#chisei gen x mc
kykyonthemoon · 4 years
A Trip to the Countryside
Dragon Raja Fanfic
Paring: Chisei Gen x Lyris (MC)
Summary: Chisei took Lyris to his hometown and spent a the day together.
(From Chisei Gen’s in game messages.)
Word count: 1800+
This work is a part of Allies  - a series based on in game text messages, letters or moments by Allies themselves.
For @soul-dancer-lyris~ Hope you enjoy the story~
Read more of my DR fanfic here: x
or on AO3: x
The rain came and left in a haste, leaving a lingering smell of wet ground, mixed with roasted sweet potatoes.
The smell made Lyris hungry. Following the aroma, she found a small vending cart by a corner of Tokyo street. It was not her first time trying roasted sweet potatos, but the first time trying one from a cart. It was more delicious than she had expected! The warm roasted sweet potato made Lyris happy, especially in this kind of weather.
She decided to share that little happiness with someone, so she took out her phone in one hand, the other still held onto the bag of roasted sweet potatoes.
“Chisei Gen! Chisei Gen! Listen!”
The reply came almost immediately after the message was sent.
“What’s wrong? What happened?”
Lyris giggled to herself, or her gemini – the one that was floating around her. Chisei Gen replied so fast! He must have thought something had happened to her. That meant, he cared.
“Oh, nothing. There’s just someone selling delicious roasted sweet potatoes by Kabukicho!”
“Oh? Is there anything strange about that?”
“It’s different from where I came from. They sell roasted sweet potatoes in ovens made out of remodeled oil barrels.”
“You sound like some kind of expert.” Chisei seemed to be more relaxed with his reply. “I guess you like to eat roasted sweet potatoes.”
“I want to tell you about this because it’s so rare to see it.”
Lyris found a seat by the riverside while waaiting for Chisei’s reply. She sat down on a bench and gazed at the other part of the city, across the river. It was nighttime. All the city lights turned into stars. She thought of what Chisei would be doing at that moment, and felt thankful for his replies to her messages, despite the busy life of the High Patriarch.
“Have you done much traveling?” He asked.
“Yes, I like to travel outside the country when I have time.”
Lyris loved traveling. That was why she appeared in Tokyo, while she was supposed to stay in Cassell and do her essay. She thought a change of air would be nice. And another reason was that she wanted to see Chisei Gen.
“I admire that kind of life. I travel for business, but it’s mostly just to handle local affairs. I’m also quite busy with work, so I don’t have much time to take a vacation.”
Lyris let out a sigh as she was reading his text. Chisei was always, always busy. He seemed to work all the time when his eyes were open! She doubted he would actually rest at night. That guy was the man of work. He breathed in work.
But he had once or twice talked about his dream. Surprisingly, it was not becoming the most successful person in the world; nor bringing his clan to the most glorious days. He only wanted to be a sunscreen vendor, living his life freely somewhere in a French beach…
How could a High Patriarch, the Emperor of all Hydras have such a thought? People would laugh at his dream, and tell him to snap back to reality. But Lyris did not. She listened carefully to all his thoughts. To her, it was brave of Chisei to have that dream, and to keep it alive inside his heart even though the world told him to let go.
Lyris enjoyed another roasted sweet potato from the bag as they exchanged messages about how Chisei missed the beach in France. Her gemini sat beside her, teasing her for wanting to be there with him.
“This beach sounds like your first love. No wonder you’re so obsessed with it.” Lyris replied lightheartedly, with a snickering emote.
“Lyris, you must be joking! What do you mean, first love?”
A finger tapped on the phone screen repeatedly, Lyris was thinking of what to reply next. But another message came:
“Speaking of which, actually, I didn’t grow up in Tokyo.”
“Oh, really?” Lyris quickly replied.
“When I was a child, I lived in a small mountain village… But what about you, Lyris? Where did you grow up?”
“I’ve been in the city since I was born. I’ve never lived in the countryside.”
Lyris replied, but she wished she had lived in the countryside too. She wanted to know Chisei more, and to know about the life he had lived long before becoming the High Patriarch who only knew work.
Lyris stared at the phone screen. She took notice of the three dots popping up next to Chisei’s avatar, indicating that he was typing something. But long minutes passed by, the dots kept appearing and disappearing. She grew nervous. Would Chisei prefer girls from the countryside than city girls, like her?
But his next message was something she could not expect, “Would you like to go and see the village I lived in? The scenery is quite nice.”
Lyris was sent to the clouds! She stood up from the seat, with her phone held close to chest, and she started dancing around with her gemini.
“Is he asking me out? He must be asking me out!”
Lyris beamed and danced, ignoring the curious eyes of the passerby. She kept dancing until her gemini reminded that she had not replied to Chisei yet.
“Oops! How could I almost forget?!”
And she hastily sent him a message, “Of course! I’d love to!”
That night, Lyris danced with her gemini gleefully all the way back home.
 On a sunny morning, Lyris dressed in her favorite blue floral dress that matched her eyes color and waited patiently by Tokyo street. With every car came in sight, she tip-toed, gazing at it with a fluttering heart.
Chisei arrived at last. He was wearing casual outfit; a white shirt and dark pants, black shoes, and even a pair of glasses. He was completely different from the every-day-High-Patriarch-Chisei-Gen. And that made Lyris’ heart beat too fast! As if it could jump right out of her chest and fall into Chisei’s hand when he stood there, reaching a hand out towards her. She could not help but sneak glances at him all the way to his hometown. Chisei caught her a few times. He only turned away and smiled to himself, which made her heart flutter even more.
Katori Town was not far from Tokyo. Lyris was excited, and a bit nervous. It was her first time being here, and she was with Chisei!
The view was very different from the city. Lyris took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh air and the fragrance of grass. This place, it was beautiful, and it belonged to the young Chisei. Lyris turned around to look at him. His eyes spoke nostalgia, and she was thankful he had taken her to this place with him.
They decided to take a stroll in the forest. Lyris had so many things to ask, but she wanted Chisei to speak first, to open up first about his childhood.
“When I was a child, I lived here, in this village with green forests, flowing streams and hanging stoves in wooden houses. In the summers, I practiced holding my breath in the streams, and watched the fish swam past my eyes. In the snowy winters, I chiseled holes in the ice to catch fish, which I’d then cook into a soup… Those early years were the happiest in my life.”
They reached a small wooden house which seemed to be abandoned for so long. It was locked. Chisei gazed at it with an unspoken sadness in his eyes.
“Is this… your old house?” Lyris softly asked.
“I assume that you don’t want to come in…”
Chisei turned to look at Lyris. Though his face showed no emotion, his hazel eyes betrayed him.
“I’m sorry, Lyris… But I’m afraid that once I unlock the doors, memories of the place would escape… The good ones, and even the bad ones…”
“We don’t have to go in if you don’t want to,” said Lyris. She was worried about him. “When we talked on the phone, and on the way coming here, I thought you only had good memories of this place… But it seems like I was wrong.”
Chisei looked down on the ground, advoiding her eyes. He must have done it wrong. He should not be so emotional and weak in front of Lyris. She did not come here for a sad Chisei, did she?
But Chisei would never know, Lyris felt utterly happy that he had shown her another side of his. She took his hand and said, “If you have bad memories about this place, how about creating good ones to replace them?”
Chisei seemed surprised. “Replace the bad memories?”
“Yes! You just told me about catching fish in the streams, and cooking soup,… That sounds really fun! I haven’t done anything like that before. I want Chisei to teach me how to hold my breath, catch fish and use hanging stoves! So when I think about this place, my mind will be fillied with memories of Chisei! And Chisei will remember the memories with me as a part of this place too!”
Was it a faint blush she caught on his face? Chisei smiled softly as she gazed down on her beautiful face.
“Lyris, you know that it will take a lot of time to learn all of those, right?”
“No problem! You just need to bring me here again and again and again, until I learn all!”
Chisei’s smile turned into a big grin. “I’ll take you here as many times as you want.”
When he saw her beam, he thought it was even more radiant than the most beautiful sunrise on the mountain that he could remember. That day, Chisei took Lyris to the streams and they caught lots of fish. They made soup and roasted sweet potatoes together when the sun set. Chisei had never met a beautiful city girl who was willing to get her dress dirty and do all the hard work she was not familiar with.
By the end of the day, they both sat down on the hill looking up at the stars. Lyris, though exhausted, still kept a smile on her face.
“I’ve never had this much fun... Thank you, Chisei Gen.”
Chisei looked at her and smiled, without saying anything. Lyris had to ask out of curiosity.
“Why are you staring at me?”
“You have dirt… on your face.”
“Huh?!” Lyris tried to brush off the dirt on her face sheepishly. Chisei always liked beautiful girls. How could she let him see her being ugly, even for just a moment?
“Don’t worry.” Chisei said softly. The wind messed with his hair as he placed a hand on her face, a finger caressed her cheek. “You’re still the most beautiful girl I’ve ever laid my eyes on.”
-The end-
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nsk96 · 3 years
You've been crying, I can tell Chime
I'm a little rusty but I hope it came out okay. I know it was supposed to be angst but it became very fluffy, I’m sorry T~T
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Deep Memories
A Dragon Raja fan fiction by N.S.K.
The sun is shining brightly above, as the ocean water sparkles along the horizon. The turquoise waves meet the shoreline where the sun’s warm rays dance on the shimmering sand of Chizuru beach.
“We’re here!” Chime exclaims excitedly. MC stands next to him and Chisei approaches behind them, lugging a large beach bag full of sunscreen. Luminous and Erii race towards the edge of the water where Luminous decides to do a toe test. Startled by the coldness of the water, Luminous jumps back and falls into Erii’s arms. She giggles as she hugs him tightly.
“The sun seems really aggressive today,” Chisei says. “Let’s protect ourselves, everyone.” Luminous comes back to the group as Erii silently follows. Chisei then reaches into his bag and whips out sunscreen bottles. He starts handing them out.
“That’s a lot of sunscreen,” MC says.
“It’s my own special mix,” Chisei replies. “It’s a no-tears formula as well.”
“Perfect for our crybaby Luminous,” MC teases. Luminous chuckles.
“Yeah, but we all know that Chime is the biggest crybaby here,” Luminous mischievously replies.
“Be careful what you say, Mr. Lion,” Chime chuckles. Erii taps Luminous on the shoulder and signs.
“What is ‘crybaby’?” Erii signs. Luminous explains to her while Chisei continues to hand out sunscreen.
“Well after the year we had, I think we all can use no-tears,” Chisei says. “I wouldn’t want anyone to get sun burn.”
“Especially me,” Chime, the palest of all, says has he smothers himself in sunscreen. “I’ll burn up if I don’t use enough.”
“Yeah, you got to protect that vampire complexion of yours,” Chisei jokes. MC holds Chime close to her as if to protect him.
“Well, he’s my vampire,” MC says in defense. Chime playfully punches Chisei in his arm and chuckles.
“Don’t forget, brother…though I’m sensitive to the sun, I can still whup your butt.”
“How can I forget…” Chisei replies. “You did stab me once.” Chisei grins innocently.
“Well, you stabbed me first,” Chime says in a high-pitched voice while smiling with squinted eyes.
“If you didn’t go on a killing frenzy, I wouldn’t have to stab you,” Chisei says in an even higher voice.
“If you didn’t abandon me to Osho, I wouldn’t have gone on a killing frenzy,” Chime replies in his highest voice.
“Well if—” Chisei begins to say in such a high voice that it starts to squeak. MC interrupts waving her hands around.
“Guys, that’s in the past now!” MC shouts. “Let’s just enjoy our day off, okay?” Chisei breathes out and smiles.
“You’re right,” he says. “Here, Chime, let me help you with that sunscreen. You seemed to have missed a spot.” Chisei grabs the bottle from him and squeezes a large blob into his hand. After rubbing his hands together, he slaps them hard onto Chime’s arms. The slap being really loud, made Luminous and Erii flinch.
“I'd like to help you apply sunscreen too, brother,” Chime says cheerfully. He takes the bottle from him and squeezes some in his hand. He then slaps his sunscreen-covered hand on Chisei's face. You missed a spot, brother.” The air becomes thick as fury builds within Chisei.
“Umm…” Luminous begins. “We’ll just be over there in the water.” No one notices him as he grabs Erii’s hand. They run off towards the water while Chime and Chisei get ready to fight. MC rushes between the two brothers and holds them away from each other, one hand on Chime and the other on Chisei, as they try to slap-fight. The only thing they could reach was their hands.
After tirelessly slapping each other’s hands, they eventually calm down and MC leads them to the water. The water is freezing but feels soothing over their skin as they dive right in. Erii initiates a splash fight, joyfully throwing water at everyone. Chisei, Chime, and MC join in, splashing her and each other. Chisei and MC begin targeting each other with their splashes. It turns into rough play with them pushing one another and laughing at how easy they move in the water. Chisei, getting carried away with all the fun, dunks MC underwater.
The cold of the water makes her shiver and the pressure of being submerged compresses against MC’s body, dragging in memories of Black Swan Bay. She can feel the explosions, bursting all around her as she drifts into a trance-like nightmare. The echo of gunfire fills her ears as she loses sight of Chisei and the group. All she can see are the missiles coming at her from fighter jets above. The forest around her is set ablaze and the air smells of blood. MC sees Renata jumping between her and a bullet and falling to the ground in front of her. “You have to live,” words delivered with Renata’s last breath before she pushes MC off the cliff.
The fall into the icy water is rough and her arms and legs begin to feel numb from the cold as she sinks. MC’s lungs get tired, and no matter how much she thrashes about, she just continues to sink into the abyss. This is where I die, she says in her mind as exhaustion steps in. Every noise, except the sound of the whales are muffled and the deeper she sinks, the quieter it gets. The silence is numbing, and she stops moving.
Suddenly, MC is pulled out of the water, and out of the depts of her own mind by Chime and Chisei. She gasps for air and screams at the top of her lungs as she finally snaps out of the daymare. What seemed like an hour of hell was only 10 seconds. MC struggles out of their grasp. She dashes out of the water and rushes towards the restroom.
“Why did you do that!” Chime shouts at Chisei. Chime punches him in the arm, making him flinch. “You know she freaks out with water.”
“I’m sorry,” Chisei says. “I got too carried away.” He nervously rubs the back of his neck.
“You have to be careful, Chisei.” He continues to scold Chisei for some time until he storms out of the water and goes out to search for MC.
MC runs into a restroom stall and shuts the door. She leans against the wall and sobs. Her heart is racing, and her head feels numb as she starts to hyperventilate. MC cups her face and cries out all the terror she felt in those previous moments. Breathing deeply, she attempts to calm down. The sounds of people walking in and out of the restroom, the stall doors, and the flushing toilets, help ground her, reminding her where she currently is. MC’s heart slows and she finds herself in a calm state. She exits the stall, wiping her tears away, and then splashes water over her face in front of a sink. Looking up at the mirror, she thinks to herself, I’m okay. I'm back to normal. She leaves the restroom only to suddenly bump into Chime.
“I was just coming to check up on you,” Chime says cheerfully as he places a hand on MC’s shoulder to steady her.
“In the ladies room?” MC asks.
“Pfft! Of course,” Chime scoffs. “I’d brave hundreds of angry women just for you.” They both giggle and MC places her hand on his.
“I’m okay,” she lies. Underneath, her emotions threaten to build up like a storm. “I promise.” MC is close to breaking down again, but she doesn’t want Chime to worry. She hides her storm of emotions behind a sincere smile, but Chime sees right through her.
“You’ve been crying, I can tell,” Chime says.
“What? Pffft no,” MC lies again as she tries to avoid eye contact. “I just needed to calm down. All the excitement got to me, that’s all.” Chime stares down at her.
“You had flashbacks from Black Swan Bay, didn’t you?” he asks as though reading her mind. MC hates how he easily he can do that. He knows her too well.
“Yeah, but I’m fine now,” MC shrugs as her eyes dart around. Today is their day off and she doesn’t want to spoil it for anyone, although, she could really use one of his healing hugs right now. “Let’s get back to everyone. They’re probably worried.” MC turns around and starts to walk away.
As if reading her mind, Chime gently grabs her from behind, pulling her into his embrace with his chest pressing against her back. He plants a tender kiss behind her ear and whispers, “It’s okay…I’m here for you.” MC bursts into tears. She can't help but to turn around and bury her face into his chest.
“It was horrible,” she mumbles into him. Chime chuckles, his warm voice bringing comfort to MC. He gently strokes her hair and rubs her back as they hold each other.
“I can only imagine,” Chime says. He makes shushing sounds to calm her and kisses her head. “I’ll protect you,” he whispers in his soft warm voice. The storm within her subsides.
Chisei, Luminous, and Erii approach. Erii, misreading the situation, immediately runs up to MC and Chime, and hugs them both. MC lets go and turns around to face Erii who gazes at her with an innocent smile.
“Thank you, Erii,” MC says as she pats her on the head. "I really needed that hug.”
“I’m sorry," Chisei says sincerely. "I don't know what I was thinking. I promise I won't do it again".
"I forgive you," MC says sternly. "But if you do something like that again, I’ll stab you like Chime did.”
“Yes ma'am!" Chisei exclaims. They all laugh. Luminous smiles and butts in.
“So, since all is good now, how about some ice cream?”
“Hell yes!" MC shouts.
“It’s on me!” Luminous replies.
“That’s a first!” Chisei remarks. Luminous leads the way to the nearby ice cream stand, with Erii and Chisei trailing behind him. Chime gently grasps MC’s hand, and she looks up to meet his smiling face. Returning a smile, she gazes deeply into his eyes.
"I'm okay now,” MC softly says to him. Chime nods and then leans in for a kiss.
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halcyonnie · 4 years
i hope u get through ur personal things :c but i would like to request a johann chu x reader (where their not dating) but go to the aquarium together,, i got the idea from the chat that johann and the mc had where they go to the aquarium :>
A/N: hope you enjoy! <333 thanks for requesting lovely!
-alright, so you and your good pal Johann decided to buy tickets to check out an aquarium.
-you found them fascinating, and you were especially excited to see jellyfish!
-it was difficult to make conversation with Johann at times however, seeing as he can say the most random things without even blinking.
-but you were excited nonetheless!
-wearing a comfy outfit and grabbing a bag with some gold, snacks, and two waters, you found Johann waiting outside the aquarium.
-he smiled at you, ever so slightly and greeted you.
-you two entered and went to the freshwater exhibits first, comparing fish to fellow students and friends.
-“That one looks like Chisei Gen.” he pointed to the pirhanna, as you chuckled and poked his shoulder, pointing at a turtle.
-“that looks like professor anjou!”
-you had some overpriced snacks and watched a 3D movie, and it was so real! Especially when the shark came out at you.
-Johann instinctively unsheathed his sword but that’s ok he put it back when remembering they were sitting next to a small child.
-the jellyfish was fun, he took kinda okay photos of you posing with a moon jelly
-“when you were drowning in the ocean, did you see jellyfish?”
-“nah, I saw a whale.”
-“interesting. I wish there was a whale here.”
-you laughed so hard that you genuinely were on the verge of throwing up.
-something about him never fails to crack you up.
-you went to the arctic exhibit, comparing him to the waddling penguins.
-“I look like that?”
-“c’mon! lemme take a photo of you with him!”
-you posted it to your page and showed it to your club right after.
-petting starfish !! with him !!
-him quietly naming them, and you making up personalities for them.
-once it got a little too late, you both walked back home and you thanked him for a great day :))
-he smiled and !!! hugged !!! you
-“thank you for an even greater day.”
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starcookie1 · 4 years
What your favourite Dragon Raja ship says about you:
Caesar X NoNo: You keep things cannon, and you have a thing for dominant women.
Johann X Caesar: You are a sucker for the team mom and team dad relationship dynamic.
Luminous X Erii: You are a sucker for cinnamon rolls. Too good for this world too pure. And disappointed on how Tokyo love story ended.
Luminous X Johann: You want good things for Johann. And really, who doesn't?
Luminous X Finger: You are a classified morosexual.
Luminous X NoNo: You almost pity Luminous as much as you pity yourself. And you also have a thing for dominant women.
Johann X Shavee: You don't exist.
Chisei Gen X Sakura: You cried when Sakura died.
Renata X Z: You only played the intro.
Crow X Sakura: You also cried when Sakura died. You also have a thing for dudebros.
EVA X Finger: You like android AUs
Your MC X Vera: You're a sucker for lolis.
Your MC X Johann: You're always horny.
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citypoprevival · 4 years
what your favorite dragon raja ship says about you ! ( but theyre all my ships )
susie x nono : you are gay and so, so underappreciated. you’ve also read the manhua.
caesar x nono x luminous : you hate love triangles and also think that half the shipping issues in canon can be solved through polyamory. nono has two hands.
johann x luminous : you’ve read the second book of the manhua and or the novels. the scene where luminous sacrifices 1/4th of his life to help johann was pretty gay ngl and not to mention the premise of the fourth book.
johann x luminous x shavee : you’ve read the manhua and your favorite scene in book 2 was the funfair. you cried during the shavee death scene in the manhua and are upset that the game did her dirty like that.
johann x luminous x nono : you either think caesar sucks major ass, or you ship him with your mc. the fact that luminous sacrificed 1/4th of his life for both nono and johann is pretty telling and eyebrow raising.
mc x erii x luminous : you are bisexual. and think that tls couldve been better if mc had more input in the story. you cried at the ending of toyko love story.
mc x chime gen : you like mysterious white haired boys with tragic backstories. 
mc x ruri kazama : you like to suffer, plain and simple. you want to dig herzog up and shoot him again. 
mc x chisei gen : you like to suffer. you plan on killing bondarev. 
chisei x sakura : you think there’s potential but with the questionable translation and writing of the game, you wish some of this stuff was more expanded upon.
mc x renata : the cliffside scenes really got to you. you probably want to throttle z with full force.
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sialeyritt22 · 4 years
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So I saw many people making headcanons of their Dragon Raja MC and I’m interested of making one too hehe.
- Her name is Gwyneria. I’m following the plot of the game with a littl ebit of tweak, because let’s face it, at this point in the game we become more of the side character rather than the main one. 
- She is an orphan that lived in the Black Swan Bay. She is very close to Renata and looked up to her as a big sister that she can always depend on
- Before the incident of Black Swan Bay she is a bit shy but a gentle kid, but she doesn’t talk much, which is why she doesn’t make many friends. Renata is the only one she can really called a friend
- As you can see in the picture, her class is Soul Dancer, but I want to make a little bit of tweak here. So the spirit that following Gwyneria is not just a spirit, it’s a guardian spirit. So when she was little she rescue a wounded dragon (who have human form) but since she was so young back then there’s so little that she can do but the dragon still thankful for her effort and decided to give the girl a gift. The dragon became her guardian spirit and through that Gwyneria has the ability to control space and time (Soul Dancer power) and Gwyneria has other power too (I’m still thinking about it)
- Later on the story will follows the game storyline, Black Swan Bay was destroyed and Gwyneria was frozen for 20 years and was found and brought to the Cassel College
- Gwyneria’s personality went through a change because she was traumatized by the incident and she became more withdrawn and gloomy. She didn’t speak unless she needs to and she stay away from other people as well because she’s afraid of losing them too just like she lost the other in Black Swan Bay
- Luminous stick by her most of the time because he is interested in her and wanted to befriend her, but Gwyneria is hesitant about the thought of having friends.
- But Luminous still try his best to befriend her. It’s a slow progress but eventually they became close.
- Nono adores Gwyneria like a little sister. To her, Gwyneria is cute
- I thought about this, and decided that Gwyneria is not going to immediately have her SS rank mission right after the drill (That’s too much for a poor girl who was just frozen on the sea for 20 years) so after the drill it’s the story of her campus life for about a month or so
- Gwyneria likes to sing and dance but choose to open up a shop as her career instead because she is too shy to show off her skill. 
- There’s the part between her campus life and SS rank mission about her school trip to Japan. This is where she will meet Chimei Gen (AND YES I PAIRED MY MC WITH CHIMEI GEN THE PRECIOUS BOI)
- Since the only ones who can attend the school trip is only freshmen, Gwyneria is often alone and spend her times alone even during free time. There’s one time during free time when she looked for a secluded place and sing there to spend her free time and this is where she met Chimei for the first time. Chimei happened to be near that place and when he hears her singing voice he decided to take a look and they both met XD (cheesy, I know)
- After that well, Gwyneria is hella embarrassed because she’d been caught singing while Chimei was complimenting her singing voice and asked if she is a singer. The two then talk for a bit but since her free time is over, Gwyneria had to leave but not before they exchanged number and name.
- Meanwhile back at the college Luminous and Finger is being worried big bros because of Gwyneria shy and withdrawn nature X”D
- Gwyneria and Caesar get along well but most of the time it’s more like Caesar do the talking while Gwyneria is only listening. Most of the time she doesn’t even know what Caesar is talking about
- While with Johann, they kinda like... the silent type but surprisingly get along well? They don’t need to talk a lot to be close to each other XD they just enjoyed each other presence.
- And the SS rank mission day have arrived (BAKSU!!) and of course being the newbie and the youngest among the team, Gwyneria is being babied by the senpais even though she told them that she’d be fine.
- Gwyneria was excited with the idea of wearing a kimono and was thankful for the kimono Chisei gave her for free (since she had no money to buy one herself)
- Gwyneria actually figured out that Chisei and Chimei are probably related
Bonus: Gwyneria and Chimei chatted a lot since they exchanged numbers X”D
I think that’s all... For part I X””D Part II will be coming up if I had the time and mood to do it~
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kykyonthemoon · 4 years
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The Dreamweaver
Name: KyKy
Nicknames: Ky, Moon Moon (by Chime)
Rank: S
Class: Soul Dancer
Age: 20 (in most fic)
Gender: Female
D.O.B: Oct, 18
Star sign: Libra
Blood type: AB
Ethnicity: Asian 
Affiliations: Cassell College, Lionheart
Colors: gold, white
Appearance: a short, slim girl with dark hair and dreamy amethyst eyes that change into golden while using EX Skills. Her appearance may give people the impression of harmless, innocent girl, though she’s actually a powerful S-rank hybrid.
Traits: Peacemaker - Spirited - Righteous Ally
KyKy is a dreamer. She’s very creative and daydreams a lot. That’s why she enjoys reading and writing fictions. She’s curious and often gets lost in her own thoughts. She’s a romantic - the type that always makes up a perfect love story in her mind; and an idealistic who sees the world in bright colors.
She might be quiet and distant at first, but she’s actually very sweet. She cares a lot about her friends and loved ones. She’s also sensitive, compassionate and kind. She hopes to use her healing power to help everyone in need. 
She gets shy easily and be speechless. Her friends find that expression cute and often tease her a lot, especially when it comes to her love interest. She can be very clumsy and forgetfull too.
However, KyKy is not always a bright sunflower. She’s very insecure and can be over-dramatic at times. When she’s in a bad mood, she might close herself off to everyone. She doubts herself a lot.
Reading and writing stories - She wants to become a writer one day
Cooking (though she often leaves a mess in the kitchen)
Fears: Darkness, nightmares, being left behind and being forgotten
-She has soul dancer’s skills and talents. -Her power is related to the Moon, therefore, she gets extremely weak on moonless nights, and most powerful during full moon.
-She can enter and alter a person’s dreams (for example: turning a nightmare into a good dream) by touching them or finding them in the dreamworld. -KyKy’s Special EX Skills:
Lullaby: Soothes one’s mind and puts the target to sleep.
Dreamweaver’s Dance: Performs a dance with the gemini and turns the illusions in her dream into reality for a short amount of time. Costs a large amount of Vitality. Cannot be used without The Golden Thread of Dreams. (This skill is like a summoning ritual. She uses it to call upon mythical creatures that aid her in battle.)
Sleepwalk: The Golden Thread creates a portal, connecting dreams and let her travel to a chosen destination. This is a very hard-to-master skill that costs an enormous amount of Vitality. It is not recommended to use without supervision (from Cassell). Without high concentration, the she might be lost between realms and erased from existence.
-Gemini: Gemini might not take the exact image of the soul dancer, but it can be the image of what the soul dancer loves, or deeply connected to. KyKy’s gemini is a spirit came from the dreamworld. It connects to her soul and guides her. The gemini has two forms: one is astral (a mirror image of the soul dancer - as seen in game); and one is physical (the gemini becomes a living creature - other people, beside the soul dancer, can interact with it too). KyKy’s gemini is called Midnight, and it often stays in the physical shape of a cat.
-The Golden Thread of Dreams: Like most soul dancers, KyKy doesn’t use a weapon. But she has a small golden thread tied on her wrist. The thread is endless and made of countless tiny threads, each of them represents a beautiful dream she has encountered (could be her dreams or others’.) The thread is believed to have a connection to her heart and soul. It is also the soul link of a soul dancer. KyKy ties the thread to the one she wants to share a soul link with (and gives them buffs in battle~) The thread can be used as a weapon, or to perform special EX Skills. It cannot be cut by most weapons, and if cut, it will take time to regain power from dreams.
Her bloodline from her mother’s side was very pure, but the clan could not maintain their bloodline, and the later generations have lost their powers. KyKy’s mother was an S-ranked soul dancer. She wanted a normal life, so she changed her name and married KyKy’s father - who is only C-ranked. She lost their unborn child and blamed herself for not being able to save it with her healing power. She never uses her power again.
KyKy inherited her mother’s bloodline. Feared that her daughter would have a tough life of an S-rank, or met the tragedies like her before, she faked her blood test report and found away to suppress KyKy’s power. This caused her power to be unstable.
Brought up in a small town as a normal girl, KyKy was not aware of her powers. When she was in middle school, she started seeing illusions from her dreams becoming real, walking into other places she had never been to. Her wounds from daily activities seemed to heal very quickly too. Yet her mother refused to tell her the truth.
After graduating high school, her powers got out of control. Cassell College found her and offered a special scholarship for the S-ranked. She confronted her mother again and was told the truth. Her parents prevented her from going to Cassell, and warned her about the harsh life, the dangerous missions that they might put her through. KyKy managed to put her parents to sleep, using her new-found special power. She left a letter for them to apologize and ask for their understanding. Eventually, she was able to talk things out with her parents and they let her stay in Cassell.
-Good friends:
Cery (@4-komacery’s MC): roommate - best friend. They met on the train to Cassell and Cery signed up for KyKy to join Lionheart with her (while KyKy had no idea about it.) The two are at the same age. Their traits are different, but they share a lot in common; like arts, creativity, food, fashion,... KyKy often forgets her stuffs, and Cery always has to remind her. She loves to tease KyKy about her crush too. They know almost all of each other’s secrets.
Johann: senior - book buddy. Johann often gives KyKy books to read, although most of them are non-fiction and completely not her cup of tea (she never tells him that.) KyKy knows how crazy her friend Cery is over Johann, and she’s very supportive of their realtionship. KyKy hangs out with him more after he becomes Cery’s boyfriend.
Chisei Gen: beach buddy. They share an undying love for the beach and sunshines. At first, KyKy was mad at Chisei for leaving her team at the bottom of the sea, and what he did to Chime. But as she gets to know him more, she thinks he’s a good friend. She literally goes out of her way to help the brothers reconcile.
NoNo: senior - fashion guru. 
Caesar: senior - sometimes like a big brother to her.
Finger: senior - cooking buddy.
Luminous: seniors - anime friend.
Erii Uesegi: shopping/gaming buddy.
EVA & Adam: KyKy greets them every day in the office. She actually likes talking to them.
Vinya: book buddy. KyKy likes to spend time in the library. She also helps Vinya with tidying up the place, sorting books and cleaning the telescopes.
Chime Gen: KyKy met Chime when they were kids in the dreamworld. She thought he was just her imagination (x) and promised to find him if he’s real. They parted when Chime became a devil (Ruri Kazama) and stabbed by Chisei. She has been looking for him ever since, without remembering his name. She doesn’t know he’s Ruri Kazama until later.
Ruri Kazama: On her mission to Japan, KyKy meets Ruri. She always has a feeling that he’s someone she knew before. Later, she finds out that he’s the one she’s been looking for. But she’s confused and hurt because Ruri doesn’t seem to remember Chime’s dreams with her in the past. 
Dragon Lord Ruri Kazama: KyKy is frightened of this form of him. But she still believes he can regain control and break away from Osho’s grip. She uses her power to help him even though she might get hurt. Eventually, she succeeds and he’s able to remember the past dreams with her.
They might seem to be opposite, but they have a very deep connection, like dark and light intertwining. Her cheerfulness and healing power calm him and get him through darkness, while he protects her like the night sky embracing the moon (hence they call each other “night sky” and “moon moon” - silly, I know!) They’re both crazy about the other, but they don’t know that yet. 
Masterlist: x
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