#christ alive im emotional after tonight
silentxxsoul · 2 years
The ‘one week wasn’t enough time to mentally prepare for what Aisha and Tracie are about to do to me’ reaction dump:
This is going to wreck me I know it
I’m so stoked for HenRen but at this cost???
Actually feed me the tension and suspense
But also not too much bc I can’t handle it 🥺
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Ohhhhh Karen acting like a bossssssssssss
neighbor Chim to the rescue
Hen was so smitten already
Y'all I'm so excited for baby HenRen
I'm also LIVING for all the home life scenes with Denny ♥
Denny's 'momma' 🥺
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Also, I'm loving the music choices this season
I'll be honest, I never even considered how the fostering would be affected by Hen progressing with the med school story line. It makes sense and if they don't go through with it, I wonder if this will set up more placements? I'd love to see that more for HenRen
yall I KNOW they did NOT just have hen on the phone for THAT ?!
I -
Get them to a vow renewal honeymoon on a tropical island stat
I love Chim catching her sneaking out lmao
jesus the suspense rn
wait was that a fucking arm?
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nice to see they've still got their gag factor going
Buck you shoulda known she was gonna go fully Buck too lol
All yall are the same
So wait, I'm terrified to know how we go from this to her being worked on in the bus ??????
Nightmare for Hen or ??????????
Well tbf it is a nightmare but
I love the glimpse of Karen reacting about Eva calling about Denny - it really hits home harder how the eventual cheating hurt her, and it's kinda incredible she overcame it enough to move forward with Hen.
Bobby in the bus???!!!
Howard. Chimney. Han. You can't just -
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that was too fucking close for comfort okay
sob. city.
I can't believe there's only 15ish minutes Itleft - this episode FLEW
It's a little thing, but once again I noticed how Eddie looks to Buck to reassure him - that little nod and affirmation that Karen would be alright. I really enjoy seeing those subtle choices between them ♥
Karen has such a big heart 😭
Yep, Denny thanking her broke me thanks fox more dramatic sobbing here
So like - here's the thing: I would love to see her as a doctor. I would love to see Hen being a boss bitch saving people and doing surgery, and maybe even getting her own show, but selfishly I'm glad she trashed those papers because I love the Wilson family so much and am afraid that if they moved to a spin off that we'd get significantly less crossover with the 118 fam. Plus the doctor storyline would definitely have her having to make even more sacrifices in the long run (just thinking about residency alone, which is another year off) and I'll be honest I don't trust Fox to give the storyline good attention. I mean, we went how long with it chilling on the back burner?
I'm at least glad they put a lot of thought and effort into fading the storyline, because we got HenRen backstory, we got Karen backstory, we got so many cute Denny-and-Moms moments, and we got to see Chim being a meddling little shit.
"Are we supposed to take him out of the carrier?" lmaooooo
baby denny is fucking adorable ahhhhhhhhhh
Paralleling Karen giving up her dream with Hen giving up hers (at least temporarily) has me sobbing again
Karen's little snarl at Hen on the couch lmao I love them
Denny is too fucking cute 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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"This is my dream"
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*SPOILERS* for TGD 3x12 “Mutations” aka this is me typing from the dead because this episode gave me more then one heart attack 😭🙏🏼
Also I’m sorry this post got so long I’m just so excited/happy Jesus Christ like wow just wow
So I wasn’t initially going to watch this live because I have work at 5 in the morning 🙃 and because I wouldn’t be able to pause it while my hands try to keep up with my thoughts but it’s been so long since I’ve been able to do it and I missed it despite my hatred of commercials lol so wish me luck!
Also I’m very very excited for the melendaire content we’re getting tonight since they’re working together again and I’m freakin hoping at this prom they throw Melendez either does a double take at how nice Claire looks OOOOR we get him asking her dance 😭 just SOMETHING PLZZZ
I haven’t even started the ep yet and already can’t wait to see some of the moments in hd tomorrow once it comes on Hulu 😂
I can’t believe shaun is really gonna move out like I get where Carly is coming from but shaun is allowed to have female friends and after some theories from the last ep I’m worried shaun only told Carly he loved her so she wouldn’t leave him like “everyone else”
Aww adorable these two are so cute and Claire thinks they’re adorable as well and imma sue abc if one half of that couple dies or even worse BOTH
Melendaire group chat finally popping again 😭 although I don’t text back until break I love y’all tho 💕💕
So secret checkups with glassy and Morgan 👀 when are ppl gonna find out about her arthritis for the drama~~
Oh my god since when does Melendez go in there for MRIs it’s so just to see Claire oh my god Melendez being in love with Claire and her usual compassion
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Omg cuties joking about Claire going to therapy and it working well and talking about love and being happy
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Like why else have them interact like that omfgggg I can’t not even five minutes in and we were already getting melendaire content 😭 THEYRE SOULMATES
God damn it I knew it something was gonna happen to the girl since the guy is a okay
Well damn that medication Morgan is on for her arthritis is FUCKING her up smh 🤦🏻‍♀️
Aww all she wanted was one prom but we know Claire will make it happen for her
Aww them talking about prom and Melendez wanting Claire’s answer and her talking about her mom so freely and then going to see glassy together THE MELENDAIRE MOMENTS KEEP COMING 🙏🏼
The fact the writers were just like fuck park lmao he doesn’t even need to be in this scene with Melendez & Claire or instead of Claire 😂
I’m surprised Carly didn’t say anything about lea knowing their business again
Lmaoo Andrews calling Morgan out about sucking up and her owning it
Claire you are not sorry for overstepping don’t lie lol
Sharly working together professionally how adorable
Park is so annoying I’m v done with him he has no soul IM TIRED OF IT
I have missed Claire being pushy to help her patients
I’m glad Carly’s smarts and her being badass scenes are being extended past the lab
Oof Melendez being supportive of his boo and unsurprised of Claire wanting to make their patient happy (BECAUSE HE LOVES HER FOR IT AND IS GRATEFUL HE GETS TO WORK WITH HER REMEMBER) and wanting her to find a way around the mom 😭😭
God I love these two
Oof trouble with sharly has risen
Awww Carly and shaun getting each other and their ideas and finishing each other’s sentences l*mlendez could NEVER but melendaire could 😂 sorry cheap shot I know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Glassy is gonna out Morgan on her arthritis soon I feel it
Wow a shaire moment when was the last time they shared a fucking scene like they’re supposed to be besties wtf happened writers?!!? Aaaand it’s over in like a minute
😭😭 Claire is such an angel she’s the freakin BEST
Carly using science to explain how she feels to shaun cute
Oh my god no you can’t use an Ed sheeran song with cancer patients 😭😭 that makes it 20x sadder
Melendez and Claire are totally staring at each other in awe omg
Omg Claire Melendez are chaperones park no where to be found y’all know what that MEANS and they’re the only other people there they better fucking dance together omg I can’t he just said Claire looked to be feeling idiotic happiness 😭
AND HOLY FUCKING SHIT I WAS RIGHT I FROZE AND COULDNT BREATHE BUT MELENDEZ REALLY DID ASK CLAIRE TO DANCE AND THEY DID HOLY SHIT I CANNOT BELIEVE WE GOT THAT MELENDAIRE MOMENT I’VE BEEN DYING AND WAITING FOR SINCE I SAW THE BTS SCENE OF CLAIRE IN THAT OUTFIT AND FOUND OUT THIS EP WAS GONNA BE A PROM EP I had to type all that after the moment ended so I could really experience it since I can’t pause OR rewind but I was yelling oh my god so much my sister had to ask if I was okay 😂😭 I had a heart attack when he asked her if she wanted to dance ngl
Claire being inspirational and giving good speeches again I love her so much and am so glad she’s doing better
Carly you better not have changed your MEDICAL opinion because you wanted it to align with Shaun’s 🙄
Wow glassy you really had no other ideas nor could you jump in I hate him
The melendaire exchanging looks scenes are back in action
Wow that Carly and shaun moment was super adorable him calling her idea perfect and brilliant and her being brilliant and almost perfect 😭
Man they really said fuck park this ep huh he isn’t with Claire and Melendez again
But boy shit no she died 😩😩
Wtf why can’t Claire and her patients ever catch a BREAK like leave Claire ALONE and omg does Claire being heartbroken again mean we get another Melendez comforting Claire scene?! Becaus the way he stared after her after she ran off 👀👀 oof is NOT platonic lol
Aww sharly held hands to comfort and support each other
Holy shit I was right suck it katie @pinkobsessedfreak (I’m just kidding I love you 😂💕💕) for bringing the group chat down and shutting my theory down
BECAUSE GUESS WHAT WE SERIOUSLY GOT MELENDEZ GOING AFER CLAIRE WITH ANOTHER STAIRS AND BALCONY SCENE AND HIM COMFORTING HER AND MAKING HER FACE HER FEELINGS AND TELLING HER ITS OKAY TO BE ANGRY AT HER MOM (I was robbed of a hug but it’s okay I got everything else I fucking needed tonight) and now he has an idea for with something that makes him feel better
That fake out 😂😂
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don’t y’all love how lim was in this epcand yet we didn’t get a SINGLE l*’mlendez ep because I sure af do!!! Also park who?? Lmao he was hardly in this ep even tho he working the same patient with Melendez and Claire they really shoved him out to make these endless melendaire moments happen
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Also in other news shaun lost his v card and it looks like we’ll get some more Morgan angst with her mom possibly dying or some shit like that like man these writers really don’t want any of the residents and doctors to have good parents or alive ones for that matter lmao
Also some breznick moments which will be cute
We’ve really gotten Melendez comforting Claire not once not twice BUT THREE TIMES this season. This really is our season and people try to say Melendez treats all his residents like he does Claire or that he has done the same for others before YEAH FUCKING RIGHT
Okay I’m done I think freaking out at least on this post freak out about it in the comments with me tho or my ask or by reblogging just be happy with me okay 😂
P.S. check out my melendaire gifset that’s not showing up in the tags 🙃
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andimack-crack · 4 years
A christ-mack story: Andi Mack
read part one here
read part two here
Part 3: Merry little crisis
[Word count 1910]
Cyrus POV
Everybody was sat in the park me, Andi, Buffy, Jonah, T.J and Marty all squished onto one park bench drinking hot chocolate Andi was filling us in on the drama going on at home.
"It's just Bex is so nervous all the time and she's also very emotional feeling sick and tired I hope she's not coming down with something I'd hate to catch it." She rambled
I turned my head a little towards Jonah who sat quietly staring off with a blank face I could tell he wasn't really listening I waved a hand in front of him and he came alive
"Are you alright JB?"
"Y-yeah I-i mean look" he pointed over to an old looking man on the street who was clearly homeless he was begging for cash Jonah looked really sad and somewhat guilty.
"I didn't have a house not that long ago but at least I had family somewhere to live I mean food wasn't good but I was able to kind of continue life but the feeling never leaves you" he closed his eyes taking a deep breath I put a hand on his back
"Now that it's over and I see people that are still going through it... I don't know it feels like I'm not entitled to what I have" by now the conversations everybody else was having had stopped we were all listening to him.
"Jonah you are more than entitled your family went through so much  hardship these past few months you've been dealing with a lot of personal demons yourself you don't have to feel guilty" I reassured he nodded sighing
"Yeah I know I just feel like I should be doing something" he looked at his lap
"Jonah remember when we gave away all those clothes that mint chip threw away?" Andi said
"You mean do I remember going to jail my parents getting really mad at me and doing 72 hours of community service yeah I remember" we all laughed a little
"Yeah well we knew that it was wrong to just throw away those clothes and you know it's wrong that millions of people are sleeping rough on the streets" Andi explained
"It's even worse considering it's winter and Christmas" Buffy said sadly
"But the question is what are you going to do about it" I said Jonah started thinking and his face lit up all of a sudden
"I... I think I have an idea" he smiled
"Hold up... you guys went to jail?!" T.J and Marty said simultaneously in shock we all giggled.
Bex's POV
"Thanks for meeting me I was really hoping you would" Gabriel commented sitting opposite me in a cafe outside of town. He looked worse than when I left him like he hadn't slept or been around good people
"Yeah well just know I'm not doing this for you I'm doing for me" I said trying to keep my self together "I want to know why you emotionally abused me when you knew I was vulnerable because I had just left my home and my daughter"
"H-how is she?" He said awkwardly
"No don't you dare talk about her you don't get to I just want to know if it was me or-"
"No it wasn't please don't raise your voice" he said cutting me off "I... I was under a lot of pressure you really wanted to get out of Shadyside I didn't have money I had to work I always tired needed a drink"
"You can't use that as an excuse I felt like shit everyday when I was with you too the point where I'd do anything to avoid you" I was turning red and tears where stinging in my eyes
"I-i know I was awful b-but I wanna fix things you see I'm in a bit of debt with some old friends and I was thinking you could give me a loan and-"
"Seriously" I yelled standing up "You got back in touch with me to ask for money. I should of known you haven't changed stay away from me and my family if I ever see you again I'll go to the police"
I stormed out the cafe getting on my motorcycle to get back to cloud ten I should of never trusted him the tears fell from eyes but I smiled to myself I've been wanting to stand up to him for years I finally did it.
Jonah's POV
"Jonah where are you taking us?" Marty groaned impatiently
"You'll see" I had an idea of how I could help people that where sleeping rough how we could all help we reached a small shelter on the far side of town.
"We're here" I gestured as we all stepped inside
"What is this place?" Buffy questioned
"It's a food bank I went too a lot the people are really great here they listened to me and when I felt like I couldn't take much more of it there would always be someone here to calm me down"
"That's really sweet but why are all here?" T.J said confused 
"To volunteer I spoke to someone and they said they don't get enough people during the holidays to help out with handing out food, clean clothes  or just talking to them"
"If it'll make you happy Jo I'll do it" Cyrus said patting my shoulder 
"It's for a good cause I think we should all do it" Andi said.
"Can I help you guy- oh hello Jonah how's the new apartment?" A tall brown haired woman said walking up too us
"The apartments nice  things are a lot better now"
"Glad to hear it" I swivelled round to my friends
"Guys this is Carla she runs this whole operation during the holidays" 
"Nice to meet you all" She said shaking there hands one by one
"We are all here to volunteer" I said smiling brightly 
"We'll do anything you want" Buffy said her hand interlocked with Marty's
"Oh well that's lovely I need some people to pick up an apron and dish up food and I need some people to go out and find a few people to give clothes too and invite them in too eat" She said checking her list
"We're on it" She smiled and walked away to check something else 
"Me, Buffy and Andi will be on kitchen duty maybe you guys and can go out and find some people" Cyrus ordered 
"Sounds like a plan" I said happily
Bex's POV
I got back home later in the day thinking about what happened with Gabriel less and less I had more important things to think about some news I needed to share with the family. Bowie was sitting on the couch looking a little upset nearly angry.
"Hey... is something the matter?" 
"I went to cloud 10 to ask if you wanted something to eat you weren't there"
"I was out getting some products I needed" I quickly said as a cover story
"Oh okay that's weird because your friend Gabriel came by earlier" Uh oh
"Look Bowie I can explain..."
"What is there to explain Bex you lied to me... I'll ask again who is Gabriel?"
"Bowie I didn't tell you the truth to protect you he's not important I swear" I said taking his hands but he snatched them away
"Protect me from what?" 
"I-I" The words on my mouth died  I couldn't tell him. He picked up his keys and jacket
"Where are you going?" I demanded to know 
"Out" with that he slammed the door.
I just buried my face in my hands in defeat I have to make this right and I knew exactly how too. That is if Bowie give me a chance to speak to him.
Jonah POV
Marty, T.J and I managed to gather some people we found sleeping rough there were way more people than you would expect actually but I'm just really happy we were able to help out. By now we had given everybody some hot food and we were going round giving out clean clothes and blankets they also offered showers I handed this younger looking man a warm tracksuit and a thick coat he took it gratefully trying to smile but it was more like a grimace I pulled up a chair to talk to him.
"Hello I'm Jonah what's your name?" I said sticking my hand out he shook it
"I-I'm Tyler y-you're awfully young to be working here how old are You?"
"I'm 15 but a volunteer so are my friends" I said gesturing at them
"O-oh yeah the tall blonde one wouldn't stop following me until I agreeded to come here" I smirked
"Sorry about that how old are you? if it's okay to ask"
"I-im 20 in a few days and before you ask I've been homeless for two years" he said visibly embarrassed
"Wow um... how come i-I'm only asking to try and fix things don't answer if you don't want too-"
"I got into an argument with my mom after my dad died I-i blamed her and started doing dumb things and I... really wanted to go out of town for a weekend and she said if I go I might as well not bother coming back" his lip quivered I felt horrible
"Well parent say a lot of things they don't mean but they love us unconditionally it's Christmas almost your birthday call your mom" I said putting a hand on his but he took it away
"I can't I don't have my phone" I quickly took out mine
"If you know her number call her on my phone" Tyler was hesitant but he took the phone and dialed her number
"H-hello...hi yes mommy it's me...I-I miss you too" he choked out he stood up to go talk to her.
"You did a good thing Jonah" Carla said walking up behind me "Tyler came by a few months back no one could get him to talk to his mom"
"Well it was obvious he missed her it was probably just pride getting in the way" he came back tears still falling from his eyes he pulled me into a tight hug
"T-thank you Jonah" he said handing my phone back
"What did she say?"
"She's gonna come out here and we can go back home for Christmas" he smiled
"There's a bed here for you to sleep on tonight or at least until she gets here I'll show you" Carla said leading him away.
I joined the rest of my friends who were huddled together smiling.
"So Jonah how do you feel now?" Buffy said
"Good really good like I made a difference"
"Were all happy for you and this did feel great reminds us to give back during the holidays" Cyrus said.
We were interrupted by Andi's phone buzzing
"Hello... mom slow down...really oh okay" she hung up "I gotta go there's am emergency apparently" we all said goodbye and she left abruptly.
Whatever happens to having a peaceful holiday?
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July 28, 2017
<p>Today could have been worse. It could have been a lot worse. But I also chose not to make it better. I know that I need to me God my priority in my life but it is hard to get there. </p> <p>Today was another day of whirlwind emotions. However, I really tried to keep the peace. Is it bad that I can’t even remember how my morning went because it honestly feels so long ago. Everyday seems so long. I do realize that I have trouble remembering events when I am under a lot of stress and that is what this is…stress. Anyway, I am not sure if we cleaned today or yesterday… although I think it was today. It was very stressful and very tense. I was able swallow my pride and say thank you, accept that he cleans differently than me and that is okay, I was even able to put out the fire of an argument that was brewing in both of us. We were able to come together and actually shower together. I paused in the shower and held him and kissed his lips. These days, kisses make me cry. Each one seems like it may be the last. I laid on the bed and he actually invited himself to lay with me. Skin to skin. Honestly the best part was the time after where he held me. And I could feel our breath and our heart beats in sync. It was safe. It’s when his brace unlocks when I feel uncertainty at my every step. Fortunately he was able to help me with cleaning out my car and even willingly helped happy outside. It was pleasant. Sophie met the neighbor and we smiled in the sun. Bren resisted the urge to get angry when I unexpectedly decided to start cleaning the book case on garage. I could see his frustration, the way he had to pause, inhale and redirected the conversation. It was one moment but I was grateful. My luck was running short though. Bren became distracted and quickly left for inside before I was done. I ended up grasping all the things and scrambled to carry them inside. I honestly do not remember what he was doing when I got inside but I knew I needed to get ready. I had decided to go to the county fair. Bren was pleased because at some point in the day an almost-argument happened regarding his desire to raid tonight and tomorrow tonight. This exact phrase makes me feel as if I’m never his one desire. In that moment I swallowed the anger, disappointment and fear and chose to continue life. </p> <p>I am realizing that I can not make him live with me. By this I mean that I can not make him participate in life actively by my side. And that is okay. However, I wish I didn’t have to learn to want to live without him. I am not sure if that is going to be interpreted correctly. Let me re-phrase it, I wish that I did not have to chose to experience life with other people.</p> <p>(Skipping a big portion of unpleasant family time.)</p> <p>Tonight I ended up going to the county fair with Abby. However, this always comes with struggles. My faith is not without weakness and each time I spend extended periods of time with her, I can feel myself choosing the world more than Christ. Knowing this, I need to work on it. Like I really need to, not just typing this and forget about it. Anyway, my second mistake was county fairs aren’t my thing. I am not sure what is but that isn’t it. Something about all the worldly idols and adultery and alcohol, etc. didn’t sit very well. Instead of just enjoying myself I actually was very critical of everything and everyone. This, me being just as sinful as me judging others to be. The verse in Matthew about the plank in my eye actually came to mind. Despite the sin-filled evening, I know God was with me on the drive home. One of these days I will actually feel comfortable behind the wheel of my dear friend Abby. In the meantime I’ll pray and just trust that God has plans for me for another day.</p> <p>I called Bren on my way home like normal and he reminded me to get him some medicine and despite my desire to just go home, I did it. I stopped. I even surprised him with mints. I sat next to him and even thought about asking him to get me some water to soak my foot but decided against that. I did it myself and then sat next to him as he played his game. There was no anger or fear. I laid my head gently on his shoulder and a few moments passed and he kissed my forehead. It was 11:40 when I was done and cleaned up my mess. I asked Bren if happy was in bed and he said yes but no meds. This upset me because I know he was asleep but because he was so caught up in his game he could not stop to administer the medicine. Also, I knew the raid was over at 10pm. Anyway, I shut my mouth smoothed over the hiccup with some remark and made his meds. I then went to tend to happy where o realized Bren hadn’t done a thing. It was upsetting because he knew I was on my way and that it should had been done 40 ‘inured prior. However there was no injury or neglect necessarily but I felt sad that he waited and didn’t do it. I went into the room and at 12:03 am I began folding the clothes on the bed and then laid down shortly after. Bren has said he was only doing one more thing and then he would come to bed at 11.40pm. I am typing this at 12:35am. </p> <p>I should be used to it right? </p> <p>Tonight I lay here thinking, I don’t only owe God amends but myself. I am so hard on myself and I need to give myself a break. Im doing my best. With that said, I think emotionally I did well.</p> <p>However, I need to make more of a conscious effort with God as well. I do know that it is because of him I am here, alive and well. I have him to thank for my strength today.</p> <p>That is why I will continue to make amends and I will continue to pray.
One day at a time, one moment at a time.
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