#choices the stories we play
jerzwriter · 2 months
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a little jealous - Tobias x Casey HC
It took me three years to tell the story of how my messy kids finally got together. By the time they did, they were so in love with a solid foundation of friendship beneath them. The honeymoon period was intense; however, nothing is perfect, and transitioning from friends to so much more comes with its challenges. So, I decided it was time to finally write those stories, too. The first story was Money, Money, and this is the second. I have one, possibly two, more remaining.
Book: Open Heart (Late Book 2 Timeline) Pairing: Tobias Carrick x Casey MacTavish (F!MC) Featuring: Sienna Trinh, Terrance Mendoza, minor OCs Rating: Teen Words: 3,700 Summary: Newly together, Tobias and Casey are as happy as can be. But when Tobias's past keeps interrupting their present, Casey begins to struggle. Tobias thinks a little jealousy is cute at first, but as time goes on, both of them are having difficulty dealing with the situation. He can't change his past, so how do they get past it?
Tobias x Casey Masterlist Open Heart Masterlist Full Masterlist
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“Tobias? Tobias, is that you?”
Effortlessly commanding attention was Tobias’s specialty, and he seemed to do it wherever he went. Tonight, as he sauntered through a posh Boston club tonight, a place to see and be seen, it was clear that he was in his element. His hand-fitted designer suit and contrasting silk shirt - unbuttoned just enough to tease at the sculpted masterpiece that lay underneath - could have been fresh off of any runway. With his enchanting smile firmly in place and his crystal blue eyes surveying the crowd, it was no wonder so many felt their attention turning his way.
In the not-too-distant past, he would have been glowing. Reveling in the attention, he would have been assessing each admirer to select his desired target for the night. There is no way he would have missed the raven-haired beauty now pushing her way through the crowd of revelers to be by his side; by now, he would have been determining how long it would take to get her out of that emerald green and gold dress that left little to the imagination. It wouldn’t have taken him long. But times had changed, and Tobias had only one objective this evening: joining his beautiful girlfriend at the table he reserved on the other side of the room.
But what he easily overlooked was impossible for Casey to miss. Her eyes followed the tall, slender beauty rushing to reach the man Casey now claimed as her own. The woman’s long, voluminous curls fell over her bare shoulders, stopping just before her décolletage. The way her copper skin glowed under the pulsating lights was downright ethereal. Casey was more than well aware of her boyfriend’s reputation, and she knew several of the beauties that made up the story of his colorful past, but this one, she was exquisite. A Praxiteles sculpture come to life that could rival any of the goddesses the master had created. Tobias may have been oblivious to her, but Casey was painfully aware.
“Tobias!” The woman yelled, pulling him into an entirely too close embrace the moment he spun around. Snagged only yards away from the table where Casey sat.
 “Mia,” he smiled pleasantly. “How are you? It’s been a long time!”
“Far too long,” she purred, her manicured hand resting on his arm as her eyes trailed over him. “You look delicious as always! How have you been?”
“Looking good yourself,” he grinned. “I’ve been good. Better than good, actually.”
“Really?” Mia winked. “I hope your next words will be because you ran into me.” Her smile was so inviting that it was impossible to misinterpret its intention.  
“Oh,” Tobias replied, quickly jerking backward. “Uh.. actually... I’m here with someone tonight.”
Casey remained seated at the table, her face bereft of any emotion. She credited the vodka and tonic she brought to her lips for that. Now, if it would just help her stop scolding herself for the jealousy that was burning to the surface inside her.
Let it go, Casey. She told herself. His past is his past; besides, you should be used to this by now.
She rose to her feet and closed the short distance between them, looping her arm into Tobias’s the second she reached his side.
“You’re finally here,” Casey gushed, placing a delicate kiss on his cheek. “I was getting lonely waiting for you.” She was quite capable of making her intentions clear as well.
“I’m so sorry, baby,” he said, kissing the top of her head. “Our favorite patient got out of surgery just as I was leaving the hospital, and I wanted to check in on him before I left.”
“Probably for the best,” Casey agreed.
“Your patient?” The woman asked. “Are you co-workers?”
“Yes,” Casey smiled, turning to the woman who had made Tobias her prey. “We work together at Edenbrook.”
“Well, it goes beyond that,” Tobias added. “Casey, allow me to introduce you to Mia. Mia, this is my girlfriend, Casey.”
Mia. Casey didn’t recall that name among his list of paramours, and she noted that he failed to mention his relationship to her, but that was probably for the best. She extended her hand as shock and disappointment registered on Mia’s face.
“Mia, it’s lovely to meet you.”
“Oh, same,” she stammered. “Uhm, girlfriend...huh?” Her eyes met Tobias’s with a flash of anger. “I thought you didn’t do that sort of thing.”
“I didn’t,” he shrugged. “But now, I do.”
“Hmm. This should make for an interesting social experiment,” she taunted. With a glance at Casey, she shot a curt smile. “Well, good luck to you.” And with a wink at Tobias, she was gone.
Casey made her way back to the banquette, and Tobias slid in beside her, hoping that exchange wouldn’t dampen the evening. He draped his arm around Casey’s shoulders; his fingers toyed with the thin strap of rhinestones that held up her pale blue dress in place. Now, he was determining how long it would be before the beautiful frock would litter his bedroom floor... some things never changed. But this time, he didn’t want her out of it too soon; he wanted to have fun with her, show her off to the world. Ravishing her back at his place could wait just a little bit.
“Have I told you how irresistible you look tonight,” he growled into her ear, sending shivers down Casey’s spine.
That voice.
She wondered if he knew how quickly it rendered her speechless, how it made her question the necessity of every article of clothing on her body. When he began to trace little circles on her skin, the memory of the bronze goddess was pushed out of Casey’s head for good, or at least for now.
“Oh, uhm... no,” Casey replied. With a lustful little grin on her lips, she wrapped her arms around his neck and spoke into his ear. “You haven’t, but I’d love for you to tell me more.”
This wasn’t the first time they bumped into one of his former lovers. Nor was it the second or even the third. Casey had lost count and was beginning to wonder if they’d need to move out of Boston to go an entire day without running into someone.
There was the effusive pharmaceutical representative who just happened to stop by his office the day Casey was meeting Tobias for lunch. Her sultry laughter echoed down the hall as Casey approached, and she’d never forget the way the smile fell from the voluptuous brunette’s ruby-red lips when Tobias stood to greet her with a kiss, quickly introducing her as his girlfriend.
“Another ex-girlfriend?” she asked, purposely keeping her voice jovial, though it didn’t match the feelings welling inside.
“I wouldn’t exactly call her a girlfriend,” Tobias chuckled.
“Another ex-fuck buddy?” She asked, this time her intonation was more terse.
“She and I just... wait,” Tobias stopped. With a smug grin, he pulled Casey close. “Don’t tell me you’re jealous, baby?”
Her eyes fell to the floor, he body betraying her as her cheeks turned bright pink. She felt foolish. She knew it was stupid and didn’t know how to answer. Tobias noticed her discomfort and was eager to pull her out of it; he gently touched her chin, tilting her face in his direction.
“Case, please tell me you’re not really jealous—because as adorable as you look all pink and perturbed, you know you’re the only person in the world I want, right?”
“Pink and perturbed?” She blurted in an attempt to deflect from the topic. “What’s that, the name of some cheezy porno?”
“No,” he laughed, kissing her gently to ward off any further embarrassment. “It’s not. So, where am I treating my gorgeous girlfriend to lunch? I told you, you pick this time.”  
Casey pushed her feelings away as they walked down the hospital hallway, arm in arm. They were together at long last and deliriously happy. The man adored her, so why was she letting this bother her? It seemed each time she felt she was getting past it, someone else would pop up: the adorable young woman with green eyes and a reddish-brown bob who squealed when she spotted Tobias in Whole Foods. The blonde with the bouncy ponytail they came across while jogging in the Seaport. The smoky-eyed bartender who served them drinks at his co-worker’s wedding.
Each time, it ended the same way: Casey became sullen, Tobias went out of his way to assure her, and she promised herself she’d let it go... until it happened again.
“It has to end sometime, right?” She said, shoving a spoonful of Haagen-Dasz Belgian double chocolate ice cream into her mouth. “At some point, I will have to have run into everyone he’s ever slept with, and this will end, right?”
Sienna looked up from the book she was reading on the other side of the couch. “I don’t know. I don’t know what his number is, but even if it's in the hundreds, the truth is you’ll eventually stop running into them if you’re planning on being with him a long time, never mind if I use the other F word.”
“The other F word?” Casey asked.
“Forever,” Sienna winked. She reached over and took her friend’s hand. “Casey, you knew his reputation... and you still fell in love with him. This isn’t like you. You’ve never judged anyone for their sexual choices, and you’ve always been so confident. Unless you suspect any of these women are potentially current lovers, and I doubt that’s the case, why is this bothering you so much?"
Casey tossed the empty container of ice cream and her spoon onto the coffee table, the spoon hitting it with a loud clang. “That’s the thing!” Casey spat. “I don't know. It is in the past, and this is unlike me... I hate that I feel this way, but I feel helpless to control it. I think I’m over it, then another would-be-fucking-model appears all but oozing with desire for another go-round, and I feel like shit all over again."
“How does Tobias react when these things happen?” Sienna asked.
“Tobias isn’t the problem. Yeah, sometimes he’s a little flirtatious, but he’d be a little flirtatious talking to a doorknob. That’s just who he is. I’m not threatened by that.”
“Do you feel threatened at all?”
“I don’t know,” Casey sighed, her shoulders falling as she exhaled. “But I hate feeling this way.”
“Have you told Tobias about this?”
“No,” she insisted. “And I don’t plan on. It’s stupid, and I don’t want to look like a jealous little twit.”
“But if you’re in a relationship, you need to be honest. He should know how this makes you feel. Promise you’ll think about it?”
Casey agreed and hugged her friend. Mumbling something about not having any more ice cream under her breath as she shuffled off to bed.
The following morning, Tobias picked Casey up as planned. Handing her a single long-stemmed rose when she opened the door.
“For me?” she smiled bashfully.
“Who else?” he grinned, his face lit up the way it always did when she appeared, and as their lips came together in a slow, passionate kiss, all felt right with the world.  
“So, where are you taking me?” Casey asked.
“The Mission. It’s just a hole-in-the-wall bar near Kenmore, but they have the most incredible Sunday brunch. Trust me, you’re going to love it!”
“By Kenmore? Is anyone joining us?”
“Terrance will be there,” he replied. “A few other co-workers, too. It’s the kind of place where people just show up, and you never know who will join you. But that works great for me.”
“It does?” She asked as they reached the car. “Why?”
Gently pushing her against the passenger door, Tobias brushed the hair from her face and brought their lips to hers once more. He pulled away with that glow and smile firmly in place.
“Why? Because it took us long enough to get here. Now that you’re mine, I want to show you off to the whole world. Can you blame me?”
“Nah,” Casey blushed, straightening the lapels on his jacket. “I supposed I can’t.”
They were seated at the bar, and Casey had to admit Tobias was right. Her eggs benedict were near perfection, and Tobias’s Belgian waffles weren’t too shabby either. She wished she knew Terrance and the other Kenmore friends a little bit better, because she would have happily swiped some of their food, too. The atmosphere was loud and boisterous; it reminded her of a more polished Donahue’s, and sitting there with Tobias at her side, Casey couldn't have been more content.
“How are your eggs benedict?” Terrance asked. “I’ve never had them here.”
Casey looked up, her eyes wide. This was her chance! “They’re wonderful! And, if you’re willing to part with a piece of your French toast, I’ll gladly trade you for some of mine.”
A smile spread on Terrance’s face as he broke off a piece of his French toast, silently putting it on Casey’s plate. He looked at Tobias, nodding with approval. “I like her! A woman who knows what she wants and makes sure it happens!"
“Hey!” Casey playfully interrupted. “I gave you something in return. I was nice about it!”
“Exactly!” Terrance replied, his eyes shutting tight as he bit into the eggs benedict. “God, they’re delicious!” He said before returning to his original point, "And that’s why I like you.”
“Yeah,” Tobias beamed, pulling Casey closer to him. “Well, I like her a whole lot more.”
“Agh!” Melissa, a chestnut-haired nurse around Tobias’s age, gagged. “You two are too sweet! Who the hell is this man, and what did he do with our Tobias?”
“Yeah,” Terrance laughed. “You have to understand, Tobias marching into being a happily monogamous man has been a huge shock for us. You must be one hell of a woman.”
“I assure you, she is,” Tobias grinned.
“She has to be!” Melissa laughed as she animatedly counted the people around them. “You’ve dated at least a half-dozen people here... that I know of... many have tried and failed to get to your position, Casey,” she smiled and raised her mimosa. “Hats off to you.”
Casey smiled politely. She knew they meant no harm, but now all she could do was look around the room and wonder who it was. Which of these women had felt his hands on their bodies and knew how intoxicating it felt when he focused all his attention on them, no matter how long it lasted? How many had slept on the mattress she now spent most nights on, waking up under his covers, blissful in his arms, before playfully stumbling to the shower for another round that they’d never forget?  
She ordered another drink and did her best to remain cordial, but her mood shifted, and while the others may have been oblivious, Tobias noticed. He asked her if she was all right when they returned to his car. Once again, she insisted everything was fine. But the ride was marred with an unusual silence that no amount of music could erase. After parking the car, they walked to his house when a pretty young woman walking a Shih Tzu smiled his way.
“Morning, Tobias,” she smiled, nodding at Casey.
“Hey, Mary! Good seeing you,” he replied. "You too, Shotzie!"
They had barely taken a few steps away when Casey asked. “So, did you fuck her, too?”
“Nothing,” Casey replied with a frown.
Tobias took a deep breath of the warm summer air and exhaled slowly. “I know I have a reputation, Casey... but I didn’t sleep with everyone we bump into.”
“Really?” She replied, dropping her hand from his as they reached his door. “Because sometimes it sure feels that way.”
Tobias lingered by the doorway as Casey stepped inside, tossing her purse on a side table before plopping down on his couch. Her expression was a complex mix of self-reproach, frustration with him, and reluctant acceptance. Tobias’s face transformed rapidly, moving from shock to annoyance and finally to determination in mere seconds. He locked the door, and the sound of his keys clattering against the marble table echoed through the room.
“All right, this can’t continue. Casey, we need to talk.”
She sat on the edge of the couch, nervously twisting a strand of her hair. She loved him, and he was right—they did need to talk. But those were the four most dreaded words in the English language, and right now, she felt like their first conflict was all her fault. Tears welled in her eyes when Tobias knelt before her, his eyes full of concern and love.
“Casey, what’s bothering you? When you started acting a little jealous here and there, I honestly thought it was endearing. Maybe it’s stupid, but I’ve never meant that much to anyone before, and it was nice to feel like I mattered enough for jealousy to be a real thing... but now I can see it’s not cute. It’s making you feel uneasy, and it’s making me feel like you don’t trust me, and none of this is good. So, how do we get past it?”
“Tobias, I know you have a past; we both do, even if yours is a little more colorful than mine. It never bothered me, but lately, I feel like we'll need to leave the state if I want to go a day without running into one of your former lovers, and it’s harder than I expected it to be. Especially when it’s obvious that they would love another chance at you.”
“Hon,” he said, brushing a strand of hair away from her face. “You know you have nothing to worry about, right? No one is a threat to you.”
She took a deep breath, her eyes meeting his. “I know that, and I trust you, but seeing these women all the time... and they’re all so beautiful, so perfect... and sometimes all I can think of is that there is no way I can be enough for you. I wonder how long it will be before you think so, too, and it hurts. I know it’s irrational, and it’s not fair to you. You’ve done nothing to make me feel this way. It’s only me feeling like I’m... inadequate, and I’m mad at myself for even feeling this way.”
“Your feelings are never irrational, Case. They’re real and valid. You’re also the only thing that matters to me, so what can I do to help you feel more secure?”
“I don’t know, I just feel like I can’t compete with them.”
“You’re right... because there is no competition, and if there were trust, you’d win.”
She looked at him, and the sincerity and concern in his eyes warmed her heart but also filled her with guilt. Tears welled up as she lowered her head.
“I don’t know. I guess I need reassurance sometimes, but I hate asking for it. I’m usually so much more confident than this, and I don’t want to seem needy.”
“You’re not needy. You’re human,” Tobias said softly. “Plus, you’ve dealt with so much in this past year. You have no idea how much you amaze me. You're so strong, and I hate to see you doubt yourself, especially if it’s on my account.”
“No, Tobias,” she interrupted. This is a me problem—one hundred percent a me problem."
“Well, maybe, but that doesn't mean I'm not here for you. I love you, and I chose you. My past is just that – the past. You are my present, and I hope you’ll be my future, too.”
He let out a soft chuckle, and Casey looked at him with questioning eyes. “What?”
“If it makes you feel any better, sometimes I could use some reassurance, too.”
“You?” She astounded. “You’re the most confident person I know. You feel insecure? When?”
“Hey, it happens,” he smiled, sitting next to her and taking her in his arms. “I’m nearly forty, and yeah, I’ve had a lot of... flings... in my life, but love... the real deal? This is brand new to me. You know it scared the hell out of me at first, and even though it doesn’t anymore.... sometimes I have to wonder if I’m doing it right.”
“Oh, honey. You’re doing it so right. You’re so good to me, and I feel so loved.”
“And do I measure up?” he asked, his voice barely a whisper. Casey pulled back, her brows knit together.
“Measure up? To who?”
“Look, I don’t care how many people you slept with before me. You’re with me now, and I’m not worried about that. But you had something with others that I never had... you had love. And because you have this big heart, most of the people you loved are still in your life.”
“Tobias, they may be in my life, and yeah, I suppose I still love them... but not in that way any longer... not in the way that I love you.”
“I know that,” he smiled. “Rationally, I know that. But this love thing... it’s something that I’ve only shared with you, and, now and then, a little bit of self-doubt creeps in, and... when that happens, I could use reassurance, too.”
“I... I never would have thought... you don’t have to worry about that, Tobias. You're the love of my life, and I want this to last forever."
“I do, too," He smiled and pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead. “So why don’t we talk to each other when we’re feeling a little off? We’re a team now, remember? We can work through anything as a team."
Casey nodded, feeling the weight lifting from her shoulders. “Yes, we can. And I promise to talk to you instead of letting things eat at me in the future.”
“That’s all I ask,” he replied, pulling her into a comforting embrace. “We’ve got a great thing, kid. We’ll get through this; I know we will.”
She rested her head on his shoulder, feeling nothing but warmth in his embrace. “So, what’s your opinion on this love thing?” she asked with a little grin.
“Heh,” he chuckled. “It’s wild... a bit of a rollercoaster ride, but honestly, it’s the best thrill of my life. I wouldn’t trade it for the world.”
“It is like a rollercoaster,” she agreed. “But you know what my favorite part of rollercoasters is? The way we hold on tight and don’t let go.”
A bright grin spread across his face, and he held Casey as close as he could. “Trust me, sweetheart,” he whispered. “I will never, ever let go.”
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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alj4890 · 1 year
L-O-V-E Part 2 (Liam x Riley)
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A/N The writer's block is killing me. I know how I want this to go but every time I sit to work on it, the words just don't come. So let's try once more with this storyline.
Rating: G for fluff
@gkittylove99 @kingliam2019 @texaskitten30 @yourmajesty09 @mom2000aggie @ofpixelsandscribbles @twinkleallnight @lodberg  @amandablink @neotericthemis  @mm2305 @sfb123 @tessa-liam @thesvnsins @krsnlove @choicesficwriterscreations
L-O-V-E Part 2
Charlotte's chambers...
"Your highness?"
Charlotte blinked a few times only to realize she had become distracted.
A servant waited on her to finish discussing the plans for dinner this evening.
"Forgive me." Charlotte's nose wrinkled over her thoughts drifting to the young man her sister had brought along. "I believe there will be at least eleven of us this evening. Perhaps we should plan for twelve in case the Duchess of Lythikos decides to make an appearance."
"Very good, your highness." The servant bowed as he backed out of her sitting room.
Charlotte waited until the door was shut before flopping back onto her couch. She stared up at the ceiling, eyes tracing the intricate crown molding, while wondering why she couldn't get Sean off her mind.
Perhaps it is because he is my sister's best friend. That must be why I'm so interested in him. Shouldn't I want to know more about him to make certain he isn't the type to take advantage of her new status and fortune?
Charlotte could only deceive herself for so long. She knew her reasons for fixating upon the young man were simple: she found him very physically attractive.
His dark, nearly black eyes shined with a great deal of intelligence. His smile was warm with a touch of humor. His thick head of ink black hair made her long to run her fingers through it to see if it was as soft it appeared. He wasn't too terribly tall, which made her grateful.
She'd never liked being dwarfed by many of the noblemen and diplomats who regularly visited her father's court. They almost seemed to use their immense size to push whatever agenda they were after upon her petite figure.
They soon realized that though she was soft spoken and genuinely pleasant, she had a backbone of steel that no amount of posturing or arguing could cause her to bend in ways she was opposed to.
Charlotte released a sigh as her imagination drifted once more to what she found appealing in Sean.
She jumped when her phone rang.
"Hey. It's Sean."
She rolled off the couch at the sound of his voice.
"What was that?" He asked when he heard her hit the floor.
"Nothing!" She winced as she stumbled to her feet. "How may I help you?"
He cleared his throat. "I was wondering, if um, I could go for a walk. Outside."
"Of course!" She replied. "We have many lovely trails throughout the palace grounds."
"Which one is your favorite?" He asked.
"Hmm." Charlotte contemplated that for a few moments. "I think I tend to take the trail that takes me to the apple orchard more often than the others."
"Would you like to go with me?" He asked a touch nervously. "Or if you're too busy, could you at least point it out."
"I'd love to." She replied. "Nothing would make me happier than showing you one of my favorite places."
"Great! I was hoping you would go with me!"
His enthusiastic outburst brought a smile to her face.
Sean cleared his throat. "I will wait here for you since I'm not sure where your room is."
"I'm on my way."
She set her phone down then ran into her bathroom. She stopped in front of the large floor to ceiling mirror to critically take in her face and figure. A slight groan escaped as she tried to decide whether or not to change clothes once again.
Knowing it would take too long to decide on a new outfit to wear, Charlotte swiped up her powder to touch up her makeup. She brushed her hair until it fell in soft golden waves upon her shoulders. While tucking a stray strand behind her ear, she wondered if Sean found her pretty.
Twirling around to make certain that all was as it should be, she practically skipped out of her room.
Perhaps this walk would allow her to find out if this attraction she felt was mutual.
Liam's study, second floor of palace...
Liam glanced up when he heard voices coming down the hall. With a smile forming he got to his feet to greet the group of people who had remained by his side all these years.
Hana entered before Drake and Maxwell. Very little had changed her appearance over the past twenty years. She was still strikingly beautiful, graced with a warm smile that revealed how kind she still was. Her figure made one think it was impossible that she was the mother of three.
Drake's dark hair was sprinkled with gray strands which he swore was from dealing with Maxwell's antics along with now having a teenager of his own.
Maxwell's few wrinkles came from years of laughter and smiling. He still was the same, inside and out, that he'd always been.
"Are they here?" Maxwell asked.
"Yes. They're upstairs resting." Liam asked a servant to bring in refreshments. "And Riley can't wait to see you again."
"I can't believe she's here" Drake remarked. "The night Brooks left, I was sure we'd never see her again."
Hana wiped at the few happy tears that spilled out. "I didn't think we would either."
"And to think that our Blossom went and had a little blossom all on her own." Maxwell shook his head. "That had to be tough on her."
"Did you bring your families with you?" Liam asked.
He was worried that too many people might make Riley and Hope uncomfortable for their first night back.
"No." Hana's smile dimmed some at the mention of family "I told Neville that he should remain at Comery Isle with the children until the night of the ball."
"Candace has to work the night shift at the hospital these next few days." Drake explained about his own spouse. "She'll be off the night of the ball and will come then. Jackson has a big project to work on plus he's got a new girlfriend."
Drake rolled his eyes over Maxwell's catcall.
"He's so wrapped up in her that I doubt he heard me explain the plans we have for this week."
Maxwell grinned when they all turned towards him.
"Sherry's out of town again for a photoshoot." He told them with a hint of pride over his famous photographer of a wife. "She took Annabelle with her to practice with her new camera. They should be back by the ball."
"Good." Liam relaxed some. "I invited Olivia to join us. She said she might come."
He hesitated as he thought of their unusual past. He never understood why Olivia left early the night of the coronation. She'd been in tears and yet she seemed only willing to speak to Riley.
He never found out what had bothered her nor why she remained for the most part in Lythikos. Olivia only came to the capital when it was a direct invitation from Liam. She'd accepted an arranged marriage offer from the late Duke of Domvallier to marry his heir, Rashad.
They had two children, an heir for each of their duchy's, and for the most part lived apart. Rashad's work schedule kept him out of the country for the majority of the year, yet he made certain to spend as much time as he could with his children. He and Olivia got on well together, both having a loyal, determined work ethic, and had been strong supporters of Liam as king and now of Charlotte as future queen.
Liam couldn't help but think how many of them had settled for arranged marriages. He originally thought there was nothing wrong with them. But then, a certain American came along and opened his eyes to possibilities he'd once thought were impossible.
Perhaps they had been. After all, he ended up married to Madeleine. Hana agreed to her parents' decision to match her to Neville Vancouer. Olivia accepted Rashad shortly after Liam married.
It took years for Drake to find someone he could love. One night, shortly after Charlotte was born, he confessed to Liam that he'd fallen in love with Riley. Drake told him how she didn't return his feelings, having fallen for Liam, but that he didn't know if he would ever find someone who could make him feel that strongly again.
When Charlotte was three, she came down with tonsillitis. Candace was the nurse brought in to help care for her during her recovery from surgery. Drake was still living at the palace at the time and the two began to hang out while the little princess slept.
Two years after that, Candace became pregnant. The couple eloped and had settled down on a plot of land Liam had gifted them with. Drake began to raise and train race horses, becoming the most sought-after trainer in Europe.
Maxwell went nearly a decade before meeting someone he could fall head over heels for. He'd become a romance author. His first book was a fictionalized version of Liam and Riley's relationship. He'd made sure to give them the happy ending he'd wished his friends could have had.
After his first novel was turned into a movie, he'd gone on to create an entire Royal Romance series with the cast of characters who eerily resembled those he knew so well. His stories bordered on the line of absurdity with threats from foreign powers if the princess was not put into an arranged marriage along with the fictional king having an unknown sister who was in a secret society that controlled all the powerful people of the world.
Cordonians devoured the books and films that followed.
When HBO offered him a chance to create a series to rival Netflix's The Crown, he not only said yes, but also met his future wife.
Sherry was the one to shoot the photographs from his interview and then those on the set. Her fun loving nature matched his and the two began a love affair that led to marriage and the birth of their own daughter.
Liam wondered though what would have happened to them if Riley had been here. How different would their lives have been if they'd had her friendship and support?
Would they each have different lives or would things have basically worked out the way they had?
As his friends talked about the past, he decided to forget the what ifs in his life and focus on the present and possible future.
"So?" Maxwell nudged him. "You and Riley still have sparks?"
Liam's eyes widened. "I certainly feel them. I'm not certain she does though."
"Ask her out." Drake argued. "You're single. She's single. What have you got to lose?"
"I have a great deal to lose." Liam pointed out. "I want a relationship with Hope like I have with Charlotte. If I ruin things by pushing Riley into a relationship, then chances are that I will ruin them with Hope."
"You can't miss out on love again." Maxwell told him.
Hana nodded, reaching for his hand. "You know what it's like to be in a marriage without love. We both do. Don't lose out on this rare chance."
Liam gently squeezed her hand in understanding. He got to his feet and paced over to the window to look out over the palace grounds. His attention was captured by the sight of Charlotte walking with Sean towards the apple orchard.
His lips curved when the young man stumbled. His daughter stopped him from falling then kept her arm linked with his as they continued on. They both were laughing and gazing at one another as if no one else existed.
He then noticed movement to his right.
Hope and Bartie we're rushing over to the hedge maze. They were holding hands while Bartie pulled her into the entrance. Even from this distance, Liam could see the excited smile upon her face.
He wanted that. He wanted his daughters to find love with two young men he approved of. He wanted to find love again. He wanted Riley to find it too.
But he wanted her to find it with him.
Liam turned back towards the three people he trusted the most.
"I already asked Riley to be my date for the ball."
The hopefulness in their faces made him grimace with what needed to be said.
"She didn't necessarily say no, but she did state that she was a scandalous woman and that she doubted anyone would approve of us being seen together."
The three remained silent.
"Then we'll have a talk with her." Hana decided.
"Playing Cupid is what I'm best at." Maxwell added. "Time to put my skills to work once again."
"If ever there were two people made for one another, it was you and Brooks." Drake said when Hana and Maxwell pointedly looked at him. "We'll convince her to give you a chance."
"Thank you." Liam glanced out the window again. "Hopefully, all will work out like it should."
The hedge maze...
"So you're a lord?" Hope asked.
"I am Lord Barthelemy Beaumont, heir to the Ramsford duchy." He replied. "Though I prefer to be just Bartie to those I am close to, which drives my father crazy."
She laughed over the face he made.
"I've never met a real life lord before."
"Am I everything you imagined?" He teased.
"Not at all." She squeezed his hand. "You are way more fun than I expected."
"I wish I could say that all of my rank are like this, but sadly I'm the only one." Bartie tugged her down a pathway.
"What about my sister?" Hope asked. "Charlotte is able to be fun while still maintaining her princess decorum."
"That's what I've always loved about Lottie." Bartie replied. "She is exactly what you see." He winked at Hope. "But she's not a lord."
She rolled her eyes with a giggle. "I know that. I meant she's part of your world yet still fun."
"That's why she's been my best friend since childhood." He turned a corner to a spot he thought Hope would find symbolically beautiful.
"I know that's why Sean has been my--"
Hope gasped at the sight of dozens of rose bushes waiting for the chance to bloom.
"Like it?" He asked with a grin.
"It must be beautiful in the spring!"
"Your grandmother planted these." He told her.
"She did?"
"This is the spot where King Constantine proposed to Queen Eleanor. To keep it special, she personally planted every single rose bush. He had that bench and trellis built for them to sneak off too during balls and such."
Hope walked over to it and read the engraved gold plaque.
For my Eleanor and the endless joy she has given me.
"He must have been a romantic." Hope replied.
"I think so too." Bartie joined her on the bench. "Though their time together was short, I believe they were very happy."
"That's all I want out of life." Hope sighed at the thought. "Someone to simply be happy with, share things with, laugh with..."
"Sneak around palaces with?" Bartie added while draping his arm along the back of the bench.
Hope laughed then turned towards him.
"Who wouldn't want someone to sneak around palaces with?" She teased. "That's the foundation to any romantic relationship."
He chuckled, fingers gently brushing her shoulder.
"So that's what makes a relationship romantic?"
Hope's cheeks flared with color. Her eyes though held his.
"Well yeah. Didn't you know that?"
His eyes dropped to her lips. "I mean, I always assumed it was."
"First comes sneaking around," she explained, "then comes the knowledge of what this means."
"And then?" He lowered his head towards hers.
"And then," she licked her lips, head tilting in anticipation, "there's a kiss."
Her eyes closed over the first touch of his lips. The soft kiss made her melt against him. Bartie moved his lips against hers in an achingly slow fashion as if he was savoring every single second.
Hope tangled her fingers in his hair when he deepened the kiss.
It was, she decided before all ability to think fled her, the most romantic kiss she'd ever received.
Riley's room...
After waking from a much needed nap, Riley took a shower. As she went through the typical motions of drying her hair and such, it hit her that not only was she in the same spot she was twenty years ago but that the man she'd fallen head over heels for was once again asking her out.
And just like that young woman she once was, she was highly tempted to say yes to his escort to the ball.
"I guess I've never really grown up." She said to her reflection.
It didn't matter that she'd gone on to raise a child of her own or that she was a successful woman who had managed to have a career and family all by herself.
There was simply something about Liam that made all her common sense disappear.
Logically, she knew she should not encourage anything with him. Her past would be held against her. She'd been photographed in her underwear with another man. That alone would be a source of contempt regardless of whether or not she'd had the reigning monarch's child.
She could only imagine the media blitz that would strike the moment she entered the ballroom with Liam.
Riley couldn't do that to Hope. She wanted her to have a peaceful existence here. She knew there would be whispers and whatnot about her previous visit to Cordonia, but she believed that the people would focus on getting to know their new princess more so than on her mother's past.
As long as nothing scandalous occurred, Hope would be welcomed with open arms.
The only way to ensure that Riley was not caught in anything questionable, was to not do anything to draw attention to herself.
Like going on a date with the king.
With a loud groan, she slipped her shoes on and left the comfort of her room.
If she could manage to get through dinner without any more temptation, then her first night back in Cordonia would be a success.
I can do this, she thought to herself. "No matter what, I'll just steer clear of Liam.
"Your grace," a servant bowed as he held the door open.
Olivia gave a short nod as she walked through the front door of the palace. Her attention was immediately drawn to the woman hurrying down the stairs.
Riley looked up and came to a halt at the sight of the duchess she'd once competed with.
Smiles dawned on both their faces as they walked over to greet the other.
"It's good to see you again." Olivia suffered through Riley's impulsive hug.
"And you." Riley stepped back, shaking her head in disbelief. "How did you manage to not age like the rest of us?"
Olivia smirked, linking her arm with Riley's, as they followed a footman toward the dining room.
"The air in Lythikos freezes more than water."
Riley laughed, feeling her earlier tension lessen. "I need to visit. Time is trying to march across my face every night."
"You should. You and your daughter will always be welcome." Olivia replied.
Riley gently squeezed her arm. "Thank you."
Olivia truly meant her invitation. Though she was cold and distant to most of the people from her past, she couldn't be with Riley. For over twenty years, Riley had kept her family's secret. She could have sold it to the press for money, especially when she discovered she was pregnant. Yet, Riley had proven that she was truly a friend, one that the duchess could let her guard down somewhat.
And for that, Olivia would remain loyal to her and her daughter.
The two stepped into the dining room, causing the conversations to abruptly stop.
Before Riley could say a word of greeting, she was snatched up in multiple hugs from Maxwell and Hana. Even Drake gave her a brief hug.
While the four talked over one another, Liam edged around them to be able to speak to Olivia.
"I'm glad you decided to come." He pressed a kiss to her hand. "It's been a long time since your last visit to the palace."
Olivia lowered her eyes. "I know. How is Charlotte?"
"She is in alt over having Hope here. I can't wait for you to see them together."
"Are they not joining us for dinner?" She asked.
"They are supposed to." He checked the time. "It isn't like Charlotte to be late."
Riley overheard him as she talked to Bertrand and Savannah. "Sadly it is for Hope."
At that moment the two girls rushed in with shy smiles for everyone.
The two young men following at their heels also had apologies at the ready for their tardiness.
Liam waived those away with assurances that it didn't matter. He then stood between his two daughters and proudly introduced Hope to his friends and Regina.
Exclamations followed on how much she looked like Riley had all those years ago. Then everyone began to ask her questions about her studies, her hobbies, and anything else that came to mind.
Hope's nerves lessened with having Charlotte and her father practically beaming with delight in having her there. Their kindness and acceptance was still such a shock to her. She didn't know how she'd ended up so lucky to have such people as family.
Her mother sat not too far away and smiled encouragingly at her while helping her answer some of the questions. She didn't know what she would have done without her mother always there as her biggest champion.
Sean too explained their years growing up and what kind of child Hope had been. He made everyone laugh with many of the stories of their adventures around New York. Hope also noticed that he made certain to make Charlotte laugh as much as he could. His eyes always drifted back to the crown princess. Hope couldn't be more pleased with this new development.
Hope also had a new, unexpected champion sitting beside her. Bartie slipped his hand discreetly into hers under the table each time a question was asked. His fingers twined with hers, letting her know she wasn't alone.
As the dinner went on, Hope relaxed and thought she might be able to hold up well talking to more people in her father and sister's world. At least she hoped that would be the case.
She honestly was terrified of the upcoming ball.
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rustyharveysbox · 5 months
"You wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where they raised me"
The asylum they raised me in:
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choices-binglebonkus · 5 months
When you think about it, all the events of It Lives in the Woods could have been prevented if the kids’ shitty parents had paid more attention and didn’t let their 7-9 year old children go gallivanting around in the woods by themselves.
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dykedvonte · 5 months
I'm sorry the Brotherhood of Steel is so goofy in the show but the idea that not a single member thought "Maybe we should use a ball instead of fucking rocks" to play post-apocalyptic basketball is so funny and in character for how the BoS operates in general.
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kilvalir · 5 months
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Old commission of my ILW MC, Vax, by @littlestpersimmon 🖤
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ghoostrash · 1 year
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I just finished reading It Lives in the Woods
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zhoumeyourlove · 18 days
reading Choices books when you don’t want the forced LI
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chanceisagoodboy · 19 days
*Rises back because blades of light and shadow is coming back*
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ricobutaddn · 4 months
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Tom is best boy and you canNOT tell me i'm wrong. LOOK AT HIM!!! (it was at first supposed to be anatomy studies and oops, i doodled more of him)
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pulpitude · 3 months
pb in 2022: "this chapter contains discussions of sexual assault which we are aware might be triggering to some, so we added an option to skip over the dialogue and only mention the relevant details. feel free to skip over this scene if you feel most comfortable doing so, you matter."
pb in 2024: "omg a love interest that thinks you saying no to them is a turn on (and there's no option at all to be concerned or squicked out, only to tease them for it) 🥰 isn't that so hot??? <3"
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jerzwriter · 1 year
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That's all.
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miilkyrolls · 6 months
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pov: Gabriel
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yourqueenb · 10 months
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Oh they fucking ate with her design
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choices-binglebonkus · 6 months
Choices in 2024
The MCs
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The Artwork (and the writing too if we’re being honest lol)
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The Original Writers
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The Single LI
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The Choices
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The MC/LI Dynamic
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The Fandom
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The Sex Scenes
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cherries-in-wine · 5 months
I find it so funny when Astoria or Lewyn pop up out of nowhere whenever mc fucks up like WOW I would assume being alive for centuries would make you a little less unemployed like you two desperately need a job that's not terrorising a poor highschool kid.
Honestly MC has more patience than me by now I would've set the entire town on fire for real just out of spite.
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