#cherry knot
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EXCUSE ME. I am in the middle of trying to disarm a bomb sir?
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arataka-reigen · 11 months
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Today's embroidery project was a little cherry blossom tree, and the one that took me the longest to complete so far
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liillyliilly · 3 months
Freckles, Bandaids, Cherry Knots
yamaguchi tadashi x reader words; 2257 synopsis; she's an assistant at the gym where they play volleyball, once she helps heal up a teammate, yamaguchi sees her everywhere. also 3rd year long hair yamaguchi
“Bullshit.” She quickly put her bloody finger in her mouth, to avoid spilling blood onto the pristine flooring. Lightly she stood on her tiptoes to look for the bandages on the second shelf, but when she found them she was met with a challenge.
They were placed way up too high for her to reach. So she just climbed the countertop to see if she could get them.
Y/N had only been volunteering at the Miyagi Gym for around a month or so and had quickly adapted to helping the people who clambered into the medical office. Broken or bruised, she knew exactly what to do.
But still, it didn’t prevent her from accidentally cutting her finger on her homework that was long past due.
The metallic taste of her finger’s blood echoed in her mouth. She tapped her foot. Lost in her thoughts, only to be met with someone clearing their throat.
“I’m sorry to bother you, but, well, um. Gosh, um Kageyama has kinda well,-“ The green-haired boy seemed to stumble over his words. In hindsight, and in his defense, he didn’t expect to see such a cute girl climbing on a countertop.
The boy was tall and seemed to kind of hide in himself. But, the way he wanted to help his friend shone through more than his shyness. A piece of his hair stood straight up and it reminded her of the walkie-talkie she had growing up.
She hopped off the counter and cleared her throat.
“He got hurt right?” She offered to the boy, and once he nodded, she offered a smile and directed him to bring the dark-haired boy to the inspection table.
She then tried to jump and reach the bandages, to take care of the boy who needed her help. Seeing that his nose was bleeding and the bridge of his nose was getting bruised.
Her face was slightly flushed, mainly from the embarrassment of having to jump up to try and reach the white gauze bandages.
“Can I get those for you?” The boy offered, slightly toying with the collar of his Karasuno number 12 jersey.
That’s when she noticed that he was reasonably taller than she, so she stood off to the side and let him reach for the bandages.
“These right?” His face had turned red, blocking out the freckles she had first noticed. She let out a barely noticeable sigh, she thought his freckles were very in character for this boy. It almost seemed like something out of a movie to her.
The (not so helpless) leading girl gets help from the attractive love interest.
She quickly wrapped her finger in the white gauze before turning her attention to the boy referred to as Kageyama. Kageyama seemed hesitant to let her remove the tissue he was holding up to his nose to prevent a waterfall of crimson.
But she happily pinched his nose, which resulted in Kageyama flinching, and stopping the bleeding.
“Wow.” Kageyama wrinkled and wiggled his nose. “I feel great!” She handed him a wet cloth so that he could wipe away the red residue on his face and jersey.
She let out a relieved laugh, “Well, I’m sorry to tell you this but you’re going to need to stay here for a little bit longer. So I can make sure that you’re all good.”
“Fine.” Kageyama folded his arms in a huff. She went over to the sink to wash her hands, only to notice the green-haired boy hovering right next to her. It reminded her an awful lot like when her cousin got that new puppy, and it was always cuddled up next to them.
“I’m- I’m Yamaguchi. Nice to feet you.” He outstretched his hand for her to shake.
“I’m L/N, nice to meet you too!” She emphasized the word ‘meet’ since Yamaguchi had mixed the word up with feet instead.
“I didn’t say meet did I?” Yamaguchi rubbed the back of his neck with his hand. His face had just returned to being freckle-covered, only when she corrected him did his face turn bright red again. The constellations on his skin fade away into a blanket of red.
“Yeah, but it was cute that you didn’t say meet,” She paused, “I guess you just have a thing for feet then? Right?” She just couldn’t stop herself from teasing him. Using an elbow to jab him in his side playfully.
“No! I mean, feet are nice and all but, well, I’m sure you have nice feet, but, oh no. Well-“
“You two make me want to gag. Yamaguchi, c’mon I’m sure I can leave now. Right? Miss Doctor Lady?” Kageyama shook his head and stood up, waving his arms towards the exit door.
“Yeah, you seem to have returned to a normal-ish state.”
“L/N?” Yamaguchi floated by the exit door, not yet crossing the medical threshold.
“Yup?” She asked. She was wiping off the spot where Kageyama had been sitting, effectively disinfecting the area.
“Are you going to be here tomorrow?”
“As a volunteer, I’m stuck here until I’ve racked up enough hours to stop.” She joked. Yamaguchi just looked concerned. “It was a joke, you can laugh.” Yamaguchi ran a hand through his hair in exasperation. Again this brings attention to the strand that stood out like a sore thumb.
“Well, L/N, I hope that I can see you again?”
“Just don’t go getting yourself hurt on purpose okay?”
“Anything for you.” And now it was her turn to turn pink and fidget with her fingers.
Kageyama pulled Yamaguchi by his arm out of the office and back to the court. Yamaguchi waved wildly to her as Kageyama dragged him away.
“Tsukki, she is just so pretty! And the way she helped Kageyama was hilarious!” Yamaguchi exclaimed mimicking the way she pinched Kageyama by putting his fingers to the bridge of his nose and then giggling.
“If you like her so much, why didn’t you get her number?” Tsukishima then proceeded to place his headphones over his ears as he helped Yachi put away random volleyballs. The constant rambling about Yamaguchi’s crush was getting uncool to him.
“Well, I didn’t get her number because, well,- I actually don’t know why I didn’t ask for it?” Yamaguchi scratched the back of his head in blatant confusion.
Tsukishima had finished helping Yachi and had swung his bag over his shoulder, thus beginning his trek home. He knew L/N, she was in the college prep courses, and she was in their year. She just split time between attending Karasuno, and then her volunteering internship at Miyagi Gym.
Tsukishima wondered why Yamaguchi had never noticed her before. He blames it on Yamaguchi’s ability to block out everything besides volleyball. The so-called tunnel vision of a captain.
“Tsukki! Wait up! I need your help getting her number!” Yamaguchi rapidly threw his backpack on and chased after Tsukishima.
Yamaguchi was often referred to as a loverboy, particularly by Tsukishima. And Tsukishima wasn’t wrong, not in the slightest. There are quite a few phrases that Yamaguchi Tadashi says every day. Most of them have to do with Little Miss Doctor.
“Tsukki! Do you think she would sit and eat lunch with us if I asked nicely?” Yamaguchi asked while trying to look over Tsukishima’s shoulder to catch a glimpse of his crush, nibbling on the egg from his bento.
His knee was bouncing wildly and he kept moving his head around trying to get a good look at the girl, giving Tsukishima a slight headache.
Ever since Tsukishima told Yamaguchi all he knew about her, Yamaguchi insisted they sit out in the courtyard to eat. Close enough to where she ate under the cherry trees between buildings.
“If you want to spend time with her, just go and do it. There’s no use in just stalking her.” Tsukishima pushed up his glasses and turned up his music to blast out the chatter caused by his classmates.
Would that really work? Asking to sit with her? Yamaguchi pushed away the thoughts until he saw that she was eating some cherries from a plastic bag.
She would flip a page in her book, eat a cherry, but then hold the stem in her mouth. Her jaw moved for a minute before she pulled out the stem, now tied in a knot. She smiled at it before putting it in the growing pile of tied stems. Repeating the process with a fresh cherry and a new page in her book.
Yamaguchi also wanted to be able to do that little party trick. And in an instant, he was standing next to her table and blurting out his thoughts.
“Wait! Hold up! You can tie a cherry knot in your mouth! Can you show me?”
She took out the stem, swallowed, and cleared her throat. “Show you how to tie a cherry knot?”
She felt her face warm up.
People asking about her subtle talent just used it to flirt or mess around with her. But Yamaguchi seemed earnest and enthusiastic about actually learning how to tie one. They hadn’t talked much since the occurrence at the Gym, but he would wave to her often between passing periods.
Once, when she was going to drop off some forms for her internship supervisor at Karasuno, she caught a glimpse of Yamaguchi pulling his olive hair into a ponytail during class. He held the hair tie in his mouth before grabbing his hair and tying the elastic.
Instead of a more hidden face, she could see his entire side profile, and she almost dropped all her papers.
He grabbed a cherry and ate it, sitting down across from her.
“I can show you.” She said, putting a bookmark in her book and putting it into her bag. She offered another cherry to Yamaguchi.
“This is going to be fun!”
After a few minutes of explaining, Yamaguchi was able to successfully tie a cherry knot. She gave him a smile, her face still slightly hot. The jokes and innuendos associated with tying a cherry stem were definitely not lost on her at this moment.
“Good job.” She complimented and patted Yamaguchi on the shoulder. He mentally swore never to wash his shoulder again.
“Now we can both tie cherry knots!”
She nodded at his words, the bell interrupting any opportunities to continue the conversation.
Yamaguchi waved goodbye and went into his classroom. When Tsukishima arrived back to class and looked over to him, Yamaguchi was looking out the window, twirling the tied cherry stem in his pointer finger and thumb.
From that day, she turned the duo of Tsukishima and Yamaguchi into a trio. However, Tsukishima didn’t enjoy the times when Yamaguchi would try and ask her out on a date when the three of them were hanging out.
It annoyed him mainly because of the obliviousness on her part. She just didn’t seem to notice or realize that Yamaguchi was trying his best to flirt with her.
Like today, when the small group was walking home in the falling snow. The sun caused the blanket of white on the ground to shimmer and bounce light back onto the group, though it didn’t directly translate to warmth.
She was shivering, her exhaled breath a misty fog, and her lips turning slightly purple. But she was still smiling and actively participating during the ongoing conversation.
“And then Hinata mimicked Kageyama by pushing his hair down!” Yamaguchi was telling a story about two frenemies, who happened to be polar opposites. She shook her head in understanding, bringing her hands to her mouth so she could blow some hot air onto them.
Without thinking, Yamaguchi grasped onto her hands and held them tightly, hoping that his warmth would pass from him to her.
“You’re freezing! Lemme warm you up.” Yamaguchi shrugged off his jacket and forced her to put it on and zip it up, even if the collar was too high for her and her chin and part of her mouth was covered by the fabric. Yamaguchi swung his arm around her shoulder and pulled her in close.
“Gross,” Tsukishima grumbled.
A couple of days later, she came down with a cold. Causing Yamaguchi to be fretting 24/7.
“Just text her already.” Tsukishima looked up from the magazine he was flipping through, not really paying attention due to the constant word vomit coming out of Yamaguchi’s mouth. His words were a jumbled mess of nerves and anxiety over the health of the girl who he had grown amazingly attached to.
Yamaguchi slapped his hands on his face, smushing his face. Pulling out his phone his finger hovered over the icon of her and him smiling. Pressing it he typed a small message. After pressing send, he flung himself onto Tsukishima’s bed, resting on his back and putting his hands behind his head. His brown eyes stared up at the ceiling.
“Tsukki. I like her.”
“I know Yamaguchi.”
“If you are still sick, can I make you some soup? I mean only if you want.” Y/n muttered the message aloud, trying her best to imitate Yamaguchi’s voice. To prevent turning into a mess, she covered her face with a pillow and screamed into it.
That night, Tsukishima was packing up his bag for school, tucking his books away, and giving himself a smirk.
He was glad that his friends were practically in love with each other, it was mildly entertaining to watch them stumble around each other.
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stellamancer · 1 year
cher(ease)  (satoru gojo x reader)
notes: i want to preface this by saying: yes, i know i posted a fic yesterday too. no, i am not actually that prolific. this was written for the willow house Meet Fruit collab. actually, i wrote it right after @willowser​ suggested it, but i waited to post it because I was actually a little unhappy with it when I was done writing it initially and i figured some time away from it might help. it did. a little. i think. now i’m not sure any more.. 
contains:  gender neutral reader, typical satoru gojo antics, some small manner of sexual tension
wc: 1.4k
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You love cherries. 
They are, without a doubt, your favorite fruit; tart, sweet and easy to eat with their stems serving as a cute little handle. It does suck having to deal with eating around the pits, but your beloved cherries are worth the inconvenience. It’s truly, truly a shame that they’re only really available in the summer, but that just means you need to eat your fill when they’re in season.
Which is why, when you stumble across a display of them at the market, rows of cartons filled to the brim with bright, plump, juicy red cherries, you end up buying a carton or three without a second thought.
In retrospect, it might have been better to show some restraint. Maybe you had hungry eyes, or were just a touch too excited, or maybe it was even the fact that you’d spent an unspeakable amount of money on just cherries. Regardless, in order to attempt to absolve yourself of some of the buyer’s regret that’s clearly haunting you after splurging on fruit you benevolently decide to share them with the students and your fellow staff members at Jujutsu High. 
Or at least, that had been your intent. 
“Oh hey,” Satoru Gojo greets you casually as you walk into the staff room, his feet propped up on the table so he can lean his chair back as far as possible. In one of his hands is a cherry, one of your cherries, hanging delicately from its stem. “What’s up?”
“What are you doing?” you ask him reflexively, ignoring his question outright as a surge of annoyance courses through your veins. There’s a part of you that feels weird about suddenly feeling possessive over the cherries. You brought them to share with everyone and everyone includes Gojo. It shouldn’t be a big deal that he's gone ahead and helped himself to some without asking, and yet you still find yourself feeling agitated. 
"I was hungry," he replies nonchalantly, popping the cherry in his mouth. 
"And you thought it would be okay to snack on my cherries?" 
Gojo shifts forward in his chair and offers you an easy-going smile that only makes you scowl more. “There were so many in the fridge I’d thought you’d brought them to share.”
Your instinct is to argue, to be obtusely contrarian with him, but the fact of the matter is that he’s right, so you keep your mouth shut. Instead, you sit yourself down and stare at the half full carton of cherries on the table. 
Out of the corner of your eye, you can see Gojo wiggling around, not-so-subtly vying for your attention like an overly excitable child. You ignore him and instead choose to think of the rising cost of produce. It was truly an ungodly amount you spent on those cherries and you know for sure that a year ago the same amount of them would have cost marginally less. When you thought about sharing them with the students, the blow to your wallet seemed bearable, their smiles worth the cost and more. But rather than your students' darling faces all you can see is the image of Gojo’s face, his cheeks stuffed with cherries like he’s a squirrel feasting on nuts. It’s annoying. Maybe you can get him to pony up and pay you back for a portion of what he’s eaten. Surely the heir to the Gojo clan can pay for some of the cherries he’s gobbled up. 
“Hey…” He’s whining loudly now, any attempts at being subtle abandoned. You consider ignoring him more, but think better of it and look in his direction. Unsurprisingly, he’s pouting, his perfectly moisturized lips puckering out, and you’re glad that his blindfold detracts from what is otherwise a disgustingly handsome face. “Why the long face?”
He’s mocking you. He’s totally mocking you. Not that you’d expect anything different from him. Rather than grace him with an actual answer, you shoot him a pointed look. There’s no goddamn way that he doesn’t know. But still, Gojo plays his favorite role and tilts his head innocently. When you don’t say anything more he exclaims, “Oh! I know! You must be hungry.”
Again, he’s not wrong, but this time he’s not exactly right either.
He grabs another cherry, this time holding it up in your direction. He grins as he propels it toward your mouth. “Here. Say ‘ah~’”
“Gojo, you are not feeding me.”
He ignores you, insistently pressing the cherry to your lips as he speaks, his voice an octave lower, "They taste really good, you know." 
The sexy drop of his voice is nothing short of deliberate— a tried and true tactic of his meant to get under your skin. You glare at him, your agitation clear as day. He is, as expected, completely unfettered, the cherry still flush against your lips. 
Your options at this point are to: wait until he gets bored and drops the cherry, possibly onto the floor— wasting it or shamefully accept it and endure him gloating about it for the rest of the day. As much as you’d love to waste Gojo’s time and sit at the table in a silent stalemate, you have other things to do. Important things.
So you open your mouth wide, wider than necessary, and use your teeth to rip the cherry from Gojo’s grasp in the most unattractive way possible. 
“Yay!” he cheers, choosing to focus on seeing just what he wants to see instead acknowledging that you obviously don’t want his offering. You consider, for one wild second, spitting it back in his face. However, you don’t and just drop the cherry into your open palm. Now what? Do you eat the cherry or just toss it? Frankly, it feels like a lose-lose situation either way, so you might as well go with the option that gives Gojo less satisfaction: you toss it into the trash can. 
“Aw…” His lips jut out to form an excessive pout.
“I already told you: you are not feeding me.”
“You’re no fun."
“I’m plenty of fun,” you dead pan at him, scowling. “I’m just not your plaything.”
“Meaning you won’t feed me either?”
“Absolutely not.”
“Not even if I say please?” 
“Hmph.” He’s being overly dramatic and you both know it. “Guess I will enjoy the cherries all on my own, then.”
His voice drops again. The second time makes your body feel a little bit weird, but you remain largely immune to his antics, electing to grab another cherry to eat over paying him any mind. 
But Gojo reaches for the cherries right when you do, obviously and intentionally going for the same one you are, and your fingers brush against one another. You scowl and rather than play some weird version of finger footsie, you go for a different cherry.
Annoyed, you shoot him another glare, or at least, you intend to, but he’s pulled his dumb blindfold down and that’s a tell-tale sign that he’s up to no good. You can already feel your blood pressure rising. Dealing with him like this is even more of a pain than usual.
He holds your gaze, his eyes clear as the summer sky, glimmering, as he presses the cherry to his mouth every so gently, as if he’s kissing it. You watch, almost entranced, your mouth suddenly dry. Gojo rolls it over his lips, parting them ever so slightly to press the damn fruit further in, his tongue darting out and—
You force yourself to look away, rolling your eyes as you do. “What the hell are you doing? You look stupid.”
Gojo merely hums, chewing on the cherry. You hope he bites into the pit and dies of cyanide poisoning. 
He tosses a few more cherries into his mouth before he speaks, another seductive drawl, and though you would never admit it, you think your immunity grows weaker every time he uses that damn tone of voice. “Hey.”
“What,” you deadpan, glancing at him.
Gojo grins at you and his lips part just slightly, calling your attention to them again. He reaches up and slowly pulls a cherry stem from his mouth. It’s looped into a little knot and the sight of it throws you back to your middle school days— your classmates giggling quietly to themselves over the implications of things like tongue tied cherry stems and candies unwrapped using one’s tongue alone. 
“So,” he starts, his stupid blue eyes shining with shameless amusement, “have you heard what they say about people who can do this?”
He grins at you, far too pleased with himself for his own damn good. You know the answer he’s looking for. And he should know that hell will freeze over before you give it to him.
“Yeah. They call them idiots for putting the damn cherry stem in their mouths.”
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embarrassinglovesong · 8 months
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wittymumbledon · 1 year
welp since people seemed to like that heavymedic drawing y'all can have some stoopid lil doodles (affectionate) that were inspired by it
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alexclaain · 4 months
I think from all survivors in dbd, Dwight would be worth hooking up with the most. Hes such a miserable little man, he'd be thankful to be chosen and try his UTMOST to make you feel good, so he can be called a good boy in return.
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whotookmysenbon · 7 months
Do you have a favorite ANBU? Or are you just neutral? This is much needed information!
I cannot answer this question without getting assassinated (me. I’m the best. I got a fucking raccoon mask and poison)
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magicalshopping · 1 year
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♡ Cherry Blossom Backpack by Knot Knitted ♡
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zkyfall · 2 years
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Young Silco for @roxnpens​ from the NSFW Expression Challenge !
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sleepysuburb · 1 month
I need to focus on my ghosts ocs again. I miss my horrible little victorians something awful
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dark-elf-writes · 10 months
Would an evil man really be tonguing that sucker in front of me?
Shoichi, probably: no man with a tongue game that strong could be evil. I refuse to believe it
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that-darn-clown · 2 months
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A minor victory
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gniteruirui · 2 years
small question (totally not because I wanna do it)
can sundrop do a french kiss?
With that tongue, he can do more
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alastors-radioshow · 11 months
“i love that big ole creepy smile you’re rockin’. makes me wonder what that mouth a’ yers could really do. don’t, uh, kill me fer that.”
Tell my muse one thing that you like about them!
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"Goodness gracious! Why, I appreciate that you like my smile, my dear. One is never fully dressed without one, as you know~ As for what I can do.."
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"I can take a man's head off in one, swift bite~"
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