medicinelost-a · 1 year
continued from here! // @chmydarling
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arvo's brow furrows lightly in concern, he was never the poetic type after all, math problems and scientific methods--that was more his thing, but he hoped his words came as a comfort nonetheless. he fidgets with his hands, looking away for a moment in thought, until--he perks, a notebook page slid his way. 💊
he plucks it from the table, his heart can't help but break a little, see -ing the remnants of emotion so obvious on the page. but, he doesn't mention it, as louis was obviously trying to keep spirits high--as usual. 💊
instead, arvo smiles lightly, and hums in thought, " oh gosh, i dunno. i have so many favorites, you know? " he thinks on it a moment longer. " maybe lilacs? they're just so pretty, plus their meaning in flower language is rather sweet. " a nod, nod, nod. 💊
" what about you, louie? what kind of flower would you be? " he slides the page back over, so the other could, of course, write out his answer. 💊
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moralpuppet · 8 months
@chmydarling 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐅𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐃 : "Not everything mad is madness." / also omg hi hello!! <3
❝   No  I  guess  not  !  Mostly  I  don't  even  feel  mad  at  all  !  ❞   Orel's  descended  into  some  kind  of  mania  from  time  to  time  ,  it's  really  something  that  he's  still  able  to  hold  himself  together  through  all  of  this  ?  Wait  ?  Was  that  what  Louis  meant  ?
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❝   Do  you  think  I've  completely  lost  it  ?  ❞   A  genuine  question  ,  this  whole  thing  has  changed  all  of  them  ,  maybe  they  were  all  mad  . ❝   have  you  ?  ❞   The  sounds  just  outside  of  the  fort  ,  quiet  yet  ears  always  listened  for  the  shambles  and  rasping  of  undead  .   ❝   There  has  to  be  reason  for  it  all  .  I  don't  know  why  but  it  feels  like  we  were  -  ❞  He  looks  up  to  The  Heavens  ,  hesitating  ...  he  won't  say  it   .  He  won't  suggest  that  they'd  been  abandoned  .  How  could  he  even  believe  that  for  even  a  second  ?  Remembering  a  cold  night  when  his  prayers  received  no  answer  . 𝐖𝐡𝐲  ?  𝐖𝐡𝐲  𝐡𝐚𝐬  𝐭𝐡𝐞  𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝  𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞  𝐭𝐨  𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬  ,  𝐆𝐨𝐝  ?  𝐖𝐞𝐫𝐞  𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲  𝐬𝐨  𝐛𝐚𝐝  𝐭𝐨  𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞  𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬  ?
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multimuse-rp32 · 1 year
@chmydarling [Starter Call] Louis And Jimmy / Apocalyptic AU TWDG
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Jimmy sat on Ericson's steps in silence, staring up at the sky lost in thought involving his family.
"God I hope they're okay…"
Jim said after letting out a sigh and looking at the yard in silence.
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feathersontheclyde · 9 months
'I'm afriad we've got a Christmas-sive problem...' / for carl HSDGFSF
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" Did you just make that word up on the spot ? What the hell is Christmas-sive? " Carl questions with a nose wrinkled by confusion and slight annoyance.
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nctbitten · 1 year
@chmydarling . louis ;
everything felt weird: wearing shorts, not having her crutches, having something attached to her knee that wasn't her own leg, learning how to walk even though she was an adult. but the other kids, especially aasim and willy, had worked really hard on building her this prosthetic and they were excited for her to test it out.
they said that it was important to see if she could maintain balance, walk frontwards, backwards, sideways, if it made her uncomfortable in anyway or even if it hurt her, because it was possible. ❝ i don't know. ❞ for the moment, she was just standing there, in front of louis, not too far away in case she suddenly lost balance. ❝ it feels weird. does it look weird? or scary? ❞
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although aj had been through (and done) things that some adults wouldn't be able to hear about without being traumatized forever, she worried about him. sure, he was the toughest kid she knew, but when it came to clementine, he was always vulnerable. ❝ do you think aj will be scared? ❞ that question was the reason she wanted to do this first thing in the morning in the courtyard, before anyone else woke up.
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bledf1rst · 1 year
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" sometimes. sometimes, " the words look like they PHYSICALLY pain her, and she busies her hands with picking at some of the wooden splinters in her crutch, " the hardest place to be is here. "
@chmydarling / closed starter [...]
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ratleaderr · 1 year
❛ you may be a rat, boy. but you're my rat. boi. ❜ /sKSKSK
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     ❝ –  i'd ASK if you meant to say that aloud -- ❞
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medicinelost-a · 1 year
continued from here! // @chmydarling
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arvo can't help but smile, at least somewhat reassured by the other's comforting words, he lightly nods, but still replies, " alright, if you're sure... if you need me to pick up the pace, though, just tell me. " 💊‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎
his hand is taken gently, boney fingers interwinding with louis' rather casually, and he hums, obviously content. it takes a moment longer for the other's words to truly settle in, the wink: the teen almost literally makes a squeaky-toy-esque noise, freckled cheeks quickly warming. he hadn't even realized that it could be taken that way, honest to god. 💊‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎
so, he jumps to try and explain, " uh, sm-smooth, me? " he can't help but laugh a little, both at louis antic's and his own silliness, bashful, he looks away, " i don't know about that... " 💊‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎
" i just, um. thought, that... " a beat, " wait, not that holding your hand isn't nice, of course! " he fumbles, not realizing he was only digging a deeper and deeper hole. " because it is nice, and--and, i'm gonna shut up now. " he sort of whines in embarrassment, grimacing a bit at his nervous self. 💊‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎
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wesurvivcrs · 1 year
“ This place gives me the creeps. ” / for sam if possible, pls and thank u! :)
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nearly 200 writing prompts. -- @chmydarling.
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『 ❝ yeah... not the most welcoming of places, is it? ❞ 』 pushing some scattered debris out of her way, Sam carefully made her way through the quiet, dimly lit room. spending time in a nearly abandoned building was not exactly her idea of a good time or how she expected her day to go, but she'd survive. besides, at least she wasn't alone. glancing back at her current company, she offered him a small, reassuring smile. 『 ❝ it's not like this place is haunted, right? ❞ 』 as far as she knew, 『 ❝ the most we'll probably have to deal with is a few rats. maybe not even that if we're lucky. ❞ 』 she lifted her shoulders in a small shrug, taking a moment to peek through an open doorway before turning her attention back to Louis. 『 ❝ it's not like there's any monsters hiding in here... at least I hope not. ❞ 』 still, maybe she should have brought something to defend herself with. just in case they were jumped by someone not very friendly. 『 ❝ come on... we'll be out of here in no time. ❞ 』
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pcsitivibee · 1 year
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positivity for chmydarling : shoutout to @chmydarling for being an absolutely amazing louis and such a delightful person to talk to!
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multimuse-rp32 · 1 year
“is that a potato?” / for jim jam (i hAD TO SKSKS)
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Jimmy looked at the potato and nodded.
"I guess it's a potato"
Jimmy says then looks at Louis.
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ncbites · 1 year
@chmydarling​ - AJ wanted to continue THIS 
It had been a tiiiinnny bit funny to watch. At least at first. 
Usually when AJ went outside the walls with Louis, it was to go hunting - even if sometimes they didn’t do too much hunting and instead had some fun. Or they did patrol stuff, that was usually a fun thing and mostly meant they had to look around and be quiet - a hard thing to do when the two of them were together, it was always fun though! Louis would always make it fun, telling jokes or pointing out silly things - they did do their jobs though, or tried to at least.
Apparently fishing was something Louis didn’t do too much of, so watching him had been a little funny at first. But AJ noticed the older boy getting frustrated, even as AJ caught a few fish himself, placing them in the bucket like he normally did. It was when doing this that he heard Louis again. 
No, he didn’t like Louis being mean to himself.
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So he spoke up, a firm frown on his face as he tried to copy Clem whenever AJ would get upset and be mean to himself, when he got frustrated with himself Clem always told him to be nice and take deep breaths. And he wasn’t doing too bad a job at copying what she did, that fond yet disappointed look on his tiny face was oddly close to the familiar one that appeared on Clementine’s own face.
AJ stepped closer, staring up at his tall friend - his free hand that wasn’t holding his ‘fishing stick’ was on his hip, he nodded firmly at Louis’s words, “Good. I can help you too - I’m getting real good at fishing!”
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“So, don’t say bad things about my friend. Okay?” 
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veritcs · 6 months
@chmydarling. LOUIS.
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❝ boy, ye better put t'at down. ❞ he threatened, both barrels of his baretta's pointed straight at the kid --- not everyone is good in this world, not anymore. even kids. they learn how to kill and use a weapon. so no one is trustworthy, not at first, anyway. he certainly wasn't trustworthy to the group he had been with.
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loyalpromise · 8 months
starter for @chmydarling from ruby !
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          ruby  loved  the  greenhouse.  it  was  peaceful;  she  was  in  her  element,  and  she  genuinely  enjoyed  caring  for  her  plants  and  helping  them  thrive.  still,  it  was  always  best  to  go  with  someone  rather  than  alone  since,  with  today’s  world,  one  never  really  knew  what  to  expect.  typically,  she  went  with  brody  or  violet  which  was  nice  because  brody  was  one  of  her  closest  friends  and  violet  was  nice  and  quiet  and  didn’t  give  her  any  shit.  today,  however,  she’d  gotten  paired  with  louis,  and  she  loved  louis,  she  really  did;  he  was  a  good  friend  to  her.  …  but  the  boy  could  talk.  
          she  was  torn  away  from  her  thoughts  as  louis  tried  to  engage  her  in  conversation.  it  took  her  a  moment  to  register  the  conversation  he  was  trying  to  broach,  and  her  cheeks  tinged  red—a  rosier  hue  than  usual.  quickly,  her  gaze  averted  his,  and  she  intently  focused  on  the  herb  before  her.
          “ listen—  i  ain’t  too  keen  on  talkin’  about  my…’love  life’  with  you  right  now,  louis, ”  she  explained  a  little  hotly,  embarrassed.  “ you  don’t  see  me  askin’  about  yours,  do  ya ? ”
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medicinelost-a · 1 year
❛ well, i do feel better now that you're here. ❜
/ these two.. 🥺
@chmydarling // 𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐬 .
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arvo can't help but worry about louis sometimes, a lot of the time, even--it must be hard, a lone sunflower in a field: trying to keep everyone's spirits up, not letting them see your own struggles... he wants the other boy to know he's there for him, too. friendship, it wasn't a one-way-street, after all! 💊‏‏‎
so, he gently takes louis' hand in his, the gesture a little awkward, as most things he did, but. he hoped it came as some sort of comfort anyway. 💊‏‏‎
" well, i'm glad, but... " a pause, a thoughtful one, he lightly adjusts his glasses with his free hand, " if you need anything, like... at all, you can tell me, right? " 💊‏‏‎
" ev-even if it's just. a joke, to cheer you up! i'm not as good at them as you, obviously, but i can certainly try! " he seems a bit embarrassed about being so forward, but he was quite determined, nonetheless. 💊‏‏‎
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nctbitten · 1 year
❝  i don’t really sleep much anymore.  but it’s okay,  someone has to keep the moon company.  ❞
/hi btw!! hope this is okay! :)
@chmydarling . louis ;
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louis was definitely a POET, through and through. clementine smirked, a soft and brief chuckle escaping through her nostrils. ❝ smooth. ❞ she remarked, playfully. ❝ i don't know anyone who sleeps anymore. not like we used to, anyway. can we sit? ❞ she nodded at the table in the courtyard.
clem was definitely getting used to the crutches but they started bothering her after a while.
❝ did you have a bad dream or something? i have them too, sometimes. well, it's usually always the same one, but... ❞
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