#childhood friendship that stood the test of time and strengthed as they grew
nico-di-genova · 10 months
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Lestappen Texts
Friends Edition + After Hours Addition
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scart-t · 1 year
Journey of Friendship: The Tale of Kuni and Y/n
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Pairings: Wanderer x reader
In the beautiful land of Inazuma, amidst the vibrant culture and stunning landscapes, two souls named Kunizkuzishi and Y/n formed an unbreakable bond of friendship. From a young age, they roamed the streets of their quaint village, exploring the wonders of their homeland together.
Kunizkuzishi, commonly known as Kuni, was a free-spirited wanderer with a heart full of curiosity. With his trusty staff in hand, he would venture into the unknown, seeking knowledge and enlightenment. Y/n, on the other hand, possessed an unwavering spirit and a warm smile that could brighten anyone's day. They were a perfect match, complementing each other's strengths and weaknesses.
As the years passed, Kuni and Y/n grew side by side, their friendship deepening with each passing adventure. They shared countless memories, from climbing the towering mountains of Narukami Island to watching the glittering fireworks during the Festival of Lanterns. Together, they laughed, cried, and faced the challenges that life threw at them.
Their shared love for learning led them to pursue higher education. Both Kuni and Y/n enrolled in the prestigious Inazuma University, eager to expand their horizons and acquire knowledge that would benefit their beloved homeland. They dedicated themselves to their studies, often spending long nights together, poring over books and discussing complex theories.
After years of hard work and perseverance, the day of their college graduation finally arrived. Excitement buzzed in the air as Kuni stood on the stage, wearing his graduation robe and gazing at the sea of proud faces in the crowd. When it was Y/n's turn, Kuni's heart swelled with pride as they received their well-deserved diploma.
As the ceremony concluded, Kuni couldn't help but feel a mix of nervousness and anticipation. He knew that this was the perfect moment to express the feelings that had been blossoming within his heart for years. Gathering his courage, he approached Y/n with a determined expression on his face.
"Y/n," Kuni began, his voice filled with a blend of excitement and vulnerability, "we've been through so much together, and you've always been there for me. You've brought light into my life and made every adventure unforgettable. Today, as we stand here, graduates ready to embark on new journeys, I want to ask you something."
Y/n's eyes widened in anticipation, their heart skipping a beat. They had always cherished Kuni's presence and the connection they shared. Now, standing before them, Kuni looked at Y/n with earnest eyes.
"Y/n," Kuni continued, dropping down to one knee and taking Y/n's hand gently, "will you marry me and continue this incredible journey we've started? I want to explore the world with you, to face its challenges hand in hand, and to create a lifetime of adventures together."
Tears welled up in Y/n's eyes as they felt their heart swell with overwhelming love. In that moment, everything else faded away, leaving only Kuni and Y/n, bound by the memories of their childhood and the dreams they held for their future.
"Yes, Kuni," Y/n whispered, their voice filled with joy and love, "I would be honored to spend the rest of my life with you!" Kuni's face broke into a wide smile, his eyes shining with happiness. With the weight of uncertainty lifted off his shoulders, he stood up, gently pulling Y/n into a warm embrace. The world seemed to hold its breath, savoring the sweetness of that moment.
Cheers erupted from their friends and family who had gathered to celebrate their graduation. Applauses filled the air, blending with laughter and tears of joy. It was a celebration not only of academic achievements but also of a love that had stood the test of time.
In the days that followed, Kuni and Y/n began planning their future together. They shared their dreams, hopes, and aspirations, intertwining them seamlessly. Inazuma became a witness to their love story, as they visited the places that held sentimental value for them, reliving their cherished memories.
With each passing day, Kuni and Y/n's love continued to deepen. They supported each other through the challenges that life presented, their unwavering bond acting as a beacon of strength. Together, they explored the vast world beyond Inazuma, discovering new cultures, meeting fascinating people, and weaving tales that would be passed down for generations.
As time went on, Kuni's wanderlust and Y/n's unwavering support for his pursuits shaped their journey. They encountered breathtaking landscapes, encountered mythical creatures, and even discovered hidden treasures, always sharing those remarkable experiences hand in hand.
Their love story became legendary, inspiring others to embrace the beauty of friendship, love, and adventure. Kuni and Y/n's devotion to one another remained unyielding, even as the years turned into decades.
And so, in the embrace of the sunset-kissed shores of Inazuma, surrounded by loved ones and the echoes of their childhood laughter, Kuni and Y/n stood once again. They exchanged vows of love and commitment, promising to face whatever challenges lay ahead, united as they had always been.
Their story as childhood friends had blossomed into a tale of love and companionship that would endure through time. As the wind carried their laughter and the glow of their love, Kuni and Y/n embarked on their greatest adventure yet — a lifelong journey of shared dreams, unbreakable bonds, and a love that would forever illuminate the world around them.
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jeeeeeyq · 7 months
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"A Journey Through Life"
Growing up is a journey filled with ups and downs, shaping who I am and who I become. As a child, my life was a playground of imagination and discovery. Every day was an adventure waiting to unfold. Looking back on my younger self, I can't help but smile at the memories of innocence, curiosity, and boundless energy that defined those early years. As a child, I was full of wonder and excitement, eager to explore the world around me with wide-eyed. I remember the simple joys of childhood, like the sound of laughter echoing through the house as I played with my siblings or the warmth of my parents' hugs as they tucked me into bed at night. Those moments of love and connection formed the foundation of my younger self, instilling in me a sense of security and belonging that I carry with me to this day.
In my childhood, I was a shy and adorable but a very weak kid who loved playing childhood games. I was the kind of kid who would quietly observe the world around me taking it all in with big curious eyes, I am the kind of kid who's afraid of everything up until now because my parents are very strict. While other kids were loud and outgoing, I preferred the comfort of solitude and the company of my imagination. One of my favorite pastimes was playing childhood games. Whether it was chinese garter, hide and seek, bahay-bahayan, or dodge ball I would eagerly join in despite my shyness. These games provided a sense of joy and excitement allowing me to temporarily forget my shyness and simply have fun. As much as I enjoyed playing these games, they also served as a way to connect with others and build friendships. In the midst of play, my shyness seemed to fade into the background, replaced by a shared sense of excitement. I may not have been the loudest or most outgoing, but I found my voice in the laughter and joy of childhood games.
What I cherish most about my younger self is the sense of innocence, my younger self was very sensitive to the point that I let my friends and cousins hurt me. I remember when it comes to playing I just watched them from afar because Im scared they would hurt me again, even though I didn't do anything bad to them, they still make me cry, especially my cousins. They always hurt me, pulling my hair and bite my cheeks and arms and all I can do is crying because I can't fight back. I'm a weak kid. Their parents always told me to fight back but no matter what I do I can't fight because I'm afraid and scared, I'm scared of everything. I'm the type of kid who just cries because I don't know how to fight and my parents know that because they're the only ones who know how weak I am. As I got older I learned to fight back, they say I'm too mean but they don't know why I'm like this I don't know if I'll feel guilty but all I know is that I'm too mean. Looking back on my younger self, I can't help but feel grateful for the memories and experiences that shaped me into the person I am today. Though I may have grown and changed over the years, that sense of wonder and curiosity still burns brightly within me reminding me to never lose sight of the magic that surrounds us each and every day. As I grew older, my interests and passions began to take shape, fueling my curiosity and driving me to learn more about the world.
As I grow older, so did the challenges. I stumbled, I fell, but I also learned to pick myself up. Through heartaches and disappointments, I discovered the resilience within me. With each passing year, responsibilities piled up like bricks in a wall. School became more than just a place of learning, it became a battleground where I fought for my dreams. Late-night study sessions and stressful exams became my companions on the road to adulthood. Adulthood is very exhausting, sometimes I ask myself if "should I give up or continue? yet amidst the chaos, I found moments of clarity. I discovered my passions, strengths, and my purpose. I forged friendships that stood the test of time and found mentors who guided me through the darkness.
Becoming an adult is a transformative journey filled with challenges, growth, and self-discovery. As I navigate through this phase of life, I find myself constantly learning, and adapting to new experiences. One of the most significant aspects of adulthood is taking on increased responsibilities. Making important life decisions, each responsibility shapes me into a more capable and independent individual. Learning to balance work, relationships, and personal goals requires careful planning and prioritization. Adulthood brings me a deeper understanding of oneself. This self-awareness guides me in making decisions that align with my authentic self, leading to a more fulfilling life.
Adulthood is a period of exploration and self discovery. I actively seek out experiences, hobbies and interests that broaden my horizons and bring joy to my life. Whether its exploring destinations, trying new things or acquiring new skills I eagerly embrace opportunities for personal growth and self improvement. Taking time for self care, relaxation and engaging in leisure activities revitalizes my mind and spirit enabling me to approach life with renewed vigor and enthusiasm. My journey from childhood to adulthood is a process of growth learning and self exploration. By embracing responsibilities cultivating relationships overcoming challenges along the way and pursuing opportunities I am evolving into the best version of myself. In the transition from being a child to adulthood whereby I left my innocence behind and gained wisdom. I said goodbye to the days when life was simple but hello to the excitement of being independent. My journey goes on with new experiences, new friendships and dreams yet to be fulfilled. Looking back at my journey, I now realize that every stumble, every setback, and every win has shaped me into who I am today. Although the road ahead is not clear for me, I walk it confidently knowing each step gets me closer to myself as a person.
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luvlanguagye · 1 year
A Tale of Hearts Entwined
Chapter One: The Beginning of an Unbreakable Bond
Summary: In the enchanting town of Hawkins, where reality intertwined with the extraordinary, two souls - Steve Harrington and Emily - forged an unbreakable bond from childhood days of scraped knees and hidden adventures
Paring: Steve Harrigton x Oc!EmilyTurner
A/n: this will be a couple of chapters, and I will try to update as soon as I can ( school just started so it might be a minute)
chapter two
Hawkins, a small town nestled within the embrace of rolling hills and whispering woods, held secrets beyond its quaint exterior. It was in this unassuming place that the tale of Steve Harrington and Emily Turner was set to unfold - a story of friendship that would evolve into a love that neither could have foreseen.
The sun cast a warm glow as Emily, a spirited and curious girl with a shock of unruly hair, stood on the sidewalk, her heart racing with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. It was her first day of kindergarten, a step into the unknown that felt both exhilarating and overwhelming
Steve, a boy with a charm that seemed to radiate effortlessly, stepped onto the same sidewalk. His hair, equally unruly, was a testament to his free-spirited nature. With an infectious grin, he greeted Emily, his blue eyes sparkling with genuine warmth. "Hey, you must be new here."
Emily's nerves melted away as his friendly tone eased her apprehension. "Yeah, I just moved here. I'm Emily."
"Nice to meet you, Emily. I'm Steve." He extended his hand, and they shook hands like two young adults sealing a pact.
As they entered the classroom together, an unspoken connection had already formed. Throughout the school day, they found themselves drawn to each other like magnets. Steve's exuberance matched perfectly with Emily's curiosity, and they quickly became inseparable. Shared crayons turned into whispered secrets, and by the end of that day, a friendship was born that would stand the test of time.
Days turned into weeks, and their friendship grew stronger with each passing moment. They became partners in imaginative games during recess, their laughter echoing across the playground. On weekends, they'd explore the woods behind their houses, inventing stories of dragons and heroes that only they could understand.
As they navigated the hurdles of elementary school, their bond remained steadfast. Through scraped knees and tearful moments, they were each other's constant support. Steve's bravado masked a vulnerability that only Emily saw, while Emily's quiet strength provided solace during Steve's moments of self-doubt.
As middle school approached, their bond deepened further. Steve's once effortless charm was met with the challenges of adolescence. The need to fit in and be accepted weighed heavily on him. Yet, in the midst of this transformation, Emily remained a beacon of unwavering acceptance. She saw past the facade and into the heart of the boy she had come to cherish.
It was on a warm summer afternoon, as they sat on their favorite tree stump in the woods, that their friendship took its first tentative step towards something more. Steve fumbled with his words, his cheeks tinged with a hint of red, as he confessed his nervousness about the changes ahead.
Emily's gentle laughter broke the tension, and she placed a reassuring hand on his arm. "Steve, you're still the same person to me, no matter what."
He looked into her eyes, a mixture of gratitude and something else he couldn't quite place. "You've always been the one who gets me, Em."
And in that moment, as the sun filtered through the leaves above, a new chapter of their friendship began. Little did they know that this chapter would eventually lead them down a path they hadn't dared to imagine - a journey from childhood friends to something more profound, something that had been written in the stars long before they had met.
As the sun set on that memorable day, casting a warm and golden hue over their shared space in the woods, Steve and Emily remained, their bond as unbreakable as the roots that intertwined beneath them, setting the stage for a story of friendship, love, and destiny yet to unfold.
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kylosgenesis · 3 years
Teardrops on Fire
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Steve Rogers is the last Alpha of the an almost extinct Lycan pack. With only less than 100 members left. Steve must produce an heir to ensure the species survival and reduce the chance of attacks from others. Omegas are rare, and betas have a hard time producing children. Steves reality is finally setting in as his obligation of producing an heir faces a major set back.
Reader is the last suitable omega to mate with Steve, due to the fear of her daughters fate in the pack, her mother kept her hidden from the pack after her own exile. Only her mother, and Bucky's family know of her existence. Bucky is Steve's right hand man, and the packs best warrior! He and the reader developed a friendship and bond over the years, but age forced them to become distant.
What happens when she presents and her first heat cycle comes? Her body is in excruciating pain and a strong fever quickly overcomes her body. Facing the fear of her daughters possible death, her mom calls on the only person who can save her at this point, Alpha Steve! Bucky and the alphas friendship will be tested. The reader will be faced with her love for Bucky or her duty to the pack.
Warnings: Mentions of death , A/B/O dynamics
Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/user/gennyzoe/playlist/7xFIhRFa8o2Ae4QJpD1Hp9?si=gWsZ__YOQdKCS81X21jZqw
Chapter 4: I found
Hours had gone by! Bucky was caught of guard with the smell of fire. Faint...but distinct enough he knew it wasn’t his imagination. The chilled air dragged a whiff of the combined scents of fog, smoke, and very faintly in the background... HER!
She was close! He could feel it! This wasn’t new territory to him, but he wondered how she’d ended up hours from her home. He followed the wind, blowing ashes by his face. Leaving a trail, that called to him as if nature was guiding him to her. All the odds were against her tonight, but the forest smelled safe! It was like it protect her from the evil of the elements.
After a couple of minutes on the trail, it hit him! The smell blew the air out of his lungs, he approached the small faded fire with caution. Not wanting to scare her off. As he got closer he noticed her small frame. She was attempting to stand up, but doing so knocked her directly into the fading red embers of where a fire used to be.
The world disappeared for him at that moment! It was her! Just him and her!
And she smelled delicious! Everything is his being screaming to make her his in this very spot, and vanish with her. Nobody to find them! As long as she was there, there was nothing he’d want in this life or another! She was the trophy and the torture, that cursed through him. To love, but never poses. How could he even be thinking of love right now? He hadn’t even looked into her eyes yet.
What if she hated him?
What if she didn’t recognize him?
How was he gonna explain what’s going on to her? She has to know what her body wants right now, what it’s craving for her to do! And how much he wishes to not crave her in the same way.
He bolted to her with all his might, and caught her calling frame. As her eyes slowly faded into unconsciousness, peace resonated in her eyes. He’d dreamed of those eyes for years! And as her body went limp on his arms all he could do was hold her close and pray for the strength to keep her alive and safe... from himself!
She opened her eyes as they adjusted to the moonlight above her. Her body was covered in a warm flannel, she didn’t recognize the source of it.She remembered the eyes she saw before losing consciousness.
Had it all been a dream?
She felt like her limbs were on fire! They responded to every bit of stimulation the flannel was rubbing upon her body. She realized it wasn’t the flannel that was causing her body to jolt up at the feeling of touch; It was that it smelled like an alpha. Her body was trying to absorb as much of him as it could! She was unconsciously reacting to him and granting him access to her.
Hearing a branch break from behind the forest bush, she sprung up as quickly as her body allowed her to react and grabbed a beach from her side.
“Who’s there?” She was in full alarm, she also noticed the fire she had started had been reignited, and was fully blazing and strong!
“What do you want from me? And for the love of... “
She noticed that the reason she had the flannel on was for her own modesty, because underneath the flannel she was as naked as she was brought into the world.
“ Why am I naked? ”
Bucky noticed her panic as he approached the camp again. He’d gone out to get some more firewood and clay to dress her wounds. He wasn't expecting for her to be so recovered.
“I’m sorry ... I didn’t mean to startle you! I'm here to help.”
He put his arms up, to show her he wasn’t a threat, dropping the contest of his arms to the ground! “I was just getting us some more fire, and you need something for your wound... it doesn’t look good!” he fixed his hair back with one of his free hands, a nervous habit he had kept since childhood.
She furrowed her brow, and took a swing of the branch startling him and forcing him to step back. ” I bet you would you know what wound need tending to?” She replied with a cocky attitude! She imagined he would’ve had to look at her body while he took her clothes off, but the realization that her body was not in display contrition made her blush for a moment.
Ignoring the heat rising to her cheeks, and the small pit of embarrassment in the pit of her stomach. She put on a brave face! As he got closer her body reacted to his presence.
He was tall! Always had been, but despite the fact she’s grown since he last saw her, he still sported a good foot above her. She lowered her stance and let go of her makeshift weapon.
Taking a step back, she tripped, and stumbled back. Bucky tried catching her, but before he could he lost his own footing and tackled her body to the ground.
There she was!
Looking like a goddess underneath him, in a flannel, with her little confused doe eyes! She didn’t even try to fight him off. They just stared at each other's eyes, for a small eternity that what theirs to have.
They could both see their changing features, the fire’s light shone on Bucky to reveal his dark black hair. There were messy strays surrounding his face, but the rest was neatly tucked behind his ears. Stubble framed his face, and his jaw was the jaw of a man. It was also an awkward time to notice how much muscle he’d gained in the last 10 years. His body was solid on top of her, even through his shirt, his body told his story! He was a man of work! His body was that of a man who did hard labor, a man who was outside for long periods of time. Which was something she could tell as she noticed the tan in his upper neck had begun fading as the weather grew colder.
His muscles responded to her stare in ways she couldn’t pinpoint!
He on the other hand noticed her delicate face, the way she had grown into her childhood innocence and beauty. Her frame was so small and breakable compared to him. He for a moment thought he could easily crush her, and tried to ease his weight to make it lighter on her.
Her hair was gorgeously long! It surrounded her like a halo, fit for her like an angel. And her eyes where large and expressive. He could’ve read those eyes a million ways years ago, but now! He couldn’t help but wonder what they were trying to say.
He couldn’t stop himself as the word slipped from his lips.
He placed his knee between her legs and pushed on the palm of his hands in an effort to lift his body weight off of her.
“Don’t call me that! Haven’t heard that in a long time”... she wiggled under his body and pushed him off her “ that name used to be special to me”
She tried to stand up, but a dizzy spell forced her to remain seated on the ground. Looking at his hurt expression a few more seconds that she wanted to.
“ I really missed you!” Her eyes filled with tears that threatened to roll down her cheek as she tried to stare forward, but he would still read her pained face. “ When you caught me. I thought I was dying! ..and you weren't real”
“ Im sorry! Im so sorry! I shouldn’t have left you just like that!”
He sat down next to her frame, he noticed how her body was shivering, even close to the fire. Her smell was spiking up. He knew that once morning came he’d have to rush her to Steve as soon as possible! But for now, he just wanted to enjoy her! Just enjoy her own smell one last time.
“I never stopped thinking about you!” He lowered his face to the palms of his hands. It was there when she noticed. One of his hands wasn't quite his. It was a lusterly metal, but it still radiated his energy, and warmth.
“I'm sorry too! I shouldn't have interrupted whatever it is you guys do in the village...” she was guarded! Her body tensed up as she talked, a knife in her words ” a lowlife like me getting lost... that’s what it took for you to care again” the tears began to fall, a combination of her hormones, and now shock!
Her body was changing and she couldn’t do anything about it, and now the ghost of her former best friend was back. She didn’t know how to process. She was stronger than this! Why was her body dissolving her to her nature?
Bucky wanted to embrace her! To say so many things, but nothing felt like enough to him.
“Listen now it’s not the time for... ” as he stood up he heard her let out a pain filled grunt. Her hand reached out to grab his thigh, as she doubled over to the ground in pain.
He quickly reacted to her pain, and kneeled down next to where she now laid doubled over on the cold moist ground.
“No, no ,no , no listen to me doll... you have to pull through!” He positioned his body as comfortably as he could for her “ I can’t help you... I’m not supposed to...”
He’d made a mistake! He’d coated her in his smell from the moment he held her in his arms. Her body was screaming for an alpha and it was only going to get worse till an alpha helps her body respond to it’s needs.
From the little life she had a few minutes ago, this little omega at his feet was shaking, and frail!
“I’m sorry, doll…” he looked around in distress “please just stay with me! We have to make it till morning! Please just look at me...tell me you’re alright! “ he cradled her small body and held her close to him.
As a strong wave of her scent hit his nostrils, and a small seizure overcame her body.
Bucky knew what he had to do!
But he wanted to make sure he had well enough exhausted all of his options. It would be selfish of him not to admit he wanted to help her.
“ Bucky... am I gonna die? ” she looked up at him with pained eyes, she was suffering! He used his shirt to wipe down the trails of blood exiting her nose. He wanted to help her so badly! She was nuzzled up against his body, shivering and looking more lifeless by the moment.
Her body was rejecting her omega change!
Bucky knew the fever wasn’t a good sign! But with the seizures that were now overtaking her body every few minutes, it was confirmed to him that she was moments away from collapsing upon herself. An alpha made an omega stronger! It was in their nature!
She needed an alpha !
As he held her in the heart of the forest, illuminated by the light of the moonlight, he could see the teardrops of red leave her eyes. Tears the color of fire!
And when the moon was above then at its brightest, Bucky looked up at the sky, and then down at her “Im sorry doll! I'm about to let you down one more time... I hope you can forgive me one day” as he exposed her neck to him, her untouched mating gland on full display to him.He carefully extracted his canines, and like a soft kiss, he bit her!
He knew Steve wasn’t going to be happy, and quite frankly he was even more scared of her finding out he’d taken away her choice!
Tag list: @austynparksandpizza @nerdgirljen @exposition-belongs-somewhere @connie326 @patzammit @blessedwedgie
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affcgato-archived · 3 years
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Ben Solo / main verse (heavily, heavily divergent)
The heir to the Skywalker bloodline, Solo possessed raw strength in the Force & had the potential for limitless power. He was born at the end of the Galactic Civil War in 5 ABY, when the Galactic Empire surrendered to the New Republic. His parents, General Han Solo & Princess Leia Organa, were considered great heroes of the Alliance to Restore the Republic.
During the New Republic Era, Solo was part of a new generation of Jedi apprentices trained by his uncle, Jedi Master Luke Skywalker. However, Solo was seduced by the dark side through the machinations of the phantom Sith Lord Darth Sidious & his creation, Supreme Leader Snoke.
Under the thrall of Snoke, Solo destroyed his master's training temple & killed his fellow students - acts which earned him the moniker "Jedi Killer" along with the new identity of Kylo Ren.
early life
Ben Solo was born in 5 ABY in Hanna City, Chandrila on the day that the Galactic Concordance was signed between the New Republic & the Galactic Empire, formally ending the Galactic Civil War - which had already resulted in the deaths of the late emperor palpatine, & ben's maternal grandfather anakin skywalker, redeemed in his dying moments from his sith persona darth vader.
Ben almost never stood a chance. Even before he was born, his mother could feel the light & the dark at war within him - likening her unborn son to a living band of light that occasionally dimmed & was sometimes thrust through with a vein of darkness.
In his youth, Solo's parents had active lives in their respective professions. Han, a smuggler before joining the Rebellion, was unable to stay in one place for long, while Organa became occupied with routine senatorial duties. Ben, who aspired to become a pilot like his father since childhood, inherited amazing piloting skills from him. Organa, meanwhile, became a respected senator in the New Republic. The busy lives of Organa & Han often kept them away from their son, causing Solo to develop a sense of loneliness.
Jedi Training
As the Force awakened in young Solo, his parents grew to believe that he needed guidance despite their efforts to build a normal life for him. In 15 ABY, Ben began his Jedi training as part of Skywalker's initiative to restore the Jedi Order. He became Skywalker's apprentice prior to his tenth birthday, & was already his uncle's "most prized student." Even then, it was clear to Skywalker that his nephew was inherently powerful with the Force despite his lack of training in the Jedi arts, a testament to the raw power of his family's bloodline.
Through Skywalker's training, Ben developed a strong sense of devotion to the ways of the Jedi. He kept a calligraphy set filled with Jedi insights in his quarters during his time with Skywalker. As master & apprentice, they traveled across the galaxy accumulating artifacts and learning more about the Jedi Order's ancient history in the hope of fully restoring it.
beginning of divergence
It was during this period in Solo's life that he came into contact with Snoke, an enigmatic Force user who was strong with the dark side. While Snoke's intention was to cultivate a friendship with the young jedi that he could use to coax him down the path to the dark side of the Force, that plan would never fully materialize.
Ben had heard a voice throughout his young life, & long believed it to be Snoke's. He told no one about this voice at first, as he had long felt isolated & lonely with his parents' erratic schedule. it was under Skywalker's training, & his own personal study into the recovered archives from the jedi temple, that he would begin to recognize the dangers that might accompany the voice if left alone & unchecked. It would eventually come to head when the conflicting emotions arising from the emotional manipullation caused Ben to lash out during training, injuring himself & his training partner enough for Luke to notice.
Taking his apprentice aside, Luke would finally talk to him about the Skywalker bloodline, & the legacy it carried with it - easing the sense of isolation Ben had long felt while acknowledging his own doubts & concerns. Knowing his apprentice was being targeted by something sinister, but not knowing the source of the malignancy, Luke began teaching him advance techniques to help him shield himself, & his mind, as well as how to distance himself from the Force as a last resort defense should something arise from this presence.
first confrontation with the knights of ren
During the early years of Solo's apprenticeship, Lor San Tekka, a traveler noted for his expertise on the Jedi Order, informed Skywalker about the discovery of an ancient Jedi outpost on the planet Elphrona. Embarking on a mission to investigate San Tekka's findings, Skywalker brought Ben with him, knowing that, like himself, Solo was interested in discovering Jedi artifacts. Along the way, Solo was contacted by Snoke. While he kept up the ruse of allowing this dark presence into his mind, he later informed his Master as to what has transpired, causing further concern as Luke recognized the tactics.
The outpost that they discovered was well preserved and the entrance intact. Both master & apprentice were impressed by it, though Skywalker warned that they should exercise caution while exploring the outpost, recounting a similar situation that nearly ended with his death in years past. The outpost was a repository of holocrons & other artifacts that Skywalker likened to a treasure trove.
A group of marauders, dressed in black, entered the outpost after the two Jedi & their explorer companion. A warrior calling himself "Ren" spoke on the group's behalf, declaring that the outpost and its contents were claimed by the Knights of Ren. Rejecting the Knights' claim, Skywalker drew his lightsaber & introduced himself as the last Jedi. Ben also activated his weapon, but remained out of the ensuing fight, as Skywalker instructed him to protect San Tekka.
Ren conceded the battle after his Knights were defeated by Skywalker. During the confrontation, however, he sensed that the dark side was strong with Ben. He invited Ven to seek out the Knights in the future, offering to teach the young apprentice about aspects of the Force contrary to Jedi teachings.
During this trip, Luke would take Ben traveling to the edge between the known galaxy & unexplored space, as he had many times before to test the seemingly limitless capacity of his apprentice & nephew.
a new generation of jedi
It was not long before the Order expanded to include more than Skywalker & Solo, as the former took it upon himself to train multiple apprentices at the same time. In addition to several new recruits, Hennix, Tai, & Voe were apprenticed to Skywalker, * as such, they became acquainted with his first & strongest pupil. As children, they would sit on the temple grounds learning about the Force through Skywalker's lectures, while, at the same time, honing their skills by levitating rocks.
Solo's natural affinity with the Force did not go unnoticed by his peers, particularly Voe, who struggled to hone her skills despite training just as hard as Skywalker's nephew. While training on the temple grounds, Voe watched as Solo levitated a large rock with ease, & wondered why he was far stronger than her. According to Skywalker, however, strength had nothing to do with how the Force worked. He likened using the Force to opening a door, explaining that the Force flowed more easily through those who were open to its energy.
Notwithstanding Skywalker's view on the Force, Solo surpassed his peers in every aspect of their training, including lightsaber combat & meditation. At one point, he defeated Voe in a sparring match. As their training progressed, Solo suspected that Voe resented him for his power.
His relationships with the other students were different. Hennix could make Solo laugh, & Tai tried to help him cope with the pressures of being a Skywalker. Solo assured his fellow Jedi student that he held nothing back, but through the Force Tai perceived a side to Solo that he hid from the others, including himself. Solo listened, but said nothing while Tai expressed his belief that everyone should be themselves.
further diversion from canon
While undergoing further training during this time period, Ben began to feel the ramped up pressure of the dark presence in his mind, & as such, he began spending more & more time deep in study even apart from his own Master as his sense of foreboding began to set him on edge. His anxiety was realized when, twenty-four years after the Battle of Endor, the truth about the parentage of Solo's mother was revealed by Organa's political enemies in the New Republic Senate.
It was a small mercy that Luke had prepared for this moment, having given Ben the truth of his bloodline & legacy against his sister's wishes many years before, & the fallout was largely contained. Ben would take advantage of the chaos this revelation created, though, letting the voice that had long dipped into his nightmares believe its plans were well underway so that he & his master might finally get ahead of whatever lurked in the shadows.
The revelation would come with a fanfare of fire; one night when Skywalker went to his nephew's bedroom one evening, he found the young man asleep. Standing over his sleeping student, Skywalker reached out through the Force & saw a vision of what would come to pass if this dark presence was allowed to fully sink its claws into his apprentice, & claim him as its own; he saw the death & destruction Solo would someday bring to everything Skywalker loved.
When Ben awakened hours later, it was to Luke offering him his hand, & telling him it was time they talked about the moment they had once realized may come to pass. it was time. in the early, pre-dawn hours, there was an explosion that brought down the entire hut, ostensibly resulting in the death of the once-prodigy. twenty-three year old Ben Organa-Solo would be buried, & mourned, his presence lost in the Force to all because of a tragic accident.
or at least - that would be the official story, with the truth only known to the Master that packed his apprentice into a t-65B X-wing with coordinates known only to the the young boy piloting, the droid R2-D2, & Lor San Tekka.
ahch-to, & study in exile
Ben had learned of the location of the remote aquatic planet Ahch-To during his early tears as Skywalker's apprentice, having read about it & studied it in the ancient relics & holocrons they had come across in their many travels. On fleeing in the pre-dawn hours, the remote planet in a largely unknown part of the galaxy was Ben's logical first choice, & upon landing there, he tamped down hard on his connection to the Force - all but fully severing himself from it bar the bar minimum that would allow him to continue guidance & training from those who came before him - obi-wan kenobi, & yoda, among others.
It was his intent to live out his life in exile, keeping himself far from the reaches of whatever dark force sought to turn him into a weapon against his family & other loved ones. Once his Master had rooted out this evil, R2-D2 would relay his location. What was supposed to take months, howeverm turned into years. Eventually, Ben felt the suffocating loneliness start to close in on him. Six years after he fled to ahch-to, he would find another landing on the planet.
another, searching for him.
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cryptoriawebb · 6 years
YoruMero with the whisper prompt?
Person A doesn’t talk much, but sometimes they shyly whisper cute/kind things into Person B’s ear whenever they think Person B needs it.
A prequel drabble where everything is the same except the shinigami hatch as children. Took some creative world-building liberties but I kinda like how this turned out…even if it got away from me.
Gesshoku Yoru never cared much for Izumi Rio. His smug eyes and cold shoulder that more often than not came together when he spoke gave him an aura of arrogance that tried her nerves to no end. As a fellow shinigami-in-training she was bound to consider him an alley bu that did not mean she had to like him. If Izumi desired so intently to adopt the role of Ice Prince she’d sweep through his frost in a blaze of fire. She could do it, too, and came very close to it more than once. All she’d need was one word, one concrete consented affirmation and she’d burn him so badly he’d melt into a damn puddle. For while indeed, Yoru did not care for Izumi, he’d never personally–or intentionally–harmed her. His preferred target was a mutual friend, Yoru’s best friend: the shinigami-in-training know as Meroko Yui.
For whatever reason, the pink-haired girl fell hook, line and sinker into Izumi’s web, pleading with him to open up, let her in and show him what it meant to love. How this happened Yoru still didn’t understand: she remembered their Second Childhood, budding Fledglings with all the Afterlife ahead of them. The Boss often paired them off, all four of them, to complete various tasks meant to test their strengths and weaknesses. Whenever Izumi worked with Meroko he deliberately antagonized her. When paired with Yoru, however, Meroko seemed to thrive. Ironic perhaps, for visually the two stood very far apart: Meroko with her long flowing hair and frilly sundresses while Yoru preferred black lace and corsets. Her hair, cropped short, matched her style and color-scheme perfectly. So did her wings. 
Yoru’s wings were unique among shinigami and spoke more for her friendship with Meroko than anything else: black and leathery like a bat’s, she’d been frightened and self-conscious when they first grew in. Meroko didn’t see it that way. ‘I like them,’ she’d said with a bright and earnest grin. ‘They suit you perfectly.’ 
Yoru knew what it meant to love after that. Knew far better than Izumi Rio. She would never and had never treated her best friend with anything less than trust and affection…and because she did she sat silently now, one hand on Meroko’s shoulder as the other girl vented her frustrations. 
“I don’t understand that Izumi,” Meroko sighed, scrubbing a hand through her bangs. “I’ve worked so hard to prove my feelings to him but he keeps rejecting me…am I doing something wrong?” She turned to Yoru with sad eyes. Yoru blushed and looked away, looked out over the ruins stretched for miles below them. They often came here, to the ancient remains of their otherworldly home: it was quiet, private, any and all residence long ago migrating to the newer and updated section. They didn’t always choose the Tower for their perch, but after a long day a gentle breeze and serene view offered comfort. At least Yoru thought so. Loose strands of hair tickled her cheek. She pushed them back and sighed. 
“Yoru?” Meroko asked. 
“Sorry,” Yoru said. her heart fluttered and not for the first time she wondered how such a feat were possible: they were (or would be) angels of death. Death being the key word. They had no reason for a beating heart…all the same, something deep in Yoru’s chest stirred around Meroko, a something she guessed tormented her friend, now. Why, she asked herself, as she had so often in the past. Why Izumi? She didn’t and wouldn’t say it aloud. Not tonight. Tonight Meroko needed softer, kinder words…no matter how much they might hurt to say. Yoru let go of her friend’s shoulder, instead winding an arm around both. She leaned into the half-hug, her head against Meroko’s.
“I’m sorry, Mero-chan,” Yoru whispered, using the Second Childhood nickname she’d given her. The flighty thing beneath Yoru’s ribs soured and bubbled like acid. No I’m not, she thought. He’s not worth your broken heart. This, too, she kept to herself, swallowing the bitter taste and searching for a sweeter followup. “You know Izumi’s always been a little distant,” said Yoru at last. “He might just need longer to clue in.”
Meroko sniffed. “You think so?”
Yoru didn’t answer right away. A heavy, suffocating feeling poured over her heart like quicksand. She sighed again. “Some people take a while to realize the best thing for them is already by their side.”
They slipped into another silence after that, a silence that held until the last rays of ethereal daylight disappeared from view. Finally, Meroko sat up straighter.
“Thank you, Yoru,” she said with a small smile. “You always know what to say.”
Yoru tried to smile back. “That’s what friends do.”
“Not all friends,” Meroko said and as she did warmth filled her face. “Just you. You’re more than a friend. You’re my best friend.”
Yoru thanked the darkness for concealing the burn across her cheeks. Best friend. Always, only the best friend. I’m better for you, she thought, almost pleaded as the other girl at last got to her feet. Meroko stretched her arms above her head, her wings doing the same on either side. Some of that vigor, that spark so prevalent in Meroko returned to her eyes and when she rose into the air Yoru’s own heart started breaking. 
I’d do anything for you, Mero-chan. Why does it have to be Izumi?
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zillanewt · 7 years
What’s In Your Head?
Chapter One // Chapter Two // Chapter Three // Chapter Four // Chapter Five
summary: So, the year is 1999. Eddie is 23 years old, telepathic, and lives with his childhood best friend, Bill, in Portland, Maine. He meets a young musician with a knack for speed named Richie at a bar. Based off @trashmouthloser‘s mutant!loser club headcanons!!
pairing: reddie
words: 2.6K
warnings: implied homophobia (?), implied sexual content, Mrs. K being manipulative in general
A/N: I’m very tired as I post this, so I only have two things to say. 1) I hate Sonia Kaspbrak with every bone in my body. 2) I feel as if we don’t expand enough on how her relationship with Eddie is literally built on emotional abuse. Thank you to everybody who read, liked, and reblogged!! I really didn’t expect this fic to take off like it did. It kinda was just a self-indulgent piece of drivel for me, so I’m excited y’all enjoyed it!!! Please message me if you would like to be added to the the taglist!
Much to Mrs. Kaspbrak’s frustration, it has been five years since Eddie has been back to Derry. Every time she urges him to come visit or come home for the holidays, he bickers with her until she relents and travels to Portland instead. Despite Bill’s usually patient and courteous demeanor, having Mrs. Kaspbrak in their apartment was always a test of Eddie and Bill’s friendship, because one of them would be trying to kill the other by the end of it.
But this year was different because this was the year Eddie’s mom slipped in the shower and threw out her back. It was no surprise to Eddie, as his mother was aging rapidly.
Thankfully, one of Eddie’s aunts found her before too much harm could be done, but Mrs. Kaspbrak stayed in her armchair all day now, refusing to leave the house. Now, Eddie would have to travel to Derry for Thanksgiving, instead of spending it with Richie and their friends.
He supposes he could always invite Richie to come along, but he didn’t want Richie to see where he grew up. He didn’t want to slip up and reveal the old Eddie - a mama’s boy and a sissy - to his boyfriend. Furthermore, he knew his mother passive aggressive homophobic comments would be seriously discouraging for Richie. Eddie was used to it because it was her nature. Even though she knew Eddie was gay, he felt as if she’d never truly accepted it deep down.
That’s just the way it was with Mrs. Kaspbrak.
During an evening with Richie at his apartment, Eddie decided to break the news. Gratefully, Stan was out drinking with Bill as they usually do on Friday nights (which Eddie needs to ask Bill about eventually). Richie had fallen asleep during the second half of Clueless, and Eddie found his tiny snores adorable despite always telling him they’re annoying. Securely, Eddie was in Richie’s lap, pressing his back close to the other’s chest. He lightly kicked at Richie’s socked feet with his own, trying to stir him from sleep.
In response, Richie groaned and softly swatted at Eddie’s bare thigh.
“Stooop,” he moaned, resting his face in the crook of Eddie’s neck. His further protests were muffled.
“No,” Eddie said curtly. “We gotta talk.”
Lazily, Richie opened his eyes. He was wearing his glasses tonight because he lost his contacts. They magnified his dark brown eyes to a comical level.
“Can’t we do this later?” Richie drawled, tightening his arms around Eddie’s waist.
Eddie rolled his eyes but then decided there was no time like the present to just come out and say it.
“I’m going back home for Thanksgiving,” Eddie sighed, and as soon as the words left his mouth, Richie sat up straight and looked at him with wide eyes and knitted eyebrows.
“Oh.” He sounded dejected, and it shot straight through his heart. “I just thought we were spending Thanksgiving together.”
Quietly, Eddie replied, “we still can.”
It took a minute for the confusion to dissipate from Richie’s face, as he realized what Eddie was really saying.
“Are you sure?” Richie questioned. “What if your mom doesn’t like me?”
“My mom doesn’t like anybody,” Eddie deadpanned.
Richie pursed his lips and looked as though he was in deep thought for a minute, which Eddie took the opportunity to explore.
“What if she hates me?” Richie thought. “What if she knows I’m not good enough for Eddie?”
Eddie threw a side-eyed glance at Richie and pulled his face into a grimace. He couldn’t believe Richie would even think he’s not good enough, and he voices such.
“You are good enough,” Eddie chastises, smacking Richie’s shoulder. “Besides, it’s my job to overthink and worry about my mom’s opinion, not yours.”
Richie still shows uncertainty on his face. He has heard nightmarish stories about Mrs. Kaspbrak from both Eddie and Bill. His knowledge of her extended to the fact she manipulated Eddie into believing he was frail and delicate when Richie knows Eddie is anything but. Of course, Eddie had his insecurities, but he showed unparalleled amounts of strength by continually putting up with everyone’s bullshit and helping his friends. He also had the faint idea Eddie’s mom wasn’t very thrilled with the fact her son was gay.
“Well, tough shit,” Richie thought. “He deserves to be himself without fear.”
Truthfully, Richie only wanted to be with Eddie for the holidays, despite his fearful mother.
In response to Eddie’s proposition, Richie grabbed his hand and squeezed tightly, then agreed.
“Because, fuck what Mrs. K thinks,” Richie decided.
Though both Bill and Stan were excited to have the apartments to themselves, Bill was still slightly concerned. The morning they planned to leave for Derry, Bill pulled Richie aside as Eddie was putting their bags into the bed of Richie’s El Camino.
“I al-almost feel l-like I’m s-sending you off to w-war,” Bill whispers solemnly. “P-please don’t let Mrs. Kaspbrak’s behavior affect your relationship with Eddie. It would d-devastate him.”
Richie grimaces and tries to interrupt when Bill shuts him down.
“I-I’d be lying t-to you if I said Eddie’s m-mom isn’t a bad person,” Bill admits, but then thinks better of it. “Don’t tell E-Eddie I s-said that.”
He continues, “she will say just about anything to maintain control over Eddie, which includes tearing other people down. She’s most definitely going to be nasty to you while you’re there, but try not to let it get to you. I don’t like Mrs. K, but I put up with her for Eddie’s sake.”
The only thing Richie could do was purse his lips and nod because for once, he was at a loss for words. Maybe just like Richie didn’t want to be alone, Eddie didn’t want to be alone with his mother in his childhood home.
Not much about Derry changed since he moved, Eddie noticed. A few years ago, they installed a mall downtown and demolished a few factories as well, but it was pretty much the same as it had been in high school. He could see there were still hateful things graffitied on Kissing Bridge, but he assumed Derry teenagers never stopped being assholes.
They drove past the Barrens, and Eddie remembered the first time he admitted he was gay to Bill. His best friend just held him while he cried and shook on the dirt ground.
When they pulled up to Eddie’s childhood home, all the memories began flooding back - the endless nights of bickering in high school, the scheduled medications, the inhaler he never truly needed, all of it.
Richie could apparently see Eddie was troubled from the look on his face, so he reached towards Eddie’s hands which were twitching in his lap. He grabbed one and intertwined their fingers, giving Eddie the same reassuring smile Eddie has given him a million times.
Eddie responded in kind, feeling brave enough to step out of the car instead of telling Richie to hit the gas and haul ass elsewhere. As they begun to unload their bags from the bed, one of Eddie’s aunts stepped out of the house, glared at Richie, then called “Sonia!” from the front door.
Bill and Eddie always said Eddie’s mom was hefty, but Richie never thought she would be well past obese. She stood in the doorway in a pink floral nightgown with stray curlers in her hair, watching them through large frames on her face.
Though the nasty look Eddie’s mom made Richie want to piss himself out of fear, he pulled his lips into a wide grin for Eddie. He’s had plenty of experience with partner’s parents who hated him, so this shouldn’t be different.
Richie swallows the lump in his throat as he mentally realizes this thing with Eddie was getting pretty serious and it wasn’t just fooling around for either of them. And nobody, not even Sonia Kaspbrak, was going to ruin this for him.  
Suddenly, they’re standing on the porch with the beast standing right in front of them. Her gaze turns from Richie to Eddie and softened, immediately pulling her son into a bear hug.
“Oh I missed you, Eddie bear!” she exclaimed, pressing him to her breast. Richie faintly wondered if his boyfriend even could breathe.
“Eddie bear,” Richie muttered endearingly under his breath. “That’s cute.”
Neither of the other two heard it but instead continued their interaction.
“Hi, Mommy,” Eddie muffled, still pressed to Sonia’s chest. He managed to break free of her grip and gesture to Richie, which the other boy really wishes he hadn’t because soon, Sonia’s hawk-like stare was on him again.
“Ma, this is Richie! My boyfriend!” Eddie said with so much pride. The glimmer in his eye made Richie feel as if Eddie thought he hung the stars himself.
The moment was soon ruined by Mrs. Kaspbrak’s unhappy grunt, which she made no effort to hide. Richie wasn’t welcome. She didn’t want Richie there and never would. But, Richie didn’t give a shit. She was just going to have put up with him because Richie was seriously falling in love with Eddie.
Though he was used to running, he would stand his ground this time for Eddie.
After Eddie’s mom invited them inside and Richie was introduced to Eddie’s aunts (who were slightly nicer compared to their sister), they traveled upstairs to settled in. Mrs. Kaspbrak insisted Richie stay in the guest room, but when he took Eddie’s bags to his old room, he noticed the bed was definitely big enough for the two of them.
When he mentioned it to Eddie, the other man, still unpacking, only deadpanned, “She doesn’t want us bumping uglies under her roof.”
Richie almost choked on his own spit.
“I wish we were bumping uglies in general!” he recovered, trying to seem flirtatious and not desperate, even though he was pretty desperate.
They had been together for three months, and while they did other things, they hadn’t had actual sex. Richie was practicing nothing but patience because he’d probably castrate himself if Eddie asked. He just wanted Eddie to feel comfortable and safe, so they went at Eddie’s pace, though Richie’s nature was to go fast.
Eddie rolled into his eyes, but played into Richie’s game. “Maybe if you’re a good boy,” he teased.
Richie raised an eyebrow and drawled, “What are you talking about, Eds? I’m always the best boy.”
Before Eddie could say anything, Richie was behind him with his hands on his waist, placing lingering kisses on his neck. He took much satisfaction in the way Eddie’s neck instantly flushed, soon reaching the tips of his ears.
“S-stop,” Eddie gasped. “We can’t do this right now.”
Richie eyes lit up like Christmas lights as he asked, “later?”
When Eddie furiously nodded, Richie felt as if his heart was about to burst from his chest.
Later that evening, they joined Eddie’s mother and aunts for dinner, much to Richie’s discomfort. They spent most of the night gossiping about their acquaintances, but they still managed to find time between nasty rumors to interrogate Richie.
“So,” Eddie’s aunt started, “what do you do, Richie?”
Mrs. Kaspbrak’s eyes quickly went from her sister to her son’s boyfriend, as she waited expectantly for the answer. Eddie would later tell Richie she was thinking “I’m sure he doesn’t have one.”
“I’m a musician,” Richie said nervously, reaching for Eddie’s hand under the table for support.
Eddie’s mom scoffed, turning back to annoyingly push her mashed potatoes around on her plate. His aunts only giggled, throwing disbelieving looks to both Sonia and Richie.
“You know, I wouldn’t mind Eddie being gay if he could ever find a man worthwhile,” she said bluntly, glaring at Richie. Then she turned to Eddie, “Why do you hate me, Eddie? You must hate me because you keep bringing home losers solely to disappoint me.”
There was no answer to that question. Eddie knew what game his mother was playing. She would try to invoke guilt from Eddie, even when Eddie did absolutely nothing wrong. Though Eddie thought he was immune to it by now, it still got to him deep down.
“It’s your own damn fault you’re disappointed, Ma,” Eddie deadpanned. “I did nothing wrong.”
She looked taken aback and embarrassed her son was talking back to her in front of her sisters. Her eyes narrowed into slits, as her gaze was still trained on an apathetic Eddie.
“You got really mouthy after high school,” she hissed. “Whatever happened to ‘Yes, mommy. Whatever you say, Mommy’?”
A long sigh escaped from Eddie’s lips. He really didn’t want to do this right now in front of Richie. Arguing with his mom wasn’t a new concept to him, so he grew tired of it quickly. It wasn’t exhilarating as it was when he was rebelling against his mother’s word. It was simply plain exhausting because Sonia Kaspbrak was the most stubborn person on the planet.
“Please just let me eat my dinner,” he snapped at her, refusing to look at anybody at the table, including Richie.
After showing plenty of disdain on her face, Mrs. Kaspbrak decided to let it go for now and return her attention to her sisters.
When dishes were done, Eddie stormed upstairs with a meek and unusually quiet Richie following behind. The door closed behind them with a slam, as Eddie flopped face first into the bed and screamed into a pillow. Worriedly, Richie sat down next to him on the bed, rubbing between his shoulder blades.
Eddie’s turned his head to face Richie, tightly clutching the pillow in both hands while small tears formed in his eyes. As soon as he noticed them, he hurriedly wiped them away, hoping Richie wouldn’t see.
“I’m so fucking sorry you had to see that,” Eddie groans, feeling his face heat up in embarrassment. “I’m sorry she called you a loser.”
Richie just shrugged it off, lying down next to Eddie so they were facing each other. “Nothing I haven’t been called before.”
“But that doesn’t make it ok,” Eddie whispered, feeling his energy slipping from him.
“No, it doesn’t,” Richie replies, “but I can take it with a grain of salt because I get the feeling your mom is an unreasonably petty and vindictive person.”
“Yeah,” Eddie rasped, “she is.”
“Do you want to talk about it?”
Richie can see the cogs in Eddie’s head turning as he considers his entire relationship with his mother. His face quickly pulls into a grimace, and he chokes out a silent sob, feeling those tears coming back up.
“She always does that,” Eddie said solemnly in between sobs. “She always tries to make me feel guilty, so I’ll do what she wants. Ever since I was a kid, she has been playing mind games with me, and I thought I grew out of being so susceptible to her bullshit, but it still hurts. It hurts to feel like I have no control because of my mother.”
The other man wrapped his arms around Eddie, holding him as he cried. For once, Richie was unsure of what to say. He just knew he didn’t want to let Eddie go because he felt like if he did, he’d be relinquishing him to Sonia.
Eddie sniffled and pulled himself together, wiping away the tears with his sleeve. Though he didn’t want to, he pulled away from Richie’s hold. He looked his boyfriend in the eye, and Richie hated the sad glimmer in those big brown eyes.
“If you want to break up with me, I’ll understand,” Eddie said meekly.
After waiting what felt like a century, Richie just looked at Eddie like he said “2+2=5.”
“Are you stupid?” Richie laughed. “I wouldn’t leave you even if your mom beat me with a frying pan. We’re in this together. Sadly, you’re stuck with me, Kaspbrak.”
In response, Eddie’s eyes lit up immediately and he giggled, throwing himself into Richie’s arms.
This time, Richie wasn’t going to let go for the entire world.
@asteroidbill, @ttrxshmouth, @lukemybieber, @neutral-gal, @lolrichie, @omgboiledcabbages, @breakmyreddieheart
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