insectoid5 · 4 years
Hi Bug. I know you're well invested in the Fire Emblem fandom now, but I'm wondering if you happened to see the 2 DA posts I'd tagged you in a little while back. Hope all's well! Cheers, – C&A
I did - got an email notification and everything. I apologize for not doing anything with them... as you said, I'm just in the wrong headspace. 😅 But I'm well, thanks!
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asynca · 7 years
Re: possible ship name for Moira/Angela: Maybe something like Healers Hearts? Or focusing on good/bad Doctors? IDK, not good at naming...
I was saying ‘Moicy’, but it sounds like a terrible fake Bwoston accent of someone saying “Mercy” XD
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cross-wired-freak · 7 years
Hello! Glad I (re)found you! See, you were the 1st prominent Tumblr I recall seeing ~2yrs ago before getting an acct. I was on a Bionicle kick, but idk how I found you. (I think I was looking for the books. Thx for those too!). Scrolled through aalllll ~800 of your pgs then. What stuck in my mind most besides MOCs & headcanons was that Matau "whole new world" gif. Thanks for the memories!
omg I’m impressed you managed to go through all my pages (I didn’t even know there’s over 800 now omfg that takes some serious dedication right there).
I’m so touched that my blog had this much of an impact on someone, glad you found me again :D
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ariaste · 7 years
I'm sure you get lots of hopepunk stuff, but I'd just like to say it reminds me of some lines from the Star Wars book Shatterpoint: “[We] fight the way things are [e]very day… We don't have to win.* We only have to fight… Our enemy is power mistaken for justice[,] the desperation that justifies atrocity, [and] the darkness itself: the strangling cloud of fear and despair and anguish that this war brings with it.” *Though winning would be nice.
*big thumbs up*
(btw have you seen the new hopepunk merch? It’s awesome)
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naturepointstheway · 7 years
As the resident BatB blog I follow, every time I see @lumiereswig on your site, my eyes skip when reading and for a half second becomes "lumieres-swag", which I think is SO in character with his exaggerated flair for the (over-)dramatic. (Oh, and could you please tag them in this? Thanks.)
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jainajacenanakin · 7 years
For that character post: since you're in Unseen Queen, could you please do Ta'a Chume?
ta’a chume lmao!!!!! this is so specific. i honestly feel like i don’t know her well enough to give her her due but i’ll Try
why i like them: well, i’m always in support of women in power tbh. i like the matriachal system and i like her grasping for control always
why i don’t: uh cuz she’s pretty terrible. i’ve always interpreted a racial dynamic going on with teneniel djo cuz the disdain ta’a chume has for her/her daughter seems like a prejudice of some kind, so i’ve thought ta’a chume was white and teneniel was black and so, like, i see her as racist basically lmao. a racist old lady grasping for the last vestiges of control, which is both a compelling story and also a reason to dislike her. also the fact that she wanted to hurt allana puts her immediately on my shit list
favorite scene: uhhhhh. something in dark journey i’m sure tbh. the space ball probably
favorite book: i’m gonna go with dark journey cuz i don’t like her in the dark nest
favorite line: I DIDNT READ THESE BOOKS WELL ENOUGH to do this but there was a line where she implied jaina should marry isolder which is funny cuz jaina’s like what 18 and isolder’s like.... at LEAST in his 40s. so that was funny
otp: ????????
brotp: ?????? i feel like i should know her better than i do but i cannot answer these things
Headcanon: i think the white/black dynamic counts
unpopular opinion: idk what any popular opinions are, but i think.....while jacen frying her brain was more or less necessary for HIS plot, i resent violence like that against any woman, so [shrug emoji]
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frozenartscapes · 7 years
chooseandact replied to your post “Just thought I'd send a Support Message. The strike is a bloody...”
Ranting is fine. The students-caught-in-middle reminds me of a 2012 high school strike vs McGuinty gov't. Search "people not pawns sir robert borden strike" for more. Smaller scale true, but similar(ish?). Students: we have a shared, collective memory!
Honestly, in cases like this college-level strike there really should be something in place that at least allows the students to voice their concerns before the strike even happens. There should have been representatives from a provincial-wide student association at the meetings leading up to the strike between the OSPEU and the CEC. It’s one thing when it’s high school or younger students, entirely another when you’re talking about legal adults who each spent thousands of dollars to get that education, moved to new cites, have to pay rent/res fees, and are relying on the education to get something that will lead to a future job (although I’ll admit that high schoolers would also have a pretty legit claim for grievance in the event of a strike lasting this long, too).
At the very least there should be some kind of deadline for a tuition refund, set maybe around the two week mark of a strike. If a strike lasts longer than that, then the colleges have to start giving money back to students. The longer it goes on, the more money goes back. Instead of right now, where it seems like we might not see anything back at all, and maybe if we lose the semester completely. That way it’ll at the very least encourage the colleges to get their asses in gear and start talking, and also possibly make them a little more flexible. Because right now they don’t see students as anything but a bargaining chip to guilt trip our profs back to work.
But more and more people are beginning to talk about some kind of legal action against the schools should we lose the semester. While I’m not too sure how effective it would be, it sure as fuck would make both the schools and the government look bad. But at this point I think there’s irreparable damage that’s been done between the students and how they view their schools. There’s distrust, and hurt, anger, frustration, and betrayal. All those messages and emails the schools sent out to their students about how they’re doing this for the improvement of our education, that things will end soon, that it’ll turn out ok in the end: they’re all lies at this point. And with each new email that tells us nothing of substance and only serves to try and patch up what, at this point, is a gushing wound all of that bitterness and resentment gets worse.
By the time this strike ends the students are going to hate their schools, and morale and pride will be gone. Any passion will be gone, any love for learning and the place we’re learning it from will be gone - all we’ll want is our fucking diploma and to never look back.
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Mod Post
Hi all!
Sorry for the intermittent postings. We’ve been busy as of late, but we’re still working on it (…slowly, we know). Anyway, thought I’d inform all of you that I’ve found two things that may prove useful in future prompts (& maybe fics??? IDK.) of mine.
First, I found my old biology notes, which should certainly aid when Anna discusses or does anything related to medicine. They’re from high school, so it’s more like Bio 101, but that should be enough. No need for super detailed info…
*awkward cough* *sweats nervously* Moving on:
I also found an old book of mine I thought I’d lost, Body, Crime, Suspect by the late Norah McClintock, who was well-known for her YA crime/mystery works. Published in 2005, it uses the (fictitious) murder of author Edwin Scarr to examine how crimes are investigated and the resulting legal processes in Canada. True, it’s not Norway or the US, but I still think it’s a good starting point to use in fics for details on Kristoff and Elsa’s lines of work.
– @chooseandact​
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kalikoke · 7 years
chooseandact replied to your post: “Je ne parle pas couramment mais j'ai etudié la...
“Anything can sound romantic in [French]”, you say? How about… *ahem* “omlette du fromage”? ;P
I’ll make sure to play an instructive French language tape while I sleep tonight. ;D
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raksha-the-demon · 7 years
Hello. New blog here. Reading through some of your old fics & I'm wondering: in "Misfire", Elsa accidentally shoots a kid, who's taken away in an ambulance. Does/did she ever see the kid again or is the kid's fate a cliff-hanger on purpose?
It’s a deliberate cliffhanger. 
That said, she probably did go check up on the kid later and find out what happened to him. I just chose not to write that part because it seemed crueler to leave things to the reader’s imagination, and being cruel was pretty much the whole point of the prompt >:D
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comickergirl · 8 years
chooseandact replied to your photo: Another rough WIP thing
Hi! New blog, got lost & found myself here. Nice art! Is Kara’s saber crystal from red Kr? (loss of inhibitions, morals = dark side?) And is Alex’s blade from green Kr? (How else do you wound-to-capture/rehabilitate an angry Force-sensitive Kryptonian?) Keep up the art!
Well, hey, welcome! :) And thank you!
Very good questions. Admittedly, I hadn’t even thought too far beyond ‘green for Alex because I always draw her w/ earth tones and red for Kara because eeeeeevil.’ 
That said, hmmm. I think it largely depends on how one wants to approach this AU. Does Kara retain her Kryptonian origins? Powers? Or is she merely a human w/ crazy Force sensitivity? (Even if you keep the Kryptonian aspect, who’s to say that every planet they visit orbits a yellow sun?) 
So now, mulling it over...I’m pretty sure Kara’s saber doesn’t have Red K in it. (Because I have Thoughts as to how Kara arrived at her current...sith-y state) I’m less sure about Alex. My gut says she wouldn’t voluntarily carry around a weapon that would actively harm her sister by just being around it, but, it would need a little something extra to go up against a Kryptonian, because otherwise yeah, it won’t do much.
(But hey maybe that’s a ‘special occasion’ saber. Like that Kryptonite sword they keep at the DEO.)
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insectoid5 · 5 years
*rises from slumber* FROZEN 2!!!!! I LOVE IT ALREADY!
Also, kinda from left field, but: would it be possible for us to somehow add modern variants of the salamander DRAGON (don’t deny it!), nøkk, and Elsa’s new powers into Domestic Assassin AU?
(submitted by @chooseandact)
* * * * *
Maybe!  I’m not really sure how.  (I haven’t written anything for the DA!verse in quite a while now, so I’ve forgotten some details.)
@frozenartscapes, @thegeekogecko, @archosauriansworld, others, thoughts?
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purplehawke · 6 years
Ask meme, Assassin's Creed style! Kassandra, Aya, Aveline (Also, the source for *that* kiss gif is @outsidextra's video [youtu,be/LMu6-xjsCl4] )
sick, ty! I'm actually new to the AC series so I haven’t met Aya or Aveline, but I appreciate you sending an ask and thanks again for the video link! 😊
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chooseandact · 7 years
(These replies are making a monstrosity themselves.) Tagging @insectoid5, @frozenartscapes, @ultranos, @kalikoke, @hathor-frozen, @myfanfictiongarden, @mighty-meerkat, et al.
EDIT:  (And again, I spawn another monstrosity. *sigh*)
@frozenartscapes​ reblogged your post and added: Don’t forget, I also brought in Yama and his cronies from Big Hero 6 (source). So there’s also the possibility of dragging gang activity into this as well.
(Also I now officially headcanon that all the recruiters for the Org are named Joe. Not as fake names, but real names. It gets confusing really quickly. It also doesn’t help because of Family Guy, but I also picture all of them voiced by Patrick Warburton.)
Don’t worry, @frozenartscapes, I didn’t forget Yama. I mentioned them in “DA!prompt #3” with the same source. You should’ve got a notification, but I mis-typed everyone’s “@”, so it didn’t send. :( Also, I really like the idea the male recruiters all sound like Kronk (That’s who I asssociate Patrick with; I never watched Family Guy.) More stuff below.
@myfanfictiongarden​ reblogged your post and added: […] Anyway, I see @chooseandact​ that you wrote quite a few characters down. While it would be fun to see all the HoND crew interact with Judge Frollo and our Frozen gang, add some BH6 and spy Rapunzel…. I´m for keeping things small. You can only devote so much time to one character, but with more then 8? Each of them has their own storyline etc. etc. it could be too much.
What I am with is a good funny spy-fic, with DA!Verse Elsa on a mission, Kristof, Tadahi and Anna along making things crazyer [sic], D standing somewhere, and the all evil trio Weaselton-Hans-Frollo (Frollo is such a bad guy even Hans can learn more from him-wait, is Frollo still a judge in DA!Verse? I hope so)
I hope, I could help and we could bring this baby to live :)
From one DA!rookie to another: Welcome to the club! I know I listed many characters, but that doesn’t mean we have to use everyone. They’re just some of the many people available to use in the background. Like I said, I thought adding HoND and the others strained disbelief. However, I think we can benefit by keeping just Judge Frollo and Phoebus, even if they make brief appearances:
With Frollo, we get a sense of some of the legal system’s failures (If any of us knows some basic legal stuff, it could help, but no need to go overboard [says the one who scoured the DA!depths for sources!]. If not, we can use Wikipedia or TV courts, e.g. any CSI, any Law & Order, etc.). Elsa has noticed most of the goons she sees are almost always the same people from Yama’s gang, even after honest cops have picked them up. She has suspicions but cannot act on them because of Org work.
With Phoebus, we get laughs as Sgt. Wesel tries to explain his theories to his superior, only for Phoebus to brush him off as (1) the force’s resident paranoiac, and (2) a Living Legend in the bad sense – from Phoebus’ POV, Wesel has been out of touch with reality for a while (we readers know he’s more right than he could ever imagine), but he can’t be dismissed from the force because he did Great Things in his past (and won’t let you forget it, to everyone’s ire) and has employment seniority, so he’s protected even more the local cop union. And we get a trio of good cops (Kristoff, Tadashi, and Phoebus) who sometimes simply meet just to talk, which counters your Evil Trio of Hans, Wesel and Frollo.
@mighty-meerkat​ reblogged your post and added: […] It’s been so long since I wrote any Mariselsa, but I kind of want Marisol at the party as well in some capacity. Maybe she’s on a separate search-and-destroy-information mission for a different handler, which immediately puts a massive spanner in Elsa’s works, because Marisol is…not very good at damage control. If she’s trying to set the place on fire, Elsa’s attempts at discretion are literally going to go up in smoke.
I like that idea! Here’s some more fic welding then: Hans is both terrified and furious at Elsa’s threat, as linked previously. He attends the gang boss’ party, as do Our Heroes, Marisol, Rapunzel (on loan from the German Org as a Field Test), Wesel, and Frollo (and Wesel’s two thugs, but as background only). Marisol has her own mission, which indeed counters Elsa’s goal and sets the building ablaze. Everyone escapes: Marisol goes her way, Elsa tracks the female target I mentioned in DA!prompt #3 (she can be the high-profile target or someone else in the hierarchy), and the rest of Our Heroes return to the Arendelle’s and await Elsa’s return. Everything unfolds as explained in DA!prompt #3, which ends in a fight that wounds Elsa, kicking off the beginning of @frozenartscapes’ fic Call for Help.
@insectoid5 reblogged your post and added: I commend you for thinking this through so thoroughly! That’s the sort of thing I don’t have the energy to do, usually […]
I love your idea of adding spy!Rapunzel, and we may as well add Cassandra (from Tangled: The Series), because I can totally see her fitting in at the Org.  I can totally see Elsa being a spy, given her usual stealthy missions.  Which will last up to the point where she falls out of a tree and spooks the person she’s watching. 😅
Maybe the Org has some kind of vocational cover story for banks and tax people.  Like, I dunno… life insurance. 😂  (I volunteer @frozenartscapes to come up with a better one.)
[…] Also: every recruiter is named Joe: perfect!  (Though how their superiors will know if all the Joes are doing a good job, if they don’t have some way of telling them apart, e.g., “tall Joe”, “short Joe”…). If a small, obscure Frozen ship can have an archivist/historian, I don’t see why this AU shouldn’t have one.  You’re nominated! 😄
Why thank you! And it all started from a dress pic… In the words of Gord Bamford: “It ain’t your eyes, your lips, your nose, your hips / That got me in this mess / Blame it on that red dress” (If you didn’t notice, I think Anna’s dress/fan should keep the style but be fire-engine red bc red hair & all)
re: “Joes”: I was inspired by a scene in the Transformers 3 novel, where 3 secret agents appear. They dress the same and are not related despite all 3 being referred to only as “Johnson”, yet you still can tell who’s talking. The Org’s “Joes” are similar: they don’t need identifiers, even though “their appearance [has] been carefully conceived to leave no lasting impression on anyone who might see them.” (TF book) When someone calls for “Joe”, somehow they just know which one is needed. No one knows how or why. Elsa is unnerved and D is disturbed, even though he hired them. Anna tries to make the obligatory “take your average Joe” joke, but Elsa stops her preemptively, saying an unknown Org person did that the day after Elsa joined. Org rumor has it they were never seen again. The next day, all the Joes arrived 10 min. late with flecks of mud on their Men in Black-style suit pants’ cuffs, and Every. Single. File. with the person’s name (the digital/physical ones backed-up in triplicate, database, weapons logs, bank info, etc.) had the name wiped. Not black censor bar. Wiped. Eventually, they faded from collective memory and exist only as a rumor from senior Agents to rookies.
On the topic of the missing Org person, I found two more Org members: an unnamed duo who reviewed Elsa’s test scores and assigned her to “wetwork specialist” (from the same source as Chamomile Tea “Joe”)
Thank you for the nomination as DA!historian, and I accept the position! I’ll do what I can, when I can, but I cannot promise I will remember everything. As you can see above, I’m trying to make a coherent timeline of events for a chrono DA!blog master post. Still needs (lots of) work & is FAR from finished.
One last thought: would you all be willing to do this fic as a multi-author collab? One person writes one segment, and the next part is handed off to another, all while keeping the basic plot points as outlined above and elsewhere. I’m afraid I can’t do much beyond outlines atm bc Life™ & extreme unfamiliarity with writing fics/dialogue/scene-setting/etc (I know, get experience by writing whenever, no one is perfect the first time, etc.). Thoughts?
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bbsketches · 7 years
Hello! Found this blog while lost in AC Tumblr. Your art is awesome, though I'm currently partial to ACU. If you don't mind my asking, I have two questions: 1) have you by chance seen this Arno/Elise piece by @bembiann?(tmblr,co/ZJByUo1c8NBOQ), and 2) Is this your only site, or do you have other social media eg. Twitter/Insta/etc?
Hi and thank you so much! Yes, I’ve seen it - it’s a gorgeous piece of art! I think it was one of the very first fanarts I’ve seen for Unity, in fact :)
And yes, I do have an Instagram account, you can find it here. I post WIP’s and sketches in stories so be sure to check it out if you’d like to see more of that kind of stuff!
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jainajacenanakin · 7 years
GAAAAH! You're doing a liveblog again! I loved your previous reread of NJO, which has inspired my own #SWReadThru. I don't remember, didn't you do LotF, too? Can't wait to see how Dark Nest unfolds for you.
it’s funny lmfao I actually listened to like 3 lotf books on audible cuz i thought the entirety of the jacen/jaina/anakin story went down in that series (i thought anakin died in lotf lmfaoooo) but when i realized njo existed i was like Oh Shit.... and decided to go back to the very beginning lmao. so i’ve listened to invincible, inferno, and fury on audiobook but i’m going to end up reading those as well when i get to lotf. it’s been such an exciting journey tbh i can’t wait to get to those too haha
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