#[semi hiatus post]
magz · 2 years
If you’re a poor person, especially a person of color or racial minority, in the U.K. - since the Queen dying is going to cause a spike in fascist activity and used as an excuse to make things harder for the poor:
add your pay links to this post and any other ways to help you
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emblazons · 1 year
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"sometimes it's just scary to open up like that."
Mike Wheeler & Will Byers in S04E05 - The Nina Project an @emblazons 1K free space gifset for anon
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vee-is-a-clown · 5 months
Modern Highschool Klance AU where Lance volunteers to pick up trash around the school and Keith picks up trash around school because it's his detention sentence and they compete to see who can pick up the most trash because they're petty.
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ultramarine-spirit · 11 months
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New Spoon video! It's a speedpaint of Claude and Athy's standees (WMMAP x Mofun Collaboration Cafe)
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gallusneve · 6 days
sorry I haven't been making content lately, just been severely depressed
my wife and I lost our stillborn child and idk if I have the heart in me to do the IUI/IVF cycle again
been trying to find things to be excited about
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Fedya telling Sigma that none of his friends like him, 2023 (partially coloured)
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[ID: The “me explaining to my mom” meme. On the left there is an image of Sigma staring into space. He is captioned: “Sigma who just wants to go home (wherever it may be)”. On the right there is an image of a smiling Fedya with his face covered in blood. He’s captioned: “Fedya telling him that Dazai has been manipulating him”. End ID]
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bobnewbie · 9 months
life update! hiatus-lite notice.
soooo, i am currently in the process of moving myself and my little family back to the states meaning my free time is basically nil. when i do have time to game i am too pooped to do any proper simming (because storytelling with this game requires so much from the end user). while i might post some stuff here and there it likely won't be much.
unfortunately, that means any substantial mousa updates will sadly be delayed until early november at the earliest. i thought i could keep up with them initially but i am just too tired to give my babies the justice they deserve.
i hope yall keep rocking with me til i come back in full! i will of course try to be as active as i can here cause while i won't be creating much at the moment i love seeing all of your wonderful creations and keeping up with everyone❤️❤️! okay byeeee
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r0semultiverse · 2 months
Rose Lalonde Sprites & Edits
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Use these for whatever you want, just give credit if you use these for anything!
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x-xhiro · 4 months
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I either draw faces or anatomy not both
WIP. After having so much fun drawing Ancel, I wanted to continue this enjoyment of character/"portrait" drawing
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wintercosmickillsx · 7 days
ugh why mutuals deactivating and going inactive!😭
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I appreciate anyone and everyone who's taken the time to DM me about whatever this week! I don't know when I'll get around to reading DMs (for secret but completely silly atelier reasons), but thank you for popping by!
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petrichorium · 9 months
I think we’re like one beat away from gege going full doja cat and ranting on twitter about how all jjk fans are stupid and shallow for liking it
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persephonyed · 3 months
pssst, just popping in to say i start a new job tomorrow, so i'm not sure how my activity might be over the next week or two adjustment period for it. i'm probably going to prioritize things i have the most muse for and be on when i can but might need a lot of r&r time to reboot while i make the transition. it's also a super new kind of job for me ( my first big girl office job hehehe ) so i'm not super sure how to anticipate how i'll feel. i hope that's understandable !
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elavoria · 5 months
WIP Whenever
Tagged by @sylvienerevarine and @nostalgic-breton-girl, thank you! <3 I tag @sheirukitriesfandom, @dirty-bosmer, @boethiahspillowbook, and whoever else wants to join.
Just Inquisitor Things™, because I decided the one rank of trickery Isanna will have represents the ability to originate/duplicate keys:
“So, Chief, I’ve been thinkin’,” Woljif said, tail twitching nervously. “If you’re so good at making keys, what’s to stop you from going through our rooms whenever you like?” Isanna looked up at him and held his gaze, serene and serious, with the slightest of smiles on her lips. “What makes you think I haven’t?” she asked. His eyes went wide with fear, and although his mouth opened and closed several times, no sound came out. Her own eyes shifted over the rest of her companions, and only after she savored their variously horrified expressions—even Regill was frowning; Ember was merely confused, but Arueshalae alone seemed entirely unperturbed—did she burst into laughter. “I’m only joking,” she said when she caught her breath, “but—the looks on your faces!” She fell to giggling again as they began to protest, then held up her hands to quiet them and added, “I respect your privacy, I assure you. But I would be well within my right to inspect your rooms”—she pointedly looked back at Woljif—“so you’d best not give me any reason to want to, yes?”
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mudskip-muses · 8 months
k so these last couple days have been busy to say the least, yesterday my paternal grandmother passed (still weird to think that i dont have any grandmothers anymore) making 3 family deaths total this year alone. today my grandfather is having surgery to replace his pacemaker (so far this have gone well, hes out of surgery and such and gets to head home in a bit) and i will be staying with him for two weeks to make sure he gets on alright and to drive him places if need be since he will be unable to for said two weeks. depending on how emotional/mentally drained i am will decide how much gets done here (not that im high activity anyways lol) but yeah. im not dead, just busy and Tired lol
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seiwas · 1 month
just a little update !!
been kind of on and off this past week because things have been busy (and i've just been too tired bfjshf 🥲). i'm not sure how this week will look but i'm hoping to get some reading done and a bit of writing too!! (currently working on: gym toji for my start of the year event).
i've been feeling a bit meh with my writing lately, but i'm trying to write through it 🥹 in the meantime, i finally got my custom theme working again!! it gives a more complete search when you look through tags, so if you're interested in some fic recs, you can look through my tags page for reference hehe.
that is all!! i hope everyone has a lovely week ahead 🥹
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