thepmmmwitchproject · 2 years
How about a witch based on the Dodomeki yo kai? I think that would be a pretty cool concept for a witch
Chitoku: The Dodomeki Witch
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Chitoku, the dodomeki witch with a peculating nature. This witch lurks beneath a traditional Japanese village barrier stealing the money and valuables from extraneous familiars. With their many eyes, they can see and notice anything with ease. This witch was once a girl who committed petty crimes only for fun.
Kankan, a familiar of Chitoku, their duty is to act as cronies. Kankan works as servants for Chitoku, stealing goods just like their master. These things are quite dangerous despite their weak strength and clumsy fighting. For if Chitoku is defeated, the most devious Kankan will become the next Chitoku. So it's recommended to slay every possible Kankan so that doesn't happen, a very difficult task.
Dosen, a familiar of Chitoku, their duty is to judge. Dosen, even more alarming than Kankan. If even grazed by Chitoku, The Dosen, staring eyes, will start to grow on a person's body. For every crime, the human had committed, another Dosen grows on them. If a hundred Dosen grow on the body, the victim shall become Chitoku themselves, whether their witch be entirely different, or simply a regular human.
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yamayuandadu · 8 months
Do you know why Abe-no-Seimei became so popular compared to any other onmyoji in folklore and literature? Is it because of who wrote his stories or something else?
There is no single clear answer. It seems safe to say there are multiple interconnected factors at play. 
Seimei’s real career was genuinely extraordinary in some regards. To begin with, it was unusually long. He was around 85 years old when he passed away, and historical sources would indicate that he was still fairly active in old age (in fact, most references to him which are fully verifiable come from the second half of his life). Shin’ichi Shigeta actually argues here that Seimei's longevity in no small part contributed to cementing his legend.
However, it’s hard to argue that the times when Seimei lived were not a factor in its own right too. Institutional backing was no longer the sole reason behind the relevance of individual onmyōji. As I discussed in my recent article, by the middle of the tenth century their clientele expanded. And to find new clients, personal charisma was necessary. The shift started slightly earlier already but it doesn’t seem like the likes of Shigeoka no Kawahito or Kamo no Tadayuki left quite as much of an impression as Seimei and his contemporary Kamo no Yasunori in the long run. Legends do deal with earlier onmyōji at times, or rather reinvent earlier figures, especially Kibi no Makibi, as onmyōji, but this is often merely a way to make Seimei’s or Yasunori’s deeds appear even more amazing by making them a part of centuries old legacies (granted, standalone tales of Makibi appear for example in Konjaku Monogatari already).
Seimei’s personal influence is evident in the fact that he seemingly was responsible for popularizing formerly obscure Taizan Fukun no sai as one of the main onmyōdō rituals (check Shigeta’s article above for more specific evidence). Note that this was a performance so popular the early medieval reinterpretation of Amaterasu was in no small part driven by efforts to make her fit into rituals similar to it and Enmaten-ku. There’s also evidence that Seimei had an impact on the popularity of tsuina, a ceremony originally held only in the court but later also in private houses of nobles which served as a forerunner of modern setsubun. 
The Abe clan remained influential in official onmyōdō circles long after Seimei’s death, and his heirs obviously invoked his fame to validate their own influence. There are texts only compiled after the Heian period which were attributed to him, such as Hoki Naiden. This obviously further contributed to the spread of his legend, making him relevant even as onmyōdō changed.
I don’t think it matters who wrote down the legends though, at least not before the Edo period. However, there are at least some individual elements which absolutely became such a mainstay of modern portrayals of Seimei because of the fame of specific authors who introduced and/or popularized them. A good example would be the Kuzunoha story, which was only invented in the 1600s and attained popularity because of Ryōi Asai’s Abe no Seimei Monogatari (I am not aware of any older legend claiming Seimei was not fully human, unless you want to count the Shuten Dōji variants presenting him as a manifestation of Kannon or Nagarjuna).  Another thing which comes to mind as an example of influence of specific works of fiction is portraying Dōman as older than Seimei, which is a convention started by Edo period theatrical performances as far as I know. Dōman's historical counterpart was pretty obviously younger (granted, there's also no evidence he interacts with Seimei). He was still active three years after Seimei’s death, and there’s no indication he was somehow 90+ years old. 
Bit of a digression but it’s worth noting Dōman isn’t Seimei’s only rival in the early stories, in Konjaku Monogatari he also faces a certain “fearsome fellow” named Chitoku who does seem to be older than him. He is an unlicensed onmyōji and comes from Harima, so it's easy to draw parallels with Dōman. However, they aren’t really similar characters; while Dōman is pretty firmly portrayed as a shady figure - a curse specialist first and foremost - Chitoku actually seems to utilize his skills to deal with pirates troubling his area. He just learns he’s a big fish in a small pond after unsuccessfully challenging Seimei. Still, I wonder if the two may have merged at some point in popular imagination.
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reignsan · 1 year
Samurai Remnant Caster screamed Chitoku Hoshi than Abe no Seimei to me
I had to look him up. Seimei's would-be apprentice who tried to backstab him? Is that right?
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jose-a-perez · 4 years
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Harekumoyama Sankoin Chitoku Temple 📍392 Yanagimachi, Numata, Gunma 378-0055, Japan. 🙏 https://www.instagram.com/p/B_Upg4OIIwB/?igshid=1o5xf91ntwhfu
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ryo-maybe · 7 years
I guess she’s not the kind to need sweaters to kill virgins
Yeah alright, but consider this: people are forgetful. We’re talking about an entire species made out of individuals whose concept of object permanence begins and ends where TV remotes and cellphones are concerned. Ah, right, they call them ‘smartphones’ now. Smart. Pretty ironic name for some device concocted by a bunch of monkeys whose brains cannot even hold onto the entire sum of knowledge they spent a whole childhood accumulating. No, please, go on, prove me wrong, steal a trigonometry formula from Wolfram and slap it on your index finger so you can shove it into my face when you point at it and maybe add an obnoxiously loud “Hah!” while you’re at it.
Now, while your ego is feeling satisfied by having proven a stranger on the Internet wrong and you’re too busy indulging in your sense of petty accomplishment, let me be the one to burst your bubble with these few simple words I fished out of my bag of condescence:
It Doesn’t Matter.
Look, keep your “But”’s to yourself and listen up when I say that it really, honestly doesn’t matter when the lowest common denominator can barely process the basic math involved in calculating how much they’re going to pay for their groceries, nor remember the name of their state’s capital city and whatnot. That stuff doesn’t matter. In their minds it’s already ancient nonsense best left gathering dust under piles of cat videos and every imaginary conversation they’ve ever thought of where they end up punching their boss and all their coworkers clap in the aftermath.
You see, I didn’t throw the word ‘ancient’ out there just to sound like a 40-something trying to appeal to a crowd of teenagers. It’s a giant beacon of light shining over the real, actual main issue: today’s present has a hard time finding a use for its past. We’ve just stopped giving a damn about old stuff altogether, let’s be real here. Your teachers have failed. Historians, anthropologists, geologists, museum owners, art critics with curriculums thicker than your beer-fueled bellies. Their usefulness nowadays is no more greater than that of your “laughing Buddhas” and that cheap ceramic monstrosity that you have to put on display every time the in-laws who gifted it come visiting.
Them’s the facts, so to speak. There’s no statistics or crunched numbers to feed you this truth in the usual abstract fashion that you’re so used to digesting and stop thinking about one second later. What you do have are instead three women standing in front of a mirror taking selfies because their lives depend on it and - guess what! - it’s entirely your fault.
Maybe you remember them. Like the one in the middle who seems currently intent on half-heartedly practicing what could pass for a duck face, if it didn’t seem so much closer to a roasted turkey not one bit elated about its predicament. That’s Chitoku Zeninai, who spent much of last time waking out of a drunken stupor to yell at her sexually frustrated acquaintance (she’s the kind of troublesome person who gets really annoying if you refer to her friends as anything but acquaintances). So yeah, here she is now: lips puckered out, one eyelid tentatively lowered, and every both of the remaining two dozen eyes covering her exposed forearms joined in a communal frowning parade. It really says something about yourself when you’re a dodomeki, yet all the advantages of your expressiveness are lost to a body-wide resting bitch face.
“This is dumb. I look dumb. We all look dumb. We’ll be dead from embarassment way before the world can forget us out of existence.”
Don’t look at me, it’s her words, not mine, although they do prove my point with the kind of exasperated frustration that goes into her slamming the phone - a smartphone, of course - on the cold hardness of the sink. That said, neither of the other two seem particularly inclined to join her grumpy side of things.
Kamigami Hari, for instance. Technically speaking, since this is her apartment and all, she is supposed to be the host. A quick gander at the worried way she’s looking at her clearly pissed off guest, though, and you’d think that she was preparing to be kicked out, and without protest to boot. It might be the fact that a healthy chunk of the populace nowadays hasn’t a damned clue what a harionago is. There’s a disgustingly good chance that you are included, by the way. It’s the reason why I so kindly provided an informative link for your perusal. In fact, here: let me add another one, since I bet you never even heard the word dodomeki before you decided to sit here and listen to me rambling. Hell, for all I know, I just extended these three youkai’s lives by a week or two merely doing that.
Anyway, back to the topic at hand, the truth of the matter isn’t what I mentioned a half paragraph ago. This Hari gal is just sort of a weirdo like that. Being a socialite isn’t exactly intuitive when your job prescription/entire way of life revolves around telling bad jokes to random dudes by a road in the middle of the night. Yeah, she did that when, surprise surprise, a couple centuries ago Japanese males began wisening up enough to think twice before smiling back to strangers lingering about like the goddamned spooks they are. Good news is, it worked! The downside to that is it worked a tad too well. The smile of a doofus, curved like the hook that just sunk into his fishfaced lip, is absolutely nothing like the unabashed guffaw of the son of a gun who just can’t believe how awful your attempt at making a joke was, the kind of bad so utterly terrible, even the very real danger of an impending death by barbed impalement isn’t quite enough to save your aching sides from their explosion. It’s kind of like reading about a man’s disappointment about the unwillingness of service women to be bribed into interacting with him for the sum equivalent of some spare change, only a tad less pathetic.
“B-but it works, it really does! It, it’s kept me going for at least the last two decades! S-see?”
Oh yeah, real charming smile sweety, it goes perfectly with the planet-sized bags surrounding your insomniac eyes, with those sclerae that are more ruptured vein-red than reassuringly healthy-white. You can see how impressed Zeni is from the way her myriad pupils are synchronized in their annoyed rotation.
“O-okay, maybe it’s not that efficient, but but but! Huuh... Yuyuyuyuki, give me a hand heeeeeaaaAAAAAAあああ!!! Wh-wh-what are you, why--STOP!”
‘Yuyuyuyuki’ would be Hari-panicked-speak for ‘Yukine’, which in turn refers to a particular specimen of yuki-onna - come now, you at least know what those are, don’t you? Alright, I believe you. I guess I’ll just leave a link here and look away while you don’t take the time to peruse it thoroughly since you don’t need to do that, right? Right.
In any case, the Yukine in question aka the one at the end of Hari’s trembling and rather impolitely pointing finger, is the third of the three women I mentioned earlier. To discern what had Hari’s pants... well, they’re mostly metaphorical pants, since she’s wearing one of those frilly gothloli skirts of hers, but they’re still very much up in a bunch, because apparently Miss Snow Lady here decided to translate Selfie Session into One Finger Selfie Challenge Practice. I’m trusting you not to look it up if you’re a young’un enslaved by your rioting hormones, ‘kay? Everyone else, go nuts. Also, don’t even dare turn the previous sentence into a dirty joke cheaper than the animation in a DEEN cartoon.
Oh, almost forgot, but don’t go stripping out of nowhere in a friend’s house? Especially if the friend in question is the kind like Hari here to turn into a useless stammering mess best left recovering in a quiet, lonely corner. If you really do feel that the powers that be compel you to let your whole tiddy hang out to serve your questionable needs, do apologize afterwards. Never ever do this:
“Well, Hari-san, I can’t really see the point in joining your artistic endeavors if you’re going to act like that and stifle my creativity, can I?”
Only villains and surreptitiously smiling snow women who know perfectly what a scene they were going to cause and take delight in the aftermath do this. But, at the very least, do they cover themselves up, so there’s a lining as silvery as their hair to take solace from, I guess.
“Far be it from me to agree with the nympho, Hari, but I gotta level with you: she’s kinda right.”
Imagine finding yourself cornered like this by the very same people you trusted enough to invite them in your own home. Try to visualize the sense of betrayal dripping from every pore on your face. You’ll probably still be unable to come close to the sense of betrayal painted all over Hari’s face as she’s faced with the most painstaking sense of isolation in the entire weekend (N.B. today is Friday). Tell me, for realsies, what’s one to do in a scenario like this? Why, look down dejectedly, murmur a dejected ‘A-alright then...’ and start unbuttoning your shirtwaIT NO!!!
“You scatterbrain, stop that!” Thank goodness, nothing escapes a dodomeki’s gaze nor her swift, modesty-restoring hands. “I mean that there’s no point to this whole selfie thing! I ain’t itching to live on scraps of attention like a good for nothing slob!”
“Even though living on scraps like a slob is what you do on a daily basis...”
It’s a little known fact that sharp-tongued yuki-onna tend to experience a sudden spike of interest in completely uninteresting things lying in the corner of everyone present in a room like the ceiling, a magazine rack and roughly any corner that could best welcome a line of sight supported by the unapologetic, honeyed trace of her smile. It’s also relatively unknown, though decidedly easier to imagine, that dodomeki can pull off one hell of a glare with eyes numbering way into double digits.
“As I was saying, there has to be something - anything better than this. Shit, whatshername, the kejorou... Osui! Doesn’t she do something kinda like this for a living?”
Since we began by talking about forgetfulness, let’s capitalize on that and shove aside everything we’ve seen of the socially inept harionago so far. Just, stuff it into a mnemonic closet for a moment, it’s necessary to understand how novel the peremptory tone Hari just used is by comparison. We’re talking about tightened fists and record levels of grump here. Pouty cheeks filled by Satan himself, the real deal. She’s that pissed by there mention of
“That s-slut! I’m never, ever sinking to her level! Ever! Not even you, Yuki, so put that phone and your shirt down now!”
She does, but not without showing off the single classiest pout no human will ever be able to replicate.
“Oookay then? Guess I misunderstood hard when she said something about this ‘profiting web venture’ deal she has or whatever. Still! Putting aside the T&A shenanigans, ain’t there a whole lotta people who get by doing some similar kinda thing? Just, doing what they do best in front of a camera, instead of Instant-gramming pics of yourself where you look like an assclown?”
Back to your regularly scheduled shrinking violet (in dire need of a shrink) Hari...
“I think the ones I take are cute enough...”
“Aaah shut up about that! We don’t need cute, we need scary! Spooky scary gals! That’s what we are, that’s what we want folks to believe we’re all about, dammit! Let’s give it a spin, it’s not like we got anything to lose other than our friggin’ lives at this point!”
“Other than our dignity, you mean.”
“Yuki, on Nurarihyon’s thrice cursed name, I swear the next pictures I’m gonna take are gonna be of your larynx.”
Believe me when I say that nobody gives the cold shoulder like a snow woman does.
“Suit yourself. I suppose it would be as good a way as any to wash it off, after the ‘fun’.”
“Fun? You had a date with some random loser of a salaryman yesterday. What kind of fu...uuuck, you’re a nasty, nasty woman, lady. My hands feel dirty just thinking that I was gonna touch you with them... gah!”
“I got it!”
We humans, we’re a forgetful sort. But maybe, all things considered, that’s for the best. Some things are best left bereft of remembrance, rotting away until they disappear in an oblivion from whence they cannot reach nor hurt us. Things like the tense feeling of a harionago’s fingers tightly clutching her friends’ shoulders, causing the amount of nervous perspiration on her foreheads to instantly decuplicate.
“A podcast. We’re going to try making a podcast.”
Ah, yes, the inconspicuous sense of safety that comes from hiding your face while spreading your voice throughout the myriad corners of the Internet. The final frontier of youkai’s continuous struggle to remain relevant while simultaneously hiding their existence from the public eye.
You know what? Forget about it.
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inframince-inc · 7 years
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Recommend Exhibition
THE COPY TRAVELERS 8 WEEKS GALLERY! / ザ・コピー・トラベラーズ『コピトラ8週間!』展
Sako Teppei | 迫 鉄平
Yaya Ueda | 上田 良
Kano Shunsuke | 加納 俊輔
Date / Term
May 15- Jul 7, 2017 / 9:00 to 19:30
Close: Sat, Sun
Venue Doshisha Women’s College : msc gallery [Chitoku-kan 1F C163]
Admission: Free
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2dbeat-blog · 6 years
Truyền Thuyết Nhật Bản – Kỳ 1: Âm Dương Sư Abe No Seimei
New Post has been published on https://2dbeat.com/2018/10/truyen-thuyet-nhat-ban-ky-1-am-duong-su-abe-no-seimei/
Truyền Thuyết Nhật Bản – Kỳ 1: Âm Dương Sư Abe No Seimei
Abe no Seimei (921-1005 CE) được xem là onmyōji (âm dương sư, pháp sư) nổi tiếng nhất trong lịch sử Nhật Bản. Ông là hậu duệ của Abe no Nakamaro – nhà thơ, chính trị gia nổi tiếng xuất thân từ dòng dõi thư hương quý tộc có nguồn gốc hoàng gia Nhật Bản, đi sứ và làm quan tại Trung Hoa. Tuy có xuất thân hoàng tộc nhưng cuộc đời và sự nghiệp thành công của Abe no Seimei nổi tiếng với tư cách là một pháp sư thiên tài với kiến thức và sức mạnh điều khiển ma thuật thần bí. Sự nổi tiếng và các truyền thuyết về Abe no Seimei xuất phát từ sự thành công mà ông có được trong vai trò một onmyōji (âm dương sư) trong thế kỷ thứ 10. Ông là ái đồ của hai đại pháp sư đương thời: Kamo no Tadayuki và Kamo no Yasunori. Sau khi học nghệ thành tài, Abe no Seimei kế tục Yasunori trở thành chiêm tinh gia và tiên tri gia cho triều đình. Nhiệm vụ của một onmyōji (âm dương sư) thời đó bao gồm: tiên tri về cuộc đời và vận số tương lai của những hậu duệ hoàng tộc, dự đoán các sự kiện (thiên tai, nhân họa, dị tượng,…) nhằm đưa ra lời khuyên cho Thiên hoàng, tiến hành các nghi lễ tâm linh và nghi thức trừ tà chống lại âm giới,… Trong suốt cuộc đời mình, Abe no Seimei đã viết nhiều cuốn sách về ma pháp, tiên tri và bói toán, bao gồm: Senji Ryakketsu – phương pháp điều khiển shikigami (thức thần), bản dịch Hoki Naiden – bí thuật bói toán, tiên tri,… Abe no Seimei nổi tiếng đến nỗi gia tộc Abe vẫn nắm quyền lực tuyệt đối và điều hành trụ sở Onmyō (được xem là nơi có thể tìm được các pháp sư giúp giải quyết vấn đề tâm linh) cho đến khi trụ sở này bị đóng cửa vào năm 1869. Sau khi ông qua đời, những truyền thuyết về Seimei bắt đầu được lan truyền nhanh chóng và được lưu giữ hàng trăm năm qua. Tương truyền, Abe no Seimei có rất nhiều đối thủ. Một trong số họ là tu sĩ nổi tiếng đến từ Harima tên là Chitoku Hōshi. Chitoku là một pháp sư tài năng và đức độ. Lần đó, Chitoku muốn thử thách Abe no Seimei để xem ngài ấy có thực sự vĩ đại như mọi người nói hay không. Anh ta đã cải trang thành một vị khách vãng lai đến thăm nhà của Seimei và muốn nhờ ngài Seimei dạy phép thuật. Abe no Seimei nhìn sơ qua đã nhận ra đây là một tu sĩ ngụy trang; Hơn nữa, ngài thấy rằng hai người hầu mà Chitoku mang theo là các shikigami (thức thần) được biến hóa phức tạp, cần đến ma pháp mạnh mẽ. Abe no Seimei quyết định trêu đùa Chitoku. Ngài đồng ý huấn luyện anh ta, nhưng do ngày hôm đó không tốt lành nên ngài khuyên Chitoku quay lại vào ngày hôm sau. Chitoku đồng ý trở về nhà mà không nhận ra rằng ngài Seimei đã phong ấn cả hai shikigami (thức thần) của mình. Ngày hôm sau, khi Chitoku nhận ra rằng hai người hầu đã biến mất, anh ta vô cùng tức giận và lập tức đến nhà Seimei để yêu cầu ông ta trả lại thức thần cho mình. Ngài Seimei cười hiền từ nhưng cũng trách Chitoku vì đã muốn thử thách mình. Chitoku nhận ra rằng năng lực và đạo đức của Abe no Seimei ở trên mình rất nhiều; Ngài Seimei không chỉ có thể nhìn thấu lớp ngụy trang của Chitoku, mà còn có thể điều khiển, đảo ngược tất cả các phép thuật của cậu ta. Chitoku quỳ xuống trước ngài Seimei, cầu xin sự tha thứ và từ đó trở thành một trong các tùy tùng của Abe no Seimei. Đặc biệt nhất chính là Onmyoji (Âm dương sư) – game di động đã và đang gây sốt thời gian gần đây với đồ họa tuyệt đẹp, cốt truyện thú vị, các tuyến nhân vật phong phú. Nhân vật chính trong game là Abe no Seimei có nhiệm vụ thu thập, triệu hồi nhiều Shikigami khác nhau nhằm xây dựng đội quân pháp sư chiến đấu chống lại các quái vật xấu xa trong bối cảnh nước Nhật cổ đại thời kỳ Heian. Theo Trần Phương/Otaku Thời Báo
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nofomoartworld · 7 years
This Balance Artist is Stacking Everything From Apples to Motorbikes
Standing in the wake of a shallow river in Bundang, South Korea, balance artist Rocky Byun wrestles with the kick stand of a small motorcycle as he attempts to balance the bike atop a flat rock. Byun is the subject of a new feature by Great Big Story, the studio responsible for stories like that of this man-made island and amputee tattoo artist. Much like fellow balance artist Ishihana-Chitoku, Byun loves to create seemingly impossible arrangements that appear to defy gravity itself. However, while Chitoku focuses solely on stacking rocks, Byun works with all kinds of different objects. Byun balances everything from mini motorbikes and fresh fruit to flat screen TVs and smartphones. At the start of the video, Byun says, "Every time I see a new object, I think about how to find its balance point."
Both Chitoku and Byun stress the incredible amount of focus and concentration required to carry out these types of sculptures. "You have to be completely immersed in the process to make it work. I stop my thoughts, movement in my muscles, joints, hands, and eyes."
Working within the fast paced cultural landscape of South Korea, Byun believes balance art has helped him to slow down and "gain the right mindset to live a fulfilling life." Check out the video below:
Check out more works by Rocky Byun on his YouTube channel.
A Robotic Sofa That Can Balance On One Leg
Precarious Cut-Stone Sculptures Convey a Sense of Delicate Balance
Impossibly Posed Fashion Photography Defies the Laws of Physics
from creators http://ift.tt/2pUevb6 via IFTTT
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unisonraidd · 8 years
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Kiss kiss fall in love💙 Instagram request^^hope you like it
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thepmmmwitchproject · 11 months
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It's back!! The Make-a-Human Challenge!! Where you can design a human form of any witch on the blog!! The requisites are the same as last time:
-The human form does not have to a pubescent girl, it can range from being an adult woman, a teen boy, an old man, or an alien from another planet. As long as it makes sense with the witch.
-The human form shouldn’t be just a gijinka of the witch. -You can design a doppel, but it’s not necessary. -The witches that are free to claim are: the toilet paper witch, Dambar, McGregor, Diane, Jonaraja, Gatari, Skipper, Marley, Naseelah, Jackie, Zu, Kendri, Posea, Laurel, Ratanapon, Waldine, May, Chitoku, Schnabel, Ilgaak, Liesl, Grele, Mahogany, Knis, Nehan, Sparklemuffin, Arca, Lenore, Tama, Jean-Luc Paquet, Molly, Yojo, Teuthus, Konrada, Chilia, Ffon, Maat, Von, Ramone, Ni-ni-shi, Oriko, Heffelfinger, Aiken, Lobo, Izumi, Sniperino, Salomea, Omo, Clauser, Chauncey, Gootnick, Lanette, Oblast, Alalone, Zhi Nu, or Kuroba. Any witch not on the list already has a design or is excluded for other reasons.
The due date is November 1st! Like last time, there will be a collage featuring all of the meguca at the end!
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yamayuandadu · 4 months
Are there any other surviving Onmyōji clans other than Tsuchimikado and Kadenokōji? And which one of the other famous Onmyōji other than Abe and Kamo?
There aren’t all that many famous onmyōji who wouldn’t be Abe or Kamo or their descendants. Kibi no Makibi despite being portrayed as an onmyōji in fiction as early as in the late Heian period actually had nothing to do with onmyōdō in reality, Chitoku, Hōdō Shonin and Kiichi Hōgen are fictional characters, Dōman is likely based on a real person but one who we know next to nothing about. The non-Kamo non-Abe Heian period historical onmyōji, like Koremune no Fumitaka, Shigeoka no Kawahito or Yuge no Koreo didn’t really attain much fame as legendary characters (though this does not mean legends about them don’t exist, or that they were not historically notable), and they didn’t come from families specifically associated with onmyōdō.
The Kamo and the Abe were essentially the only clans to hold major hereditary positions in the onmyōdō bureau in the long run and the Kadenokōji, Kōtokui and Tsuchimikado who shared a similar distinction later descend directly from them. The Tsuchimikado family still exists. They are involved in the Tensha Tsuchimikado Shinto. However, while it contains some elements of onmyōdō, it was originally formed essentially as a typical mid-Edo example of practical application of the ideas of intellectual movements focused on constructing a new version of Shinto. The Kadenokōji effectively ceased to exist by the end of the sixteenth century. Their Kamo forerunners were already losing ground as early as during the reign of Go-Shirakawa, who favored the Abe clan; so did the Ashikaga shoguns. There’s an unrelated family sharing the Kadenokōji name which instead descends from the Karasumaru, a branch of the Fujiwara; pretty sure the modern bearers of the name are more likely to be their descendants. 
The Kōtokui, who are sort of complicated (they descended from an Abe side branch whose head was adopted by Kamo) were still around in the early Edo period. They resided in Nara. They feuded with the Tsuchimikado through the mid to late 1600s but eventually their position declined and if Japanese wikipedia is to be believed their further history is effectively unknown.
In the Edo period the number of onmyōji grew considerably but it’s hard to really speak of new “onmyōdō clans” other because aside from the Tsuchimikado clan keeping their hereditary posts, onmyōdō became a matter of paying for a permit. The new regulations outright prohibited the inheritance of the status of onmyōji. A child of a non-Tsuchimikado onmyōji could only follow in their parent’s footsteps if they purchased their own license. Tsuchimikado extended their influence by asserting that other types of diviners, religious personnel and even entertainers should operate based on the same permits as onmyōji.
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cerastes · 4 years
There’s something so inherently appealing to me in “retired youkai”, like Ibaraki-doji and Dodomeki.
They just quit. They stopped. They said “aight ok I’m going to do something else now” and become Minecraft streamers or something.
It’s so immensely funny to me because of the sheer humanity of it that you wouldn’t expect in what you’d assume are instinct-driven demons or creatures that thrive on evil and whose mental processes we cannot even begin to fathom, like, Ibaraki-doji 1v1ed Watanabe no Tsuna and lost limbs for it, so she decided “MAN THIS FUCKING SUCKS”, carried out one last heist (retrieving her missing arms from Tsuna), and then just... Flew away.
That’s not even something oni are known for! She just flew away! Bye! I’m done, she said! And she just QUIT being a demon, screw all that pillaging shit, she just went back to her hometown and became a vtuber or some shit.
And just the mental image of Dodomeki roomba-ing her own venom and blood while listening to Saint Chitoku as if she was just listening to a podcast and nodding along the way like “hmmmm... He DOES have a point...” and just deciding she wasn’t gonna be a rampaging giant demon anymore. Did she go to the Ministry of Youkai Internal Affair, obviously at the temple where the Three Great Youkai are sealed in, and just said to them “hey so I’m not an asshole anymore, I quit” and Shuten Doji, Tamamo-no-Mae, and Sutoku just said “oh ok have a good one!”?
Mythology fucking rocks, dude.
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