zainbap · 5 years
How are you after those Yongguk pictures?
I woke up this morning half believing they were a dream tbh, I’m still not sure how to process this. What. The fuck. Is going on.
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aegyo-chan · 6 years
3. mutual(s) you’d want to [enter activity of own choice] with?I want to watch snow with you @choimomo and visit that lake you told me about! And oh go shopping for that orange sweater we both like so much!
4. cutest mutual(s)?All my mutuals are so cute OMG @choimomo @brainboxercheetos @cmimiu @ayzis
5. mutual(s) you’re intimidated by?Haha not intimidated, just shy and awkward @zainbap
6. favorite mutual(s)?I love all of my mutuals OMG this is hard @monbebyz @choimomo @brainboxercheetos @thediebutterfly @b-124a-p-224 @ayzis @passionatemelodies @kitty-dae
7. mutual(s) you want to get to know better?@chadory0124 @wingssomnia
8. mutual(s) you really want to meet up with?@choimomo @monbebyz @passionatemelodies @brainboxercheetos and Danne you don't use Tumblr anymore but you know I wanna come over @alot-of-kiwi
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jookyun · 6 years
6, 12, 17
6. who do you think the best dancer in k-pop is? 
ooh damn well it depends on what style.. for contemporary i would say hakyeon. for anything else i would say jongup i think. for super powerful or swaggy dances i’m going with jooheon. taemin is also amazing
12. soft songs or loud songs, which do you like better?
i’m a rnb kinda girl so i guess i would say soft songs but not ballads lol
17. best singers in K-pop?
kihyun, daehyun, ken. case closed 
some kpop asks
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candymayvary · 6 years
choimomo replied to your post “you know… i just really want to play mcl lmfao”
same, I wanna play so bad, but I don't wanna pay for it so...
honestly!!! but i also dont want to just get Stuck in the middle of an episode either.... god....
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choimomo · 7 years
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I got tagged by @aegyo-chan again, this time for the bias selca tag. So here is my face. And Zelo. I love that selca of him. I don’t take that much pictures of myself so here is a picture I took while waiting for B.A.P concert in New York in 2017. Not tagging anyone this time.
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bapwoo · 6 years
I was tagged by one of my fave mutuals @bb-bambam and since I got some free time, I will do this tag thingy-lingy
1. Who is your bias:
I have many biases. This time I will pick one and only Ravi(yolo).
2. What made you notice them:
I assume that them is used as neutral pronouns here lol (because I am too lazy to rewrite my first answer lol). The first thing that made me notice him was his distinctive, deep, and soothing voice. Also his look is just something you remember. I remembered him and could recognize him way before I stanned VIXX. 
3. What is your favorite thing about them:
That thing that he looks like some badass tough guy but in reality he is huge softie with big heart. He is just trying to hide it behind that badass aura. 
4. Who would initiate skinship more:
S-S-Skinship.......... oh god. My mind is going dark just imagining it lol. Anyway... since I almost jumped on him during his concert I think it would be me lol. He just doesn’t make me chill. 
5. Who would hog the blankets more:
I think it would be equal. Instant fight over blankets lol.
6. Who would be more clingy:
Hmmmm... I thing that maybe me? Even though I am not the type who shows emotions easily. But... it him. I would make an exception lol.
7. Who would say i love you first:
I know who would definitely not say it probably ever lol. And that is me aohrofh.
8. Who would be more easily flustered:
Deep inside, both of us. On the outside, never lol. 
9. What cuddle position would you two have:
On the couch, me on his lap hugging me, me playing with his hands and on my lap Butt lol.
10. Which colors remind you of them:
Purple (definitely not because of Shangri-la era)
11. Which season would you like to spend with them:
12. Who would bake cookies and who would steal the batter:
I would be baking and he would steal.
This was kinda fun even tho it made me sad that I do not have anyone like him and that I will never have. But man... the girl who ends up with him is lucky one lolololol. 
I will tag @dragonsfire (I got a lot of tags from you and I promise I will go through it but man I am glad that I have time to stop by tumblr and reblog few posts lol), @gogomato @shineekeylover @choimomo @pechalka-tyan @dearseonghwa @be-the-piano @unclejuho have fun if you are gonna do it hehehhehe
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banacafe · 7 years
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NOTE: I unfollowed a list of inactive blogs (those who haven’t touched for more than 6 months). Also, due to many of my semi-hiauts since last year, I lost track on the blogs who changed their usernames, so if you noticed that I unfollowed you due this, feel free to message me.
I’ve been here for three years now, and so many things happened within this time: a handful of mutuals deleted, some unfollowed, and a few kept their distance, but there are still so many great people who are with me. Even though I slowly became a B1A4 blog, I am happy that you all still stuck with me. I am thankful for both of these things. Remember that hardships happen to make you stronger. Thank you all, and stay as you are. Don’t forget to be YOU.
BOLD = Mutuals
♛ = Quality Blogs AKA blogs that are too cool for me to talk to
# - B
@00levandi ♛ / @01chuu / @1991shinwoo / @55kumamons ♛ / @93daes / @99minseok / @ababyz5ever / @aegyo-chan / @aleyongguk / @amorala / @anopenhorizon / @aomcheese / @asvang / @ayzis / @b-124a-p-224♛ / @b-ap/ @b90xng15 / @baematoki ♛ / @bang-sayang / @bang2jae / @banghim-baby / @banghim-s2-baekyeol / @bap-ftw ♛ / @bapfeelsthings / @bap-goddess / @bapgguk / @bapgudan / @baploona / @bapofficial ♛ / @bapquality ♛ / @bbangception ♛ / @bbcblackjack / @bestabsolutesuperjunior / @bookshelfofwonder / @brainboxercheetos / @brainboxy /  @bwiyomi / @bxngster
C - E
@cassie-babyz / @chandeuls ♛  / @chasing-1004 / @chasingyoungjae / @chiquitabae / @choimomo / @clae-hyuns ♛ / @cnugallery ♛ ♛ ♛ / @cropeline / @cybercnu ♛ / @cynthiabang / @diamond-4-luna / @dreamgukkie / @daehnii / @daehyuns-uneven-buttcheeks / @daehyunsgiggle / @daehyunny / @daeminator / @damnjongup / @detectiveconan43 / @eatyourbap / @eberry / @eotteokhaji-s / @eternalhope
F - J
@fluffyjae / @fluffypuppychan ♛ / @fthyung / @fyegenius  / @gukkielover ♛  / @haenoona / @hellazelo / @heart-baek-bleed / @heartstrings11 / @herchanchan / @herecomedatjohnny / @hersheyskisses81 / @hiddenhina / @him-up ♛  / @himdaes ♛  / @himchannie-lexi / @himchansflowerpants / @heongs ♛  / @husberttee / @imtheunluckyfangirl / @ishypixi/ @jaesbrainbox / @jello-baby / @jinyeowoo / @jongupism / @jonqups / @juneazure / @jungdaehyun1004 / @juniiorroyal
K - P
@kaimint / @kamikazekatherine / @kim-himchan / @kimchans / @kimfeline /  @kitty-dae / @kongflower / @korellana / @ksooya ♛ / @kwoncept ♛ / @lilyalana / @lostinorbiit / @loudunspoken / @lovebabycass / @matoki-project ♛ / @meaty-glory-himchans-thighs / @mellowyellowzelo / @meowsoo / @mimigyu / @mint-chapstick / @missbaptan / @moonjongyeup / @mukbangongchan / @mybutterflyfact ♛ / @n-guyetdinh / @namjoonholic ♛ / @networkb1a4 / @nrrp / @orange-sandeul ♛ / @paperstarxo / @preetam / @princesshaymin / @protectkimhimchan / @pohroro
S - Z
@saisakurano5 / @sehnn / @sekaiislife / @sheloveskook / @shinusual / @shinwhoohoo ♛ / @shinwoosmile / @silverkihyun / @simpleseokjin / @smalljino / @sparklechanup / @sraquel96 / @stalker-on-the-blocks / @stanbap / @swiss-swissmiss / @thediebutterfly / @u-know-time / @vanessacwt / @vikka-chan / @vlonelybear / @wakari-bakari / @whos-brian-its-youngk / @xiu-n-me / @yongguk-hell-chyeah / @yongxtr / @yoongi-saurus / @yooneroos ♛ / @youngjaaes ♛ / @zainbap / @zelq / @zico-mino-trash
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chiseikumo · 7 years
First of all a thank you to @thediebutterfly @choimomo & @anna-something  for allowing me to use their words in this video!
The thought behind this was to make a teaser-like clip, which can be used in regards to B.A.P without being tied to a certain comeback or event, hence the silhouettes.
I’m very glad to have it finished just in time for B.A.P’s sixth year anniversary! Their music has accompanied me for quite some time now, and I am just so very thankful for that. Let’s hope for many more years of great music by great people.
Some fun facts about the making of the video can be found here
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n-the-giraffe · 7 years
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I was tagged by @chasangbeans to do the bias selfie thing.
I shall tag @garbageoverlord @sparklefarts @choimomo and @lessinset (Sorry if you've done it before ^^; )
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junhongiee · 7 years
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Hiii~ I’ve reached 500+ followers and i want to say “thank you!!” to every single one of you, so i decide to do a follow forever ♥ I’m very thankful to have such a beautiful family and friends like you! As first i’ll mention my beautiful mutuals~ thank you for being with me every day ♥
@bangxster @allbap @byzeloswife @fluffyzelo @theenemyinsidee @dystobap @mun-hyeobchan @ryuutsubasa @youngjaaes @hana-bunny @jocomato @infamouskem @younqjaesthetic @byzelofilm @me-joah-junhongg @thebrownbunnysaur @bangdaelo @bapactivist @junbabybap @kentabile @byxnggk @vikka-chan @featzelo @baematoki @u-know-time @bang2jae @jungdaehyun1004 @y-ngguk @mirrorworld-junhong @tigerbaby @dyoptics @jion-a @sparklechanup @yoojaesus @cheonsamato @onguk @best-absolute-pabos @yoonqjae-s @cxxmxilx @the-king-is-back @bapsstar @daesdick @yongguk-ed @luvmycheesecake @dxxlion @u-got-no-jamz @s-kydive @baprimadonna @stanbap @eotteokhaji-s @bapstime @zeleaux
And now all the special blogs that i follow and always make my days better~! Thank you, babies ♥
# - B
@1-b-a-p-1 @26byg @2bangyongguk @7tobap6 @ab1004 @ababyz5ever @actualyoungjaetrash @addictiondh @aegyo-chan @aleyongguk @asvang @b-124a-p-224 @babymato94 @bangdaeforlife @bangedhim @bangfuckinglove @bangyxnggxk @b-ap @bap0s @bapassion @bap-by @bapcharmedkings @bapdream6 @bapeditions @bapfeelsthings @bapfkedmeup @bap-ftw @bap-goddess @baphae @bap-menee-tunteisiin @bapobsessedwithnoregrets @bapofficial @bapquality @bapreview @baprojects @bapscrt @bapsturbation @bapsunshine @bapvideos @bapyesir @bbangception @bbanglo @bbangyonguk @beayootifuljae @bestabsoluteperfectcrack @bestabsoluteshitposts @bestandperfect @bestofabsoluteperfect @binkyzelo @blogbabyz @brainboxercheetos @brainboxy @bygdata @byzelol
C - I
@cassie-babyz @cchannie @cjhongbap @channbunny @chiiwie @chiquitabae @choimomo @choker-youngjae @clae-hyuns @cropeline @daefatty94 @daefluffs @daefsoul @daehnii @daehoneys @daehuns @daehyu @daehyunsgiggle @daehyuns-leggings @daejae @daejaello @daejaeslover @daely @daematos @daenana @daewhyun @dailydoseofbap @dearhimchan @diamondbap @dreamermoonchan @dreamgukkie @fluffyjae @foreverumelove @fuckyeahdaehyun @fy-moon-angel @galusharaptor @gardenia0419 @gukkielover @haycle @heongs @himchahn @himchanfu @himchanie @himchans @himchansbaby @himdaes @himechxns @him-up @himychan @holybap @ibabyz-bap @icedlattejae @iluv-cheejiburger @imstillstrongasbap @incorrectbapquotes @i-need-yoo @itmustbedaestiny @itsmatokibap
J - Z
@jaesbrainbox @jelliemato @jello-baby @jellolita @jongupssi @jongupsus @jonqupism @joonheong @juneandjepp @jungdhyeon @jung-up @junhng @junhnq @junhongsprincess @junnchanxoxo @kamaddiction @kitty-dae @lagatanovella01 @lullabyaliluvsbap @matoki-project @milkamoon @monbaby-trash @mybutterflyfact @mysterionrises6 @narw @nonanana24 @nrrp @nummydae @ohbabyhyun @omgwtfbbqzftw @oppa-gukkie @pinkeubbang @planetamato @pray-confession-bap @protectkimhimchan @queerisme @reinbownom @ribbon-in-the-rose @ricejuseyo-gimmerice @rieou @shut-the-jongup @skydiv @sol-the-sun @sshishimato @stantalent-stanbap @stillsix @strongchanpion @temari3moons @temptedeli @thediebutterfly @thevictorofwar @thisisabapfan @tokkidae @uroborosfiction @vanillajae @vinn-tage @wearewithbap @whiteblankgallery @xxgogyxx @yongguk-hell-chyeah @yooyoungjae-gifs @youre-fuckin-special @zainbap @zellestial @z-e-lo @zelosmiles @zelo-wink
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zainbap · 6 years
Happy Birthday Zain! I wish you all the best! Love you!
Awwww hon, thank you so much! Love you too!
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aegyo-chan · 6 years
(⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃This is a BABY hug. Pass it on to 6 of your wonderful BABY followers! ~ Have a lovely day! 💚💚
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I love you so much little sis!!
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jookyun · 6 years
Unpopular opinions: B.A.P is the best kpop group.
strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree
i would say a huge ass yes, because they’re my favorite (tied with mx) but just because they’re tied i’ll have to say agree
send me unpopular opinions! 
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coolandspicy · 6 years
gemini, taurus, sun
^w^ thank u
gemini: do you make friends easily? 
i definitely don’t--i think im just overly self centered because i don’t usually get interested in other people until they show interest in me first. but i think once people pass the first major hurdle i’m quite loyal
taurus: (just did this one in a previous ask~!)
sun: describe yourself in 3 words.
sensitive, artistic, control-freak (basically im kim wonshik lol)
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soooldout · 7 years
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It’s been about a year since I began this blog (although I started reblogging stuff much later lol) And I just wanted to write a note of appreciation to some special people!
First, my ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ that I love so much and some of my first mutuals, even if I don’t talk to some of you as often as I used to TT
(I miss watching dramas with you! Come back to meee)
(my fave dae stans I’m so happy you joined the fandom and you’re a squish)
(my bias buddy and my first mutual I ever had a conversation with, ilysm and love love love talking to you, you’re such a sweetheart)
(I want to run into you one day randomly on the street even though we’re continents apart...anywayyy thank you for welcoming me into the inspirit fandom you don’t know how much I appreciate that)
(my biggest accomplishment on this site was turning you into an inspirit I’m very proud - I hope you get to see all your faves every year)
(I love you and your blog, I appreciate all your posts and reblogs kpop or not, and fangirling over biases through gifs)
More mutuals/people I follow....I adore all of you and appreciate you so so much - you all have quality blogs and I love seeing you on my dash!
@annadream // @baby-mylove-beautiful // @bapofficial (favorite yyj stan ♡ ) // @bangdaeforlife // @bbcblackjack // @becuzgyu (relatablesunggyustansunite ♡ ) // @brianskangs // @choimomo // @daefluffs // @ddonggeun // @diamond4yamv (my favorite w****** stan) // @dimple-soo (you are so wonderful and lovely my secret santa ♡ ) // @dracgyula // @dreamgukkie // @eternalsquee (I love people who can make me laugh so easily aka you ♡ )   // @flowrsoo (I love talking to you anytime ♡ ) // @fluffyjae // @foreverkpopblogging (I live for your tags ♡ ) // @gotinspirit (thank you so so much for always being up to watch stuff with me ♡ ) // @gravity-kontrol // @gyu-booty // @gyuzizis // @hotseok // @hoyainifinite // @ifnt-saranghae // @jdw-juseyo // @jongupssi // @judginghoya (my secret santee- you’re amazing ♡ ) // @keyismystarlight // @kitty-dae // @ksunggyu // @leesungjongg (a sweetheart™ ♡ )   // @lovethewonder // @ohsunggyu // @oo-winniethegyu-oo // @perfgyu // @petitshinee // @princessofmind // @puppynamu // @purpleboyhowonee // @raemoncandy // @snufkim (my somanyrandomthingswelike-buddy I love our conversations ♡ ) // @so-na-gi // @star-hoya // @sunggyw // @thediebutterfly // @vefh // @vikka-chan // @whiteconfession // @whwoohyun  // @woohyung // @yjaeseoked // @wishfultoinfinity (I miss you ♡ ) // @yongguk-hell-chyeah // @zainbap
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choimomo · 5 years
I’m over it
I took few weeks to think about it, to think about what I’ll do with this blog, what I’ll do in the BABY fandom.
To talk seriously, my one year in Korea changed more than I’ll thought. I’m not the same person, my interest changed. The BABY fandom also changed; it’s normal with what happened. I still love the boys so much and I still follow them. But I don’t feel like being part of the fandom anymore. It’s not because of any of you, I made really good friends in this fandom! @aegyo-chan​, @zainbap​, @jookyun​, @rieou​...
If any of you want to still be in contact, there is my other blog @d-after​ and my instagram if you ask me.
I’m really sorry for leaving. I’m still a BABY, forever will be.
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