#cheap holidays to spain
travelodeal · 1 year
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melancholicdavi · 11 days
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Travelling again!!!!
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httpiastri · 3 months
Have you seen the necklace Paul is wearing? The one with a bunch of cloverleaf (sorry it don’t know if there’s another English word for it)? Do you have a clue from where it is? It looks really nice and something I would wear too 😅
im not sure if this is the exact one he has (if the color is correct etc) but it should be from this brand. it's such an expensive brand that they don't even have the prices up 😭 i saw something when i googled it the other day and im pretty sure the clover bracelets can be over 10k euro? sooooooooo 😶
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sebsrainbowbicycle · 9 months
It’s cold and windy and rainy and i can’t feel my feet so of course I’m doing the only sensible thing and looking up flights.
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europeas20 · 1 year
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mostlyghostie · 2 months
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What I read in July!
Being on holiday for a couple weeks helped here.
Loved The Burgess Boys, Strout is unbelievable at creating real people, her books are just so compelling. This was more just sad rather than the hopefulness of some of her others, but loved it.
Don’t Look Now was enjoyable, but a rare case of the film being better. Some other good stories in here too,
Powering through Narnia with my 5 year old, we both thought The Silver Chair was really weird, but there was some good stuff in it, primarily the giant castle and the collapsing underworld. Alan was more than usually unhelpful in this one.
Listened to the audiobook of The Witches while driving through Alberta on hols, it’s a bit less fun once the mouse transformation happens, but such a sweet ending
I’m sure I’ve read Animal Farm before at school, but that was a loong time ago. It’s fucking great! Obviously. Found an 80s Folio Society edition very cheap in a local shop with Quentin Blake illustrations.
Hot Milk was great and weird and funny, following a slightly aimless young woman who is accompanying her mother to Spain for a cure to an illness that she’s patently making up for some reason. I bought this in 2016 and only just read it.
The Hole was also v weird, reminiscent of Murakami, liked it a lot. I’m fond of the detached, quiet style of a lot of Japanese fiction.
Didn’t like this Pratchett very much. I never read the Tiffany Aching books when I was deep in my Discworld phase (96-06?), liked the first one a lot but this didn’t connect with me
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useless-catalanfacts · 2 months
Frequently Asked Questions
This post answers the following questions:
Who are the Catalans? Where are you?
Which are the Catalan Countries? (each Catalan country)
Where can I learn the Catalan language? (free online resources and where to find classes)
What social media accounts can I follow that post in Catalan?
If your question isn't answered here, you're more than welcome to send me an ask!
1. Who are the Catalans? Where are they?
Catalan people are a cultural group who come from the area known as the Catalan Countries. We speak the Catalan language (a language that descends from Latin) and have a distinct culture (cuisine, traditions, holidays, dances, music, literature, etc) and history since the Middle Ages.
Our nation is the Catalan Countries, located in the coast of the Mediterranean sea, in South-Western Europe.
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As a result of past wars and invasions, most of the Catalan Countries are under Spanish rule and a part of it is under French rule (+1 city in Italy). In fact, Spain and France have harshly persecuted, illegalized and tried to exterminate the Catalan language and culture for a long time, well into the 20th century. But Catalan people have survived the ethnocide and we still exist, even though we continue to face discrimination and there are some settings where it's still not legal to speak Catalan (for example, public schools in the French-controlled part, or European Union ambits, among some others).
There is also Catalan diaspora around the world.
We are not a closed culture, we are very open to foreigners learning our language and culture, and the Catalan diaspora often organizes celebrations for our holidays or groups to do traditional activities (most famously the castellers, aka human towers) that everyone can join.
2. Which are the Catalan Countries?
We say the Catalan Countries in plural because it's made of different areas for historical reasons. The Catalan Countries are all the areas where Catalan is the native language, which have historically been part of a whole, and which share a common culture (with local variants, of course). Here they are:
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From North to South:
Northern Catalonia. Capital city: Perpinyà. It's under French administration (part of the region Occitanie in the new French regions system, used to be Languedoc-Roussillon in the old one).
Andorra. Capital city: Andorra la Vella. It's an independent microstate.
Catalonia. Capital city: Barcelona. It's under Spanish administration (it's the Catalonia region in the Spanish regions system).
Eastern Strip, also called Aragon Strip. It's under Spanish administration (it's part of the region of Aragon in the Spanish regions system).
Balearic Islands, including Mallorca, Menorca, Eivissa (in English also known as Ibiza) and Formentera. Capital city: Palma. Under Spanish administration (Balearics region in the Spanish regions system).
Valencian Country. Capital city: València. Under Spanish administration (called Valencian Community in the Spanish regions system).
El Carxe. Tiny rural area. Under Spanish administration (part of the Region of Murcia in the Spanish regions system).
L'Alguer. One city in the island of Sardinia. Under Italian administration (part of the region of Sardinia in the Italian regions system).
3. Where can I learn the Catalan language?
We are thrilled that you want to learn our language. Catalan people love it when others learn our language. Here I'll link you to classes and free online resources.
If you want face-to-face classes outside of the Catalan Countries, you can check this website to find if there's a university that offers Catalan classes near you. There are 101 around Europe, 25 in North America and Cuba, 5 in Asia, and 4 in South America. Students from these courses can also participate in language stays and internships in the Catalan Countries.
If you're already in the Catalan Countries, you will easily find courses for foreigners which the government offers for free or for a cheap price (depending on the level and each person's economic situation). Check out your local CPNL (Consorci per la Normalització Lingüística).
If you want to learn independently on the internet, there are two resources I recommend the most, both are available online for free.
One is the book "Life in Catalonia. Learn Catalan from..." that you can find in various languages. Here I add the link to the official government page where you can legally download the PDFs for free, you only have to scroll down and click under where it says "text complet". You can find the book Learn Catalan from English, from Spanish, from Arabic, from Tamazight, from French, from Hindi, from Urdu, from Punjabi, from Romanian, from Russian, and from Chinese.
The other resource I recommend the most is the online course Parla.cat. It has different levels for beginners or advanced learners. You have to create an account (it asks for an official document number, don't worry about it, it's not a sketchy site, it's because it's an official course paid by the government of Catalonia and if you immigrated to Catalonia having taken this course would officially count as a language course and can give you some benefits). You can either use it for free (all the learning material is available in the free version) or you can use the paying version. In the paid version, you will get assigned a language teacher from Catalonia who can help you and correct you.
There are many more resources. You can find more free resources in this post, this post, or in this link.
Here you have some recommendations to start practising. And remember that you can watch Catalonia's public TV streaming service 3Cat for free from anywhere in the world!
4. I want to follow social media accounts that post in Catalan. Can you tell me some?
Of course! According to the WWW Consortium, Catalan is the 35th most used language on the Internet, out of the more than 7,000 languages in the world.
Here's some lists with recommendations by topic:
Anime and manga
Travel accounts
Fashion and lifestyle
More lists will be coming soon
If your question wasn't answered, you can send me a question clicking here. 🙂 You can also browse this blog by topics here.
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jamiesfootball · 1 month
Augusnippets Day 14
Prompt: gifts
cw: implied/referenced child abuse
Sometimes gift-giving ain't all it's cracked up to be, and sometimes it is. - A series of moments from Jamie's life.
Here on AO3
Age 4
Gasp! “Is this for me? Did you make this? Oh, Jamie, it’s beautiful, I love it. Come on, now, give mummy hugs.”
Age 7
“Oh, thanks baby. That looks wonderful. No, I do, I do like it! I do! Mummy’s just really tired today, I promise. Soon as the holidays are over, I’ll go back to working my normal shifts.”
Age 9
“Did you make me breakfast in bed? That’s so sweet! Thank you so much, love. …Was this by any chance the last tin of beans in the cupboard?”
Age 11
“What the hell is this? Did your mum put you up to this? Bit cheap, innit?”
Age 12
“No, of course I’d love to come to your match, Jamie. But you know with this new job I started, it’s not a good look if I ask for time off so soon.”
Age 13
“Did you think that I wouldn’t already have the new kit? Huh? You think I’m broke? Is that the kind of garbage your mother’s been filling your head with? Teaching you how to disrespect your old man?”
Age 14
“Look, junior. I know things got a bit heated between us last time I came around. Just the way it is with us men sometimes, am I right? I’m sure you said some things you regret too. But your mom and I, we’ve been talking, and I think I’ve got a shot there. Make us a proper family again. Now, what do you say you and me, we celebrate the occasion by taking ourselves a little father/son bonding trip? Ever been to Amsterdam?”
Age 15
“We can make a day of it. Get lunch, maybe go to the cinema? Oh. Oh, no, that’s all right, love. I didn’t know that you’d made plans with your friends already. Right. Right. Well, if you think you’ll be home in time for dinner-“
Age 16
“-right. Uh huh. No, I know you’re busy, love, but I was thinking. I know how stressed you’ve been lately and how hard you’ve been working. Maybe later this year, you and I can take a trip, hm? Around New Year’s? Just the two of us. Get away for a little bit before you skyrocket into superstardom.
“No, you don’t have to help pay for it any of it, Jamie-”
Age 17
“-No, I know you’ve got a match, Jamie. It doesn’t have to be this weekend. I told you, whenever you’re free-“
Age 18
“Now that you’re making money, I think it’s only fair you treat your old man to a drink.”
Age 19
“New fancy contract, and you’re telling me you can’t afford to do something nice? For your own dad? C’mon, son, I’m not asking for a Porsche here-“
Age 20
“I’m not saying you have to like him, Jamie! But Simon’s important to me, and I’d like you to actually meet him before-“
Age 21
“-lazy, uninspired, waste of fucking space on the pitch! Is it any fucking wonder that Pep’s got you warming the bench for the real players when you’re out there bottling penalties? Hey. Hey! You fucking look at me when I’m talking to you-!“
Age 22
“I know you’re still screening my calls, but I just called to thank you for the flowers. I’d ask about your birthday, but I’m sure you already have plans.”
Age 22
Age 23
“Oh, babes, I wish you’d told me. I already promised my mum I’d go ‘round hers for the holiday. Only she’s just moved down here, and she hasn’t been able to meet anyone yet- no, you do not want to meet her, trust me. But hey, you have fun in Spain- wait you didn’t already buy the tickets, did you?”
Age 24
“Would you look at that? City wins on my son’s birthday, and he ain’t even here to see it. All because he let some stupid yank make him soft, and now he’s too much of a pussy to stick it out when things get tough. What’s wrong, junior? Did Roy Kent calling you little bitch on TV hurt your widdle feelings? Huh? You gonna cry? You gonna cry about it?-”
[“Dad”]: Don’t you fucking hang up on me
[“Dad”]: Jesus Christ, no need to be so sensitive
[“Dad”]: Did you sort my tickets for the next match?
Age 24
“Yeah, but, you know, some folks might also consider that buying affection, you know.”
Age 24
“Jamie? Oh… we didn’t expect you to call. No, it’s fine, we aren’t going anywhere; Simon’s tinkering around in the kitchen… You tried them? Really. That’s- ahem, of course. Of course I’ll let him know.
“SIMON! Jamie tried your gluten free lemon pound cake! He said it was ‘fucking tasty’! His words!
“Jam, Simon would like to know what your nutrition guidelines say about – love, is this a list?”
Age 24
[Isaac]: Alright, everyone. Jamie’s birthday is coming up, so it’s time to start making plans.
[Sam]: Did you remember to remove Jamie from the group chat before you sent the text?
[Isaac]: Shit
Age 25
“...and this is going to sound so weird, but I promise I am not a stalker. I’m Roy’s sister. Yes, that Roy. Uh, you may be aware that he has a niece – Phoebe, yes – and she has something important she would like to ask you.”
“Hi Jamie! It’s Phoebe! Would you like to come celebrate Uncle’s Day with us?”
Age 25
“I love it.”
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madmaxxing · 1 year
Seeing some cuntfuck twitter post abt how spain is no longer a HoLiDaY dEsTiNaTiOn like over reliance on the tourism industry isnt the exact thing that has set us back economically bc its easier to have a massive influx of money every summer and then coast by the rest of the year. People discussing quality vs quantity tourism when the fucking brits and germans come to our land to get blackout drunk on cheap booze and throw themselves off balconies to the point it has actually become a meme here to call the first day of summer when the first balconing brit related death happens. And then I get called "quantity" and "shit" tourism when I have to book an airbnb so I can go watch the Fallas with my friends but cant afford to pay 1-2k for a weeklong stay at a hotel for four people
Also the post in question? A map of the ground temperature in some parts of Spain reaching 60C. But yknow, who cares about the massive droughts, the earth hardening and the crops literally burning alive in the ground, its not like we arent a massive agricultural exporter lmao
People live here. A fuck ton of people live here. And a lot of them are struggling. Our country isnt your fucking commodity to abandon once it has gotten too hot, because you might be here for a week but a lot of people are here for a lifetime.
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gebbet · 1 year
let it enfold you
either peace or happiness, let it enfold you.
when I was a young man
I felt that these things were
dumb, unsophisticated.
I had bad blood, a twisted
mind, a precarious
I was hard as granite, I
leered at the
I trusted no man and
especially no
I was living a hell in
small rooms, I broke
things, smashed things,
walked through glass,
I challenged everything,
was continually being
evicted, jailed, in and
out of fights, in and out
of my mind.
women were something
to screw and rail
at, I had no male
I changed jobs and
cities, I hated holidays,
babies, history,
newspapers, museums,
marriage, movies,
spiders, garbagemen,
English accents, Spain,
France, Italy, walnuts and
the color
algebra angered me,
opera sickened me,
Charlie Chaplin was a
and flowers were for
peace and happiness to me
were signs of
tenants of the weak
but as I went on with
my alley fights,
my suicidal years,
my passage through
any number of
women - it gradually
began to occur to
that I wasn't different
from the
others, I was the
they were all fulsome
with hatred,
glossed over with petty
the men I fought in
alleys had hearts of
everybody was nudging,
inching, cheating for
some insignificant
the lie was the
weapon and the
plot was
darkness was the
cautiously, I allowed
myself to feel good
at times.
I found moments of
peace in cheap
just staring at the
knobs of some
or listening to the
rain in the
the less I needed
the better I
maybe the other
life had worn me
I no longer found
in topping somebody
in conversation.
or in mounting the
body of some poor
drunken female
whose life had
slipped away into
I could never accept
life as it was,
I could never gobble
down all its
but there were parts,
tenuous magic parts
open for the
I reformulated
I don't know when,
date, time, all
but the change
something in me
relaxed, smoothed
I no longer had to
prove that I was a
I didn't have to prove
I began to see things:
coffee cups lined up
behind a counter in a
or a dog walking along
a sidewalk.
or the way the mouse
on my dresser top
stopped there,
really stopped there
with its body,
its ears,
its nose,
it was fixed,
a bit of life
caught within itself
and its eyes looked
at me
and they were
then - it was
I began to feel good,
I began to feel good
in the worst
and there were plenty
of those.
like say, the boss
behind his desk,
he is going to have
to fire me.
I've missed too many
he is dressed in a
suit, necktie, glasses,
he says, "I am going
to have to let you go."
"it's all right" I tell
he must do what he
must do, he has a
wife, a house, children,
expenses, most probably
a girlfriend.
I am sorry for him.
he is caught.
I walk out into the blazing
the whole day is
(the whole world is at the
throat of the world,
everybody feels angry,
short-changed, cheated,
everybody is despondent,
I welcomed shots of
peace, tattered shards of
I embraced that stuff
like the hottest number,
like high heels, breasts,
singing, the
(don't get me wrong,
there is such a thing as
cockeyed optimism
that overlooks all
basic problems just for
the sake of
itself -
this is a shield and a
the knife got near my
throat again,
I almost turned on the
but when the good
moments arrived
I didn't fight them off
like an alley
I let them take me,
I luxuriated in them,
I bade them welcome
I even looked into
the mirror
once having thought
myself to be
I now liked what
I saw, almost
handsome, yes,
a bit ripped and
scares, lumps,
odd turns,
but all in all,
not too bad,
almost handsome,
better at least than
some of those movie
star faces
like the cheeks of
a baby's
and finally I discovered
real feelings for
like lately,
like this morning,
as I was leaving
for the track,
I saw my wife in bed,
just the shape of
her head there, covers
pulled high, just the
shape of her
head there
(not forgetting
centuries of the living
and the dead and
the dying,
the pyramids,
Mozart dead
but his music still
there in the
room, weeds growing,
the earth turning,
the toteboard waiting for
I saw the shape of my
wife's head,
she so still,
I ached for her life,
just being there
under the
I kissed her on the
got down the stairway,
got outside,
got into my marvelous
fixed the seatbelt,
backed out the
feeling warm to
the fingertips,
down to my
foot on the gas
I entered the world
drove down the
past the houses
full and empty
I saw the mailman,
he waved
at me.
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doulayogimama · 6 months
I know we live a very weird life, but we decided if we don’t get pregnant by the holidays, we are taking Sky to India to meet Amma (the hugging saint, ended up at her ashram by accident in 2018 and it changed our lives). Her little city (Amritapuri) where she was born is beautiful, safe, and super cheap to stay. Southern India is a real dream. Sky would get to play with a lot of kids and I think she would absolutely adore it. After about 1 month there, we would go spend 1 month in New Zealand and 1 month in Australia.
I either get a baby for Christmas and an apartment in Miami or I book another epic family trip. Kevin says that we shouldn’t go back to Barcelona for another vacation before we move there, we know we want to move there. He said let’s go on another epic new trip instead, and it didn’t take long for me to agree to that idea. So - either way, I’m excited :) When I stay with my in laws for the summer I will picture this trip when I feel like I’m about to go insane 😂
Kevin and I have talked about it at length and decided that it will be Sky’s decision when she turns 5 years old to either enroll into a traditional school or to continue “world school” as we have pretty much been doing for the last 6 months.
We want to buy a property of some kind in the next year either way, but that doesn’t mean we want to stay there. We could rent it out full time to live who knows where. I’m envisioning a The Bucket List family type lifestyle (except on a much humbler scale 😂😂😂).
Those kids seem well adjusted 🤷🏽‍♀️
I’ve just got this very niche golden ticket in life where no, I don’t make a lot of money, but we make enough to live a really cool nomadic life. We were very close to the ideal: having a 100% paid off property on the coast of FL to rent out BUT our contract required 2 years of residency and let’s just say we learned real quick that we absolutely did want want our life savings under the control of our HOA. So we sold with some profit and now we’re kinda back to square one on the real estate portfolio. It was a setback and it wasn’t, the gulf coast condo. We definitely learned a lot. I’m excited to keep growing our business and our earnings so we can buy something else in Miami / NY / Spain in the next 1-2 years. ✨
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lovelessthan · 8 months
I arrived late in Helsinki on the 5th of January. During the last leg of my 11 hour bus ride I remembered that January 6th is a public holiday in many countries; it is not in Portugal, while it is for our neighbors Spain, so it really varies from place to place and is never a date that's at the forefront of my mind. Nevertheless, my flight back home was on the 7th so I decided to check and sure enough, the 6th is a public holiday in Finland. Since my number one mission during my last days in Helsinki was to visit Aikuisten Lelukauppa, Kari Valo's famous shop, I DM'd their instagram account asking whether it would be open the next day.
Thus began the saga that leads us to the concluding chapter of our story, The Finland Chronicles Part 3: Aikuisten Lelukauppa Oy, and Finland Moi Moi
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I got a response from the person who runs the shop’s instagram account the next morning, while I was getting ready, saying that they weren’t sure whether Kari would be coming in. I decided to risk it anyway and headed over there, only to find that, alas, the shop was indeed closed.
Feeling a bit deflated, I decided to just walk into the restaurant next door and the events that unfolded upon me stepping inside were heartwarming. The place was a very small and simple Thai restaurant, run by just one man, who I at the time assumed was Finnish. I made casual conversation with him and informed him of what had just happened, to which he replied that he had seen Kari lock up not long ago and head to the cafe down the road…so I had just missed him! I proceeded to order food, since I hadn’t really had breakfast, and he made me a dish of fried salmon, rice, and pickled vegetables. It was delicious, and I'm pretty sure the blurry corner in the picture above is from my lens fogging up with how hot it was.
After bringing me the food, this sweet man proceeded to turn the entire restaurant upside down looking for Kari's phone number, which he had written down on a slip of paper; he did in fact have a smartphone but informed me he didn't have time to be saving people's numbers in it, dontcha know. 😂 He said there was a possibility Kari could come back but it wasn't looking likely. Eventually, a girl who worked at the café next door came over, since she helps write the signs and menus for the restaurant due to her impeccable calligraphy, and gave him the number. He dialed it, hit call and a few seconds later we heard a voice identical to Ville’s say (I assume), "Kari Valo speaking." The restaurant owner explained that someone had come *all* the way from Portugal just to see him and handed me the phone. So I got to talk to Kari a bit. He told me he'd locked up for the day and asked me why I hadn't come earlier, and when I said I was considering extending my trip a bit he responded, "I'll be waiting for you every day." Ville wasn't kidding when he said he got his verbal acrobatics from his dad, huh. Sidenote: I thought I'd headed out pretty early, all things considered, but now you know, the early bird gets the Kari, especially if it’s a public holiday.
Heartened, I hung up and got on my own phone to make the arrangements to extend my trip, intending to return to the shop without fail on Monday the 8th. A part of me felt a little silly, but that was overridden by the feeling that my time in Finland wouldn’t really have been complete without a visit to Aikuisten Lelukauppa. Luckily, it was pretty cheap and dealing with that left me with time to relax, enjoy the rest of my meal, and talk to the man who had gone out of his way to make sure I got to speak to Kari. It turned out his name was Pedro, he was originally from Spain but had been living in Finland for 45 years, and had learned to cook Thai food from his second wife. Upon finding out he was from Spain, the conversation promptly switched from English to Portuñol, and he told me all about his family over Thai coffee after I'd finished my meal. I left the place after some time, feeling warm and fuzzy at the fact that complete strangers had gone above and beyond for me, but not before laughing at the fact that as quickly as Pedro had reobtained Kari's number, he then proceeded to lose it for a second time and was once again turning the place upside down looking for it as I headed out the door.
In all seriousness, if you're planning on including Aikuisten Lelukauppa in your Helsinki itinerary, consider stopping by Pedro's place as well. It's literally right next door, so it's impossible to miss, the food is great, and the hospitality, well...if you've read this far then you've probably figured out it's second to none.
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Afterwards I took the time to explore the city a little more and went to see Helsinki Cathedral and check out the other sights around Senate Square. Extending my trip also allowed me shop more leisurely for family and friends before heading home for the evening.
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Sunday was a day dedicated to doing absolutely nothing, which I felt I had earned, and fun fact: my Airbnb hosts were the proud owners of eleven (11!) cats, including the four kittens pictured above. All this while having a spotless home with almost exclusively white furniture. Why would you want to leave the house? I only realized long after the fact that I could have used my Sunday to take the ferry from Finland to Estonia and spend the day in Tallinn's old town, but I think the fact that it didn't even cross my mind just shows it wasn't meant to be. You can't fit everything in on one trip and you have to stop to rest at some point. All in all, a Sunday well spent.
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Then the fateful day arrived! I got up, got ready, headed out the door, and took the bus to the stop nearest to the street where Aikuisten Lelukauppa is located. In the few minutes left where I was walking up to the shop, my heart started pounding and I was pretty sure I was gonna act completely starstruck but...it was fine. More than fine. There was only one other customer there when I walked in, and they left almost the minute I entered. I said hello and told Kari that I was the person he'd spoken to on the phone the other day, and he apologetically explained that he'd had responsibilities other than the shop to attend to that day which resulted in him leaving early. What followed was me getting almost 2 hours of his time just chatting, as it had been over a week since Helldone and there weren't many fans flocking to the shop. He truly is a gem of a person, he seemed more than happy (and I hope he truly was!) to discuss his interest in cars, the movie Taxi Driver, how he acquired a lot of the memorabilia around the shop, how he got involved in this particular line of work, the state of taxi drivers these days (NOT good, he’ll have you know!), some of the shows he'd seen on the Neon Noir tour, and asked me about myself as well. Thanks to Kari I learned about Aki Kaurismäki, a Finnish director who has lived in Portugal for over 30 years, and now have some new films on my to-watch list. He also provided me with some tips for things to do around the city, including enthusiastically telling me I should go swimming (eherm, maybe next time) and to visit Temppeliaukion kirkko, a Lutheran church that was excavated directly from solid rock.
I would be remiss not to point out a significant moment in my visit. Kari received quite a few phone calls while we were chatting, and most of the time the phone ringing would prompt him to cry out, "Perkele!" One of the calls, however, he simply answered without any fuss. I could hear a man's voice but since the conversation was in Finnish, I distracted myself with my phone. Once he'd hung up, Kari turned to me and asked, "Do you know who that was?" to which I replied, "Who?" and he exclaimed, "Ville!" then burst out laughing and grabbed my shoulders as my jaw dropped. Then he told me that Ville had called to ask a question about Kari's car (the famous Checker Taxi, I believe) and implied it was being used for some sort of project? We shall have to wait and see. It was a very cool moment anyhow. I got a photo with him as well and asked him to sign my Neon Noir CD booklet, which he decorated with his famous doodles and catchphrases, most notably "Kari Valo, Boy's Father."
A visit to Aikuisten Lelukauppa naturally demands that you buy some merch so I bought a new tshirt for myself with the alternative design (as a friend had gotten me the more well-known version during her visit a few months prior), merch for friends, and stickers, but also left armed with several Finland/Helsinki guides that Kari provided me with, and a map where he wrote down the name of the rock church. Cutest of all, he just up and gave me some vintage Moomins stamps, which I will cherish forever. After all this, I said I’d be heading out as I did not want to take up any more of Kari’s time but it was a highly memorable first visit, and while I seriously doubt he will ever come across this post I nevertheless feel like I have to express my gratitude to him for his time, his ear, and his generosity. Kiitos paljon Kari! ❤️
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This was the rest of my afternoon: a visit to the famous Cafe Regatta, which was very cozy, following Kari's advice and visiting the beautiful, peaceful Temppeliaukio Church, and finishing my visit off with an early dinner at a traditional Finnish restaurant, where I had the piniest tasting G and T of my life (I love the smell of pines, not so sure how I feel about drinking them). Couldn't have asked for a better last day in Finland.
The next morning I had to be up at 5 to catch a flight to Frankfurt and then Lisbon, but the discomfort of a super early flight paled in comparison to the happy, floaty feeling of discovering a new place to love and come back to. Thank you so much Finland, you were a dream! I hope to come back sooner rather than later and potentially write another Finland Chronicles, maybe in warmer temperatures! Moi moi for now, though!
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And to finish this off, here's a little Aikuisten Lelukauppa haul with all the things I mentioned above, as well as a small Helsinki/Helldone haul, since I didn't think to do one for the very first instalment of this series. It includes a VVgram beanie, an eyebrow pencil and two eyeliners from Finnish brand Lumene (conspicuously absent was their Nordic Noir range, I wonder if Ville bought it all up lmao), and face wipes. Yes, face wipes, because they saved me multiple times when the snow settling then melting on my eyelashes would cause my mascara to melt and smudge all around my eyes. Pro-tip ladies: have some wipes in your bag when experiencing Finnish winter, or just snowy winters in general. Or maybe just wear a more resistant mascara than the one I use.
Thanks to anyone who read through these posts, and apologies for how much longer they got with each update. Nevertheless, I hope it was an enjoyable read and maybe even useful to those of you considering visiting Finland. Much love and here's to hoping 2024 brings many more adventures! 💙🤍
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europeas20 · 1 year
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dameronology · 7 months
also i just got back from a week in barcelona and for some reason i got a lot of inspo for like. holiday/vacation related fan fics. but mostly i was just absolutely obsessed w la sagrada familia and the fact that trains in spain are so cheap and run on time. also i walked into a pharmacy cos i forgot my birth control and i got the same one, no questions asked for the equivalent of about three pounds. so now i want to move to spain
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forreststories · 1 year
Either peace or happiness,
let it enfold you
when I was a young man
I felt these things were
dumb, unsophisticated.
I had bad blood, a twisted
mind, a precarious
I was hard as granite, I
leered at the
I trusted no man and
especially no
I was living a hell in
small rooms, I broke
things, smashed things,
walked through glass,
I challenged everything,
was continually being
evicted, jailed, in and
out of fights, in and out
of my mind.
women were something
to screw and rail
at, I had no male
I changed jobs and
cities, I hated holidays,
babies, history,
newspapers, museums,
marriage, movies,
spiders, garbagemen,
english accents,spain,
france,italy,walnuts and
the color
algebra angred me,
opera sickened me,
charlie chaplin was a
and flowers were for
peace and happiness to me
were signs of
tenants of the weak
but as I went on with
my alley fights,
my suicidal years,
my passage through
any number of
women-it gradually
began to occur to
that I wasn't different
from the
others, I was the same,
they were all fulsome
with hatred,
glossed over with petty
the men I fought in
alleys had hearts of stone.
everybody was nudging,
inching, cheating for
some insignificant
the lie was the
weapon and the
plot was
darkness was the
cautiously, I allowed
myself to feel good
at times.
I found moments of
peace in cheap
just staring at the
knobs of some
or listening to the
rain in the
the less I needed
the better I
maybe the other life had worn me
I no longer found
in topping somebody
in conversation.
or in mounting the
body of some poor
drunken female
whose life had
slipped away into
I could never accept
life as it was,
i could never gobble
down all its
but there were parts,
tenuous magic parts
open for the
I re formulated
I don't know when,
date, time, all
but the change
something in me
relaxed, smoothed
i no longer had to
prove that I was a
I didn't have to prove
I began to see things:
coffee cups lined up
behind a counter in a
or a dog walking along
a sidewalk.
or the way the mouse
on my dresser top
stopped there
with its body,
its ears,
its nose,
it was fixed,
a bit of life
caught within itself
and its eyes looked
at me
and they were
then- it was
I began to feel good,
I began to feel good
in the worst situations
and there were plenty
of those.
like say, the boss
behind his desk,
he is going to have
to fire me.
I've missed too many
he is dressed in a
suit, necktie, glasses,
he says, 'I am going
to have to let you go'
'it's all right' I tell
He must do what he
must do, he has a
wife, a house, children,
expenses, most probably
a girlfriend.
I am sorry for him
he is caught.
I walk onto the blazing
the whole day is
(the whole world is at the
throat of the world,
everybody feels angry,
short-changed, cheated,
everybody is despondent,
I welcomed shots of
peace, tattered shards of
I embraced that stuff
like the hottest number,
like high heels, breasts,
(don't get me wrong,
there is such a thing as cockeyed optimism
that overlooks all
basic problems just for
the sake of
this is a shield and a
The knife got near my
throat again,
I almost turned on the
but when the good
moments arrived
I didn't fight them off
like an alley
I let them take me,
I luxuriated in them,
I made them welcome
I even looked into
the mirror
once having thought
myself to be
I now liked what
I saw, almost
handsome, yes,
a bit ripped and
scares, lumps,
odd turns,
but all in all,
not too bad,
almost handsome,
better at least than
some of those movie
star faces
like the cheeks of
a baby's
and finally I discovered
real feelings of
like lately,
like this morning,
as I was leaving,
for the track,
i saw my wife in bed,
just the
shape of
her head there
(not forgetting
centuries of the living
and the dead and
the dying,
the pyramids,
Mozart dead
but his music still
there in the
room, weeds growing,
the earth turning,
the tote board waiting for
I saw the shape of my
wife's head,
she so still,
I ached for her life,
just being there
under the
I kissed her in the
got down the stairway,
got outside,
got into my marvelous
fixed the seatbelt,
backed out the
feeling warm to
the fingertips,
down to my
foot on the gas
I entered the world
drove down the
past the houses
full and empty
I saw the mailman,
he waved
at me.
“Let It Enfold You” Charles Bukowski
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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World Tapas Day
World Tapas Day, observed annually on the third Thursday of June, is an international holiday celebrating the small Spanish Tapa dish that is usually served with drinks. This year, it falls on June 15. Tapas may be served cold (such as in mixed olives and cheese) or hot. In some bars and restaurants in Spain, South America, Mexico, the United States, and a few other regions across the globe, tapas have evolved into a more sophisticated cuisine than one that is mundanely served with drinks. It can now be served as a full meal if desired. In some Central American countries, tapa snacks are known as ‘bocas,’ and in some parts of Mexico, it is referred to as ‘botanas.’
History of World Tapas Day
The word ‘tapas’ is derived from the Spanish verb ‘tapar,’ which means ‘to cover,’ a variation of the English word ‘top.’ In Spain, before the 19th century, tapas were served in posadas, albergues, or bodegas, which offered meals and rooms to travelers. Because few innkeepers and travelers could read and write, samples of the dishes were made available by innkeepers on a ‘tapa,’ which is a Spanish word for ‘pot cover.’
According to the book “The Joy of Cooking,” the first tapas were thin slices of bread or meat which sherry drinkers used to cover their glasses between sips to prevent fruit flies from hovering over their drink. The meat was normally ham or chorizo, both of which are very salty and activate thirst. This made bartenders and restaurant owners create a variety of snacks to serve with sherry, invariably increasing their alcohol sales. The tapas eventually became as important as the sherry. Tapas have evolved through Spanish history with new ingredients and influences.
The discovery and emergence of the New World birthed the introduction of tomatoes, sweet and chili peppers, which were readily accepted and grown in Spain’s microclimates, further contributing to the culture of tapas as we know it today. Since 2008, the city of Valladolid in Spain and the International School of Culinary Arts have celebrated the International Tapas Competition for Culinary Schools — an annual competition in Spain between global culinary schools to compete for the best tapa concept.
World Tapas Day timeline
1700s Tapas are Served by Innkeepers
Tapas are mostly served as snacks or parts of dishes offered to travelers by innkeepers until the 19th century.
1931 “The Joy of Cooking” is Published
The book “The Joy of Cooking” is published.
2008 The International Tapas Competition
An international competition of tapa concepts between global culinary schools begins in the city of Valladolid, Spain.
2010 World Tapas Day is Created
The holiday, World Tapas Day, is created.
World Tapas Day FAQs
What is the tradition of tapas?
The tradition of tapas dates back to when King Alfonso X of Castile recovered from an illness by drinking wine with small snacks between meals. After regaining his health, Alfonso issued an order prohibiting taverns from serving wine to clients unless it was accompanied by a small snack or “tapa.”
Why are tapas so important to the Spanish culture?
Tapas are important to the Spanish culture as they combine good food with family (or friends) time. This culture has spread throughout the world and become a popular way to put a twist on tradition.
Are tapas expensive?
Tapa prices vary based on size, ingredients used, and the type of bar serving them. While some can be really expensive, others are cheap or even free.
World Tapas Day Activities
Eat some tapas
Visit a Spanish/Mexican-themed bar
Share your experience on social media
What better way to celebrate World Tapas day than to eat some tapas? Either as part of a meal or as a full dish, be sure to share your delicious Spanish dish with your friends and family.
In Spain, South America, Central America, and parts of North America, visiting local bars is part of the tapa culture. But make sure you’re at the legal age to do so.
Whatever your experience is on World Tapas Day, preparing and eating it, or going for a few drinks with friends, be sure to share the fun on social media with the hashtag #WorldTapasDay. It’s a great way to participate!
5 Interesting Facts About Tapas
Tapas are finger food
The word ‘tapas’ means ‘lid’
Tapas are served with alcohol
Some bars offer free tapas
There’s a verb for eating tapas
Tapas aren’t the kinds of dishes you eat with traditional cutlery or utensils; they are eaten with your fingers.
‘Tapas’ is of Spanish origin and literally translates to ‘lid.’
Tapas are usually served with alcoholic beverages, hence their popularity in bars.
If you’re in the right bar at the right time, you might get a free tapa.
Spanish linguists have created a verb for eating tapas, which is ‘tapear’ meaning ‘to eat tapas.’
Why We Love World Tapas Day
Tapas are healthy
Tapas are versatile
A good way to socialize
Tapas can be served as purely vegetables or spices. Both are beneficial to the human body.
Tapas can either be eaten as a meal or in between meals. There are various recipes too!
Tapas are typically served at bars with alcoholic beverages. This makes them a good way to socialize.
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