#chb residency
classichorrorblog · 6 months
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Resident Evil (2002)
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demigods-posts · 1 month
imagine a world where the heroes of olympus series was one big crossover. a world where we meet an eleven year old boy named jason, no last name because it reminds him of his mother — a drunk who literally threw him to the wolves as a toddler. jason, who's earliest memory is chewing on a stapler and his older sister tending to the wound on his bottom lip — but he hasn't seen or heard from her since they were separated years ago. jason, who grew up reaching for the sky like a purpose, desperate for a chance to prove himself. jason, who fought to save the world at fifteen years old. and jason, who finds himself in the grand canyon four months later with no memory of who he is or where he came from, feet away from some frantic sixteen year old girl in search of some dude named percy jackson. imagine what this could have been.
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Okay but I love the idea that everyone just thinks Nico calls himself the Ghost King as like an emo thing but no, he literally is that. They all find out it’s his actual title little by little in the most unusual situations.
Uh oh, the Hekate cabin summoned the wrong ghosts during a seance and now the spirits are tearing up the place! No worries tho, we have a resident son of Hades, right? Nico walks into the cabin and immediately, the items that were being thrown around like an indoor hurricane all drop to the floor at once. Three little kid ghosts appear in front of Nico with their best smiles as he sighs down on them like “what did I tell you three?” And proceeds to lecture them for the next ten minutes while the Hekate campers watch on struggling to understand what was happening until Nico opens a rift to the underworld and corrals the three through while the kids call “come play with us again, King, or we wouldn’t get bored and come mess with people!” As they disappear into the mists.
Or like Thanatos appears in CHB one day and everyone is freaked cause who died?? Are they all dying?? What’s happening?? But no, he just glides over to Nico and bows respectfully with a “King Nico, a pleasure to see you again. It seems I will need your assistance again with wayward souls I have recently reaped from mortality” and Nico is just sucking a juice box as he nods along to all of this as if it’s another fucking Tuesday. Then he just leaves,, with the God of Death after promising Will to be back by dinner so everyone is like ‘WHAT THE FUCK’ and then there’s like Percy and Annabeth off to the side like ‘imagine having royal duties at 14, couldn’t be me’
Please, I need this
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wlntrsldler · 7 months
poisoned mercury | lifestyles of the rich & famous
i. lifestyles of the rich and famous by good charlotte (introduction)
a/n: introductory chapter! introducing the dynamics of the band, luke's relationship with his mom, and teenage boy antics. pre-reader and pre-chb. things will pick up quickly after this, i promise! bear with me as i set the scene :)
series masterlist | previous | next
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“why the fuck am i seeing tabloids on top of tabloids with my kid’s plastered face on the front page of all of them?” 
luke winced at the sound of his mom’s voice echoing through the empty event space. chris covered the bottom half of his face with his shirt, trying to hold in his laughter. may castellan was in her usual pantsuit, high heels clacking against the floor, as she waved around trashy magazines. she was furious. 
“ignoring the fact that you are not 21 years old and cannot legally drink, what were you thinking, luke?” travis dropped his drumsticks on the ground, motioning for chris and connor to follow him backstage. they’d seen luke get chewed out by his mom more often since they started their world tour. as the three boys walked toward the side of the stage, may turned to them. “none of you are off the hook either. you may not have been on the front page, but care to listen to what they said about you in one of their glorious articles?” 
“i would actually prefer not to, mama castellan,” chris mumbled, suddenly feeling caught. all traces of humor instantly drained from his face. luke couldn’t help but scoff, the boys always gave him shit for getting yelled at by his mom, so he was glad that this time around they were all on the sinking ship. 
she dramatically cleared her throat, opening up one of the magazines. luke grimaced at the sight of him on the front page. he was sitting on the curb, his sunglasses askew, with a girl awkwardly patting his back. he doesn’t even remember this. may shot daggers at chris, who was cowering behind his mic stand, “bassist of poisoned mercury, chris rodriguez, was photographed away from the band when he was caught outside smoking something that wasn’t a cigarette, if you catch our drift. hopefully, his habits don’t catch up to him anytime soon.” 
she stared at the stolls next, “drummer and lead guitarist of the rising band, travis and connor stoll, didn’t miss out on the fun. they walked out of the club with two models, who looked like twins, along with a bottle of dom perignon before heading into their suv.”
“and my darling child,” her words were sweet but her tone was anything but. luke chewed on the peeling skin of his bottom lip, “superstar, teen heartthrob, poisoned mercury lead singer, luke castellan, had a great night as seen in these pictures. the resident bad boy had one too many, it seems, as he walked out of the club stumbling with a mysterious blonde under his arm. castellan couldn’t make it into the car and had to sit on the curb to puke his guts out. let’s hope his actions didn’t ruin his chance at a budding romance.” 
may closed the magazine, arms on her hips. she waited patiently for one of the boys to speak up. 
“in our defense, this was in canada,” luke tried to reason, scrunching his face up. “legal drinking age is 18.” 
that was the wrong response, luke realized, when his mom’s eyes lit up in anger. she let out a breath, “you were in toronto where the drinking age is 19, which you weren’t until yesterday.” 
“i did not know that the drinking age in canada varied by region. i always learn something new whenever i talk to you, mama castellan,” travis said, trying to lighten the mood. connor shot him a look, motioning for him to quit talking. may castellan was clearly not in the mood for jokes. 
“i am tired of you guys acting reckless,” she roared, dropping the magazines. they fell with a heavy thud. she rubbed her temples with the pads of her fingers, “your parents trusted me to take care of you guys while you chased your dreams and this is what you’re doing under my watch?!” 
seeing his mom at her wit's end made luke feel sick. 
“mom,” luke hopped off the stage, ignoring the sound of the magazines ripping under his feet as he landed on top of them, “we’re sorry. i’m sorry.” 
“sorry’s not gonna cut it anymore, luke,” may said, shaking her head. “after this tour, you guys are taking a break. no touring, no public appearances.” 
“what?” connor exclaimed, joining luke off the stage. the other boys followed, looks of bewilderment evident on their faces. “w-we can’t take a break now!” 
“yeah, c’mon, mama c!” chris added, shaking his head, “we’re just getting really big. if we quit now, we’ll lose this momentum.”
“you’re not quitting. it’s just a tiny break– three months,” she cut them off, raising a hand in a stop. “we’ll release a statement to the press saying you guys will be taking some time off to work on your sophomore album so people have something to look forward to when you return.” 
“okay, so that’s the cover story,” luke ran a hand through his curls. he knew that there was no winning against his mom when she made up her mind. he looked at her and spoke before the rest of the band continued their protests, “but what are we actually gonna be doing?” 
“you’re going to spend your summer in montauk, just like old times,” his mom explained, voice still stern. “you’re going to camp half blood.”
“what the fuck is a camp half blood?” chris asked, plopping down on the couch they had inside their dressing room. rehearsal was cut short following the news delivered by luke’s mom. 
“it’s a music camp,” luke explained, fidgeting with random things sprawled across his desk, trying to find the pack of cigarettes he hid. he really needed to clean up. “my dad used to take me there over the summer when i was younger.”
the topic of luke’s dad was a sore subject for him. his dad left him and his mom when he was 7 for some young waitress from their hometown diner. one second, he was signing up for little league with his dad as the coach; the next, he was sitting in the hallway listening to his mom cry after his dad packed a bag and left town with wendy the waitress in the passenger seat. luke hasn’t heard from him since then. last he checked, his dad was lounging beachside in santa monica with his third wife who was definitely too young for him. as far as he’s concerned, his dad was dead to him. 
but he couldn’t deny that his time at camp half blood was the place of origin of some of his best childhood memories. he got his first taste of what it was like to be on stage at camp half blood; the adrenaline coursing through his veins, the pounding of his heart at the applause, the wild images in his head about what it would be like to be known for his music-- it all started at camp half blood. he was his happiest at camp, at least before his dad ruined it for him. 
“is it fun?” travis asked, twirling a fresh pair of drumsticks between his fingers. 
“used to be, yeah,” luke chuckled, hoisting himself up to sit on the desk. “haven’t been there since i was seven.” 
“dude, i do not want to hang out with a bunch of little kids all summer,” chris groaned, letting his head fall back against the wall. 
“relax, rodriguez,” luke lit a cigarette, inhaling the smoke before continuing. “there’s two sides to the camp. we’ll be with the older kids.” 
“oh shit, is camp half blood mr. d’s music camp?” connor asked. the name of the camp was starting to sound familiar to him.
luke took another drag, nodding, “that’s the one.” 
“dude, i fucking love mr. d. he always has the wildest stories,” travis laughed, “he’s so mellow and chill now, i wouldn’t’ve ever guessed he used to be like that.” 
“it was the 90’s,” chris shrugged, “pretty sure everyone was like that at one point.” 
“paid off for him though,” connor replied, opening a bag of doritos. he offered a chip to his brother, who in return, snatched the bag for himself. connor rolled his eyes, reaching over to grab another one. he was used to this. “i mean being a ceo of a multi-million dollar recording company isn’t too shabby.” 
luke hummed along, mindlessly, letting the chatter of his bandmates fill the air. the three boys fell into a conversation about the last time they saw mr. d at the recording studio when they were finishing up the vocals for their debut album, but luke’s mind was far away from the topic at hand. he couldn’t shake the feeling of disappointment from his body. he knew the way his mom looked at him would haunt him for the next few nights.
it wasn’t like he was actively trying to disappoint her– really, he wasn’t, but he just gets so caught up in the noise of fame that he forgets how to act under the pressure. there was something about his mom breaking down in front of him because of him that tore him apart. he felt guilty. his mom didn’t ask for this life, she didn’t even want it. she was content being a suburban mom in westport, connecticut, but she gave up her comfy life to let luke live out his dreams of being a musician. 
he was lucky, he knew that. not every mom would be on board with her kid dropping out of traditional high school to perform rowdy songs about teenage angst, but may castellan was okay with it because she loved luke so much and wanted him to be happy. so when poisoned mercury got a record deal with olympus records, she didn’t hesitate to drop everything and go on the road with four unruly teenagers, promising their parents that she’d take care of their sons. 
sometimes, he thinks about what his mom sees when she looks at him. he wonders if she still recognized him, the him before all the fame got to his head. 
he was may castellan’s little boy. the boy who used to beg his mom for chocolate chip cookies after a bad day at school, who used to knock on her door in the middle of the night wondering why he wasn’t enough for his dad to stay, and who cried when she got him his first guitar on his tenth birthday. for most of his life, it’s always just been him and his mom. 
now, at 19, luke didn’t know who he was anymore. he was just going with the flow, doing whatever, doing whoever, his fame and his status threw his way. he did what any teenage boy would do in his position– he drank, he smoked, he had fun, maybe too much fun, sometimes. it’s a rockstar’s life, his wildest dreams come to life, but it was a distraction, mostly. luke wasn’t brave enough to face the music just yet, so he dove into this fantasy head-first, too afraid to look back.
except sometimes, he fucks up really badly, like in toronto, and he’s forced to deal with the consequences of his actions. one time, his mom cut the band off from playing video games on the tour bus for a month after a heated argument between the four of them caused them to cancel a show. the argument was stupid. luke was adamant that scorpions did not have the same mental capacity for understanding pain that humans do and that did not bode well with travis. rehearsal ended in a brawl because travis kept doing impromptu drum solos to drown out luke’s voice. his mom was pissed that hundreds of fans were disappointed over the canceled show and it was all because they couldn’t agree over a damn scorpion. 
another time, she banned them from driving the golf carts around the venue when they crashed it into a very expensive sound system in portland. they ended up owing upwards of $4,000 for the damages and were banned from playing at the event space ever again. the four of them laughed about it when the chaos of it all subsided, and they were fine not playing at the house of hades again, but they did miss the snack bar they set up for visiting talents. chris said he still dreamt about the pomegranate juice ‘til this day. 
luke can look back at the punishments over the years fondly now. in the grand scheme of things, none of it really mattered. but going to camp half blood? this was a different type of punishment. 
luke didn’t want to go to camp half blood. the last memory he had of camp was not a welcomed one. plus, after what he experienced on tour, he could think of a million other ways to spend his summer months, and living at a camp with spotty cell service and designated arts and crafts time was nowhere near the top of the list. 
“yo, castellan,” chris’ voice snapped luke out of his thoughts. “you comin?”
luke put out his cigarette against the wood of his desk, “huh?”
“we’re grabbing food, do you wanna go with us?”
luke hopped off the desk, slipping on his black, puffer jacket, “yeah, i’m right behind you.” 
as luke was walking out of the dressing room, adjusting his t-shirt, he saw his mom talking to teddy, their publicist. they were engaged in a serious conversation, no doubt talking about the press release regarding their second album and their hiatus. luke stood in front of the door for a brief moment, a stutter in his steps, not knowing if he should interrupt.
 luke pursed his lips, deciding to jog over to his mom. 
“i think we should post it on the band accounts first before the boys announce it individually. it make–” may furrowed her eyebrows, noticing luke coming closer to her. she turned her body to face him. she looked much calmer now than she did during rehearsals, “hey, what’s wrong?” 
luke shook his head, “nothin’, mom. i just–uh, just wanted to say sorry again.”
“let’s talk later, may,” teddy gave the two of them a small smile before walking away. 
“i’m not changing my mind about camp half blood,” she frowned. “sorry, luke but i can’t have you guys running around all sum–”
“no, no, i know, mom. i-i didn’t come here to try to convince you,” luke looked down at his feet, suddenly feeling like a little boy again. “i just– uh, shit. okay, i’m sorry for toronto. it was a bad time and it’s not fair that you have to deal with the fall out of our shit. and uh– thank you for sticking by us even though we drive you kinda crazy.” 
may laughed, smiling at her son, “you’re my kid. you know i’ll always be there to set you straight.” 
“thanks, mom,” luke chuckled, backing away to catch up with his bandmates. may waved goodbye, making her way to teddy’s makeshift office. before luke left the tunnel, he turned around, “wait mom! last thing!” 
she raised her eyebrows, “what?” 
luke raised his hand in a thumbs-up motion, grinning from ear to ear, “love you!” 
“i love you too, kiddo,” may replied, a hand over her heart. “now scram, i gotta clean up your mess.” 
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nicodisigma · 1 month
solangelo headcanons part 4!
Nico definitely considers Leon S. Kennedy his type.
And Will has a thing for Mother Miranda for sure.
Will is a Resident Evil freak, while Nico just simps for Leon (he’s not good at playing games).
Will’s favorite type of rock music is represented by bands like Blondie, The Cranberries and Mother Mother. It’s hard for me precise it for Nico, cause he’s canonically listening to Ramones and I don’t know much about punk rock but good for him I guess!
Will likes putting things on highest shelf so Nico has to jump to reach them or ask him for help.
Will is obviously the one to put all the things on luggage rack in public transport.
I consider Nico 168cm and Will 182cm (I think for Will it’s canon?).
As all Apollo demigods, Will wakes up with sunrise, but the more time he spends with Nico, the more he starts to ignore it and just goes back to sleep after sunrise.
They both cheered for POLAND during men’s volleyball final at 2024 Olympics. Nico is french anti.
Nico has beautiful, decorative handwriting and signature that everyone is impressed with. While Will has that doctor handwriting. And his signature is a simple check sign.
Will (Texan) if shooting was a thing at CHB:
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number-one-ares-kid · 2 months
i knew you were a red flag from the start >:( @you-resident-chb-coquette-girl
... What.
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lukemessedup · 9 months
Hey, it's me.
Luke Castellan. Yeah, I know what you guys are thinking. And being very honest here, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for anyone to get hurt and I lost sight of what I was trying to do in the first place. I let my wrath get the better of me.
I use he/it pronouns and I'm not looking for any sort of relationship.
(ooc im red and a minor and he/it/they pronouns, admin blog is @octavians-redemption )
I'll use the tag # castellan can talk
People that I know (will most likely have to be updated):
CAMPERS (and some others)
Percy Jackson - @percy-jackson-is-a-seaweed-brain
Annabeth Chase (I love you like a little sister) - @annabeth-is-a-wise-girl
Grover Underwood (sorry about the shoes thing) - @grover-eats-cans
Thalia Grace - @best-dam-huntress
Calypso - @calypso-daughter-of-atlas
Clarisse La Rue (she knows to keep herself in check) - @everyone-is-a-punk
Piper McLean - @the-argo-ii-resident-matchmaker
Will Solace - @sunny-boy-solace
Moth - @moththecabin7kid
Fin - @fin-the-child-of-hermes
Artemis - @artemisandhunters
Apollo - (why couldn't he have been mortal when I was trying to take over Olympus...) @why-did-i-get-acne
Aphrodite - @im-aphrodite-dearies
Dionysus / Mr. D - @dionysus-god-of-all-things-wine
EX-TITAN ARMY (sorry for lying to... well, all of you)
Silena - (sorry about the bracelet) @silena-styles
Kat - (sorry about alabaster, he got banished from chb) @cabinseventheaterchick
Ethan - (sorry about.. uh, well, throwing you off olympus) @lieutenant-of-kronos
Vi - (sorry about literally everything) @the-song-of-the-moon
Alabaster - (sorry about being the kind of reason you got banished from chb) @alabaster-c-t
Rowan - (sorry for leading you down the wrong path) @existence-is-pain-ahhhhhhhh
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The Brick is a Duck AU | 15 headcanons | 320 Words
Everything is the same but the 'Brick' is a duck named Brick who hates Jason with a seething passion and keeps attacking him throughout the series and Rick just never put that into context.
To tell you the truth the duck has always hated Jason since he stepped on its webbed foot when he was three and the duck was a hatchling.
It has imprinted that Jason is their moral enemy as it had imprinted that the local mother goose who lives in the lake was its, well, mother.
Everyone just EXPECTS Jason to remember to look out for a flying, angry coming his way.
I mean it's the norm at Camp Jupiter and in New Rome like whenever that flying kid's around look out for a blood thirsty duck
But since Jason still can barely remember anything from his past he just doesn't dodge as he normally would
The duck is very confused but happy for it's final win
All the residence in New Rome call the killer duck Brick the Killer Duck
They love that duck- it's like New Rome and the 12th Legions mascot
fight me on this but just imagine 6 year old Jason screaming at the top of his little lungs while being chased by a killer duck
Jason got teased about it his WHOLE life
Dakota: Haha where have you been, duck boy Jason: Shut up, Dako 
Jason subconsciously is still scared of duck (though he doesn't know why since he has no memories
Like when he's at CHB and goes to the lake while Leo builds the Argo II and just. FREAKS THE FREAK OUT 
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ask-princessandromeda · 3 months
How old were you guys when you came to CHB?
Also did have a satyr to guide you?
Silena: Not a satyr, actually! It was a nymph. Well, sort of. Her name was Willow and she was a dryad residing close to where I lived. I befriended her when I was ten, what a sweetheart! At eleven years old, when a monster attacked me for the first time, she helped me defeat it. Figuring out that I was a demigod, she contacted Chiron and made sure I’m safely transported to camp. *looking down* I’m not sure where she is now… I haven’t seen her in a long time. I really miss her.
Chris: Yes, I did have a satyr, actually. It would have been nice if he reached out to me BEFORE some dracanae tried to kill me at the ripe age of 12, though. It’s not even surprising that nobody at camp noticed my existence before it was almost too late. Very on brand for them to ignore me until I become useful.
Luke: I mean, I did have Grover on my way to camp, but I was alone for most of my life. Until Thalia and Annabeth came along, obviously. And even then, we had to make our way through the monster filled cities all by ourselves, with nobody to guide us. When we finally got to camp, when I was 14, Thalia 12 and Annabeth seven… well, I think that you already know the story. You know how the gods let Thalia die as she fought an entire army of monsters to save us. You know how we don’t want this to happen again.
Ethan: Well, yeah, I got to camp by the basic procedure. A satyr dragged mine and a few other kids’s asses to camp, with the pretext of protecting us. We were dumped into the Hermes cabin. I was twelve at the time, small and unknowing. Missing my father, who I barely got to see before leaving. Not that my father was great or anything, but I just felt… alone.
Alabaster: Oh, well! The gods didn’t even care enough to send a satyr after me! I was ten, and in foster care at the time. And I ran away all by myself, with the guidance of my mother. I happened to run into a satyr that was bringing some other demigod to camp, and I followed them there. Big mistake. Not even two summers passed and I was on the run yet again…
[OOC: I have such detailed and nonsensical accounts of their childhoods, it’s almost hilarious. I tried to keep this one short, but I’d love some more asks on this subject in the future]
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tadbitsketch · 8 months
Salutations my good souls, I bring y'all a Percy Jackson au of mcsm because i have no life or something (i meant to post this weeks ago whoops)
Here's the treehouse gang (+Petra) :D
PJO!Jesse :D
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In this AU, Jesse (or Jess) is a daughter of Psyche, the goddess of the human soul (idk why but the vibes just kinda fit lol). She's 15, and this is her 2nd year at camp. She has a sword that was a gift from her mom, along with a cute lil pig with butterfly wings that she named Reuben.
She's a pretty good swordfighter, and she is also very knowledgeable about butterflies, and loves to spot them. She sees them as being signs from her mom, which is very comforting.
Jesse is mainly a summer camper, and when she's not at CHB, she's living in rural Ohio with her dad and her half brother. She likes to help out with work provided by family friends on both sides.
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In this AU, Olivia (or Liv) is a daughter of Hephaestus, because she do be an engineer. She's freshly 15, and this is her fourth year at camp. Liv's just kind of a background character amongst her siblings, whom she does admire a ton, but she fears she'll never live up to their expectations.
Olivia's an archer, something she picked up easily in the first year and has been working to improve ever since.
Liv is a summer camper, and she lives in Virginia.
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In this AU, Axel's an Unclaimed demigod. It's his 9th year at camp, and he's sort of become the unofficial leader of the unclaimed kids. He takes care of them all and is kinda like their older brother.
He either fights with his fists or with little explosives that he makes himself. And if he has free time, he's probably sewing something or other, usually a gift for a friend.
Axel is a year-round camper, because he wants to stay and help out other campers/residents of CHB.
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In this AU, Petra is a daughter of Ares, due to her enthusiasm for fighting (for a cause). Petra's also distantly related to Hermes, on her mom's side. She's 16 and she's been here for 8 years. She uses a sword that was gifted to her by a stranger on her first quest, which she named Butter, after her favorite snack. Her siblings find it hilarious.
Petra helps train campers in swordfighting, and is often found practicing on her own when she's not teaching. She is pretty well-known for her unofficial job as the resident go-getter, and is willing to fetch things for others... for a price.
Petra's a year-round camper, because she doesn't have anybody to go back to. She used to only camp over the summer, but then her mom died. Her mother was in the military, and they used to move around all the time, so no place ever really felt like home to Petra. Except for Camp Half-Blood.
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thisloveforyourmom · 1 year
something i also don't think is emphasized enough is how much more camp jupiter has in terms of resources for demigods. i'm torn on thinking that rick riordan knew what he was doing in making it mirror the might of the roman empire and that he did it subconsciously, because i really feel like he would have emphasized it way more if he knew what he'd written here.
because the thing is that when reyna talks to annabeth in mark of athena, and says that if the legion decides to destroy camp half blood, they're dead, annabeth kind of brushes it off and goes "well, don't underestimate us" and so we're led to believe this will kind of be a confrontation of equals. that is not how it would happen. if the legion had two warmongering praetors who were both equally invested in wiping camp half blood off the map, it'd just be gone.
to start off, camp half blood is and has always been smaller and a more dangerous place to exist than camp jupiter. both camps have very strict barriers that need constant policing - and it's easy to forget and think that the barrier around camp half blood has always been there, since it's been there since percy has been there, but the barrier around CHB only existed as of annabeth's arrival, when thalia died and zeus created it. think about that. in every book, the barrier around the camp is an extremely important tool of survival, entirely because so many demigods live inside it. what must it have been like living there without one, with dozens of demigods all drawing monsters to the same place? anyone who was at camp prior to annabeth remembers that time. and what's crazy is that annabeth had only been there five years, and not many people had been there before she had, probably in part because of the fact that it was basically just a training ground with people who understood you and not a truly protective space. most likely, this also contributes to the fact that for the vast majority of demigods it's just a summer camp, and that come the beginning of the school year they have to go back into the world to try their luck again, which itself makes the population smaller as demigods die outside of protection during the school year. percy alone survived attempts on his life every single time he left camp, which he was encouraged to do to stay with his family.
prior to that, there were no significant borders, and camp half blood doesn't seem to do any kind of recordkeeping on the adults who 'graduate' and leave. what you get is a very small, young, insular community of people who can only rely on each other, and even then not very well because they're all teenagers. camp jupiter's first and biggest advantage is that they have terminus and the little tiber. not only does this mean there are two extremely well defined borders - one around new rome, the other around camp jupiter - the important thing is that camp jupiter and new rome residents have to do almost no work in terms of policing them. they draw their power from other sources. it's not clear if the tunnel is the only entrance into the camp - i'm of the stance that it's not, considering percy, frank, and hazel "get a ride" to the station from a roommate in their barrack, and i don't think anyone would own a car if a right angle turn maintenance tunnel on I-5 was the only way to use the road - but if it is, that's an incredible chokepoint for anyone trying to get in. just physically, this allows camp jupiter alone to be twice as large as camp half blood.
even ignoring the immediate effect that has on the war, since camp jupiter is on the offensive and their defense measures don't apply, camp jupiter is already hundreds of years ahead of the game. their demigods have been protected from the beginning, and what's more is you don't have demigods leaving this protection to do things like go to school. only one roman demigod we know of has a family to return to - Frank, who had his grandmother for the first half of SoN - but there's never a discussion of him leaving camp to see her. it's not implied to be a strange thing at all for legion members to reside permanently with the legion; if anything, it might be mandatory as part of their years-of-service clause. and it's important to note here that they're not leaving to go to school, but they're still getting an education good enough that it's noted many demigods muster out to go to college, whereas demigods like percy struggle to make it to high school graduation. they're provided an education that is not only a safe environment, but accommodates their disabilities. and they can do this because they have a setup that allows demigods to regularly make it into adulthood, at which time they can begin to give back to that community.
and they do make it to adulthood, and they do give back. gwen and octavian are both explicitly around college aged, and neither of them are noted to be particularly out of place among camp jupiter for that, whereas luke was considered a bit old compared to the rest of the campers. legion members are sent on quests with a letter from the praetor to give to ex-legionnaires, who are then expected to provide any help they're able. iirc, you never see an adult greek demigod in the PJO books, much less one that helps percy on his quests. it's unclear if the legion would call ex-legion members to war, or if they'd be obligated to accept, but even if not i bet a lot of them would should the letter come. like, camp jupiter truly is the child of an empire. if you look it's impossible not to see. there's been a privilege there from day 1 that put them at such a dramatic advantage over the greeks that there's a reason the gods never allowed them to find each other for real. because reyna was right: the legion would have fucking destroyed them.
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demigods-posts · 9 months
percy and grover headcanons that live rent-free in my head:
whenever grover has time, they have sleepovers. whether that be at chb in the poseidon cabin or at the blofis-jackson residence, they stay up for hours drinking soda (grover eats the empty cans), playing board games, and watching movies.
they're extremely affectionate with one another. unwaveringly. they hold hands, hug, cuddle, and emphasize the "i" in "i love you" when speaking to each other. it's adorable.
they talk about each other all of the time. anytime you mention one of them around the other, prepare to hear a twenty-minute speech about how amazing they think the other is.
they're each other's best man at each other's weddings.
gods. this has been sitting in my drafts since august. i keep coming back and trying to add to it. but i'm out of ideas. help a girl out.
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chbs-wallmart · 3 months
intro post ig
uhm idk what to write-
but hi everyone...i'm Wallace Mart
my nicknames : wallmart
I am 15/16
favourite colours : green, blue, yellow
i like apples :)
my godly parent is ares
relationship status - single :)
sexuality - bisexual
my friends - @that-smart-apollo-kid, @your-favourite-iris-kid, @your-resident-chb-coquette-girl
ooc tag - its me the creator
ic tags - i like apples; wallace i guess
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cjnews · 5 months
I want to visit my fucking brothers Out of my way bitch
If you leave CJ and join CHB in the war, we can't help you but go ahead, I'll sneak you out, dove :)
-Poison Oak, resident nymph
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sweetsdereese · 2 months
I felt like it was going to get a bit too repetitivs to say it on every post. So here.
i am absolutely loving your art style in your chb cabins!
Theres something so beautifully haunting about it.
The empty cabins where its so clear life once was. The fact most of the time there arent people in the frame but you know theyre *meant* to be around somewhere outside of the cabins.
The stuffed animals in the background reminding you how young the demigods are. The fact theyre not in their cabin leaving what theyre doing up to theory. And knoeing its all likely dangerous.
Love your art! Great job!
Hi @fairytalesociology !
Thank you, I’m glad you’ve been enjoying the little details within the cabins. I like to keep in mind when drawing the cabins the varying ages of the campers and how that would affect decor.
I think the small details, decor, clutter, etc help give them character and show a glimpse to the varying personalities that reside in the cabins.
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phoenix--flying · 1 year
God!TA 5 au? what ideas have you got for that?
YEAHHH I love this au LMAO
So! Luke is the God of Grief, this concept was made a while before this au came into play but it did give me the idea for the other four. It also comes from @blackcat2907 so thank you kat <3
Chris is the God of Repentance, playing into the idea of him turning back to CHB during BoTL
Silena is the goddess of secrets, playing into her role as spy, passing on secrets to Kronos
Ethan is the God of Betrayal to highlight his introduction and subsequent betrayal to Percy but also being a traitor of Olympus
Alabaster is the God of Loss, this plays into the idea of him being in the loosing side of the second titan war but also the amount of people he lost as a result!
^ @everythingwasalreadypicked helped me figure these out JRHDNT thanks river ‼️
The main idea was that Hera thought it would be easier for other gods to help the seven on their quest against gaea, gods who wouldnt listen to the Olympian rules. Who better to defy the Olympians but five demigods who fought against them?
She plucks the dead three from the Underworld while Thanatos is chained up and the other two from their respective residences and keeps them safe until the seven are put together and begin their quest. Then she gives them their mission to which they agree. Although hesitant to help Percy Jackson, Alabaster does want to see his friends again 😌
So the five of them play their parts, mostly protecting the Argo II until they have an opportunity to show themselves to the crew. Perhaps Ethan appears when Leo and Hazel encounter Nemesis. The majority of the seven have no idea who these people are, to them they're just gods, nothing to special but they're helping and that's cool.
Annabeth and Percy are insanely confused because what is Chris doing here, why are you three alive and who is that?(percy)/alabaster is alive?(annabeth)
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