#chilling adventures of sabrina drabble
«Chilling Adventures of Sabrina». Robin Goodfellow/Theo Putnam. Nightmares (18+) (#1)
Warnings: !Detailed rape!
I write in Russian and use a translator. If you find any errors, please let me know about it.
They're fucking him again. When will it end?
Robin gritted his teeth and exerted all his strength not to scream in pain while Carcosa pounded into him from behind, fucking him dry.
When, when will this torture end?..
Robin tried to think of something else, someone else and Theo immediately came to mind. Theo with his charming embarrassed smile, big eyes and the way he hugged him, Robin… They had recently met, but he liked Theo very much.… But it was he, Robin, who was supposed to lead him to death. Theo was one of three possible victims for the resurrection of the Green Man. Robin swore to himself that he would not let anyone hurt Theo, but for this it was necessary that Theo did not remain innocent, and therefore…
The flow of thoughts was interrupted unexpectedly. Robin whined as he felt the Carcosa coming out of him, but he knew it wasn't over yet.
 "Nagaina, take care of him, I'm going to take a shower. Circe, you can start too," he ordered, leaving the tent.
 "I'm sorry, baby," Circe whispered softly, coming up to him and sitting down next to him.
 "Just... do it already..." Robin asked, grimacing from the wild pain.
Circe looked at him worriedly, but said nothing more, just kissed him on the shoulder, and then came up from the side, kissing him hotly on the lips, then smoothly moving to the neck. Robin breathed more often, and then opened his mouth in a silent scream, feeling a dildo inside him. He missed the moment when Nagaina joined them, coming from behind.
When Carcosa returned, he resumed his place behind Robin, pulling the "dick" out of him, Circe remained in place, and Nagaina settled between his legs.
"Robin... Robin!" as if through cotton wool, the words reached him.
He squeezed his eyes shut. Please let it end! He can't take it anymore!
He woke up abruptly, feeling a chilling horror.
It was a dream. Thank God, it was just a dream... breathing became a little easier.
 "Robin?" Theo asked. №Are you okay? What did you dream of? You were screaming in your sleep." Theo looked at him worriedly.
Robin shivered at the memory and burrowed deeper into the blanket. Theo moved closer, hugging him under the covers, and Robin, rolling over on his side, gently rubbed his nose against his open shoulder.
"Phantasmagoria. I was dreaming of a phantasmagoria," he moved away a little so that he could see Theo's eyes.
 "Will you tell me?" he asked softly.
"I..." he faltered, looking into Theo's eyes, and then sighed heavily, lying back on his back, "when I was little, they paved a road near the forest where we lived," Robin began to tell quietly, stroking Theo on the back in an attempt to calm down, "we, children, we ran all over the forest and often went out to the road, and since we saw it for the first time in our lives, we were wondering what was there. There were five of us. Remember the Moth?" Theo mumbled "uh-huh". "She's been my best friend since childhood, but we only met again when I started riding with Carcosa," Robin shuddered and Theo immediately snuggled up to him, stroking his chest soothingly.
Robin looked up at the ceiling, choosing his words.
 "There were five of us," he repeated. "They noticed us. Two were caught, first me, then the Moth, because she couldn't leave me, the others ran away," he began unconsciously stroking Theo's shoulder and bit his lip. "They took us away from the forest and we began to weaken. Then they understood everything and began to move. Even then they were looking for ways to resurrect their pagan gods and we had to join them willy-nilly. For several years we wandered, "traveled", as they said, and we managed to grow up, by human standards we were of age. But they... Carcosa abused the Moth, took her without her consent and she ran away. She offered me to run away, we didn't know where, but we wanted so much..." there was an old pain in Robin's voice.
"And then?" Theo asked breathlessly, looking at him.
"And then we were noticed. The moth really asked me to save her and I saved her, but I stayed with them because I didn't have time to escape."
 "Didn't you have time?" There was surprise in Theo's voice.
"Yes, I didn't have time. There are special spells that make me...uspowerless," Robin corrected himself. "Then the pagans gave me this name so that I would forget mine," he smiled sadly.
"And your real name..." he drawled, frowning.
 "Puck, but I'm already used to the fact that everyone calls me Robin," he smiled out of the corner of his lips and continued, "after the Moth escaped, Karkosa seemed to break loose". Robin bit his lip and looked at Theo, and then closed his eyes. He frowned, realizing that there was clearly nothing good there, but did not rush to answer. He just pulled himself up a little and gently touched Robin's face with his hand, stroked his forehead, lightly touched his closed eyelids with his finger.
Robin exhaled, then turned his head and, opening his eyes, looked at Theo again.
 "First he abused the Moth, and when she ran away, he started... doing it to me," his voice faltered.
Theo's eyes widened as he finally understood.
 "Did he rape you?" there was genuine horror in his voice.
"Yes," Robin answered quietly, — and it was repeated constantly. When he was in a bad mood and when he was in a good mood, too, or..." he sighed heavily and shook his head, "very often."
 "You didn't try to run away anymore?" Theo asked.
 "I wanted to, but Nagaina was guarding me. She has hundreds or thousands of snake pets, so... they woke her up whenever I managed to slip away and she brought me back, and then Pan... punished me for disobedience," by the end of the sentence, Robin's voice became very quiet.
They lay in silence for a few minutes until Robin continued talking.
"And then he came up with a "wonderful" idea to arrange a threesome".
 "They did it three of them, Pan, Nagaina and Circe," Robin swallowed and closed his eyes. "Circe liked me as a child, so she did it reluctantly and always helped me after. She's always helped me," he smiled slightly. "And Nagaina helped Pan in everything," his smile faded, "so he trusted her when it was necessary to... prepare me for him. And he trusted Circe, of course, but Nagaina more."
Theo was stunned into silence for a few minutes, and then asked:
 "Do you remember when we met?" When Robin nodded, he continued, "after that, they too?.." He didn't have the heart to finish the sentence.
"Yes," Robin whispered, closing his eyes and smiling weakly through the force.
 "Look at me," Theo asked softly after a few moments of oppressive silence.
When Robin did this, he continued:
 "You're not there anymore, Robin, and you're never going back there. They're dead and they won't touch you again, I promise."
 "I know," the guy smiled weakly, "I know, but... they come back to me in dreams, they always come back," he muttered.
Suddenly Theo sat up and turned to him.
 "I will protect you," he said seriously, looking into his eyes, "always. I swear... whatever you want. I will never hurt you and will not let anyone hurt you."
 "I know," tears glistened in Robin's eyes, "thank you, Theo…"
Putnam looked at him for a few seconds, and then kissed him first on the temple, then on the nose and lay back down, hugging Robin tightly.
 "I love you," he whispered, "sleep, I'll be there to protect you from nightmares." If that doesn't work, then I'll figure something out. I promise. Go to sleep."
Robin put his arm around Theo's shoulder and closed his eyes.
As soon as his breathing steadied, Theo grabbed his cell phone and, dimming the brightness of the screen, wrote a message.
Today, 02:56Theo: Robin has nightmares, I need your help 02:56
Brina:I'll be right there03:00
Theo:Would your aunts mind?03:02
Theo:It's night outside03:03
Brina:I'll take Ambrose with me03:06
Brina:A couple more minutes and we're with you03:12
Theo:Thank you03:13
Theo carefully got out of bed and covered Robin well with a blanket so that he would not freeze, and then kissed him on the temple and slipped out into the corridor.
Sabrina and Ambrose were already standing outside the door, yawning desperately.
 "Hi," Theo whispered, quietly opening the door, "come in. Although you could have moved," he looked at his friends uncomprehendingly.
 "We decided not to scare your father," Sabrina smiled as she walked inside. "What happened?" she immediately asked.
 "Robin has a phantasmagoria," Theo said quickly, going into the kitchen so as not to wake anyone, "he has nightmares."
 "For some reason?" the witch clarified.
 "I don't know, everything was fine. And can't they dream just like that?" Theo asked, puzzled.
 "They can, of course," the girl nodded, "but usually they dream because of subconscious fears. Does he have post-traumatic stress disorder? Did something hurt him?" she frowned.
 "Someone," Theo's eyes flashed angrily, "Carcosa, the one who is "The Great God Pan," he literally spat out.
Sabrina exchanged glances with Ambrose.
"What do you mean?" she asked.
The loud sound of footsteps made Robin jump up in bed.
 "Theo?" he called softly, looking around the empty room.
 "I'm here, here," Theo said hurriedly, appearing on the threshold.
 "You said you'd be there."
 "I'm here," he confirmed, sitting up on the bed facing Robin, then looked down, then looked up at Robin, and then lowered his eyes again, staring at the bedspread.
"Is something wrong, Theo?" Robin asked, looking at him anxiously.
"I called Sabrina," he blurted out quickly.
 "You... what?" Robin frowned.
 "I called Sabrina because you're having nightmares and I don't know how to help you."
 "And she... she came? Is she here now?"
"Yes," Theo nodded, "she's... they're in the kitchen."
"They"?" Robin's frown deepened.
 "Ambrose came too. They're waiting for you... for us," Theo corrected himself quickly. "I can call them here if you want."
Robin nodded decisively, muttering "wait a bit," and began to dress.
 "He's just a bastard," the witch hissed. Her fists were clenching themselves. At the thought of what Robin had gone through, a burning anger boiled up in her. She could barely control herself, but she had to, because her anger wouldn't help the cause.
She took a deep breath and exhaled to calm the storm that was rising in her soul.
 "Sabrina," Ambrose drawled reproachfully.
"What?!" the girl turned to him.
 "Calm down, please. We need to decide how we will help Robin," the guy reminded.
 "I'm almost calm. You can while he's sleeping," Sabrina suggested, "while he's awake, in principle, you can too," the witch shook her head. "I want his permission anyway. These are his memories."
Ambrose sighed heavily.
 "Theo will talk to him now."
A few minutes later Putnam appeared on the threshold of the kitchen.
 "Come on."
The three of them went into Theo's bedroom.
 "Hi," Sabrina smiled weakly, sitting down on the edge of the bed. Ambrose just nodded at him, leaning against the wall.
 "Hi," Robin said softly, "Theo told me what you want to do," he looked at Putnam. He lifted the corners of his lips in a semblance of a smile, but he did not want to smile.
Spellman nodded.
 "Do you really need my permission?" Robin asked.
 "No," the girl shook her head, "but I want to get your permission, and not to help by force."
"OK, I allow it," the guy nodded, "what do I need to do?"
 "Wait, how do you want to do that? I can put you to sleep or you can just close your eyes without falling asleep."
 "I don't know," Robin said after thinking for a few seconds. "How will it be more convenient?"
 "Okay, let's try it in a dream," Sabrina breathed.
"Close your eyes."
As soon as Robin obeyed, and also took a deep breath and exhaled, Sabrina said some kind of spell, then folded her palms as if there was a round object inside her. The girl raised her palms to Robin, and then opened them, turning her open palms to the hobgoblin's body, holding her hands in the air above him. Robin squeezed his eyes shut harder when she reached her head, but Sabrina held her hands there longer, and then Robin relaxed.
Sabrina cast the spell again, placing her hands on Robin's forehead and closing her eyes. She stroked his forehead with her thumbs and Theo saw a glow emanating from them that flooded Robin's face.
 "Is this normal?" He asked Ambrose in a whisper.
"Yes, don't worry," he replied softly, and then joined his cousin, moving his hands over Robin's body and pronouncing incomprehensible words. Theo could only watch what was happening.
Ten minutes later, Sabrina asked for a chair in a strained voice and Theo quickly dragged it to her. She sat down, bent over, being very close to Robin's face, and then put her palms to the guy's temples, muttering another spell.
Robin exhaled, and Sabrina pulled away from him and asked for water. Her nose was bleeding.
 "He needs to sleep it off," she finally said when Ambrose finished with the spells, "and everything should be fine."
She smiled at Theo, who still couldn't believe it, as he handed her napkins so she could wipe away the blood.
 "Everything should be fine," she repeated, touching his hand with her own, "if it's not, I'll think of something,we," she squinted at Ambrose, "we'll think of something. If it doesn't work, we won't leave him like this, I promise you," she tightened her grip on his hand.
 "Thanks, Sabrina," Theo sniffed. The girl opened her arms and Theo hugged her tightly, thanking her.
It remained only to wait.
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epiphanyfics · 2 years
The Morning After. (Drabble) (Ambrose Spellman/Reader)
Synopsis: You have breakfast with your friend Ambrose after sleeping over.
Pairing: Ambrose Spellman/gn!reader (Platonic implied, could be read as otherwise though.)
Word Count: 308
Warnings: None! Just a neat lil' breakfast drabble.
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You woke up to warm sunlight hitting your face through a window. You peeled your eyes open and took in your surroundings. Lately, you seemed to have made a habit of waking up in this room. Nothing too serious, though. You and Ambrose Spellman were friends. You came to visit him often, and sometimes those visits turned into long nights lying next to each other and talking about who knows what.
“Ambrose?” You called out, but got no reply. You assumed that he must’ve already been downstairs by now. Groggily, you picked yourself up and started down.
“Are you down here?” You called out again, this time being met with a reply. “In the kitchen!”
Ambrose sat at the table, eating breakfast with the rest of the household. You hadn’t talked with any of them, not enough to know what would be appropriate anyway. You stood in the doorway and gave a meek wave.
Ambrose cleared his throat dramatically. “Aunties, Sabrina, I’d like you to meet one of my friends.”
Zelda, Ambrose’ aunt, looked up from her paper briefly to give you a stern look over. “So that’s what you’re doing holed up in your room.”
Ambrose ignored the comment, and gestured to a chair next to him. “Waffle?”
“No thank you. I’m not really that hungry.” You went to sit down beside your friend and gave a smile. “They do smell amazing though.”
“They are amazing! Aunt Hilda works magic in the kitchen… Pun intended.”
You stifled a laugh, letting yourself get more comfortable around the new group. “I’m sure she does.”
Hilda, despite your previous objections, put a plate down in front of you. “You should try to eat, flower.” She insisted. “A good breakfast makes a good day.”
You laughed, and took a bite. It was delicious. Maybe you’d eat a whole plate after all.
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Abandoned churches were not the place for clandestine meetings in winter. Or at least, that was Natalia’s opinion on the whole thing. She had no idea what all this was about, and she was begrudging Nick slightly for having invited her. But she’d been curious, and if she hadn’t gone she’d only have been irritated with herself.
Still, she was mentally cursing Nick for not having warned her to bring a thicker jacket. Even though she really should have thought of it herself.
‘Are you all right?’ Nick asked, turning to look at her curiously. She could see the tension in his shoulders, the odd nervousness about him. This meeting wasn’t some little thing.
'Cold,’ she admitted, as if the mere act of speaking would sap her of any heat she’d earned by standing still and folding her arms tightly around herself.
Nick smirked before moving to hug her. He wrapped his jacket around her and rubbed her back as if to generate more heat.
'You know you still owe me for this,’ she reminded him, tucking her hands behind his back.
'This doesn’t count as payment?’ he asked, mocking surprise.
'You keep me warm and you think that equals coming out in the middle of the coldest -’
'I wouldn’t say -’
'Evening of the millennium? Nu-uh, you owe me big time for this, Scratch.’
He huffed but she knew he was probably already thinking of what to suggest next. Even though he didn’t need to. He’d asked for her help, and that was enough of a reason for her to be there. He didn’t owe her anything for it, but she’d be damned if she didn’t tease him a little with that because of the cold.
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healerfromhell · 3 months
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Asa | The Night Nurse / Dead Boy Detectives | DC Comics
On the Night Nurse ─── lore dump
Untitled ─── drabble / character study
Miranda Croft / The Flight Attendant
Just Enough ─── miranda croft x reader
Patch Me Up & Mend My Heart ─── miranda croft x reader
Mary Wardwell / Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
Worth It ─── mary wardwell x reader
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deaddovedecadence · 3 months
Basic information:
Name: Luxury (call me luxie if you wanna)
Age: 18+
pronouns: he/him
intro: im luxury, a trans masc reader who loves yandere shit. I write for myself but i also take requests
ANYONE CAN INTERACT but harass me or my followers and get blocked
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what do you take requests for?
character x character
character x reader
polyam character x character
polyam characters x reader
letters to reader
MOODBOARDS (please ask me for one)
Do you write for female readers?
why don’t you write for she/her or female readers
I feel that as trans masc person, enbies who don’t use she/her pronouns, trans people who don’t use she/her pronouns and cis men all deserve to feel wanted in the yandere community and my blog is a safe space for all y’all. Also im trans masc so it’s euphoric to write he/him readers
what are your shipping stances
I’m a proshipper/anti harassment so i believe in don’t like don’t read as well as your kink is not my kink
do you write nsfw for work?
im willing to give it a go for sure
do you have a tags for specific fandoms?
[Obey Me Darling: obey me tag
Exploding Family: Class One A tag
Help me darling!: scream tag
demon mode: jjk tag
welcome home snowflake: todoroki family tag
notebook tag: death note tag
spy time: spy x family
batboy tag: batfamily tag
- the sunshine verse: reader is kidnapped along with Jason Todd by the batfam mob
- moonlight verse: reader is 'adopted' by criminal batfam]
What Fandoms do you write for?
Obey me, bnha, death note, guardians of the galaxy, DC, descendants, kakegurui, seven deadly sins, encanto, the gifted, chilling adventures of sabrina, heathers, scream, texas chainsaw massacre, jjk, spy x family, batfam, wonder woman, wwe, miraculous ladybug, fairytail, gotham, kinnporche, avatar, teen wolf, powerpuff girls, komi can’t communicate, ouat, istv and astv
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Requests rules:
i will write anything but descriptive s/h content, and i mean like almost anthing
please ask politely and once only
you can totally just chat with me
tell me if you want hcs or a drabble
please send me art
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lalacliffthorne · 11 months
the get to know me tag!
thank you for tagging me my love @leafsandstarlight 🙈💞
top three ships: uummmm... feysand, percabeth and anything ali hazelwood writes?
fave colour: lavender/soft purple 💜
last song: bad idea by dove cameron
last book: sorcery of thorns by margaret rogerson
last movie: miss peregrine's home for peculiar children
currently watching: chilling adventures of sabrina 🔮
current obsession: this dude playing the electric guitar - I -- I can´t. it´s changing my brain chemistry.
currently working on: next chapter of starshine, drabbles, and a few other lil things 👀
country you want to visit: rlly wanna go back to norway!
tagging (no pressure): @lupinswolfsbanes @waytoomanyteenagefeels @littlebookbengal
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frankie-mercury · 2 years
Fics I’m committing to writing/finishing this year
Ed Warren x Witch Reader - this takes a bit more time just because I have to compare the movie scripts with what I’m writing as well as connecting all the movies into something that makes sense
Chilling Adventures Of Sabrina x Stranger Things crossover ( Eddie x Reader) - also taking a bit of time because I need to mesh the two timelines together in a way that they make sense.
Mafia JJK x Marvel Corssover (Gojo x Reader) - a new idea
Some more drabbles of different characters-
Jean Kirstein x Reader (AOT)
Erwin Smith x Reader (AOT)
Nanami Kento x Reader (JJK)
Rick Grimes x Reader (TWD)
Eddie Munson x Reader (ST)
And as always feel free to request certain scenarios or drabbles/short fics
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ashesfrom-hell · 2 years
Hello, this is Rina.
I just wanted to start with this blog mentioning a few things before starting to post. First, this blog is only for my saga Ashes from Hell which means it will only include things related to that. My main blog about my works is @meenoir where you can find other works and more things. Ashes from Hell is a saga that has a whole universe with a lot of information that is important to read before and during the reading of my chapters. That's why I created another blog so the information won't get lost. Another thing, if you would like to send a request for a scenario or drabbles about my characters, send it here. It could be canon to the series (meaning that it is part of the series too), meanwhile other request won't be part of the story (this is because the request could be different from the story or it would contradict the storyline). There will be What if moments that can be requested too.
Last thing to say is that my stories are inspired in many series and movies; this includes Black Clover, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, Supernatural, The Vampire Diaries, Teen Wolf, Twilight and Shadowhunters. So if you see something similar is because is from there! Credits to them for that, don't come at me!
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heyitsthyri · 5 years
SUMMARY. ๑ You’re waking up, one morning, all bundled up in your sheets, with arms around your waist. But who is it ? Caliban. And you’re trying all you can to not let your family know he’s here.
SHIP. ๑ Caliban x fem!reader
GENRE & THEMES. ๑ Sexual allusion, very slight teasing, fluff, love.
WORDS. ๑ 1.1k
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      The warm rays of the first light of the day caressed your cheek and tickled your eyelids. Your eyebrows frowned as you buried your head in the pillow to escape the daylight. Sleep gently escaped and your eyelids fluttered before your eyes fell on the poorly closed curtains.
      You noticed that the blouse you wore the day before was there, in a ball on the floor. With your skirt and another shape that you couldn't make out. You rubbed your eyelids and noticed that the dark varnish you were wearing had cracked at the tips of your nails. But something caught your eye.
      Around your waist an arm was rolled up and long fingers were brushing against your naked belly. Your eyebrows frowned a little more and you straightened up before you saw that another arm had slipped under your pillow. When you turned around, all you saw was a curly blonde tuft lying on a pillow. Caliban. You turned around and felt that under the sheets you were wearing almost nothing, and that the shirt you had on your shoulders was far too wide to be yours.
      Caliban was shirtless, as he often was, but you doubted that he was wearing anything under the sheet which, praise Satan, covered his hips. Before all your thoughts could be cleared up, innumerable pictures of last night came back to you, and your hand reached to your mouth. You looked around you wondering how you had got here.
      “Oh Satan !” you murmured as you turned to the door, whose key was in the lock, and therefore locked with a double turn.
      “Mhh, are you already awake, princess ?” asked Caliban, muffled by the pillow in which his face was buried.
      His fingers fell on your hip, provoking a shiver that ran up your spine. A smile was already stretching the corner of his lips, you could see it between his locks smeared over his face. You ran your hand through your long, wavy locks that almost fell on the mattress.
      “Caliban, you must go, if my aunts find out you're here they—”
      “They have surely already understood this.” he replied as he smiled a bit more.
      You rolled your eyes to the sky and they fell back on the watch that was usually on your wrist. It was already half past eight, your aunts would soon come knocking at your door. If it wasn't them, then it would be Sabrina. And you didn't want her to barge in and find you here, in the same bed, because she would undoubtedly ask all sorts of questions and make tireless remarks to you for the days to come. No, you didn't want it.
      “I’m serious Caliban, you have to go now.” but before you could say what you have to he pulled you into his arms and you fell back against his chest. 
      Even the sheets had his scent. You couldn’t lie, you loved it. His scent, his solid chest, but even with that you didn’t want your family to know that he was there. 
      “Are you ashamed to have me in your bed ?” he murmured mischievously. You did not seem that timid last night, when you were on me, princess. 
      “I’m going to slice your throat if you don’t shut your mouth, Caliban.” you threatened, trying to straighten yourself up.
      But he knocked you down on the mattress and came and stood over you to prevent you from going anywhere. He took your thigh between his fingers and slipped between your legs with that same smile. You tried to say something but a knock on the door shut you up.
      “Darling, are you still sleeping ?” 
      “No, no, I’m just not really well, I think I will stay a bit more in bed..” you responded with a falsely tired tone.
      The wrist of the door turned but did not open, you looked at the key in its lock. Caliban hadn't made a move, your thigh still in his hand.
      “Oh, is everything all right ? Maybe you need a concoction to be on your feet in two hours ?”
      He stooped down without his glance leaving you, and his lips brushed against your belly. The hair at the nape of your neck grew bristly. He put your thigh on his shoulder and began to kiss it, his eyes in yours.
      “Yes auntie, it would be perfect, if you don’t mind ?” you tried to seem the most unwell and tired as you could, but it was not easy with Caliban on you, looking at you with those eyes.  
      “No, no, sweetie, don't worry, I'll be back in a few minutes.” 
         You stayed silent until you couldn't hear her footsteps in the stairs anymore. You refrained from making any noise for long seconds, almost holding your breath. Then you let out a sigh of slight pleasure, and Caliban went up to your face and took it in his hands before his lips meet yours. His soft, smooth, clay lips. You gave it back to him, letting your fingers slide in his blonde curly locks. 
      “Now you really have to go.” you said as you pulled away from his lips. 
      “When will I can come back ? I'm gonna long for you, princess.” he demanded as he traced the shape of your hip with his finger. 
      “In two moons.” you replied before twisting your fingers towards the door, and the key turned in the lock. Caliban raised an eyebrow, asking you a silent question. “And you're going back through Hell’s flames, there’s really no way my family know you’re here.”
      “Even if they don’t see me, they surely heard you sighing my name last night, princess.” he replied, rising from the bed, taking with him the sheet he had around his hips.
      “Mhmh !”
      You two turned to the door, which was wide open, and from where Sabrina stood, the tray that aunt Hilda had prepared for you in her hands, with a face tinged with surprise. For Satan’s sake. 
      “I surely should be on my way, now.” said Caliban, a large smile stretched over his lips.  
      He did not make a movement for the swirl of burning flames to swallow him up and evaporate with him, leaving behind him a slight cloud of smoke that faded into the warm air. Sabrina put the tray on your bedside table, her lips just as mischievously stretched. Your head fell back into your pillow, sighing at length.
      “Aunt Hilda told me you were unwell, but you don’t seem to be so sick, finally.” she told you as she get out of the room. It was only the beginning of your Hell. 
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©Heyitsthyri. All rights content belong to @heyitsthyri​. Don’t repost, translate or plagiarize, partially or otherwise, my works in any way or any other platform.
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Submitted by Anon
As soon as he said those words, he realized he might have just admitted his feelings for you.
“but some of them are my friend and if we don’t do anything about it, they’ll die. Wait, what did you just say?” you were arguing with him when his words started to get through your head.
He knew there was no coming back from this, so he confessed “I only care about you, Y/n… I love you”.
“you do?” you questioned, still trying to comprehend what he just said.
“Yes, I do love you and I always have ever since you walked through that door”.
“why didn’t you tell me sooner?”.
“I tried to, many times. But you thought I was joking”.
“oh! I thought you flirted with everyone and that it’s normal to you”
“that might be true, but you are the first person I truly love. And I understand if you do not share the same feelings, I’ll never let this come between our friendship-”.
“Nick, I love you too” you interrupted.
There was silence for a moment before he pressed his lips on yours.
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thebisexualdogdad · 4 years
If your still doing smut thing can you do 53 with caliban.
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53 "What do you mean you two broke my bed?" 
Caliban was in the middle of quite roughly fucking you when suddenly the bed broke out from under you and you fell to the floor. 
"Uh oh," you say taking in your surroundings. 
"It's okay, I'll fix your bed my love," Caliban states not being fazed by what happened. 
"Not uh oh because we broke my bed, uh oh because we broke Sabrina's bed," you said in panic. 
"Sabrina's bed? How could we break Sabrina's- we're in your sister's room aren't we," Caliban sighs. 
"She's gonna kill us," you groan. 
When Sabrina returned with Nick later that night you and Caliban were sitting awkwardly in the kitchen. 
"Is everything okay?" Sabrina asked growing suspicious. 
"Y/N and Caliban have something to tell you cousin," Ambrose grinned. 
"We uh… kind of broke your bed," you mumble.
"What do you mean you two broke my bed?" She states. 
"Well you see Caliban was fucking me from behind and-" 
"No! Too much information! Why were you doing that in my bed!" She shouts.
"In our defense the lights were off and we were a little preoccupied making out to realize it was your room," you explain. 
"I'm going to send you both back to hell for the rest of your lives!" Sabrina yells stepping forward to rip your head off but Nick stopped her. 
"Okay time for us to go, goodnight all!" Caliban laughs taking your hand and running off before Sabrina could follow through with her very real threats. 
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alexusonfire · 4 years
🦇Hauntober Day 1: Pumpkin🦇
Based on the Fandom Hauntober Prompts!
The sight of it nearly brought Zelda to her knees as she rounded the corner. She'd just filled her glass with her favorite pumpkin spice cream liqueur (indulging in the festive drink only because it was so close to Samhain), and she felt the sweet liquid catch in her throat when her eyes fell upon her stoic familiar.
Vinegar Tom, her precious boy and very nearly the best friend she'd ever had, was dressed in a cheap pumpkin costume.
The other three inhabitants of the house cringed when they heard Zelda's deep bellow echo off the walls. They each slowly made their way to the kitchen, hesitantly rounding corners, and were met with a fuming Zelda, her lips pursed and a firm glare set on her features. Hilda looked curiously between Zelda and the odd orange shape half-hidden behind her elder sister's back, confusion knitting her brows.
"Zelds? What's with the shouting?"
"Oh I'll tell you what's with the shouting, Hildegard. Would any of you care to explain this?"
Zelda stepped to the side to reveal Vinegar Tom in the bright orange and cheaply rendered costume, which included a green stem cap held behind his ears by thick elastic. Sabrina immediately brought her hand to cover her mouth, Ambrose staring pointedly down at the floor as they attempted to stifle their laughter.
"Oh, you think this is funny, do you? I should add your shoes to my little hex wall just for your blatant disrespect."
"What? But we didn't do anything!" Sabrina shot back, crossing her arms in a huff.
"Yea Auntie, we would never do that to him," Ambrose said, then mumbled under his breath, "we don't have a death wish."
"Well it was obviously one of you, and believe you me, I will find out whom. And when I do, there will be Heaven to pay," Zelda said, her voice low with the threat. She snatched up Vinegar Tom, tossing the cap to the ground and crunching it with her heel before stalking off to the livingroom. Ambrose and Sabrina looked to each other, then to Hilda, who merely sighed and shrugged, shaking her head as though to tell them not to worry before they all headed back upstairs. She waited until she was locked safely in the spare bathroom to smirk and let out a quiet giggle. Slowly she reached into the pocket of her cardigan and pulled out a crumpled receipt from the local pet store, snickering as she recalled picking out the hideous pumpkin costume, favoring it over the glowing skeletons and mustard covered hotdogs.
Ambrose and Sabrina weren't the only ones with tricks up their sleeve in the Spellman house this year.
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epiphanyfics · 2 years
Masterlist/Request Info
Hi! Welcome to my blog! Below you'll find information on what I write, and what I don't write. As well as the fandoms I write for! Before continuing, remember that my fanfics may contain some NSFW content from time to time. Anything that contains NSFW content will be labeled as such, along with relevant CWs. If you are a minor, or uncomfortable with that type of content, I advise you to click away now! My list probably looks a little empty right now, because this is a new account, but I (try to) update often!
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What I write: Romance, some NSFW, a whole lot of fluff. Will write most kinks besides what is listed on my "do not write" list. I prefer writing f!reader or nb!reader/gn!reader, but can do any depending on the vibe.
What I don't write: Noncon, feet, piss, scat, romance or NSFW involving any children/those under 18. (Note: I can, and most likely will add to this list in the future. This is just off the top of my head.)
How to request: Go to THIS LINK (or to my ask box!) and write your request. Please include any information you think I should know about your request! Feel free to suggest a fandom or character that is not included on my masterlist, this is just stuff I intend to get to!
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Click "Keep Reading" to see what fandoms and characters a write for, as well as a list of all of my currently published works!
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Wednesday/The Addams Family
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Larissa Weems
Killing Me Softly (Larissa Weems/f!reader) (NSFW)
Our Own Private World (Larissa Weems/gn!reader)
Morticia Addams
Nothing yet!
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Doctor Who
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Thirteenth Doctor
Nothing yet!
Yasmin Kahn
Nothing yet!
NOTE: I have only recently started watching. I started on S11, and I'm on S12 now. I know some, but not all, of the previous lore/events. Already having a great time with this show, and would love to write some neat stuff for it, but bare with me while I get my footing in this fandom.
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Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
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Ambrose Spellman
The Morning After. (Drabble) (Ambrose/gn!reader)
Zelda Spellman
Rematch (Zelda Spellman/f!reader)
Hilda Spellman
Nothing yet!
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Into the Spider-Verse
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Olivia Octavius
Nothing yet!
Aunt May
Nothing yet!
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Mrs. Fletcher
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Eve Fletcher
Nothing yet!
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‘Brina. Brina! Sabrina, wait!’ Harry called, jostling through the crowded hallway. Of course she’d chosen now to show up, when it was almost impossible to get to her. He supposed it was probably the reason for her arrival, to get lost in the crowd before any of them could talk to her. But he needed to.
Somehow, however, he managed to not only catch up to her, but gently grabbed her cardigan sleeve. He could see the tears in her eyes when she turned to him, ever so slightly, the attempt at a smile. And it broke his heart.
Without thinking he pulled her in for a tight hug; glad when she held onto him, as if it were a promise that she wouldn’t push him away again. No matter what she was trying to battle through alone.
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dlrectrix · 4 years
friends | spellwell
Books have a distinct smell to them. Old like peppermint and wisdom, new like paper and potential. At least, that’s how Mary Wardwell thought of them: things with personality, pits of knowledge, and sometimes her only friends.
Hence her home being filled with them, the only company she’d been keeping since... everything happened, whatever everything was. Mary sighed, sliding her glasses off her face to rub at her eyes and rest the book she’d been reading on her lap. What did that last paragraph say?
Zelda, on the other hand, stood nervous by the cottage door, basket of books on her arm and coat heavy on her shoulders. She could laugh at herself for acting like a school girl with a crush...but, after catching a glimpse of the woman Sabrina has described as a “wreck” in the local library, hair covering the intense look on her face and nose buried in a book, perhaps she was exactly that.
The memory of that slight blush against her freckles when their eyes met - she knocks - and there it is again on the woman’s face before her.
“Ms. Spellman...” she looked impeccable, red curls framing her face perfectly and darn it, she was staring. Mary glances to the floor, “I’m sorry, I wasn’t expecting anyone.”
The witch remembered herself. “I did come without notice, I hope you don’t mind? I brought some things you may like.” And so she presented the books like a basket of treats. By the look on Mary’s face, and the smile that melted her insides, perhaps they were.
Mary settled on her carpeted floor by the fire, books old and new surrounding her. Most stolen from the Academy library, but surely nobody was going to miss those. Zelda sat on the nearby couch, watching the brunette look like a child on Solstice night. Funny, this was exactly how she first laid eyes on her - only intensity (that borderline desperation) turned to joy - and how she wanted to bring that about as often as she could.
Blue eyes met green across the room. Zelda couldn’t tell if it was the flickering fire, but it seemed Mary’s eyes shone. “These are...they’re wonderful, Ms. Spellman. How could I ever thank you?” 
Zelda had a few ideas: one being that she smiled more, just like this, and that she be allowed to witness it.
“Please, call me Zelda. It would be thank you enough.”
“Zelda,” she repeats. And Mary looked at her through hazy vision from tears unshed, on her couch - the look of kindness too overwhelming since the wicked weeks and months without it - and Mary realized how much she welcomed the (extra) company. 
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‘Just take the scarf already.’ - Sabrina Spellman
Winter Drabble Prompts
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Sabrina was shivering. She had her coat bundled tightly around her, was standing as close to the fire as she could without worrying that she might set herself alight, and still she was cold.
‘You’ve got magic,’ you said, lips close to her ear so that no one else could hear you, ‘and still you’re cold? How?’
She chuckled, leant back against you slightly. ‘That’s not how it works.’
‘Isn’t it?’ you asked, gently moving to remove your scarf. It was a subconscious decision, but one you refused to back out of.
Sabrina shook her head, you felt her hair tickling your cheek. ‘No, but… What’re you doing?’
‘Giving you something that might stop you freezing.’
‘No,’ she said, pulling away slightly, but you gently looped the scarf in front of her. She turned in the circle that you’d created and glowered at you. The small tug of a smile at her lips assured you whatever argument she was about to give, was half-hearted at best. ‘It’s yours.’
‘I’m not cold,’ you said, loosening your grip on the scarf.
‘Neither am I,’ she said, but the slight chattering of her teeth gave her away.
You made a sound of mild acceptance before gently wrapping the scarf over her shoulders and encouraging her to tuck it into the folds of her coat. ‘Just take the scarf already,’ you said.
She huffed as she poked the scarf under her collar. ‘Thank you.’
You placed a quick kiss on her cheek once she was turned back towards the bonfire. ‘Anytime,’ you assured her, feeling a smile curve your lips easily.
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