#cheapest resveratrol supplement
mytoptips · 8 months
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acelessthan3 · 5 years
given that I work in the supplement industry with ease of access, product information, a lot of reading time, and willingness to experiment on my own body; I guess you could say I’m an amateur biohacker 
so I’ma lay some knowledge on you
guess if I’m gonna be thorough
first off: don’t trust everything you read on the internet, but if you’re going to examine and selfhacked are two reputable, well-researched, well-sourced places for information on any given nutritional supplement. I’m more inclined to trust examine if I have to choose between the two. If they don’t have an article on it, there probably hasn’t been enough science done to warrant putting it together.
that said, just because science doesn’t have something to say about a thing, doesn’t mean it doesn’t work in some way, just means science hasn’t done the work to look at it yet and Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurvedic Traditions and various Indigenous Peoples’ herbal remedies have merit and are worth looking at
I’m also not a doctor, but I’ve got a BS in Kinesiology so I’ve taken enough anatomy and biochemistry to at least be able to read most of the science I come across. I also work as a supplement whore and have years of customer interactions and corporate product trainings to know what’s hot in the industry, what the trends are for consumers, what doctors and naturopaths most frequently recommend.
Here’s my go-to supplements:
Vitamin D
This one’s in the news a lot lately. The science is all over the place, but chances are if you’re in a Western country that isn’t tropically or sub-tropically located and don’t work outdoors in very little clothing, you probably need at least some Vitamin D. It’s important in immune function, calcium absorption, mood and actually quite a few other things that are still being investigated. I come from Pacific Islander genetics (I’ve got melanin y’all) and live near the Canadian border, I find it helps me with Seasonal Affective Disorder symptoms. Unless specifically stated to be vegan, most D will be sourced from lanolin (the fatty substance from sheep’s wool) in softgels with a sunflower/canola carrier oil.
Nitric Oxide Boosters
There’s actually a lot of these that work in different ways, but science is finding that nitric oxide levels in the blood are part of how the body maintains healthy blood pressure. Nitric oxide in the body relaxes smooth muscles which increases the diameter of blood vessels, increasing blood flow. It’s part of how your body lowers blood pressure post-exercise.
There’s several ways (supplementally speaking) to increase nitric oxide in the body. The easiest is to increase available nitrates. As nitrates are digested, they, you guessed it, increase nitric oxide in the blood. Some supplementally available sources of nitrates include: beet root (powder or capsules) and leafy greens.  Synthetic forms like potassium nitrate also exist.
Another way to increase nitric oxide is to use the other metabolic pathways providing appropriate chemical precursors to aid in those biological functions. The most common is L-Arginine. L-Arginine is an amino acid that gets converted into nitric oxide. It’s also used in muscle protein synthesis. It’s in nuts and seeds and meat, and can be supplemented as a standalone molecule. Bioavailability (how well your body can absorb it) is limited as a supplement though because a lot gets broken down in the gut before it can hit the bloodstream, and it’s frequently paired with L-Citrulline (a different amino acid found in high amounts in watermelon) which is converted to arginine in the body but doesn’t get broken down before being absorbed. Aged Garlic Extract (capitalized because it’s a trademarked version that has specifically been studied) works on this by upregulating nitric oxide synthase (which is just fancy for nitric oxide-making enzyme).
Any sports/bodybuilding product that talks about increasing muscle pump is probably using at least one ingredient that affects nitric oxide levels. For dudes, any reputable supplement marketed for “blood flow” will contain at least one ingredient that affects nitric oxide levels (also a lot of the ingredients in those same products are also marketed as “testosterone boosting” ingredients actually do have uses as nitric oxide boosters if you look at the science). And by reputable I mean you won’t find it at a gas station.
There are various other herbs and things that some studies have shown to affect nitric oxide levels, they’re not as common and/or don’t have much research backing them up, but I’ll list a bunch. Pycnogenol, Horny Goat Weed (epimedium grandiflorum), Grape Seed Extract, Ginseng Tribulus Terrestris. Antioxidants like Resveratrol (a polyphenol originally derived from red grape skins), Glutathione, CoQ10. 
It’s like super important in the body. It’s like the fifth most common element in the human body and is an essential electrolyte for muscle and nerve function. Food sourcing is always best, but there’s arguments to be made that because of corporate monoculturing and depletion of topsoil, that contemporary foods are much lower in minerals than they were pre-industrial. So supplemental. There’s a ton of different types. The way I explain it, pure, metallic magnesium isn’t very useful to the body, so as a supplement you have to chelate (chemistry speak for react it) it with... something. Magnesium oxide is the cheapest (with oxygen). It’s the least bioavailable, but also has the highest elemental Mg of all the chelates. Magnesium Citrate is probably the next most common/cheapest. It’s mixed with citric acid. Take too high a dose of either of these at once and it will cause an electrolye imbalance in your gut. Basically your gut goes hey there’s too much salt in here (and magnesium chelates are salts) and draws a bunch of water into your intestines to flush it out. Sometimes prescribed to treat constipation. The next class are your amino acid chelates. Glycinate, Taurate, Threonate, to name a few. Research is still emerging, but different amino acids get the magnesium to different parts of the body and they have slightly different effects. They’re the most bioavailable because the human body is designed to recognize and digest proteins to amino acids. Magnesium chloride (or ionic) is going to be salt water derived with the sodium salt removed. I personally take a ZMA form, which is Zinc Magnesium Aspartate (with B6) specifically because it’s been well-studied in athletes for promoting restful sleep. I’ve also done a mag citrate in powdered drink form and found that it helped prevent cramping and somewhat mitigate my nighttime bruxism.
Nootropics to control your mood
So there’s all the caffeine and brain performance enhancers. I’m not really into that. A lot of products for memory and focus specifically have herbs and other ingredients that at least some studies have shown increase blood flow to the parts of the brain that help with... memory and focus. Those will be your Huperzine A, Bacopa, Ginkgo Biloba, Rosemary and, well, anything I mentioned above under nitric oxide boosters because more blood flow! I guess the Lion’s Mane Mushrooms would be in this class of nootropics. 
Another class of nootropics are your “Brain Foods” these are direct chemical precursors to various neurotransmitters in your brain. The idea being that if you give your brain more of the raw materials it needs to make serotonin, acetylcholine, gaba or dopamine, it will make them. There’s a bunch and I forget exactly which ones go with which, but L-Tyrosine, TMG (trimethylglycine), L-Phenylalanine, L-Tryptophan (and it’s own metabolite 5-HTP), Acetyl-L-Carnitine, Alpha GPC, L-theanine, GABA, L-Citrulline, L-DOPA (and in plant form as mucuna pruriens).
The one that I recommend most often is L-theanine. It’s an amino acid derived from green tea. It’s part of why the caffeine in tea doesn’t make you as jittery as the same amount of caffeine from coffee. L-theanine is a direct chemical precursor to GABA which is the neurotransmitter most active in the parasympathetic nervous system (aka, the rest and digest nervous system). It’s like a literal chill pill when it comes to acute anxiety and works within like half an hour. You can also get GABA by itself.
You also have your adaptogens, which are a classes of herbs that help balance your hormones and “adapt” to stress. Ashwaganda, rhodiola, various ginsengs, tulsi “holy basil” and I’m sure several others I’m forgetting. Most are from ayurvedic or TCM uses.
There’s also CBD which helps some people with anxiety. The kind you can find at supplement stores or health food stores will be hemp-derived, which means by under the 2018 Farm Bill it cannot contain more than 0.3% THC by weight or it is classified as a marijuana/cannabis product and therefore illegal federally.
I don’t fuck with melatonin. Most healthy bodies with an uninterrupted circadian rhythm naturally produce less than 0.3mg of melatonin at night so all these sleep supplements with 1, 5, TEN mg of melatonin kind of scare me and I always try to steer people to a lower dose first unless they’re coming in on doctor’s orders. 
GABA and L-theanine because they’re calming can be helpful for sleep if the problem is turning off your brain. They’re non-sedative on their own but can be helpful. 
Magnesium also relaxes the body and can be helpful for sleep.
CBD and Ashwaganda for their stress-relieving properties are frequently marketed for sleep. 
Herbally there’s valerian, st john’s wort, poppy and kava kava. The risk of complications or potential interference with medications are why I don’t recommend these ones first unless someone is specifically looking for them. Lavender, chamomile, hops, and catnip are all usually pretty safe and common in herbal blends.
I don’t trust homeopathy. The idea that small amounts of a thing that would normally cause the symptom you’re trying to treat makes sense. That’s the same principle behind inducing an immune response with vaccines. The idea that the more you dilute the thing, the more powerful it’s action in the body? Sketchy at best. The idea that the water used to dilute the thing will remember it so even if the dilution is so massive that there are no actual molecules of the original substance in a hundred pills (that are also, for the record, dry)? You lost me.
That said, surgeons do recommend 6C or 10X Arnica after surgery for bruising and it does seem to lessen the heal time.
Yeah, if you have questions on anything specific, feel free to shoot me an ask. If I don’t know off the top of my head, I can find out.
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sourceofnature · 2 years
Natural Food Supplements to Increase Immune Support
Natural multivitamin supplements including such resveratrol, turmeric, magnesium capsules, zinc capsules, longevity but instead anti-aging supplements are readily accessible there at cheapest deals of natural food supplements, with free delivery on purchases of €60 or more.
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The 30 Greatest Food Documentaries That One May Watch Today
Other vitamers B6 concentrations can be measured directly by evaluating levels of PLP; or complete vitamin B6 in erythrocytes, plasma, or urine 1 Vitamin B6 concentrations may also be measured indirectly by assessing possibly erythrocyte aminotransferase saturation by metabolites. Usefulness: not many reports have been performed on synephrine, but ephedrine has been proven to cause considerable short term fat loss in many studies (46). What else you have to know: should you choosenot drop 3% of the weight after 12 days on Qsymia, the FDA suggests that you just quit using it or that the doctor increase your dosage for your next 12 weeks - and if that doesn't function, you ought to gradually quit taking it.
Some side effects have already been observed in the folks applying Alli dietpills, however, they have been recorded and so are available for the customers of Alli Pills (9). While Synephrine could cause average weight reduction while in the short-term, its side effects' full magnitude isn't identified. Diet pills at the moment are on prescription but are often merely prescribed for individuals who have severe obesity that is impairing their general health and wellness dramatically.
How it performs: The Exercise & Sport Nutrition Lab at Baylor University performed a12 week review in 2005 about the aftereffects of the Colus Forkohilii vegetable. If kids want to lose weight but choose to do minus the side effects, they need click this link here now to possess a conversation using their doctor about teenage weight reduction products, beginning a fitness system, and eating a balanced calorie diet that is low.
Plus it could treat problems experienced by kidney-failure people on dialysis (including anemia, loss in appetite, reduced-strength, and insomnia). This informative article provides an in depth evaluation of Alli weightloss pills: what are they composed of, in lowering the extra weight how they help you, and is it beneficial for one to eat them to you. That is why we've completed comprehensive research, as a way to give you a list of the top weight reduction supplements that are available.
No individual reports to my expertise exist that shows with Ketone helps you shed weight supplementing. Increasing your water usage is among the cheapest and most easy methods to not just increase your health but to improve your fat loss too. Except it truly is with a fat deficiency, however, this sign can't trigger fat loss. The Forskolin collection observed a substantial decline in fat quantities, but their total-body fat did not change (180).
Resveratrol (a strong antioxidant) needs more investigation when it comes to weight loss. Feeling energized and positive is actually a big plus when adhering to a weight loss diet, so Acetyllcarnitine is definitely a great advantage. This is a longterm treatment for weight reduction since it is safe to consume without having to period off, tea extract extract for prolonged times. Coffee provides you with more power to workout harder and longer to burn calories to lose excess weight quicker.
Cutting on carbs and eating more protein are still the best approaches to shed weight, and are better than most of the diet pills merged. You had gain fat while losing more weight employing these exposure practices that are cold rather than solely counting on Curcumin to get more 'fatburning' fat. Considering just how many new weight loss supplements turn out every-year, simply maintaining them could be a massive hassle (irrespective of, if you a woman or possibly a guy).
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georgepaul32 · 6 years
The Top 5 Acai Berry Supplements of 2018
The acai berry is a fruit native to areas of Central and South America and has become one of the trendiest superfruits in the health space. These tiny berries pack a powerful punch as they contain an abundance of medicinal properties that are useful for all types of ailments.
It’s easy to see why the indigenous people of the Amazon have been using the fruit for years for its amazing health benefits.
Acai berries can help provide you with an excellent source of energy, and improve your immune system. They have also been proven in numerous studies to heal certain diseases.
Below is a list of the best acai berry supplements on the market, according to price, product quality, and customer reviews. Part two of this guide breaks down what exactly goes into a acai berry supplements and how they work.
Here’s our #1 recommended acai berry supplement:
1- Sari Foods Acai Powder
Lowest price on Amazon
Premium organically grown acai berries, freeze dried in the purest form. That’s what you get with Sari Foods acai powder.
Since this supplement comes in powder form it makes it easy to add acai to your smoothies or protein shakes, or add it to a recipe to improve the nutritional value of a meal. In fact, the guys at Sari Foods will actually send you a recipe card with cool ways to incorporate the acai powder in your meals and drinks.
So what separates Sari Foods Acai from their competition?
Here’s what the company has to say:
“Sari Foods Organic Acai is a pure acai powder. Unlike acai juice powders (where acai is juiced then dried to a powder), we also preserve all of the fiber from the fruit which promotes digestion and even helps to keep you fuller for longer. Furthermore, our berries are harvested at their nutritional peak and freeze-dried (the best method to maintain the same nutritional profile as fresh acai) the same day to preserve freshness and their superior flavor.”
It’s not the cheapest acai supplement out there, but as far as quality and purity go, it’s hard to find a better option.
Serving size: 1 tsp – about 65 servings in the bag.
Buy Sari Foods Acai Powder on Amazon
2- Now Foods Acai 500
Lowest price on Amazon
Now Foods is a leading brand in the health supplement space, and their acai product is one of the most popular acai product sold on Amazon.
This particular acai supplement comes in capsule form for a convenient and simple on-the-go acai berry solution. Each capsule contains 500 mg of freeze dried acai.
Here’s what the company has to say about their acai product:
“NOW uses only solvent-free, freeze-dried Acai Berries to ensure that all the nutrients present in fresh Acai are retained.”
This product contains absolutely zero sugar, salt, starch, yeast, wheat, gluten, corn, soy, milk, egg, shellfish or preservatives.
Recommended dosage instructions: Take 2 capsules 1-2 times daily. 100 capsules in the bottle.
Buy Now Foods Acai on Amazon
3- MySuperFoods Organic Acai Powder
Lowest price on Amazon
An acai powder made from acai berries hand-picked from the Brazilian Amazon rainforest. That’s what MySuperFoods’ acai product is all about.
The company ensures the berries used to make the powder are indeed 100% organic.
From the guys at MySuperFoods on the acai berries they use: “[They’re] not only Certified Organic by the Soil Association, but they are also eco-friendly and sustainable so you can enjoy our powder with a clean conscience.”
Recommended dosage: 10g -15g daily. There are 125 grams total in the bag.
This product is vegan and vegetarian friendly and both gluten and dairy free.
Buy MySuperFoods Acai Powder on Amazon
4- Terrasoul Superfoods Acai Powder
Lowest price on Amazon
Terrasoul Superfoods makes an organic, freeze dried acai supplement in powder form.
What makes this company different from their competition? Here’s what the guys at Terrasoul Superfoods have to say:
“Unlike other companies that use co-packers, we directly import, lab test and package our ingredients to ensure quality. We are also one of the largest wholesale suppliers of organic superfoods in the U.S. and are trusted by hundreds of the nation’s top juice and smoothie bars and organic food manufactures as their source for high-quality superfoods.
Working in close partnership with our suppliers enables us to offer the highest quality ingredients at a superior value.”
Allergy warning: packaged in a facility that handles tree nuts.
Serving size: 1.5 tsp – 37 total servings in the bag.
Buy Terrasoul Superfoods Acai Powder on Amazon
5- Feel Good Organics Acai Powder
Lowest price on Amazon
Feel Good Organics is the company behind this particular organic acai powder supplement.
Sourced from acai berries directly imported from Brazil, this premium powder is top of the line and definitely not a cheap option either.
The powder is 100% raw which means no unnecessary fillers or additives are used. It is also recommended that you refrigerate the bag after opening to keep it fresh longer.
One of the top rated acai products on Amazon, according to the customer reviews.
Serving size: 1 tsp – 151  servings total in the bag.
Buy Feel Good Organics Acai Powder on Amazon
What are acai berries?
The flavor of this small berry is like a blackberry mixed with dark chocolate. Many people have claimed that the chocolatey flavor is more of an aftertaste that you experience after you have chewed on the berry for a while.
Acai berries are reddish-purple fruits that are about an inch long. They come from the acai palm tree and are high in antioxidants, healthy fats, and fiber. They contain more antioxidants than other common berries such as strawberries, cranberries, camu camu, or even blueberries. 
Another advantage of eating acai berries or taking an acai supplement is that it is known to promote healthy weight loss. Many people have experienced positive results while taking an acai berry supplement combined with a nutritious diet plan and exercise routine.
How do acai berries work?
The acai berry is often used to help promote a healthy immune system, improve energy, and assist in weight loss.
The considerable number of antioxidants in each serving help with immune support. These antioxidants can fight off harmful free radicals and oxidants that can weigh you down. For that reason, the berry is the focus of many studies as experts test out how effective acai berries are in combating life-threatening diseases such as heart disease and certain forms of cancer.
Although there is little scientific proof that acai berries can help promote weight loss, many people claim that supplements containing the superfruit really work. It could be the fact that acai berries supply you with plenty of energy, which can help keep you moving so that you burn fat easier.
Or those who use acai berry detox products may experience slight weight loss once they detox their body and remove harmful toxic buildup.
So what’s so special about antioxidants?
Antioxidants have been in the news for many years. And usually when they are mentioned, it’s because of the results of a new study showing how effective they can be in the fight against heart disease.
If you have a history of heart disease in your family, or you already experience cardiovascular issues, you may have been told to eat more foods containing antioxidants such as strawberries or blueberries. But what exactly are antioxidants?
Antioxidants are found in plant-based foods such as fruits and vegetables. They can also be found in tea and coffee. These compounds have made headlines over the past few years because they are also found in wine and dark chocolate, making these otherwise ‘non-healthy’ foods a nutritious, heart-healthy choice.
The word ‘antioxidants’ is used to describe the thousands of compounds that are beneficial to our health. Some of the most common include flavanols, resveratrol, lycopene, as well as Vitamins A, C, and E [1].
Antioxidants are useful because they can prevent cell damage caused by oxidants. These are free-radicals we encounter on a regular basis. They are also produced naturally by our bodies. Some free radicals that are found in our environment include cigarette smoke and alcohol.
Free radicals are made by our bodies to fight harmful viruses, however if there are too many in your system, they can cause damage and contribute to certain types of cancer and heart disease. Therefore, it’s important to consume foods and supplements that contain antioxidants, like acai berries.
What are the benefits of acai berries?
There is an abundance of benefits to consuming fresh acai berries or taking a supplement. While we have yet to discover all the advantages of this small and powerful fruit, below are a few benefits that the experts believe to be true.
Fights heart disease
There are many factors that can cause heart disease such as a history of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and stress. When left untreated, these issues can lead to heart conditions such as chest pain, valvular heart disease, and coronary heart disease.
Acai berries contain antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that can help treat cardiovascular disease. When consumed regularly, these berries have shown that they can have a positive effect on the body’s oxidative stress level, blood pressure, and overall metabolic activity.
May fight certain types of cancer
Any fruit or vegetable that contains antioxidants is useful in fighting cancer. Although more research needs to be performed to determine how effective acai berries are, studies have shown that the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties in the fruit can fight cancer cells and lower the risk of the user developing cancer [2].
Improves immune health
Acai berries offer excellent immune defense because they are high in Vitamin C. Consuming foods that are high in this vitamin can help to give your immune system the boost it needs to combat colds and viruses [3].
Boosts energy levels
People who eat acai berries regularly or take a supplement daily claim that they experience an energy boost. Just be sure to only take the recommended dose if you are taking supplements since consuming too much acai berry can give you a big energy boost that can result in unwanted fatigue [4].
May help with weight loss
There are skeptics who may disagree with the fact that acai berries can help with weight loss, however, there are also studies which show that dieters have seen positive results when trying to lose weight by taking an acai berry supplement.
It could be due to the high fiber content in the fruit that can help to suppress your appetite and reduce hunger [5].
What are the side effects of acai berries?
Acai berries have made a positive change in the supplement industry, however like many other herbal and plant-based supplements, there are some side effects that you should be aware of before you take them.
If you consume too many acai berries at once, the beneficial antibiotics can have an adverse effect. They will begin to buildup toxins inside the body, which can lead to various health issues including fatigue, acne, or yeast infections.
Some acai berry supplements contain echinacea. This is an herb that is known to cause inflammation of the liver, which could potentially cause liver damage. It could also have a damaging effect on the immune system.
Extensive use of acai berry supplements can cause a significant drop in your blood pressure. People who already experience heart problems should be aware of this and use the supplement with caution.
Acai berries can interact with pan relievers such as naproxen or aspirin. You should never combine acai berries or an acai supplement with these pain killers unless your doctor recommends it.
Eating acai berries could cause swelling of the mouth, lips, tongue, and throat. It could also cause additional respiratory problems. Individuals who have a pollen allergy may have more side effects when taking an acai berry supplement. 
How to take acai berry supplements
Acai berry supplements are available in many formats. Take them in powder or extract form, or added to a detox solution for weight loss. Since they are known to provide an energy boost, the berries can be found in many popular energy drinks.
Antioxidants can help reduce the early signs of aging. Therefore, you may find acai berries in the ingredients of your favorite beauty products. There are many cosmetics now available that contain acai oil such as anti-aging skin creams, facial and body creams, lotions, shampoos and conditioners.
You can purchase over-the-counter supplements that contain acai berry extract. Just be sure to read the label and pay attention to the directions. While the berries are a natural form of antioxidants and other helpful nutrients, remember that taking too much could cause serious side effects.
Acai Berries are a popular fruit with many health benefits. They are used in the vast regions of the Amazon for hundreds of years to promote energy and boost the immune system.
Today, experts are still trying to find out more about all the wonders of this tiny fruit and how it can benefit people with serious health conditions such as cancer or cardiovascular disease.
While more research needs to be done, taking acai berry supplements has shown to help many people lower their cholesterol, improve their blood pressure, and even lose weight. Always take dietary supplements as directed. Even if they are a natural alternative to prescription medications, acai berries can be harmful if you take too many at once.
The post The Top 5 Acai Berry Supplements of 2018 appeared first on HealthRanks.org.
from HealthRanks.org https://healthranks.org/acai-berry/
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crystalgordontx · 6 years
The Top 5 Acai Berry Supplements of 2018
The acai berry is a fruit native to areas of Central and South America and has become one of the trendiest superfruits in the health space. These tiny berries pack a powerful punch as they contain an abundance of medicinal properties that are useful for all types of ailments.
It’s easy to see why the indigenous people of the Amazon have been using the fruit for years for its amazing health benefits.
Acai berries can help provide you with an excellent source of energy, and improve your immune system. They have also been proven in numerous studies to heal certain diseases.
Below is a list of the best acai berry supplements on the market, according to price, product quality, and customer reviews. Part two of this guide breaks down what exactly goes into a acai berry supplements and how they work.
Here’s our #1 recommended acai berry supplement:
1- Sari Foods Acai Powder
Lowest price on Amazon
Premium organically grown acai berries, freeze dried in the purest form. That’s what you get with Sari Foods acai powder.
Since this supplement comes in powder form it makes it easy to add acai to your smoothies or protein shakes, or add it to a recipe to improve the nutritional value of a meal. In fact, the guys at Sari Foods will actually send you a recipe card with cool ways to incorporate the acai powder in your meals and drinks.
So what separates Sari Foods Acai from their competition?
Here’s what the company has to say:
“Sari Foods Organic Acai is a pure acai powder. Unlike acai juice powders (where acai is juiced then dried to a powder), we also preserve all of the fiber from the fruit which promotes digestion and even helps to keep you fuller for longer. Furthermore, our berries are harvested at their nutritional peak and freeze-dried (the best method to maintain the same nutritional profile as fresh acai) the same day to preserve freshness and their superior flavor.”
It’s not the cheapest acai supplement out there, but as far as quality and purity go, it’s hard to find a better option.
Serving size: 1 tsp – about 65 servings in the bag.
Buy Sari Foods Acai Powder on Amazon
2- Now Foods Acai 500
Lowest price on Amazon
Now Foods is a leading brand in the health supplement space, and their acai product is one of the most popular acai product sold on Amazon.
This particular acai supplement comes in capsule form for a convenient and simple on-the-go acai berry solution. Each capsule contains 500 mg of freeze dried acai.
Here’s what the company has to say about their acai product:
“NOW uses only solvent-free, freeze-dried Acai Berries to ensure that all the nutrients present in fresh Acai are retained.”
This product contains absolutely zero sugar, salt, starch, yeast, wheat, gluten, corn, soy, milk, egg, shellfish or preservatives.
Recommended dosage instructions: Take 2 capsules 1-2 times daily. 100 capsules in the bottle.
Buy Now Foods Acai on Amazon
3- MySuperFoods Organic Acai Powder
Lowest price on Amazon
An acai powder made from acai berries hand-picked from the Brazilian Amazon rainforest. That’s what MySuperFoods’ acai product is all about.
The company ensures the berries used to make the powder are indeed 100% organic.
From the guys at MySuperFoods on the acai berries they use: “[They’re] not only Certified Organic by the Soil Association, but they are also eco-friendly and sustainable so you can enjoy our powder with a clean conscience.”
Recommended dosage: 10g -15g daily. There are 125 grams total in the bag.
This product is vegan and vegetarian friendly and both gluten and dairy free.
Buy MySuperFoods Acai Powder on Amazon
4- Terrasoul Superfoods Acai Powder
Lowest price on Amazon
Terrasoul Superfoods makes an organic, freeze dried acai supplement in powder form.
What makes this company different from their competition? Here’s what the guys at Terrasoul Superfoods have to say:
“Unlike other companies that use co-packers, we directly import, lab test and package our ingredients to ensure quality. We are also one of the largest wholesale suppliers of organic superfoods in the U.S. and are trusted by hundreds of the nation’s top juice and smoothie bars and organic food manufactures as their source for high-quality superfoods.
Working in close partnership with our suppliers enables us to offer the highest quality ingredients at a superior value.”
Allergy warning: packaged in a facility that handles tree nuts.
Serving size: 1.5 tsp – 37 total servings in the bag.
Buy Terrasoul Superfoods Acai Powder on Amazon
5- Feel Good Organics Acai Powder
Lowest price on Amazon
Feel Good Organics is the company behind this particular organic acai powder supplement.
Sourced from acai berries directly imported from Brazil, this premium powder is top of the line and definitely not a cheap option either.
The powder is 100% raw which means no unnecessary fillers or additives are used. It is also recommended that you refrigerate the bag after opening to keep it fresh longer.
One of the top rated acai products on Amazon, according to the customer reviews.
Serving size: 1 tsp – 151  servings total in the bag.
Buy Feel Good Organics Acai Powder on Amazon
What are acai berries?
The flavor of this small berry is like a blackberry mixed with dark chocolate. Many people have claimed that the chocolatey flavor is more of an aftertaste that you experience after you have chewed on the berry for a while.
Acai berries are reddish-purple fruits that are about an inch long. They come from the acai palm tree and are high in antioxidants, healthy fats, and fiber. They contain more antioxidants than other common berries such as strawberries, cranberries, camu camu, or even blueberries. 
Another advantage of eating acai berries or taking an acai supplement is that it is known to promote healthy weight loss. Many people have experienced positive results while taking an acai berry supplement combined with a nutritious diet plan and exercise routine.
How do acai berries work?
The acai berry is often used to help promote a healthy immune system, improve energy, and assist in weight loss.
The considerable number of antioxidants in each serving help with immune support. These antioxidants can fight off harmful free radicals and oxidants that can weigh you down. For that reason, the berry is the focus of many studies as experts test out how effective acai berries are in combating life-threatening diseases such as heart disease and certain forms of cancer.
Although there is little scientific proof that acai berries can help promote weight loss, many people claim that supplements containing the superfruit really work. It could be the fact that acai berries supply you with plenty of energy, which can help keep you moving so that you burn fat easier.
Or those who use acai berry detox products may experience slight weight loss once they detox their body and remove harmful toxic buildup.
So what’s so special about antioxidants?
Antioxidants have been in the news for many years. And usually when they are mentioned, it’s because of the results of a new study showing how effective they can be in the fight against heart disease.
If you have a history of heart disease in your family, or you already experience cardiovascular issues, you may have been told to eat more foods containing antioxidants such as strawberries or blueberries. But what exactly are antioxidants?
Antioxidants are found in plant-based foods such as fruits and vegetables. They can also be found in tea and coffee. These compounds have made headlines over the past few years because they are also found in wine and dark chocolate, making these otherwise ‘non-healthy’ foods a nutritious, heart-healthy choice.
The word ‘antioxidants’ is used to describe the thousands of compounds that are beneficial to our health. Some of the most common include flavanols, resveratrol, lycopene, as well as Vitamins A, C, and E [1].
Antioxidants are useful because they can prevent cell damage caused by oxidants. These are free-radicals we encounter on a regular basis. They are also produced naturally by our bodies. Some free radicals that are found in our environment include cigarette smoke and alcohol.
Free radicals are made by our bodies to fight harmful viruses, however if there are too many in your system, they can cause damage and contribute to certain types of cancer and heart disease. Therefore, it’s important to consume foods and supplements that contain antioxidants, like acai berries.
What are the benefits of acai berries?
There is an abundance of benefits to consuming fresh acai berries or taking a supplement. While we have yet to discover all the advantages of this small and powerful fruit, below are a few benefits that the experts believe to be true.
Fights heart disease
There are many factors that can cause heart disease such as a history of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and stress. When left untreated, these issues can lead to heart conditions such as chest pain, valvular heart disease, and coronary heart disease.
Acai berries contain antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that can help treat cardiovascular disease. When consumed regularly, these berries have shown that they can have a positive effect on the body’s oxidative stress level, blood pressure, and overall metabolic activity.
May fight certain types of cancer
Any fruit or vegetable that contains antioxidants is useful in fighting cancer. Although more research needs to be performed to determine how effective acai berries are, studies have shown that the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties in the fruit can fight cancer cells and lower the risk of the user developing cancer [2].
Improves immune health
Acai berries offer excellent immune defense because they are high in Vitamin C. Consuming foods that are high in this vitamin can help to give your immune system the boost it needs to combat colds and viruses [3].
Boosts energy levels
People who eat acai berries regularly or take a supplement daily claim that they experience an energy boost. Just be sure to only take the recommended dose if you are taking supplements since consuming too much acai berry can give you a big energy boost that can result in unwanted fatigue [4].
May help with weight loss
There are skeptics who may disagree with the fact that acai berries can help with weight loss, however, there are also studies which show that dieters have seen positive results when trying to lose weight by taking an acai berry supplement.
It could be due to the high fiber content in the fruit that can help to suppress your appetite and reduce hunger [5].
What are the side effects of acai berries?
Acai berries have made a positive change in the supplement industry, however like many other herbal and plant-based supplements, there are some side effects that you should be aware of before you take them.
If you consume too many acai berries at once, the beneficial antibiotics can have an adverse effect. They will begin to buildup toxins inside the body, which can lead to various health issues including fatigue, acne, or yeast infections.
Some acai berry supplements contain echinacea. This is an herb that is known to cause inflammation of the liver, which could potentially cause liver damage. It could also have a damaging effect on the immune system.
Extensive use of acai berry supplements can cause a significant drop in your blood pressure. People who already experience heart problems should be aware of this and use the supplement with caution.
Acai berries can interact with pan relievers such as naproxen or aspirin. You should never combine acai berries or an acai supplement with these pain killers unless your doctor recommends it.
Eating acai berries could cause swelling of the mouth, lips, tongue, and throat. It could also cause additional respiratory problems. Individuals who have a pollen allergy may have more side effects when taking an acai berry supplement. 
How to take acai berry supplements
Acai berry supplements are available in many formats. Take them in powder or extract form, or added to a detox solution for weight loss. Since they are known to provide an energy boost, the berries can be found in many popular energy drinks.
Antioxidants can help reduce the early signs of aging. Therefore, you may find acai berries in the ingredients of your favorite beauty products. There are many cosmetics now available that contain acai oil such as anti-aging skin creams, facial and body creams, lotions, shampoos and conditioners.
You can purchase over-the-counter supplements that contain acai berry extract. Just be sure to read the label and pay attention to the directions. While the berries are a natural form of antioxidants and other helpful nutrients, remember that taking too much could cause serious side effects.
Acai Berries are a popular fruit with many health benefits. They are used in the vast regions of the Amazon for hundreds of years to promote energy and boost the immune system.
Today, experts are still trying to find out more about all the wonders of this tiny fruit and how it can benefit people with serious health conditions such as cancer or cardiovascular disease.
While more research needs to be done, taking acai berry supplements has shown to help many people lower their cholesterol, improve their blood pressure, and even lose weight. Always take dietary supplements as directed. Even if they are a natural alternative to prescription medications, acai berries can be harmful if you take too many at once.
The post The Top 5 Acai Berry Supplements of 2018 appeared first on HealthRanks.org.
from HealthRanks.org https://healthranks.org/acai-berry/
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bestcbdoilshop · 7 years
Alfalfa Extract – What Are the Health Benefits?
The health benefits of alfalfa grass, its history of use and the value of alfalfa supplements is what we will briefly discuss.
What is alfalfa grass?
It is actually a member of the pea family, a legume. It is an important crop for cattle and other animals, because of its high protein content, much higher than what is found in most grasses. People do not typically eat alfalfa grass, because the high fiber content. However, a young tender alfalfa sprout is a favorite health food.
The mature plant resembles clover, with clusters of small purple flowers, but it typically grows much taller than clover grass will grow. The alfalfa sprout is harvested long before the plant reaches maturity, which accounts for the relative high price of the food, when compared to other vegetables.
Health Benefits
Some of the alfalfa health benefits have been known for 1500 years or more. It was a popular herbal medicine among many traditional healers. It is native to a number of different countries in temperate climates throughout the world.
Modern scientists have confirmed some of the benefits of alfalfa. It has been used to treat anemia, which is likely due to its iron content. It may be beneficial for preventing some of the damage from diabetes and high blood sugar levels, because of its antioxidant and phyto-nutrient content. It has also been used to treat bladder disorders and as an estrogen replacement, to increase breast milk and reduce pre-menstrual syndrome. Alfalfa grass is a known phyto-estrogen, compounds produced by plants that act like the hormone in the human body.
Alfalfa supplements are fairly common, these days. They may help relieve the symptoms of menopause, lower unhealthy cholesterol levels; help prevent arthritis and prostate problems. The quality of the supplements varies greatly.
They should be composed of the alfalfa sprout, the leaves or the flowers. Some manufacturers use the entire plant including the roots and seeds. The seeds have the potential to decrease amino acid enzyme activity, which could cause health problems that weight out the benefits of alfalfa.
Supplement Source: Very Important
In order to get the alfalfa health benefits in supplement form, you need to choose a good manufacturer. It is difficult to tell, but the cheapest alfalfa supplements will be of the lowest quality and may include the seeds.
In the best supplements, the extracts from the leaves and sprouts are used as an ingredient; not the only ingredient, just one of many. You get the best value for your money if you shop for a multi-nutritional supplement that contains your basic vitamins and minerals, as well as a number of beneficial extracts.
Alfalfa Synergy
Some of the extracts to look for include gingko biloba, green tea, black cumin, olive leaf, resveratrol and turmeric. These help reduce your risk of cancer and heart disease, our two big killers.
If you strive for optimal nutritional intake, you may live a longer healthier life. The benefits of alfalfa extract are great, but it's not the only nutrient that you need. For more complete details on Alfalfa Extract and other herbal extracts and their synergistic value, please see my website listed below. Larry L. Taylor
[ad_2] Source by Larry L. Taylor
Article Here: Alfalfa Extract – What Are the Health Benefits?
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Mara’s Supplement Regimen
Here is a comprehensive list of how to care for your body well and avoid assisting cancer cell growth.
Help yourself succeed by taking baby steps.
1. Incorporate a few supplements by priority:
Alpha Lipoic Acid + Acetyl L-Carnitine (Available together)
Vitamin D3
Flaxseed Oil
Adjust Diet Based on “Things to Avoid”
2. Incorporate Juicing
Top Things to Juice: (Simple recipe below)
Recommended Juice Size 8oz Drink within 60 minutes OR Make in Bulk and Freeze in Mason Jars Immediately.
10 Carrots
1 Apple
1 Lemon
2 Cups Sulforaphane
Thumb-sized slice of Fresh Ginger
3. Add in Additional Supplements
Things to avoid
1.)  Vegetable oils of all kind
They are very high in oxidized omega-6 fatty acids. 
Use extra virgin olive oil for non-cooking use and first pressing extra virgin organic coconut oil or organic ghee for cooking. Nutiva.com has the most economical coconut oil – we buy 5 gallons at a time, which lasts about 15 months.  Avoid all soy bean and canola oils
2.) Burned meats –
the charring of meat produces a plethora of nasty carcinogenic compounds.
3.) Processed foods.-
completely avoid as much as possible. What is processed? Anything that comes in a cardboard box.. is a good start.
4.) Sugar –
Dramatically reduce the amount of sugar you eat. Avoid all corn syrup and high fructose corn syrup.
Use honey, real maple syrup, stevia, erythritol (limited) for sweetening.
5.) Artificial sweeteners.-
avoid them all. Use honey, real maple syrup, stevia, erythritol (limited) for sweetening.
Important to increase the oxygen carrying capacity of your cardiovascular system and increasing the flow of your lymphatic system.  
Alpha Lipoic Acid – 600 mg/day (SEE BELOW FOR COMBINED SUPPLEMENT & Explanation!) This is a sulfurous fatty acid found in organ meats. This supplement is considered the “master” or “universal” anti-oxidant.  It promotes the maximum functioning of the other anti-oxidants in your body.  
Acetyl L-Carnitine – 1000 mg/day (LINK is to a combined supplement of Alpha Lipoic Acid + Acetyl L-Carnitine) This is not only another powerful antioxidant but it also helps with memory, especially since having undergone chemotherapy one suffers from “chemo-fog”.  This supplement in conjunction with Alpha Lipoic Acid increases phase two mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation.  This basically means you are much more efficiently able to produce energy utilizing oxygen.  When you have reserves of energy, this can be used to fight infection, detoxify, boost immune function, repair tissue etc..  The combination of lipoic acid and carnitine is also a great help for sugar metabolism and thus great for diabetics.    
Grape Seed – 200 mg proanthrocyanidins (Vitacost) This is another antioxidant known as bioflavonoids. Cheapest source of oligomeric proanthrocyanidines (also found in Pycnogenol but at a much higher cost) responsible for reducing inflammation and a plethora of health benefits. Also contains Seleniumna, Green Tea extract, and Resveratrol.    
Milk Thistle – 500mg/day (Now - Amazon) Contains silmarin - this is an antioxidant especially affective in the liver and therefore important in detoxification processes.    
Vitamin K2 – 100 ug/day (Solgar - Amazon) Maybe the most underemphasized vitamin yet the most powerful.  Nearly all modern human are devoid of this necessary vitamin as it has been selectively removed from the food system. Proven protection for cancer, heart disease, and increased life expectancy. Synergy with Vitamin D.  Must be taken with fat during meal. The longest half life version of this vitamin is the MK7 form.
Vitamin C – 1000mg/day (Solgar - Amazon)  We are the only animal on earth (besides other primates and guinea pigs) that does not produce vitamin C.  Other animals produce 10g equivalents a day (If they were our size).  This is an antioxidant.  It increases your connective tissue deposition throughout your body.  Cancer eats extracellular matrix, vitamin C is a cofactor necessary to make extracellular matrix.    
Sulforaphane (amazon via Todds Seeds) (MAKE IT YOURSELF! Directions below) The best source is sprouting broccoli seed on your own.  Having about 10% of the seeds you sprout as daikon radish seeds will increase the amount sulforaphane converted and absorbed into your body.
To grow seeds
Put spoonful into a mason jar and rinse seed twice daily for 3-4 days.
Flaxseed Oil (has Omega 3) – 3 Tbsp/day  The ratio of omega 3 to omega 6 oils is inversely proportional to the rate of cancer.  Flaxseed oil is a pure source of non-oxidized omega 3.  Omega 3 studies of human cells in mice definitively showed the arrest of metastasis from a primary cancer tumor.  It also decreased systemic inflammation, the cause of many degenerative diseases.
This strategy, of omega 3 increasing oxygen to tissues, won the Noble Prize in medicine in 1937.  Joanna Budwig applied this Noble Prize work to cancer using an easily assimilated form of omega 3 using nonfat cottage cheese called quark (German), which is non-pasteurized.  Below is the description of how to prepare it so that it is absorbed properly.
This must be taken in such a way that it binds to a sulfated protein.  No omega-6 fats/oils can be consumed in the same meal in order for optimal absorption  (omega –6 & omega-3 use the same small intestine receptor site for absorption, unfortunately the receptor has a higher affinity for omega-6, therefore if taken at the same time as omega-3 it will out compete it and the omega-3 will not be absorbed).  Use either a half a cup of nonfat/low organic cottage.  Blend the oil and the medium together until no oil can be seen stuck to the side of the container – use a whisk or hand blender.  In addition we use two tablespoons freshly ground whole flax seeds (an inexpensive coffee grinder works well, and the seeds can be kept in the freezer) To help with taste, honey can be added as well as vanilla extract.
The flaxseed oil you would want to purchase is omega-flow, cold pressed processed.  The best brand is Barleans Flax Oil with high lignans.  See on how to make this.
Juicing - JuiceFountain The anticancer affects of many fruits and vegetables has been proven in the literature.  However the amounts necessary to elicit these effects contain too much insoluble fiber, (we are not cows with four stomachs) therefore juicing provides these anticancer compounds in the necessary amounts without stressing the digestive tract.  Juicing strips away the insoluble fiber but keeps the soluble fiber, which is great for anticancer.  Stress on the digestive tract sets up proven negative feedback loops where your intestine cannot absorb the nutrients necessary to allow small intestine proper functioning.  
This in turn compounds nutrient deficiency problems which causes the cancer in the first place.  Stressed intestines also allow protein compounds from food to come into contact with your mucosal immunity, therefore producing immune attack to foods you eat, which then consequently causes allergies and autoimmune diseases.  
In terms of 17-beta estradiol, the large amounts of soluble fiber absorbed through juicing allow the digestive tract to move food quickly preventing your body’s reabsorption of the estradiol in the large intestine.  We bought the JuiceFountain and have used it everyday for 7 years with no failure.  It is very dishwasher friendly as well.
Melatonin  - 3 mg/day taken just before bed timeTaken at night an hour or so prior to bed.
Vitamin D3 – 1,000 Units/25 pounds bodyweight Vitamin D has been shown to reduce the risk of cancer of 16 different type by as as high as 60%.  The amount listed is the amount generated by the body if you were out in the sun all the time and is the amount at which your body turns off production.  15 minutes in direct sunlight can produce 30,000 units of Vit D3.  This is cornerstone vitamin, almost all sytems in the body are dependant on adequate levels, which if you are tested should be 60-75 ng/ ml.  A conservative dose is 1000 units/ 25 lbs of bodyweight.
Curcumin – Pill or powder form (2 pills 2 times per day) Curcuminoids demonstrated to have powerful, anticarcinogenic and anti-inflammatory properties and help to induce apoptosis (programmed spontaneous cell death) in human pre-cancerous and cancer cells.  The phytosome form is more readily absorbed by the body and is equivalent to 4000 mg of pure curcuminoids.
Ubiquinol 200 mg twice per day This is the converted version of CoQ10 and is a necessary component of oxidative metabolism of mitochondria.  Stress, chemo, age, disease strips stores of  this necessary compound, therefore most people are sadly deficient of this nutrient, especially since we no longer eat organ meats, the best source of this lifesaver.
Probiotics >15 billion CFU/day I have come to learn that the health of the intestines is critical for combating all chronic diseases.  Taking a probiotic supplement is a good idea, but after researching this area of health, I have come to the conclusion that either homemade yogurt or Kefir is the ideal method of providing probiotics.  In the case of yogurt, the sheer number of colony forming units in a live 24 hr homemade yogurt outperforms probiotic pills 10 fold or more for almost no cost.  Kefir is the same, but has the advantage that it contains 32 different probiotic organisms.
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latriceduke · 7 years
Rain International, legit or scam?
Could eating seeds be the next big thing?  
That’s the bet that Rain International has made.  It’s a multilevel marketing company that’s obsessed with the health benefits of exotic plant seeds.
Rain is a new company exploring a new space in health and wellness, but it’s got many of the hallmarks of a classic MLM.
So did I get on board? This explains everything:
//<![CDATA[ jQLeadBrite("#leadplayer_video_element_58D0490AA1003").leadplayer(false, 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It was founded in 2009, but it’s still very much a new and hot product.  Analyzing search data for the company is tricky: you can’t just search for Rain and expect to see anything useful come up!
But search data for “Rain International” and “Rain Core” (one of their flagship products) are revealing.  The company is on the march, and its search volume is tracking upwards.  But it still hasn’t hit it big.  Will it?
Based on their web design and product marketing, Rain International is targeting young, active people who want to live a healthy lifestyle.  Their promotional literature shows rock climbers, surfers, and athletes chowing down on their seed food supplements.  One of the core rules in any business is to know your market, so take note.
Currently, Rain International only offers a handful of products.  These are Core, Form, Soul, Fused and Revri.
You’ve got to cut through a lot of marketing lingo to figure out what Core actually is (yes, I know it’s a market-defining trend-setter, but what’s in it?) but essentially it’s a seed and herbal extract blend that comes in single-serving packets.  
The seeds include black cumin, milk thistle, and cranberry.  Some highlights of the numerous herbal extracts are kale powder, chlorella powder, spirulina powder, and wheat grass powder.  
The health benefits of the seed ingredients are pretty obscure (they just haven’t been researched much yet) but there does seem to be some benefit to “green nutritional powder” supplements, which are comprised of the kind of green vegetable extracts found in Core.  
A 1991 scientific article by Robert Kay and Larry Barton discusses these benefits, which extend to their anti-oxidant, anti-inflammation, and immunity-boosting effects.
Soul takes a similar tack, though the ingredients are a little different.  This blend focuses more on the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of the cold pressed seeds themselves.  
Soul contains black cumin seed, black raspberry seed, chardonnay grape seed, D-Ribose, and resveratrol, the popular antioxidant found in red wine.
Some scientific research highlights black cumin seed oil as a powerful anti-inflammatory agent and a pain reliever.  A 2004 study published in the journal Phytotherapy Research subjected lab rats to black cumin seed oil under a variety of conditions.  
They found that the oil relieved pain and also reduced inflammation.  Given Rain International’s focus on athletes, this could be a key selling proposition.  
The other seeds seem to have similar properties.  Another study, this time published in the journal Food Chemistry in 2007, found that both chardonnay grape seed oil and black raspberry seed oil have protective effects on lipids, which could make them helpful for heart health.
These findings are preliminary, of course, and haven’t been tested in humans yet, so Rain International is probably going beyond what the science testifies to, but it’s still a promising new direction for a health supplement company.
The other three products that Rain International offers are more standard MLM products.  Form is a protein powder that uses seed sources for much of its protein content, and the company predictably claims this is superior to something like whey protein.
It also offers Fused, a coffee that’s infused with (you guessed it) seed oils from their cold press process.  In this sense it’s somewhat reminiscent of Bulletproof Coffee, though perhaps with the health benefits of the seed oil.
Revri is a bit of a groaner too: it’s a skin care supplement infused with seed oil extracts.  There must be an unwritten MLM law somewhere that every superfood must also be used in a cosmetic product, right?
Compensation plan
So, the products are new and innovative, and the company looks lean, mean, and new on the scene.  But what about the money making opportunity?
For starters, joining up is spendy.  The absolute cheapest way to become a member is with a $70 basic startup kit plus a $40 internet service fee (which sets you up with a web store), so you’re looking at $110 for starting out.
Staying active (i.e. being eligible to earn money) is pretty standard.  You need to move 50 product volume per month, either through personal purchase, customer sales, or some combination of the two.  The good news is that there is no distinction between personal and business volume, so you are not required to auto-ship.  They do recommend it, of course.
Rain International says it uses a “triple business center” model but this is really just a fancy way of saying “binary compensation plan.”  Because one of the business centers is you, while the other two are your left and right sales legs.  As is almost always the case, you are paid based on how the lesser leg is performing.  This can be frustrating when one of your sales legs is doing very well while the other is foundering.
At the higher “executive” ranks, you can get some pretty sweet bonuses, but you’re going to need to build two very disciplined sales teams in order to make that happen.  Your best bet to get those is to focus on keeping your sales legs performing well (and equally well).
Rain is definitely a company on the march.  Is it about to make it big? The company certainly seems to be planning on it.  They are bringing on doctors and PhD researchers, and their website is setup to pitch their product to an active, young, affluent crowd.  
If you have studied the compensation plan and you think you can leverage it to make it work, give it a shot, but do be aware it’s a riskier endeavor than most, given how new the company is.
But if you’re just doing it for the money, there are better ways to kill your day job.
In other words, you might like our coaching because it shows you the good life without peddling products to your family and friends.
http://bodynutrition.org/rain-international-review/ http://bodynutritionorg.blogspot.com/2017/06/rain-international-legit-or-scam.html
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