graceywithawhy · 5 years
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Cagayan de Oro: City of Golden Friendships
Nothing better than strolling around a city you're not familiar with. The cold breeze of CDO felt foreign to a rainy Surigao local. It was like urban meets rural and to all its intricacies -- CDO won over. Not to mention how cute their motorellas are! I wish as if the travel did not take us 10 hours just to step foot in Surigao 2.0.
Note: Everything is in Divisoria: food, local shops and culture. Should you wish to find any better spot of convenience in the city, I don't know where is. Also, don't forget to savour every last bit of Chookies by Mercedes (located in Ayala Centrio Mall, of course) and last gulp of Chingkeetea's milk teas. Bring your walking game, pronto! Lastly, bask in the CDO sun as much as you can.
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donbyahero · 4 years
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"Today I'd like to sit and sip. Forget the world a little bit. Ignore the things I have to do. And just enjoy a cup or two." — Unknown Thank you @grabfoodph for the great service even though the weather's not that cooperative. And shoutout to Kuya Tristan Poliquit for such of great help. ☺️ @chingkeetea never fails. CDO's best Milk Tea over the years. For orders, follow them now and download the Grab Food PH App. Link here: 🔗 https://www.grab.com/ph/download/ “At this difficult time, we would like Filipinos to enjoy something that makes them happy – food. GrabFood aims to provide people with food they love while at the same time stimulating the local economy by supporting local businesses— making it a win-win situation for everyone,” said GrabFood Philippines Head EJ Dela Vega. With GrabFood, food delivery can be just as happy as dining out. 👐 #GrabFoodFestival #GrabFood #GrabFoodPH #Chingkeetea #CDOFood https://www.instagram.com/p/CE3bHW0n9fp/?igshid=1jgw057kaw4e3
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jasfhercallejo · 3 years
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CDO Food Crawl!
Missy Bonbon offers a variety of breakfast choices according to one's taste and preference. They have silog meals, pancakes, chicken, seafood, fresh salads, sandwiches, and even gelatos. Bread variety is commendable, and other products for "pasalubong" are affordable as well. Centrally located near the Limketkai center mall, Missy Bon Bon is probably one of the more classy-cozy place to dine in Cagayan de Oro City. We tried their Kani & Mango Salad, Tuscan Lemon Fish, Pink Salmon, and their danggit breakfast.
Chingkeetea is home to CDO’s authentic Taiwanese tea drinks. They brew their  high-quality tea leaves daily, and then fuse them with their own little magic. Interior is also IG-worthy. This is such a peaceful and artistic place to draw inspiration from. Affordable and consistent, a trip to CDO isn't complete without chingkeetea (not paid ad okay haha but owner is my friend's friend i love your mango chi chee paorder ulit ako! haha)
Finally, Bigby’s! Bigby’s comes midway between fine dining and fast-casual eating. The restaurant’s ambience is like an amalgamation between fine dining while giving you a homey-feel. The restaurant is well-decorated with unique souvenir items collected from different parts of the world — it’s like entering travel blogger’s room. We had their Emperor's Caesar Salad, Rack-a-Bye Baby ribs, Grilled Rodeo Chops, Blossoming Spinach Dip, and some fried chicken. Talk about full and satisfied tummy!
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popculture-etc · 3 years
2021 year in review: all on pop and entertainment (1 of 2)
My last post here was in December 2020. I did not mean to fall of the earth since. I have a post that just me going off on Joss Whedon here in the drafts somewhere. I never ended up posting that here this year when I meant to do so. Lol.
I'm an old school Buffy the Vampire Slayer (or BtVS and Charmed, etc) fan of the 90s, an older millennial born in the late 80s (1987, to be exact) and that post on sh*thead Whedon was something long due to be posted here because I've had it with everything he's done in the BtVS set, Angel to the Justice League set. I've also had it with his shitty storylines for female and black characters on his tv shows and films. I haven't seen him really handle asian characters but I bet he's as shitty at handling them as he does the female and black characters so...yeah...at least I don't have to go off on him on that one. He does seem to not be too into asian characters though and there's really a lack of asian representation on his works so it's pretty telling of how he treats people---asian, black, female, all.
But anyway, I didn't mean this post to be on a**hat Whedon. This post is a year in review of 2021 and by extension, some of 2020. I fangirl and flail on stuff on my twitter, @kg_0917, so I'll base this review of the year on that one.
So what are the highlights of 2021 for me...hmn...???
There's really not much highlights in real life because 2021, like 2020, was a year I spent mostly at home in as a homebody and due to the still ongoing Covid 19 pandemic. We've been on whatever kind of community quarantine since 2019-ish for how long exactly? Yeah, 2, almost 3 years now. It's all thanks to new variants of the novel corona virus, Delta and now, one thing we're looking closely at as Omicron. I feel like we will discover ALL the greek alphabet at this point should this go on.
So yes, since 2019, I hardly go out. I'm always at home. Right...since the company I previously worked in sent us all home and had us all work from home when the pandemic here in the Philippines worsened, heightened. I only ever went out for groceries, some errands, and the occasion hangout with my girls I miss so much now, still. (My bff and I just met up and hung out at the newly opened Tomas Saco branch of Chingkeetea too. It's a local tea place I've been obsessed about since it started here, back when I was in college me thinks, and boomed and continue to be strong 'til now.) I don't really order in a lot either because I'm mostly uncomfortable using food delivery services not attached to the cafes and restaurants I buy from so yeah. No Grab food delivery, Foodpanda and the likes for me.
2021...I don't know. For some, it's boring because we all stayed in but for others, like yours truly, we've found some things to preoccupy and amuse ourselves with while staying home. I know for some it's games---board games, video games and more---and bonding time with the family. For me and a good, really old friend since I was in LiveJournal (and yes, I'm still there now but I'm using the space for something else yet), it's music. We've both been into exploring the discographies of bands, groups and more of the past and present. She's a huge fan of punk rock or punk pop and 2020 and 2021, for me, made me discover that I'm really into mostly pop (indie, some mainstream, too, of course), tropical and chill deep house, and some rock'n'roll here and there. I'm also mostly into the American side of these things.
2020 and 2021 got me into:
1. The Beach Boys
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(photo from google)
It's their Sounds of Summer that first got me. I'm notorious now for putting Kokomo on eternal repeat just because of how well made that song is. The beach vibe of that song is just...so strong I'm head-over-heels, very obsessed with it. After that, it's In My Room that basically sums up this series of lockdowns (community quarantine, in Philippines' case's terms) with my stuck in my room most of the time for me, and then Good Vibrations and I Can Hear Music because...well...I'm obviously a music nut.
Brian Wilson is THE songwriter for me. I am aware much of the songs he'd written and his band has put out were completed under the influence of, say, psychedelic drugs, hallucinogens and the likes but I still say and will keep repeating (I'll even bring this to my grave, yes) that Brian Wilson IS a music genius. The Beatles, John Lennon etc, WHO? I grew up on the Beatles but since I found the Beach Boys, I'm just...everything I am looking for is with them so why should I even bother with the Beatles, exactly? I don't even care if the Beach Boys aren't that big all over the world like the Beatles in their time. What I care about is how the Beach Boys' discography really fit me well. My music tastes and all. It's such a glove-fit like...well...fit and yes, I will never part with the Beach Boys' music.
I know of some the Beach Boys songs like Barbara Ann from Toy Story (that famous minions scene, yes) and Big Time Rush's cover and poolside performance of Dance, Dance, Dance in the summer, beach-set Big Time Rush TV movie so I'm definitely no stranger into the Beach Boys before immersing myself in their discography. I'm currently on the hunt for copies of their Sounds of Summer and Pet Sounds even if they're second hand so yes, how much I'm hooked onto them and their music...it's pretty serious. It's as serious as how I follow Big Time Rush's releases and OneRepublics' as closely as I can. Also...Tove Lo's stuff.
I'm also looking into owning some fan made merch or customized merch from the Beach Boys...tshirts mostly since I don't really have a lot of band and artists' shirts yet so yeah, I'll work on that. I did a post on this one on my fashion and lifestyle blog, fashionnutcase on blogspot/blogger and it's this one with the title: wholeheartedly not half-heartedly, on band/group tshirts.
2. The Monkeys
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(photo from google, cheatsheet)
....but mostly Daydream Believer (my favorite from them) and I'm a Believer.
I'm still a bit weirded out that people only know of Daydream Believer because of Wanda or WandaVision on Disney+ when I've known of the Monkees who's originally sung and performed that way, waaayy back due to I'm a Believer (covered by Smashmouth, if I'm not mistaken) in Shrek and how Big Time Rush, both the band and the tv show, were modeled after them. The latter is circa 2010 knowledge for me so I'm old in terms of knowing of the Monkees, yes. But I definitely wasn't, then, old enough to even be a huge fan and try to see them live in the USA the couple of trips I had there, when some of them, members of the Monkees, still lived and played gigs all over the said country. But anyway, that's, I guess, a millennial vs gen z thing for you...us.
There's really not much I can say about the Monkees unlike how chatty I am with the Beach Boys. I have yet to really immerse myself into the former's discography because I still can't really get past Daydream Believer especially so yeah... I can only really just talk more of the Beach Boys and their music on this post than I can of the Monkees' music.
I am interested in the Monkees' TV show and that one controversial film they released that had some anti-vietnam war sentiments though. It was deemed controversial because at the time of its release, censorship on anything to do with being anti the vietnam-american war going on in the American media. Yet...from what I'd heard on youtube on a video about the Monkees, their tv show, their music, their film/s, it went right through media censorship and aired in cinemas at the time of its release with 0 problems compared to its contemporaries then. I forgot to take not of the film's title so I'm not going dwell on that much here. I just meant to share or say that I am interested in that film and I'd watch it and the Monkees' TV show should I find them just to compare them to with BTR's show, too.
3. Britney Spears
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T(photo from google)
I'm currently contemplating on getting a tshirt of hers, too. Well, fanmade, mostly, because I think vintage ones are difficult to find now. They'd also be very expensive, of course.
I mentioned earlier and I'll say it again, I'm an older millennial born in the late 80s (1987) so I know the 90s decade pretty well because I lived it both as a pre-teen and middle to late teen. I know Britney and I have some of her tapes somewhere and yes, I love, LOVE her since Baby, One More Time. I think I just haven't followed her much since In the Zone (2003), I guess. I do know songs from her like My Prerogative, Womanizer, and yes, I even followed her film, Crossroads but I only ever owned cassette tapes of hers of until the 2001 release, Britney. Slave For You is just...ugh...queen and such a good song for me also, peak Britney! Yay!
Taylor Swift who? Kidding. I also like Taylor, I'm not much of a Swiftie however, since Fearless and especially Red (I know people went crazy for Taylor's Version of Red and that long MV of All Too Well that came out just recently) so yeah...I like Taylor. Not as much as I do Britney, however.
Yes, we ALL know Britney. Or, I guess the younger generation, gen z, do not know her all that much but we should ALL know Britney. She was amazing in her peak in the 90s and a better stage performer than Taylor, definitely, at the time and even until now. Britney is an all-rounder, Taylor isn't much of that. I dedicated some time just recently this year...I think around last month? November? to just watch some old Britney stuff and ugh. I fell in love with her all over again. I'm not even going to talk much about Christina Aguilera here and their rivalry because yeah...I'm not a huge Christina fan and I don't know...I just realized now that Britney and her impressive body of work is something you just can't get over so easily especially if you've grown up with her like I did and still do.
Anyway, yay, SHE'S FREEEEEE!!!! Yes! Go forth, Brit, my love, and do whatever you want now. Your money, the world, everything is yours now.
I actually also love her personality and herself as a whole from what I'd seen of her in some interviews and all that, yes, so I'm just as happy as her and other fans of hers like me that we can witness her be happy, content, free and just her precious, lovely, bubbly self now.
2021. You're grim mostly and bland and boring with most of us paranoid over our health and about contracting the virus and its variants but you gave us this. You had us bare witness to this, Britney being freed from her family's, her dad's conservatorship, and 2021, for that, YOU ARE EPIC! Definitely worlds better than 2020, the year before this, just because of this now.
Yeah, I'm definitely getting myself a replica concert shirt of hers or a fanmade one, one of these days, yes. I kind of can't wait to have that one. I've been scouting these bands and artists shirts on shopee, a local or Philippine national online shop site, and I've found some I like, definitely. I'll get those when I have enough from the part time work I do online these days. (Yes, a very, very random life update here is...yes, I've secured a part time job even if it doesn't pay much week in and week out. It does well to tide me over 'til next year. Until I've secured a much stable paying job that I've been after for a while now, hopefully by then. I resigned from my old company with a good friend and parted ways with them around last year-ish, 2020.)
This post is already long so I'll have to cut this year in review of 2021's in to two...or three at most since I'll also be talking of some tv shows, movies, and more here, too. This review of 2021 is definitely not just going to be all about music, yes.
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itsjusta · 3 years
May 28, 2021
had a long sleep todaaay and karon pa gyd nga naa mi google meet 10:30 👁👄👁 i didnt alarm doeee cos pirme baya ko maka wake up around 9:30-10 but now aishhhh issa wala buot sleeping pattern huuuh!!! nalingaw ko sko damgo doeeee busa ata dugay kyko kamata hahahah cos nag outing man to with fam and naa pd ako friends tas after kay nag shat mi friends 🤣 i got so lingaw in my damgo i was 30 mins late to class na nuon ni absent nalang ko cos ulaw nako blehhh!!! nakamata pd ko doeee cos na feel nako nga init na aish bantog diay kay 11 naman diay 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
i acads from 11-1:30 doeee issa mao nani ako productive times now heheh after i acads i ate and then i laba!!! laba nalang ko now uy kay maligo man pd kooo para isa na heheh i also babatch baby cos sya raman ako wala naligoan last time hehe dis time i wrapped my body in a towel na!!! so kapoy body doeee na feel nako nag kurog2 ko kamulo ko wait sa washing machine aish 😭 after all my chores i ligo na dayon then went to mommy’s room and ngayo money for snacks blehhhh 80 lang man!!! for milktea and tempura heheh but ion like this flavor of theirs issa tab ang 😭 i was really craving for chingkeetea wintermelonnnn huhu maybe tom!!!
i stayed dayon in mom’s room doe watch ko kdrama sa tv there heheh and grabe jd ko ka sleepy like gasakit na ako eyes but di gyd ko katulog when i try to sleep grabe gyd ka idiot ni nga brain doe 😡😡😡 then i bahog na da dogs and cooked my own food hehehe and u tawag and i ate dinner and i spent the night just scrolling everywhere doeeee aishhh wala naman gyd ko lingaw uy hapit nako langawon diri!!!
thank u for calling meee doeeee and for chika2 wid me heheh im always here foe u idiooottt and dont be an idiot ok 🤦🏻‍♀️ im happy for everything u have nowww doeee heheh and im happy nga palitan ka jordans tita christine yeheeey heheheh advance happy burtday mother kato baby damulag smelly feet panget oneee 😝😝😝
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weandthecolor · 4 years
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Chingkeetea — Branding by Uncurated Studio
See more here.
Follow WE AND THE COLOR on: Facebook I Twitter I Pinterest I YouTube I Instagram
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xnwritten · 5 years
by Kaira Akut
This essay is about a very unexpected experience of meeting someone new. Having to meet this person has brought happiness and inspiration in my life and I would always feel grateful for this unexpected plot twist.
            I was bored on a Saturday morning, thinking about what I could do to pass time. There it hit me “what if I try to use Omegle?”. Little did I know that I was going to meet someone that would mean the world to me one day. 30 minutes has passed and I still couldn’t find someone worth talking to but then I was finally matched with someone who made feel so curious to figure out who that person was. We chatted and chatted and I have never felt more comfortable with someone in my life. This person and I gave each other clues about our identity. It’s funny how this special someone figured out who I was but I didn’t even have a clue who he or she is. When this person found out who I was, I was immediately given a nickname and then I did the same.
            We called each other “Bababs”. Hours have passed and I still didn’t know who Bababs was. I was dying to know this person’s real name. We would talk about anything that would come to our minds - school, friends, food, happy moments, sad moments, you name it. We talked until 2am and we still wanted to talk each other more but we eventually head off to bed and sleep. When I woke up in the morning, I realized that a random person from twitter messaged me, it was Bababs. Again, we talked and talked until it was night. Every word shared with this person made me happy and I was more than grateful to meet this person. At the end of the day I figured out who Bababs was - Bababs was a girl.
            After a week of talking, we decided to meet up and go on a “laag”. I was so nervous and so excited at the same time to meet her in person. We decided to meet up at a store near Xavier University. The moment I saw her, I couldn’t stop myself from smiling. We immediately clicked and it felt like we’ve known each other for a long time. We went to Chingkeetea and Bababs treated me with a drink there. While we were sitting in the store facing each other, I realized that I have grown attached to this person. Nobody else makes me feel the way she does and I was scared for that. Is she going to be there until the end of time for me? Would she want to be there until the end of time for me? I secretly wished to God that she really would.
            We would always meet up and go places together. We didn’t care about the destination because the only thing that mattered to us is that we were together. I loved how clingy she was. She would always hold unto my hand whenever we would walk side by side. Having her to hold my hand meant something and I realized that I was more than attached to this person. It couldn’t be, we’re both girls. I don’t think she would think the same.
            A month has passed and we have grown closer to each other. A day without Bababs made me feel incomplete. Everything got weirder because one time, she wouldn’t only hold my hand but she give me a kiss on the cheek or forehead as well. Every time she would give me a kiss, I would feel safe and loved and there is this heat inside my body that would come out of nowhere. We were good friends but I don’t think I just want to stay friends. I realized that I wanted something more. November 13, 2019 7:04pm - “Do you really like me?” I asked. Nothing made me happier than a word with three letters - “yes”. This “yes” meant many things. Conversations became more romantic, a touch became more sincere, and I kiss became longer. No, I don’t like her - I love her.
            The most memorable experience I had was having to meet Bababs and every special moment with her became all my favorites. You will meet people who would mean the world to you one day but that doesn’t mean that it would be a romantic kind of relationship, they could be your parents, your siblings, or your friends. But be careful, someone could mean the world to you and wouldn’t feel the same for you but if they do, cherish it. Make sure you don’t take anyone for granted.
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crys-tal-lin-e · 5 years
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Love Language: Tea
#tea #milktea #boba tea #cafe # coffee #tea shop #chingkeetea
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iammekristine · 6 years
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You’re gonna miss me when I’m gone You’re gonna miss me by my hair You’re gonna miss me everywhere, oh You’re gonna miss me when I’m gone —-milk tea to me Gonna miss this taste. One of the most perfect wintermelon milk tea flavor for me. #chingkeetea #tea #love #life (at CHINGKEETEA) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnWbN4QhEtr/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=xtoz0cbbfct2
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#gallery-0-6 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-6 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } #gallery-0-6 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-6 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Teacup No. 23 Matcha
Teacup No. 23 Matcha
Teacup No. 23 Matcha
Rose Hibiscus Brewed Iced Tea
Rose Hibiscus Brewed Iced Tea
Teacup No. 23 in Matcha + ~soft~ Drink
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crysta0917 · 6 years
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new on fashionnutcase: sid and aya
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enyascloset · 6 years
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What about Breakfast at Tiffany’s? #chingkeetea (at CHINGKEETEA)
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#teaislove #teaislife #chingkeetea #princeteahouse
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hannaeything-blog · 7 years
Cagayan de Oro Eats
Cagayan de Oro Eats
Cagayan de Oro was my home for five years and those five years of ups and downs has partly molded me of what i am today. Those were the best years of my life. It was during those years that i found my second home in the comfort of my friends whom i chose to be families. I could still remember so well how my first few days in Cagayan de Oro were. I was full of hope and eagerness as i was fresh…
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musicalto27-blog · 7 years
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Crack from the earthquake. 🌏 #chingkee #chingkeetea #tea
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chibichanlove · 7 years
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- credit
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