#chicago cubs curse
an-ivy-covered-summer · 3 months
i always think i’ve forgiven the cubs, but then i see any kind of fan post about cubs rizzo and i realize i’ll always be mad lmao. HE SHOULD’VE BEEN A CUB FOR LIFE.
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razorsadness · 2 months
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Cursed // 2012
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dragons-bones · 2 years
I am happy to look it up if you would prefer not to go into it, but I feel like your perspective/voice on it would be hilarious, so dare I ask what the Curse of the Billy Goat is?
all right, this is Lore that belongs to the Chicago Cubs (*spits*) so details are fuzzy and I am too lazy to check wikipedia, but:
there was legitimately a billy goat, and there was legitimately a dude who owned that billy goat, and this happened in 194...5? 1945.
so a dude by the name of William Sianis (who also owned the Billy Goat Tavern) goes to a Cubs game (I think a World Series game?) with his pet goat. his goat is disruptive to other fans and at some point he's asked to leave. Sianis in a fit of pique yells, "Them Cubs, they ain't gonna win no more!"
and they don't.
they can't even make it to the World Series.
Sianis was A REAL DUDE. Sianis well and truly brought his pet goat to Wrigley and was asked to leave and said that line. there is no "alleged," it happened. Sianis legitimately tried to break the curse. his nephew tried to break the curse. nothing.
the Cubs would not EVEN GO TO another World Series until 2016. they clinched their first National League title since 1945 ON THE ANNIVERSARY OF BILL SIANIS'S DEATH.
and then they won the World Series that year.
in conclusion, the Curse of the Billy Goat:
real fucking curse, yo.
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male-body-swap-lover · 8 months
That Suburban Dad Life
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Nicholas Fletcher was young, but he was well on his way. A young ad exeuctive who lived in downtown Chicago. A stunning new condo at Wolf Point that looked directly down the south branch of the Chicago river. Not everyone was so lucky. And did he care? Not at all. Selfish. Unlikeable. Cutthroat. Just some words that described Nicholas Fletcher. At least he had the heart of Ms. Annabelle Davis. She came from a wealthy family and Nicholas saw it as a way to get ahead in his career. Today was the day he was going to propose to the “love” of his life. Unfortunately he was running late.
“God dammit. Stupid traffic. Why won’t these pedestrians move out of the way”, he said.
In his impatience, he accidentally hit the accelerator instead of the brake and hit an old woman walking in front of his car.
“Oh fuck” he said.
He got out of the car and walked to the old lady who had fallen. He tried to help her up but she swatted his hand away.
“I don’t need help. Could you not see I was walking” she screamed at him.
“Look lady, I am on my way to propose to my girlfriend. I don’t have time to wait for some old lady from the suburbs to cross the road. I’m sorry.
“Young man, you are impatient and unkind.”
“And you are kind of a dramatic bitch. Get up off the street so I can go.”
“All you young men are so rude. You call me suburban. I bet if you were suburban, you’d have some patience and manners.”
As she stood up, she whispered in his ear “I curse you. The next time you meet a woman from the suburbs, you are slowly going to turn into her ideal companion. It’ll teach you some manners and respect.”
Nicholas laughed as she slowly walked away. He got back into his car and sped away to Alinea.
He parked his car and was walking inside just as a young woman was walking out, crying. He tried to avoid her, but they accidentally bumped into each other.
“Oh I am so sorry. My boyfriend just dumped me. I came in all the way from Elgin and I thought he was going to propose, but he dumped me!” She started cring again.
Nicholas didn’t know how to respond, so he just muttered sorry and kept walking into the restaurant.
He greeted Annabelle and sat down. He had arranged to have the ring be presented as part of dessert. As they talked all through dinner, Nicholas felt off. He couldn’t get comfortable. Everything Annabelle kept talking about bored him. He just couldn’t figure out what was wrong with him and decided he wasn’t going to propose. He called the waiter over while she was in the bathroom and got him the stop the proposal. After finishing dinner, he parted ways with her and went home.
As he sat in his living room, he felt this weird urge to drive out to Elgin. He couldn’t shake the feeling so he decided to do it, and went into his room to change. He grabbed his cubs jersey and jeans, but for some reason he tucked his jersey into his jeans. He had to admit it looked dorky, but didn’t untuck it.
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He got into his car and drove out to the Elgin. He didn’t know where he was going so after driving around passing house after house, he went downtown and ended up at a bar. He sat down at the bar and ordered a beer, even though he normally got a martini. The game was on and he was enjoying it even though he rarely watched sports because he was always working.
After a while a young woman sat down next to him. They started talking and they had a really good time. He knew he should go home and call Annabelle, but he was having a good time. Hours passed and suddenly it was time for the bar to close. He paid for her drinks and they walked out. They ended up kissing goodnight and he got back into his car. Only when he got in, did he realize the woman was the woman he had run into hours earlier in the city. He couldn’t believe it. He drove back into the city and went to bed.
Weeks passed and Nicholas changed. Annabelle kept calling him but he dodged all of her calls. His performance at work went downhill. For some reasons, nothing was making sense. He stopped going to the gym and he started gaining weight. He even let his facial hair grow in more. Every time he looked in the mirror, he thought he was starting to look more like his father. Finally his boss came into his office and told Nicholas he had to take some time off of work. He needed rest. Nicholas realized he was right and went home.
A week passed and Nicholas didn’t leave his apartment at all. Finally he felt the urge to go out and went to put on some suitable clothes. However nothing fit. He had gained so much weight that he was no longer a 32 waist. He found some sweatpants and decided to go shopping to get some clothes that would fit. On instinct, he drove out to the suburbs and went shopping at Kohls. It seemed to go by in a whirlwind and he found himself back home with bags and bags of clothes. As he looked through the bags, he realized everything he bought was not fashionable. It was all dad attire. He pulled out a a polo shirt and some cargo shorts. He laid them on the bed and started laughing. This was not him at all. It was something he thought some dad out in the suburbs would wear.
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Then something came over him. Some insane urge to put on the clothes. So he stipped down. First he put on a white undershirt. Then he slipped on the polo shirt and buttonened one button. Then he put on the cargo shirts and tucked in his polo shirt. He grabbed a brown belt and cinched it around his waist. Then he grabbed a pair of white socks that he bought and put them on and pulled them all the way up. Then he slipped on a pair of sneakers and grabbed a baseball hat. He stood in front of the mirror and laughed. With his weight gain, and with his beard grown out, and with these clothes on, he could have passed for some suburban dad. He started laughing and then his body seized up.
Suddenly, Nicholas felt everything in his brain shifting. Thoughts of ads and revenue were replaced with electrical knowledge and wiring. Late nights at the office were replaced with thoughts of relaxing in a recliner with a beer watching sports. Weekends spent at the club were replaced with thoughts of grilling for the neighbors and mowing his lawn. Finally thoughts of Annabelle were replaced with thoughts of the woman he met at the bar, Natalie Richards. Nicholas suddenly snapped out of it. He looked around his trendy highrise apartment and knew that it was all wrong. He didn’t belong here. He belonged in the suburbs. He grabbed his keys, got in his car, and drove back to Elgin. For some reason he knew exactly where Natalie Richards lived. He got out the car, took a deep breath, and rang the doorbell. She answered the door.
“Hi Natalie, it’s Nick Fletcher. You may remember we met at the bar a few weeks ago. While I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you, and was just wondering if you would like to go on a date?”
“Oh Nick, that’s so unexpected. Yes, I would love to. Just give me a few minutes to get ready! And don’t you look cute!”
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Nick stood outside and waited for Natalie. He struck up a conversation with some neighbors about the cubs performance. Time flew by and Nick and Natalie went on there date. Everything was perfect.
15 Years Later
Nick couldn’t believe how the years had flown by! The very next day after his first date with Natalie, he put his condo on the market and quit his ad job. He broke up with Annabelle and found a place out in Elgin. He also started his own electrician business with all the knowledge he had somehow gained out of nowhere. After six months of dating, Natalie and Nick got engaged, and six months later, they got married. Every part of Nick’s old life was gone. He no longer dressed in trendy clothes. He didn’t keep up with everything going on in the world. He wasn’t concerned about being at the top of his game. He just wanted a good stable homelife for himself, his wife, and his future family.
Nick and Natalie quickly got to business and had four wonderful kids, Michael, Jacob, Elizabeth, and little Nick Jr. They had to buy a bigger house in the suburbs and that was okay by them. There was now room for a pool out back and a ping pong table in the basement. Sure it was more expensive, but the business was doing well, and he could always save money other places. Anything to make his family happy was worth it. Yes he had gained more weight, and yes his hairline was receding, but he was happy. He had a good, steady middle class job, a good house in the suburbs, and a family who loved him. What could be better?!
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floridaboiler · 1 year
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On This Day - April 25, 1976, The Los Angeles Dodgers and Chicago Cubs were playing the final game of a meaningless early-season series at Dodger Stadium when, quite suddenly, one person and then another ran onto the field. It was the bottom of the fourth inning, and Ted Sizemore was at bat.
One was carrying an American flag, a not-unfamiliar sight during the bicentennial year, which he unfurled in shallow left-center like a picnic blanket. Lighter fluid fumes wafted into the air. A match was struck. "It looks like he's going to burn a flag!" Vin Scully cried out from the broadcast booth.T
he Dodger center feilder, Rick Monday, who'd served in the Marine Corps Reserve for 6 years, didn't hesitate. He charged the pair, grabbed the cloth with his right hand, and kept running. The sodden flag, unlit, was preserved. One of the would-be flag immolators hurled a can of lighter fluid at Monday, but he was beyond its range. As Monday handed the flag off to Dodgers pitcher Doug Rau, Tommy Lasorda raced over from the third-base coach's box and screamed curses at the would-be flag-burners.
The crowd of 25,167, many of them reacting to Scully's words, gave Monday a standing ovation. The scoreboard read: "Rick Monday—You Made a Great Play."
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i'm going on a VERY fun rabbit hole with this life series/hermitcraft/empires blaseball au thing, so have the next installment, the hermit blaseball au! this one is a lot easier to understand if you don't know anything about blaseball, because this is Much more "i've just put them into the plot of blaseball, they're just hanging out in there". my empires blaseball au can be found here, and the third life blaseball au will be linked here one i finish writing that up.
also, a few of my choices for teams i am not... particularly confident about (namely xisuma, bdubs, hypno, and tango) so if you have a better suggestion for them please pitch it.
Grian: Batter for the LA Unlimited Tacos
Scar: Batter for the Miami Dale
Mumbo: Batter for the New York Millennials, Siphon
Cleo: Pitcher for the Kansas City Breath Mints
Ren: Batter and team captain for the San Fransisco Lovers, Charm
Bdubs: Batter for the Hawai’i Fridays
Impulse: Batter for the Hellmouth Sunbeams
Pearl: Pitcher for the Houston Spies, Precognition
Gem: Pitcher for the Kansas City Breath Mints
Xisuma: Pitcher for the Philly Pies
Evil X: Pitcher for the Hades Tigers
Wels: Batter for the San Fransisco Lovers
Hels: Batter for the Baltimore Crabs
Hypno: Batter for the Mexico City Wild Wings
XB: Batter for the Atlantis Georgias
Beef: Pitcher for the Dallas Steaks
Keralis: Batter for the Core Mechanics
Joe: Pitcher for the Kansas City Breath Mints, later batter for the Seattle Garages
TFC: Coach of the Ohio Worms
Doc: Pitcher for the Core Mechanics
Jevin: Batter for the Charleston Shoe Thieves, Flinch, later rerolled into Reverberating
False: Pitcher for the Tokyo Lift
Stress: Batter for the Tokyo Lift
Iskall: Batter for the Breckenridge Jazz Hands
Tango: Pitcher for the Chicago Firefighters, Fire Eater
Cub: Batter for the Charleston Shoe Thieves, got Flinch from fighting god and got it rerolled into Debt
Etho: Pitcher for the Canada Moist Talkers
Zedaph: Pitcher for the Yellowstone Magic
Wormman: Pitcher for the Ohio Worms
This AU is, even more so than the Empires part of this AU, just me shoving the Hermits into the Blaseball universe and letting it happen.
The only people who are even sort of replacing an actual Blaseball player are Cleo, Joe, and Gem.
Cleo is our Jaylen. She pitches for the Kansas City Breath Mints, and is the best pitcher in the league, and when the Forbidden Book opens, she dies. Her intended replacement is False Symmetry II, aka Empires!False, but when the Forbidden Book is opened in the Empires, Hermitcraft, and Life Series universes all at once, everything gets a little muddled, and everyone comes out of it a little muddled. The biggest change is that Cleo is instead replaced by Gemini Tay, the newly generated player from the Empires world who was meant to replace Xornoth. 
When she is resurrected at the end of season 6, Joe goes into the Shadows in exchange. Within a few seasons, he is able to leave the Shadows and bats for the Breath Mints for about a season, afterwards he is transferred to the Seattle Garages, where he stays. I am not putting him back in the Shadows because it makes me kind of sad.
Cub and Jevin are both players for the Thieves, so they get cursed as a result of the boss fight against the Shelled One. We will resolve that later. Hels, despite being on the Crabs, does not get cursed, because he doesn’t join the Crabs until after they return from ascension.
Other than that, the Hermits are just sort of Existing in the world of Blaseball. Evil X and Hels are both created in similar ways to Evil Twin and Bontgomery Mullock, which is to say, Blessings break and accidentally clone a guy, so we just slightly edit one of their names and keep going. Don’t worry about it. 
At one point during Expansion, while the Reroll Will is still in effect, fans of the Thieves attempt to reroll the Flinch modifier that Cub got as a side effect of fighting god and losing that one time. It gets rerolled into Debt, in a similar vein to what happened to Silvaire Roadhouse, but because he’s on the Thieves, he actually gets to kill people. Good for him. Jevin’s Flinch modifier also gets rerolled, but he gets Reverberating. Good for him, but in a different direction.
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baseballbybsmile · 1 year
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Today In 1945: Chicago Cubs ushers kick tavern owner Billy Sianis & his pet goat out of Wrigley Field before Game 4 of the World Series, beginning the "Curse of the Billy Goat"!
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croc-odette · 8 months
"The Curse of the Billy Goat was a sports curse that was supposedly placed on the Chicago Cubs Major League Baseball (MLB) franchise in 1945, by Billy Goat Tavern owner William Sianis. The curse lasted 71 years, from 1945 to 2016. During Game 4 of the 1945 World Series at Wrigley Field, Sianis's pet goat, named Murphy, was bothering other fans, and so the pair were asked to leave the stadium.[1][2] Outraged, Sianis allegedly declared, "Them Cubs, they ain't gonna win no more", which had been interpreted to mean that the Cubs would never win another National League (NL) pennant, at least for the remainder of Sianis's life."
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an-ivy-covered-summer · 6 months
okay, we cubs fans have gotten out of a heartbreaking opening day, so it’s time to address the very concerning 5-3 situation, because how on fucking earth do we expect to get anywhere lacking a solid first and third baseman? why didn’t we do anything to try to solve it in the offseason, huh? HUH?
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belovedspector · 1 year
All I've Ever Known Is How to Hold My Own (But Now I Wanna Hold You, Too) - Chapter 1
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Pairings: Steven Grant x Layla El-Faouly, Marc Spector x Layla El-Faouly
Content/Warnings: College!AU. Mentions of Randall Spector's death and Wendy Spector
Word Count: ~500
A/N: Title is from "All I've Ever Known" from Hadestown. This is my first attempt at writing a series. Not sure how long it'll be, and there's no set update schedule at the moment. Northern Illinois University is a real school an hour outside of Chicago with a Division I baseball team, but beyond that, I'm taking some liberties (they don't really have an archaeology program for Layla, for example). No Layla in this chapter. Okay, I think that's all for now. Enjoy! :)
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Chapter 2
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It starts with a letter in the mail.
Okay, maybe that’s not entirely true. It starts long before that.
It starts with Randall Spector’s death.
It starts with Wendy Spector turning on her older son.
It starts with Steven Grant, who becomes Marc Spector’s only true friend.
It starts with Marc Spector throwing himself into baseball, the one thing that keeps him feeling connected to his little brother, the one thing his mother cannot take away from him.
The smell of freshly-cut, green grass. The taste of bubblegum and sunflower seeds. The feel of dirt beneath cleats. The sight of the sun in a cloudless, blue sky. The sound of a ball making contact with a bat. Marc Spector loves all of it.
Randall Spector did, too.
Marc and Randall loved playing baseball together. Whether it was a game of catch between just the two of them, an impromptu wiffle ball game with the neighborhood kids, or a Little League game decked out in full uniform, they loved it all. They loved making the trip to Wrigley Field to watch the Chicago Cubs with their parents, happily munching on popcorn and hot dogs while cheering on their favorite players. Curse be damned, they still have fun.
After Randall’s death, Marc continues playing baseball. He can’t help it; he still loves the game. As soon as he steps onto the field, his worries melt away—the game is all that matters. And, perhaps more importantly, it keeps him busy. Between the practices and games, it keeps him out of the house, away from Wendy, for a good portion of the spring and summer.
Marc continues playing baseball, and he’s good at it, good enough to make his varsity baseball team, good enough to be noticed by college scouts.
So, it starts with a letter in the mail: an offer of a full ride to Northern Illinois University if Marc plays on the baseball team.
Marc doesn’t expect it. He had been planning to join the military as soon as he graduated, to get shipped off somewhere and never look back.
Marc is still dead set on enlisting, but Steven has other plans. Steven, who has always been the one who loved school, encourages Marc to give college a shot. They’ll be a team, like they always have been—Steven handling their studies, Marc focusing on baseball.
Marc agrees, on the condition that they pick a “practical” major—business administration, he decides on. They minor in history for Steven.
And so, on a late August day, Marc and Steven find themselves on campus in DeKalb, Illinois, an hour away from home—close enough to visit if they ever feel the urge (doubtful), but far enough away to be rid of Wendy’s wrath.
The trunk of Marc’s shitty, old Corolla is packed with their meager belongings. It doesn’t take long for them to settle into their dorm. They’ve been paired with one of Marc’s teammates whose name Marc doesn’t remember. It doesn’t matter right now, though. Right now, all that matters is that Marc Spector is free.
For the first time in years, he feels like he can finally breathe. He feels the way he does on the baseball diamond.
He hopes it stays that way.
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A/N: Thank you so much for reading! Please feel free to let me know what you think! :)
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
Escape Ch 7
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Warnings: Language.
Song accompaniment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kWQywgdW8oI
Casey ended up taking over a week off work, still unable to process the entire thing, you still had stuff scattered across her apartment and fuck if she knew what to do with it. She wanted to keep them forever, little mementos of your life together, while at the same time she wanted to toss them out in a heartbeat, a feeble attempt at moving on, not having the constant reminder of you everywhere. In the end she packed most of them up into a box, tucking it in the back of her closet, she did keep the Cubs baseball tee you seemed to love so much for, she figured it was a memento of your brother’s, and figured something like that deserved to live on. Her heart ached for your parents at the thought, having to have lost both their children, and at such young ages, the thought broke her even more. In the end she ended up burying herself into work, taking on what was probably way too many cases, trying to find a way to distract herself. It felt like she wasn’t doing enough, like she needed to do more, do more meaningful work that crappy cases like embezzlement. The lack of you in her life left her with no spark, no warmth in the middle of a cold winter night, and she absolutely despised it.
“Hey kid, glad to have you back. Sorry we had to pull you out.” The grovel of a voice rung through his office, a small smile on his face.
“Eh, I know it wasn’t you.” You replied, “You’re only doing what the bosses tell you.”
“They caught wind it was too dangerous to keep you under anymore, couldn’t fight with them if I tried. You okay?”
“Yeah.” You tugged up the side of your shirt, “Rubber bullet still hurt like hell though, you couldn’t have told Dawson to aim a little off?” Hank laughed at that, 
“Don’t think I didn’t hear about that cracked rib, you’re on desk duty ’til it’s healed.” You groaned at that,
“Oh c’mon, it’s been nearly two years, I need to shoot something.” He chuckled,
“I’ll take ya to the range this weekend, we can catch up.” He tugged open a drawer of his desk, retrieving your gun and badge from it, passing it to you, “Welcome back to Chicago Y/N.”
“Thanks Voight.”
“You sure you’re okay kid?” He noticed the emptiness in your eyes, you cursed him for being so attentive and cautious with his team, but you understood why he was the way he was, and you appreciated him for it. 
“Yeah.” You gave him a tight smile, “Just…weird to be home..gotta adjust to a new life again.”
“Well get outta here, I know there’s some people dying to see ya.”
“Thanks. You tell ‘em I was back?” 
“Yeah, ‘course.” You gave your Sergeant a warm smile before moving from the room, briefly stopping at your desk, thankful your real phone was still plugged into the monitor. You didn’t bother scrolling through the insane amount of notifications, opening your message app to text your parter Hailey, who promptly freaked out over the fact that you were actually back. It may have only been 2pm, but she was off today and more than willing to meet you for a drink after your extended ‘vacation’.  
Before you knew it you were thrust back into your life at Chicago P.D., Hailey nearly tackling you under the twinkly lights of Molly’s, more than excited and happy to have her friend and partner back. Chris was more than quick to bring over your usual and an extra two rounds of shots that you openly groaned at, he simply laughed that it was 5’o’clock somewhere and moved from the table, smirk on his face. You fell into an easy conversation with Hailey as she asked you about your time undercover, more importantly about the case, you rolled your eyes again over the fact of being pulled out before you’d been able to break it, but things were getting dicey and you couldn’t exactly risk it. It was when she asked about your non work time in New York that you faltered, unable to place together anything before she could see the sadness wash across your face in the briefest of flashes.
“What?” She asked, sinking back another swig of beer.
“What, what?” You shot back, a familiar smirk across your lips as you sucked back your drink.
“You were living a different life for like, two years in a different city, you can’t tell me you didn’t meet new people.” You gave out a sigh, relaying to the server that you did in fact want another round, especially if you were going to get into this now.
“I did..I mean…most of it was work people, regulars at the bar, people I had to dig into more than hangout with…”
“But?” She gave you a teasing grin.
“One night someone new popped up at the bar. I made her for a lawyer right away…started out as me trying to figure out if she was working for the mob or not, I mean, what was someone like her doing in the Heights?”
“Was she?”
“No! She worked for white collar crimes, like, how boring is that?” You laughed, “I did a bit of research on her to double check things, but she was completely clean, only stumbled into the bar ‘cause it was close to her apartment.”
“Aanndd?” Hailey raised an eyebrow at you, you shook your head at her.
“We became friends. She grew up in New York, she knew all the hot spots and the secret spots, played tour guide for me.”
“Yeah I’ll bet she knew all the hot spots.”
“Hailey!” You hucked a lime across the small table at her.
“So you’re telling me you just, hung out with her innocently?” She smirked across at you, being able to read the expression on your face, “You can’t possibly tell me that you’re this much of a mess over someone who was a friend.” You let out a heavy sigh, 
“I…she was there when the shooting happened.” Hailey’s eyes widened, “I begged her to get out of there, pleaded that she leave but she wouldn’t listen..”
“Oh fuck…is she…?” She didn’t want to finish the question, knowing you were alive and safe, knowing you clearly cared for this woman.
“She’s fine.” You gave out a huff, “I knew the bust was coming, I tried to innocently get her out, but…as far as she knows..I bled out on the floor…and she basically watched me do it…”
“Oh fuck…”
“Yeah..” You could feel the tears burning their way into your eyes, your hand absentmindedly coming to play with the sun necklace against your skin. You’d tried to reason with Voight to let you stay in New York another day, let you reach out to her via a phone call, but with the mafia involved it was way too dangerous, and his bosses had wanted you in Witness Protection originally. They’d only agreed being okay with you returning to Chicago because the case had moved its way fully to New York now, and you could alter your appearance enough to stay hidden, and that you had a life in the city already. You had started to plead before you realized that this could affect Casey too, especially since she was at the bar during the shootout, if anyone so much as thought she knew something she could be in serious danger, and that was the last thing you wanted.
“You fell for her…” Hailey’s voice broke through your thoughts, head shaking before your eyes met hers, quickly down casting away from her gaze. 
“I..fuck…yeah, yeah I really did. And I can’t even let her know I’m alive…” You were quick to shoot back the alcohol that she shoved your way, doubling your shot intake for that hour. Thankfully the topic of Casey left the table soon after, Hailey could see that you were hurting and didn’t want to bring you anymore pain when she didn’t need to. It was a few hours later when Chris came around, asking if his favourite detectives needed another round that you politely declined. Hailey gave you a tight hug, a soft kiss on the cheek, saying she was more than happy that you were back, ensuring you that you should really get home. You thanked her for the catch up, quick to head back to your car, a heavy and shaky sigh escaping your lips before you were able to turn the vehicle on, headed towards the place you called home before your life got completely uprooted.
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hxllblazer-a · 2 years
the actual canon past holidays that john has celebrated at one point or another involved:
Having to stop an Egyptologist from sacrificing a baby to gain immortality.
Playing in a poker tournament to hide from the holidays.
Sacrificing a demon/goat/thing in a bar in Chicago to break a curse on the Chicago Cubs and letting the bar patrons eat it.
Being haunted by the ghost of an MP who was apparently cursed by the wife of the Prime Minister's speech writer to try and move her husband up in government.
Discovering a factory that was accidentally producing artificial angels while it purified evil and inspired the priest of one of the medical tents tending to a bunch of children to send the angels out to kill the plant manager. As a bonus the kids are apparently embedded with the power to summon these angels so bonus points.
Bonus before everything went to shit: Showed the Lord of the Dance the spirit of Christmas and forgot to get his (future) girlfriend the perfect present because he couldn't find something that'd be perfect enough to show how he feels about her and convince her that he's worth it.
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contentswap · 1 year
A Complete Guide to Chicago Cubs
 The Chicago Cubs, one of the oldest and most beloved baseball teams in Major League Baseball (MLB), have a rich history dating back to their formation in 1876. With a dedicated fan base, iconic stadium, and numerous achievements, the Cubs have left an indelible mark on the world of baseball. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the team's history, notable players, iconic moments, and offer an overview of the overall Cubs experience.I. Historical Overview: The Chicago Cubs, originally known as the Chicago White Stockings, were a founding member of the National League. They changed their name to the Cubs in 1903. The team has had its share of ups and downs throughout history, including periods of great success and prolonged championship droughts.II. Wrigley Field: The Friendly Confines: Wrigley Field, the Cubs' home stadium, is an iconic landmark in Chicago. Built in 1914, it is the second-oldest ballpark in the MLB and renowned for its ivy-covered outfield walls, manually operated scoreboard, and its unique neighborhood atmosphere.III. Notable Players: The Cubs have been home to numerous legendary players who have made significant contributions to the team's success. Some notable players include:
Ernie Banks: Known as "Mr. Cub," Banks was a two-time MVP and an 11-time All-Star during his career from 1953 to 1971.
Ryne Sandberg: A second baseman who spent the majority of his career with the Cubs, Sandberg was a 10-time All-Star and won nine Gold Glove Awards.
Ron Santo: A beloved third baseman, Santo played for the Cubs from 1960 to 1973 and was known for his exceptional defensive skills and consistent hitting.
Fergie Jenkins: A dominant starting pitcher, Jenkins won the Cy Young Award in 1971 and was the first Cubs pitcher to surpass 3,000 career strikeouts.
Kris Bryant, Anthony Rizzo, and Javier Báez: These three players formed the core of the Cubs' 2016 World Series-winning team and were fan favorites during their time with the organization.
IV. Iconic Moments: The Cubs have had several memorable moments throughout their history, including:
1908 World Series: The Cubs won their second consecutive World Series, becoming the first team to achieve this feat in MLB history.
Curse of the Billy Goat: In 1945, a tavern owner cursed the Cubs, and the team faced a championship drought lasting 108 years until their historic victory in 2016.
2016 World Series: The Cubs ended their long championship drought by defeating the Cleveland Indians in a thrilling seven-game series, winning their third World Series title.
Sammy Sosa's Home Run Race: In 1998, Sammy Sosa engaged in a captivating home run race with Mark McGwire, captivating the nation with his impressive power.
V. The Cubs Experience: Attending a Cubs game is an unforgettable experience. From the energy of the fans to the iconic ballpark atmosphere, it offers a unique sense of camaraderie. Wrigleyville, the neighborhood surrounding Wrigley Field, is a vibrant area filled with bars, restaurants, and enthusiastic fans.
Enjoying a Chicago-style hot dog or a cold beverage while cheering on the Cubs is a quintessential part of the experience.The Chicago Cubs have a storied history, a dedicated fan base, and a ballpark filled with tradition.
From their iconic players to historic moments, the team has left an indelible mark on the world of baseball. Whether you're a die-hard fan or a casual observer, immersing yourself in the Cubs' history, attending a game at Wrigley Field, and experiencing the unique atmosphere surrounding the team is an absolute must for any baseball enthusiast. The Chicago Cubs truly embody the spirit of America's pastime.
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ididntmean2hauntyou · 2 years
do you believe in miracles?
the story goes that the chicago cubs won two back to back world series wins in 1907 and 1908, and for another 108 years, they never won another one. the curse of the billy goat, a curse saying that they would never win again (taken as never winning the national league pennant). and for 71 years, it was true.
and the story goes that while tied 6-6 in a game against the cleveland guardians, rain hit, a 17 minute delay. the story goes, jason heyward talked, told them to keep going. maybe thats what brought life into them. a 27 year old right fielder’s words.
and the story goes, for the first time in 108 years, the chicago cubs won a world series. the story of a group looking for atonement, maybe. or just a chance at life.
so, i’ll ask again. do you believe in miracles?
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dilawarmughal980 · 30 days
Seattle Mariners Vs Yankees Match Player Stats
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The Seattle Mariners Vs Yankees Match Player Stats are always anticipated. When it comes to Major League Baseball, the Seattle Mariners and the New York Yankees are two teams that have a rich history and passionate fan bases. Recently, these two teams faced off in a highly anticipated match, with the Mariners pulling off a surprising victory against the Yankees.
The Rich History of Major League Baseball
Major League Baseball boasts a storied past. Teams like the Yankees have become icons. The Mariners, although newer, hold their charm. Both have contributed to baseball’s rich tapestry. Over time, legends have been born in these fields. Every game adds a new chapter to this ongoing saga. Recently, the Seattle Mariners vs Yankees match player stats grabbed headlines.
Legendary Teams in MLB History
In the annals of MLB, some teams stand tall. The Yankees, with their storied past, often lead conversations. Their victories are etched in the hearts of fans. Similarly, the Mariners have crafted their narrative. Although their trophy cabinet is less complete, their spirit is unmatched. When examining Seattle Mariners vs Yankees match player stats, contrasts emerge. Yet, both teams contribute richly to baseball’s lore.
The Not-So-Good Teams of MLB
In the realm of MLB, not every team shines brightly. Some, unfortunately, linger in the shadows of underperformance. This aspect adds a layer of unpredictability to the game. Teams like the Detroit Tigers have faced their share of struggles. Similarly, the Boston Braves’ history reflects a journey of ups and downs.
Unexpected Upsets in MLB
The Miracle Mets of 1969:
Once seen as the lovable losers, the New York Mets defied the odds by winning the 1969 World Series. Their victory is a classic example of an unexpected triumph in MLB history.
The 2001 Seattle Mariners:
The Mariners tied the record for the most wins in a regular season with 116 victories. Despite not making it to the World Series, their regular-season performance remains one of the most surprising achievements.
The 2016 Chicago Cubs Break the Curse:
After 108 years, the Chicago Cubs won the World Series, ending the longest championship drought in significant league history. This victory was unforeseen and deeply cherished by fans.
The 2004 Boston Red Sox Comeback:
Down three games to none against the Yankees in the ALCS, the Red Sox completed the most remarkable comeback in baseball playoff history. They went on to win their first World Series in 86 years, stunning the baseball world.
Yankees vs Mariners: A Statistical Overview
The Seattle Mariners vs. Yankees match player stats tell a compelling tale. Initially, the numbers reveal disparities between these teams. The Yankees boast an extensive history of triumphs. Conversely, the Mariners have faced more struggles. However, recent matchups show a narrowing gap. This analysis underscores the unpredictability of baseball and highlights how underdogs can surprise. In these games, individual performances stood out significantly.
Highlighting Standout Performances
Luis Gil’s Masterful Pitching:
Gil’s control and precision dominated the game, showcasing his talent by striking out eight Mariners and maintaining a solid presence on the mound throughout his performance.
Giancarlo Stanton’s Power Hitting:
Stanton’s early home run set the tone for the Yankees’ offensive display, highlighting his ongoing ability to change the game’s momentum with one swing.
Aaron Judge’s Continued Excellence:
Following Stanton, Judge’s home run not only added to the Yankees’ lead but also emphasized his status as one of the premier power hitters in the league, maintaining a high batting average and OPS.
Luis Castillo’s Challenges:
Facing a potent Yankees lineup, Castillo struggled to find his usual rhythm, yet his effort to strike out seven batters despite allowing runs showcased his resilience and skill on the mound.
Early Home Runs by Stanton and Judge
The game took a dynamic turn right from the start. Stanton stepped up, showcasing his batting prowess early on. With a swing, the ball soared, landing deep in the stands. This home run, Stanton’s 12th of the season, electrified the atmosphere. Not to be outdone, Judge followed suit in the third inning.
Luis Castillo’s Struggles
Luis Castillo faced a tough outing against the Yankees. The game quickly became a challenge for him. His pitches, usually sharp, missed their marks. The Yankees hitters were ready, pouncing on mistakes. Castillo’s usual dominance was absent, leading to frustration. Every inning added pressure. Despite his efforts, runs piled up against him.
Collective Offensive Effort by the Yankees
The Yankees showcased a team effort that shined. Beyond Stanton and Judge, others stepped up impressively. Hits and runs flowed seamlessly from their bats. Each player contributed, making the Mariners work hard. In every inning, the Yankees found ways to score. Their strategy was clear: keep the pressure on.
Mariners’ Offensive Woes
On the field, the Mariners struggled significantly. Their bats were quiet, failing to connect with pitches. This led to a scarcity of hits throughout the game. Only three managed to find their way, reflecting their struggles. Key players like Julio Rodríguez faced a tough day. Similarly, Ty France couldn’t spark any offensive momentum.
Yankees’ Bullpen Seals the Victory
In the late innings, the Yankees’ bullpen emerged as heroes. Skillfully, they navigated through the Mariners’ lineup. Their precision pitching kept the Seattle bats at bay. Indeed, each throw seemed more confident than the last. Jonathan Loáisiga and Aroldis Chapman were particularly outstanding. They delivered pitches that were nearly impossible to hit.
Mariners’ Pitching Depth
Despite the day’s challenges, the Mariners’ bullpen showed promise. They stepped in, eager to mitigate further damage. Their performance hinted at untapped potential. Notably, their resilience under pressure was commendable. Players like Sewald and Muñoz showcased their skills. Their strikeouts provided brief moments of hope Read More
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cmcgt · 1 month
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The Cubs Way: The Zen of Building the Best Team in Baseball and Breaking the Curse by Tom Verducci | Goodreads
"With inside access and reporting, Sports Illustrated senior baseball writer and FOX Sports analyst Tom Verducci reveals how Theo Epstein and Joe Maddon built, led, and inspired the Chicago Cubs team that broke the longest championship drought in sports, chronicling their epic journey to become World Series champions.
It took 108 years, but it really happened. The Chicago Cubs are once again World Series champions.
How did a team composed of unknown, young players and supposedly washed-up veterans come together to break the Curse of the Billy Goat? Tom Verducci, twice named National Sportswriter of the Year and co-writer of The Yankee Years with Joe Torre, will have full access to team president Theo Epstein, manager Joe Maddon, and the players to tell the story of the Cubs' transformation from perennial underachievers to the best team in baseball.
Beginning with Epstein's first year with the team in 2011, Verducci will show how Epstein went beyond "Moneyball" thinking to turn around the franchise. Leading the organization with a manual called "The Cubs Way," he focused on the mental side of the game as much as the physical, emphasizing chemistry as well as statistics.
To accomplish his goal, Epstein needed manager Joe Maddon, an eccentric innovator, as his counterweight on the Cubs' bench. A man who encourages themed road trips and late-arrival game days to loosen up his team, Maddon mixed New Age thinking with Old School leadership to help his players find their edge.
The Cubs Way takes readers behind the scenes, chronicling how key players like Rizzo, Russell, Lester, and Arrieta were deftly brought into the organization by Epstein and coached by Maddon to outperform expectations. Together, Epstein and Maddon proved that clubhouse culture is as important as on-base-percentage, and that intangible components like personality, vibe, and positive energy are necessary for a team to perform to their fullest potential.
Verducci chronicles the playoff run that culminated in an instant classic Game Seven. He takes a broader look at the history of baseball in Chicago and the almost supernatural element to the team's repeated loses that kept fans suffering, but also served to strengthen their loyalty.
The Cubs Way is a celebration of an iconic team and its journey to a World Championship that fans and readers will cherish for years to come."
August 2024
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