#chiral project zero
risingshards · 1 year
I did some reflection on my writing processes outside of my webnovel one and thought about how like. My earlier college drafts for attempted manuscripts (I say tradpub a lot for this when I basically mean a nice 80-100k manuscript) actually got finished a lot more consistently. Then in later college I had a lot of ideas and a lot of "this WILL be a movie" thoughts but the manuscripts got finished less I feel. Rising Shards drafts started moving towards web novel style, and I steadily have figured out how to be productive in that format since then.
But I still feel like I haven't cracked the manuscript style for a long time and I want to tackle that to grow my creative muscles. Some of my big goals for Project ZERO were to write something with different creative muscles than I use for RS and to make something for tradpub that isn't as precious so I don't get as discouraged when I submit to agents, but for all of 2022 I got very little done on it and I was not happy working on it. I have been thinking about my formats, trying to figure out my processes and what worked and what didn't. For example, my early college drafts went from coming up with characters to just kind of pantser writing through it. Then later college I really just tried to do cinematic and match movie outlines, but that didn't lead to many finished drafts of anything. For ZERO, I've been trying the Blake Snyder beat sheet like I learned in college, but the sparks of ideas have not lasted long enough to come up with much for that story.
Part of those goals are for the challenge of tackling that impossible tradpub mountain, part of it is because I want to grow my skills, and part is probably cynically wanting that big book contract, but when I'm cynical I don't think I write well, and I think that's what slowed ZERO down a great deal.
So a 2023 goal for my writing is to try and get that like manuscript finishing ability in a new way, to figure out a new process for writing that isn't such a drain. If I trudge for another year on ZERO and this fantasy idea and get nowhere on them and am miserable working on them, I'll probably bench the big manuscript ideas for a while. My main focus is still on Rising Shards (I probably don't have to keep saying this but it's kind of a rallying cry since RS is so like me and I'm so happy with it and writing it) but that doesn't mean I can't tinker around with other ideas and forms and processes. That sounds so dorky but I love me some writing processes. 🥰
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cerberusdailynews · 2 years
[LITERATURE] Court Blocks Attempt To Withdraw Ex-Cerberus Biopic
via Westerlund News The years-long legal saga between Lima-based Leyendos Books and a former ghost writer has finally been put to rest by a final judgment in the UNAS Superior Court of Lima, awarding control of the manuscript and all concerned rights to the publishing house. The award has been made with the caveat that any further developments of the material must be named something else, to create a distinction between the owned work and the ghost writer’s manuscript. Originally published under the title Hellhounds: The Cerberus Conspiracy, the book was the work of xenobiologist Dr. Rochelle Adams, a former employee of the Cerberus shell corporation Cord-Hislop Aerospace. In the book, Adams, through a ghostwriter and scanned documents, illustrates her experiences starting out in the legitimate side of Cord-Hislop before being inducted into human supremacist circles within the company, later detailing her work on various “skunkworks” projects in the Advanced Life Sciences Division. She charges the Advanced Life Sciences Division with developing “Project Pendragon,” a prototype nerve agent meant to target dextro-rotatory chirality life exclusively. She further accuses that the Alliance Intelligence Service sanctioned the development of it for a future war with the Turian Hierarchy, dispersing samples through xenophobic groups affiliated with the Terra Firma party for ‘field testing’. Other accusations Adams has leveled at Cord-Hislop and Cerberus include assassination attempts on Dalatrass Konpelai via an ‘embolism gun’ to replace her with a more pliable trade partner, thus and gaining access to proprietary techniques on the refinement of element zero, plans for storming the Thallonakis Convent to capture maidens suffering from Ardat-Yakshi Syndrome for study, and attempts to re-engineer Kepral’s Syndrome to affect krogan. The book remained a perennial underperformer for the six months it was available for distribution. Two weeks later, Adams was found dead, the result of gunshots to the head in what Toronto Metropolitan Police describe as a suicide attempt. The ghostwriter, identified as one Adrian Rycart, subsequently came forward, filing an injunction against Leyendos Publishing to stop distribution of Hellhounds. At time of filing, Rycart stated that he believed the documents Adams provided for source material were authentic, not counterfeits or hoaxes. In his petition for injunction, however, he cited a later belief Adams had manufactured the existence of “Pendragon” and several other Cerberus operations to enhance the otherwise dry reading of her biopic. Leyendos’ spokesperson, Iris MacDonald-Ruiz, minced no words in the publisher’s statement on the matter: “We at Leyendos are satisfied with the judgment. While we regret the title did not perform better, Mr. Rycart’s cynical attempts to drum up interest in the book are contrary to Leyendos’ core principles, and we are at work republishing the work under the new name ‘Hair Of The Dog’.” Hair Of The Dog is expected to release sometime in [November 2197]
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sortasomewhere · 10 months
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I wonder if this supposed to be a common aspect of the world of all the stories, or specific to the setup of Cordelia's world.
It seems like maybe a play on quantum superposition, like for the spinomalies, many worlds is true and they can somehow operate across branches, while for humans copenhagen is true, and by observing things they prune the universe for the spinomalies.
Something like this could explain why the spinomalies started noticing the humans in Grant's storyline, as technology supported more observation of a larger region of space, and why continuing to observe and negotiate just annoyed them more. It could also be related to how Mike got so many Annes lying around, and be part of the reason to have multiple Annes in the first place, to generate a human that interacted with the universe's metaphysisics like the spinomalies. Also, it would explain why Cordelia percieved herself as a shrivel in the box, if the space there is some projection of the wavefunction, because as a Dane in America she would have zero dimension along any axis she has made an observation.
Not sure how exactly it fits with the chirality thing though.
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edentonki · 2 years
Hydrogen dioxide
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It is the smallest and simplest molecule to exhibit enantiomerism. The approximately 100° dihedral angle between the two O–H bonds makes the molecule chiral. For comparison, the rotational barrier for ethane is 1040 cm −1 (12.4 kJ/mol). These barriers are proposed to be due to repulsion between the lone pairs of the adjacent oxygen atoms and dipolar effects between the two O–H bonds. Although the O−O bond is a single bond, the molecule has a relatively high rotational barrier of 386 cm −1 (4.62 kJ/ mol) for rotation between enantiomers via the trans configuration, and 2460 cm −1 (29.4 kJ/mol) via the cis configuration. Hydrogen peroxide ( H 2O 2) is a nonplanar molecule with (twisted) C 2 symmetry this was first shown by Paul-Antoine Giguère in 1950 using infrared spectroscopy. National Grid referred to its net zero plan, which says hydrogen will play a major role in the next few decades and that producing hydrogen from renewable energy was the linchpin.Structure and dimensions of H 2O 2 in the solid (crystalline) phase “Hydrogen is an important technology that will allow utilities to adopt much greater levels of renewables,” he said. National Grid, together with Stony Brook University and New York State, is studying integrating hydrogen into its existing gas infrastructure, though the project seeks to produce hydrogen using renewable energy.Įntergy believed hydrogen was “part of creating a long-term carbon-free future,” complementing renewables like wind or solar, which generate power only intermittently, said Jerry Nappi, a spokesman for the utility. Plans to produce and use hydrogen are moving ahead. “I think this research is going drive the conversation forward,” she said. Howarth of Cornell said.Īmy Townsend-Small, an associate professor in environmental science at the University of Cincinnati and an expert on methane emissions, said more scientists were starting to examine some of the industry claims around hydrogen, in the same way they had scrutinized the climate effects of natural gas production. But that still doesn’t account for the natural gas that generates the hydrogen, powers the steam reforming process and runs the CO2 capture. (Although if the world does start to produce excess renewable energy, converting it to hydrogen would be one way to store it.)įor the foreseeable future, most hydrogen fuel will very likely be made from natural gas through an energy-intensive and polluting method called the steam reforming process, which uses steam, high heat and pressure to break down the methane into hydrogen and carbon monoxide.īlue hydrogen uses the same process but applies carbon capture and storage technology, which involves capturing carbon dioxide before it is released into the atmosphere and then pumping it underground in an effort to lock it away. In most places, there simply isn’t enough renewable energy to produce vast amounts of green hydrogen. Today, very little hydrogen is green, because the process involved - electrolyzing water to separate hydrogen atoms from oxygen - is hugely energy intensive. “First we use blue, then we make it all green,” he said. Hydrogen made from fossil fuels could still act as a transition fuel but would ultimately be “a small contributor to the overall sustainable hydrogen economy,” he said. That, he said, would eliminate the fossil and the methane leaks. Jack Brouwer, director of the National Fuel Cell Research Center at the University of California, Irvine, said that hydrogen would ultimately need to be made using renewable energy to produce what the industry calls green hydrogen, which uses renewable energy to split water into its constituent parts, hydrogen and oxygen. “It’s this is a fossil fuel subsidy with Congress acting like they’re doing something on climate, while propping up the next chapter of the fossil fuel industry.” “It’s not a climate action,” said Jim Walsh, a senior energy policy analyst at Food & Water Watch, a Washington-based nonprofit group. Some other Democrats, like Representative Jamie Raskin of Maryland, have pushed back against the idea, calling it an “empty promise.” Environmental groups have also criticized the spending. Among companies that lobbied for investment in hydrogen were NextEra Energy, which has proposed a solar-powered hydrogen pilot plant in Florida. In Washington, the latest bipartisan infrastructure package devotes $8 billion to creating regional hydrogen hubs, a provision originally introduced as part of a separate bill by Senator Joe Manchin, a Democrat from West Virginia, a major natural gas producing region.
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sigmaleph · 3 years
@serinemolecule asked me for hot takes on this 2006 article on Argentinian food, which I am now reorganising into a proper post for y'all's consumption. you're welcome.
First of all: the titular thesis that you should eat two steaks a day. I am forced to clarify that as 'should's go you should eat zero steaks a day, but this is ethical rather dietary advice and I don't follow it as well as I should, so, y'know. I would engage with this on the level it was stated, but I actually have no opinion on it. Moving on...
Argentine beef really is extraordinary. Almost all of this has to do with how the cows are raised. There are no factory feedlots in Argentina; the animals still eat pampas grass their whole lives, in open pasture, and not the chicken droppings and feathers mixed with corn that pass for animal feed in the United States.
This is, as it happens, completely false. There absolutely is plenty of feedlot beef being eaten in Argentina, and this was also the case back when this article was written. There's grass-fed beef too, and maybe the writer structured their life around only eating those, but the claim that there are no feedlots is just not true.
if you let them make the call, you get a two-inch thick of meat[...]The Argentine steak stands alone, towering three inches over the plate,[...]This gorgeous specimen is called a lomito; it's a standard lunchtime steak, clearly so thin that the Argentines are embarrassed to send it out into the world without a protective wrapping of ham and cheese
I have no idea what their obsession with steak thickness is; meat exists at various levels of thick and thin to suit various tastes. If you like yours thick that's fine but quit the projecting, y'know.
As you might expect, vegetarians will have a somewhat rough time here. For most people in Argentina, a vegetarian is something you eat. One's diet will accordingly lean heavily on pastas, gnocchi, salads, and (for the less squeamish ) fish. Vegans will not survive in Argentina.
This is, unfortunately, true (well, hyperbole, but). Rinna had a rather bad time trying to find vegan food when fae came over for visits. The situation is improving slowly, at least.
The homemade cookies bought in the minimarket downstairs taste of steak. [picture of alfajores de maicena[
Jesus. Find somewhere better to buy your snacks.
It should be no surprise that the land of beef also has excellent milk and butter. The milk comes in plastic bags that would give any American marketing department a heart attack. They proudly advertise "GUARANTEED 100% BRUCELLOSIS AND HOOF-AND-MOUTH FREE". One brand even brags that its bacteria count never exceeds 100,000 per mL, and prints daily statistics to prove it (only 82,000 bacteria/mL on Monday! mmm!).
Are you under the impression American milk doesn't contain bacteria and that when it spoils it's because of the molecules' sheer willpower? Or do you just object to the reminder that they exist?
This menu is delicious, but with rare exceptions it is all you are going to get. People coming for more than a few weeks are advised to bring a discreet bottle of Tabasco sauce.
Eat at better restaurants.
With any order from the master menu comes the Bread Basket, which should be treated as you would treat a basket of wax fruit, that is, as a purely decorative ornament. It is considered bad form to actually eat anything from Bread Basket
What are you talking about. Do all your dining companions just suck, eat some bread.
Dulce de leche is a culinary cry for help. It says "save us, we are baffled and alone in the kitchen, we don't know what to do for dessert and we're going to boil condensed milk and sugar together until help arrives". This cloying dessert tar is so impossibly sweet that you wish you were ten years old again, just so you could actually enjoy it. It is everywhere. There is a special dulce de leche shelf in the supermarket dairy case, and the containers go up to a liter in size. Even the churros are stuffed with it - the churros, Montresor!
It is rare that I feel insulted for the sake of my country, but this? How dare you.
Yes, of course we fill churros with dulce de leche; the real question is why anyone doesn't, short of dietary restrictions. Finding out that people do otherwise was like learning that in other countries, "sandwich" just means two slices of bread. Live a little. Eat a real godsdamned churro.
I spent a considerable amount of time trying to figure out how meals work in Argentina, and they remain a mystery to me. Dinner is clear enough: people tend to go to restaurants beginning at ten o'clock (for those with small children), with the main rush around eleven, and dinner is pretty much over at one or so in the morning. And breakfast - or rather, its absence - follows as a logical consequence of eating a steak the size of a beagle at midnight. But I have yet to figure out whether people eat some kind of meal in the afternoon, and if so, when.
At... noon? Like. We eat lunch. Usually somewhere around 12:00. I am eating lunch right now, and I have done so essentially every day of my life. This is just baffling.
I've come to think the culprit in the missing Argentine lunch scene is yerba mate.
Where the ignorant foreigner may see just another kind of herbal tea (yerba mate is a very unassuming shrub that grows in the northern parts of the country) the Argentine sees a taste treat of unimaginable subtlety, and a tonic for all his problems. The Wikipedia article on proper mate preparation should give you a warning of the level of obsessiveness attainable here (the Urugayans are even worse). To the virgin palate, mate tastes like green tea mixed with grass clippings. The beverage is traditionally drunk out of a little gourd, through a metal straw called a bombilla, with hot (but not boiling!!) water poured into it (without wetting the surface!! clockwise!!) from a thermos.
Yeah, this is accurate. Well, not the clockwise part, never heard anyone complain about that and I can't imagine it mattering.
What distinguishes mate from coffee and tea is the social context - two or more people share a gourd, with a designated pourer in charge of refilling it with hot water after each turn. The ritual is low-fuss but indispensible. You can buy mate gourds and thermoses in any grocery store, and get your thermos filled with hot water at any convenience store or gas station, but you will never see mate served in restaurants or sold in little disposable paper gourds, to go. it's not that people refuse to drink mate alone - anyone working a solitary shift will have a gourd in hand - but that the concept of being served mate by someone who does not share it with you seems impossible.
This is also true. Attempts have been made to sell to-go mate but it's never very popular, the social ritual is important. Also unfortunately a disease vector, I haven't had any mate in a year and a half.
Mate aficionados will tell you that mate contains a special compound, mateine, that serves as a tonic and mild stimulant, promoting alertness without making it hard to sleep, reducing fatigue and appetite, helping the digestion and serving as a mild diuretic. Scientists will tell you that mateine bears a suspicious resemblance to a chemical called caffeine. Mate aficionados will then grow indignant, explaining that mateine is really a stereoisomer (mirror image) of caffeine, with different effects, which will in turn irritate the scientists, who will snap that caffeine doesn't have a chiral center, so it can't have a distinguishable mirror image, and why don't the mate aficionados just put a sock in it.
The first part of this is true; some people definitely think "mateine" is different from caffeine and it absolutely isn't. Never heard the stereoisomer claim before but googling it does confirm some people say so.
still have no idea what any of this has to do with lunch, though. I promise you nobody skips lunch because mate is just too filling.
The wine here is very good (something has to stand up to that steak), but Argentina has no liquor to call its own, relying on whiskies like Old Smuggler and the low-maintenance Don Juan cognac to carry the flag.
There's a fundamental omission from this list and it's called fernet.
Beer is ubiquitous and comes in a bewildering variety of sizes, although there is a skittishness about the full-on liter. Things level off at 970 mL. In my case, it means I end up drinking 1940 mL of beer as a kind of personal protest, and all is well with the world. To make up for the abundance of sizes, beer comes in only one variety, Quilmes, which inevitably comes served with a tripartite platter of snacks - nuts, salty cylinders, and aged potato chips.
I never had trouble buying beer by the litre, but I confess I never tried to do so in 2006 on account of being under 18 at the time.
Anyway, beer comes in a lot more varieties today, thankfully, because Quilmes sucks. I'll never be a beer person, but at least these days there's options I tolerate.
[original post]
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cosplaysoulbackups · 7 years
10 Count
19 Days
101 Dalmations
[ A ]
A Certain Magical Index
A Foreign Love Affair
Ace of Diamond
Adventure Time
Air Gear
Akame ga Kill!
Alice in the Country of Hearts
Alice in Wonderland
Alice: Madness Returns
Amagi Brilliant Park
Ansatsu Kyoushitsu
Angel Beats!
Angel Sanctuary
Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai.
Anthropomorphic Animal
Ao no Exorcist
Assassination Classroom
Atelier Escha & Logy: The Alchemists of Dusk
Atelier Meruru
Attack on Titan
Axis Powers Hetalia
[ B ]
Bad Medicine: Infectious Teachers
Batman Returns
Battle Royale
Beatmania IIDX
Beauty and the Beast
Beyond the Boundary
Big Hero 6
Biohazard 4
Bioshock Infinite
Black Bullet
Black Butler
Black Butler: Book of Circus
Black Butler 2
Black Lagoon
Black Rock Shooter Animation
Blade and Soul
Blast of Tempest
Blue Exorcist
Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai
Bokura no Hikari Club
Bravely Default: Flying Fairy
Brothers Conflict
Brynhildr in the Darkness
[ C ]
C: The Money of Soul and Possibility Control
Cardcaptor Sakura
Case Closed
Chaos Online
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Chinese Paladin 3
Choco Strawberry Vanilla
Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!
Clannad: After Story
Code Geass Lelouch of the Rebellion
Code Geass Side Story: Akito of the Ruined Land
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2
Cookie Run
Corpse Bride
Crest of the Royal Family
[ D ]
D Gray Man
Danball Senki W
Danganronpa: Another Episode
Danganronpa Kirigiri
Danganronpa: Kibo no Gakuen to Zetsubo no Kokosei
Darker Than Black
Darkstalkers 3
Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors
Date A Live
Dead or Alive Ultimate
Death Note
Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko
Diabolik Lovers
Divine Gate
Dota 2
Dragon Age: Origins
Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride
Drakengard 3
DRAMAtical Murder
Dream of Doll
Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka
Dusk Maiden of Amnesia
Dynamic Chord
Dynasty Warriors 8
[ E ]
Elfen Lied
Ensemble Stars
Eureka Seven
Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance
Evangelion: 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo
[ F ]
Fafner of the Blue Sky
Fairy Tail
Fancy Lala
Fantasy Frontier Online
Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly
Fate Extra
Fate Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya
Fate Stay Night
Fate Zero
Final Fantasy 7
Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children
Final fantasy 8
Final Fantasy 10
Final Fantasy 13
Final Fantasy 15
Final Fantasy Type-0
Finder Series
Fire Emblem: Awakening
Fisheye Placebo
Five Star Stories
Freddy vs. Jason
Fruits Basket
Fushigi Yugi
[ G ]
Game of Thrones
Gatchaman Crowds
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki Kun
Girl Friend Beta
Girls Und Panzer
Go! Princess Precure
Guardians of the Galaxy
Gugure! Kokkuri-san
Guilty Crown
Guilty Gear
Guilty Gear XX
Gurren Lagann
[ H ]
Hakuouki: Shinsengumi Kitan
Hanafuriro Series
Hanasaku Iroha
Happy Tree Friends
Harry Potter Series
Hell Girl
Helter Skelter
Hentai Ouji to Warawanai Neko.
Hero Warz
Highschool of the Dead
Highschool DxD
Hiiro no Kakera
Hoozuki no Reitetsu
How To Train Your Dragon
Howls Moving Castle
Hunter x Hunter
Hybrid Child
Hyperdimension Neptunia
[ I ]
IB Games
Inu x Boku SS
IS: Infinite Stratos
Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?
[ J ]
Jian Xia Qing Yuan Online 3
Jianxiaqingyuan Online 3
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Battle Tendency
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Diamond is Unbreakable
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Jojolion
JoJos Bizarre Adventure Phantom Blood
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Steel Ball Run
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Stone Ocean
Junjo Romantica: Pure Romance
Junketsu no Maria
[ K ]
K Project
Kagerou Project
Kamigami no Asobi
Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne
Kantai Collection
Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
Ken ga Kimi
Kigurumi Guardians
Kikis Delivery Service
Kimi ni Todoke
Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts 2
Kiniro Mosaic
Kiniro no Corda: Blue Sky
Kiniro no Corda: Primo Passo
Kirby's Dream Land
Kotonoha Project
Kuroko no Basuke
Kuroshitsuji: Book of Circus
Kuroshitsuji 2
Kyou Kara Maou!
Kyoukai no Kanata
Kyousou Giga
[ L ]
Laichi Hikari Club
League of Legends
Leon: The Professional
Lightning Returns Final Fantasy XIII
Line Characters
Litchee Hikari Club
Little Busters!
Living Dead Dolls
Lollipop Chainsaw
Love Live! School Idol Project
Love Stage!!
Lucky Dog 1
Ludwig Revolution
Lychee Hikari Club
[ M ]
Macross Frontier
Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic
Magic Kaito
Magic Knight Rayearth
Magical Angel Creamy Mami
Mahou Sensei Negima!
Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei
Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro
Makai Ouji Devils and Realist
Malice Mizer
Maoyuu Maou Yuusha
Marvel vs Capcom
Mass Effect
Meet the Robinsons
Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch
Million Arthur
Mirai Nikki
Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Destiny
Monster Hunter
Mujihi na Otoko
[ N ]
Nagi no Asukara
Nanatsu no Taizai
Naruto: Shippuden
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Neuro: Supernatural Detective
Nico Nico Douga Jikkyou Play
Nintama Rantarou
Nitro Super Sonic
No Game No Life
Nurarihyon no Mago
[ O ]
Odin Sphere
One Piece
Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji
Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai
Orenchi no Furo Jijou
Original Character
Oumagatoki Kaidan Romance
Ouran High School Host Club
Owari no Seraph
Pandora Hearts
Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt
[ P ]
Pandora Hearts
Paradise Kiss
Persona 3
Persona 4
Persona 4: Dancing All Night
Petshop of Horrors
Pokemon Black Version 2 and White Version 2
Pop n Music
Pop n music 16 PARTY
Princess Monoke
Prison School
Prunus Girl
Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Puri Para
Puzzle & Dragons
[ Q ]
Quan Zhi Gao Shou
Queen's Blade
[ R ]
Rage of Bahamut
Ranma 1/2
Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu
Reiko the Zombie Shop
Reines des Fleurs
Repo! The Genetic Opera
Resident Evil: Revelations
RG Veda
Riddle Story of Devil
Rise of the Guardians
Rozen Maiden
Rozen Maiden: Traumend
RPG Maid Lounge Bar
Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan
[ S ]
Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata
Saekano: How to Raise a Boring Girlfriend
Saga Frontier
Sailor Moon R
Sailor Moon S
Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars
Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas
Saiyuki Reload
Sakizo's Illustration Artwork
Samurai Warriors 4
Samurai X: Trust and Betrayal
Scissors Crown
Scrapped Princess
Searching for the Full Moon
Sekaiichi Hatsukoi
Sengoku Basara
Sengoku Basara 4
Seraph of the End
Shaman King
Sheep Farm in Sugarland
Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso
Shingeki no Bahamut
Shingeki no Kyojin
Shining Blade
Shining Hearts
Shining Tears X Wind
Show By Rock!!
Silent Hill
Silent Hill 2
Sky Doll
Sleeping Beauty
Sora no Otoshimono
Soul Eater
Sound Horizon
Space Battleship Yamato 2199
Spice and Wolf
Spirited Away
Starry Sky
Suicide Squad
Super Danganronpa 2
Super Mario Bros
Super Mario Galaxy
Sweet Pool
Sword Art Online
Syokugeki no Soma
Syunya Yamashita’s Figurine
[ T ]
Tales of Vesperia
Tales of Xillia
Tales of Zestiria
Tamako Market
Tamen de Gushi
Tasogare Otome x Amnesia
Tekken Tag Tournament 2
Ten Count
Their Story
The Cain Saga
The Chiral Night
The Devil Is A Part-Timer!
The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya
The Exiled Realm of Arborea
The Familiar of Zero
The Flower We Saw That Day
The Idolm@ster
The Idolm@ster 2
The Idolm@ster Cinderella Girls
The Irregular at Magic High School
The King of Fighters
The Last Story
The Legend of Zelda
The Little Mermaid
The Maid Fuku to Kikanjuu
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
The Nightmare Before Christmas
The Pale Horse
The Prince of Tennis
The Riddle Story of Devil
The Seven Deadly Sins
The Seven Heroes and Five Gallants
The Touhou Project
The Tyrant Falls in Love
Tiger & Bunny
To Aru Kagaku no Railgun
To Love Ru
To Love Ru Darkness
Togainu no Chi
Tokimeki Restaurant: Koi no Recipe de Tsukamaete
Tokyo Ghoul
Touhou Fuujinroku Mountain of Faith
Touhou Niji Sousaku Doujin
Touken Ranbu
Tower of Saviors
Trinity Blood
Tsubasa Chronicle
Tunshicangqiong On Line
[ U ]
Ultra Street Fighter IV
Unbreakable Machine-Doll
Unofficial Sentai Akibaranger
Urusei Yatsura
Uta no Prince-sama
[ V ]
Vampire Knight
[ W ]
Wand of Fortune
Warm Bodies
When They Cry 3
White Album 2
Wolf Girl and Black Prince
World of Warcraft
[ X ]
[ Y ]
Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches
Yosuga no Sora
Your Lie in April
Yowamushi Pedal
Yumeiro Patissiere
Yuri Kuma Arashi
Yuri!! On Ice
[ Z ]
Zankyou no Terror
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storyofadventures · 7 years
10 Count
19 Days
101 Dalmations
[ A ]
A Certain Magical Index
A Foreign Love Affair
Ace of Diamond
Adventure Time
Air Gear
Akame ga Kill!
Alice in the Country of Hearts
Alice in Wonderland
Alice: Madness Returns
Amagi Brilliant Park
Ansatsu Kyoushitsu
Angel Beats!
Angel Sanctuary
Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai.
Anthropomorphic Animal
Ao no Exorcist
Assassination Classroom
Atelier Escha & Logy: The Alchemists of Dusk
Atelier Meruru
Attack on Titan
Axis Powers Hetalia
[ B ]
Bad Medicine: Infectious Teachers
Batman Returns
Battle Royale
Beatmania IIDX
Beauty and the Beast
Beyond the Boundary
Big Hero 6
Biohazard 4
Bioshock Infinite
Black Bullet
Black Butler
Black Butler: Book of Circus
Black Butler 2
Black Lagoon
Black Rock Shooter Animation
Blade and Soul
Blast of Tempest
Blue Exorcist
Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai
Bokura no Hikari Club
Bravely Default: Flying Fairy
Brothers Conflict
Brynhildr in the Darkness
[ C ]
C: The Money of Soul and Possibility Control
Cardcaptor Sakura
Case Closed
Chaos Online
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Chinese Paladin 3
Choco Strawberry Vanilla
Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!
Clannad: After Story
Code Geass Lelouch of the Rebellion
Code Geass Side Story: Akito of the Ruined Land
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2
Cookie Run
Corpse Bride
Crest of the Royal Family
[ D ]
D Gray Man
Danball Senki W
Danganronpa: Another Episode
Danganronpa Kirigiri
Danganronpa: Kibo no Gakuen to Zetsubo no Kokosei
Darker Than Black
Darkstalkers 3
Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors
Date A Live
Dead or Alive Ultimate
Death Note
Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko
Diabolik Lovers
Divine Gate
Dota 2
Dragon Age: Origins
Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride
Drakengard 3
DRAMAtical Murder
Dream of Doll
Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka
Dusk Maiden of Amnesia
Dynamic Chord
Dynasty Warriors 8
[ E ]
Elfen Lied
Ensemble Stars
Eureka Seven
Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance
Evangelion: 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo
[ F ]
Fafner of the Blue Sky
Fairy Tail
Fancy Lala
Fantasy Frontier Online
Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly
Fate Extra
Fate Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya
Fate Stay Night
Fate Zero
Final Fantasy 7
Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children
Final fantasy 8
Final Fantasy 10
Final Fantasy 13
Final Fantasy 15
Final Fantasy Type-0
Finder Series
Fire Emblem: Awakening
Fisheye Placebo
Five Star Stories
Freddy vs. Jason
Fruits Basket
Fushigi Yugi
[ G ]
Game of Thrones
Gatchaman Crowds
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki Kun
Girl Friend Beta
Girls Und Panzer
Go! Princess Precure
Guardians of the Galaxy
Gugure! Kokkuri-san
Guilty Crown
Guilty Gear
Guilty Gear XX
Gurren Lagann
[ H ]
Hakuouki: Shinsengumi Kitan
Hanafuriro Series
Hanasaku Iroha
Happy Tree Friends
Harry Potter Series
Hell Girl
Helter Skelter
Hentai Ouji to Warawanai Neko.
Hero Warz
Highschool of the Dead
Highschool DxD
Hiiro no Kakera
Hoozuki no Reitetsu
How To Train Your Dragon
Howls Moving Castle
Hunter x Hunter
Hybrid Child
Hyperdimension Neptunia
[ I ]
IB Games
Inu x Boku SS
IS: Infinite Stratos
Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?
[ J ]
Jian Xia Qing Yuan Online 3
Jianxiaqingyuan Online 3
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Battle Tendency
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Diamond is Unbreakable
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Jojolion
JoJos Bizarre Adventure Phantom Blood
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Steel Ball Run
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Stone Ocean
Junjo Romantica: Pure Romance
Junketsu no Maria
[ K ]
K Project
Kagerou Project
Kamigami no Asobi
Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne
Kantai Collection
Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
Ken ga Kimi
Kigurumi Guardians
Kikis Delivery Service
Kimi ni Todoke
Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts 2
Kiniro Mosaic
Kiniro no Corda: Blue Sky
Kiniro no Corda: Primo Passo
Kirby's Dream Land
Kotonoha Project
Kuroko no Basuke
Kuroshitsuji: Book of Circus
Kuroshitsuji 2
Kyou Kara Maou!
Kyoukai no Kanata
Kyousou Giga
[ L ]
Laichi Hikari Club
League of Legends
Leon: The Professional
Lightning Returns Final Fantasy XIII
Line Characters
Litchee Hikari Club
Little Busters!
Living Dead Dolls
Lollipop Chainsaw
Love Live! School Idol Project
Love Stage!!
Lucky Dog 1
Ludwig Revolution
Lychee Hikari Club
[ M ]
Macross Frontier
Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic
Magic Kaito
Magic Knight Rayearth
Magical Angel Creamy Mami
Mahou Sensei Negima!
Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei
Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro
Makai Ouji Devils and Realist
Malice Mizer
Maoyuu Maou Yuusha
Marvel vs Capcom
Mass Effect
Meet the Robinsons
Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch
Million Arthur
Mirai Nikki
Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Destiny
Monster Hunter
Mujihi na Otoko
[ N ]
Nagi no Asukara
Nanatsu no Taizai
Naruto: Shippuden
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Neuro: Supernatural Detective
Nico Nico Douga Jikkyou Play
Nintama Rantarou
Nitro Super Sonic
No Game No Life
Nurarihyon no Mago
[ O ]
Odin Sphere
One Piece
Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji
Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai
Orenchi no Furo Jijou
Original Character
Oumagatoki Kaidan Romance
Ouran High School Host Club
Owari no Seraph
Pandora Hearts
Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt
[ P ]
Pandora Hearts
Paradise Kiss
Persona 3
Persona 4
Persona 4: Dancing All Night
Petshop of Horrors
Pokemon Black Version 2 and White Version 2
Pop n Music
Pop n music 16 PARTY
Princess Monoke
Prison School
Prunus Girl
Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Puri Para
Puzzle & Dragons
[ Q ]
Quan Zhi Gao Shou
Queen's Blade
[ R ]
Rage of Bahamut
Ranma 1/2
Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu
Reiko the Zombie Shop
Reines des Fleurs
Repo! The Genetic Opera
Resident Evil: Revelations
RG Veda
Riddle Story of Devil
Rise of the Guardians
Rozen Maiden
Rozen Maiden: Traumend
RPG Maid Lounge Bar
Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan
[ S ]
Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata
Saekano: How to Raise a Boring Girlfriend
Saga Frontier
Sailor Moon R
Sailor Moon S
Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars
Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas
Saiyuki Reload
Sakizo's Illustration Artwork
Samurai Warriors 4
Samurai X: Trust and Betrayal
Scissors Crown
Scrapped Princess
Searching for the Full Moon
Sekaiichi Hatsukoi
Sengoku Basara
Sengoku Basara 4
Seraph of the End
Shaman King
Sheep Farm in Sugarland
Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso
Shingeki no Bahamut
Shingeki no Kyojin
Shining Blade
Shining Hearts
Shining Tears X Wind
Show By Rock!!
Silent Hill
Silent Hill 2
Sky Doll
Sleeping Beauty
Sora no Otoshimono
Soul Eater
Sound Horizon
Space Battleship Yamato 2199
Spice and Wolf
Spirited Away
Starry Sky
Suicide Squad
Super Danganronpa 2
Super Mario Bros
Super Mario Galaxy
Sweet Pool
Sword Art Online
Syokugeki no Soma
Syunya Yamashita’s Figurine
[ T ]
Tales of Vesperia
Tales of Xillia
Tales of Zestiria
Tamako Market
Tamen de Gushi
Tasogare Otome x Amnesia
Tekken Tag Tournament 2
Ten Count
Their Story
The Cain Saga
The Chiral Night
The Devil Is A Part-Timer!
The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya
The Exiled Realm of Arborea
The Familiar of Zero
The Flower We Saw That Day
The Idolm@ster
The Idolm@ster 2
The Idolm@ster Cinderella Girls
The Irregular at Magic High School
The King of Fighters
The Last Story
The Legend of Zelda
The Little Mermaid
The Maid Fuku to Kikanjuu
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
The Nightmare Before Christmas
The Pale Horse
The Prince of Tennis
The Riddle Story of Devil
The Seven Deadly Sins
The Seven Heroes and Five Gallants
The Touhou Project
The Tyrant Falls in Love
Tiger & Bunny
To Aru Kagaku no Railgun
To Love Ru
To Love Ru Darkness
Togainu no Chi
Tokimeki Restaurant: Koi no Recipe de Tsukamaete
Tokyo Ghoul
Touhou Fuujinroku Mountain of Faith
Touhou Niji Sousaku Doujin
Touken Ranbu
Tower of Saviors
Trinity Blood
Tsubasa Chronicle
Tunshicangqiong On Line
[ U ]
Ultra Street Fighter IV
Unbreakable Machine-Doll
Unofficial Sentai Akibaranger
Urusei Yatsura
Uta no Prince-sama
[ V ]
Vampire Knight
[ W ]
Wand of Fortune
Warm Bodies
When They Cry 3
White Album 2
Wolf Girl and Black Prince
World of Warcraft
[ X ]
[ Y ]
Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches
Yosuga no Sora
Your Lie in April
Yowamushi Pedal
Yumeiro Patissiere
Yuri Kuma Arashi
Yuri!! On Ice
[ Z ]
Zankyou no Terror
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risingshards · 11 months
Yesterday I had a really big (well kinda big??) session fleshing out some worldbuilding for Rising Shards. There were some aspects of the worldbuilding I was neglecting a bit (namely map type business) and it felt good to start to fill that in more.
And today I had a sudden desire to really chip away at D6R a bit, I had the thought process of the following pretty much:
-Workshop project still stressing me out
-I still wanna use this manuscript that's like it exists and needs editing but like it's there and would require rewrites more than
-The main characters being the generation prior to Zeta's is a roadblock (Zeta's parents suck)
-Maybe I should separate D6R from RS completely as an experiment and change everyones names again as well as the lore/setting names/etc., and just bring this to the workshop and see if this story really can stand on its own without Rising Shards
-Hmmmmm what do I rename themmmmm
-Hey wait a minute I have these characters from Project ZERO who all have names and they have a class system that lines up with the D6R drafts very well, HMMMMMMM...wait does that defeat the purpose of Project ZERO being a from scratch project YOU KNOW WHAT WHATEVER IT'S JUST SITTING THERE IT'S BENCHED LET'S TRY THIS!!!!
So then after work (that thought process was during a desk shift where I was losing my mind from business so this was a nice distraction), I tried the ol CTRL + F + Replace and YA KNOW WHAT IT FEELS RIGHT SO FAR. For the first time since starting D6R I was actually able to make progress on mushing the adventure/journey drafts together (there are 3 big D6R drafts that all inadvertently kind of accidentally almost pick up where the prior one left off which I think I can edit into something coherent), the characters kinda felt righter without the baggage of what they would become in RS, and I am able to look at the plot of D6R with a different lens. There is gonna be a lot of work needed for continuity/plot & character arc coherence, making sure the lore isn't just Cani stuff, tightening up my old writing which is kind ajanky, that sort of thing, but I suddenly feel better about it than I have in like a long time.
AND IF IT WORKS OUT EASY WORKSHOP PROJECT NO STRESS!! I know I could be less of a coward and bring Rising Shards more but as mentioned before, no one in my workshop reads RS outside of the samples i brought, their critiques kind of plateaued in helpfulness, and there are new people who I am Uncomfy™ bringing my big transgender lesbian fantasy series to. Again, cowardly I know but having something else that works for workshops and work convos and yeahhhh.
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risingshards · 8 months
My new series is out!! :D
My new web novel launches today! It's my entry in Tapas' true love romance novel contest! It's got lesbians, dragon shifters, wrestling, rivals, silly isekai business, and more!
It should be a dream come true when Amvery Astrell wakes up in her favorite fighting game, Dragon Fighting Alliance, but her rival Louise Lumi is here too! Now the two longterm frenemies must battle in the action packed and sometimes convoluted story mode of their new world. Will the tensions building stay rooted in fighting, or is there something more between them?
I wasn't expecting this one to come together so quickly, nor was I expecting to release a wholly new series any time soon (you don't need to read Rising Shards to understand this, it's a totally original story set in its own separate universe), but when I saw Tapas was doing a romance webnovel contest I knew I had to enter! I'm excited with how its gone so far, getting to take elements of my Project ZERO WIP that had stalled last year and combining that with a story outline I've daydreamed about for years along with a fun and cute isekai story about rivals! Having a tight deadline on this has made it easier to not fret too much about making big decisions and just moving forward with it, and I hope that gives it a fun vibe! It's a more focused story than Rising Shards, primarily being about the two main characters, but I think it still feels true to my writing voice and full of my usual eccentricities.
I'd love if you could give it a look!
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risingshards · 7 months
Progress update on my big writing fall season extravaganza!
Rising Shards (includes Evy & Stella):
Chapters: 37 / 51 - 72.5%
Reborn in a Fantasy Game with My Rival:
Chapters: 20 / 30 - 66%
Word count goal: 34,578 / 45,000 - 76%
(RS word count not included because the Tapas contest has a specific word count in mind and my current RS document has a bunch of episodes in it so word count calculation is a bit tough)
I got a comment from one of my dear readers that expressed concern about me taking on a ton of writing and possibly burning out and that did make me pause and realize I can't push too hard even with the tight goal of Reborn/the Tapas contest. I have a big push over the next few weeks as the climax of this extra writing for the fall, and have two vacations from writing planned at the end of this month and the end of the year so that will hopefully help with any potential burnout.
It's kind of exciting to be in the home stretch of this; it was very recent I didn't think I'd be having any kind of new series out there, and now I'm about 2/3rds to 3/4ths of the way through depending on the metric. I was thinking I'd rewrite some fanfics but I've ended up mostly writing something totally new (some chapters were from prototypes of the project, it ended up taking more from my troubled Project ZERO than anything in a fanfics). Also shoutouts to my beloved bestie for letting me bounce ideas off of them and letting me know the fanfic idea was boring, it helped this project out greatly!!
I was worried RS would be difficult to keep up with, what with a sudden extra 45k words to deal with, but having a more work-y project makes RS feel super comforting. I've written some nice and soft chapters and any time I get to get back to the RS squad it's really healing for me. So I think taking on this challenge has been really good for me; I was having trouble with writing discipline and burnout for various reasons (mostly the huge depressive episode this year has been I think), but having something new like activated a lot in my brain and I feel like my creative juices are flowing.
For an example of that, last weekend I was having some break days (my like "omg i love my RS characters sm" posting and "WOW LET'S MAKE A NEW COVER FOR REBORN" cover-making were a result of me taking days off) and had some ideas for one of my other WIPs, Wolves of Hope and Stardust, which is me trying to repurpose the old drafts of Rising Shards when it was a fantasy adventure story, so different that I don't consider it a RS thing. With some elements (characters, chapters, concepts) I was gonna put in WOHAS ending up in Reborn, I was thinking about what to do with this thing now. I thought about making it about the generation before Zeta and be in the RS verse again, but there are some big issues there as the generation before Zeta are major villains in RS and not the like "Fun, wanna see them as protags," kind. The kind where I don't know if people would want more of them. I also don't know if a project I want to try to shop around for tradpub should have any ties to my other stuff; I feel like a publisher wouldn't want that (would they???) due to the complicated ownership of things. So I think it may be best to have that as its own universe not connected to anything. Reborn's in its own universe too, so it's kind of fun to write things that aren't part of a big crossover universe. Next steps for this one are to confirm some new names (for like the fifth time), and to do some world building. I'm reading a lot of fantasy books as of late for my book club and for friends that really want me to read some series, so I might look to those for inspiration for where to take this project next.
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risingshards · 2 years
12/17/22 my 2022 writing year in review
With 2022 almost over, I’m feeling contemplative about my writing this year and how things have gone. I’m asking myself a few things like, “Am I proud of what I’ve written?” “Was I happy writing it?” “Are people enjoying it?” “Is Rising Shards living up to what I dreamed it to be?” Am I closer towards my long term goals?” “What do I want for next year?”
Warning: Chiral rambles about writing for very long time past the break (I cannot guarantee any of this is coherent or makes sense):
Am I proud of what I’ve written?
I feel like I didn’t fully get to what I wanted to in 2022. With money tight I wasn’t able to get art for a group of new characters until late in the year, characters that were supposed to show up and be important much earlier, so I moved some things around and got to focus more on the main group. Could I have written the newbies without the art? Sure, but I wanted the art hahaha. I am still super proud of the 2022 episodes, buuuuut I’m really excited to finally get to these new characters who were supposed to be a big deal around May or so of this year. I’m proud of releasing another year’s worth of chapters on time (three a week with bonuses every now and then is a lot!), and I’m very proud of finally getting Evy & Stella side series up and running for those who waited very patiently for me to get on with it (so that's like 4 chapters a week regularly this fall!). 
Another thing I’m proud of - finally getting past where the first “book” of Rising Shards would have ended had I gone strictly for the tradpub attempt, with the fight against Jeans (major antagonist and the main villain of the first arc of RS for non-readers). I had a lot of that fight written for years and years and for a long time it felt like that was the end of the story, and anything past that would be a sequel I'd never get to right unless I got the one in a million shot of getting published. Until I realized I could web novel it and give my characters the time and care I wanted for them, and that l didn’t have to be burdened by trying to fit everything into a publishable set word count. Getting to finally progress past that fight with Jeans is scary, but it feels like setting sail to places I’ve been meaning to get on my metaphorical story boat (???) for a long while. In a way I progressed past it last year, with the arrival of characters like Iris, Maia, Amara, KJ, Rain, Nikki, none of whom likely would have shown up in any meaningful capacity had I just rewritten the first volume over and over and had a much more limited space to write. So I’m very proud of all that.
For non-RS writing, I struggled with my side project, which I’m calling Project ZERO for now, but I’ve had some ideas to make it work late in the year that may turn it around. I didn’t get a lot done on that but I had chapters and an outline for my workshop group so that’s something?
Was I happy writing it?
For Project ZERO, not really. It was a struggle and not a fun one for much of this year. It didn’t take any RS writing time away, but I’m hoping I can find a way to make it not feel so sludgy to work on. 
For Rising Shards (including Evy & Stella)? Absolutely. 100%. Some of the most fulfilled I’ve ever felt writing was this year, with some of the most therapeutic stuff I’ve put down, I mentioned in a past blog how I like got into a trance for a week after a panic attack and just wrote out what I was feeling and it helped me heal alongside my characters. I think part of what makes me able to release so many chapters on time is that it’s so joyful for me to write. If I’m having a bad day, sometimes just writing a scene of Zeta, Oka, Kalei, Lillia, and the others hanging out recharges me. Zeta and Oka cute fluff scenes as well. As well as any of the fluffy scenes with any characters. New goal: Lots more fluff in 2023!
Are people enjoying it?
I freaking hope so! My views have been really good I think, subs steadily rising overall, and I get such wonderful comments from my lovely readers. I hope my readers are enjoying Rising Shards, and I hope they enjoy what’s coming next too.
Is Rising Shards living up to what I dreamed it to be?
This is gonna sound really pretentious I know, but another thing I’m proud of is to push forward my vision of what I wanted the series to be from the start. Some of my choice to put it in web novel form came from some bitterness about how I saw things in the traditional publishing space. There were things where I was like “There’s no way RS fits in with what they’re doing. That sucks.” And also just burnout from working at a publisher that was going through a lot of internal changes that mainly led to us all having lots and lots more work before we got laid off. Obviously not all of Rising Shards is from that bitterness, I don’t think I’d be able to work on a project fueled by spite that long. On the non-bitter side, having a series I write exactly the way I want it and being in complete control of its release, while getting to mush all my fav genres and archetypes together and garnish it with some personal writing…I would say Rising Shards is living up to my goals there, yes!
Am I closer towards my long term goals?
Some of my long term goals I think I’ve met already, which is amazing and I’m incredibly grateful for the aforementioned wonderful readers who made it happen. Before I launched Rising Shards, I wanted to have fans reading that speculated and theorized and shipped and made fan art, and I got em! Getting my first unprompted fan art this year was such a surreal and wonderful experience. So in that regard I hope I can meet those goals, but like more. So on my end I have to focus writing to the best of my ability and maaaybe trying to promote myself a little more in the coming year?
Another long term goal is to have a print release of Rising Shards. I want to have em physical for my shelf, I’d love to be on one of those book talk channels (well unless they’re saying how much my writing sucks I’d rather not have that…). Having Rising Shards in print the way I want is a dream still, but I believe I’m closer to it now than if I was plugging away at trying to get a perfect 80k-100k YA manuscript and convince lit agents, publishers, etc. that my goofy mishmash of concepts can work.
I could just like do a print by demand thing but I want the print RS books to feel really nice. And be light novels so I’d want illustrations for each episode. (If I had to divvy them up right now for a print run, I’d make episodes 1-8 a book, then 9-20 another, then 20-33 the third, but those might get pretty beefy page count wise. So maybe I’d do three books of eight episodes each for Season 1…something like that. On that note, while I like having dividing things like season and volume, I think it might be a little too much so I might scale back actually saying all that a little. I’m definitely keeping episodes and seasons at least, but just thinking ahead to print editions goal, I might need to revamp what constitutes a volume anyways. I’ll stop speculating there on writing minutiae because I don’t need to take up much more of your time if you’re still reading this (thank you sincerely if you’re still reading this).
My pie in the sky long term goals I’m…incrementally closer to? AKA comic version, animation, video game. Like the big adaptations. I’m closer just by kinda keeping at it with these!
What do I want for next year?
I’m leaving specific narrative goals out cuz no spoilers. The gist of my goals for 2023 is:
-more readers
-me write good
-other projects
-falling shards collab
To go a little further, I’d love to continue growing my audience and maybe try to promote more to get it out there, to build the audience so that print run could be more possible. ANother thing is I really want to make 2023 like the best year of Rising Shards yet so I’m pushing myself to ensure top quality. I’m still trusting my characters and letting their voice be the important thing, but I’m trying to do a full year broad outline squared away now before I dive in more. Evy & Stella I have a lot of random scenes ready for but I still have to turn them into a narrative for 2023. 
OK actually some vague narrative goals: I want to learn to write iyashikei more. That may be tough because I had an idea for a shonen inspired arc for 2023 so I want to balance that with like a full on AdaShima Laid Back Camp all my chill healing series inspired stuff. So fluff and action and fluff. 
I’m not immediately putting too much pressure to get a lot done on my side projects for next year. I put a lot of pressure to get a lot done on ZERO this year and I didn’t get much more than zero done on it ha ha..eh… I had a seed of an idea for a new project today but I’m taking it slooooow and not diving in And none of the side projects have a higher priority than Rising Shards (which again includes Evy & Stella even if that’s technically a side series) because that’s my heart and soul project.
Something I’ve been tinkering with and kicking around in my head is doing a collab series with someone. With who I have no idea cuz I haven’t reached out to anyone about this. But I wanted to expand the RS universe and have stories that don’t fit with the light and floofy tone of RS. One idea was like a murder mystery side series about Cani on the west coast of the main series’ country that I may do on my own. And then there’s Falling Shards, the boys’ school opposite Rising Shards. As of late I’ve come to the realization that I kind of (IMO at least) suck at writing male characters now. So I think for Falling Shards I’d want someone who could do that better, write something in universe but totally different. Like instead of a floofy silly fantasy adventure with some angst and lots of lesbians in Rising Shards, like someting very different from that going on at the boy’s school. My dumb worry is that if I did find someone to do it that Falling Shards. Or that I’d have to get so much lore and world building to another writer that they wouldn’t want to. Or just not finding a collab partner for it and the little sparks of ideas I have for it just sit there. BUT that’s stuff for next year.
If you read this far, thank you, if you read Rising Shards at all, thank you, just THANK YOU. I wouldn’t be writing any of this without my lovely lovely readers.
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risingshards · 2 years
#13 12/10/22 - General Writing Updates
(I maybe forgot this started as a writing blog forgive me)
I had another workshop for Project ZERO, it went well! I managed to get something together at least. I'm still like...trying to figure out how to write it and enjoy it. Because I want something for my workshop group that doesn't like...this sounds so bad bad like something that doesn't out me so much?? Because there are new people in the group that I'm scared of seeing my big gay™ writing. But then all my ideas for ZERO are like to make it more LGBT so maybe I should just listen to my muse that I wanna write LGBT stuff the most idk. On that note...
Rising Shards writing is going well! I wrote some big fluff this week that makes me want to make 2023 my year of big fluff. My first like real spicy chapter of the spinoff Evy & Stella released and got good reception which feels nice. It's spicy but I kept my characters dorks and the mains of that series are very big on consent and it turns out dorky consent spice is a lot of fun to write for me.
I'd like to be a little further ahead than I am with RS and RS: E&S chapters but that should motivate me to write more, deadlines keep me going sometimes. I'm excited to get into 2023 stuff cuz I have some new mains I've been waiting to get art for for them to debut and I got that arts now muahhahaha.
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cosplaysoulbackups · 7 years
Tales of Vesperia
Tales of Xillia
Tales of Zestiria
Tamako Market
Tamen de Gushi
Tasogare Otome x Amnesia
Tekken Tag Tournament 2
Ten Count
Their Story
The Cain Saga
The Chiral Night
The Devil Is A Part-Timer!
The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya
The Exiled Realm of Arborea
The Familiar of Zero
The Flower We Saw That Day
The Idolm@ster
The Idolm@ster 2
The Idolm@ster Cinderella Girls
The Irregular at Magic High School
The King of Fighters
The Last Story
The Legend of Zelda
The Little Mermaid
The Maid Fuku to Kikanjuu
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
The Nightmare Before Christmas
The Pale Horse
The Prince of Tennis
The Riddle Story of Devil
The Seven Deadly Sins
The Seven Heroes and Five Gallants
The Touhou Project
The Tyrant Falls in Love
Tiger & Bunny
To Aru Kagaku no Railgun
To Heart2
To Love Ru
To Love Ru Darkness
Togainu no Chi
Tokimeki Restaurant: Koi no Recipe de Tsukamaete
Tokyo Ghoul
Touhou Fuujinroku Mountain of Faith
Touhou Niji Sousaku Doujin
Touken Ranbu
Tower of Saviors
Trinity Blood
Tsubasa Chronicle
Tunshicangqiong On Line
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