#chinese giant salamander looking ass
forgetful-river · 2 years
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The holy mother and child
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roastbeasts · 4 months
do you have an all time favorite animal/animals?
they say never ask a man his salary a woman her weight or a biology major what their favorite animal is. anyways i have several so here's a list
(putting it under the cut bc there are bugs. and lots of text)
fav arthropod: trilobite beetle
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two things - 1. these guys aren't even remotely related to trilobites & 2. this is a picture of a female trilobite beetle. the males look like standard beetles, not whatever this shit is. there isn't a lot of information ab the trilobite beetle's role in the greater ecosystem but there IS a lot of info ab their sex lives and how funny it is that the females are like 8x bigger than their male partners. here's an article for ur perusal if ur interested in bug sex
fav herp: chinese giant salamander
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i actually saw this guy at the zoo today! if u want to see a picture of his ass i will put it in the replies. anyone who knows me knows that i'm obsessed w these guys, i just think it's so cool how they're one of those animals that has remained virtually unchanged over millions of years of evolution. u can probably guess what they eat by how they look. rumor has it that they cry like babies also but i can't find any footage that seems legit. i'm still looking though
fav misc invert: anna's magnificent sea slug / chromodoris annae
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this is an animal that tumblr knows ab & loves so i don't have much to say ab it. they do eat sea sponges and store their toxins in their bodies, which is cool. a lot of ppl have no concept of how big sea slugs are - this guy is around 5cm if memory serves. ok next animal
fav mammal: binturong
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binturongs!!! i love binturongs. i showed them to my bf awhile ago and he loves them too. they're viverrids which means that they're related to critters like civets and other small cat-adjacent creatures, and they engage in grooming & rocking back and forth as self-soothing activities. that is all that i know about them off the top of my head. goodbye
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relax-and-read-on · 3 years
What would be your take on a sit-down dinner atmosphere for the chapters?
(Hope you feel better soon, sending good vibes your way <3)
Thank you friend!! The painkiller are helping a bit, but now all I can do is wait. Anway, I choose to interpret this as "wich restaurant each legion would enjoy the most", because it's way too much fun to imagine a bunch of giant space marines in power armors all pressing into a tiny dinner boot. I'm also gonna keep to the original 18, because.... If I get into successor, I will still be there next month lmao. If anyone want to see a specific successor chapter, ask me awayyyy
Dark Angels: Bed and breakfast. They just... Adore a good traditional homemade english breakfast. Bonus point if it's in the countryside.
Awkward silence
Emperor's Children: Love novelty places. The kind that you can eat sushi's from someone's body, or where you eat in the dark, or those weird "dinner in the sky" experience. Most likely to invite other legions to come along, and only half to watch them sqwirm.
Iron Warriors: They all argue about wich establishment is clearly superior, and they end up in some kind of weird vegans smoothie and salad place. They all collectively hate it, but they are too prideful to say it.
White Scars: Hot. Pot. Place. That's just evident. If they wanna be frisky, they go for a korean barbecue or suisse fondue. As long as it's a big shared meal, they are happy
Space Wolves: find the weirdest, most shady looking Irish pub. Any normal human would catch salmonella from those horrible half cooked burger, but they love it.
Imperial Fist: They like the cafeteria style place. It maximise your time allowed and you can make the proper choices depending on a limited amount of options.
Night Lords: Not allowed in any restaurant. You can find them in the back alley of a greasy american-chinese spot, eating straight from the garbage can. Think the rats they find there are just bonus protein.
Blood Angels: they like the very fancy italian places. With white table cloth and everything. Never leave a stain anywhere.
Iron Hands: don't like to go out, but would probably enjoy a good panini/sandwich place.
*insert wind noise here*
World Eaters: It has to be a mom n' pop dinner, and they will *force* themself to behave. They especially enjoy sugary breakfast food, like pancakes and waffles.
Ultramarines: will eat at any place, but are always major pain in the ass, as they will ask about the exact nutritional value of each meals and what are every single options that can be changed.
Death Guard: They found their favorite hole in the wall Thai place, and they come back like clockwork. Probably order the same damn soup every time.
Thousand sons: they like to go around and try various restaurant, but they go RABID when they discover molecular cooking, and now hunt for those specific restaurant.
Sons of Horus/Black Legion: All you can eat buffet. The weird ones with too many type of mediocre food. They have a great time anyway.
Word bearers: Lil headcanon, but I imagine them actually having some religious restrictions to their diet. As such, they probably frequent very few restaurant, but are EXTRA grateful when they can find a place to accomodate them. Love Algerian-style food.
Salamander: Barbecue place. And they will actually make a point of honor about trying every single style of grilled meat you can find, like jerk, brazilian, american, korean...
Raven Guard: will 100% be found in a hypster coffee shop, eating all the pastry they have. They bicker on who gets the last chocolate croissant.
Alpha Legion: those mf get galactic uber eat. Straight up mcdonald or Taco bell, delivered to their spaceship door.
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jackiebrackettt · 2 years
SORRY got distracted because I am LEARNING hohohohohoho leaving me with Wikipedia pages about salamanders is so dangerous I can and will go down a three hour long rabbit hole. SO let me tell you about GIANT salamanders now ^_^ there are five species of giant salamander, which make up the family Cryptobranchidae (which is a kick ass name). Three of those are from China, one is from Japan, and one is from the US. The ones from China and Japan fall into the genus Andrias, while the hellbender (from the eastern United States, which also has just the single most kick ass name I’ve ever heard) is the only member of the genus Cryptobranchus.
Now, the vast VAST majority of salamanders are relatively small, some being just as big as your finger or the palm of your hand probably. This is especially true since most larger species have long since gone extinct from climate change, predation, erosion/contamination of habitats, etc. However, the five giant salamanders can get HUGE. Some of them, like the hellbender, are large for a salamander but they don’t really scream GIANT you know? BUT. But. There’s these two, Andrias davidianus and Andrias sligoi, that get fucking ENORMOUS. Like I’m talking hold ‘em with two arms big.
The Andrias sligoi, otherwise known as the South China giant salamander, is quite possibly the single largest salamander species, and amphibian species, for that matter, still around today (although it is critically endangered and may possibly be extinct). The largest known Andrias specimen was 1.8 meters long! While it had originally been attributed as an Andrias davidianus specimen, more recent samplings of Andrias sligoi suggest it is very likely to have belonged to that species instead. Speaking of the former species, which is just known as the Chinese giant salamander, the average adult specimen weighs 25-30 kg and is around 1.5 km in length. That’s fucking HUGE for a salamander. It can even reach up to 50 kg in weight and 1.8 m in length and yet it’s still the second largest species after the South China giant salamander!! That’s mental! Here’s some pics:
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These guys are absolute chonkers. Humongous boys of the gargantuan variety. I want to hug one even though they are just so slimy. This concludes my educational seminar on giant salamanders, I hope you’ve enjoyed :D
OH very interesting!!! looking at these made me think “flat fuck friday” bc I’m sure I’ve seen a post like that with a picture of a giant salamander. anyway I don’t have much to add to this bc I know nothing about salamanders or most animals in general but it was a very interesting read ty ty ^_^
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