itself is to morale and our resources, was to bring unity between Eden's Gate and the Resistance indefinitely. So tell me Jacob. Why the lies? Why the lack of care towards the rules that Joseph says keep us grounded? Rules that I have witnessed so many of our brothers and sisters be punished for breaking, and yet now you and your siblings are exempt from it? Why have you been sending out Hunters, armed to the teeth, to track down Palmer's Militia if we're in a truce? Why do I hear of no contact with the Resistance if we're supposed to be sharing compensations and details surrounding our peace? Why had Silva told me that Joseph already chosen her suitor, and ignored her refusal of it?! And most importantly, why did she say it was YOU?!"
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WIP Poll Results
Thank you to all who voted! Tagging those of you who reacted in case you're interested:
@ivymarquis @unholymilf @icespinosaur @megraen @roofgeese @adelaidedrubman @yokobai @chazz-anova @neonneurons @statichvm @inafieldofdaisies @cassietrn @eclecticwildflowers @direwombat @neverthesameneveranother @kyber-infinitygems @kirjanikv6ilill @clicheantagonist @chadillacboseman @nightbloodbix @stacispratt @wrathfulrook
Here's the results of my hard work, admittedly some fics got more than what they should have but too bad (also there is smut at the end so minors DNI):
THE WINNER: The Animal in Me (fc5 werewolf au) - 13 sentences
The liquor coursed through her system making her head spin and legs feel like jelly that moved at the speed of thick molasses. Light-headed, she stumbled through the door of Jacob’s cabin and made her way to the living room, narrowly missing Princess before flopping down onto the nearby couch. 
The white wolf, having once been laying curled up, happily dozing on the rug on the floor, lifted her head and tipped it, trying to get a better sense of why this woman had invaded her territory.
Jacob made his way towards the couch, stalking towards her in the dark room. His sharp, pointed canine slipping out from below his upper lip as he smirked. “Whiskey sure did a number on ya, didn’t it?”
Kit’s legs hung draped over the armrest as she scooped her hair out from behind her head, stretching her arms out above her. “I never could have had this much before." Looking up at him with a grin as he untied and removed the boots from her feet. "I still have enough sense of myself even if my legs would like to tell you differently.”
“Guess you’re happy that I turned you now, huh?”
Kit rolled her eyes and rubbed at her forehead, trying to fight off the cascading waves that hit the inside of her skull. “I wouldn’t say that.”
American Beasts (kit's fc5 canon timeline) - 9 sentences
“She’s like the Predator, man. Comes in all stealthy like, so we gotta fight her the same way Dutch did.”
“Wait, when did her and Dutch fight?”
“No man, not that Dutch, you know, Arnold Schwarzenegger. The fuckin’ terminator. We gotta trap her and then instead of her tryin’ to blow us up we do that to her.”
“You wanna blow her up?”
“She’s a fuckin’ freak, my dude. You heard about what she did in that video. She’s with them, man. She’s with the cult, she killed Jess and she killed Eli and the other Whitetails. You think she gives a shit about any of us? I severely fuckin’ doubt it.”
Only you (fc5 soulmate au) - 6 sentences
"You know them best, what's their next move?"
"That doesn't matter. They need to be taken out of their element. Joey is strong, she needs someone who can break her. Staci's willing to do whatever's asked of him as long as there's good reason for it, he's got no backbone -- he's weak. And as for Whitehorse, he's complacent, does only what is needed to keep the county afloat."
Jacob stood hunched over his map looking at her, "Go on."
"Joey goes to John, Staci with us and Whitehorse goes to Faith."
"Works for me, angel."
Kakia (Kit's Herald/Role Swap AU) - 5 sentences
(apparently I'm writing this one in present tense, not sure why, but going with it for now)
Jacob knocks, heavy strikes with the side of his fist against thick wooden doors. It takes some time but the doors finally open, revealing a redheaded woman with the coolest blue eyes he’d ever seen besides his own, wearing little more than a silk robe the color of ivy. He’s meant to be there for business not pleasure, but he can’t help when his eyes travel over her form hungrily, barely able to hide the attraction he’s feeling for this strange woman in his midst. 
“Good morning…” Her eyes scan over the height and width of him, until they land on his badge and a smile creeps across her lips. “...Sheriff.”
He clears his throat, trying so hard to remember why he came here in the first place. “Ms. Cross.”
Arcadia & Empyrean (New Dawn AU) - 6 sentences
Her eyes widened, pupils made into pin pricks at the realization of what he meant. It was a death sentence without calling it that. She had no allies, no safe haven, she’d be fodder for the Highwaymen and the creatures outside their walls all the same. "Exile. You're banishing me?"
"Like Adam and Eve."
Kit's lip trembled, her hands falling to her sides in tightly clenched fists as her nails carved crescents into her palm, fighting the seething rage inside her. "You will bring nothing but death upon our people, Joseph. Do you hear me? I upheld the peace. I played my part. I did what you asked of me."
"The Lion is no longer needed." Joseph turned to the Judge, nodding for him to complete the sentencing. 
Even with the mask on she could tell the man underneath was hesitating. Trapped between his loyalty to the Father and to the woman who saved his life all those years ago, the woman who he joined the cult for. He stared at her for a moment, head tipping slightly and she could picture the brown eyes behind the dark holes trying to beg her for forgiveness for what he was about to do. Slamming his fist down on the table like a gavel her sentencing was complete. She was Persona Non Grata once more.
Pred/Prey Smut (MINORS DNI)- 9 sentences
“You like being treated like an animal, don’t ya? Not enough I put a collar on you, is it angel?”
Kit couldn’t speak as he ravaged her with his hands, a tear rolling down her cheek as her thighs clenched together and her walls clamped down around him. She was so goddamn close, he was going to make her cum any second. 
Coiling her hair around his fist like the leather of a leash, he dragged her back to rest against his shoulder and he kissed her deep. Muffling her noises with his tongue, biting down on her lower lip when she cried out, his hand snaked between her thighs from the front, focused entirely on her clit. 
She became a sobbing mess under his touch, panting and moaning at his rough touch against her.
Music Box Smut (Minors DNI) - 5 Sentences
As the music dug into her brain, seeping into her every synapse, rewiring her mind, her thoughts were in a state of war. One half controlled, ready to kill and destroy, the other desperate to please, filtered down to her base desires, animalistic and wild. He’d tested and proven his theory on so many unwilling subjects and now to have her at his fingertips fully accepting of whatever happened while she was under the effects of the conditioning, he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t at least a little excited at the prospect. 
Her eyes snapped open, and the deep recesses of her mind could be seen in her eyes. Icy, cavernous and dark, no light could be seen in them at all. She pushed him off of her, her strength channeled into enough force to send him to the floor. Pulling away from the bed, shoulders and back rising up from it first, her feet landed on the wooden floorboards. Eyes kept focused entirely on him, stepping towards him with long strides as he backed up trying to regain his footing. 
Grabbing the rough camo of his jacket in her fist she dragged him up to stand and face her. Clawing at him once he was in her clutches, her nails ripped at his shirt as she dragged him down into her embrace and then forced him further down onto his knees. Kit’s fingers ran through his hair, nails scratching against his scalp as she gripped his ginger tresses tight in her fist and forced his head back, exposing his jugular. That cold, dead stare of hers traced down the length of his throat, over the bobbing of his adam’s apple and landed on where his arteries kept his blood flowing. 
“You gonna hurt me, angel?” Jacob asked, testing the waters, checking to see if any part of her might still be in there at all or if she was all machine. 
Her face remained placid, as static and unchanging as marble. “Only if you tell me to.”
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josephseedismyfather · 7 months
Last Line+ Tag
I was tagged by @socially-awkward-skeleton and @inafieldofdaisies for my absolute favorite tag! Thank you friends! 🥰
Brain doesn't really want to cooperate with writing much, having a lot of personal things happening in my life (as always) but I'm definitely feeling the need to write. Just frustrating. Johnny's fic is getting the most attention, completely out of order but I'm writing everything down and hopefully at some point I'll have a first chapter. But for now, enjoy the latest I have for him.
Completely unedited, in no way ready to go. My fics transform so much between first draft and final posting 😅
Untitled Johnny WIP.
John's eyes caught a glimpse of someone who bore a striking resemblance to [redacted], a phantom from his past now materializing in the present. The shock of recognition was palpable, a jolt that coursed through his veins and anchored his gaze on the figure. The familiarity of features long relegated to memory stirred something within John. The years melted away in an instant, and he found himself staring at a version of [redacted] he’d never encountered before.
The realization struck John like a bolt of lightning—a surge of emotions, memories, and the acknowledgment of the changes that time had wrought. [Redacted]'s eyes, once windows to shared secrets and youthful aspirations, now held something disconsolate and weary. They didn't seem to notice John.
Beneath the surface of these sentiments, a subtle undercurrent of something else stirred—a physical reaction that caught him off guard.
It was as if the years of separation had compressed into that moment.
A flush of warmth crept up John's neck. A stirring in his gut. He felt himself getting hard, fighting the urge to adjust himself. It was a reaction he hadn't anticipated, an involuntary response to the collision of memory and reality. A longing that dipped into the realm of the unspoken.
Tagging, with apologies for doubles and no pressure as always! @wrathfulrook, @trench-rot, @ladyoriza, @cassietrn, @redreart, @hotmessteaparty, @g0dspeeed, @v0idbuggy, @insanityofvaas, @simplegenius042, @malefiquinn, @strangefable, @noodlecupcakes, @chazz-anova, @aristomal, @ocdemon-747, @evilvvithin
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azxremoon · 1 year
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what i do and don’t write for requests may contradict the type of content i write for myself.
please come to me if you have questions, concerns, or don’t understand something. i’m always happy to resolve any issues.
though i have a wp acc, i’ll be posting my writing on my fledgling ao3 under the same handle.
requests are done for fun, not obligation! they are not the primary focus in my life or my blog.
please check my pinned post for my writing status before requesting.
thirsts and suggestions are always accepted! i’d love to hear your ideas and thoughts, if you’re willing to share <3
i have no set schedule or consistency, and fics are published when they are completed.
if you don’t see a character you like on my list, feel free to ask about them!
regarding fire emblem, please specify whether the reader is the protagonist (byleth / corrin / robin) if it isn’t clear.
requesting while they’re closed or they break a rule will result in the ask itself being deleted.
code geass : lelouch vi britannia, suzaku kururugi, euphemia li britannia, jeremiah gottwald, cc.
final fantasy : cloud strife, tifa lockhart, reno, rude, tseng, sephiroth, genesis rhapsodos, angeal hewley, zack fair, noctis lucis caelum, prompto argentum, gladiolus amicitia, ignis scientia, lunafreya nox fleuret, ardyn izunia, nyx ulric.
fire emblem : corrin, chrom, robin, grima, lucina, henry, tharja, ryoma, takumi, xander, leo, camilla, azura, jakob, byleth, sothis, rhea, seteth, blue lions, golden deer, black eagles.
jojo’s bizarre adventure : jonathan joestar, dio / dio brando, joseph joestar, giorno giovanna, bruno bucciarati, leone abbacchio, guido mista, jolyne kujo, foo fighters, narciso anasui.
jujutsu kaisen : satoru gojo, yuji itadori, megumi fushiguro, nobara kugisaki, maki zenin, toge inumaki, yuta okkotsu, aoi todo.
legend of zelda : tp + botw/totk link, totk ganon, botw + totk zelda, rauru, sonia, sidon, revali, mipha.
nier : 2b, 9s, a2, brother nier, kaine.
persona 5 : akira kurusu, goro akechi, ann takamaki, ryuji sakamoto, yusuke kitagawa, “kasumi” yoshizawa, takuto maruki, sae niijima.
yu-gi-oh! : yugi muto, seto kaiba, joey wheeler, jaden yuki, jesse anderson, yubel, chazz princeton, aster phoenix.
headcanons and short drabbles only.
spoilers are a-ok!!
character x reader only.
platonic, familial, and romantic relationships are accepted, but must be specified.
alternate universes—modern, childhood, college / university, soulmate, fantasy, yandere, ask for more prior to requesting.
aus of characters inspired by specific vocaloid songs, such as cendrillon and cantarella. bonus points if it is from the evillious chronicles.
polyamorous relationships, unrequited love, various tropes.
fluff, angst, comfort fluff, hurt / comfort, hurt / no comfort.
dark content—such as major character death, yandere, etc.
oneshots (for reqs only)
readers with specific race, culture, disabilities, illnesses, or gender identity to avoid misrepresentation.
explicit n///sfw, non-con, fetishes, k///inks.
miscarriages or dark / triggering matters relating to pregnancy.
anything relating to harming oneself in any form.
original characters x canon.
canon x canon.
cheating (on reader, or by reader)
the reader is always gender neutral or female with ambiguous anatomy, unless stated otherwise.
reader will use she / her or they / them, but also may be written in the second person.
appearance, race, and culture are always excluded to include everyone.
the reader can be personalized by the requester, from vague personality descriptors to accessories.
the reader can be inspired by characters of other media, but i must know and be familiar of them.
accepted personalization examples are, but not limited to: a shy!reader, stand user!reader, phantom thief!reader, introverted!reader, idol!reader, reader who wears glasses, tall / short!reader.
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kcuf-ad · 29 days
What is my timing with my fics sometimes?
I post a chapter, and a New Ygotas episode is out the same day.
I write a fic and in the same year new Ice Barriers and Salamangreats are released.
I post a chapter close to the banlist in which Savage Dragon is a part of, he gets banned.
I post a chapter yesterday, Chazz support is out.
Konami, are you a fan? Cause I have some ideas/jk
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kanamori-kamper-moved · 9 months
SENDING YOU ANOTHER ONE: jun/chazz for the character meme :3
General opinion/How much I care about them:
I CARE FOR CHAZZ DEARLY!!! GX was the first series I watched after getting back into yugioh and I fell in LOVE. He is so boyfailure. He is so fucking stupid and a bi disaster. It’s so fucking insane. He…
A ship I love: chazz/Jaden (main ship!), chazz/Jaden/Jesse (second fave!), Jesse/Chazz, Alexis/Chazz, also Atticus/Chazz and partially Syrus/Chazz
A non-romantic relationship that I love:
It’s hard to say. Him and Atticus honestly. I think it’s cute how Chazz just. Looks up to him like some sort of god figure because he gets girls like he isn’t gay or some shit. Amazing.
None! None I can think of now, at least.
My biggest headcanon about them:
Chazz Princeton is a transgender man, I know it because I made yugioh. He just has. This boymoding energy that makes me think about trans guys… and Chazz is really into scene, Alt, and emo fashion but he never got around to wearing stuff like that until he moved to duel academy!!! Baby goth!!!
He has specific tastes when it comes to guys and girls. Loves blonde girls and adores brunette guys. He has a type can you tell. Gave Syrus a chest binder while changing in the locker room, said it was because “no one wants to see your tits anymore, slacker.” But he did it because he did genuinely care for him. He has to work on that!!
Also smaller headcanons, chazz has self harm scars on his thighs and partially on his arms because life at home was not that good </3 I also like to think that when in relationships, Chazz tends to be emotionally distant. Not on purpose, of course, he’s touch and loved starved to all hell. But that was just how it was when he was a kid. He never got to see his mother that often and when he did his father and her barely spoke. All his father and his brothers desired was for him to be loved. He hasn’t been genuinely told, “I love you, Chazz” in a long time and he almost cried when Jaden told him that for the first time. His puberty depression was only exascerbated by the fact that his home life was so bad. Even when he told his brothers he was trans, they didn’t care, they just got him the surgery and said that just because he was a boy now, didn’t mean he didn’t have to live up to their expectations. SORRY FOR BEING ANGSTY I LIVE FOR IT
An idea for a fanfiction I would like to write/read about them:
Future GX stuff. Still a firm believer that him and Jaden moved in together after the series, I’m working on a fic about it rn!! It’s under my writing tag if you wanna see
And just fics in general about him being a bi trans disaster failboy. Love
Something that makes me think of them: Piercings, first love, scene and breakcore music, Queef Jerky (the band), and also tsunderes. Not a big fan of them BUT HE IS SOOOO TSUN TSUN
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aberooski · 1 year
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I AM SUCH A GOOD WRITER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(i read snaps from the same little breaks and i’m mentally ill over it)
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dumbassdep · 11 months
WIP and Music Monday! 🎶
It's Tuesday but I do have a WIP! I was tagged by @inafieldofdaisies @cassietrn and @chazz-anova (last on my main) I won't tag anyone cause it is no longer Monday! But I wanna see any WIPs anyone wants to share so if you have a tag list? Add me? 👀
This is from the 4th chapter of Can't Finish What You Started. Which I apparently named perfectly cause I can't seem to fucking finish it... I don't have a soundtrack for this and maybe if I did I'd be doing a better job at completing it. 😂 But this is from the Mutually Assured Destruction playlist and I've had it on repeat a lot while I don't work on my fic. 😅
Maybe I'm defenceless, maybe it's a death wish
But tell me, tell me what can I do?
'Cause when you smile, you look so harmless
But girl you can be so heartless
And I'm caught up in the darkness with you
It's kinda love and it's kind of a war
This kinda love's never cut me before
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Melody tucked her foot up onto the chair under her, trying to seem unbothered. Growing up with a strict religious mother and a rebellious streak a mile wide had made her a convincing liar in an interrogation but John had said nothing in what felt like an hour. Calm. Collected. In control. This was my idea. My idea and if it goes wrong no-one will ever let me live it down. She fixed his eyes with her own. If I live to never live it down.... Shut UP. His silence continues. Good fucking god, even knowing this is an interrogation tactic doesn't help. "So. How exactly do we do this? How far back do we go? Cause I did a lot of confession in my teens and I don't think I should need to go back over that." 10/10! Great job silence keeping! Great job keeping silent? I think that's a better sentence structure. What the fuck. Why is he STILL not talking?
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For the record, I have no plans to write anything down for Birdie in the near future. She's just gonna live in my head and I'll do quizzes and character development and tag games and imagine her entire life but I don't feel like writing a cowboy story, 1890's America is too recent to just dismissively handwave details and I can't fathom having the energy to do all the research I'd need to do. But maybe one day!
In the meantime she does get a song from her playlist cause I do love her!
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nettleshuttle · 1 year
well, guess who finally put their ao3 profile in order!
up until now, i’ve rather shared my art than writing and it’s high time to change that, so find me on ao3 as traszka
i’ve got a few yugioh pieces posted and some other stuff, but since my profile here is definitely ygo-centered, i’ll briefly outline these so that you know what to expect (to be updated in the future):
Compliments; a light Yuma/Astral piece, written mostly to catch their early Zexal I vibes — Astral asks Yuma what a compliment is and Yuma explains as best he could. sort of fluff, let’s just say i adore these guys
Jealousy; Chazz/Jaden where i decided to put some delightfully cliche tropes to good use because i’m down bad for bed sharing in fics. huge hurt/comfort tag, all centered round the matter of Jesse
Galaxy Tag; Kaito/Misael and a sort of DM-Zexal crossover, because they team up against, let’s just say, two surprisingly strong duelists that they randomly encounter. Misael’s pov, deck switching and lots of other gay fun stuff
Singing Walls; post Barian War Shark/Quattro, with Shark who’s not handling things too well on his own — and the walls keep singing (he wishes it was a metaphor)
Letting Go; more Shark/Quattro and a slightly longer piece where they accidentally (spoiler: not really) meet in a pro tournament, about to play in a tag for preliminaries. as Shark seeks Quattro out to determine their strategy and they duel over the matter, he finds Quattro much changed — maybe changed enough for them to seriously talk for once as he is trying to making peace with his past
Their Last Duel; kinda Sora/Yuri, takes place right after Sora loses his duel against Yuri in the Fusion Academy. i’m just playing around with what the relationship between them might have been because there’s so little content on these two
The Worst Feeling in the World; oldest work which i’m too lazy to work on i liked enough to keep published. focused on dm’s cast and what the worst feeling in the world would be for each of them — especially for ryo bakura. a couple of ships touched upon, mainly Atem/Kaiba, Yugi/Atem and Bakura/Malik
so, feel invited to drop by and maybe you’ll find something to your liking! feedback is always appreciated <33
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simplegenius042 · 8 months
Music Monday and WIP Wednesday
Tagged by @g0dspeeed @josephseedismyfather @socially-awkward-skeleton @inafieldofdaisies @direwombat @cassietrn and @adelaidedrubman
Tagging @shallow-gravy @strangefable @chazz-anova @josephslittledeputy @jillvalentinesday @wrathfulrook @poisonedtruth @voidika @strafethesesinners and @minilev
Got a snippet of The Years In Hope County (my almost slice-of-life September prompt collection fic that I'm still working on). You get to meet Silva's younger sister, Elsa Omar, and a special addition of Persephone. And a song for Elsa as well!
Additionally the chapter's almost done and might upload it either this week or next... so yay!
WIP below:
Sylvester’s brows creased at the word. She took a glance over to a group of men sitting at a table, one in a three-piece suit, a professional choice that matched his stoic disposition, while the other man, one she could only see the back of, was wearing a blue shirt and vest. Blue-shirt’s two companions had clothes that were shaggy, plain and they seemed less well-kempt.
She didn’t know many of the words they were saying, so she chose to move on. She listened to more conversations, writing down as much words as she could, until she heard the familiar call of her precious hermana and hija.
She looked up from her notebook and saw Elsa at the front counter of the diner, making idle and practised conversation with the clerk, her blonde hair locked into a course style that laid at her left shoulder, though there were still bangs that unavoidably stuck to Elsa’s forehead. Sylvester noticed she was wearing a regular blue checkered blouse with a plain green skirt, which wasn’t consistent to the eye-catching wardrobe Sylvester knew her young hermana had at her lodge. Even her leggings and flats were tame in comparison to Elsa’s usual… promiscuous tastes.
A blessing from Jannah, she supposed, considering Persephone was clutching at the hem of her tía’s skirt. Her hija's green eyes surveyed around the diner with intrigue, the three-year-old searching for source of the smells of hot food and warm beverages that tickled her small nose.
Once Persephone spotted Sylvester, the toddler's head perked up, then giggled as she ran over to her madre with a bright smile creased across her face, red curls bouncing. Sylvester got out of her seat to kneel down and catch her hija in a hug, nuzzling her little girl.
She saw Elsa cut her conversation with the clerk short, and made her way from the counter over to Sylvester and Persephone.
And here's a catchy song for Elsa that I believe somewhat describes her well enough:
""I fell in love with you 'cause you made me feel" "I fell in love with you 'cause you kept it real" "Man, you done changed up on me, you changed your flow" "Now I been hating on you everywhere I go", um, hold up
No, "I ain't too flawless" and, no, "I ain't the best" And no, "I don't say sorry" and, no, "I ain't perfect" But I am the man (DOO DOO DOO DOO DOO DOO DOO DOO DOO DOO DOO) I am the man (DOO DOO DOO DOO DOO DOO DOO DOO DOO DOO DOO) Shots fired!
(La di da di da di da da da! La di da di da di da da da da! La di da di da di da da da! La di da di da di da da da da!)
I am the man, no, I ain't aim for no crown (Woh! Woh!) But when you mention them, no, don't leave me out (Whoooooaaa!)
No, "I ain't too flawless" and, no, "I ain't the best" And no, "I don't say sorry" and, no, "I ain't perfect" But I am the man (DOO DOO DOO DOO DOO DOO DOO DOO DOO DOO DOO) I am the man (DOO DOO DOO DOO DOO DOO DOO DOO DOO DOO DOO) Shots fired!"
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