50 Meet Cutes
You had an assigned seat next to them at a wedding for a mutual friend.
You accidentally sprayed them with yogurt when you opened the lid the wrong way.
Studying at the same table in the library, you see they are pulling the same study resources as you.
They mistook your bowling ball for theirs in the shared ball return.
They caught you when you slipped on ice and nearly fell over.
Accidentally stepping on their heel in a crowded room.
You both do the side-to-side dance when you try to pass them in the grocery store aisle.
Humming a song and having them begin to hum with you without thinking.
Tripping while getting into your seat in the theater and spilling your popcorn on them.
You matched with them in an online chat roulette room.
Both of you wore the same ugly Christmas sweater to a party.
You kick a ball and your shoe flies off, hitting them in the back of the head.
Accidentally opening a door on their face.
They cover the small amount of change you are short on for a purchase.
You both go to the counter, having the same type of coffee called for pick-up.
Riding together up the ski lift.
They pull you out of the way from the busy bike path.
They see your ice cream drop to the ground and buy you a new one.
You see your favorite book on their desk during class and ask them about it afterwards.
You walk out of a dressing room asking if the outfit suits you, but it's not your friend waiting outside the room like you thought.
Almost spilling a drink because you met their eyes and got distracted thinking how cute they are.
Getting paired up in a line dance.
Happening to sit next to each other on a park bench, reading the same book.
Being paired up at a beginners ballroom dancing class.
Sharing an umbrella at a bus stop as it snows.
They get your attention and return your phone that fell out of your pocket.
You help catch their dog when the leash slips from their hand.
They ask you to pretend to be their date at a bar to prevent an ex from talking to them.
You help pull a loose thread off the back of their shirt.
Meeting their gaze after throwing a coin in a wishing fountain.
Sitting next to each other at a very boring meeting and bonding over your shared lack of attention.
You wear matching masks at a masquerade party.
Holding the elevator for them and getting off on the same floor.
Bumping into each other while trying to pass through a doorway.
They jump into your car breathless and tell you to keep driving.
You throw a snowball at a friend but miss and hit them instead.
The two of you wear costumes from the same fandom at a costume party.
You help a lost child find their parent together.
Walking into the incorrect bathroom and meeting eyes with them before quickly realizing the mistake.
You help catch their hat as it flies away in the wind.
The person sitting next to you on the train is wearing clothes that match your lucky colors from your fortune that morning in the paper.
They knock on your apartment door instead of your neighbor's.
You both reach for the last umbrella in the store on a rainy day.
You fix your hair in the reflection of a window to see them smiling at you through it.
You get scared by them in a corn maze and lash out and hit them, quickly followed by apologizes.
You reach for the same bouquet in a flower shop.
Texting the incorrect number but continuing the conversation.
Sitting next to each other at a sushi bar and sharing a roll.
You both reach for the final donut in the case at a bakery.
Getting paired up on an amusement park that requires even numbered riders.
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do-mkokoro · 5 years
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Alice, Edgar and Zero
Commissioned by @chiefofpigs
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shannie-writes · 5 years
Blog Name Change
Hello everyone!
If you’ve been following me on other socials, you’ve probably seen that I’ve been slowly going around and changing my handle to ShanniePie (or renditions of it) over the last couple weeks.
What put me over the fence to change it? 
This has not been an easy change for me, to be honest. ChiefofPigs has been my handle everywhere for the last 10+ years, the majority of my internet social life. As hard as it was to accept, my innocently chosen username when I was a teenager has been becoming less and less PC with each year that has gone by and I am wanting to be respectful to how my name may be construed with different backgrounds and lifestyles.
There are some accounts that I am unable to update my handle and I have spent too much time on to start fresh (e.g. Spotify, reddit, etc.) so you may see me around with the old name in a few places.
What am I wanting to be called now?
I’ve been going by Chief for so many years now, it honestly would be strange to hear myself called as anything else. As this nickname isn’t inherently wrong, please feel free to still call me Chief. I’m just adding Shan/Shannon going forward!
What are some other changes I’m making with this name change?
I’m wanting to live as stress free as possible going forward this year, as well as thinking about things positively. With this, I have deleted all of the writing requests in my inbox and won’t be accepting fic requests outside of special events where I feel I am ready for the task. I wasn’t getting to any of the open requests, and the constant guilt of not making myself work on them sat heavily on my shoulders. It means a lot to me that so many people entrusted me with their requests, but I’m not in a emotional state where I can do them for some time.
As is typical with a blog name change on Tumblr, all of my masterposts and internal blog links are currently broken. Please be patient with me while I make my way through them in the coming week. I’m also going to be going through all my fics and adding my new post header to each one for future ease. A lot of TLC is needed on my blog for a hot minute, but hopefully it will be better than ever when I get to the other side!
Thank you all for the love and support over my time in the Ikemen series fandom, as well as my old friends from the NMS fandom. I wouldn’t have made it as far as I have if I didn’t have friends to help me feel my time and effort was worth it. Every message and tag in reblogs I receive makes me incredibly happy and it helps push me forward every day.
Happy New Year!
Shannon ♥ ♡ ♥
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stardewcookbook · 5 years
We realized that there are some discrepancies regarding measurements in the cookbook, so we asked one of our chefs to take on a new mod position! She will be our proofreader for recipes specifically, so everything can look uniform for the final product! Everyone, please give a warm welcome to Mod Jodi ( @chiefofpigs )!
Here’s her Mod Bio:  Hi! I'm Shannon and this is the first zine I have participated in! I am the final proofreader for the recipes in this cookbook zine and hope that everyone enjoys our Stardew-inspired food. You can find me over @chiefofpigs! 
Preorders open Sept 30th! Mark your calendars, everyone!
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youreawizardharr · 5 years
What is your first impression of Vlad, Faust and Charles?
These characters are not available in the English version of the game (yet), since we have more routes that need to be released before Cybird introduces the three of them.
However, I'm glad you sent me these three. I hope you won't mind me doing them all in one post. Saves time, and people can read it.
Okay, here we go...
1. What is your first impression?
Can I have two ultra mega vamp daddies?
Seriously, I read fan made translations of this guy. I find him interesting, REALLY interesting. Unfortunately, we english speakers have to wait a long time before his character is even introduced. I think someone said Cybird is following the Japanese releases, so that's good enough for me. Though, what is Vlad's relationship with Saint Germain? It seems like they were close.
So many questions, not enough answers...
2. What is your current impression?
As I said above, Vlad hasn't been introduced to the English version (yet), but my opinion still stands. Vlad is REALLY interesting 😏
3. Hot or not?
Vlad has the looks of a deity. Hair white as snow, with eyes the color of red blood. I was drawn to those mysterious eyes of his. You can tell he has this kingly vibe about him.
Rating: 5/5
Charles-Henri Sanson
1. What is your first impression?
Again, this character has not been introduced to the English version (yet), but I have read fan made translations. I think we can agree that Charles looks like Isaac Newton gone bad. I really like Charles 😏
2. What is your current impression?
What I said in number one still stands. It will change once Charles is introduced and his route is released. Can you believe he's a doctor? I thought Arthur was the only one, but Charles is still actively being a doctor.
3. Hot or not?
Charles was an executioner when he was a human. How he became a doctor is beyond me. Maybe Japanese spoilers and translations will give us the answer? I do have to admit Charles is really hot 👀 I was instantly smitten with him when I saw him.
Rating: 4/5
Johann Georg Faust
1. What is your first impression?
Like Vlad and Charles, Faust has not been released in the English version (yet), but...my first impression of him is not a very good one. Can we agree he seems like a douchebag? I'd rather deal with Theo's name calling and degrading insults than Faust.
2. What is your current impression?
My impression still stands, but I won't be biased. I will give Faust a chance once he's introduced and his route is released. But, other than that, I have no interest in Faust.
3. Hot or not?
Faust is the better looking one out of the three, with Charles being second. But his expression...is it frozen like that? He does experiments. What kind of experiments does he conduct? The world may never know (jk), but I'm serious. He looks like a mad scientist.
Rating: 3.5/5
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IkeRev Army Suitors: Reacting to an S/O who Grabs Onto Them When Anxious
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I’m sure you aren’t too new now! Sorry these requests have taken so long -- student teaching has been taking so much of my energy that it leaves me little time for schoolwork and sleep, let alone requests!
The Black Army is my army, but since I don’t know what yours is… here’s both☆! 
Characters: All the Red Army; All the Black Army
Overall Rating: General
Tagging: @chiefofpigs​ for Edgar and Seth; @oswaldsirius​ for Sirius; @littlelady-blackwell​ for Ray!
•  [Here’s where I’d put links… if Tumblr allowed them. Please click on my blog to view more of my work!!] • Requests are Closed, but Commissions are Open! •
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Ray: He has had every part of his long overcoat yanked around – the back, the sleeve, and at one point, even the chain in front when you were overwhelmed in town. When you inevitably utter a rushed whisper of his name, he is there to support you. Keen senses figure out the situation, and he will remove you immediately, holding you close as you cling tight to him. He’s not going to let you go. Not when you need him most.
Sirius: His large hands are warm and oft-available, making them relatively easy to grab onto and fiddle with until you calm down. He can tell the difference between you taking his hand and you grabbing onto it when you feel overwhelmed, and responds accordingly. If the latter, his thumb is running over your hand, soothing circles reassuring you that he is there and not letting go. When you squeeze twice to let him know you’re letting go, he always asks: “Are you sure?” – just in case you need to hold on a little bit longer.
Luka: A blushing mess whenever you grab him unexpectedly, Luka still struggles with getting used to situations like this. Whether his hand, arm, or throwing your arms about his waist, he knows that it’s how you instinctively. He has gradually adjusted his response to be one of concern, asking if you need him to handle it, or just need to hold him. Either way, he will let you cling on until you relax, not wanting you to let go before you’re ready.
Fenrir: He’s lucky he’s ambidextrous, because it means that he can still fight the bad guys even when you grab onto his arm in fear. You wrap yours so tightly about his that he can’t yank free – so he opts for pulling you around to his chest and firing with the other hand. Even if the loud noises and terrified screams frighten you, Fenrir is always on the other end of a skirmish to comfort you and tell you everything is okay. If he can resolve a situation peacefully, he will find a way in order to keep you from worrying even more. You are more important than a good fight.
Seth: Seth’s reactions to loud sounds or terrifying situations are as quick as yours – opening his arms to allow you to rush into them and bury your face against his chest. If it’s a little spike in your anxiety, it’s very easy for him to rub his hands across your back and soothe you. If you’re completely overwhelmed? He will ask if you can walk on your own or need him to carry you, then remove you completely from the situation. Seth never wants you to be upset or scared for long, and the sooner he can get you in a safe space, the better.
Lancelot: A long, fluffy cloak that is heavy when wrapped about one’s shoulders? Lancelot can always tell when you’re wrapping yourself in his cloak to ease your anxiety. He allows you the moment to yourself, not wanting to interfere or scare you further – but if you reach out and cling to his sleeve beneath, he will not hesitate to wrap his arm about you and pull you closer, feeling you lean into him with a relieved sigh.
Jonah: Time and time again, you had seen Jonah get irritated about people grabbing onto his capelet. Whether little children who were trying to keep his attention in town, to Edgar jokingly tugging on it to get his attention, you knew that Jonah’s uniform was off-limits to touch – you knew that. That did not stop your body from reacting when you heard something crash just behind you. In the next second, you were letting go, your anxiety spiking higher – until his hands took yours and he asked if you were all right, knowing that loud sounds frighten you. He knows you get scared, and tells you that you can hold onto him as you walk, if it will make you feel better.
Edgar: His hands are almost always available for you to grab, and he knows it. Even if no words regarding your instinct have passed between the two of you, Edgar is completely understanding. His quick thinking often allows him to palm a piece of candy for you to find when you grab his hand, the sweet treat a tool to distract you further. You can grip as tight as you need without him fussing – but there was a time when you accidentally yanked his glove from his hand when a horse bucked onto their hind legs in front of you. While amusing to him at the time, he bit back his laughter in order to help you calm down.
Zero: The Ace of Hearts is less bothered by things than you are. His stoic expression betrays very little, but it crumbles into one of concern when you show signs of discomfort. Your fingers usually grab any part of him that’s available – whether his coat, shirt, arm, or hand, Zero is turning to you and asking if you are all right. If you can speak, he’s not worried, listening intently to you and responding accordingly. If you can’t utter a word and have gone mute out of fear, he will let you hold on tight as he looks around the immediate area and tries to figure out what’s wrong.
Kyle: His coat flutters out behind him when he walks, making it very easy to grab a fistful of when you are confronted with an environment that overwhelms you. Your grip tethers him to you and is a sign that he should reach out and wrap his arm about your shoulders, hauling you close and continuing your walk. He does not mind if your hand stays on his coat, but will crack a couple jokes about how you’ll wrinkle it if you hold on too tight.
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emeraldtawny · 5 years
Love Language HCs (IkeVamp) [Part 2]
Part number 2 of a headcanon collab with myself and @chiefofpigs​~! Link to the first 6 boyos can be found right here! Enjoy the rest of the vamp boyos being all cute and schtuff~! :3
To give: Physical Touch
For his haughty, oftentimes stand-offish demeanour, Mozart is oddly lenient in the frequency he shows his love for you. Whether it’s through subtle possessiveness or blind true love, he enjoys holding you, feeling you against him and dusting kisses over your face, especially your eyelids. When you’re trapped in his arms, it also gives you no escape from his cheeky teasing, your adorable reactions only making him fall harder.
To receive: Physical Touch
Want to make Mozart break? Grab his hand and squeeze it. Run your fingers through his hair and smile like he is your most treasured possession. Cup his face and kiss him, giggling softly as his breath catches against his wishes. He may sigh and admit defeat in jest before regaining composure and control, but he really is no match for you when you do those things to him.
To give: Words of Affirmation
Leonardo may show his love in many forms, whether it’s through sweeping you off your feet for a kiss or dragging you off for something new to experience with him. But the way he truly conveys himself to you is through his words. Unfortunately, this is his rarest form of affection that he shows, but that just makes the sweet words he’ll whisper to you all the sweeter. When he does find the words he deems worthy enough to describe your beauty, they’ll be delivered on the velvet silver platter of his voice, the love behind his words making you shiver more than his voice’s effect on you ever could. 
To receive: Quality Time
He’s a pureblood, destined to be immortal and perceive time as this easily quantifiable thing that he has too much of to care. That’s what he used to think until he fell in love with you and he realised that time is now precious, for he shares it with you. While it’s both heartwarming and saddening, the moments when you spend your free time with him makes him feel more fulfilled than he has ever felt in his long, long life.
To give: Physical Touch
For all the poor nicknames and volatile words that come out of Theo’s mouth, his feelings for you expressed by his touch will never have you doubting. He’ll brush your cheek with the back of his knuckles and pair an equally soft kiss to your other cheek. He loves using your body as a pillow when he naps and pulls you on top of him at night, hands stroking your back to keep you close to his warmth. He keeps touches to when you’re in private, both to keep from the teasing and because it makes him feel more than a little vulnerable to express his full adoration for you.
To receive: Acts of Service
Theo razzes you when you first made pancakes for him, but you only came back harder with a new alteration or recipe and he knew you were the one. Even though a giant stack of pancakes piled with fixings is more than enough to write you into his good book, you always went above and beyond to make him happy. He absolutely treasures each and every thing you gift him or make him and he’ll give you a brusque thank you paired with a kiss when he accepts them.
To give: Quality Time
As far as showing affection goes, Isaac is still working that out. Love is such a new, unstable concept to him that it’s often overwhelming. What he has figured out at least is that having an allotted time in his day specifically for you always brings smiles to both of your faces. Even the unscheduled meet-ups when he has a moment to come and find you to spend time with you, or even just to say hello, means the world to him.
To receive: Words of Affirmation
It always feels nice to be appreciated for the things you do. Isaac has heard a lot of praise through his life but never once batted an eye. But just a simple compliment from his sweet beloved has his heart twinging almost painfully in his chest. Because of that, he’s always doing everything in his power to make you smile, to warrant another sweet praise from you. Because, coming from you, it’s the best thing he’s ever heard.
To give: Acts of Service
To Jean, doing well by his love is the greatest form of appreciation and love and, to him, that’s through his actions. He is your knight, always ready to assist should you need him, and even when you don’t. He’ll always help you with your chores around the mansion, offer to escort you into town for shopping, even offer to carry you to bed after a long day; he wants you to know that you’re his main priority and that nothing bad will happen to you even if he has to will God himself away to keep you safe.
To receive: Quality Time
The poor man has been in solitude for so long, he almost forgets what good it can do to spend time with others. He did before you, of course, but he only discovered how much he cherished these moments until you came into his life. When you take time out of your busy day to come and see him, telling him that everything else can wait because he is who you want to be with, his heart dances to the foreign tune of love so sweetly that his cheeks flush and a smile alights his lips. He loves you and he especially loves the time you give him.
To give: Quality Time
Sebastian works day in and day out for the residents in the mansion and he wouldn’t have it any other way. But that doesn’t mean that he will have you believing that you are not as loved as them. So he will make sure to assign as many jobs as possible close to you--if not in the same room--so that he can still chat with you throughout each day. Learning more about you and connecting with you over your past in the future is one of the ways that he knows only he can truly fulfil for you in your life there.
To receive: Acts of Service
For all that he does for the mansion residents, both out of duty and devotion, Sebastian never anticipated how much he was affected by you doing things for him. Just for him. Whether it’s prepping his suit for him each night for the following morning, or making him his tea while he works on breakfast, or doing chores ahead of him to leave him more time to spend with you, each thing you do for him has him falling more and more in love with you and your drive to take care of the ones you love most.
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dedicated to: @chiefofpigs and @do-mkokoro
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annoyingdonutfan · 5 years
It’s my first time posting anything I’ve written on this site
This is for Sappy Saturday with the kind  @emeraldtawny and the lovely @chiefofpigs and because @forallyourikemensengokuneeds wanted to see my writing. Also @ikesenhell because they inspire me. This is an Ikemen Sengoku short fic
She was so tiny, with little paws, no hands. She tucked her head into the robes of the man in green. But she never took her eyes off the strange man with the white hair. She knew he was just like her. She stared at him, her round blue eyes looking at him with a sense of wary and interest. He was trying to say something to her, but the man she was holding on to cut him off. Another man came, this one with black hair and a scary face, he said something to her, bending down to her level. Our kitsune stuck her tongue out at him. The man laughed and backed away, another one came. He had tousled brown hair and an eye patch. He tried to feed her something, she didn’t want to be rude, so she ate it. Though it was bitter and she could feel her face scrunching. Another man, this one with grey hair with dimples and a kind smile came up to her. She reached her arms out to him as the man in green made motions as to want to get up. The angel man looked surprised but picked her up, carrying her around like a cat. He almost dropped her many times. She tugged at his sleeve to be put down, which he did. She then wandered trying to find the one man who she could relate to. She found him, so she pulled at his hem. He smiled and said, “Why are you clinging to me? I won’t argue though” He held her hand, and they walked through the garden together.
So this is a story where Mitsuhide is a kitsune and the little girl is also a kitsune. She doesn’t understand Japanese, so everyone appears to be speaking jibberish to her. I’m hoping everyone is in character, but I hope you enjoyed! 
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thecoolsquirrel · 5 years
Happy totallynotlate new years~!
i forgot some people i put in here arnt in the cradlesona discord and on tumblr so i decided to put it here even though its 5days late but its the thought that counts-
I made a little gift for all cradlesonas!  little thing that @lovingsiriusoswald created! please tell me if the link works it sometimes just doesnt for some reason-i have two options cause one might work or -who knows they both not might work ;-;
Since im pretty bad at actually making the animatic make sense- have this little summary:
Kat goes into ileanas room and waits to jump on her bed to wake her up-nice way to start a snowy day lol they go to eat breakfast where kyra ,val. And Izzy are who are looking at the two oddly but cant blame them cause kat is super excited to throw snowballs Avis who is in the kitchen tells them to go eat there food- Ileana and kat eventually go outside and play in the snow for a bit,kat hitting ileana and ileana getting kat back, ileana tries to get her again but kat ducks and the snowball accidentally hits sirius Kat runs away and sirius runs after her- running where arden is carrying a box of decorations, lilah talking to him and a fenrir in the background- kat runs around the yard almost making Allison(person on the ladder fall down) Sirius eventually gets her (kat) by her cape and i do a transition to the redarmy with Francis visiting there, someone also turning the corner is chris and angel, chris notices francis It then shows the inside of the red army and you see Catherine walking over to what's supposed to be the kitchen where charles is She motions that someone wants him so he gets up and goes That person being Elliot- elliot shows him a clipboard for the party and tells him to go check on the party to make sure everything's in order He goes there and you see jonquil,nicole,padmini,and melina working Rossel steady-ing a ladder for someone Anastasia and a different Kat talking and a prince in the background Echo putting food/dessert on the table while an anise steals a cookie And then jonah and Adriana choosing table cloth samplesinhales The person with a necklace,putting lipstick,and one with a suit arnt anyone in particular It then shows violet,avril,olivia,allen,and Celeste,in a little turning motion to show how many ppl have created cradlesonas in a way Then shows a chandelier and maris cradlesonaforgot her name im sorry jshsjhd dancing with luka Moussie being scared of Elizabeths tallness while eating cookies- elliot trying to keep layla and a different Elizabeth from killing eachother\slapped And rei amd satomi being drinking buddies lol I wanted to stuff with sparklers so ai,Felix,xiera,soph+elizabeth played with some
Below is all the oc/cradlesonas i used may it be in the main frame or in the background owo/ these are in order and spaced out for a new frame so following the list you should be able to find your cradlesona/keep track of who is on screen also apologize to the people im @ again please spare me
-Kat @thecoolsquirrel (aka me) -Ileana @wishiwasfictionaltoo
-Kyra @stupidoafofspades -Val @the-cashewpeia -Izzy/Isabella @candyflossclouds -Avis @ocenhaven
-Allison @allisonthealice
Fenrir (Non cradlesona) -Arden @kitaguwu -Lilah @cradleeyes -Allison (again)
-Francis @Lisel-oswald18
-Chris @plumpblueberry​ -Angel @pianoperson​
-Catherine @kantah​ -Charles @lovingsiriusoswald​ -Elliot @5-of-spades​
Jonquil @becauseitsgreen​ -Nicole @crazy-coockie-from-otome​ -Padmini @ikemenprincessnaga​ -Melina @myotomespace​
-Rossel   @aiallardyce​
-Anastacia @lil-creatorwritings​  Kat @lovingikesen​ -Prince @chaotic-prince​
-Echo @snowflakekitty-133​ -Anise @hydemeincradle​
Jonah (Non cradlesona) -Adriana @leychee​
-Mari’s cradlesona @i cantfindyourtumblr sandklad -Moussie @thecoolsquirrel​ -Elizabeth @chiefofpigs -Elizabeth @5-of-spades -Elliot @5-of-spades -Liyla @lovingsiriusoswald
-Rei @narekashi -Satomi @hakuoyuki
-Violet @technoplague -Avril @littlelady-blackwell -Olivia @rikumorimachisgirl -Allen @pianoperson -Celeste @oswaldsirius
-Ai/Taylor @aiallardyce -Felix @narekashi -Xiera @vitaminxi -Elizabeth (again) @5-of-spades -Sophia (again) @lovingsiriusoswald
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oswaldsirius · 5 years
Just a small little something with Leonardo and Arabella for @chiefofpigs and @emeraldtawny ‘s wonderful fluffy Friday! Hopefully next week I will be more prepared but it’s short and sweet and fluffy!
           Hearing a door close and a heavy sigh follow it, Arabella tucked a ribbon into her book. She carefully set it aside, one hand on the back of the little one asleep on her chest. It wouldn’t be long before she saw the owner of that sigh. He’d seek her out as soon as he could get himself away from being slumped against the door. She’d just settled back on the couch when Leonardo stumbled into the room. “Are they asleep?”
           She couldn’t help her smile at the exhaustion in his voice. “I told you not to take them so close to bedtime.”
           Another heavy sigh and he sank onto the couch. She’d expected him to flop down, but he was careful. Mindful of her and the baby. “Hard to say no to i bambini. You know this.”
           “You don’t try very hard,” she teased.
           Leonardo mumbled something, going limp beside her.
           She suddenly felt bad. She’d opted to stay home to feed the baby, but the other three had still gone for a walk. Sometimes the twins behaved enough for one parent supervision, but sometimes they did not. “Leo?”
           “On the way to the pond,” he said quietly, “we saw a bunny. Not a rabbit, a bunny. Bianca said so and wouldn’t hear otherwise. After that we saw three frogs content to stay in the water and a toad that Angelo wanted nothing to do with.”
           Arabella pressed her lips together, trying not to laugh. That definitely sounded like him.
           Leonardo sighed and kicked his feet up on the table. She watched as he linked his hands over his stomach as he got comfortable. “Plenty of fun splashing around at the edge of the water,” he continued, “until the mud claimed Bianca’s boot. She was upset, but once she realised she liked the feel of the mud in her toes there was no helping her.”
           “Is that why you made them have a bath?” she asked curiously.
           He grunted softly, shifting in place to dig a spot a little deeper into the cushions. “There might have been a little mud throwing.”
           “It wasn’t much,” he added quickly. “Caught them before they could get serious about it.”
           She eyed him, rubbing Luciano’s back as he fussed in his sleep. “You look pretty clean yourself.”
           He didn’t say anything before he cracked one eye to look at her. “Caught me, cara mia,” he grumbled. “They threw it at me.”
           Arabella snorted sharply before soothing Luciano again.
           Leonardo shrugged. “After that, we fed the ducks, all five of them.”
           “Five?” she echoed. “Oh, Angelo must have loved that.”
           He smiled, all tiredness dropping from his face. “Papa, papa,” he murmured, “they like me! More seeds?”
           Her heart absolutely melted at how he pitched his voice, even if it was nowhere near as high as Angelo’s was, letting her know exactly what she had missed. “He didn’t throw them this time, did he?”
           Leonardo chuckled. “No, he learned his lesson. He was good about dropping the seeds for them.”
           Amusement aside, he still sounded exhausted. It didn’t matter if they’d had fun, chasing after two little ones who were as curious about the world and everything in it as their father took its toll after a very short time. Shifting a little, she reached out to thread her fingers through his hair. She smiled at the pleased sound that slipped from him when she began to run it through. “And what kind of ducks were they?”
           “Mm, tufted. Pair of males and three females. Weren’t happy when we didn’t have anymore seed to give but better than any of the geese.”
           Arabella hummed, still stroking him and not surprised when he shifted closer to her. “Is that when you started home?”
           “Sì. Bianca wasn’t happy her bunny was gone and we weren’t half way back before both of them wanted to be carried.”
           “And did you?”
           “Will you be mad if I say yes?”
           Arabella laughed softly and leaned into him, kissing his temple. “No, Leo, but why were they so hard to put down then?”
           He slumped over fully, resting his head against her shoulder. “How should I know, cara mia?” he sighed. “I’m only the fool who had to do it.”
           She kissed him again, smiling against his hair. “Thank you for doing that.”
           No answer came and it took no time at all to realise he’d fallen asleep against her.
           “Oh, mio caro,” she murmured, rubbing her cheek against him before letting it settle there. Luciano was still asleep on her chest and she admitted defeat. For now, at least, she wasn’t going anywhere.
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50 Hangout Locations for Character Building
The perfect hill for stargazing.
The bed of their pickup truck.
Hopping from yard sale to yard sale in the summer.
The all-you-can-eat sushi dive.
An all day spa visit.
On a busy strip of beach.
Joining them at a family reunion.
The orchestra pit.
A large field with a fresh foot of snow.
Going to a drive-in movie.
A small nature walk path in the forest.
The weight room at the gym.
The adult ball pit/jump park.
A picnic table outside the local Mexican food truck.
In an after-school club.
A patio table at their favorite café.
Up in a large tree house.
The old-timey soda shop on main street.
In a blanket fort in their bedroom.
A self-serve yogurt shop.
Throwing food for the ducks at the duck pond.
Sitting on the couch that is so soft and you sink into the cushions.
In their parent's den downstairs.
The furthest lane in the bowling alley.
In a dark alley that smells of mold.
Their favorite fishing hole.
Pilfering through a goodwill store.
Under a large fruit tree in the middle of summer.
A ropes course outside the city.
A small bridge that spans a thin river.
The small arcade in the mall.
A flattened out section in a field of tall reeds.
On the front steps of the building after school.
An abandoned house on the edge of town.
The wall climbing park.
A park bench looking out over a playground.
Chilling out on beds and couches at a furniture store.
A poker table in a casino.
Warming up inside a ski lodge.
Around a pool table at the bar.
Sitting around a wishing fountain.
Under the bleachers after school.
A hidden bank by a lake.
The swings at a small playground.
In an abandoned railroad car.
On the roof outside of their bedroom window.
Walking around the grocery store deciding on making or buying dessert.
The local ice rink.
Swimming in a hot spring pool.
An old junkyard.
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do-mkokoro · 5 years
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How to counteract a yandere 101: Out-yandere him.
Thanks @chiefofpigs for providing Shakespeare a flowery speech.
Edit: Here is the aftermath
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shannie-writes · 5 years
Rounding off my top 3 IkeVamp boys, here is the playlist for Vincent! Please take a listen if you would like :3
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stardewcookbook · 5 years
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The Stardew Valley Cookbook Mod Team is very pleased to present our contributor lineup for this cookbook! We have a very talented team of Chefs, Artists, Writers, and Merch Creators! Under the cut, we have listed their Tumblrs, and if their Tumblr isn’t listed, then we have linked to another one of their social medias.
MODS: @halfbloodwitch @alec-draws @kevuvu @magical-swords @paramnesiagirl
CHEFS: @jewishredriot @wlwrecipes @tastes-gamey @cowcatandsilver @lui.ysia NIKI  @topbananashana @whatisshane @chiefofpigs
ARTISTS:  @dearnightfall @portablecatnip @avoidghost @beansnake @casxia @silversteampunk @chunnyyii @clairitea1 @elisha.betts @ohwelladays @hellospookydraws @hijinxx @retrogradestarlight @pineflowerart @waifujuju @leiram-art @weirdghostparty @nipaaahh @nnelsonart @qquoe @stah-l @showersart @lordofnowhere-art @mossinasi1 @nomsikka @whaleshakes @tartelii-arts @15_legs @yayaberry @zdoodlez 
WRITERS: @cruelangeltheses @instayuris @cafri_jonique @naberiie @kashimalin-fanfiction @laubeary @paramnesiagirl @ryuchu @catseyart @tarotdeckshuffle
MERCH CREATORS: @caramelcomics @mayorofcattown @dcsart @apricotjamart @jaydoesarts @nagifry @_snowey_ @spindlebee
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youreawizardharr · 5 years
How do you feel about... hmm... Dazai?
[ I decided to go about this differently, so that I'm not copying @chiefofpigs 😣 ]
1. What is your first impression?
I can't remember if Dazai was in the prologue or not, but I do remember him climbing through the window. I believe it was the same night MC arrived in 19th century Paris, during that "special" dinner Saint Germain talked about. I laughed more than I should have. The man used the door only 4 times.
I thought the guy was a bit...air headed? He never seems to remember the MC's name.
2. What is your current impression?
I haven't played much of the game to give a different opinion. However, I have seen tidbits of spoilers floating around tumblr, but I'm not going to count them because I haven't seen Dazai much in the game: meaning I haven't played any of the available routes all the way through. Not only because I'm busy, but I keep switching between routes.
3. Hot or Not?
Dazai is good looking in his own right. His most striking feature are his eyes. They were what I noticed about him first (aside from his strange mannerisms). I do hope I can develop a better opinion about him eventually.
Rating: 3.5
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