#meme vc: another one........................
medicinelost-a · 1 year
continued from here! // @chmydarling
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arvo's brow furrows lightly in concern, he was never the poetic type after all, math problems and scientific methods--that was more his thing, but he hoped his words came as a comfort nonetheless. he fidgets with his hands, looking away for a moment in thought, until--he perks, a notebook page slid his way. 💊
he plucks it from the table, his heart can't help but break a little, see -ing the remnants of emotion so obvious on the page. but, he doesn't mention it, as louis was obviously trying to keep spirits high--as usual. 💊
instead, arvo smiles lightly, and hums in thought, " oh gosh, i dunno. i have so many favorites, you know? " he thinks on it a moment longer. " maybe lilacs? they're just so pretty, plus their meaning in flower language is rather sweet. " a nod, nod, nod. 💊
" what about you, louie? what kind of flower would you be? " he slides the page back over, so the other could, of course, write out his answer. 💊
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draklorn · 3 months
"They're too skilled, clever, and beautiful efficient to be serving a crazy ice witch."
"Mm, such touching observations - but I am uncertain on the answer at hand, beyond that. For I know spare few to use such crude wording. Let alone befit leaving, a Warmother's lips."
guess the muse
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skxrbrand · 1 year
I swear there’s an overabundance of memes that are like ooc/meta focused. I don’t know about you guys, but I pick up my muses to write them, not write about them. That’s fine, ofc, it’s fun to talk about why your muse is Like That™️ or what they’d do in a hypothetical situation but it’s more fun to actually write the situation out
I don’t think it’s a coincidence that IC memes are relatively uncommon vs Meta memes and that actual inbox/thread interactions in the RPC as a whole seem to be sparse.
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siixkiing · 1 year
🧸 for good ol six-ear from the great sage himself... and of course, its obnoxiously oversized
☯ → BE MY VALENTINE! — 🧸 to give my muse a giant teddy bear ☯
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Of course, he shouldn't be as surprised to see an obnoxiously oversized teddy bear — that was definitely on-brand for the Great Sage. Still, he couldn't help feel a little amused by the antics when he found the giant plush SOMEHOW in his dwelling. It was kind of sweet too in an annoying sort of way.
A sigh escaping his lips as he tried to fight the smirk that threatened to appear at the corner of them. Guess he'd have to find a spot for the giant teddy bear now. Maybe his room? Yeah, that would definitely make sleeping a bit more tolerable — might actually get some sleep for a change too.
"Well, better find a space for you — "
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" — think he got the biggest one he could find, yeesh."
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mudgrave · 3 months
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hello gang i’m back with another near piece this time featuring matt and mello
i kinda rushed to color this one but it’s okay i was in vc with my frens and it helped me chug along
dont ask why furina lego is there it makes sense okay
blah blah reference to that one stupid cat meme
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bobacupcake · 1 year
anyways heres my twitter exodus social media rankings as someone whos income is tied directly to my following so i am stuck in this hell loop until i get paid enough to hire a socialmedia manager for our game studio
tumblr - i mean come on guys. ive been here for 11 years. i met th love of my life and became her friend via tumblr ask memes here. whats more to say. theres obviously things i would change but out of all of them this one is the one i feel most comfortable using. you guys always have my back 7/10
twitter - awful. awful. awful. i hate you. you took everything from me. we used to have cotweets. i was going to collab with my friends and post them as a cotweet. you bastard. 0/10
cohost - favorite out of all the new sites. in terms of functionality i dont have too much reason to use it because its ux is super similar to tumblr but the community and vibes are great. its run by actually cool people. you can put css in posts. i have seen so many cool posts. 10/10
bluesky - honestly not too bad from the usability angle. big thing keeping it down is its another VC funded thing so it will eventually become awful but for now its decent. its basically twitter but before it got bought out by musk and also you can pick the algorithm your feed runs on kind of like tumblr (so like you can make your default a completely linear timeline of only the people you follow. or a completely linear timeline of only your mutuals). if any of them become the proper "twitter successor" i want to believe it will be this one . not that i Hope its this one but i feel like if it isnt this one its going to be threads and i dont want it to be threads. 5/10
hive - it was mobile only and i needed to update my phone to use it so i never did. i dont know if people still use this one i dont think they do ?/10
mastodon - idk why i cant get into mastodon i have tried so many times i am just not feeling it. 4/10 for me but 8/10 objectively
threads - bad. bad. meta product. privacy violations so bad its banned in the eu. algorithm driven feed with 50 million celebrities i dont know and dont care about. mobile only. pleae dont let this be the one. please i dont want to use threads. i dont want to have to use threads. please. please. please you guys
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shitpostingkats · 6 months
your yugioh discord server au my beloved.
dunno if this already came up, but i tottaly see everyone chatting regulary (esp jaden the spammer-tm), minus yusei. he just lurks and gives a reply every second year/when tagged. </3
Yusei is the lurker who nevertheless responds immediately when tagged. The guy will never hop in and voice his opinion, but the second you @ him he has replied the nanosecond you hit send. He is, however, the biggest organizer of server movie nights, voice chats, and meet-up when multiple members of them are in the same city. This au is set after his series ended, after all. He's already keeping up long distance friendships with Jack, Crow, Akiza, and the twins. He is hardcore about keeping on top of online friendships. Sometimes he'll just pop into the vc while he's working and leave it open while he tinkers.
In ascending order of activity, Yusaku probably chats the second least. This tempered though, by the fact that they are always online. 4am in the morning? Yusaku is there. Yusaku's actually more vocal in the discord than in real life, after years of growing up raised by message boards an forums. If everyone sees it's been like 25 hours since they logged off, someone will shoot a message to Kolter, or they'll just log into vrains and hunt him down like it's the most dangerous game (getting Yusaku to log off and go the fuck to sleep)
Yuya took a while to warm up the the GC, but every day gets more bold with just kicking down the doors of the chat and going off about something or another. Also he's in a minecraft server with all his brothers and the bracelet girls, so if he's online but not responding, it's probably because he's griefing Yuri's dirt house for the third time this week.
Yugi's really active in the chat, a fact that never fails to blow Yuma and Yuya's minds. He'll be at a global release sponsored by every important duel monsters company under the sun, and he'll send pictures of Kaiba caught mid sneeze with the caption 'LOL'. He will be on NATIONAL TV AND TEXTING THE GROUPCHAT. His memes are legendary.
No one knows how to quantify Yuma's activity, because there's like a 90% chance most of the messages he sends are him???? But then there's also the possibility that half his messages are Astral feeling chatty, and it's very hard to tell because both of them are equally likely to start a rousing discussion on the morals of dolphins at 3 in the morning. Yugi is the only one who can reliably tell them apart.
And OF COURSE, AT THE TOP OF THE LIST, IT'S YA BOI, YOUR SUPREME MEME KING: JADEN YUKI. *insert airhorn sound effect* Spammer galore. Constantly uploading selfies of him standing in front of some eldritch abomination, or standing on the surface of Jupiter, or some other such equally questionable use of his powers. Liveblogs his annoyance at being made to do demonic paperwork. Makes incomprehensible memes that no one can tell if he's dunking on his henchmen again, or just really, really good at shitposting. He has a channel in the discord just for him where, every day, he just sends a single digit number, and some of the yu-boys are going crazy trying to figure out if it's a code, or some secret eldritch coordinates, or a massive ARG style prank, or what.
Yusei eventually reveals it's how many tries Yubel took to get the days wordle.
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louroth · 1 year
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Hello hello everybody! It is time for another months progress, and I am so excited to share with you, all the things I have gotten my grimy little gremlin hands on. First off, what we are all here for; writing. I have been on fire, to be honest! Last month I churned through the last of the first batch of erotica stories (there's 6 (!!!) of them on my patreon already) and set them up for publishing along with two more unseen ones- I'm still going over the logistics of where to publish for the best revenue (I know this sounds boring, but I have to make an income somehow, and hopefully find another audience as a smut writer on other platforms 💀 I love writing it so why not!), and I am making headway, learning the ins and outs of self publishing. On patreon, there are also two Q&A's that are written in a bit more fictional manner, in character: a more fun way than just writing answers straight up and down. I have enjoyed those so much! There's a bunch of other stuff I haven't even mentioned- honestly, I have to say, I'm really proud of my output on Patreon even though I have been really anxious about writing full time. It's going great! I have to thank my new friends and support-network on discord; you make this all worth it. I cannot express how fun it is to shoot the shit with you in vc, gaming together, or seeing your shenanigans in gen or your in depth theories (thanks for the brainworms!) or memes or staring longingly at the fanfic channel or drooling over your art (ouro related or not) or... Gah. You are just amazing people, and I will waste no opportunity in saying so. Thank you forever and ever and ever an-
When it comes to OUROBOROS, I am happy to announce that the next chapter is damn near done! I was halted because of the discovery that dashingdon is no longer supported by it's creator, and have been working on the twine version ever since, earlier than I expected- it's tough work, but I am so excited to make this an actual game made entirely by myself, and not submitting to a company that quite frankly leaves a bitter aftertaste. It is taking long to make because I want to make it mobile compatible from the start, which there isn't a lot of resources for. But I'm doing my best! The plan is that I will be posting the next chapter for Patreons in the coming month, and then treat you to a full twine release here on tumblr. I haven't made any rewrites when porting the twine build, but I would like to do that too... so we will see; this plan is not set in stone. I will just have to see how it evolves over the next month. Yes, beta-readers is still on the schedule, just holding off a little while while I wrap my head around this new coding landscape.
Other than that, I have been working on the set aesthetic for ouro, which has been really hard, a lot harder than I expected. You all know I am no wizard when it comes to graphic design, but I want to at least develop a set palette and imagery and portraits that is cohesive to the story. The work is ongoing, and I don't have much to say about it- even though it is taking a lot of my brain power. I'm hoping I can come to some kind of set and in depth conclusion that I am happy with before the twine release, because I want the game to feel like a treat to open up and play; a world to get lost in.
That's it! If you want to see weekly and more in depth dev-logs, you know where to go. I hope you have an amazing day or night, and we will see each other soon. xx
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wilted-astraea · 3 days
how are people able to feel content around doubles?
I know it comes from your own interpretation of them and how you look at it, but I don't think I'll ever be okay with doubles of Sasha.
I don't normally care if it's one of those "kin for fun" people because I don't really see that as kin tbh. But with others, I feel like I get thrown into a hypervigilent state.
I'm not sure if anybody shares this same mindset. But when I see doubles, my mind immediately skips to "This person is trying to compete with me" or it'll feel like they're impersonating me and trying to turn me into somebody I'm not.
EXAMPLE: Yesterday, I was on Tiktok looking at Amphibia memes with somebody in a Discord VC. I came across this video from another Sasha, and the caption was something like "I'M THE REAL SASHA, NOT YOU"... I felt compelled to hide what I was feeling because I was in a public Discord VC. But I... wanted to commit a FUCKING CRIMEEEE!!!!
Now, it's the next day and I'm sitting here feeling very on edge and ready to snap and defend at any moment. I know it's too dramatic for some to understand, but it feels much like a personal attack when my literal identity is being invalidated. As if it's not also a major copinglink too.
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vio-starzz · 1 year
Random friend appreciation moment!?
(lots of spelling errors and words ahead)
im bored
First of all, to everyone seeing this…. wether youve been @ or not….
you matter. youre living, youre trying, and you deserve the world. life may be destroying you, you may be at a road where you dont even know what to do! but, you arent alone. i promise you, you’ll never be alone. maybe you wont fond as much comfort or love irl, but, you can get through this. life wont stay terrible forever unless you let it. unless you dont try to be better, and change. we all make mistakes, nobody is perfect, but that does NOT mean you are a failure. Hell, just being here means so fucking much. Life isnt a simple ride forward, it never is a straight, smooth ride, but, you can fight through the storms and bumps along the way. I believe you can do anything. Forget society standards or expectations, be YOU. Get through this on your own terms. Maybe the hate is weighing on you and its got to you strongly, but you leaving wont change or fix anything…Youve got this, keep fighting amd existing as your own unique self. Keep stealing things from fictional characters and living life how you wanna. Im proud of you, even of you think youve done nothing, even if people have said the opposite your whole life, im proud of you, and you fucking got this damnit. Forget what others think, you write your future, you choose what you want. Dont give up, youve got so much ahead of you.
Ghost; You. God. ilysm. You mean a lot to me, and i cant even remember when i met you here for the first time. But god, i dont know where i’d be had you not shown up…. honestly, youve helped me so much. i love our stupid little moments, our random ass platonic marriage, the vc’s, the similarities in our music sometimes…like, i love you for how weird and stupid and silli you are /p /affec /pos, like. you mean so much, and we. should rlly have plans. okay. we like. you gotta introduce me to how the hell monster tastes like, just, like. we gotta hug one day. you mean so much to me, and ive never actually been in the same room as you. youve brightened up my day, youve made me feel better, and i cant imagine what id do without you <3 ( @justalilghosty )
Cal; Cal. One of my many online mothers. I. Ilysm. Okay, youre such a silly little gremlin and i love that. Genuinely. Youre so silly and fun and just overall someone i can feel i trust. You take absolutely stunning photos, and you help people so much. Youve helped me a lot, and you’re honestly just so kind. Kind and caring. Life has been am ass to you, yeah, but, I literally just wanna steal your cat, and hug you, and like. Besties. Youre art is so nomable, and i love how wacky and interesting your ideas get /affec /pos! Youre the momther Cal, and i love that! I love that youre here and i get to scream momther anytime i see you and how you just….make me feel good. You say things a lot that just, warms my heart. Ilysm, and that wont ever change. No matter how much random ass crimes be committed. ( @cal-the-duende )
Sherlock; Youre my bird mother. Like, the birb mother but also… Youre my meme giver. Do i know why you started sendomg me memes? fuck no, but, i love them sm. I AM a garlic breeder, and just, genuinely- youre kind and amazong and helpful. You give tips and are willing to talk about things. You have a cool ass cosplay of tp link, and we, gotta hug. like, you mean so much, and i love just hanging out woth you and screaming and just. being. friends. being able to communicate with one another, and sharing interests and just saying random stupid things. youre amazing. ( @link-or-sherlock )
Silver; Older sister my beloved…. Youre just physically a kind soul. Like, youre ao kind and caring and you really give older sis vibes. You help people ao much, and rb such random things and just. youre always fun to check up on, say hi too, and just, talk. like, its cery nice knowing you. ome of the first people i ever found in tumblr, and someone i truly wanna stay around. you write fun things, you give hugs when asked and just, seem sometimes like a shoulder to cry on. you like random things, have a very pettable doggo…. just, ive enjoyed being able to send asks, and how kind you are to my art and writing makes me so happy sometimes ( @silvercaptain24 )
Shinso; You. I dont send asks often, and i seem to always lose your blog, but youre so…kind. and loving, you send asks to me even if i dont to you as often. You rb my things and things i rb, youre just, overall fun. i love seeing you around, even if its not often youre so sweet and kind to me, and i truly hope the best for you <3 ( @callmeshinso )
Dragon; DRAGON!!!! I. Get so overwhelmed by how many ppl i follow, and seem to commonly lose your blog, but truly, ilysm. I love your silly little dragons you draw, just how stunning your art gets. how you drew me one of the eyeball kitties on a whiteboard as a doodle and i just- kfjahfhsbf. ilysm!!!! youve been so kind and generous and sweet and i just wanna give you a small little kitten plush named pinecone and just, hug you. youre so kind and i love seeing you around, i cant forget how loving and sweet you are, and just, ilysm. truly. ( @here4dragons )
Trippy; Heres the thing trippy. we met on the palls discord server, like, thats such a wild place to meet and at forst i was soooo confused and scared on how to interact with you, and i wanted to eat ur art so bad- but now? of we aint besties, youve wounded me hard /j. its so silly and stupid and silly stupid the random conversations we’ve had. and just, how cool your art is….and you simping. i find that really funny, like, woah gurl. bark quietly- /hj, but, like, yeah. we get so silly and random and i ended up drawing riake for u like. we be friendos. we should hig more often, and i swear, i’ve definitely/j flirted with you on the server ( @trippygalaxy )
Bailey; The one who screams rulie….. you cant take four from me though. anyways, youre very sweet and loving, we definitely should hug one day, but, also…. i admit. we have fun making fun of you. making fin of you and….being able to….mess with your typos. like, ily, but also, i am a bit of an asshole /affec, like. you slay gurly. you and your attacking guliver, the fandom comments on the server, the way i might just be eating ur art….i mean- im innocent. ( @baileyboo2016 )
Shy; beeesstiieeee!!!! i am incapable of forgetting you and yoir amazong skills and how silly atupid we are together sometimes /affec /pos, but, i can forget thaf we’re mutuals. like. you follow me back os so shattering to me sometimes, but ily. ly and the way i keep recognizong fandoms you talk about, and i jusy wanna eat ur art even of it doesnt happen that often like….idk. its just pretty edible to me. o should extra consume it while playin the silly miku game and screaming iver the game breaking on me, like, hwhfjsbf. but. we be hardcore besties and im. nomin on your ask box. i’ve accidentally fully imfested it with moss. so not sorry /j ( @shyrule )
Vio; Youre. Genuinely so sweet and caring amd kind amd helpful an…..- look, i havent known you all that long, true. but, its really nice to see you around. youre so cool and silly and weird /pos, but like. youre weirdness and strangeness is so cool most times. like, i was full on doin flappy hands to the point it kinda hurt, but also, you had made me so happy, and that…one time you called me kiddo like. i was screamin. that made me so unbelievably happy i was bouncing off the walls with excitement. i know ive done a few things that have made you uncomfortable a few times, but! i truly am sorry about them, and are gonna try my best to not make the same mistakes again! i never wish to be rude in any way, and i do sometimes slip up and make people uncomfortable, but i really will try to be better at that. /gen ( @plzleavebeealone )
Shade; Shade!!!!! Youre honestly so amazong and i wanna eat your writing…oh. and! silli friend. we truly can be chaotic spawns of the devil, and we also can be really random at times. go us— but! its so amazing being your friend and literally i LOVE the nickname buzzy sm. like. when i show you that emote of flappy hands, trust me i am DOIN IT. i may be incredibly awkward and random at times, but, i feel like we are awkward and random together /pos. like, i make fun of you for being bitchless. yea, but. hun. its cuz you are— /j i rlly do enjoy being your friend and the whole chaos we become, and the random gay stuff that happens…also you and teippy are the biggest simps ive ever met. like. werent you full on barking at a drawing of time? /lh ( @skyward-shade )
Mushroom; Do we talk a lot? Not rlly.. am o eating your art? yea. am i eating your blog….? >:3 that ones not up for debate, i just wanna gently devour it like a crazy being. Youre so silly tho, and i think we should totally like. hug and eat moss together and have moss and. and. we should just sit in a mushroom and moss forest and like. be the best mossy sibling ever. like, we slay that way— ( @mushr0oms-and-m0ss )
Void; ….Youre so silly and wverywhere and kind and i hust. okay, we have such random moments, and im still measing with the lcirews you sent me and just. werw friends like. really friends. im eating your designs, and your thoughts and brain….and hand. i just wanna give ya a lil nom. like. yes hugs you. but also. ilysm and its so fun talking and hugging and random atuff and ocs— just. thank u for exsisting, now, hugsyou, and, let me eat you. /pos ( @technologyvoid )
Levis; Aaaaa… Youre honestly so kind. and carong, amd lonely. like, if i wasnt so awkward i would hig and be your friend sm. but, i cant talk for that long becuase im no communication expert (rlly bad at comverse) but truly, you have been so kind and sweet to me. youve helped me understand things, youve showed up an been kind, youve been someone i can be friends with, youve given me facts about moss, checked up on my when im having a hard time or make a certain post- and honestly…i wish i could do the same to you, because with how kind you are you deserve so much. truly. ily. /p ( @howl-at--the-sun )
Link; friemd <3 anyways, youre amazing. kind. caring. random. ailly. fun. i enjoy being your friend, truly. its been great knowing you, and you are a very kind and wonderful person who i am hugging and we get to hug together. yeah? like, its so nice to enjoy time with you, wether that be sit in a vc and in the chat be talking about eating boulders, wether its you checking up on me during life and doing food/hydration/eep checks like, its nice to get those, because it does remind me. thank you. sm for being here and being a lil silly. ( @linksarehere )
Mewo; Frienmd!!!!! youre just honestly sich a silly artist and i love everything that you come up woth and create. its always fun and cheering to see you around, and honestly, you got me through a hard time. i was gonna quit art, truly. i was gonna throw it all away, delete any apps, get rid of paper and just, drop it all once again….but i didnt. i didnt because your art has been very inspiring. i honestly love your style! its always stunning and silly to see, and i, truly just. i wanna eat your art style. seriously i just. do. you have so many fun things about you amd youre just honestly so silly and i love that about you. /gen /p, i love that you draw weird stuff and that you just exist to share stuff so beautiful. i always love seeing your art, and i really do save it because it makes me happy and fun to see! ( @strawberry-catcake )
The whole entire palls: We’re just in general so fucking chaotic, but such a big fucking family I love it. I’m getting snatched by so many of yall, and just, running off to the actual palls and we r gonna hang out, and die, and cry, and just. make a whole ass snuggle pile because that seems really nice, and we should all just group hug and have a huge ass pillow fight, because we’re so. confusing, i love it. Like, yes, lets commit arson together, lets commit a buncha crimes— lets become the local mafia. just. i love you all. ( @pallweople )
i understand that this is not any and all of my friends, but i swear. truly, i mean this, when i say, i love you. i really do care about you. i truly live having moots and random interactions and sending my silly little asks into peoples inboxes…. like, i truly, love you all. thank you for being here, and somehow loving my creations— and me as a person.
if i ever make someone uncomfortable/annoyed/any thing negative or hard for you; i will. i truly will try to change and not do that again. im trying to be a nice perfect, and i know i fuck up sometimes, and make things uncomfortable other times…but. i do care, and i truly am trying my best.
i cant read your mind, but i best well can try to be a good friend/sibling/stranger— a good person.
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reevezs · 2 months
bold what applies to your muse, italicize situational ones. feel free to add your own suggestions and carry it on.
tagged by: stolen from my old blog
tagging: steal it from my new blog
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“country” │ “backwoods” │ “sailor” │ “upper class” │ “city slicker” | foreign speaker │ refined  
educated │self-taught | uneducated | doesn’t use conjunctions │ shortens words | omits entire words on occasion | mixes up words │ just makes up their own words! │ archaic english │ dependent on mood or setting | doesn’t use contractions
loud │ soft │ room volume │ high pitched │ low pitched │seductive │velvety │ speech impediment │ abrasive │ gruff │ shrill │ booming │ matter-of-fact │ toneless │ husky │gravelly │ breathy │ nasal │ barking │ chatty │ condescending │ musical │ suave │ world-weary │ brash │ authoritative
refers to self in third person│ incorporates different languages/terms/sayings │ uses gender-specific terms │ adapts to audience │ changes pitch around animals or children │ shifts tone when lying │ gives others nicknames │ uses terms of respect towards others
Basically, he half-whispers everything with his trademark deadpan expression.
Doesn't raise his voice unless his emotions grow too strong and/or he's on the verge of losing his patience. It takes a lot to make Zach lose his temper.
Speaks six languages (and he likes learning new ones), but rarely throws any foreign phrases/words in.
Usually, his laughter is barely a chuckle. Just like his smiles are not much more than a subtle quirk of the corners of his mouth, or they simply don't last long (vc ref clip & another one here).
This is why it can be difficult to tell if he's joking or not. 8/10 he's not.
He has a good singing voice, but you won't hear Zach show it off on some karaoke night. Surprise, surprise.
You might hear him hum, though, especially when he's working. The 80s are back, baby.
He will most likely pick a specific nickname/pet name/term of endearment for his partner.
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mtel420 · 9 months
Counter-Exposing Banjo/Tiredite/Lunar Moonyu/Lunar Cheese - Part 2
If you want the whole backstory- https://www.tumblr.com/htcsense5/732278019975151616/counter-exposing-banjotireditelunar-moonyulunar?source=share
Hey guys.
NKYT here.
As you guys know in October, we have exposed banjo for her past self for trying to expose arsik and since our expose did nothing to her, i deciced to speak on my side of my interactions with her that i had back in July 2021 - January 2022 with banjo before i disappeared because of her (we will get to that later on). So i guess let's start with the story..
After the March-June war was declared, i gave banjo a second chance, because i thought she truly changed and won't do those mistakes again but unfortunately, we were all wrong….
In the end of July 2021, things started to get worse because i saw David saying "binoi sucks" and i instantely sended that to my now ex-friend banjo and she wanted me to ask him "is that a joke?". And from there on, people, including my friends thought i was choosing her side, which would come to appearant when she stole me from my friends in August 2021 with some weird ass love message. And everything after that my career was gonna go downhill.
In September 2021, she began going "me mad" over David, doing his series of "Live streams for phones" when i was featured. She started accusing me of her being disappointed of David and then me like YOU SAID YOU WERE GONNA IGNORE VCS WHAT IS THIS???
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Then things will get worse when in October 2021, banjo started using "gay jokes" on David for vcing with me which i wasnt ok with her making those jokes to both of us, but she kept going.
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In November 2021, it got even worse when she heavily continued calling david gay and thinking of drawing a ship between me and david because we were just only vcing. She was also saying things like "imaging saying gay things to him" and shockingly "imma burn david for being gay" showing homophobia, which is pretty ironic since now in 2023 she became pansexual.
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She has already stolen me from my friends but things will get even worse in December 2021, specifically on December 31st 2021 8:28 PM. Hours prior to that, banjo started to get me into Touhou characters by guessing them in what we call her stupid edition server, also known as "The Mayakou Server" thing. While i was already doing the things banjo told me to do, my friends started posting some memes in that bot guessing channel and then something in my brain was like they were trolling me so i sent a meme that had a guy reading a book said "how to deal with idiots" or something like that i dont remember. And then the worst happened. Arsik blocked me shortly after that and there was exchanges between me and my friends.
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It makes me sad to know that banjo made me hate my own friends, my own community, the people that made me successful, and i blew it all out because of that one whore. People after that started to hate me for choosing banjo and for insulting one of my best friends over some petty drama. I was already cancelled because of the drama i had with my friends thanks to banjo and in the result that made me quit all social media on January 15th 2022.
When i was out of Discord by that time, i was on still on David's streams and then banjo saw that and started harassing David for being "gay" because he made me alive (umm what?) and she tried to revealed his full name.
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11 months later, i would finally apologise for all of the wrong things that i've done in the community and thankfully everyone gave me another chance. 2 days after i returned to Discord (26th of December 2022), Banjo would try to friend me on my new account, but i've ignored it, because if i have accepted her again, everything would have gone downhill just like in December 2021.
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Anyways we wouldn’t get any updates from her until February 11th when a weird account by the name of "私について読んでください#4082" sent me a friend request that had a pastebin link which at first didn’t work. But after it got edited to work, it was clear that banjo was again trying to apologise to us and get us back, but we declined it.
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Then on April 2nd, Banjo would try to friend me again on her main account, this time with her about me page being "nick i only came to talk to you" which i was suspicious what was she going to talk about so this time i accepted it to see what she wanted to say and a day later, i got a response by her and again SHE WANTED TO APOLOGISE. sigh. So i told her that "it’s impossible to move on to another chapter of your life, if you keep re-reading the last one" and blocked her after that.
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Things would finally go back to normal after she stopped trying to get us back, but unfortunately, that wasn’t the end. On June 9th 2023, Banjo again tried to get me to respond on Instagram by her saying that she can’t forget me and that when she sees a bulgarian person, it reminds her of me for some reason (like why?). But anyways, i didn’t bother responding to her so i ghosted her.
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But then on July 3rd, i wanted to talk to Banjo for the last time, because she was mentioning our names and i wanted to put an end to this, by saying that she needs to keep our names out of her mouth.
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She was like "ok, i will move on for real" on my dms, but in reality, the next day (4th of July), she says that we are ignorant like wtf and wanted to be racist by saying that she wants to be a bulgarianphobe and supporting Macedonia. She was saying such nasty things even after i told her to stop, but nothing help, same thing on August 20th (our next confrontation, this time in a gc), nothing helped.
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Like imagine hating a WHOLE country only because your crush rejected you like wtaf💀.
And here we are on August 20th 2023. A day prior to that, she tried to befriend our friend and owner of Project Mobile "Gunbo" who actually accepted her friend request which prompted us to tell him to add us to a group with her so we could tell her to just leave us alone for the last time, but while she was like "I will try i will try" she once again was mentioning her drama with us and referred to us as "the nkits" so yeah, nothing helped.
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And then here comes October 22nd, 2023 when a guy attacked servers Arsik was in with an exposé of him, in it banjo’s tried to expose our good friend Arsik for him acting sexually to banjo when in reality arsik was 11 and banjo was 13, and she even thought that arsik was 10. And also she purposely hid her name so that people wouldn’t hate her for erping with a 10 year old. So we fought back with our expose which people called "baby drama". And this is where i lost it. HOW CAN YOU CALL ALL OF THIS TRAUMA THAT WE HAD TO SUFFER BABY DRAMA??
Anyways before i go off more, i just want to say that this drama isnt baby drama. This is serious shit that people need into, by taking a look at our exposés against banjo and realise that this is all serious and we aren’t joking around, but sadly banjo didn’t get cancelled over our exposé and people were still supporting her, despite the expose that arsik made being already public, but no one gave a damn sadly. But here i am shining the light on the fact that banjo is an full-on creep who sexualises minors and hypnotises her friends into being on her side.
And now comes December 16th 2023. The day we joined the Java-oriented server "Kahvibreak". We wanted to join with my friend because we were interested in java preservation too, but we knew that banjo was there thought we joined nonetheless since it’s a good server. And hours later, banjo saw that we were in the server and she went "baiii my enemies are here" which made the people in kahvibreak become suspicious that we came to harass her, when in reality, we didn’t want to harass anyone. Soon after she left, she changed her Discord name to "JUST DESTROY ME.." to now "A....". (update: she has returned. no surprise)
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So yeah this is the whole story of my own point of view of what is like to be friends with a creep and a nsfw artist. And to everyone who is reading this. It's best to avoid any interactions with Banjo because she is a manipulator and a creep that has been known by our community, but despite that she wanted to return after we told her to move on, but as of now she’s trying to join other corners of our community, never missing the opportunity to say something about us and how we cancelled her and whatnot. It's crazy that people like banjo exist and makes me furious that people call our drama childish. Like can you just take a quick second to see that this is very real and serious? Banjo traumatised us with her explicit art and it’s not a joke. Anyways, i hope we can spread this message across our community and her community so people could very well know her backstory and why they should not be friends with banjo.
Banjo is an attention seeker who would do anything to bring light to her dying career, including in some rather shady ways. She’s using her past for attention and it’s rather pathetic.
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Anyways, im working on a folder called "Banjo's Hellhole" which includes all of her moments and once the project gets finished, i will provide a Google Drive link for it so you can guys get a better look at her. But for now, that's all that i have to say about her.
Thank you all for reading this and Fuck You Banjo!😉
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eyeballtank · 7 months
Do most games look similar? Kinda
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This image is clearly made to spark shit on /v/ but it does make me think a lot about videogame aesthetics and graphics.
Maybe one reason the games on the right look alike (Besides the cherrypicked screenshots because each has moments where they don't look alike) is because they chase "realism": Videogames may never be "truly realistic" and since the 8th gen, it feels like we hit a wall.
So if anything, these games are going for a rather "shared idea" of realism: That's how you think these games might as well have the same engine, same universe and same people behind.
Of course, you can still point out how stuff like lightning, fire, smoke etc isn't easy to do and even a cel-shaded game with 2D visuals may have some weird oddities in terms of visuals.
And then there's also the usual effects: Motion blur, chromatic aberration, bloom, lens flares, SSAO etc. Stuff tied to post-processing or something.
Is it inherit to games becoming 3D in general? Not sure.
But I believe it can't be because of "realism in general" because with 6th gen games, certain titles were always aiming for "realism" and still have a different "feel/vibe/whatever you call it" compared to 7th gen and beyond.
Maybe how Death Stranding or GTAV look and feel is something Kojima or Rockstar always wanted to achieve even during the PS1.
But it won't change the fact that how MGS2/3 or how GTA VC/SA "feel" may resonate more with people.
Remakes are another good example when you compare Resident Evil 4 to its remake.
Even Crysis, a game once praised for being graphically impressive, gets a remaster and I swear the differences barely mean shit.
I can see someone saying "is this why Zoomers think Half-Life 2 or GMod are creepy?" because of liminal space memes but it shows that even a "realistic enough" game can offer different moods not present in games with generic realism.
And people also associate boring realism with "boring colors" so you have 7th gen shooters being brown/gray and then you get a "counter trend" of Fortnite clones and "looter shooters" with overuse of purple vomit.
Another thing worth bringing up: Yellow paint, which is a result of "realism" where everything blends in visually, when good art direction of making stuff apart can work even in "realism".
Maybe why people disliked the "it knows it's a videogame" direction of Doom Eternal is because it was still a graphically advanced looking game but the yellow paint thing also gets worse because it's applied to remakes, as in, RE4 for example which never needed yellow paint before... but now it does?
It's a side effect of an issue with "realism" where stuff becomes harder to read, so developers come up with these goofy solutions that wouldn't be needed if they had a better art direction.
It also happens that "realistic" games are more likely to age compared to cel-shaded/stylized games like LOZ Wind Waker or Okami (And sometimes, some cel-shaded games get remasters that add bloom or weird color effects).
But one thing is realism, another is fiction or rather, influences/inspirations and certain trends in sci-fi and fantasy.
There's that one image of Everquest 3 I think, that shows a contrast between old and fantasy aesthetics.
One has an image that's essentially a fantasy painting with neat designs and a level of atmosphere/realism, the other shows that specific Warcraft adjacent art style you see more often.
That style people associate with Blizzard, League, Dota, Smite, DarkSiders and more.
Besides the style in itself being overused, I think people hate it because they associate it with being corporate and safe, which adds some irony to its history coming from Blizzard being into Warhammer: A series rather known for being "grim and epic" (But even WH itself would have stuff that's tame and boring).
The Demon Souls remake is a good example because you go from From Software being inspired by dark fantasy and Berserk to something with generic lightning/colors and an official reference for the Flame Lurker literally admitting using Diablo 3 as inspiration.
Even sci-fi in terms of aesthetics has its trends: Part of why Halo fans dislike the 343 art style.
(Mostly because of when tech is meant to be grounded and when it feels like "fantasy" to some degree).
(Oh and this also reminds me of that "magic tech" fantasy in stuff like Immortals Fenyx Rising which I wonder if it's inspired by the Disney Atlantis movie).
So if the fantasy side of things has WoW, Dota, LoL, etc then the sci-fi gets what: 343 Halo? Destiny? Anthem? Warframe? Gears of War?
Even then, these aesthetics could use some "studying" so one can why X feel this way and why Y doesn't etc.
The modern Doom games are at times criticized for having these trends (Specially because Doom is technically both sci-fi and fantasy).
One can at least say that even classic Doom wasn't the only thing in the 90's inspired by Aliens/HR Giger (See Metroid or Contra) and old DnD.
But I guess it also depends of why people like certain aesthetics and the mindsets behind them AND of course: Personal preferences.
A lot of iconic gaming franchises were born out of devs copying media from outside the medium, from Link being inspired by Peter Pan to MGS being a mix of movies, hence Kojima says "My body is 70% made of movies".
Gravity Rush is as unique as it is because Toyama and his team were influenced by Moebius, while the pointless movie will definitely be inspired by the MCU.
We can also bring up Signalis being inspired by Blame! but the aesthetic itself isn't trying to be an old Nihei manga.
Another id example: Hunter from Quake 3 being inspired by Simon Bisley's Full Cirkle.
I was wondering if it counts when certain artists or studios are involved in some games, like Ni No Kuni looking very Ghibli because Ghibli was sort of involved in the first game's cutscenes.
Maybe this is why some don't care that PalWorld may indeed copy Pokemon: Lot of games might as well copy each other already.
Whether it's in AAA or indie games (Even in indie, people will be aware of some trends but not others, like making fun of "quirky Earthbound clone about depression" label that probably applies to only one game but nobody mentions the amount of "boomer shooters" that exist... just saying).
And this isn't just videogames: Think of mediums like films where you see something with good setpieces and then you see something more recent with generic "ahh so pretty" special effects.
Like how people prefer older horror movies that make good use of practical effects or that one time a LOTR movie gave people headaches because of its visuals.
I just saw some images of a Wizard of Oz remake being made and how boring it looks compared to the 1930's one.
Like in general, ask yourself: At what point does this type of realism becomes part of someone's vision and not either a decision by the publisher/executive/etc or just guessing by what mass audiences supposedly like?
Pretty sure Hitchcock had a quote about realism and art: How art being too good at copying realism can make it boring because it's just reproducing nature.
Maybe a lot of amazing paintings from certain eras like the Renaissance are amazing, not because of how realistic they art, but because they're a rather "idealized" form of realism.
Edit: Might as well mention "Uncanny Valley" because of both realisitc games reaching it at times but also how a certain "idealized realism" is lik the opposite of Uncanny Valley.
And I guess how some people deslike stuff that is otherwise impressive to casual viewers like artists such as Sakimichan.
Edit 2: I could've also mentioned how some games do gore, scars, disfiguration etc and how some make it seem "plastic" looking. Look at Ghouls in like Fallout 3 and compared them to FO4, where they looked creepy in the former and look like someone in a rubber suit in the latter.
In general, I like to think there are ways to make a game more impressive nowadays.
Basically, make your game copy great illustrations instead of "realism" or live action movies.
Pay attention to how colors and brushes are used in some artworks.
Copy some designs if you have to, since you'd be less likely to end up with some designs you'd see in an ArtStation account (Even if you just mindlessly follow blogs that post old sci-fi art).
AI art may not work because you need to understand what makes some art good (And if anything, AI art is already used to mimick the more generic art styles out there).
You may not need that many polygons, maybe go for a 6th gen style at best.
Do a good job with colors, textures etc.
And while your game does a good enough job at copying Moebius, Druillet, Barlowe, Nihei etc, I guess you could also try neat tech shit like reflections or "portals", like the 2006 Prey game.
In general: Make your game look like a painting, not a movie.
And about my stuff?
My game looks ugly for a lot of reasons like its weird resolution, me focusing more on other stuff, the fact that it's my first game, etc.
But I do hope someday to not only get better art but also better at taking influences more seriously.
Lot of stuff in Nortubel already copies some things and I hope to be better at copying some things even if I can't do it alone.
Chances are that even in Nortubel itself, I'll end up with some trendy elements but I still wanna give an impression of some creativity and preferences.
In general, this blog post could've been an article or video done better by someone (So feel free to use this as a reference), because if I'm terrible at "critique" or "essays", I hope to be much better at making games and actual stuff.
This post should also be useful for anyone who wants to be a dev.
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faolanmoon · 2 years
Random Short Solomon headcannons
Stfu I know I’m literally posting this the day after his birthday ( which is also my mother’s birthday) but I had more important shit yesterday like my mother’s birthday being the next day.SOME OF THESE ARE CRACK.
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He’s probably forgotten to die at least more than once. I just find this to be funny as hell honestly .You can’t convince me that if he physically aged he’d look so old he’d like he forgot he’s passed his life’s expiration date even though he doesn’t have one. Dude just gets in a situation that’s supposed to be fatal is just like “wait I’m supposed to die?”
Is probably the only MF who has tried challenging Leviathan to the Devildom’s equivalent to Smash Bros. before MC that has come close to beating him.Levi almost lost ONCE due to RNG and Solomon spamming, and he refused to play another game with him for a long time because of the spamming.
100% has a stick enchanted with knockback II in Minecraft called the “Yeet Stick” he uses primarily for trolling. Especially on Asmo who doesn’t wear armor, like ever. Levi has kicked him out of the game several times over the Yeet Stick. Only MC is safe from the Yeet Stick because they have “Hide-the-body-anatior ”( basically a netherite sword with all the best enchantments possible) and can one shot his ass without proper armor.(Levi is the same, he just doesn’t have a funny name for his netherite sword like MC does)
He’s the reason why the ice cream machine at McDonald’s is always broke, don’t @ me. He’s so bad at cooking he couldn’t even work at fast food.
Shouldn’t know what Gen Z slang is because of his age, but somehow does. It’s scary because of how he’s able to blend into modern human culture, not as scary as Diavolo trying to be trendy and just being cringe, but it’s still “how do you do fellow kids?”.
Is not allowed within 100ft of Lucifer sometimes because he gets so pissed of at Solomon trying to make a pact with him. Solomon, it’s literally like my dad bringing home the milk, it’s never happening.
Speaking of dads I feel like he’d probably have the worst dad jokes, I would list an example ,but not even I would get it.
Would be the type of mf to shitpost on the main account. Idk how ppl on Instagram shitpost , I grew up on the SparkleCat and Sparkledog days of DeviantArt, you think I use Instagram? I just know it’s what Devilgram is based off of.
Speaking of one of the social media platforms I know more about, whatever the Devildom’s equivalent of Tumblr is, he Levi and MC 100% have one. Solomon only has an account for chaos and some of the shitpost this beautiful Superhell( complementary) has meanwhile Levi is here for fandom stuff and is 100% a Tumbler Vet, Mc has an account for both reasons.
Solomon is also the only person besides Levi and MC who would know wtf Discord is and would have one. Remember the time before Rhythm bots 1 and 2 shut down in 2021? Yeah he’d 100% be trolling in VCs with those bots. (Also before someone in 2023 tries to be a smart ass check the date before you “Well actually the Rhythm bots are back as if 2023 🤓” because it’s not 2023 as I write and publish now is it?) The very last thing he ever had a Rhythm bot play was The Sound of Silence ( or more commonly “Hello Darkness My old Friend) on that famous day in September 2021 when the bots shut down. After the bots shut down he’d instead troll with Discord voice mods. Besides trolling, Solomon would be a massive shitposter when a hard drive of memes that are no where near as many as Levi has.
When no one else is around ( especially Luke) Barbatos goes full Gordon Ramsay on him.
Beel can be heard weeping whenever he smells Solomon’s cooking.
Him and Mc are the only humans who don’t fear God nor death. Not even 13 can make them fear death.
Mammon, Luke , Simeon, Raphael and 13 get trolled the most by him.
Do not let him or anyone in general discover MC’s fan base, fanfics about MC, or any ships involving MC. He’d be the one most chaotic fans MC has the moment he does. Would be the type to make shitposts out of MC ships and use it to fuck with Mammon and Levi who totally wouldn’t already have started shipping wars.
And on fucking with Mammon he’s 100% been robbed by him and would use magic to fuck with Mammon since he’s why we can’t have shit in the Devildom or Detroit.
Solomon and MC are both Asmo’s feral gremlins that should be feared, Solomon is just less bloodthirsty than MC.
None of the Henrys trust him, not even 2.0. Henry 1.0 would kill him without hesitation while Henry 2.0 flares his gills up when he sees him.
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kylo-wrecked · 11 months
@nightmarefuele sent :// 
{ from this meme / accepting }
— ☾ —
For the purposes of this study, we used a crow-no-meter to represent Jonathan Crane’s level of threat to the following variants, as well as a personalized fear “rating system” compiled from each variant's individual fears. We hope you find our results valuable. 
Ben Prestor, Arkham Experiment {in for two counts of involuntary manslaughter, one count of conspiracy, one count of aggravated assault against a corrections officer}
🐦‍⬛🐦‍⬛:// No real fear here. Just another college boy who won’t shut up. 🧱🧱🧱🧱 :// Generally, going back to prison.  🕳️🕳️🕳️🕳️ :// The hole.  🐕‍🦺🐕‍🦺🐕‍🦺🐕‍🦺:// Losing D.O.. 💔💔:// Never being loved at all.
‘Kylo,' The Dice Killer {the true names of his victims will never be known}
🐣 :// Kylo's eyes see Crane's eyes.  ❗️❗️❗️❗️:// The Ren being mad. 🔥🔥🔥:// The flame.
Ben Solo, AKA Kylo Ren, the 'Frontman' {Ben Solo doesn’t have time for nERDS (so it’s okay if mun exposes him here)} 
🐦‍⬛🐦‍⬛🐦‍⬛:// Eugh. Never look his way again.  💔💔💔💔:// Never being loved again. 💉💉💉:// Needles. 🕴️🕴️🕴️:// Spies.  🍄🍄🍄:// Having a bad trip on stage.  ✈️✈️✈️:// Flying.  🙈🙈:// Face-eating chimps. 
Ben Solo-Organa, The Senator's Son {vc: nope nope nope nope}
🐦‍⬛🐦‍⬛🐦‍⬛🐦‍⬛:// Nope.  ⌛🌊⚰️👨‍👩‍👦📸📹📬👻🚗🏥🔥🏛️💍🎓x4 :// It’s free real estate.
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crimalwx · 2 years
Hello. sunglasses emoji.
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You didn't have an ask box open on your Sky side blog so I hope it's okay to send a message here on your main! First off, your SKY blog's name CRACKED ME UP!!! I bursted out laughing in VC!!
Second, well, as you can see here ... hMMMRMRMRM. Yes. Valley to Valley communication.
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Okay I do have strange creative continuum stuff going on, but. Sir. I GOT SO MANY VALLEY GOODS.
Apologies if it seems like I'm asking you to follow me 'cause you don't have to at all!! But I couldn't contain my excitement because Elder-kun is LITERALLY my Husband and those particular Elders kind of mean a lot to me. Also, your art is cute!!!! ♥
HELLOOOO hiii ^_^
( totally didn't forget to turn on asks on my sideblog anyways they're on now- )
Glad to see another Valley enjoyer who is just as AAAAAAAA for them as me. because i cannot be normal about them anymore i think about the twins so much it's unreal
also it is ILLEGAL (/j) to not follow you when your art is as cool as this. like what the hell that is so cool you draw them soooooooo 👀 I'd love to see what you have going on w the Elders because MY GOD that is amazing
one day I'll make serious art of the twins but rn all my thoughts about them simply translate to silly meme comics and screaming and yelling in my mind. because i care about them so much
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