#child and family counseling near me
tanuchoksisblog · 11 months
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Northeast Family Services provides services to help those with mental health and developmental disabilities achieve their highest potential. Visit our Maitland, FL location.
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midnaglobal · 2 years
How GBP helps Entrepreneurs to succeed?
Mr. A. Rathinaswamy, Founder of MiDNA Global explains how Genetic Brain Profiling helps Entrepreneurs to succeed in their businesses.
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fostercare-expat · 2 months
Why does CPS insist on torturing me? Social worker just texted me “if we happen to reintegrate Younger Brother first, would you then be open to caring for Older Brother?” Zero information about what sort of timeline they are talking about. Now or a year from now?????? When I called her immediately upon receiving the text, she didn’t pick up and she texted that she is in training and will call me later. How could she possibly expect me to answer that over text when I already poured my heart to her last week that I’m nearing burn out, and also how we shared that we think there is a large possibility that Mom will just never be able to parent Older Brother.
When she calls back, she tells me that the plans might be changing and instead of the plan ahead shared last week that Younger Brother would return home in roughly a year from now, the new plan is that he might return THIS FRIDAY. And if Younger Brother returns this Friday, would I be willing to keep Older Brother?
I asked her what has changed in that it is now safe enough for Younger Brother to return home since last week. She said they talked to Mom and her boyfriend and they suggested that Younger Brother could return home and that they felt he is easier to handle than Older Brother. While I agree he is easier, I don’t think it makes sense that we are judging safety based on what Mon and boyfriend say they can handle. Shouldn’t we look at their behaviour? Within the last 3 days, she was at an event with both her boys, didn’t speak to them. There was a phone call between her girls at her house and the boys at my house and she didn’t speak them in spite of them both asking, only waved in the background. She hasn’t had a visit with them in 22 days and has no plans to see them set. I asked her this morning if she wanted to make Younger Brother’s eye doctor appointment and bring him and she said better if I do it. Mom hasn’t been allowed ANY unsupervised visits or telephone calls in 4 months, but we are going to jump straight to returning the kid home? I was told last week she would have to complete counselling services and her and her boyfriend would need to complete domestic violence / parenting counselling and then after both of those counsellors gave the ok and the social worker felt ok, only then would either of the brothers be returned home. But now we’ve jumped straight to “boyfriend says he won’t abuse Younger Brother and the hitting he experienced last time wasn’t so bad, so my team and I are now thinking to return him home on Friday.” Those are the exact words out of the social worker on the phone today when I asked her what has changed since last week.
I expect that there will be chaos coming from the biological family side of fostering. But I was not expecting the level of chaos coming from the CPS side of fostering. I miss the competent fostering Safe Families model where the social workers actually knew how to do their jobs. I get that situation has way less complexities. But the level of mistrust that the government CPS has established with me is high, I can’t imagine what level of mistrust the biological families feel.
I told CPS no, I can’t keep Older Brother even if Younger Brother goes home on Friday. Because A) this is the 3rd time in 3 years that these kids have ended up in care, so I’m doubtful that this reunion is going to last, particularly as boyfriend is still living with them. B) If Younger Brother returns home, then Mom is going to need even more support. I could offer to take all 4 kids two weekends a month or something like that to help her out, and that might help keep the reunion a bit more stable. But I can’t do that if I have Older Brother because he is exhausting. C) Older Brother is a challenging child and I don’t think he’s going to go home even in 1 year and I don’t intend to be a permanent solution for any kids. Maybe it ends up that way for Younger Brother but not because I willingly choose it. D) My Older Daughter finds him very difficult to be around and it doesn’t feel fair to say yes to him indefinitely. E) I want to have a bit of peace and stability in my life. I want to just be able to be responsible for 2 kids and have a little free time. F) I’d really like to NOT have to deal with stupid CPS social workers any more. If I could support Mom without getting too involved in her personal life (like was the situation before March of this year) that would be nice. Mom is frustrating but at least that makes sense. CPS is frustrating and it shouldn’t be that way, which is double frustrating.
I’ll keep Younger Brother if he’s not returning this Friday. But I can’t commit to Older Brother. Example: Older Brother came home from school wearing a new pair of shoes today. He said his friend mentioned he was getting some new shoes, so Older Brother asked if he can have the ones on his feet, which are apparently only 2 weeks old and look brand new. Apparently the friend “gifted” him the shoes. Older Brother is upset that I am making him return the shoes, even though I have shown him a picture of the brand new school his other foster mom already bought him, and I explained I believe him but I just don’t want him to accidentally get in trouble at school, I know he hasn’t done anything bad, etc. But he’s frustrated at me and keeps bringing it up and getting upset all over again. He genuinely thinks he deserves the shoes. It’s been exhausting. I just can’t. I’m sorry world, but I can’t do it for the next year or maybe forever.
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The Hunchback of Notre Dame has been one of my favorite movies since I was a child. I still have the Quasimodo doll I carried around everywhere with me. Even though it is one of the darkest Disney movies, I've always loved the music, the story, and of course the main character Quasimodo.
As an adult I have had the opportunity to watch the live stage production of The Hunchback of Notre Dame. When adapting the script for the stage the plot was change to be more like the original novel by Victor Hugo. The silly songs the gargoyle characters sang were taken out, Frollo was made into a much more complex and interesting villain, and the ending is not as idealistic. When leaving the theater I heard plenty of comments that the play version of The Hunchback of Notre Dame isn't anywhere near as child friendly as the animated movie is.
I realized while watching the play that this story is like bookends for the most traumatic years of my life. When I first watched the animated movie I had no idea that there would be so many parallels between my relationship with my own father and the relationship Quasimodo has with Frollo. When I watched the stage play as an adult it was after my lifelong battle against my father was over, because my father had recently passed away due to health issues, and the play put a lot of what I had been through into a new perspective for me. The Hunchback of Notre Dame has always been a story I related to and revisited frequently, but it wasn't until I watched the live musical that I understood for the first time how horrible growing up with a narcissistic father truly is. And it made sense why no one believes that I've lived through what I have.
I'm not sure if what I've written here will make sense to anyone who is unfamiliar with The Hunchback of Notre Dame. If you haven't watched the Disney movie, seen the musical version, or read Notre Dame de Paris by Victor Hugo, the novel the movie and play are based on, then I would recommend reading or watching any of them. I've done my best to put my experience into words honestly and clearly, so I hope that it will make sense even if you are unfamiliar with the story of The Hunchback of Notre Dame.
I hope that by explaining how I relate to specific lines and songs from The Hunchback of Notre Dame musical that I can more easily explain what I've lived through. It's difficult to put into words what having a narcissistic parent is like and the trauma I live with because of it. The few times I've tried to explain it the other person thought I was exaggerating or making it up. When I was in counseling my therapist didn't realize the situation was as bad as I said it was until we had a few sessions with my father in the room. After that I was diagnosed with PTSD, severe depression, and severe anxiety. And the fact that I'm autistic makes everything that much more difficult for me to deal with and process, and it also made my father treat me that much worse. I'm not exaggerating when I say that my father treated me in a way that is very similar to how Frollo treated Quasimodo. I hope that by comparing my life with the play The Hunchback of Notre Dame I will be able to convey what I want to in a way that is more understandable to people who haven't lived it. And I don't have anyone who would listen to me talk about this in my personal life, so I hope it is okay for me to write out my thoughts here.
I also want to preface this by saying that I do not in any way think individuals with narcissistic personality disorder are monsters. Everyone is capable of being cruel and we all make mistakes. But in my experience people use personality disorders as a way to excuse abusive behavior. Abuse is still abuse, no matter who does it. People in the past have liked to tell me that I am also responsible the poor relationship between me and my father, and many of my family and friends have accused me of causing it. It took me years to figure out that as a child I didn't do anything to cause my father to be emotionally abusive to me. Yes, I'm not perfect and I could have responded better in a lot of ways, but I was also a child figuring out how to protect myself and understand why my dad was treating me the way he did. As a teenager when I was fighting back and trying to distance myself from him I was told constantly that I had to "love him through it" as if it was my responsibility as the child to accept and love my father even though he was emotionally abusing me constantly. So while I'm not in any way saying that individuals with narcissistic personality disorder are terrible people, I also want to convey what I experienced as honestly as I can. I am only talking about my experience with my own father, nothing more.
The Bells of Notre Dame (at 5:44)
Frollo: Oh Lord, you have sent me a test. This child is my cross to bear. ... See this loathsome creature from whom lesser men would flee, I will keep and care for him and teach him at my knee to think like me.
Sam Vaknin, a professor of psychology who has done a lot of work on narcissistic personality disorder, described narcissism as a religion in which the narcissistic individual is both the god and the sole worshiper. In my mom's words, my narcissistic father always had to be the smartest person in the room. He didn't think that anyone else was smart enough, talented enough, or good enough on their own and that everyone needed him to guide them down the right path. And because I grew up in a religious family that belonged to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day saints (or the LDS church), I was taught my entire life that my father is the patriarch of the family, that he received revelation from God for the good of the family, and that I needed to honor and obey my father because that's what God wanted me to do. In a literal sense, I grew up believing that if I disobeyed my father I was sinning and that idea was heavily reinforced at home and at church, where my father held a variety of leadership positions throughout his life.
Frollo's line, "See this loathsome creature from whom lesser men would flee, I will keep and care for him and teach him at my knee to think like me," gives me chills every time I hear it. This is exactly how my father thought of me. He told me constantly how weird I was and that I had to listen to and obey everything he said or else no one would love me. He viewed me being autistic as being a mentally deformed monster and it was his job as my father to fix me and make me normal. Normal meaning to think and act exactly how he wanted me to. And because my father thought of himself as being on the same level as God he also believed it was okay to punish me when I disobeyed.
Out There (at 0:47)
Frollo: You are deformed and you are ugly. And these are crimes for which the world shows little pity. You do not comprehend. Out there they'll revile you as a monster. Out there they will hate and scorn and jeer. ... be faithful to me, grateful to me. Do as I say. Obey, and stay in here.
I've always been hyperaware of rules and I do everything I can to follow them. I was also aware from a young age that my father's love was conditional, so I tried desperately to do what he asked. What child doesn't want their father to love them? Of course I wanted to be a good daughter. Of course I thought my father loved me and wanted what was best for me. In that sense I was very much like Quasimodo. I didn't know any different so I wasn't aware that what my father asked me to do was very controlling and selfish on his part. I didn't know that he was essentially brainwashing me to think my father was on a pedestal while I was a monster who needed his guidance in order to find salvation. I was told constantly that if I talked about my interests I wouldn't have any friends, if I told my sisters to follow the rules that I was being tyrannical and mean, if I didn't have milk on my cereal then I wasn't normal and everyone would think I was weird, if I didn't do everything my father said then I was an ungrateful child.
Even though my father is dead, I still have his voice essentially programmed into my subconscious. He is still there telling me how unlovable I am, that I'm incapable of loving others, I'm selfish, ungrateful, annoying, weird, etc. My first instinct is to blame myself for anything that goes wrong because that's what my father would do. And he had convinced everyone in the family, at church, and in the community that I was all those things. He was a religious leader and he acted the part of the perfect father for everyone else. None of them knew how emotionally abusive he was at home. And if my sisters would agree with him then he would reward them generously, so they went along with everything he said. My sisters' friends all thought I was mentally unstable, angry, and hateful. But in reality the people who knew me but didn't know my father thought I was kind, intelligent, patient, loving, and that I was too hard on myself. My mom and counselors have reassured me that I'm the opposite of what my father said I was.
I didn't realize until I was an adult that the reason people viewed me as weird and selfish wasn't because of who I was or what I did, but because my father convinced everyone that was what I was. My father was the one who saw me as a monster. Just like how in The Hunchback of Notre Dame the character Frollo raises Quasimodo to believe that he is deformed, ugly, and that he needs Frollo to teach him and protect him. I believed for most of my life that my father was right, I was weird and unlovable, and that I had to be better in order to deserve love and kindness. The difference between my life and Quasimodo's is that my father didn't want to hide me away. My father wanted me to do and say things that made him look good. He wanted to be able to brag to others about all the good things I did in public while telling me I still wasn't doing good enough in private. I had to act the part of his perfect daughter everywhere I went. I wasn't allowed to be myself because I wasn't good enough in his eyes.
My relationship with my father changed drastically when we were in public. When other people could see us my father would compliment me, smile, joke, buy me things, brag about me, etc. But at home he wouldn't listen to a word I said, blamed me for everything, never said a kind word about me that wasn't a backhanded compliment, punished me severely for the most insignificant things, etc. Here are just a few examples:
I told my father the same thing about my day five times while he was "listening" to me and playing a video game at the same time but he didn't notice, which proved he wasn't listening at all.
My sister came home late from hanging out with her friends and my father got mad at me, saying that if I was a better older sister she wouldn't have rebelled and disobeyed him.
My sister and I got into a little fight over whose turn it was to do their hair in the bathroom we shared and my sister threw the blow-dryer at my head. I had to do my hair in my room from then on, and my father made me use my first paycheck from my first job to buy my sister a new blow-dryer, shampoo, conditioner, and anything else she said I had "ruined" by using (even though I had never used any of them).
I was banned from talking whenever my sisters were in the room. At family dinner I tried to ask my mom to pass something down the table to me and immediately my father and sisters got after me for talking. Later in counseling my father insisted he had to ban me from speaking because he had to "protect my sisters from being bored." Everything I had to say was viewed as boring and worthless, so he saw nothing wrong with silencing me completely.
When I got my drivers license it became my job to drive my sister to school. My sister was always late to everything, which made me late for class every day. I was an honors student, had a near perfect GPA, and I was proud of how well I did in school. But after my sister started making me late people thought I was slacking off and didn't view me the same way. When I threated to leave my sister if she wasn't ready on time one day my father yelled at me, told me I was a horrible example, accused me of being mentally unstable, and said he would take my keys away and make me ride the bus if I ever left without my sister. So until my sister was old enough to dive (two years later) I was late to school every day.
I hate drinking milk, and I didn't put milk on my cereal. My father thought that was unforgivable and forced me to sit at the table and eat a bowl of cereal with milk until every drop was gone because "it's not normal, and people would tease me" if I ate my cereal without milk. I have never eaten breakfast cereal again, and the thought of it makes me sick to my stomach. I found out later that I'm lactose intolerant and that is why I didn't like milk.
I didn't make my father feel like I was grateful enough for him "allowing my mom to take me to lunch," so he threatened to never let me see my mom again. He admitted constantly that he was jealous that my mom and I were close and he did everything he could to keep my mom from spending time with me. He thought it was incredibly magnanimous of him to allow my mom to take me to lunch once a week. And when he would go on vacations with my mom, and they were on vacation roughly four months out of the year, he would be very angry when my mom and I would talk on the phone. My father thought my mom needed to pay attention to only him because they were married.
One year on my birthday, I went through a type of coming of age ceremony in the LDS church called an Endowment. It involves a lot of specific actions and procedures that you aren't allowed to talk about outside of an LDS temple, so everything was new to me. I get very nervous doing new things in front of people, one of my autistic traits, so I wanted to only have my mom with me when I did my Endowment. My bishop and therapist, who is also LDS, were very supportive. My father, however, was upset that I didn't want to have everyone in the family and people from church there. The week before my we had a counseling session with my therapist where he encouraged my father to be supportive and make the day what I wanted it to be since it was a big milestone in my life and it was my birthday. Instead, my father complained to the entire family that I was excluding him and told everyone how hurt he was by my selfishness. I have an hour long recording of one phone call where my father is berating my mother, saying that if she had forced me to do everything his way that the family wouldn't have been torn apart by me going through a religious ceremony. It has been five years since then and my extended family still has never talked to me since, not even at my father's funeral. This is also one of the big reasons why I am no longer a member of the LDS church.
Listing these things out makes me scared that people will think I'm too sensitive and that I'm overreacting. Nothing in this list seems bad enough on its own to cause the kind of trauma response I experience while thinking about them. But whenever I was with my father these kinds of things would happen constantly. The only break I got was when my father was out of the house. I had a wonderful childhood until I was about eight years old, and I wondered for years about what I did wrong to make my father treat me so much worse after that. But I realized that I didn't change, the situation did. When I was really little my father was so busy making a name for himself at work, at church, and in the community that he was rarely ever home. That is why there were no problems and I wasn't a "bad daughter" until I was eight and my father started to spend more time at home. From then on I lived with constant emotional abuse from my father, and that is why I have PTSD now.
When learning more about narcissistic abuse I came across a video by Sam Vaknin that where he explains: "The narcissist wants you dead. He wants you dead because he is already dead. ... The narcissist wants you to join him there, and to do that he needs to kill you. I'm sorry to break the news to you. He needs to break your spirit. He needs to destroy what some of you call the 'soul.'" What makes me who I am, or my 'true self' if you want to call it that, was something my father viewed to be wrong and threatening. Everything that made me who I am and not who my father thought I should be, and he wanted me to be another version of himself, my father did everything he could to destroy. That's why I have been diagnosed with PTSD; I spent most of my life fighting a war against my father and everyone he brought to his side. I was fighting to preserve myself. I was fighting to be an individual and to be recognized for who I really am and not all the lies my father spread about me. I grew up thinking that emotional abuse was normal. Emotional extortion and manipulation were constantly part of my life.
Heaven's Light (at 0:43)
Quasimodo: I knew I'd never know that warm and loving glow, though I might wish with all my might. No face as hideous as my face was ever meant for heaven's light.
This song always makes me cry. I was envious of Quasimodo the first time I heard this song live. By the time I was an adult I didn't hope that anyone could love me anymore. I still feel like I'm too weird for anyone to love me. Who would want someone who is autistic, has PTSD, is depressed, and has severe social anxiety? If I wasn't the monster my father thought I was then he'd turned me into a different kind of monster. I wish I could be as hopeful as Quasimodo and be able to hope that someone I admired could love me back in some way. I remind myself all the time that I'm not really that hopeless, that there are a few people who care about me. But it takes a lot for me to believe that someone thinks I'm a good person or would want to listen to and spend time with me.
Hellfire (0:50)
Frollo: Beata Maria, you know I am a righteous man. Of my virtue, I am justly proud ... Beata Maria, you know I'm so much purer than the common, vulgar, weak, licentious crowd ...
Hellfire (2:00)
Frollo: It's not my fault. I'm not to blame. ... It's not my fault if in God's plan, he made the devil so much strong than the man. ... Now gypsy, it's your turn. Choose me or your pyre. Be mine or you will burn ...
Frollo makes it very clear that he thinks he is better than everyone else because of how righteous he is and his position as the Archdeacon. He considers his word to be the word of God, and if people do not listen to him then they are wicked and deserve to be punished. In Frollo's mind he can do nothing wrong, every action of his is justified, and because he thinks of himself as a spiritual giant if he can't resist temptation then that means no one can. This song is very dark, especially for a Disney movie or musical. If you didn't think Frollo was evil before you definitely would at this point in the story.
In the LDS church they teach that before we were born we lived in with God, and in God's plan he needed someone to be a savior to the world and atone for everyone's sins. Satan wanted to force everyone to do what is right so there would be no sin, but Jesus Christ volunteered to atone for everyone's sins so we could repent and be saved. Satan's plan would have taken away our agency to choose for ourselves and learn from our mistakes, which is seen as evil in the LDS church. Taking away someone's right to choose for themselves would be what the devils wants, not what God wants.
Now this is where it becomes obvious how hypocritical my father could be. He prided himself on his church callings, being a priesthood holder, and loving his religion. But at the same time he insisted that he, as the patriarch of the family, knew what was best and we all had to do everything he said and accept what he said without question. Essentially, he was so controlling he wanted to take away any choices we had to make, from major life decisions to something as simple as whether or not I wanted to have cereal with or without milk. When I told my mom that I thought my father's controlling tendencies were following Satan's plan she confided in me that she had thought the same thing for years, but she didn't want to say anything and make us children think poorly of our father.
My father would also never admit to being wrong. He could be caught red handed and still insist that he didn't do it. One of his favorite phrases was, "It wasn't my intention to do that." He thought that if he claimed to have good intentions that he wasn't responsible for the results if they were bad. Even when he did something as obviously abusive as banning me from talking, to his dying day he never once thought that was wrong. And in counseling when it was brought up that his actions had caused me to be scare to talk about myself and open up to other my father acted like it was better if I was scared to talk. If the result was what he wanted he saw nothing wrong with it, and if I went against him by talking about my interests with anyone then I deserved to be punished. And the punishments were always severe. Just for talking when my father thought I should have been silent he tried to take away my phone, my car, keep me from going to extra curricular activities, and when I was an adult and he couldn't hold those things over my head anymore he would threaten to never let me see my mom. Luckily my mom was better at establishing and enforcing healthy boundaries, because she stood up for me and wouldn't let my father keep her from doing what she needed to as my mother.
Made of Stone (at 2:55)
Quasimodo: And now I'm on my own, never again to wonder what's 'out there.' Let me remain unknown and my one human eye will evermore be dry until the day I die, as if I were made of stone!
This song is a new addition to the musical, so people who are only familiar with the animated movie will not be familiar with it. If I had heard this song as a child I would have been too innocent and inexperienced to relate to Quasimodo. After being pushed so far and living through hell long enough you lose hope. Feelings and hopes don't serve any purpose anymore other than to remind you of what you cannot have. When you are in the depths of despair and there is nothing you can do to climb out of the emotional pit you find yourself in, what other options are there than to become numb and unresponsive as if you were made of stone? As an adult sitting in the theater listening to this song for the first time, I related so much to how Quasimodo feels that it took everything I had to keep from bursting into tears. When I got home I cried for hours because I finally realized that the character I've loved for as long as I can remember is more like me than I ever wanted to admit.
There is a method that victims of narcissistic abuse use to protect themselves called "the grey rock method." Essentially, if you don't react then the narcissist doesn't have anything to react to either. By showing no emotional, avoiding eye contact (which is natural for me because of my autism), and giving short answers or no answer at all you don't give the other person any fuel for their fire. It is like you are made of stone. And eventually, after grey rocking for long enough, you do stop to feel emotion in those situations. For about the last five years that my father was alive, I had gotten to the point where either I felt absolutely nothing at all when he was around and acted like a statue whenever he was in the room, or I would be so angry and emotionally volatile that I didn't even recognize myself. Most people who know me are shocked that I can even get angry, and when I do get a little mad my coworkers think it's a little comical because it is so unlike me. But the last argument I had with my father it got so heated that I started to literally look for a giant rock to bash his head in with. I scared myself so badly at that point that I turned off my emotions completely, walked away, and never spoke to my father again.
You can't change a narcissist. There is no cure for narcissistic personality disorder. And while I know that my father was sick and had no control over how his brain worked, similar to how I can't cure autism in myself, interacting with my father in a healthy was was too difficult for me to achieve. While in counseling, it became clear that my role as a child made it practically impossible for me to set healthy boundaries with my father. He never listened to me or considered anything that came from me to be valid or important. He blamed me for everything, no matter how little sense it made to do so. He wouldn't even pretend for the counselor anymore that he wanted what was best for me. I realized he didn't care about me the moment he insisted that banning me from speaking for years was the right thing to do because he felt he had to protect my sister from me saying something that might be boring to them.
In counseling I mourned the relationship I thought I had with my father. I realized he had never been capable of loving me from the beginning. The reason I have a hard time loving myself and knowing who I really am is because my father taught me that I was some kind of monster. So six months ago when my father died I didn't have anything left to mourn. When he died my biggest worry was that I would be too happy at his funeral. For me the lifelong war I had exhausted myself fighting was over. It was a war no one could win and everyone involved was a casualty of. All I could hope to achieve was to not let my father destroy who I am. I don't think I succeeded completely, but now that he is dead I have been able to start recovering from the abuse he put me and my family through. Life has been so much better without him.
Like I mentioned before, I still have my father's voice in my head telling me horrible things about myself over and over. Now that my father is gone there is no one here to tell me it is wrong for me to be myself, which is much more freeing than I anticipated it would be. I'm learning more about parenting my inner child. I'm studying Taoism and learning about how to live in a calmer way and how to discover and accept my true self. I'm no longer part of the religion I grew up in that I've realized encouraged the narcissistic abuse (I realize that wasn't the LDS Church's intention, but that doesn't change the fact that the religious culture gave my father justification for abusing his family).
Finale (From 12:48-13:42)
But here is a riddle to guess if you can sing the bells of Notre Dame: What makes a monster and what makes a man?
This is a riddle I'm still trying to solve in my own life. By the end of the musical it should be obvious that the seemingly righteous Frollo was the true monster all along and that Quasimodo who looked deformed on the outside was far more compassionate and admirable than Frollo ever was. I wish my life was as easy to understand as that. But people are more complex than even stories and classic literature like Notre Dame de Paris by Victor Hugo makes them out to be. I can't simply classify my father as a villain and myself as the hero. I don't want to be stuck in a victim mentality anyway because it wouldn't help me.
Luckily for me, my story didn't end the way the musical version of The Hunchback of Notre Dame did. Instead of being killed like Frollo in the play, thrown by Quasimodo from the top of Notre Dame, my father died from health issues. In the play, Quasimodo watched Esmerelda die and hides with her body. Years later his skeleton is found embracing Esmeralda's skeleton. In my story me and my mom survived and we have the chance to start over and be who we want to be for the rest of our lives.
I would never say that my father was a complete monster, but he definitely felt like the villain in my life. Him suffering from Narcissistic Personality Disorder does not excuse him abusing others. Narcissism is difficult to understand. I spent most of my life wondering why my father thought the way he did and felt like he was doing everything right when what he was doing was abusive. The more I learned about narcissism the more I realized my mind won't be able to go to the same place my father's did. I will never truly understand him. But I need to understand enough that I can know what is and isn't my own fault. I have a playlist of videos on YouTube with experts on narcissism and narcissistic abuse explaining narcissism and what it is like for victims of narcissistic abuse. I put the playlist together because I don't think people will believe me when I tell them what I am dealing with and what I've lived through. I wanted to have sources from professionals and experts that are easy to understand and access. I wanted to share the link to the playlist in case it is interesting to anyone or if it can be helpful.
My mom made all the difference for my situation. Without her I would have lost myself from the start. She accepted me, my father, and my siblings for who we are and did her best to support and protect every member of the family. My mom is my best friend and the one person I know will always care and do what is best for me. And through the toughest years of my life I was fortunate enough to have a friend here on Tumblr who has helped me more than I can say. Then when my father was dying and I was dealing with emotions, supporting my mom as she was taking care of a dying husband, and coping with everything another online friend reached out and has been here to check on me and help me through it all. At various points in my life I have been able to find the support and kindness I needed to get through. I feel very lucky to have had those people in my life.
I have the rest of my life to figure out "what makes a monster and what makes a man?" The Hunchback of Notre Dame presented that riddle to me as a child in a movie theater and I was still trying to figure out the answers as an adult sitting in a theater watching the musical version of the movie I grew up with. Honestly, I don't think there is one perfect answer to "what makes a monster and what makes a man?" People are too complex for there to be a simple answer, and we are constantly changing. I'm sure I will constantly be learning and finding new perspectives throughout my life that will change what I think the riddle's answer is. I do know for sure that never want to make anyone go through what I experienced because of my father. I don't want to make anyone else feel that they are unloved, unwanted, and monstrous. What I want is to be aware of who I am as a person, how I influence the world around me, and be as compassionate, kind, understanding, and accepting as I can be.
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holocene-sims · 2 years
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june 25, 2021 2:00 p.m. newcrest counseling center
[margot] would you like to talk about the process of the inner child letter? again, you do not need to read me it or anything. that’s for you. i'm only wondering how it went.
[grant] oh, it was hard. i have a good memory, i think, and i can recall a lot about my childhood. my problem is me and my feelings have always been a little bit disembodied. i can remember the way i felt or i can remember the actual event, almost like a movie around me, but not both at the same time. i had to kind of force those two things back together to be able to access, well, me.
[grant] it was also really hard because i don’t have a lot of physical reminders of childhood. it’s pretty much all gone. long story. i only have these letters my sister wrote me and the photos of me my family has. and that’s it. i don’t even keep them near me. they’re all at my grandparents’ house. so, there was, like, very little to jog my memory. i had to do it all by myself and with the photos.
[grant] but once i went through the photos and thought about everything i could dredge up, it wasn’t all that hard to figure out what to write. it’s just that what i wrote is painful. i had to seriously remember what my mom did to me and since then, it’s been easier to access those memories of her. they’re a lot more vivid now, so they’re worse.
[grant] but anyway, i think i learned from the letter. tell me if this is a stupid idea but i'm going to treat it like a time capsule in a way. after i wrote it, i sealed it in an envelope, and i'm going to leave it there until i need those lessons again. do i know when that’ll be? no, i don’t, but i'll figure it out in the future.
[margot] it’s not a stupid idea. if it helps you or provides you healing, it is an excellent idea. i like that. i like that you’re not letting those lessons end here.
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tailsrevane · 2 years
my favorite queer relationships in media
this was another patreon-exclusive post that i'm posting here now because i'm not on patreon anymore. this one was a belated pride month post from july of 2022 where i listed my favorite queer relationships in media. i would probably list some of these in a different order today, but i'm just gonna share the post in its original form. enjoy!
what up, gay nerds!
today i’ll be talking about my favorite queer relationships in media. we’re talking couples, we’re talking throuples, we’re talking polycules, and we’re also talking non-romantic queer chosen family. this is obviously a topic that’s very near and dear to my heart, so i’m super excited to talk about it!
also, because of the relative dearth of queer relationships in mainstream media, i’m also going to talk about characters i ship. this will be in a separate section, though, so let’s start with the main event.
my favorite canon queer relationships
14. piper/alex (orange is the new black)
i’ve only seen the first few seasons, but yeah, at the time having actual gay relationships on a tv show i was watching was such a blessed relief.
there’s a line early in i think season 2? where piper and alex are being all domestic together and piper says, “this is so nice, and so gay!” and it more or less sums how i felt about the whole thing.
13. david/keith (six feet under)
six feet under is a very slice of life show, and the romantic relationships it depicts are accordingly presented with an aching realism. david and keith have their issues but they deal with them responsibly, engaging in couples counseling and doing their best to get better.
it’s a very healthy portrayal and it doesn’t seem like the show is going for brownie points or anything, they’re both just valued characters whose stories the show wanted to tell.
12. lady tohru/kobayashi (miss kobayashi’s dragon maid)
this would be higher, but tohru and kobayashi have never really been the main draw for me? i’m hella into the family vibes between the two of them and their adopted child kanna. kanna is just a gloriously adorable child and she’s so sweet and her family is so good and argh. feelings!
the show (and presumably the manga it’s based on) is so well-written, though. they always put kobayashi in a position to just be the sweetest butch mom and it’s so freaking good.
11. violet/allie (her story)
this was rather by the numbers, i get it, but seeing a trans girl in a healthy lesbian relationship helping escape from her abusive boyfriend was super life-affirming to me for… reasons.
actually, just seeing another trans person on screen was so what i needed at that exact moment in time, it actually helped light a fire under me to get started on hrt.
10. ivanova/talia (babylon 5)
literally the only thing holding this back from being higher on the list is that thanks to 90s homophobia it had to be largely implied, and that it ended tragically.
in her last appearance on the show, talia slept with ivanova, and in a later episode when everyone on the crew has to tell a deep, personal secret ivanova says that she loved talia. so it’s more than you might expect given the limits it had to work within. and ivanova is my favorite character on the whole show and always has been, so yeah, this meant a lot to me.
9. nomi/amanita (sense8)
the joy of seeing actual transgender people on screen in a mainstream streaming series directed by two trans people is matched only by the joy of that trans character getting absolutely railed by the best/prettiest doctor who companion with a strap-on in her first scene. fuck yeah.
and then their whole first arc is about nomi’s bodily autonomy being threatened and amanita coming to her rescue and she rescues her in the most emotionally satisfying scene ever and oh my gosh you guys it’s so good.
8. dev/lee (out of position) & volle/xiller (argaea)
at my first furry convention i discovered that there was a thriving small industry publishing specifically furry books. we’re not talking zines here (though those are also awesome in their own right), we’re talking novels, anthologies, short story collections, etc.
at the time i was still hella into sports, so i was immediately drawn to one that had a buff tiger in a football uniform hoisting a fox femboy onto his shoulder with one arm. ironically at the time i was a tiger (though certainly not the dumb jock musclegod dev is), and today i’m a fox femboy? funny how things work out.
anyway, turns out the author of that book is one of the most prolific (and definitely the most popular) furry writers, and i actually liked his argaea series even better than the football nerd one. argaea is set in a fanciful renaissance-ish world and full of palace intrigue and mystery and kidnappings and whatnot. very fun stuff there.
7. baz/simon (simon snow)
there’s been a harry potter-shaped hole in my heart for years now, so when i heard about this series i was immediately in.
the way magic works in this certainly doesn’t really square with how i think about it, but it’s definitely a creative approach. and i super approve of how these books handle the enemies-to-lovers romance of the two dumb gay boys, as well as how it depicts one of them having crippling depression and how they navigate the relationship difficulties this often results in. extremely good stuff here.
(also i’m almost done with the last book and i’m pretty sure there’s a couple of useless lesbians happening!!! exciting!!! there’s also one het couple in the last book if you’re into that kinda thing.)
6. galo/lio (promare)
what if we were a dumbass himbo and a powerful femboy and did an enemies to lovers thing to become an incredible anime power couple and just kicked all of the ass. all of it. what if that?
5. harley quinn/poison ivy (dc comics)
honestly the only reason this isn’t higher on the list is because i’ve seen very little of their actually in a relationship stuff, and that’s a me problem that i really need to fix asap. but i’ve shipped them forever, basically ever since that animated series episode. you know the one. so when i heard they were canon i squeed so loudly.
4. luz/amity (the owl house)
the owl house feels like it was made specifically for me. this show also saw the harry potter-shaped hole in my life and came along and was like “okay but what if we made something drastically better and more imaginative instead and also basically everyone was gay?” and uh, yeah! obviously!!
so obviously it’s being canceled because some dumbass homophobic executive had a problem with it and omfg disney is the fucking worst. can they please just stop.
but yeah i’m so glad kids get to grow up with stuff like this and she-ra and etc, but also i’m so glad i get to watch it too okay? witchy gay bullshit is entirely my jam.
but yeah amity and luz are the sweetest useless lesbians and i love how flustered they get around each other despite having no problem having badass magic fights and just ugh they’re so good i love them so much.
i also want to give a shout-out to lesbian wine aunt eda and her ex-enbyfriend/hopefully-soon-to-be-ex-ex-enbyfriend raine, i’m really rooting for them!!!
3. adora/catra (she-ra)
no big deal just the main hero and main villain of a science fantasy swashbuckling magical girls show who swordfight like literally all the time and are super blatantly gay for each other the whole time and have emotional turmoil over each other and constantly try to assert their dominance over each other.
also there’s a prom scene in the first season where the villain shows up in a messy tux and dances with the hero girl while verbally needling her and dips her really low and it’s so gay and i’m so jealous because i want a villain like that to be all homoerotic with.
and then in the last season of the show catra finally switches sides and apologizes to adora and then adora comes and rescues her and she has this badass transformation scene and it’s one of my favorite scenes in television history and ugh i am so gay and in the last episode they kiss and confess their feelings for each other and fuck i love these two and this show.
there’s also another canon lesbian relationship between netossa and spinnerella, and the series creator said rogelio, kyle, and lonnie are a polycule! and they’re all such good boys and one of them is a really hot lizard boy and aaaaaaa.
2. basically every relationship (dragon moms)
so uh yeah one of my partners is an author and basically all of her characters are queer (with a few exceptions) and a lot of them are trans or nonbinary and i love her writing so much, if you have similar tastes to me you’ll probably like it too. everything is just very emotionally satisfying and character-driven and just… she’s the best, guys. i’d be a fan of her writing even if i weren’t dating her.
anyway her most popular and probably best work is dragon moms which she serialized online but also published as an ebook with extra content and it’s so good and so gay and yeah, she also has a lot of other short stories and stuff on her website and a few other ebooks available and i unreservedly recommend anything she’s written she’s so good.
1. star trek: discovery’s queer chosen family
i’ve gushed about them a bunch in my discovery reviews so there really shouldn’t be any surprise here, but yeah. when lieutenant stamets and dr. culber were shown as a couple in season 1 of discovery it belatedly fulfilled an almost 31-year-old promise by gene rodenberry. in season 3 of the show, they also introduced gray (a trans guy) and adira (an enby) and made them gay for each other on top of that, and i love them so much, i would die for them. and on top of that they all came together as a surrogate family with stamets and culber just being amazing surrogate space dads and jet reno popping in every now and then as their weird butch lesbian aunt and i am so, so glad i lived long enough to see star trek get this gay, guys!!
while i’m talking about star trek i do want to mention that i didn’t forget about seven and rafi, and i do love them, but i don’t love that them getting together basically happened off screen? like they get plenty of screentime in season 2 but that was in full figuring their shit out mode and idk i just don’t like that all we got for them becoming a couple was them holding hands at the end of season 1 like it feels like you skipped the whole romantic part of their relationship and that kinda sucks?
queer relationships i ship
(cw: some of these characters will have canon age gaps and/or are minors in some canons, just assume there's an element of au-ification here. cool? cool.)
14. finn/poe (star wars)
look i don’t care about star wars anymore but wow how could you not make these guys gay come on.
13. bella/alice (twilight)
again i don’t really care but especially in the movies alice is literally the only person that seems right for bella like seriously their relationship is so much better than her relationship with either of the two boys.
12. kota ibushi/kenny omega (professional wrestling)
to be super clear this is very much about their characters, not them as a people, i don’t ship real people that’s creepy.
their characters have this amazing wrestling love story and i just want it to be even more explicitly gay than it already is, but also it’s already kinda explicitly gay??? and that’s amazing.
11. femshep/jack (mass effect 2) & pc/kaliyo (star wars: the old republic)
this one is moreso about two times bioware queerbaited me, like i met both of these characters while playing female characters and was immediately like “wow okay they are totally lesbian doms like you can tell me they’re bi and i’ll believe you” but i was just so sure they had to be romanceable for my female characters and then i found out they weren’t? and in both cases i was just like, what the fuck guys, this is cultural appropriation.
10. riker/worf (star trek: the next generation)
this started out as a joke but i’m kind of firmly committed to it at this point. there is at least as much reason to think that riker and worf are hooking up on the regular as there is that riker and deanna are, and riker and deanna got married later sooooo…
9. georgiou/burnham (star trek: discovery)
i mean, burnham has more feelings about georgiou than she does about any of her actual on-screen romantic partners, whether it’s for her gentle mommy domme prime universe georgiou or her badass mean domme mirror universe georgiou.
8. dick grayson/jason todd (dc universe)
i literally wrote fanfiction about these two when i read nightwing: year one and jason kept bratting the fuck out of dick to the point where dick literally tied him up.
jason is a bratty power bottom and dick is a service top. i will not be accepting questions or feedback at this time.
7. garak/bashir (star trek: deep space nine)
i don’t even give a shit about bashir when he isn’t interacting with garak. he might as well be a non-character.
i fucking love garak he is such an amazing bratty dom. i love watching him play with his food (his food being bashir).
6. legolas/gimli/aragorn (lord of the rings)
it’s that thing where you take a very homosocial book and add expanded roles for some of its female characters to make it less homosocial but you change exactly nothing about how emotionally intimate the homosocial relationships are and y’know whoops they’re clearly gay now, we decided.
5. bruce/clark (dc universe)
how is this not canon? there is so much blatant textual support for it, holy shit, look at literally any interaction they’ve ever had with each other.
4. neo/trin (the matrix)
yeah they’re on-screen canon, i just mean i headcanon both of them as enbies. so like. they aren’t actually queer in their portrayal onscreen (but like, come on, this is the gayest “straight” couple ever), but they are in my headcanon? if that makes sense.
3. tim drake/jon kent (dc universe)
yeah, they both have boyfriends who aren’t each other, but tell me you didn’t immediately think about these two cute superhero boys kissing the second you heard they were both openly bi. i don’t believe you.
2. flick/cj (animal crossing)
i actually questioned whether to put this as a canon relationship considering that the game frequently seems to stop just short of saying it and i’m reasonably certain that the creative team considers them an item. but i’ll leave it under this section because they don’t just come right out and say it. 
1. sonic/tails/knuckles/shadow
i mean, this is a pretty obvious one right? i mean okay polycule shipping is pretty rare, but like, sontails is obviously correct and sonshad is obviously correct and sonknux is obviously correct and knuxtails is obviously correct and shadtails is obviously correct and i’ll grant you there isn’t as much on-screen evidence for knuxshads but still just put it all together and there you go. like i said. obvious.
please don’t ship sonamy it’s so creepy she’s literally a stalker it’s not okay. i mean do what you want but i’m judging you. my favorite interpretation of amy’s feelings btw is a comic i saw on twitter once where amy is coming out as a lesbian and she apologizes to sonic for being all weird and overcompensating by being over the top into him and he’s super understanding because he’s gay and he gets it and idk it just feels so real and good to me.
anyway, yeah! happy belated pride! i love gays and being gay.
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hardingfirmaz · 1 year
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davislawsc · 2 years
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Description: Davis Law Group in Greenville, SC, is devoted to helping injury victims. In practice since 1984, Attorneys Ric Davis and Will Davis bring a high level of compassion to all kinds of personal injury cases. Our Greenville personal injury lawyers and workers' compensation attorneys legal skills help South Carolina residents who have been injured through no fault of their own in car accidents, truck accidents, worker’s compensation claims, slip and fall accidents, and nursing home abuse. In addition to personal injury cases, Davis Law Group has family law attorneys and divorce lawyers whose experience and knowledge help residents with family law issues such as alimony, child support, child custody and visitation, parental rights, and divorce.
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jikanet-tanaka · 2 years
My dumb ass keeps thinking about an ACV longfic idea (kind of a sequel taking place around 899 while Edward the Elder is king of Wessex)...
Here how it would goes:
Main characters:
Eivor Oswaldsdóttir: The daughter of King Oswald of East Anglia and Queen Valdis. She is short like her father (has his thick eyebrows too!) with green eyes and dark curly hair tied in a messy ponytail. She isn’t the talkative or sociable sort, and she spends most of her time hunting and living on the fringe of society. She loves her family, but since her elder brother Eohric is the king of East Anglia, she doesn’t enjoy visiting home much (too many people sticking around the royal court for her taste). The death of her father in her youth in a battle against Wessex insurgents is a wound that has not quite healed. Like her brother, she carries a grudge against West Saxons for that reason.
Sigrún Gullveigsdóttir: The bastard daughter of Sigurd, conceived when he was fighting alongside the Ragnarssons in Ledecestre. Her mother was a shieldmaiden under Ubba’s banner. Not long after the Danelaw was established, Gullveig, now dying, brought her daughter to Ravensthorpe. However, Sigurd had already left England by that point. The girl was thus raised by Eivor and Randvi as if she was their own daughter.
Sigrún was injured in her youth, and she needs a cane to walk. She is sweet-tempered and sharp-witted, though deep down she has some insecurities, especially since she feels she can’t quite measure up to her legendary mothers, who were both prodigious warriors. She has also abandonment issues caused by Sigurd’s absence in her life. Sigrún is of average height, with blond hair tied in a plait behind her back. She wears her birth mother’s kransen, the only memento she has left of the woman.
Aethelflaed of Mercia: The oldest child of Aelfred of Wessex. She married the much older Aethelred of Mercia in 885 to unite the two kingdoms; together, they have one daughter, Aelfwynn. Aethelflaed is her father’s daughter in every way, blessed with a strategic mind and a courageous heart. She dislikes her family’s link to the Order of Ancients and the nascent group that will one day become the Templars. For this reason, she does not trust in her brother Edward’s intentions, nor does she wants to support her cousin Aethelwold in his rebellion. She is nearing thirty of age, and she has brown hair gathered in a neat bun.
Edward of Wessex: The king of Wessex following Aelfred’s death in 889, and Aethelflaed’s younger brother. He is more militant than his father, both in his desire to conquer the whole of England to purge it of pagans, and in his new position as Grand Maegester of the Order of the Ancients.
Aethelwold of Wessex: Aelfred’s nephew, who is challenging Edward’s claim to the throne since his father was Aelfred’s older brother. He is a schemer who wishes to restore the Order of the Ancients to its old glory (his father Aethelred was King of Wessex and Grand Maegester before Aelfred got the position).
Eohric of East Anglia: King of East Anglia, and Eivor’s older brother. He is a charismatic and well-liked figure, though he tends to ask rashly in the absence of wise counsel.
Among the characters from the game, you’d have cameos from people like Hytham and Valka. I haven’t decided who else is still around. Maybe it would be funny to have like, old Birna and/or old Vili still kicking around and making nuisances of themselves?
 Story elements:
- Eivor and Randvi left Ravensthorpe together (again this is a way for me to say eff you to that last DLC).
- There is a civil war going on between King Edward of Wessex and his cousin Aethelwold; the latter has the support of the Danelaw, including King Eohric of East Anglia.
- Meanwhile, in the shadows, the two are battling for their own vision of the future form of the Order of the Ancients. They both seek an Isu relic of great power to achieve said vision.
- Aethelflaed is aware of this and wants to find this relic to keep it out of their hands. Through a strange set of circumstances, she enlists the help of Sigrún of Ravensthorpe (who has knowledge of Hidden Ones stuff thanks to Hytham and Eivor) and Eivor of East Anglia (who is a lot like her namesake when it comes to being sneaky and killing stuff). The latter two both want the relic in order to protect their respective people from Wessex’s might.
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starblazekirara · 2 years
The Violet Star and the Owlet
Something I wrote a while back, when my OC Nova first meets Octavia and Stolas
A small crowd was talking in the back garden of the palace of Prince Stolas of the Ars Goetia. His wife Stella took the chance to host a tea party of sorts while he was away at the Hell counsel that day. A small 5 year old owlet with pink eyes stood near the back staying out of the way of the adults, their child Octavia stood around bored, even though her mother has to watch her for that day. Octavia didn't have any toys around her to try and play with, she went up to her mother.
“Can you play with me some mommy?” asked Octavia as she tugged on her mother's dress. Stella annoyed turned down to the little girl.
“Can't you see I'm busy child! I can't be bothered to play with you, go bother someone else.” Stella answered dryly with annoyance. The child thought she was just that, a pest to her mother, even thought she just wanted to play with her like more children do.
“Daddy would play with me.” Octavia said to herself. Her mother scoffed as she heard her.
“Well your father is at an important meeting, and won't be back till later, so, just play out of our way.” Stella shooed her daughter away from her and her guests. Octavia went back to her little spot in the garden and gave a little pout, she was going to bored at one of her mother's parties, again. But a green and black butterfly caught the little owlet's eye, it fluttered around her, Octavia giggled as she tried to catch it and started to follow it, but the insect slipped out between the bars of the back gate, Octavia was small enough to slip through the bars as well while her mother's back was turned and wandered away from the palace.
Meanwhile one other Goetia was out in the city this one was much older about 15, her name was Nova Celestine, her father held a presidential rank within the Goetia family, she didn't mind being low on the caste scale. But Nova had always been a bit different than other members in looks, she possessed the traditional white face as any other bird demons, hers was like new fallen snow, this delicate face was framed with ashen gray feathers that cascaded down her back, shades of lavender would grace ones eye when the light touched her hair just right. And unlike most members of the Goetia she also possessed a growing expanse of feathers from her knees downward, dark as rain clouds yet glimmered with lavender stars, each step she took the clouds soften them making her near silent as she walked.
Nova looked a slip of paper at an address that was written on it, she looked around but couldn't find it. She scratched her head out of confusion,
“Where is that place? Did I get the directions wrong?” Nova asked herself, she was about to ask someone when she heard it, the sound every demon fears, the sound of tornado like sirens. Nova looked at her flip phone only to see an alert that would make anyone's stomach drop.
'Alert! ALERT! EXTERMINATION NOW STARTING!! Seek shelter IMMEDIATELY!!' Demons, imps and sinners of all kinds scrambled to get into a nearby stable shelter.
“But it wasn't suppose to happen till tomorrow! Crap! There's got to be a-” Nova told herself, somehow she over the screaming and shouting, she heard crying, the crying of child, she followed it till she found a owlet in the middle of the street, crying. Nova could see she was a pink starry dress, and had pink eyes Octavia had gotten lost and was only seen by the one with lavender eyes.
“Is that a kid?! Why is she alone when it's about to become a bloodbath down here?!” Nova asked herself, she looked between a safe building and back to the child, any other heartless being would leave the child to save their own skin, but this wasn't her, she couldn't let an innocent die in this sick version of a purge.
“I-I can't leave her!” said Nova as she dashed out into the street and scooped up a crying Octavia, the child looked up at who had just saved her.
“Hey don't be scared, you'll be safe with me, where are your parents?” Nova asked in a frantic state.
“I wandered away from home, and-and now I'm lost!” Octavia cried.
“Listen you know what those sirens mean right?” Nova asked her. Octavia was trying to find her voice in all the chaos that was happening around her, she then remembered what her father had told her about if she ever heard those sirens.
“My daddy told me they meant something bad was to happen, but it only happened once a year.” young Octavia answered her rescuer. Nova was relieved that the little girl knew about them.
“Right, we need to wait this out somewhere safe, no one will let us in right now, but we'll find a place.” Nova told the child as they got out of the open, the older girl ducked between ally-ways and shadows while keeping the child close to her, shielding her from any carnage they came across.
“I-I-I want to go home......I.....I want daddy and mommy...” Octavia whimpered as she buried her face in Nova's feathers, the teen brought her face up to her own.
“Oh, I know you do sweetheart, but as soon as this is over with we'll go find them.” said Nova. Octavia rubbed away some tears from her eyes.
“Y-you promise?” asked Octavia. Nova smiled warmly at her.
“Of course, but what's your name?” Nova replied.
“Octavia, and you're older than me.” said Octavia.
“Yeah, but I'm Nova, and we're friends now that we know each other's names.” Nova told her. Octavia smiled she at least wasn't alone in a scary place anymore. She couldn't wait to tell her father about her new friend. Nova looked around.
“But right now we need some shelter to wait this out otherwise-” screaming cut off what she was about to say next.
“That's going to be us, no place will let us in right now! Where can we-” Nova told the child as they ran, but screaming and shouting was anywhere they went, but rounding a corner she was met with tall figures with angel wings and white glowing weapons standing over a pile of dead demons.
“Oh no, Exterminators!” Nova explained. One of them heard her and turned. Nova kept a tight hold of Octavia and shielded her from what was before them. 'They spotted us!' thought Nova. Both Exterminators turned to them, fear rose in the older girls throat, she pressed the owlet close to her and looked down at her.
“Listen sweetheart, close your eyes and keep them shut, we're going to be okay.” Nova told her, Octavia did what she was told and buried her face in Nova's top, using her free hand a spark of starry violet fire lit up in her hand.
'I swore I'd never use this, but I have very little choice, I promised to get her home.' thought Nova. A spear was raised to them when a large shadow darted between them, the blade being cut in half clattering to the ground.
“Don't even think it!” the figure growled, Nova looked up and saw a very imposing female Hellhound between her and the Exterminators. Her fur was a dark gray with black markings on her face and legs along with her wrists, her tail had a gold chain around it and as a belt on her torn up Capri's. Nordic runes were tattooed on her right arm in red, shoulder length light navy hair stood out second only to her green eyes, a lot of hounds had red eyes but green was something else.
“I am Arnora Helblod, direct descent of Finrir. That child is a member of the Ars Goetia, her father is a very powerful prince, and what do you dumb-asses think will happen when he finds out you killed her? You want an all out war?!” the hound shouted, the Exterminators looked between each other.
'Wait, this child is a member of the Goetia like me? But her father is.....is a prince?!” thought Nova as she looked down at Octavia, her eyes still shut tightly. The Exterminators looked between each other and spoke between themselves. Nova couldn't understand what they were saying.
'That hound is way too strong for us, and she's right, Goetia members are off limits, we don't want a war to start over this.' one of them said.
'If we kill the child of a powerful prince you're right, we're done here anyways, lets go to the next area.' the second one said, both Exterminators left. The fires in Nova's hand died down as Arnora turned to them.
“Arnora was your name? Thank you.” said Nova.
“If you don't want to be here when they come back, follow me.” Arnora told her Nova started to follow the hound, doing her best tot keep up with her while carrying a little owlet.
“What's your name?” Arnora asked as they ran.
“Nova.” she answered. They came upon a what looked like a shelter that was hardly used let alone known about, at the door was another Hellhound that looked no older than Octavia, her fur was the same as Arnora's and the hair was a lighter blue than her own, one eye of hers was green the other blue, the pup waved to them.
“Mom!” called the pup, taking Nova's hand the two ran for the door.
“Lyssa! Get ready to shut that door, we got guests!” Arnora shouted, Lyssa was the pup's name, once inside the door slammed shut and with a few twists of the handle was locked, the two caught their breath as a light was turned on, there wasn't much, a few blankets and a radio to keep a listen for things outside, but nothing would be able to get in.
“You guys can wait the day out here, not a chance anything will get in.” Arnora told them. Nova sat on a nearby bench, catching her breath, Octavia looked around when she saw they had stopped running.
“I can't even start to thank-” Nova was interrupted when Octavia saw the hound and knew her right away.
“Auntie Arnora?” Octavia whimpered. Arnora's eye's widened when she saw the owlet Nova was holding in her arms, her heart almost stopped when she saw how scared she looked.
“What the?! Octavia?! What in the name of Odin are you doing out here?!” Arnora exclaimed as she knelt down to the child, checking her over, relieved she was unharmed.
“You know her?!” said Nova.
“Her father is my best friend, prince Stolas, I am Octavia's godmother.” Arnora answered. Nova gulped when she learned that Octavia's father was the rank of a prince.
'Oh crap! I just saved the daughter of a high ranking member!' Nova's thoughts screamed out. Arnora snarled as her claws dug into the ground, trying to stay happy and calm for the child's sake.
“Octavia, where is your mother?” Arnora asked trying to stay calm.
“At the palace.....I.....I wandered off, I just wanted to play.....and got lost...” Octavia answered. Arnora took a deep breath and stood up, she looked like she was going to kill the next thing she laid her eyes on, her hands balled up into fists.
“Of course she was having a party and didn't pay attention, oh Stolas is going to love this.” Arnora told herself, before she pulled out her phone.
“I have to call him, can you keep an eye on her until I get back?” Arnora asked Nova , the teen nodded as she still held the owlet.
The owl prince paced the floor of one of the spare rooms of the counsel halls, on the phone with his wife yelling at her, his feathers and temper rose each time he spoke with her.
“What do you mean you can't find her Stella?! Our daughter is out there and there's an Extermination happening right outside our home! You were suppose to watch her but you HAD TO HAVE A PARTY!!!! IF ANYTHING happens to our little girl, consider divorce papers in my hand when I get back!” Stolas shouted into the phone. He heard incoherent screaming on the other end, so loud Stolas held the phone away from his head, once the volume went down he brought it back up to his head.
“Oh I wish I was joking woman! I-” A second phone rang in the office, Stolas looked at the ID and saw who it was, he groaned as he rolled his eyes.
“Uhggg, I need to take this call, we'll talk about this when I get back!” Stolas exclaimed as he slammed the phone back onto the receiver. He tried to calm his thoughts, his little owlet is outside the palace walls on one of the worst days of the year, but talking to his best friend might help, even help find her. He picked up the second phone.
“Arnora now is really not the time for-” Stolas was cut off by the hounds voice.
“Stolas shut your beak for 5 seconds! I have Via! She's in my bunker with myself and Lyssa along with-” The second the owl prince is daughter was safe, his face lit up, the worst thoughts left his mind, Arnora would never be this cruel as a joke to him.
“Via's with you?! She's safe?!” the prince exclaimed, he felt himself about to collapse onto the floor with relief, he held on to a chair to keep from falling, his heart was racing.
“Yes, and we'll chew your hag wife out when this is over with and-.” Arnora could hear her friend about to have a form of panic attack.
“Oh thank the cosmos she's safe, Stella told me she couldn't find her I just.....” Stolas could feel his mind racing is Arnora had told him other wise. She could hear the relief in his voice, but also the shear fear in it as well, the hound had never heard her friend with this much fear in him.
“I know, but she's safe right now, with her new friend and us.” Arnora assured him.
“Wait, new friend?” asked Stolas as he sat up a bit.
“Yeah, she found Via when I caught to up with them, just in time too.” Arnora told him. Stolas gulps and felt himself about to break down in that office space, he needed to hear his daughter's voice, to know he's was still slightly sane.
“I want to talk to them, please Arnora.” Stolas almost begged her.
“Alright Stol, just give me a few minutes, Nova is trying to help calm Via down.” Arnora told him as she peaked over her shoulder looked back at her daughter Lyssa hugging the smaller child, while Nova held Octavia in a blanket as she sat on the floor. It was the first time Stolas had heard this young woman's name. “Nova?” he asked.
“That's the girl's name, looks very much like a Goetia, she must be low rank cause I've never seen her before, she looks 15 maybe, just a teen, But this girl is a spitfire, she was about to fight an Exterminator to keep Via safe.” Arnora told him.
“If you didn't show up....please, let me talk to them.” said Stolas. Arnora smiled as she turned back to the rest of the group. “Alright, hang on.” She told her friend.
“There, feel a little better honey?” Nova asked Octavia as wrapped the child up in the blanket. Octavia looked like she wanted to cry.
“Sort of, I just want to go home, I want my daddy...” Octavia sniffled as she wiped some tears away from her eyes. Nova couldn't help but feel her soul crack seeing this child cry, scared and wanting her family. Nova held her close and wiped away some more tears.
“I know sweetheart, and you'll be back with before you know it, it's just not safe right now.” Nova told the child. Arnora came over an knelt down to them, holding the same phone, the owlet looked at her hound godmother.
“Octavia, I have your dad on the phone, you can at least talk to him, until you can get home. And he wants to talk to you as well.” Arnora told the child then looked to the young lady, Nova felt herself turn bright red and didn't know how to respond to this, she had never spoken to such a high ranking member of the Goetia before in her life.
“M-me?! Her father is a prince, I'm just the daughter of a president, lowest rank there is. Why would he even-” Arnora placed a hand on Nova's shoulder and smiled at her.
“Trust me on this, he doesn't give a crap about rank.” Arnora told her. Nova still needed some time to build up nerve, she looked down at Octavia then back to Arnora.
“Let, let Octavia talk to him first.” Nova told her.
“Stol, here she is.” Arnora told her friend before giving the phone to the small owlet, she brought it up to her face. Stolas was waiting with baited breath before he heard the voice that was always music to him. “Daddy?!” Octavia spoke into the phone, his heart jumped into his throat the second he heard his child's voice.
“Octavia! It's me Octavia dear! Oh thank the stars you're safe, you had me so worried.” Stolas told his daughter, trying his best not to cry from happiness.
“I-I just wanted to play daddy and I wandered away from the palace, are.....are you mad at me? Am I in trouble?” Octavia asked him in a scared voice. He had never heard her this scared before and he wasn't there to comfort her, to make her feel better like before.
“No, no no no dearest, I'm not mad, I'm just happy you're somewhere safe.” assured Stolas. Octavia let a few sobs escape before she tired to speak again. Stolas could feel his heart breaking at the sound of his daughter's crying and him not being there was tearing at him.
“I-I-I want to come home daddy, I'm....I'm really scared.” Octavia sobbed. If he could he would have reached through the phone to hold her, hug her, tell her everything was going to be alright if he was there with her.
“I know my starfire I know you do, but it isn't safe for Arnora to bring you back just yet, but you get to have a sleep-over with Lyssa, you always have fun at them, just like when she stays over at our home, but listen, I know this is very scary, but, I know you are my brave little starfire, everything will be alright, you will be okay, remember my song?” Stolas did his best as always to comfort his daughter, all while trying to keep from crying as he talked with her.
“Yes...” Octavia told him softly, he forced a smile over the phone.
“That's my brave owlet, now, can I speak with the young lady who found you?” Stolas asked her.
“You mean big sister Nova?” replied Octavia. The prince gave a slight chuckle, she barely knew her savior and was already calling her a big sister.
“Already have a second big sister now? Hm, I see nothing wrong with that, but let me talk to her though.” said Stolas. “Alright.” Octavia replied.
“And Octavia?” Stolas asked her. “Yes?” Octavia answered back to him.
“I'll call you back tonight, to sing you that lullaby, and I promise, I will be there at the palace entrance waiting for you when this is all over with.” said Stolas.
“Really?” Octavia asked him sounding hopeful.
“Yes, really, just be good for auntie Arnora, and.....let me talk with big sister Nova.” Stolas answered her. Octavia nodded and passed the phone to Nova.
“Daddy wants to talk to you.” Octavia told her sister figure as she handed her the phone. Nervously Nova took it from the child's hand.
'Oh great, I have to talk to a prince. Just breath, you did nothing wrong.' Nova thought to herself as she placed the phone near hear face.
“H-he-hello? Your highness?” Nova spoke with a shaken manner in her tone.
“Are you lady Nova?” asked Stolas. The older girl gulped, she still had some fears about answering to one of the higher ranks, but she knew how to talk to nobility, and he did sound kind, just worried for his daughter more than his own life.
“I-I am, your highness-” Nova answered him.
“Oh! You have no idea how thankful I am for what you've done! You saved my daughter, I am forever grateful to you! If there's anything you want from me, clothes, jewelry, rare books, magic lessons anything you want and I will make sure you have it.” Stolas told her.
Nova was surprised at the generosity of the prince, all these items for her because his child was safe? She must mean so much to him, but she didn't want anything, she couldn't take anything from him just out of the goodness that was a rare thing in the 7 rings.
“Y-your highness, I-I don't want anything like that, just knowing that your daughter is safe and back with you is more than enough for me.” Nova told him. Stolas was shocked, this young lady didn't want a fancy dress or jewels like most girls her age would have asked for in a heartbeat. He had never heard this kind of thing before in his life.
“Such modesty for a young lady like yourself, my daughter could learn a thing or two from you, and you don't have to keep calling me your highness, no need for such formalities among friends, please call me Stolas.” He spoke to her again. Nova gave a small smile.
“If.....if you want me to, but I do promise, I will protect Octavia.” Nova said to him, but what he told her next was a surprise.
“I fully trust you with my daughter, better than I trust my wife right about now.” replied Stolas, Nova gave a nervous chuckle before she gulped.
“You don't even know me that well yet, and you'd still trust me with your little girl?” Nova asked him. Stolas smiled on the other end of the phone.
“I can tell from your from your voice, and Arnora told me you risked your life to save her, not many would have done what you just did, I look forward to meeting you in person when you bring my daughter back, please take good care of her.” Stolas answered.
“S-she is safe with me, I promise.” Nova vowed to the prince. Stolas smiled as a few hidden tears fell from his face. “Thank you.” said Stolas before he hung up the phone and just broke down in the chair he was sitting in.
Outside the carnage still raged outside, the fate of those not in a shelter was sealed. Those in the hidden bunker did their best to block out the sounds they were hearing. Arnora stood up to look outside, it had already become dark, the half way mark of this event. Once chimes rang out at midnight, it would all be over. She came back over to her friends.
“Well, it's nightfall, just make it till morning and this will be all over with.” Arnora told them. Nova got up to stretch some from all the siting she had been doing.
“Dose this just get longer every year mom? It feels like it.” Lyssa asked her mother. Arnora sat next to her and held her closer.
“Feels like it, I'll turn on the radio in the morning to hear when it's over, then we can head to Stolas's palace.” Arnora told them. Nova looked back over at Octavia, who hadn't moved from her spot and was just trying her best to not start crying again. The teen silently walked over to this child. “Daddy...” Octavia whimpered, Nova sat next to the frightened child, putting an arm around her.
“You really miss your dad, huh?” asked Nova. Octavia sniffled as she rubbed her eyes.
“Mommy's never around, she's always having these parties, she tell me to leave when I want to play, she never wants to play with me or be at her parties.” Octavia answered..
“You mother doesn't sound very nice.” Nova told her.
“I've met her, and trust me, she is a real piece of work.” Arnora told Nova, Octavia curled up closer to Nova, the teen guessed the warmth reminded the child of her father and just wanted that form of comfort at the time.
“Is she that bad?” Nova asked.
“If a black mamba could that would be her.” scoffed Arnora.
'Okay there's an image.' thought Nova. A vibration sound from Arnora's phone caught her ear. She picked it up and saw who it was on the caller ID.
“Via, it's your dad again.” Arnora called over. Octavia darted over to her godmother.
“He kept his promise!” Octavia exclaimed with happiness, Arnora smiled at her as she messed with a little bit of her hair.
“Has he ever broken one to you yet, my sweet little raven.” said Arnora, she flipped opened her phone and hit the answer button before turning it over to Octavia.
“Daddy!” Octavia spoke with such happiness. Stolas could feel himself trying not to cry once again when he heard his daughter's voice.
“Via! Oh my owlet you have no idea how good it is to hear your voice, even if it's over a phone, are you about ready to go to sleep?” Stolas asked her.
“I know you'll be waiting for me at home when I wake up right? And you can tell me stories at bedtime like always?” Octavia asked him. The prince choked back some tears upon hearing his daughter's request, he always did his best to tell his daughter a bedtime story every night.
“As many stories as you want my starfire, as many as your little heart desires.” Stolas answered. He then heard whimpering and he could feel his heart start to break once more hearing her about to cry.
“Are you still a little scared my dear? That I'm not there, and all the sounds outside?” Stolas asked his daughter. Octavia started to cry once again, Stolas could hear her over the phone once more.
“Y-yes.....I'm.....I'm trying to be brave and.....not cry but-” Octavia broke down crying. Oh how desperately Stolas wanted to reach through the phone and hug his daughter tightly, to tell her how things were going to be okay.
“Via dear shhhh shhh it's alright, even the bravest of us get scared, I-I'm actually scared right now.” Stolas did his best to comfort her over the phone.
“Really? But I've never seen you scared.” said Octavia.
“I am now, because I thought I was going to lose you, and I always have to be brave for you, that's how you know everything will be okay, and if it's not okay, then it's not the end, you just have to be brave for tonight, alright?” Stolas said to his daughter.
“I-I'll try.” Octavia told him before he heard a tiny yawn on the other end of the line.
“Sounds like someone is sleepy, ready for that lullaby I promised you?” asked Stolas. Octavia rubbed her eyes as she tired to stay awake “Yes.” Octavia answered sleepily.
“Good, now make yourself comfortable, and pretend you're back home in your bed, safe and sound.” Stolas started to speaking softly. Then a soft melody came through the phone putting almost everyone to sleep, Lyssa curled up under a blanket near her mother, while Octavia used part of Nova's dress as a pillow as she too was fast asleep under the covers. Nova could barely stay awake herself. Arnora slipped the phone back from a sleeping owlet.
“She's asleep Stol.” Arnora told her friend.
“Arnora, thank you so much for this.” Stolas replied.
“What are best friends for, you'd know I'd do anything to make sure my god-daughter is safe, because god's help the one who hurts her.” Arnora nearly snarled. Stolas gave a nervous laugh before he gulped, he knew this hounds temper all too well.
“I have not forgotten your temper, not in the least, and Stella sure hasn't.” replied Stolas. The hound smirked at the name of his wife.
“Chew that bitch out yet?” Arnora asked.
“We had a nice little chat, she's no longer allowed to host parties on days she has to keep an eye on Via, at least until she's older, and the garden's gates leading outside to t he city are going to be locked whenever she's out there.” answered Stolas. Arnora gave a light laugh.
“Really stepping up your game, Stolas you're a great dad, don't let Stella tell you other-wise, she doesn't know you like I do.” Arnora told him, the prince gave a smile.
“Thank you Arnora, I'll see all of you tomorrow.” Stolas told her.
“See you then.” said Arnora before they both hung up their phones, Arnora placed the phone within reach just to be safe before she too covered herself with a blanket and started to fall asleep. In the middle of the night, Nova was stirred awake by soft crying, she looked down in her lap and saw it was Octavia crying.
'Poor thing must be having a nightmare.' thought Nova, she placed her hand on the child's head and started to softly sing to her, just like her father had done.
“You're okay, you're alright, I'll never ever leave your side, I will stay, I will fight, for you.” Nova sang the melody then hummed it as she saw Octavia starting to calm back down. The teen smiled down at the child before falling back asleep herself. What sounded like fireworks woke up Arnora, she looked around and saw the others were still dead asleep, carefully she stood up so as not to wake her daughter. She found a pocket radio she kept on hand in the shelter, she turned it on with a click and heard the Radio Demon, Alastor's voice.
“And it's over now folks, we've gone through yet another Extermination, to those who are alive, well done you, just hope you can survive through to next year and-” Arnora turned it off, all she wanted to hear was that it was at last done with.
“Good we can take her home now, rise and shine everyone, we lived.” Arnora turned to her friends.
“It's really over?” Nova asked as Octavia yawned and rubbed her eyes trying to wake up, Lyssa stretched out a little. The larger hound nodded, if she wasn't already sitting down Nova would have fainted back onto the floor.
“Now to get you home Octavia, your dad has probably pulled out half of his feathers with stress worrying about you.” Arnora told the owlet, before standing up, Octavia hugged Nova's waist.
“Thank you for staying with me Nova.” Octavia told her. Nova couldn't help but hug the little girl back. Arnora unlocked the door and motioned for her two companions to follow her. Lyssa stepped out ahead of them and waited in an apartment stairwell.
“Bye bye Lys!” Octavia called out to her friend and waved.
“See ya later Via!” Lyssa shouted towards her friend as they left.
Arnora guided them through the city, avoiding where the turf wars were being raged, and punched away creeps or showed her teeth to them. When Octavia felt herself becoming tired she asked Nova to carry her. The hound was surprised how well the two were getting along, almost like they were sisters, the same way her pup got along with the owlet, there was something about this young lady. The sight of purple starry colored walls came into view, Arnora knew those walls.
“I can see the walls of the Palace, almost there.” Arnora told them.
“You should meet daddy big sister Nova, he might like you.” Octavia told her new sister figure.
“Um, I-I don't know if might like me Via honey, I-I'm pretty shy when meeting others.” Nova explained. Arnora chuckled at what she heard.
“Well he isn't shy at all, his wife on the other hand....I feel like I need to keep a spray bottle of holy water on hand for that witch.” said Arnora. There must be some bad blood between these two women to go at each others throats like this.
“You really hate her that much?” Nova asked the hound, they arrived at the gate. “Hate doesn't being to cover it.” answered Arnora as the gate opened up. At the foot of the steps was a tall owl man, looking so worried to the point where he might give out, his red eyes wide.
“Pacing at the steps, just like I thought.” Arnora told herself.
“Is that?” Nova started to ask.
“Yep, Prince Stolas, Via's dad.” answered Arnora. Octavia caught sight of the taller owl pacing in front of the palace, she felt her heart light up at the sight of her father, just as he promised, he was waiting for all of them, waiting for her.
“Daddy!” Octavia called out. Stolas stopped pacing, wondering if he was hearing things, it was his daughter's voice, it wasn't over a phone this time. “Octavia?!” Stolas called out, when he turned, he saw his Hellhound friend and another young lady, and in her arms was his daughter, safe. Nova placed Octavia on the ground. Stolas ran out as he saw his daughter running to him.
“Oh Octavia! You're safe!” Stolas cried out as he scooped his daughter into his arms and held her tightly, scared she was going to vanish, he kissed the top of her head as tears of joy fell from his eyes.
“I-I'm sorry daddy.....I didn't mean to leave the garden and-and...” Octavia started to cry on his shoulder. This time he was actually here for her, Stolas pulled her off his shoulder and used a finger to wipe away her stray tears.
“It's alright Via, I have my starfire back safe in my arms again, that's all I care about, I thought I'd lost you forever, because of your mother.” Stolas comforted his daughter all while trying not to cry himself as he held her tightly, he felt a hand on his shoulder.
“Stol, she's alive, that's what matters, deal with Stel later.” Arnora told her friend. Stolas took a few deep breaths. Then looked at his daughter.
“You're right, I am taking the day off from meetings and whatever needs to be done, and spending the day with my daughter.” Stolas said.
“Really?” Octavia asked. He nodded.
“Anything you want to do today Via, we'll do it, go to the park, get ice cream, go stargazing, whatever you want to do.” answered Stolas as he hugged her again.
“But you need to meet big sister Nova first.” said Octavia. The prince had almost forgotten about his daughter's savior, he could see the teen trying not to be noticed, she looked away from him as he approached her. Nova gulped, she was far too nervous.
“You must be Nova.” said Stolas. She quickly bow to him.
“I-I am sire.” Nova answered, she dare not look up at and closed her eyes to be sure she didn't look at him, but he spoke with a kind voice to her.
“Your eyes, may I see them?” Stolas asked her.
“Really?” Nova replied to him. Stolas smiled at her.
“I can tell a lot about someone by looking into their eyes, and your voice sounds just as beautiful as it did over the phone.” answered Stolas. Trembling from the nervousness she felt, Nova raised her head and opened her eyes, the prince was taken back, he had never seen such eyes like these before.
“Eyes like amethysts, such a rare color, you have such beautiful eyes dear.” Stolas told her. Nova felt her heart racing when she saw the owl prince this close, but to say she had beauty was something she had never heard before.
“I-I-I have to leave, I'm glad Octavia's safe with you again, goodbye!” exclaimed Nova before she ran for the palace gate. “Wait I-” Stolas tried to follow her but by the time he reach the gate she had rounded the corner and was gone.
“I haven't thanked you properly.” Stolas added. Octavia looked up her father before looked back onto the street.
“Where did she go daddy?” asked Octavia.
“She might have had to go home dear.” Stolas answered her as he hugged her again and Octavia hugged her father back.
“Will I see her again? I really liked her.” Octavia told him, Stolas smiled.
“Maybe, you might find her again or she might find us, the world works in mysterious ways, and the stars might a line for us to see her again, someday when you're older.” Stolas told her. Octavia giggle as she felt her father's forehead against her own.
“But let's get you back inside, you've been through enough the last two days.” added Stolas as they returned into the palace walls. Nova peaked out from the wall she hid behind to get one last look at the kind owl prince, she had never felt her heart race before until she saw him.
'A prince, and I just ran off! He said I have beautiful eyes and voice, no one has ever told me that.....' thought Nova. She placed her hand over her chest, she felt a tiny smile upon her face and her face starting to feel warmth from the blushing.
'I want to see him again, one day.' Nova thought to herself one more time before she started the way home.
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theprayerfulword · 5 days
September 18
Romans 12:21 Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.
Hebrews 4:15 For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.
John 16:33 Jesus said, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
Luke 12:24-26 Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds! 25 Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? 26 Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?
Leviticus 19:18 Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord.
2 Corinthians 4:18 as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.
May you trust in the tested Stone, relying on the precious Cornerstone for a sure foundation, for though others make an agreement with the enemies of their soul to not touch them, the Lord will annul it and their refuge will be swept away. But because you look to His justice as your measuring line and seek His righteousness for your plumb line, you will never be dismayed. Isaiah 28
May you hear the voice of the Lord your God and pay attention to what He says, for He will instruct you in the right way to gather the harvest and teach you how to thresh each crop, since the diversity of the planting calls for understanding and not rote, and the Lord Almighty is wonderful in counsel and magnificent in wisdom. Isaiah 28
May you draw near to the Lord with a pure heart, worshiping Him with clean hands and honest intentions, desirous to live in His light, submissive to His will and obedient to His leading, that you may be a fit vessel for His glory and wisdom, His truth and power, His understanding and judgment, bringing honor and praise to His name, claiming none as your own. Isaiah 29
May you rejoice in the Lord with the humble and the needy who search for and desire the Holy One of Israel, Who makes the blind able to see His glory and the deaf able to hear His truth even as the ruthless vanish, the mockers disappear, and all who have an eye for evil will be cut down before they can pervert God's justice again. Isaiah 29
May you acknowledge the holiness of the God of Jacob and stand in awe of the Holy One of Israel when you see your children, the work of His grace, keeping His name holy, for those who are wayward in spirit will gain understanding and those who complain will accept instruction. Isaiah 29
May you not turn to alliances with men when troubled by other men, or court favors with authorities when oppressed by other authorities, but turn instead to the Lord, sitting in quiet submission to His will and humble dependence upon His goodness, that you may be led by the wisdom of His Spirit, not relying on your own understanding, for you cannot expect too little from man or count on too much from God. Isaiah 30
May you be a trustworthy child of the Father, compliant and desirous of learning from the Lord and from those He has entrusted your training to, turning from the illusions and distractions that have been a snare in the past, and striving toward the vision of what is right that you may be conformed to the image of the Holy One of Israel. Isaiah 30
Be not proud or haughty, My child, when you reach out to the other members of your family, My Body, thinking only to give, and not to receive. I, alone, am the self-sufficient One, and I give to each member that which others have need of. There are many gifts, and they are divided severally by My Spirit as I choose. To shun or reject that which another provides from Me is to reject Me. To discern My Body is to discern Me; to receive from My Body is to receive from My hand. Try the spirits, always, My child, and do not refuse that which My Spirit bears witness to, for this is how you may know the things I freely give to you.
May your behavior in circumstances and your conduct toward others always demonstrate your subjection to the Father's guardians and your obedience to His trustees as you receive the training He desires and you gain the wisdom He offers to enable you to receive in the inheritance of the eldest Son, Jesus, and to partake in the business of our Father, God. Galatians 4
May your soul find rest in God alone, for He alone is your rock and fortress which can never be shaken, and from Him alone does your salvation come. Psalm 62
May you trust in God at all times and pour out your heart to Him, your Refuge and mighty Rock, on Whom your salvation and honor depend. Psalm 62
May you hear what God has spoken: that God is strong, and the Lord is loving; surely He will reward you according to what you have done. Psalm 62
May you listen to the Lord and gain the wisdom needed to keep your heart on the right path. Proverbs 23:19
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thriveplaytherapy · 14 days
The Importance of Play Therapy for Children's Emotional Well-Being
As parents and caregivers, watching a child struggle with emotional, behavioral, or social challenges can be heart-wrenching. Thankfully, there are therapeutic interventions designed specifically for children that can help them express their feelings and develop healthy coping mechanisms. One such approach is play therapy, a proven method that allows children to process their emotions through play. If you're searching for play therapy near me, look no further than Thrive Play Therapy—a trusted name in child development and emotional support.
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What is Play Therapy?
Play therapy is a form of counseling or psychotherapy that uses play as a way for children to communicate and explore their emotions. Unlike adults, who can easily articulate their feelings through words, children often express themselves through toys, games, and activities. Play therapy provides a safe, nurturing environment where children can use play to process complex emotions such as anger, sadness, anxiety, or confusion.
How Does Play Therapy Work?
The therapist guides the session but allows the child to take the lead in selecting toys and activities. This form of therapy is designed to give children the freedom to express themselves in ways they may not yet understand or communicate verbally. Through play, they learn to cope with their emotions and develop problem-solving skills.
Sessions often involve:
Creative activities: Drawing, painting, and sculpting help children express feelings that are too difficult to verbalize.
Role-playing: Dolls, puppets, or figurines may be used to act out situations that help the child deal with real-life experiences.
Games: Structured games can help teach social skills, patience, and emotional regulation.
At Thrive Play Therapy, our licensed therapists use these tools and more to ensure that each child receives individualized care tailored to their unique emotional and developmental needs.
Who Can Benefit from Play Therapy?
Play therapy is most often used for children between the ages of 3 and 12. However, older children and even adults can benefit from play-based interventions in some cases. The therapy is effective for a variety of emotional and behavioral issues, including:
Anxiety: Children experiencing fears, phobias, or generalized anxiety can use play therapy to express and process their worries in a safe space.
Behavioral Issues: For children who struggle with disruptive behaviors, play therapy can help them understand the emotional triggers behind their actions.
Trauma: Children who have experienced traumatic events such as abuse, divorce, or the loss of a loved one often find it difficult to express their feelings. Play therapy helps them navigate their emotions and begin the healing process.
Social Struggles: For children who have difficulty interacting with peers, play therapy can be a way to practice social skills in a low-pressure environment.
If you're wondering, "Where can I find play therapy near me?" Thrive Play Therapy provides accessible and compassionate care for children experiencing these and other challenges.
Benefits of Play Therapy
The advantages of play therapy are numerous, and the results can be life-changing for both the child and their family. Some of the key benefits include:
Emotional Expression: Play therapy provides a safe space for children to express emotions they might not fully understand or feel comfortable discussing openly.
Improved Behavior: By learning to understand and manage their emotions, children often see improvements in behavior at home, school, and in social settings.
Coping Mechanisms: Play therapy helps children develop healthy coping strategies that they can carry into adulthood.
Strengthened Relationships: Children learn communication skills that improve relationships with peers, teachers, and family members.
Why Choose Thrive Play Therapy?
At Thrive Play Therapy, we understand the unique emotional needs of children. Our licensed therapists are experienced in working with children of all ages and backgrounds. We tailor our approach to each individual child, creating a safe, supportive, and nurturing environment for them to explore their emotions and grow.
Local Convenience: If you're looking for play therapy near me, our conveniently located facilities ensure that your child gets the care they need without the hassle of long commutes.
Expertise and Compassion: Our therapists are trained to work with children dealing with a range of emotional, behavioral, and social challenges.
Flexible Sessions: We offer both in-person and virtual sessions to accommodate the needs of busy families.
Finding the right therapeutic support for your child can be a daunting task, but play therapy offers a gentle, effective approach to helping children navigate emotional challenges. If you're in search of play therapy near me, look no further than Thrive Play Therapy. We are committed to helping children thrive by providing compassionate, expert care tailored to their unique needs.
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rehabdental · 20 days
Protecting Your Child’s Smile: The Importance of Pediatric Dentistry
Pediatric Dentistry: When it comes to your child’s health, dental care is as crucial as any other aspect of their well-being. Early childhood caries (ECC) is a common dental issue that affects children around the world, generally causing high discomfort and long-term oral health problems. Recent research has shown that in children aged 3 to 5 years, higher dietary cholesterol is linked to an increased risk of ECC. This finding proves the importance ofintegrating dietary counseling into dental care to keep ECC and other diseases at bay. To get the best guidance and treatments, you need to get in touch with the best child specialist in India – Dr. Suvidha Seth, who is practicing at Re-Hab Dental Clinic.
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Every parent is proactive about their child’s dental health. It is important to schedule timely visits to a Pediatric Dentistry to prevent and manage various dental ailments such as ECC, broken teeth, and others. When you connect with the best child specialist in Delhi NCR, you get the services of a specially trained professional equipped to handle the unique dental needs of children. For instance, Dr. Suvidha Seth provides personalized guidanceand treatment along with suggesting a balanced diet that supports good oral health. For families in Noida and other NCR regions, Dr. Seth is the preferred choice since she emphasizes preventive care and education to help parents understand the link between diet and dental health.
Talking about comprehensive solutions in Pediatric Dentistry, regular check-ups, proper brushing, flossing techniques, and dietary modifications are all provided by qualified and leading dental professionals. Such recommendations are provided by Dr. Suvidha Seth, who is hailed as the Best Pediatric Dentistry in Noida. She has treated many kids to date with a 100% success rate.
Final Words
To make sure that your kid’s smile remains bright and healthy, there are many other factors to be considered than just regular brushing. Selecting the right dentist is an important part of this journey. Dr. Suvidha Seth at Re-Hab Dental Clinic, Noida, is a compassionate and skilled paediatric dentist near me who transforms dental visits into fun and engaging experiences. Backed by her expertise, she always ensures that dental treatment for children is not a nightmare but a pleasant adventure.
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readingsquotes · 26 days
You recently published a big investigative piece on private equity and childcare in Early Learning Nation, and I was lightly amused by the prologue from the editor, which notes that you have an “established perspective about private equity in childcare.” I also have an established perspective about private equity in childcare, which is similar to my established perspective about private equity in pretty much every industry: it’s scorched earth capitalism. Can you lay out your own perspective and maybe get into why private equity investment can be particularly pernicious when it comes to childcare?
Ha, yes; we wanted to make sure no one could accuse me of pretending I was entirely neutral! At its core, private equity firms — which differ from traditional investment firms in seeking very high returns over a burst of a few years before selling, and are insulated from legal consequences — have an inherent conflict of interest between kids & families and their profit motive. You know, I talked to Melissa Boteach, who heads up child care work for the National Women’s Law Center. And she explained it so well:
“The bottom line for private equity, and investor-backed chains more broadly, is profit for [investors]. The bottom line for child care should be early learning and care for children. And it’s not that you can’t ever reconcile those two things [but] when you implement standards, whether it’s living wages for early educators, low child-to-adult ratios, or other measures that affect the quality of that care, investor-backed chains will face external pressures to comply with these standards in the cheapest way possible, which in turn has implications for either lowering the quality of the care or raising the fees charged to parents.”
And she goes on to talk about how it’s not a dirty thing to try to make money in business, but is a short-term profit-maximizing model an appropriate one for child care?
You’re right to point out other industries, and we should be clear that just about every time private equity has touched a human service industry — nursing homes, autism services, even prison food delivery — the results have been largely disastrous for the people on the receiving end of those services. So it’s hard for me to concoct a scenario in which increased private equity ownership is going to be a positive for kids and families. (By the way, this is where I do my regular plug for a book I wish everyone would read: Plunder: Private Equity’s Plan to Pillage America by former Department of Justice special counsel for private equity, Brendan Ballou. Just don’t read it near breakable things.)
And indeed, my reporting and the reporting and research of others points to the standard private equity playbook being put into place in child care. They’re largely going to affluent areas and upcharging, they are pulling out all the stops to minimize operational costs — I quoted one former site director who said she was told to limit the amount of paper she gave out to kids for arts & crafts! — they are resisting removing teachers from classrooms despite allegedly horrific behavior because that would mean they could serve fewer kids, they’re forcing sites to sell off their real estate and lease back the building (with the proceeds going to the private equity firm, not the site), all of these strategies to squeeze every drop of profit out. That doesn’t mean every private equity-owned child care program is bad — plenty are of perfectly good quality — what it means is that there is a corporate structure layered on top, with executives that wouldn’t be doing their jobs if they didn’t prioritize making money, even at the expense of kids and families.
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