#resveratrol anti aging
mytoptips · 8 months
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wellologyco · 8 months
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Resveratrol, a natural polyphenol found in red grapes and other plants, has gained attention for its potential anti-aging effects. It is believed to combat oxidative stress, promote cellular health, and support longevity by activating certain cellular pathways. Studies suggest that resveratrol's antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties contribute to its potential in reducing the visible signs of aging and promoting overall well-being.
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uniqaya-lifestyle · 26 days
Niacinamide Night Repair Cream For Face
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If your skin feels dry, or you’re starting to notice signs of aging, it’s definitely time to start using a night repair cream. However, even if you’re not yet experiencing these issues, using a night cream can be a proactive way to keep your skin healthy and youthful for longer.
Look for a niacinamide night cream that matches your skin type and addresses your specific concerns, whether it’s dryness, aging, or just overall skin maintenance.
In short, starting a night cream in your mid-20s or whenever your skin needs extra care is a great way to keep your complexion glowing and healthy as you age. It’s never too early—or too late—to give your skin the extra TLC it deserves. 
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Night Cream With Niacinamide For All Skin Types
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Uniqaya’s Niacinamide Night Repair Cream is your skin’s best friend for overnight rejuvenation. Packed with natural goodies like mulberry and kiwi extracts, this creamy formula works its magic while you sleep, hydrating and restoring your skin. Infused with Shea Butter, Resveratrol, and Ginkgo Biloba, it nourishes deeply and helps even out your skin tone. This night cream with niacinamide not only fights signs of early aging but also leaves your complexion looking youthful and radiant. Wake up to refreshed, glowing skin every morning with this luxurious treat for your face.
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millennialskin · 5 months
Top 5 Antioxidants to Look Younger Than You Are
Are you ready to unlock the secrets to youthful, radiant skin? As we journey through life, our skin faces a barrage of challenges, from environmental pollutants to the relentless march of time itself. There’s a powerful ally in the fight against aging: antioxidants. These mighty molecules swoop in to neutralize free radicals, the culprits behind oxidative stress and skin damage. Now, let’s embark…
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omg-erika · 10 months
Forever young – thanks to NMN?
by Dr.Harald Wiesendanger– Klartext What the mainstream media is hiding You can spend a fortune on anti-aging products – with questionable benefits and uncertain side effects. NMN seems to be a notable exception. The more deeply this substance is researched, the more clearly its spectacular potential to keep us healthy and vital even as we get older becomes clear. “I want to grow old with…
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axonspro · 1 year
The 10 Best Anti-Aging Ingredients for a Youthful Glow 2023
Unlocking the Secrets to Ageless Beauty: Skincare for Every Generation The Top 10 Best Anti-Aging Ingredients for a Youthful Glow 2023 Looking for a youthful glow? These top 10 Best  anti-aging ingredients are the key to fighting signs of aging, including wrinkles, fine lines, and age spots Welcome to the world of ageless beauty, where the secrets to radiant and youthful skin are revealed. In…
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Grapes offer a variety of health benefits due to their rich nutritional profile:
Antioxidants: Grapes are packed with antioxidants, such as resveratrol and flavonoids, which help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. Resveratrol has been linked to potential heart health benefits.
Heart Health: The antioxidants in grapes, along with their high fiber content, may help lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease. Resveratrol may also improve blood flow and reduce LDL cholesterol levels.
Digestive Health: Grapes contain dietary fiber, which aids in digestion and helps prevent constipation. Fiber can also support a healthy gut microbiome.
Immune Support: Grapes are a source of vitamin C, which is essential for a strong immune system. This vitamin can help your body fight off infections and boost overall health.
Skin Health: The antioxidants in grapes can contribute to healthy skin by reducing signs of aging, protecting against UV damage, and promoting collagen production.
Cognitive Function: Some studies suggest that resveratrol in grapes may have a positive impact on cognitive function and may help protect against age-related cognitive decline.
Weight Management: Grapes are relatively low in calories and can be a satisfying, healthy snack for those looking to manage their weight.
Hydration: Grapes have high water content, which helps keep you hydrated and contributes to overall well-being.
Anti-Inflammatory Properties: The antioxidants and polyphenols in grapes may have anti-inflammatory effects, potentially reducing the risk of chronic diseases related to inflammation.
Eye Health: Grapes contain compounds like lutein and zeaxanthin, which are associated with improved eye health and a reduced risk of age-related macular degeneration.
Cancer Prevention: Some studies suggest that the antioxidants in grapes may help reduce the risk of certain types of cancer, although more research is needed in this area.
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It's important to note that many of these health benefits are associated with consuming whole grapes, rather than grape juice or wine, as the processing of grapes can alter their nutritional content. Adding grapes to your diet as a snack or including them in salads and fruit bowls can be a delicious and nutritious way to enjoy these benefits.
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maistempolivre-blog1 · 10 months
HIDRA PELE: ⚠️É uma fraude?⚠️ O HIDRA PELE realmente funciona? O HIDRA PELE é bom? 
✅SITE OFICIAL HIRA PELE 👉 https://bit.ly/hidrapele-original 
 Olá, sou a Esther e fiz este vídeo para ajudar quem está procurando informações confiáveis sobre o HIDRA PELE. No mundo da beleza, novos produtos surgem constantemente prometendo resultados incríveis. O HIDRA PELE Serum é um desses produtos que tem se destacado. Mas será que o HIDRA PELE realmente funciona? 
É seguro investir neste produto? Essas são perguntas comuns quando nos deparamos com uma novidade tão promissora. Neste vídeo, vamos analisar o HIDRA PELE de forma imparcial, fornecendo informações relevantes para que você possa tomar uma decisão consciente. O HIDRA PELE é um produto que promete hidratar e rejuvenescer a pele, reduzindo rugas e linhas de expressão. Ele é formulado com ingredientes naturais, como o óleo de rosa mosqueta e o extrato de aloe vera, conhecidos por suas propriedades regenerativas e hidratantes. 
Além disso, o produto também é enriquecido com vitaminas e minerais essenciais para a saúde da pele. Quando pesquisamos sobre o HIDRA PELE Serum na plataforma Reclame Aqui, a maioria dos comentários positivos superam as reclamações. É comum que produtos de sucesso recebam algumas críticas, mas é preciso analisar o contexto e verificar se essas reclamações são recorrentes e relevantes. 
Em relação ao preço do HIDRA PELE Serum, pode ser considerado acessível quando comparado a outros produtos similares no mercado. Além disso, a marca oferece promoções e descontos especiais para quem adquire o produto em maior quantidade. É importante ressaltar que o preço não deve ser o único critério para a escolha de um produto de beleza, pois a qualidade e eficácia são fatores fundamentais. 
✅HIDRA PELE Funciona? Sim, o HIDRA PELE funciona mesmo. O exclusivo PEG-8 Complex do Sérum Grau 2 Hidra Pele acelera a renovação celular, permitindo que as células velhas da sua pele sejam substituídas por células jovens e radiantes.
✅ Benefícios DO HIDRA PELE : Reduz a aparência das rugas instantaneamente Hidratação 24 horas Clareia e Uniformiza a Pele Clareador de Manchas Elimina o “Pé de Galinha” e “Bigode Chinês” Devolve a Firmeza e Elasticidade a sua Pele Combate Estrias e Foliculite Alívio das irritações
✅ Ingredientes do HIDRA PELE Serum Nano Retinol Ácido Hialurônico; Colágeno Verisol; Nano Resveratrol Niacinamida Extrato da Semente de Romã
✅ HIDRA PELE é bom? Sim, se você deseja tratar a sua pele de forma definitiva, recuperando a beleza e saúde de sua pele, então sim, o HIDRA PELE vale a pena.
✅ HIDRA PELE Tem Garantia? Sim, os produtores do Serum HIDRA PELE estão comprometidos e oferecem uma garantia de 90 dias, caso você não goste pode pedir reembolso.
✅ HIDRA PELE Tem Efeitos Colaterais? Não, o HIDRA PELE é 100% natural, Não tem efeitos colaterais e nem contra indicações, mas é importante observar se existe alguma alergia aos ingredientes da composição!
✅ COMO DEVO USAR O HIDRA PELE ? Primeiro, lave o rosto com água e sabonete anti-oleosidade. Com o rosto limpo, coloque uma pequena quantidade na ponta do dedo indicador. Aplique com leves toques sem depositar muito produto em uma única região. Aguarde de 3 a 5 minutos enquanto o produto seca e age na pele. O recomendado é que você aplique pela manhã antes da maquiagem ou protetor solar devido ao efeito instantâneo.
✅ HIDRA PELE Onde Comprar? HIDRA PELE Preço Para comprar o HIDRA PELE original, somente no site oficial. Deixei ele aqui na descrição e no primeiro comentário fixado. #hidrapelefunciona #hidrapeleeconfiavel #hidrapele
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We Humans aren't designed to live forever, but we can live longer than we do!
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Most “anti-aging” supplements that many popular websites and books recommend do NOT slow down your aging process, they mostly benefit your health as you get older, and you are still ageing at the same rate you always have.
These are substances like vitamin A, vitamin E, coenzyme Q10, lipoic acid, B-vitamins, calcium, omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, multivitamins, curcumin, EGCG, nicotinamide riboside (NR), mushroom extracts and many more are great supplements but they won't slow down your aging!
This means many touted “anti-aging” supplements are nothing more than antioxidants, which do improve your health as you age, like vitamin A, vitamin E, coenzyme Q10, lipoic acid and so on. But they don’t slow down aging. Some antioxidants can even accelerate aging, like lipoic acid or vitamin A and vitamin E.
Ya see,... We human beings aren't supposed to live forever so we have an aging process which triggers (kicks in) at a certain age, and it's downhill from there on. We have a built in fail point, just like automobiles do, so they can keep selling us cars forever.
Ya wanna know what does slow down your ageing process, and they SLOW DOWN not stop it..........
1. "Fisetin", a natural ingredient found in vegetables and fruits, especially in strawberries. Fisetin is mostly known for its senolytic activity, meaning it can clear away senescent cells, ..... zombie cells literally that have done their job biologically but reuse to die off, and are still hanging around sponging off of other healthy cells, like many of our political leaders do.
2. Alpha-ketoglutarate (the calcium form)
Alpha-ketoglutarate (AKG) is a substance that naturally occurs in our bodies. When we get older, the levels of AKG decline. Most studies show in mice that they live 14% longer than mice that didn't take Alpha-ketoglutarate (AKG).
3. Microdosed lithium
Lithium is a mineral found in nature. It seeps from rocks into water, including drinking water, like natural spring water.
Various studies show the more amount of lithium in the drinking water the longer people have been living in that area, and had less neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s.
So the further you are from the city the better off health wise you are.
Can you see the stars at night,...... if not your still to close to the city!
4. Glycine
Glycine is an amino acid that occurs naturally in our body. When we age, glycine levels decline.
Glycine has many functions in the body. It improves the epigenome (the machinery that determines which genes are switched on or off, a process that goes increasingly awry when we get older). Glycine especially improves the epigenome of mitochondria, the power plants of our cells.
5. Pterostilbene
Pterostilbene is the better brother of the famous anti-aging substance resveratrol.
Resveratrol has long been hyped as a longevity substance. However, it unfortunately did not live up to that hype. Studies showed disappointing results when it came to resveratrol extending lifespan.
6. Malate or malic acid
Malate, also called malic acid, is found in apples, and in our own bodies.
Malate is an important substance in the mitochondria. In fact, malate is a component of the Krebs cycle, which consists of various substances that are chemically modified to provide the energy that keeps all cells going.
7. Magnesium
Magnesium is an indispensable mineral for the body to function properly.
Magnesium helps innumerable enzymes in our body to function properly. Cells shuttle magnesium in and out to propagate nerve signals and to generate muscle impulses, including the beatings of our heart.
Magnesium also sticks to our DNA, stabilizing our DNA, protecting it against damage. Increasing DNA damage is one of the reasons why we get older.
8. Glucosamine (the sulfate form)
Most people know glucosamine as a substance to reduce wear and tear of cartilage and to improve joint health.
Few people know that glucosamine can also extend lifespan in different organisms, including mice.
Studies show that glucosamine is one of the few supplements associated with reduced mortality in humans, and also reduced risk of cardiovascular disease in humans.
9. Hyaluronic acid
Hyaluronic acid is an important component of the skin. But hyaluronic acid (HA) surrounds and embeds many other cells in the body than just the skin cells.
The older we get, the less hyaluronic acid there is in the body. A 70-year-old has only about 19 percent of the amount of hyaluronic acid of a young person.
Studies show that hyaluronic acid, taken orally, can improve skin appearance by reducing wrinkles, improving moisturization of the skin and increasing skin radiance. It can also improve osteoarthritis, which makes sense given joints and cartilage contain a lot of hyaluronic acid.
10. Ginger
Ginger is a well-known spice. But it’s not just any spice, it's THE SPICE for longevity.
Many scientific studies demonstrated multiple beneficial health effects of ginger, like reducing inflammation and protecting cells against damage.
Ginger has been found to extend lifespan in simple organisms, like fruit flies.
Ginger can improve type 2 diabetes and inflammation in humans.
11. Rhodiola rosea
Rhodiola rosea is a very interesting plant that grows in the northern regions of Europa and Asia.
Rhodiola rosea has been used for centuries as an adaptogen, a substance that can improve resilience against both physiological stress and mental stress.
Rhodiola can also improve nerve regeneration.
Studies in humans show that Rhodiola rosea can improve memory, concentration and can reduce fatigue.
12. L-theanine
Theanine is a substance found in green tea, and is one of the reasons why green tea is healthy.
Theanine has been shown to extend lifespan in simple organisms.
Theanine has been associated with healthier blood vessels, and could reduce blood pressure and even obesity.
Theanine has shown to reduce neurodegeneration and protect neurons in the body.
13. Nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN)
Nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) is needed to make NAD+.
NAD+ is a very important substance in the cells. It provides energy for cells and is also a cofactor for proteins that repair and maintain our epigenome and our DNA.
NMN improves metabolism and reduces inflammation.
In conclusion I can say I've studied anti-aging for decades and many anti-aging supplements are based on outdated insights and don’t have any or just very little science backing up their claims.
Also, they do not contain substances that have been shown to act on aging mechanisms.
I personally have been taking 5 of these 13 supplements for a decade, so I should outlive your grandchildren, Lol
I would say if you just took one of these 13 it should be L-Glycine, because Glycine is like the switch that turns on the light in the room, and if the switch doesn't work nothing else gets what it need to illuminate you.
Ginger being a close second to take, which both are fairly cheap in cost to get pharmaceutical grade supplements, and remember only pharmaceutical grade supplements are worth a damn, because Choosing a pharmaceutical-grade supplement is the only way to know for sure that you're giving your body the highest, purest, and most bioavailable form of an ingredient possible, so if it doesn't say "pharmaceutical-grade" on the label, it isn't!!
As Spock from Star Trek would say "Live Long And Prosper", and you do that by knowing how!
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wellologyco · 5 months
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Vegan omega-3 supplements are designed to provide plant-based sources of essential fatty acids, such as DHA and EPA, typically derived from algae. These supplements cater to individuals following vegan diets and offer the benefits of omega-3s for heart, brain, and overall health without relying on fish-based products.
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uniqaya-lifestyle · 6 months
Kiwi Extract & Niacinamide Night Repair Cream
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The one ingredient that’s making waves in the beauty industry for its remarkable benefits is niacinamide. If you haven't already incorporated this powerhouse into your nighttime routine, it's time to take note. Here's why your night cream should include niacinamide.
First and foremost, niacinamide night cream is a multitasking marvel. This form of vitamin B3 boasts a plethora of benefits for your skin, making it a must-have in any skincare regimen. One of its most notable perks is its ability to enhance skin barrier function, locking in moisture and preventing moisture loss overnight. This means waking up to a complexion that feels hydrated, plump, and radiant.
But that's not all niacinamide can do. It's also a potent anti-aging ingredient, helping to reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and uneven skin tone. Plus, its anti-inflammatory properties make it ideal for calming redness and irritation, making it suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin.
Whether you're looking to boost hydration, combat signs of aging, or soothe irritated skin, niacinamide night cream India is easily available and delivers results. So, if you're ready to take your nighttime skincare routine to the next level, look for a night cream enriched with niacinamide and wake up to your best skin yet.
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Niacinamide Night Cream With Mulberry
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Niacinamide Night Cream with Mulberry & Kiwi Extract is a luxurious night cream that helps to restore and rejuvenate the skin while you sleep. 
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ad. 🌱 Did you know that liquid supplements are way easier for your body to absorb? This WELLNESS BUNDLE of REGEN, REST and RENEW liquid supplements from @regenrus
is everything I need for clean healthy energy through the day and sound sleep through the night. #Plantbased, ancient ingredients that actually work!
🌱 I take REGEN everyday as part of my #healthandwellness routine to support my nervous, immune, circulatory, and digestive systems. It's packed full of plant based ingredients I know and trust - #hemp oil, aloe vera, and ginger extracts!  I take about 1 ml under my tongue 3x day before meals.
🌱 RENEW is another favorite of mine. It's a combo of three powerful ingredients! The curcumin #turmeric is a potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant! The resveratrol is known for anti-aging benefits and lots more. Plus it contains
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I take this powerful synergistic blend to improve my overall health. I take a little over a tsp mixed into about 1 oz. of juice.
🌱 I take the REST to help me naturally relax at night. I love how I wake up totally refreshed. It's a combo of all my favorite natural sleep remedies including #chamomile, #magnesium
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gogo-glam · 2 years
What Order Should I Follow for My Skin Care Routine?
Whether you want a simple 3-step routine for the morning or have time for a full 10-step regimen at night, the order in which you apply your products matters.
Why? There isn’t much point in having a skincare routine if your products don’t get a chance to penetrate your skin.
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What should I use in the morning?
Morning skin care routines are all about prevention and protection. Your face is going to be exposed to the outside environment, so the necessary steps include moisturizer and sunscreen.
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Step 1: Oil-based cleanser
What is it?  Cleansers come in two forms: water-based and oil-based. The latter is intended to dissolve oils produced by your skin. How to use it: Some oil-based cleansers are designed to work their magic on wet skin. Others are best on dry skin. Read the instructions before applying a small amount to your skin. Massage in and rinse thoroughly with water before drying with a clean towel.
Step 2: Water-based cleanser
What is it?  These cleansers primarily contain surfactants, which are ingredients that allow water to rinse away dirt and sweat. They can also remove the oils collected by an oil-based cleanser. How to use it: Massage into wet skin and rinse with water before drying.
Step 3: Toner or astringent
What is it?  Toners are designed to replenish skin through hydration and remove dead cells and dirt left behind after cleansing. An astringent is an alcohol-based product used to remove excess oil. How to use it: Straight after cleansing, either tap directly onto the skin or onto a cotton pad and swipe over the face in an outward motion.
Step 4: Antioxidant serum
What is it?  Serums contain a high concentration of certain ingredients. An antioxidant-based serum will protect skin against damage caused by unstable molecules known as free radicals. Vitamins C and E are common antioxidants used to improve texture and firmness. Others to look out for include green tea, resveratrol, and caffeine. How to use it: Pat a few drops onto your face and neck.
Step 5: Spot treatment
What is it?  If you have a blemish with a head, first look for an anti-inflammatory product to remove it, then turn to a spot-drying treatment to clear up the rest. Anything under the skin is classified as a cyst and will require a product that targets the infection on the inside. How to use it: Use a damp cotton swab to remove any skin care products from the spot. Apply a small amount of the treatment and leave to dry.
Step 6: Eye cream
What is it?  The skin around your eyes tends to be thinner and more sensitive. It’s also prone to signs of aging, including fine lines, puffiness, and darkness. A good eye cream can brighten, smooth, and firm up the area, but it won’t completely eliminate issues. How to use it: Dab a small amount onto the eye area using your ring finger.
Step 7: Lighter face oil
What is it?  The lighter the product, the earlier you should apply it. Easily absorbable oils are lightweight and should therefore come before moisturizer. They’re especially useful if your skin’s showing signs of dryness, flakiness, or dehydration. How to use it: Squeeze a few drops onto your fingertips. Rub them together gently to warm the oil before lightly dabbing onto your face.
Step 8: Moisturizer
What is it?  A moisturizer will soothe and soften skin. If you have a dry skin type, opt for a cream or balm. Thicker creams work best on normal or combination skin, and fluids and gels are recommended for oilier types. Effective ingredients include glycerine, ceramides, antioxidants, and peptides. How to use it: Take a slightly bigger than pea-sized amount and warm it in your hands. Apply to the cheeks first, then to the rest of the face using upward strokes.
Step 9: Heavier face oil
What is it?  Oils that take some time to absorb or simply feel thick fall into the heavy category. Best suited for dry skin types, these should be applied after moisturizer to seal in all the goodness. How to use it: Follow the same process as the lighter oil.
Step 10: Sunscreen
What is it?  Sunscreen is a critical final step in your morning skin care routine. Not only can it lower your risk of skin cancer, but it can also reduce signs of aging by blocking damaging UV light. The American Cancer SocietyTrusted Source recommends choosing a broad spectrum sunblock rated SPF 30 or higher that protects against UVA and UVB light. How to use it: Spread liberally over your face and massage in. Make sure to apply it 15 to 30 minutes before you go outside. Never apply skin care products on top, as this can dilute the sunscreen.
Step 11: Foundation or other base makeup
What is it?  If you want to wear makeup, a base layer will give you a smooth, even complexion. Opt for foundation — which comes in a cream, liquid, or powder form — or a lightweight tinted moisturizer or BB cream. How to use it: Use a brush or sponge to apply makeup. Start at the center of the face and blend outward. To seamlessly blend the edges, use a damp sponge.
What should I use at night?
Focus on repairing the damage done during the day with thicker products at night. This is also the time to use anything that makes skin sensitive to sunlight, including physical exfoliants and chemical peels.
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Step 1: Oil-based makeup remover
What is it?  As well as dissolving the natural oils produced by your skin, an oil-based cleanser can break down oily ingredients found in makeup. How to use it: Follow the specific product instructions. They may advise you to apply the makeup remover on wet or dry skin. Once applied, massage in until skin is clean, then rinse with water.
Step 2: Water-based cleanser
What is it?  Water-based cleansers react with makeup and dirt on the skin in a way that allows everything to be rinsed away with water. How to use it: Follow the instructions. Usually, you’ll apply it to wet skin, massage in, and rinse off.
Step 3: Exfoliator or clay mask
What is it?  Exfoliation removes dead skin cells while clearing pores. Clay masks work to unclog pores, but can also absorb excess oil. These masks are best applied at night to remove leftover dirt and help the skin soak up other products. How to use it: Exfoliators have different application methods, so follow product instructions. For clay masks, once or twice per week, apply the mask all over or to specific problem areas. Leave on for the recommended time, then rinse with warm water and pat dry.
Step 4: Hydrating mist or toner
What is it?  A hydrating mist or toner marks the end of your nighttime cleansing routine. DermNet NZ says you should look out for humectant ingredients — lactic acid, hyaluronic acid, and glycerine — to really give skin a moisture boost. How to use it: Spritz mists over your face. For toners, apply the product to a cotton pad and swipe over the skin.
Step 5: Acid treatment
What is it?  Dousing your face in acid may sound scary, but this skin care treatment can encourage cell turnover. Beginners may want to try glycolic acid. Other options include acne-busting salicylic acid and moisturizing hyaluronic acid. Over time, you should notice a brighter and more even complexion. How to use it: Start once per week with the goal of using every night. Do a patch test at least 24 hours before first use. Add a few drops of the solution to a cotton pad and sweep across the face. Make sure to avoid the eye area.
Step 6: Serums and essences
What is it?  Serums deliver powerful ingredients directly to the skin. An essence is simply a watered-down version. Vitamin E is great for dry skin, while antioxidants like green tea extract can be used on dull complexions. If you’re prone to breakouts, try retinol or vitamin C. How to use it: Carry out a patch test 24 hours before using a new serum or essence. If skin looks good, dispense the product into your hand and press into your skin. You can layer multiple products. Just apply water-based ones before oil-based and wait around 30 seconds between each.
Step 7: Spot treatment
What is it?  Anti-inflammatory products are for blemishes with a head. Follow with a spot-drying treatment. Ones that dry visibly are great for nighttime use. How to use it: Make sure skin is clean. Apply a small amount of product and leave to dry. Skip this treatment if you're spot free.
Step 8: Hydrating serum or mask
What is it?  Some products can clog pores, but hydrating serums aren’t one of them. With the ability to pack a real moisture punch, they’re wonderful for dry skin. How to use it: These powerful hydrators can come in various forms. Some are serums. Others are thicker masks. And some are even designed to be left on overnight. If this is the case, apply it at the end of your routine. Just follow the instructions on the pack and you’re good to go.
Step 9: Eye cream
What is it?  A richer nighttime eye cream can help improve appearance-related issues, like tiredness and fine lines. Look for a high concentration of peptides and antioxidants. How to use it: Apply a small amount of cream to the eye area and dab in.
Step 10: Face oil
What is it?  A nighttime oil is great for dry or dehydrated skin. The evening is the best time to apply thicker oils that may result in an unwanted shiny complexion. How to use it: Pat a few drops into the skin. Make sure no other product is applied on top for the best results.
Step 11: Night cream or sleep mask
What is it?  Night creams are a totally optional last step, but they can be worthwhile. While day creams are designed to protect the skin, these rich moisturizers help cell repair. Sleep masks, on the other hand, seal in all your other products and contain hydrating ingredients mild enough to be kept on overnight. How to use it: Warm a small amount of product in your hands before distributing it evenly across your face.
Frequently asked questions
What routine should I follow for dry skin?
If your skin is dry, focus your routine on hydration and building a healthy skin barrier. Follow the steps above but swap out products that may be too harsh or acidic for those that add moisture to your skin and help it retain that moisture.
What is a basic skin care routine?
A basic skincare routine has fewer steps than an expanded one but keeps your skin clean and healthy. The steps can depend on your needs and the amount of time you have. Usually, a basic routine includes removing makeup, cleansing your face, applying a spot treatment for any blemishes, using sunblock during the day, and putting on moisturizer.
At what age should you start a skincare routine?
It’s never too early — or late — to start a skin care routine. Even kids can practice taking care of their skin by washing their faces when they wake up and before bed and applying sunscreen during the day.
But, choose the steps and specific products in your routine for your skin concerns and age. Adolescents, for example, may need a routine built on products to help manage blemishes and oily skin. Adults may focus more on products that support their skin as it ages. Build a routine that’s right for you.
The bottom line
Not everyone loves a 10-step routine, so don’t feel pressured to include every step in the above lists.
For many people, a good rule of thumb is to apply products thinnest to thickest — for however many products that may be — as they move through their skin care routines.
The most important thing is finding a skincare routine that works for you and that you’ll follow. Whether that involves the whole shebang or a simplified ritual, have fun experimenting.
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axonspro · 1 year
The 10 Best Anti-Aging Ingredients for a Youthful Glow 2023
Unlocking the Secrets to Ageless Beauty: Skincare for Every Generation The Top 10 Best Anti-Aging Ingredients for a Youthful Glow 2023 Looking for a youthful glow? These top 10 Best  anti-aging ingredients are the key to fighting signs of aging, including wrinkles, fine lines, and age spots Welcome to the world of ageless beauty, where the secrets to radiant and youthful skin are revealed. In…
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