#chen yueliang
hotlinecharlie · 6 months
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"posting oc art wont get you anywhere!!!" i literally do not care
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katanayume · 1 year
ningen owari no gimu pride edits because fuck you
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Go ahead - final thoughts (yes I went ahead and found versions on YouTube). So spoilers ahead.
This drama reminded me a lot of my other favorite family drama, Because of You, with Sun Yi and Deng Lun. Completely different plot and more angst, but fundamentally a family drama where OTP romance is secondary.
I’m glad the show left Yueliang single. I think she has a lot of work to do for herself (gaining self esteem, independence). I’m also glad for a drama that doesn’t feel the need to pair up everyone because life doesn’t wrap up perfectly like that.
I’m also glad the show didn’t end with Ling Xiao and Jian Jian getting married with 2 kids. I think it’s interesting that the show basically background dropped progressions of their relationship. Like if this was a pure idol drama, this whole “your mom doesn’t like me” would be the front of center of their relationship problems. But Ling Xiao has a lot of problems he needs to work out, and what we saw in the last 2 episodes is only the beginning.
So I actually really liked the Yueliang and her mother storyline. I think it’s really interesting because her family is almost the inverse of Jian Jian, Ziqiu, and Ling Xiao’s. The “model” one child family. The dad who is indulgent but then (I’m glad Yueliang called him out on it) we realized that it wasn’t out of a genuine desire (like 李爸) to want the kids to do what makes the happiest but to avoid responsibilities. Yueliang’s story hits me pretty hard because I saw reflections of my parents (particularly) in Yueliang’s mom. As I get older I sometimes do wonder if some of my rebelling in my teens was worth it.
Like I mentioned in my previous post, I was always decently sympathetic to He Mei. I’m not sure if I buy the He Mei and Li ba relationship BUT I think the show is somewhere aware of that. That said, there were some pacing issues and I wonder if having 5 more episodes would have done the trick. For the amount of storylines the show was trying to cram, 40 episodes seemed low.
But also Ziqiu’s pleased face at He Mei picking him up!!! Ziqiu opening up a new cafe with He Mei’s friend’s advice!!!
Lastly, Chen Ting. I don’t know how they were going to redeem her, and I don’t think she’s as much “redeemed” as finally realizing that she was in the wrong. I think that would have been the only way to really “redeem” her as a character. She had previously blamed everyone except herself. Finally realizing that she was wrong, and Ling Xiao telling her that only by living can she right her past wrongs, is the beginning. I honestly hope she seeks psychological help.
I really wanted more fluffy trio moments. But I guess that’s what fanfic is for. Like in my head canon at some point Jian Jian ends up spending more nights at Ling Xiao’s and almost partially living there (like group breakfast ended up being split between apartments). I’m halfway convinced Ziqiu goes from pearl clutching to mumbling about why doesn’t Jian Jian put the dishes away bc let’s face it, her apartment with Tang Can and Yueliang was a mess.
It’s still one of my favorite dramas of the year. I don’t know if I would rewatch it as often as Find Yourself. But I think (despite being opposite of Fanxing in my relationship choices aka my husband is older) I connected with Find Yourself more because I’m a lot closer to Fanxing’s age group.
Lastly, bc this is the genre of cdramas I watch the most, someone cast Tan Songyun and Song Weilong in some angsts 50+ episodes palace drama.
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silver-wields-a-pen · 5 years
Have you used picrew or anything to make your ocs? What do they look like? If you dont have photos can you describe them?
Thanks for the utterly awesome ask!! 
I’ve done a couple of picrews for Nyima since she’s my favourite (shhhh don’t tell the others) but she’s hard to get right since she’s blue and there’s not a lot of options for that. 
@tiravi made a great piece of Nyima with her bf, Tundra, that I love to pieces and is the closest representation of how she looks. She so pretty They’re both characters in @illthdar‘s book series, first one, Illthdar: Guardians of Las, is out now ^=^
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Moving onto my precious derps for Brotherhood! Oh, have I got pretties for them! I’m not good with graphics and stuff. They end up looking clunky a lot of the time, but I love how this set turned out so I use them as title cards for extracts. Each one has the main couple, but they’re not the only ocs I’ve got. I’ve got sosososososo many! I have a whole file dedicated to profiles for this bunch of dorks lool
First up, Divinely Volatile!
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Ryang Ji-hoon and Fen Yueliang. Ji-hoon does actually look at lot like Choi Siwon who is his face claim, so much so that he gets mistaken for him a lot of the time. It’s a running joke since he’s an assassin and being recognised in any respect is bad for business, but he’s too vain to change his face. He has black hair and warm brown eyes that always look a little regretful.Yueliang has long straight black hair and darker brown eyes than Ji-hoon. She looks sharp and definitely is, but she’s also kind and a bit of a leap before she looks person, but luckily the amount of army training she’s had saves her from most disasters.
Next book planned is Deadly Lineage.
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Ambrose Fewtree and Vera Ucci. Ambrose is meant to look nondescript and forgettable because that’s how he operates best. He has reddish hair and grey/green eyes and he’s 5′11 and slender. His name is the most standout thing about him and even then most people forget it seconds after he leaves. And that includes the prosthetic left arm. Yup, he has a prosthetic because shit happens even to them. It’s super neat though with lots of hidden compartments for poisons, and he has more than one and wears them like fashion accessories. He’s a Bulgarian Romani and speaks a ton of languages - second only to Utamara Ndiaye.Vera has silver screen looks and a figure to match, which doesn’t fit in the age of instagram and contouring. She’s 5′4 with reddish brown hair that she hates because what even is that colour called? And she has hazel eyes. She’s Sardinian by blood, but grew up in Terni, Italy. (She’s also a princess, but more of that another time.)
Next up is Cold Snap.
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Tan Shun & Sarnai Ramchaa. Tan Shun knows he’s handsome and well dressed and also lethal af. He’s the Brotherhood’s best assassin and never puts a foot out of line. His father was a first generation Brotherhood, meaning he was born into it. The head of the Brotherhood, Hisakawa Kagegorou actually adopted Shun as his son because he was close to his father and thought Shun would have maximum potential. He does. He’s not the only adopted child of Kagegorou’s, but he’s the one he holds up to the others as an example. He’s 5′9 and wears lifts in his shoes to make himself taller. He’s got short black hair and obsidian coloured eyes.Sarnai is Mongolian and a photojournalist. She’s tough and no nonsense, but also fun and a bit reckless. She’s not the most beautiful woman around, but she’s got a certain something that attracts people to her. She’s 5′8 with fluffy black hair and greyish eyes.
Next up, Scorched Desire.
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Mohammed al Sadat & Sorcha Dunaid. Mo is from Egypt and he’s the most charming person ever. The scars on his face claim’s face are also present on his, but for different reasons, and they don’t damage his appeal one bit! He likes to say he’s the Egyptian James Bond, only better because he has a 100% success rate. He’s got neatly cropped black hair and deep brown eyes.Sorcha’s Scottish, with red hair and brown eyes, very pale skin and tall. She looks like a model - and used to be one - but she’s got so much intelligence and wicked wit that anyone who underestimates her regrets it.
Next up is Heavenly Kodachi!
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Hisakawa Tadamasa & Aurora McCabb. Tada’s Japanese and at 26 the youngest son of Hisakawa Kagegorou. He wears his black hair slicked back, but often loses control over it by the end of the day - has a habit of running his hands through it without realising. He has very dark brown eyes that look almost black and he’s short at 5′8, but isn’t vain enough to wear lifts like Shun.Aurora (Rory) is Native American, has tanned skin and short black hair that she bleaches and then dyes bright pink because pink. Her eyes are grey and she’s always very cheerful and happy, even when she’s not. 
Nearly done - too many ocs, too many wips loolNext is Broken Oaths!
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Hisakawa Yoshihiro & Ina Howell. Yoshi is Tada’s older brother and far more neatly presented than his mess of a brother. His short black hair never misbehaves, and his obsidian eyes are always partially concealed by black framed glasses. He looks like a teacher - technically he is. He’s 5′9 and slender, like all the Hisakawa family.Ina hails from Wales, has milky-toned skin, mid-brown shoulder-length hair and blue eyes. She’s a doctor researching genetic diseases at a teaching and research hospital in Seattle. 
Last but not least!Smudged Iron
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Calum McCabb & Glenn Oake. Calum isn’t an assassin, unlike all the other guys so far. He’s Aurora’s older brother, so he’s also Native American. His skin tone is darker than his sister’s, he has very long black hair that he plaits when he’s working, and grey eyes. He’s 5′10, broad and muscular from manual labour he does helping out on his family’s property and business or just from working out.Glenn is the only female assassin main character (there’s other minor ones). She’s got long, ginger hair, green eyes, pale skin and freckled. She’s tall and gangly looking and can pass for a boy if she makes an effort - it comes in handy.
WHEW! That’s all the main ocs from the series! It’s a lot, I know, but I love them all ^=^ and I didn’t even get round to the side characters! 
Utamara Ndiaye, Anna Orlov, Baracus van Dien, Gi Joo-won, Blane Everheart, Magnolia Everheart, Ghenha Reece, Ifana Reece, Lewys Howell, Fen Chen, Yang Yawen, Baek Hyun, Ryang Jong-su, Kim Ha-yun, Ryang Hye-jin, Cai Hao, Airdyle Boxer, Roger Oake,  Cassidy Boxer, Victor Cole, McKerrick McCabb, Quinn McCabb, Adaline Moore, Alorah McCabb, Sechen Ramchaa, Batbayar Yamaat, Altansarnai Taijuid, Khenbish Daguur, Ana Breban, Iulien Breban, Laura Fewtree, Marku Fewtree, Paul Fewtree, Ilena Fewtree, Sammie Fewtree, Grey Fewtree, Tristan Fewtree, Mara Fewtree, Nina Fewtree, Archduke Galileo Amici, Ettore Amici, Grandduchess Claudia Amici Capozzi, Vyas Noon, Maurizio Motta, Bella Motta, Alicia Belittore, Muminah al Sadat, Domhnull MacCearraich, Belias Anwielder, Go Eren, Iyawa Adamu, Akil al Sadat, Hisakawa Kagegorou, Hisakawa Sadaharu, Hisakawa Hideki, James Baker, Nacht Graben, Nahm Seojun 
and this list is still growing and I have face claims for every single person on here, and profiles. 
Yes, I’m totally insane lool
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Go ahead episode 30 & 31 aka show stop making me cry. Ziqiu bb it’s going to be okay. Also, so far I think I’m far more sympathetic to He Mei than Chen Ting. I think she really did what she thought was the best decision back then and when she realized that Ziqiu had a good life with Li ba she didn’t want to disrupt that. I have so far not seen any such redeeming quality with Chen Ting.
Also thank you show for not dragging out the love triangle. It’s funny how much the Jian Jian/Ling Xiao romance is essentially a b-plot. But also Ling ba’s delight face at the news! He’s all like “finally” and I swear he was about 5 seconds from pulling up a wedding Pinterest board.
Also also I loved the Tang Can and Yueliang substories. One of the lines of the opening song is 用力地长大 — trying our hardest to grow up — and that’s the show. Growing up and becoming an adult.
I’m not looking forward to Chen Ting coming back.
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So I’m 100% sure Yueliang’s reason for liking Ling Xiao is a combination of (1) he was nice to her and gave her encouragement and (2) his face. TBH of course their relationship would have never worked. But can you imaging Yueliang’s helicopter mom and Chen Ting in the same room? Jesus.
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