#chicago fire 7x19
masoncarr2244 · 5 months
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neapolitantoebeans · 7 months
so I just watched the episode of Chicago Fire where it’s super stormy and that little kid stows away in the engine to get away from the man (the guy who pretended to be a Detroit firefighter) and the crime he witnessed (7x19)
and honestly Brian could have anything he wants if he was willing to take a pistol whip to the back of the head to protect me 🫠
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winchesterszvonecek · 10 months
top five chicago fire episodes
ooo this is a tough one, there’s so many great episodes but i think it would go something like…
7x02 - Going to War
3x03 - Just Drive the Truck
7x14 - It Wasn’t About Hockey
7x19 - Until the Weather Breaks
2x12 - Tonight’s the Night
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Water Safety
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/bAz3R8E
by Ellie226
7x19, Severide mentions to Boden playing a trick on his dad once when he was seven, hiding while he was swimming and scaring the crap out of him. Per the show, Benny "wore Kelly out," for it. So...I wrote the story.
Words: 1624, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Chicago Fire
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Benny Severide, Kelly Severide
Additional Tags: Parental Discipline, Spanking
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/bAz3R8E
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stardreamer28 · 4 months
so a few months ago I picked up a few of the early Chicago Fire episodes for Rachel Nichols' role, and though it's been 2yrs since I've rewatched the whole series I will say I loved when they cast Eloise Mumford as Sylvie's friend - Hope I think her name was? - because I adore her Hallmark movies. was kinda sad Hope ended up a baddie though, I looved the idea of those 2 girls being friends. same when Bree Williamson played that ex-wife Casey slept with awhile later. as a One Life To Live fan though I loved seeing her, & then later David Fumero (in 7x19)
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mrs-jamesbbarnes · 3 years
Ruzek: *calls a kid a tough son of a bitch*
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chenfordsbee · 3 years
As my favorite episode, I’m picking 7x19 of Chicago Fire because it’s my ultimate comfort episode.
It might be odd I know, but I don’t know, I love the whole vibe of this episode. I think it’s because of the rain and it’s during the night and the fact that there’s no exterior calls at all so they stay at the house all together.
Yet, so much is happening and several characters gets to shine. (Mouch’s delivery of the « fun night » line never fails to make me laugh!).
Plus, it’s the first BIG brettsey episode so obviously that’s a good reason!
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Day five - Favorite episode : Chicago Fire 7x19 I Until the Weather Breaks
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sylviebrettcasey · 3 years
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Sylvie Brett Week | DAY 1 | Favourite Episode - Until the weather breaks
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elliegoestodownton · 3 years
Glad to see that Stella and Foster have sorted things out between themselves, but Kelly is really the one who should be praised for his maturity in this whole situation, putting his feelings aside and doing what was best for everyone involved.
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fclovebrettsey · 3 years
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I love this EP very much 😍❤️
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skyjane85 · 4 years
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Taylor Kinney as Kelly Severide in Chicago Fire  
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sofuckingchuffed · 5 years
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Brettsey appreciation week
Day 1 - Favourite episode - Season 7 Episode 19 ‘Until the weather breaks’
Well... obviously my favourite Brettsey episode is now 9x16 ‘No Survivors’. How can it not be?
Brettsey finally happened. The kisses. The sexy times. The angst. The relief. The smiles. The hands. It was the episode that shipper dreams are made of.
It probably should be everyone’s favourite so I’ll go with my second favourite before the finale, just to shake it up.
I have a favourite overall Chicago Fire episode which was also the episode I started shipping Brettsey as well as being the episode that made me start watching Chicago Fire again during the first UK lockdown. (I stopped watching CF early on, I didn’t really like anyone other than Casey!)
So my overall favourite episode (and now second favourite Brettsey episode) is 7x19, ‘Until the weather breaks’
It’s a different style episode, set mostly in the firehouse and has a good ensemble focus but allows Brettsey to shine as compassionate, similarly minded people and really shows what a good matching Casey and Brett could be.
There were soft looks. Sweet conversations and even hints to what they could be like with kids.
The whole episode was just a showcase on how compatible they are and how stable they could be for each other.
It’s the episode I rewatch the most, so if I had to pick an absolute favourite, it would be 7x19.
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kim-ruzek · 3 years
Top 5 One Chicago Episodes (either for all shows or 5 for each show)
I decide challenge myself and did it five per show. Med was the hardest in that I don't really like much of it!!!
(as you can see, I'm Stellaride and Stella trash 🤣)
It was agony not being able to choose 7x11 and 7x13 and 7x19 as well ugh
I'm not gonna do a five for all OC but I *am* gonna give an honourable mention to the fire s7 and s8 crossover. Bc those two are my absolute favourites!!!!
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holly-benji · 4 years
Here I am today talking about my impressions of the 9x02 episode of Chicago fire. Ready? First of all let me tell you that: 1. English is not my first language, so forgive me some grammatical errors. 2. I have written a lot (maybe too much) so I hope you have the patience to get to the end. 3. It is not a post against Monica Raymund or Gabby Dawson. Just some of my considerations about it. I do not want to start any war.
Let us begin! I will try to analyze what happened for the different phases that followed during the episode
I start by saying that Sylvie Brett is really badass. She's really grown up and I think it's going to be a real PIC for Mackey.
Moving on to Casey: "61 respond. Do YOU hear me?". I think that YOU has a great value for him. I think this phrase encapsulates all of Casey's concern about losing Brett. The face he makes immediately afterwards when no one answers on the radio is discouraging. And when he asks Stella "we should have seen them by now", he is looking for some support in Kidd (of the series tell me that nothing serious happened Stella please).
When Casey sees the wreckage of the ambulance he can’t wait to know if Sylvie is ok. First of all, for him is not ambulance 61, but Brett's ambulance. The difference is substantial. 
"Let me out". This scene is beautiful. Fortunately, after jumping out of a moving truck, Brett has already gotten out of the ambulance.
When Casey sees her, apart from screaming her name, he doesn't just ask her if she is okay. He looks at her everywhere, as if to see to himself that she is in one piece. Even afterwards he suggests to her to go to the hospital and when she refuses, he takes her to the truck to take her to the firehouse. With him. Brett's gaze is the mixture of being confused about the accident, and why Casey is there.
When Sylvie wants to save the crazy guy, he yells "Sylvie wait!". And then together they do what they do best. Saving lives.
Of course Casey has to reach Brett to ask her once again if she is okay and tell her that he is glad if she is ok. What big scare did he get? But strangely enough when Brett asks him how he got there so quickly and why it was only him, he omits a few details in the reconstruction of how things went. Brett KNOWS him so the "it always been you" comes out of her. Remember that THE ONE she's been looking for for a long time, and she talks to Matt about in the 8x07 episode? She finally realized it was him all along. From the beginning of everything. And when she realizes that she practically told him that the key to everything is him, she tries to make up for the blunder she just made. In fact she says "such a good friend". Casey is amazed by this sentence, and wants to understand what else is underneath (because it can actually be sibylline), but is interrupted by Capp for the report.
So Brett is in love with Casey. But she can't tell him. She doesn't want to tell him.
Let's make a brief summary of what happened between Brett and Casey from Sylvie's point of view. Gabby's departure marked a turning point for both of them. I think for both of them it was just a simple friendship at least until the episode 7x16. When Casey was almost shot with a gun. The two of them started talking more and more and became confidants of each other. Brett's feelings I think were initially seen in the 7x21 even if at the time as a simple attraction. She has been trying to suppress them ever since. It was said that they were not right. So she got engaged to Kyle and tried to carry on a meaningless relationship. In fact, not only did she want to suppress what she felt, she WAS CERTAIN that Casey would not have seen her any other way than as a friend and the 7x22 gave her confirmation. Casey involuntarily pushed her into the arms of another. After her return in the 8x03, Casey and Brett bonded more and more. And every time someone saw the chemistry that the two of them shared, she diminished. She did it with Olivia, Foster, Kidd and even Julie. Things changed in the 8x17 when Sylvie seriously started working on her feelings. In any case she became more and more convinced that the feelings she felt were not reciprocated, and mostly WRONG. He was still her best friend's ex, and she knew that he would not easily forget Dawson.
So when talking to Stella in this 9x02 SYLVIE DOES NOT WANT TO SPEAK TO CASEY BECAUSE IT IS SURE THAT HE IS NOT IN LOVE WITH HER, BUT THAT HE IS  IN LOVE WITH DAWSON. So she thinks the solution is to pretend this conversation never happened.
Casey wants to understand better the exchange of jokes that there have been between them in the dormitory. And on top of that he wants to ask her to get out of the 7x22, so I think it was the right time to do it considering that he could have lost her. The way he asks her out is very funny. How he claps and waves his hands. I HAVE NEVER SEEN THIS SIDE OF CASEY. The faces of Hermann and Mouch say it all.
The way Casey gets up when he sees her and asks her if he can offer her something to drink, it makes me laugh my head off. He's in serious trouble: he doesn't know how to handle it.
Here the evening takes a completely unexpected turn. Gallo does what he should not do. He explains everything that happened at the beginning of the episode and Brett FOR THE FIRST TIME questions Casey's feelings. She asks herself "maybe he feels something for me?". The answer is clearly yes. Just look at their exchange of glances. One feels too much between the two of them. In any case, Dawson's shadow always makes itself felt in her head, and moreover she would like to kiss him but she can't because of a ban she has imposed herself. So she runs away. She is afraid.
The way Casey gets up is so sweet. He still doesn't understand what's wrong. But he knows there's something he did that Brett didn't take well.
When the shift starts Casey tries to say goodbye to her, but she doesn't answer. On the contrary, she runs inside the firehouse. And the same thing happens when they are reassembling the ambulance door. Severide's words are prophetic. Sylvie avoids Casey because on the one hand she wants to kiss him, and on the other hand she is afraid that she will not be able to take Gabby's place and that there is no game for her. There will always be Dawson in first place. Casey realizes once again that something is wrong (he still can't figure out what it is though). But his look says it all, and Severide notices it too. And it gives him the best suggestion. UNDERSTAND WHAT THAT LOOK MEANS.
I would like to point out that Stella, Severide, Mouch, Hermann, Gallo, Capp and Tony all saw the connection that brettsey have. The whole firehouse know. Even Tony who speaks very little says for the first time his own ("we don't know what happened").
First of all I find it beautiful that Casey went to ask for explanations. Their "talk to me" is the key to everything. They have always confided in each other, and have done so very much in these two years (7x02 and 8x16 for example). Tell each other what's wrong is the basis of a solid relationship. Sylvie then reveals the reason and kisses him. She makes the first move. And I found it fantastic. Clearly Matt gives in immediately. I want to point out that during the kiss they smiled, even with their eyes. Their happiness could be felt in the air along with their sweetness. It was beautiful and I loved it as all the time there was delicacy. I don't think we need other words to describe it. And they both wanted it for a long time. At least from 7x21. What patience.
Let us now analyze the Gabby Dawson problem. As I have already widely explained Sylvie is afraid because she could take a place that is complicated to replace at best. She fears the confrontation with the one and only woman she thinks Casey has loved and will love. So she decides to clarify this issue with him right away, and I find it an extremely mature attitude. I want to emphasize that until now Brett has had messed up stories, broken engagements, so now she is looking for THE ONE. She finally found him, but there is the Dawson problem. Let's remember that in the 8x09 Dawson came back and Matt ended up back in bed with her. Can you build something serious and lasting with a person who as soon as the ex returns there is a risk that he will end up in her bed? That's what Brett is afraid of. Maybe for him it's just a desire to have sex, while for Sylvie it's trying to make the choices to start a family. Let's try to unravel the skein, and clarify some of my points of view.
I loved the Dawseys, very much. I found them beautiful. Their story was all passion, and I loved it. Gabby was a tough girl, Casey was a good guy and I liked them a lot. Then at a certain point (maybe due to the problem of becoming parents), each of them started to take a different path, in fact to be precise Gabby did. Matt and Dawson communicated very little, especially in recent times, and the important decisions were ALWAYS AND ONLY HERS. She confronted Matt at the end, when the decision had already been made. I've always admired Dawson's resolution, but in some attitudes I found it exaggerated. The choice to try to have more children even with a pregnancy at risk ONLY HERS, the choice to move to Puerto Rico? ONLY HERS AND OVERALL IS THE ONE THAT LEAVES CASEY, THE ONE THAT SENDS PAPERS FOR DIVORCE. SHE RETURNS, THEN SHE LEAVES. The one that says if you want, there is always a place in my tent. 
Until now the decisions have been unilateral. Casey tries in his own way to make a new life for himself. He succeeds very hard. Initially he has a flirt with the journalist, then a flirt with the smart girl who interrupts immediately, and then from 8x03 let's say that his feelings for Brett, already present in my opinion from 7x19 at least ARE ALWAYS GROWN. 
But why when Sylvie asks, he doesn’t respond: “I love you”? Simple, he hasn't understood it yet. Let's understand each other. Matt can't explain how he feels about Sylvie because he has never felt it before. He has these strong feelings, totally new. Here, in addition to a strong passionate component (which the Dawseys certainly did not lack) there is a strong mental component that makes all the difference. Brett and Casey have very similar characters, something that certainly could not be said with Dawson and have created a deep friendship. Basically speak his actions for him. Jumping out of a truck, asking her nervously if she wants to go out with him. These are all attitudes that have not been seen in Matt Casey before. They are attitudes of a person who is in love. His not being able to answer is dictated by the fact that he has never faced the problem. He has never closed the door with Gabby and he has always left a gap, at first very big, that he believes that that is still open, but which actually lacks a small push to close it permanently. 
In essence Matt has to close definitively with the past and with all the drama that the relationship with Dawson has left. For example one of these is the problem of being rejected. This explains his nervousness towards Sylvie. He is not giving up completely. So Matt has to work on his emotions and he can't answer because he never asked himself the question. He took it for granted that he had moved on, but he hadn't put an end to it. I'm sure he will. Because he has to make his mind understand what his heart has already understood long ago. It must work on himselt and let off steam, talk to someone. These feelings for Brett have always been kept to himself. He has to shout it to the world instead.
Fortunately Matt and Sylvie are friend before lovers. They have built a strong foundation, and they are still communicating. I’m sure they will find their way back to each other.
I hope you enjoy my “review”. Let me know if there is something you want to add, or if you think I’m wrong. I’d like to chat with you, so write me!
Love you all, and always ship Brettsey!
I would also ask @hamburgerheroes if she wants to participate in the next reviews with her fantastic GIFs, and maybe alternate in the work if you like to comment together also the next episodes. Let me know. 
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love-tv-freak · 5 years
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Chicago Fire
Brettsey - 7x19 Until the Weather Breaks
Part 2 / 2
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