knario47 · 8 months
José Farrujia
Me llamo Attasat. Nací y me crié en Chinamada, en este extremo de la isla de Tenerife. Ahora vivo en Aguere, la que luego fue capital de la isla bajo el nombre de San Cristóbal de La Laguna.
Aguere, en la lengua de mis ancestros, significa precisamente "lago" o "laguna"... de ahí la suplantación.
Hoy he recorrido, de nuevo, el camino que desde niño hacía con mis abuelos y con mis padres para ayudarles a bajar, desde la cumbre, papas y leche de cabra a La Punta del Hidalgo para cambiarlas por pescado y plátanos.
También bajábamos a la costa con las cabras, al charco de las ovejas, para el baño de cada año por estas fechas.
Hoy ellos ya no están, ya no tenemos cabras, ya solo cultivamos papas, pero para el consumo familiar.
Llegó la "aldea global", como le dicen, y poco después murieron no sólo mis abuelos y mis padres, sino también buena parte de nuestras tradiciones.
Ya no me cruzo en el camino de la cumbre con los vecinos de Chinamada, sino con turistas que atraviesan Anaga para bajar a la costa y luego dejar algunos euros en los restaurantes a cambio del pescado local.
Consumo de "Kilómetro cero", le dicen... Pero para nuestra gente siempre ha sido "faenar para subsistir".
A pesar de tantos cambios y pérdidas, cada año, por estas fechas, cuando llego a este punto del camino con mi perro Mocán, sigo saludando al sol, como hacían mis abuelos y mis padres cuando bajábamos y nos parábamos, justo aquí, en la estación de cazoletas guanches, el día en que empezaba el invierno.
Sigo acordándome de ellos y de todo lo que aprendí aquí, lejos de la ciudad.
Y sigo bañándome en el agua helada del mar, en La Punta, en diciembre, en el charco de las ovejas, con Mocán y mi familia.
Nuestra sombra y la de nuestra gente simboliza que cerca está la luz que nos ilumina.
No olvidemos el significado con el que seguimos haciendo aquellas cosas que nos dicen quiénes somos de verdad.
#memorias_guanches #indígenas_canarios #educacion #guanches #arqueologia #raíces #solsticiodeinvierno #lalagunatenerife #magec #tenerife #puntadelhidalgo #anaga
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Unsere Wanderung von Cruz del Carmen nach Punta del Hidalgo hat uns an unsere Grenzen gebracht – aber es war jede Anstrengung wert! Die Route, die an der Ermita Nuestra Señora del Carmen beginnt, führt durch dichten Lorbeerwald, der uns zunächst in Sicherheit wiegt, bevor es richtig zur Sache geht.
Der Abschnitt nach Chinamada war traumhaft, aber dann wurde es ernst: Der Abstieg nach El Abogado verlangte uns wirklich alles ab. Es ging steil bergab, und wir mussten uns oft gut konzentrieren, um sicher auf dem Weg zu bleiben. Die Pfade waren schmal, die Felsen schroff, und die Höhenmeter machten sich deutlich bemerkbar.
Doch trotz der körperlichen Herausforderung wurden wir mit spektakulären Ausblicken auf die Küste und den tiefblauen Atlantik belohnt. Die Landschaft ist einfach unvergleichlich, und genau in diesen Momenten vergisst man die Erschöpfung für einen Augenblick.
Nach etwa 4 Stunden Wanderzeit erreicht man schließlich den Ort Punta del Hidalgo, ein idealer Platz, um die Tour bei Erfrischungsgetränke am Meer ausklingen zu lassen.
Ein paar Zahlen zur Tour: 15 Km und knapp 1.300 Höhenmeter.
Highlights: Lorbeerwald, Chinamada, Felsklippen, atemberaubende Ausblicke
Start: Cruz del Carmen (Ermita Nuestra Señora del Carmen)
Ende: Punta del Hidalgo
Schwierigkeit: Sehr anspruchsvoll
Für alle, die die wilde Natur Teneriffas in ihrer ganzen Pracht erleben wollen, ist diese Wanderung ein absolutes Muss! 💚
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armatofu · 1 year
Inicio / Curiosidades / ¿ES LA PLATANERA UN ÁRBOL?
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Es habitual utilizar como planta ornamental alguna de las especies de Musáceas, familia a la que pertenecen las diferentes variedades de plataneras, ya sea por petición del cliente o por consideración nuestra.
Muchas veces la hemos usado en nuestros diseños como elemento principal de una composición, que además cambia de ciclo en ciclo, dando a ese lugar en concreto del jardín un punto visual que continuamente cambia de aspecto, ya que con cada floración y fructitificación, la planta se elimina, dando paso a uno o varios ejemplares nuevos. Y además, tenemos la posibilidad de conseguir, si la planta está bien situada y adecuadamente nutrida, algo de fruta, que siempre es de agradecer.
Es por ello que muchas veces los clientes nos hablan de esta especie como si de un árbol se tratase, lo que no es de extrañar, y es que la lógica funciona así. Si los árboles dan fruta y el plátano es una fruta, entonces afirmamos que éstos nacen y crecen en un árbol, pero con tal afirmación nos estaríamos equivocando.
Recuerdo a un profesor de la universidad diciendo «…la platanera es una hierba grande…«.
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Al igual que la mayoría de las hojas, éstas están compuestas del limbo foliar2 (la lámina verde de cualquier hoja) y un peciolo3 (ese rabito que une la hoja con el tallo o tronco de una planta), solo que en este caso los peciolos son extremadamente grandes y con mucho grosor y se les llama vainas foliares3, creando lo que se conoce como pseudotallo o falso tronco3, sin estructura lignificada, es decir, no genera madera ni nada que se le parezca.
La mejor forma de captar la diferencia es cortando un «tronco» de platanera, lo puedes hacer con un cuchillo mínimamente afilado, algo que si lo intentas con cualquier otro tronco (esta vez sin comillas) lo mínimo que tienes que usar es un serrucho bien aserrado.
En definitiva, NO, no es un árbol, es una hierba «winstrolada».
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aleus79 · 5 years
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Кто-то из вас видел дома в скалах? На #тенерифе есть такая возможность, поселок #чинамада #chinamada Люди строят дома в скалах, обустраивают свой быт, ступеньки, дорожки прорубают прямо в горной породе. https://exclusivtour.com www.exclusivtour.com #тенерифегид #гидтенерифе #tenerifegid #гидпотенерифе #gidtenerife #tenerife #экскурсиинатенерифе #гиднатенерифе #gidnatenerife #частныйгиднатенерифе #русскийгиднатенерифе #тенерифе #индивидуальныйгиднатенерифе #русскоговорящийгиднатенерифе #русскоязычныйгиднатенерифе #персональныйгиднатенерифе #канары #канарскиеострова #nature #naturelovers #природа (at Los Batanes - Chinamada) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4PZUs2hGiw/?igshid=5qnajc9moe4k
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cyclofunsblog · 5 years
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#tenerife #canaryislands #chinamada #mountains #trekking #niceplaces #travel #beautyfulplace (w: Las Montanas de Anaga) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwzfGGTlln2/?igshid=97srg5i31yku
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Marta y las niñas de paseo por Chinamada, con una amiga del trabajo y con su hermano Felipe.
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shoottheclock · 6 years
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Casa cueva en #Chinamada 😍 Yo quiero una prestada😊😊 https://www.instagram.com/p/Br_ZOYfAyFC/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1wkw1ht82e1dm
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iulisses · 6 years
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Ho important és que no s’aturi (Diegu, 2013)
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mvp42st-blog · 8 years
Mellow beat, studying, thinkink about the upcoming trip on February.... . . . . #chinamada #tenerife #visittenerife #hiking #exploring #igtenerife #island #sea #traveller #tbt #tb #thursday #traveller #explorer #hills #vegetation (at Punta del Hidalgo)
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tenerifeweekly · 2 years
The works of the Chinamada highway, in Anaga, will end in October
The works of the Chinamada highway, in Anaga, will end in October
The Cabildo de Tenerife announced this Thursday that the improvement works on the access road to Chinamada, in the Anaga Rural Park, will be completed in October. The Minister for Management of the Natural Environment and Security of the Institution, Isabel García, explained in a statement that “the reform of this infrastructure represents a historic demand from residents that will improve the…
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rosaliewarda · 6 years
3 jours.
À 7h20, alors que je m'élance vers le bus qui me conduira à Puerto, où je changerai pour la Laguna, où je changerai pour Anaga, je vois que les fidèles du bar "la tasquita" - bar sombre et masculin annoncé par un imposant tonneau, sont déjà en place.
Évidemment, le bus est en retard, nous sommes bloqués par des travaux, le signal "parada solicitada" ("arrêt souhaité") clignote rouge à chaque arrêt, un petit grand-père descend devant moi avec beaucoup de peine, le bus 102 pour la Laguna démarre sous mes yeux. Un autre part 30 minutes plus tard. Le temps d'un café con leche - café au lait (de soja.) Au premier "parada solicitada", 5 minutes après le départ, je décide de m'en remettre entre les mains du destin. Adoptons la philosophie insulaire : jamais pressés, jamais stressés. Tant pis si je n'ai le temps de randonner que 300 mètres, car je dois travailler à 17h, et le retour prendra au moins 2h30.
Et finalement, ça marche assez bien, puisque j'arrive vers 10h au Mirador Cruz del Carmen, d'où partent les randonnées dans l'Anaga.
Je veux descendre jusqu'à Punta del Hidalgo, 10 kilomètres de descente dans les montagnes jusqu'à la mer. "Tu as emmené assez d'eau, hein" me dit-on, "cette randonnée est vraiment longue". Mais les guides classent cette marche comme "facile".
J'aimerais toucher deux mots à celui qui a écrit ça !
La première moitié (5,9 km) se fait dans la forêt, avec les gazouillis des oiseaux, et les salutations des papillons. Un groupe de jeunes Espagnols marchent devant moi à vive allure, calculant leur vitesse avec leurs téléphones. Une fois arrivés à Chinamada, charmant village connu pour ses maisons creusées dans la montagne, le parcours devient très différent.
Les cinq kilomètres jusqu'à Punta del Hidalgo consistent en un sentier étroit et glissant, au bord du ravin. Les cailloux roulent sous mes pieds et je m'accroche aux rochers. Cela dure une heure et demie, sous le soleil brûlant de midi. J'ai néanmoins le temps de savourer la sublime nature qui m'entoure.
Une fois arrivée (enfin !), après 4h20 de marche, Pas le temps de chômer, il faut que je prenne le bus. Transpirante, épuisée mais heureuse, je m'assois donc dans un coin à part, et souris en retour à un couple de marcheurs - nous nous reconnaissons entre nous.
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life-of-tjackie · 5 years
<h1>10 Easy-to-Grow Plants for Outdoors</h1>
If even more finnicky plants wilt, die as well as crumble under your treatment-- very easy going succulents are an all-around champion. These succulents are ideal as residence decor, yards, anywhere live succulents plants get bright indirect light.
Many individuals likewise feel that an excellent clay or ceramic pot just plain looks much better than a plastic pot. Bear in mind that if you water with difficult water, a build-up of minerals on the outside of unglazed clay pots can cause unpleasant deposits to form. Plastic pots are lighter, generally cheaper, take up much less area compared to clay or ceramic pot with the same inside dimensions, as well as are easy to keep clean. Plants kept in plastic pots also often tend to require less watering compared, particularly, to those maintained in unglazed clay pots. Do not make use of sand to grow your succulents because sand has a tendency to build up way too much moisture as it compacts with time.
Costs at the Farmer's Market are most likely to be a bit a lot more costly, however the plants will likely be great sized specimens that are well cared for by people who grow the plants themselves. The smaller sized plants are the way to go if your strategy is to develop a succulent yard.
MCG is among the most preferred places to buy succulents on-line-- it's frequently advised as well as referred by delighted clients.
Usually talking, plants shouldn't spend more than five days boxed up, sans sun," Marino says. It generally only costs a few dollars much more for faster shipping, as well as the fewer days the plant spends in transit, the healthier it's most likely to be on arrival. Before you go filling your on the internet buying cart, observe these ideas from the houseplant pros to guarantee your plants satisfy-- even better, surpass-- assumptions when they turn up at your front door. Numerous local baby rooms additionally have actually the included feature of display screen gardens, where you can search examples of plants in a fully grown yard setup. Typically, you would certainly assume that if the resource coincides, after that the high quality is the same.
I use Bonsai Jack for my indoor delicious soil, and have actually never ever been dissatisfied. The disadvantages to online buying are that you can not select your specimen, plants can be damaged in delivery, and also are also more expensive. I prefer local nurseries or perhaps farmers markets if you have them.
Are blue succulents real?
If you are sending plants through mail that are potted, use bubble wrap to protect the pot and the roots. A collar of cardboard over the soil and around the base of the plant, followed by a plastic bag closed around the base of the plant will help keep the soil in the container.
What is the difference between a cactus and a succulent?
Once repotted, give the plant plenty of bright light and barely water, and it will root itself in its new planter in about four weeks. Rosette-shaped succulents can also be propagated with stem cuttings when they begin to grow a long stem from maturity or lack of sunlight.
According to the IUCN Red Listing there may be less than 200 private Titan Quiver Trees remaining in the wild. Pelotilla de Chinamada grow has a tendency to grow in fissures as well as crevices. It also typically grows near various other succulents from the Monanthes category. The already tiny populace of Pelotilla de Chinamada has been negatively affected by its distance to an often taken a trip road.
Colder temperatures can additionally draw out shades in succulents. A lot of plants usually have slow growth in the chillier periods as well as alter color and also form to adapt to the decrease in temperature level. Darker shades attract warm, which helps plants make it through in cooler temperatures. This is why leaves adjustment shade in the fall and also why some succulents change color in cold temperature levels. You may see that your tinted delicious reverts back to a deep environment-friendly color after offering it proper care.
Others, such as hens and also chicks (Sempervivum tectorum), flower only occasionally as well as are valued mainly for their leaves.
Winter is additionally a time when those new to growing succulents have issues because freezing temperatures can damage or kill them.
Personally, I make use of terracotta pots for my succulents given that these pots are really breathable.
The Estevesia alex-bragae is the only known species of delicious in its category.
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The Best Place to Buy Succulents Online – Succulent Studios https://t.co/XIu3Hny7WB on @bloglovin
— PopShopAmerica (@PopShopAmerica) October 4, 2018
Cactus As Well As Succulents For Every Space.
#wiishucomments what's the best place to buy succulents? It can be online
— caitlynne (@watrslooth) September 15, 2017
You can place several of them into even a little container. Bigger plants are a lot more recognized and also simpler to care for. They do not dry as rapidly, so this implies that you will not need to water as frequently. You can acquire them in tiny 2 inch pots with a small cost, or in huge developer bathtubs with a price tag to match.
You can choose to remove the brand-new buds or cut the taller when according to your choice. In an optimal environment, an Agave a large as a hand can grow into a large plant within 2 to 3 years.
When succulents remain in their inactive duration, they grow a lot slower. It is likewise important to keep in mind that plants on an inactive stage requirement minimal watering. There are also instances where the sunlight or the absence thereof, watering, the dirt that they're planted in, and also the period, play a considerable role on the succulents' growth. There are composing your best place to buy succulents online to the above standards, as some cacti and, especially some succulents, are Winter season farmers.
Be sure to do this very delicately, however this is just one of the very early indications to tell if a succulent has been overwatered. Some benefits to getting locally are having the ability to pick the particular plant, in addition to top quality and quantity.
We deliver only the most effective high quality online succulents, primarily our customers use them for cute home design as well as gardens. However our little succulents can additionally be made use of in any kind of common delicious planter that a succulent plant or delicious pots will certainly fit in.
When the climate cools down and also day-length shortens, plants enter a rest period. Throughout that time, increase the interval between watering, as well as let the potting mix dry out between watering. Some people claim that during inactivity, cacti and also succulents should be offered just enough water to ensure that they show no indication of shriveling. They will certainly need much more water than if they were over-wintered out-of-doors if your plants are maintained indoors on a window sill in a warmed room throughout the Winter months. In any case, do not fertilize your plants throughout inactivity.
This has actually created the Pelotilla de Chinamada's environment to break down and also the delicious is likewise vulnerable to being accumulated and also sold as a rare plant. The Pelotilla de Chinamada is an uncommon delicious that only expands on the island of Tenerife in the Canary Islands of Spain. Every well-known Pelotilla de Chinamada grows in a location that is just about 1 km ²( 0.386 mi ² )in dimension. In 2009, the population matter of Pelotilla de Chinamada was reported as 593 people as well as 504 of those were mature plants. Since you recognize the pros and cons to getting succulents locally or online, it's your turn!
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hips-ter · 5 years
<h1>11 Colorful Succulents to Make Your Yard Pop</h1>
Given that succulents can likewise create "puppies", they can make brand-new plants that cluster at the bottom of the plant and may add to the original plants' size. After that, you can transplant your new succulents to an additional pot. Once they have made an excellent root structure, you can reduce the frequency of watering.
This has actually caused the Pelotilla de Chinamada's habitat to weaken as well as the delicious is likewise vulnerable to being collected as well as marketed as an unusual plant. The Pelotilla de Chinamada is a rare succulent that just expands on the island of Tenerife in the Canary Islands of Spain. Every single recognized Pelotilla de Chinamada expands in a location that is only about 1 kilometres ²( 0.386 mi ² )in dimension. In 2009, the population matter of Pelotilla de Chinamada was reported as 593 individuals and also 504 of those were mature plants. Since you recognize the pros and cons to buying succulents in your area or online, it's your turn!
As an example, Haworthia fasciata is a fantastic alternative for interior cultivators. Yet, Echeveria varieties favor to be outside with lots of sunshine. One more fantastic area to purchase succulents online is from The Delicious Resource.
The Best Place to Buy Succulents Online – Succulent Studios https://t.co/XIu3Hny7WB on @bloglovin
— PopShopAmerica (@PopShopAmerica) October 4, 2018
I've additionally found a wealth of succulents to buy online at Etsy.com! Take a look at the option thatSucculent Elegances and Delicious Babiescarry. Below you'll discover some of my preferred areas to purchase succulents online. Chillier areas are starting to bring succulents too, however, the schedule and also high quality differ considerably relying on the time of year.
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The prices are extremely low-cost, with a lot of the sellers having plants that they have actually expanded from cuttings. I've seen some which have tiny rocks actually glued to the top of the soil as a means of discussion. My regional large equipment stores usually have a fantastic variety of succulents all year in the interior location of the yard facility.
Getting Regional.
While they use a series of plants simply for New york city City, they likewise deliver plants around the United States. What makes this online shop stand apart to us is the mix-and-match ability-- you can choose a plant and after that pick a distinct planter to select it that matches the aesthetic of your residence. Plant prices begin around $12, as well as they also supply same-day shipping if you stay in NYC. Between reviews of the best soil for succulents in pots and friendly plant treatment pointers to beautiful photography as well as the easy-to-shop categories, there's a whole lot to enjoy concerning looking for plants from The Sill.
Succulents make greathouseplants (or exterior plants) that also those with a brown thumb can grow. They require extremely little water and also can tolerate the completely dry conditions that are present in many residences. Succulents. are drought wise plants that are very very easy to grow and make amazing houseplants.
If there was any type of origins or dirt there would certainly not be left in, How long would certainly i need to wait after lodge money for settlement.
This way you gradually develop your eco-friendly thumb as well as your self-confidence in plant parent with each new arrival.
These vivid succulents loosely look like intense sea coral as well as add lively structure in comparison to plants with fuller fallen leaves and also foliage.
So why wouldn't they have a terrific option of houseplants?
Some likewise have gorgeous accent colors like yellow, white and black. Mixing up your terrarium or planter with one-of-a-kind succulents is a very easy way to integrate pops of color right into your residence and also garden. When you really feel that the soil is dry, a great guideline of thumb is to sprinkle your succulents.
Post office or any of the shipping firms that fit your demands. In any case, you can learn exactly how to package them for finest arrival and also the very least damage. Plant sharing is a big leisure activity on gardener's online forums and also for enthusiasts of specific types. Shipping plants by mail needs cautious packaging as well as prep work of the plant. Sending by mail garden plants throughout the nation is rather easy to do, yet the best way is to pick the fastest method for your plant to travel.
As previously mentioned, I can't say the very same with all succulents. It's already established that all succulents take some time to grow.
Where can I buy plants online?
The Sand Dollar Cactus (also called sea urchin cactus, star cactus, or star peyote) is a rare spineless cactus that is native to parts of Texas and Mexico. This cute little cactus is widely cultivated by succulent/cacti enthusiasts.
If the plant is truly root-bound, you could require to resort to damaging the pot to obtain the plant out. These pots are commonly very attractive, and also a sampling planted as well as skillfully staged in such a pot can be an actual attention-grabber. If you have actually restricted area, be aware that bonsai pots often tend to take up a relatively big quantity of room, and also their cost can be a genuine attention-grabber additionally. No matter the product the pot is made of, it must enable good water drainage.
Anyone know the best place to buy ‘succulent’ plants to plant in tea cups/mugs - they need to be ‘mini succulents’? I’m in South Brum but happy to order online if a decent price #BrumHour
— 🌸🌼🌸 Chris 🌸🌼🌸 (@chrisandmarkuk) February 25, 2018
When and also Exactly How to Ship Plants As Well As Choosing a Shipping Firm.
Once again, your regional cacti as well as delicious club can aid you establish the certain expanding behaviors of your plants. Cacti belong to a certain household of plants, however the types within that family originated from some very different habitats. Many cacti, such as those in the category Ferocactus, are in fact real desert residents. While you could be accustomed to plucking a stem of your favored geranium, rosemary shrub, or houseplant as well as soaking it in water to see roots expand, that will not work for multiplying succulents.
The idea of acquiring in bulk is something we have actually all experienced in shopping at shops like Sam's Club and Costco-- a box of Cheerios is more affordable if you acquire three each time. The exact same basics apply to acquiring wholesale plants. Online rates can additionally be considerably higher than getting locally.
An instance belonging to New England (U.S.) is red columbine (Aquilegia canadensis). luciae is called the flapjack or paddle plant due to its fleshy, rounded fallen leaves. Its noticeable fallen leaves are further accented with solid red shades along the plant's exterior.
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redqueenmusings · 5 years
This blog has come about because I have had a rough few weeks. I lost my implant that held several teeth (fortunately this is not too noticeable being at the back of my mouth).  I’ve also been suffering from Achilles tendonitis so have stayed home whenever possible, however, there are times when you get stir crazy and need to get out.
Most visitors to Tenerife never venture far from the resorts. Those that do usually like to get into the Rural Parks and stretch those muscles. As for the rest of us, we rarely make it much further than the car, because we are no longer too good on our pins, or feel we will be a hindrance to those who want to step out and see the beautiful scenery that the island has to offer.
However, that needn’t be the case, you can still get to the remote hamlet of Chinamada, a rambler’s delight, perched high in Tenerife’s magnificent Anaga Mountains by taking normal roads. Once there you may not wish to follow the hiking trails but the journey alone is worthwhile. Simply take the TF-13 from La Laguna then the TF-12 both good roads. After Las Carboneras follow the twists and turns until you reach Chinamada. The journey on this serpentine section of road is spectacular. In every direction there are views of mountains and deep gorges – you really are surrounded by the full power of nature. I have never been, but the rolling hills and terraces make me think of that famous picture of Machu Picchu.
For those who have not been to this area, there is no way to prepare for what you will see, it is a different world. Chinamada is a hamlet with around a hundred inhabitants where time has stood still. The residents still live in caves as did those before them. The fairy-tale homes have been carved into the sides of the mountains and these days some have had extensions added.
As well as the cave houses there is a church built by the villagers. Up until the 1990s, there was neither electricity nor a road so all the materials had to be brought up by donkeys. So cave houses, a church, that is it, except for a restaurant.
The name of the Restaurant is appropriately La Cueva. It is part cave, rustic and simple in its decor and there is also a terrace completely surrounded by spectacular ravines, rocks, cliffs and the majestic Teide in the distance. For such a remote area the restaurant gets busy with groups of walker coming and going and of course, it is the only restaurant in the area. The menu is traditionally Canarian but due to the number of customers that visit it isn’t as cheap as you would expect.
For those who want to find the real Tenerife, this is a must-visit area, a magical place, wild and untamed, where the inhabitants have become one with nature and those who visit,  find it so easy to disconnect.
Check Queenie’s Daily Snippets for Tenerife news & events
Visiting remote places for the less fit This blog has come about because I have had a rough few weeks. I lost my implant that held several teeth (fortunately this is not too noticeable being at the back of my mouth). 
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tremenduzca-blog · 6 years
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Chinamada. Tenerife. Islas Canarias
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strange-works-blog · 7 years
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The beautiful Anaga area. The cave village of Chinamada. #hikingfun #hikingday #hikingphotography #hiking #hiker #hikers #trail #hiking🌲 #hiking👣 #hikingweather #hikingpartner #hikingpath #hikingtrail #hikingtrip #adventuretime #adventure #outdooradventures #outdooractivity #outdooractivities #natureloversgallery #naturephotography #tenerife #anaga #tenerifelicidad #tenerifetag #canarias5estrellas #canariashoy #estaes_canarias #ok_canarias #exploring (hier: Chinamada, Canarias, Spain)
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