#chloe gets personal
I love love love seeing friends I grew up with leave the church and post their tattoos and coffee and alcohol and tank tops and short shorts but I also love love love seeing friends I grew up with searching for their true faith within the church and finding good parts and running with them and expanding on them and evolving in ways the church itself wouldn't like but the Father I imagined when we were young would love. I've been realizing the past few years how harmful the church was to me and seeing it become worse and worse as time goes on and I feel so much more fulfilled now outside of it's rule but I still hold out hope that someday maybe someone can make it better and while it couldn't be me maybe it can be one of them.
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thelaurenshippen · 3 months
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it's officially been 10 years since I sent @thebrightsessions pilot to my friend Jack to get his thoughts. he was the first person to read it, and gave me great thoughts, and I made the pilot better and then...
well. it was almost exactly a year before I sent this message:
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all to say: however long it takes, however uncertain you feel—surround yourself with amazing, kind, talented people and just go for it. the worst that can happen is that you learn something. the best is that you learn something and it gives you your life, which is what happened to me.
it’s said so much that it sounds trite but it really is true: do it scared
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king-magppi · 1 month
🦾Detroit doodles from these past two weeks! When I wasn't replaying the game I was drawing these.🤖
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Alice has 3 dads. NONE of them are Todd. (I need to draw Luther with Alice) Oh by the way the last two are from my own little happy ending AU where Kara, Luther, and Alice bring Ralph and Jerry(s) over to Canada with them!! They learn to adapt to life as "humans" and they all love Alice very much! She deserves it.
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nato-obenkrieger · 15 hours
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he’s quite silly to me
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tremorsmackenzie · 9 months
leaving this pinned until marvel actually gives us good queer rep
like so many of the actors (at least in the old marvel shows) have said theyd be onboard with playing their characters queer. queer fans have obviously always wanted that. it cannot be understated how important and impactful good representation is.
and there is so much queercoding going on already, just actually do it at this point. bite the bullet.
stop being cowards marvel
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longmaxsilvarg · 1 month
something about max being dressed in lighter colors at the beginning of the game vs her almost being dressed in all black / just straight up dark colors near the end just scratches my brain so good
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dearabsolutelynoone · 2 years
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Eternals (2021) dir. Chloe Zhao
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xxxregulusblackxxx · 4 months
You wanna know another thing I'm fucking tried of? MIRACULOUS LADYBUG AND CAT NOIR!!
That show needs to fucking end. It was a GOOD show too then they just kept milking that shit. And I keep watching too! It came out in 2015! It's 2024 now! That's 9 years!
And don't get me started on how they were building up Chloe redemption arch just to turn around and make her a villain?! Oh my god I'm tried of it! Wrap the show up. Let the love square get together, give Luka a partner, let Juleka and Rose get together on screen same for Nathaniel and Marc. Either all that needs to happen or none of the ships need to get together because the main cast is 14!
Oh and Zoe Lee. Wtf, cool she's gay, cool she had a crush to Marinette and they stayed friends after she got rejected but they just took Chloe and made her boring, gay and nice but also gave her more of a wasp theme and wasps are invasive (to bee's) and take over bee hive's. Which is literally what she did to Chloe in my opinion.
Oh and my favorite version of the love square is MariChat and Lukanette was a good fucking relationship and I'd be happy with them ending up together but I do prefer the stupid ass love square
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jennrypan · 1 year
Everyone always goes on about how Adrien and Mylene aren't assholes despite experiencing trauma
Surprise, surprise!! People react differently to trauma!
YOU may wanna be a better person, YOU may never wanna be mean.
But not everyone comes out of trauma all nice and kind.
Obviously, and I can't stress this enough cuz sometimes people CANT FUCKING READ. This doesn't mean be a bully, this isn't excusing Chloe. She's a fucking bully and an asshole. We KNOW that.
But holy shit. Not everyone wants to be a good person, sometimes when you feel shitty you wanna lash out and take it out on everyone. Is it right? FUCK NO. But it happens.
It doesn't make then evil, (especially when you're fucking 14 and you get compared to a literal grown terrorist, bffr)
Also. Marinette told Chloe in order for her shitty mom to love her she had to act like her..no ones gonna talk about that stupid ass evidence?? Just. God damn.
Also. Mylenes mom abandoning her shouldn't be compared to Chloes mom abandoning her to have a whole other child and leaving Chloe with a spineless, useless father who gave her EVERYTHING she wanted and never taught her how to act cuz he sucks.
Adrien was conditioned to act properly and do everything he's told or he'll get his freedom or anything he loves takin away, and despite that he still sees the good in people, that's great!!
Chloe was raised being handing everything with no consequences. They can't be comparable!
Chloe definitely deserves to be called out for bullying but she's not worst than all the shitty parents or terrorists in this show idc
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whatsjulietslastname · 2 months
if i see any more Chloe hate i’m going to fucking explode. i’m not even kidding this makes me physically ill i’m going to create a fucking uQuiz about Chloe Price’s character and if you get a bad score you officially do not understand her character and has no right to talk about her whatsoever because you cannot just……say shit like « yeah duh of course i chose Arcadia Bay over her she was so dramatic and annoying and so mean omg 🙄🙄🙄 » i’m coming for you. like you can chose Arcadia Bay it’s a choice based game but if you did it because ‘Chloe was such a meanie 😓’ OH MY GOD. i’m. aidiaoisoz. can someone plz stop me i’m going to jump off a roof /j
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dragonflylady77 · 1 month
Happy 18th birthday baby girl. ❤️
I'm getting a tattoo with her name and her month birth flowers (already have the date and the Leo birth flower).
The build-up to that day is always worse than the actual day.
Big hugs to all the mamas who have lost a baby. You are not alone. ❤
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I think I have not been invited to the dinner where my 18 year old cousin - a literal teenager - is introducing her 24 year old boyfriend - a man old enough that if he'd gone to college he could have graduated college, could have a master's degree - to our part of the family because I expressed concern at their age difference.
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olberic · 5 months
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so. unicorn overlord, huh (insp)
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corgiplays · 1 month
I died (I was feeling a little burnt out and decided to take care of myself, but ended up getting swamped with life)
But I'm back :)
This little thought will be incorporated into the next chapter of One Day You Will Soar, but in general I can see Chloe being a glass child.
While pregnant with Chad I do think Ella would become a germaphobe. She would be afraid that she would get sick like her mom and that her child would live the life she did. Finding out Chad was a boy helped alleviate that stress, but not by much. Because of Ella's obsession with health and cleanliness she would inadvertently lower her and Chad's immune systems leading to Chad growing up with limited social interactions while young since he would get sick to often. This lead to Chad growing up spoiled, a true mama's boy since Ella would coddle him. He was her first child and as was determined to give him the best life.
When Ella got pregnant with Chloe it was a surprise, she never really wanted two kids (trauma of having step siblings). Because of her own unresolved issues Ella slightly neglected Chloe in her younger years. There's an eight year age gap between Chad and Chloe and by the time she came along the Charming family (Ella and Chad) were set in their ways.
Ella's pregnancy with Chloe was also very traumatic and complicated which left Ella with Postpartum Depression. It made bonding, taking care of, and just existing around Chloe very difficult for her which left Henry (Idk what Charming's name is so his name is Henry in my hc) do raise his daughter almost completely by himself. This did put a strain on Ella's and Henry's relationship which has gotten better, but not perfect. Chad's and Chloe's relationship also suffered as Chad already hated the fact that he had to share his mom with someone else which led to him being almost possessive and aggressive towards Chloe.
Chloe grew up knowing that only her dad and the staff truly cared for her. Ella wasn't a bad mom, she just had issues that she didn't realize where actual problems until she was called to Chloe's school because they couldn't reach Henry and she realized she didn't know anything about her daughter. Once Chloe grew up a bit more to the age of twelve or thirteen, Ella started interacting with her more, but it was a challenge. After years of unintentional neglect it was hard for Ella to form a relationship with Chloe who took after her father mostly. Another thing Ella didn't know about Chloe was that she developed chronic migraines from around the age of ten to eleven (I'm projecting a bit).
And with the time travel and helping Red be more open emotionally, mentally, and physically Chloe has severely neglected her own wellbeing and has plunged herself into a migraine episode. Of course Chloe who hasn't really have motherly care while dealing with her migraines and Red who never really had a mother, but a ruler, is trying her best to help. Chloe doesn't like feeling weak, feeling as though she has to be strong and toughen up for Red because she's the more damaged one, but when Red gets all soft and keeps the lights off, blacks out their curtains, stays quite except for the soft humming, and cradles Chloe's head, softly carding her fingers through blue curls maybe letting Red see this less than perfect side of her is okay.
I honestly was thinking to myself that Chloe most likely would neglect her own well being for Red in that mindset that her own problems are nothing in comparison to Red's. And I've always thought Chloe would be a glass child born realistically and also for the pun. Chad was probably a more hands on kid, never leaving his parents eyes while Chloe was an independent child who didn't need as much attention, always being told she's mature for her age (wow, I'm projecting hard) and letting her parents spend more time with her brother.
I do think Red would be like Chloe's anchor, a person who sees her and nows that she also need attention, not in a bad way, but in a "I see you and care for you and your interests" way.
They're both broken in their own ways and help one another heal and I love it.
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wooawi · 3 months
When the sentichildren were made, their parents made them to be what they thought “a child” encompassed. The order given, after the tiny newborns were created was “Live and grow as humans”. Live and grow as the humans we want you to be.
Kagami was a reckless child, always running and jumping and climbing on whatever she could get her hands on. Of course, that meant more scrapes and scratches and breaks and tears. She never cared though. Whether it be a scrapped knee or her leg bending the wrong way, she’d get right back up and keep playing. Like nothing had happened. Like she couldn’t feel the pain.
Felix never babbled or gurgled or made much of any sound as a baby, infant, toddler. His father found it disturbing and tried to change it, tried to order Felix to speak numerous times over the years. It was clear the child was trying, his face scrunched up with effort everytime the order was given. Yet nothing. It wasn’t until Amelie asked if they had given him vocal cords (“Of course we did! We made a human, didn’t we?”) that Colt realised something had gone wrong with his child.
Chloe was a blank slate for much of the first few years of her life. She was often mistaken as a doll for just how quiet and inexpressive she was. Pinching her arm brought a few tears to her eyes, but her face and body stayed stiff and clear. Bringing her as many gifts as the lobby could fit for her birthday didn’t bring so much as a twitch of her lips or widening of her eyes. She didn’t voice her wants, nor did she speak of displeasure. She only gave pleasantries and pre-taught greetings.
It disturbed Audrey to the point she decided she would rather leave to start over with another child, one free from the mistakes of the Peacock Miraculous. It was with her final words to Chloe, an unintentional order to “Just do something! Any emotion is fine, I just want to see something!”, that Chloe’s face finally twitched and twisted and shook and changed.
But, Audrey was already gone.
Adrien on the other hand, well he was perfect. He started walking with next to no trail-and-error stage. He always ate what he was given and never made a mess. He cleaned up after himself and was always polite and courteous. And most notable of all, he never cried.
He didn’t cry at his “birth”, he didn’t cry when a maid forgot to change his diaper for 3 days straight, he didn’t cry when his favourite toy was misplaced. He didn’t cry for Chloe when she was a mess at her mother’s departure, he didn’t cry when he was denied going to public school for the nth time, he didn’t cry when he had fallen down the stairs in his excitement to see his mother after she had returned from the hospital.
He didn’t cry at his mother’s funeral.
He had emotions, don’t fret. He was a normal, healthy, and perfect child through and through. But something was wrong, something Gabriel could never figure out, not even with an order to “cry” or “grow lacrimal glands” or “just tell me what’s wrong!”. No matter what he tried, no matter what he told Adrien, the child would simply tilt his head in confusion and move on like nothing happened.
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snailvibes · 8 days
Thinking about how Max‘s habit of shying away from help or talking about things is because throughout that whole week she had to only rely on herself essentially. How she had the whole world on her shoulders and felt she had to carry it, not because no one else could, but because no one else would.
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