#shows campy
dykedvonte · 2 months
I'm sorry the Brotherhood of Steel is so goofy in the show but the idea that not a single member thought "Maybe we should use a ball instead of fucking rocks" to play post-apocalyptic basketball is so funny and in character for how the BoS operates in general.
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heyitsspaceace · 6 months
“doctor who is too silly now!”
oh you mean the doctor who that has flattened human skin as a character? the doctor who that has the episode love and monsters? the doctor who that says that the english royal family is werewolves? the doctor who that has james corden in it? the doctor who that in the same episode that james corden is in not only does the doctor speak baby, but the baby wants to be named Stormageddon, Dark Lord of All, AND the doctor can also play soccer very well.
doctor who has always been silly
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goryhorroor · 2 months
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horror sub-genres: campy
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odetokeons · 11 months
i don't know what this movie genre is called, but it's my favourite movie genre
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kiwicorgii · 4 months
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i finally started doctor who.. i get it now guys,, i am deep in the trenches with you , this show is insane-
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Vincent Price guest stars on The Muppet Show (1977)
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chaos0pikachu · 1 year
one of my favorite scenes in all of word of honor is episode 14 at exactly the 2min mark where ye baiyi shows up and is like "you're my idiot students idiot stupid idiocity is generational anyway strip my Immortal Daddy sense tells me you ill as fuck" and zhou zishu is like "you want me to STRIP in the middle of the HOTEL LOBBY???" and YBY is like, "god millennials these days" and then they fight and YBY rips a piece of ZZS's undershirt off and the camera pans to it gently fluttering in the wind like it's the last love letter of a jane austen char got from their beloved with news they died in the war as they gaze over the cliffside over the stormy ocean and then BAM Wen KeXing shows up like a jerry springer guest from the side door and is like "UNHAND MY BELOVED THE REASON MY HEART BEATS EACH MORNING WHEN THE SUN RISES" and catches ZZS by his tiny waist to dramatic spin for extra fruit flavor and YBY is like "who the fuck invited this twink?" and then they fight and it explodes a river and shit and ZZS is like "omg you're gonna wake up the whole neighborhood!!" and YBY is like "I'm literally to Daddy to be dealing with this shit just strip so I can diagnose your martial arts cancer" and WKX is like "MY BABY HAS CANCER???" and tries to strip ZZS himself and ZZS is like "what in the fucking 90s shojo manga by Yu Watase Fushigi Yugi shit is this we're in a CLAMP manga stop pulling at my clothes!!!!" and then just to be extra dramatic and Gay (tm) ZZS rips open his own shirt to reveal *gasp* three nipples nails of martial arts cancer and YBY is just like "damn bae you fucked" and WKX has a complete Gay Breakdown
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Some of the reactions to doctor who are genuinely baffling to me. I saw one comment from someone who said they'd been watching since 1987 and this new series had totally put them off like. Sorry these episodes didn't match the shakespearean heights of *checks notes* Delta and the Bannermen
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gayspock · 1 year
i love it when a tv show has lows that are so low you're so ashamed to ever show it to anyone ever but then highs that melt your brain a bit, like, "good fucking god, this is genuinely such an astounding piece of craftmanship... my perception of the medium, and perhaps of myself, has been challenged/changed in 40 minutes" but you cant even express that to ppl without feeling like youre fucking deranged bc my god the lows .....
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spectraling · 8 months
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I'm here. You're safe 🌊🧜‍♂️
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jules-tells-a-story · 8 months
i think we as a society need to return to campy movies. i wanna see more "ghostbusters," more "repo! the genetic opera," more "rocky horror picture show." i wanna see more movies where you can see the effects, where it's all over the place and insane, where the music isn't something you'd find in an opera house, but you can tell that the people behind it put their whole chests, their blood, sweat, and tears into it. you don't need avatar level special effects to make a good project. you don't need marvel level complexity to make a good story. you don't need john williams making your soundtrack to have good music. we should be less afraid of movies being seen as "flawed" or "imperfect" because imo, that just makes them all the more fun and heartfelt.
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solarmorrigan · 1 year
80s Vampire Movie Steddie AU
No listen hear me out
Steve is working the closing shift Friday night at Family Video (open until midnight. Fucking awful if you ask Steve)
It’s just after eleven and it’s been a surprisingly quiet night. It looks like he might actually get out of here on time for once, instead of being held up by annoying, indecisive customers who leave the store a mess
Aaaand he spoke too soon, because someone just came barreling in through front doors, panting and wild-eyed like they’re being chased by the hounds of hell (or the cops)
(Why do the weird ones always come in on Steve’s shift?)
But then Steve does a double take, because he actually recognizes this guy. Long hair, patched vest, chains–
It is indeed Eddie Munson, resident drug dealer and fucking nerd of Hawkins High. He’d been doubled over, hands on his knees while trying desperately to catch his breath, but Steve’s voice seems to shock him back into action; he scrambles for the front doors and turns the lock with fumbling fingers
“Hey, man,” Steve says slowly, watching as Eddie backs away from the doors again, “I don’t want any trouble.”
Eddie looks at Steve for the first time since entering the store, and Steve is simultaneously reassured that he’s not about to be robbed, and put on edge by whatever put that look of terror on Eddie’s face
“There’s–” Eddie gasps, still trying to get his breath back, “There’s something after me!”
“Something? Like what? Like– like a dog?” Steve rounds the counter to stand by Eddie, the hairs on the back of his neck standing up (he still remembers those fucking vicious junkyard dogs he and Dustin’s friends had run into when they’d been out searching for Dustin’s cat; Steve still can’t hear barking without jumping a little)
“No, man.” Eddie shakes his head hard, hair flying. “It was – It was like–”
“Dude, spit it out.”
“Okay, look, I was doing a deal. Met my buyer at the park, next street over, right? And we’re just finishing up when this – he just looked like a guy, he walked up, and I thought we were busted, but instead, he – it–” Eddie swallows hard. “It grabbed my buyer and fucking – it ripped her fucking throat out.”
“It had these crazy red eyes and fucking fangs and I think it was, like– drinking her blood?” Eddie’s voice is shrill, clearly still panicked, but all of Steve’s alarm quickly plummets into annoyance
He might not be a pop culture nerd, but the kids have forced him to sit through Fright Night enough times for Steve to know where this is going
“Drinking her blood, huh?” Steve asks flatly. “Like a vampire.”
“I fucking guess!” Eddie shouts, digging his fingers into his hair and tugging
Steve rolls his eyes. “Okay, man, I think you’ve been hitting your own stock a little too hard. Just take a couple of deep breaths and–”
“Harrington, I’m not making this up!” Eddie snaps, rounding on Steve. “I’m not fucking hallucinating, there’s something out there!”
Holding his hands up placatingly, Steve nods. “I know you’re freaked out right now, but there’s no such thing as vampires.”
“Tell that to the girl whose fucking throat just got ripped out!”
The argument is interrupted when someone—or something—slams against the front doors
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goryhorroor · 2 years
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horror sub-genres • campy
campy horror is absurdly exaggerated, low-budgeted, artificial, or affected in a usually humorous way. camp is, in a way, a rebellion: a rebellion against the growing inaccessibility of art and film by the lower class.
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ace-geographer · 1 year
Hey everyone, may I offer you all some text post memes in these trying times?
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Part 10/?
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logicallyblind · 5 days
you don’t understand the amount of money i would be willing to pay for a batfamily related film shot in the style and feel of the live action scooby doo movies from the early 2000s oh my god-
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Vincent Price guest stars on The Muppet Show (1977)
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