christianandnerdy · 2 years
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Captain Kirk: You keep insisting that you Mormons are Christians too, but if that's so, it makes no sense that you keep trying to evangelize us fellow Christians. Unless you are lying and you know it. I have noticed that Mormons are mobilizing more aggressively in social media and entertainment, they are “debunking” the Mormonism is a cult status with half truths on Tik Tok, they are even recommending a book by John MacArthur which makes it looks like an endorsement from the Protestant churches, YouTubers that identified as “Christian” are being presented as uniters, because they include Mormons, Catholics and Protestants as Christianity. Don’t be surprised if you start seeing your favorite Christian influencers soft endorsements of the Mormon church. #mormonchurch #lds #christianandnerdy #christiancults https://www.instagram.com/p/CmYYpmbLKoT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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eli-kittim · 3 years
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The Heresy of the “Grace Road Church” of Korea
By Author Eli Kittim 🎓
A Cult Movement
According to Wiki,
The Grace Road Church is a South Korean
quasi-Christian new religious movement
and cult (although its members call it a
Church) founded in 2002.
This so-called “church” is currently based in Fiji. It moved there because its pastor Shin Okjoo predicted a famine in Korea. This is a shrewd and calculating woman who demanded strict obedience as she seized the passports of about 400 followers so that they wouldn’t leave. Many nearby churches have hurled accusations that this is a cult movement.
The church has diversified and raised funds by opening businesses across Fiji that range from the hospitality industry to construction to agriculture. Footage has emerged of physical abuse and violence, including slave labor. In 2019, its leader Shin Okjoo was found guilty and sentenced to six years in jail.
The Grace Road Church Claims that the Holy Spirit Is a Woman & that Jesus Is Not God the Son
The Deity of the Holy Spirit
The personhood of the Holy Spirit is multiply-attested in the New Testament. There are many verses which hint at the deity of the Holy Spirit, calling Him, for example, a “person” (ἐκεῖνος, meaning “He” Jn. 16:13-14; ὁ Παράκλητος, which depicts “a person”; & ἐκεῖνος, meaning “he” Jn. 15:26). Note that the Biblical references to the Holy Spirit don’t use the feminine but rather the masculine, third-person pronoun “he.”
The Holy Spirit is also called the “eternal Spirit” (Heb. 9:14), a term that is often used interchangeably with the concept of God (1 Cor. 3:16; 6:19; Acts 5:3-4; Rom. 8:9; 2 Tim. 3:16; 2 Pet. 1:21). For example, the Holy Spirit is called “Lord” in 2 Corinthians 3:17:
Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the
Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.
Moreover, the Holy Spirit is said to have insight into “the depths of God” (1 Corinthians 2:10-11). He also possesses knowledge (Romans 8:27). The Spirit is also said to have a personal will (1 Corinthians 12:11). He is capable of convicting the world of sin (John 16:8), and performs signs and miracles (Acts 8:39). He also guides (John 16:13) and intercedes between people (Romans 8:26). He utters commands and is also obeyed (Acts 10:19-20; 16:6). The Spirit talks (Revelation 2:7; 14:13; 22:17). He warns and prophesies of things to come (John 16:13; Acts 20:23). And the New Testament certainly depicts Him as a member of the Trinity (John 16:14; Matthew 28:19; 2 Corinthians 13:14).
The Deity of Jesus Christ
We also have multiple texts which refer to the deity of Jesus Christ, depicting him as the Son of God, such as in Jn 1 (“the word was God”), Col. 2:9 (“in him the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily”), Jn 8:58 (“before Abraham was, I am”), Heb. 1.2 (God’s “Son, … through whom he also created the worlds”), Heb. 1:3 (“The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact imprint of his being”), Tit. 2:13 (“our great God and Savior Jesus Christ”), as well as the explicit worship Christ willingly received from his followers (Luke 24:52; John 20:28) and the accusations of blasphemy leveled against him for equating himself with God (Mark 2:7).
Hence, the Grace Road Church’s Biblical claims that the Holy Spirit is a woman and that Jesus is not God the Son are completely bogus and misinformed!
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ridenwithbiden · 4 years
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dragonsandelephants · 2 years
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When life gets Dark, I seek nature. #controlofmybodyisabirthright #womensrights #lgbtqiarights🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 #bodilyautonomyisabirthright #bodilyautonomy #humanrights #equalrights #myuterusmychoice #separationofchurchandstate #nomanwillcontrolme #hysterectomy #abortionishealthcare #abortion #republicansareterrorists #thebibleismanmade #christiancult #fuckretrumplicans #fuckyouscotus #kayaklife🚣 #provoutah #utahlakestatepark (at Utah Lake State Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfVsKAAu-m2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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♲ @Om* ([email protected])2021-10-31 08:22:20:
and you?...
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#psychiatrist #waitingroom #imaginaryfriend #christiancult #comic
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megaeraspeaks · 4 years
Oh hey internets
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Just another random stranger on the planet having some strange subconscious need to add their thoughts and feelings into the void.
I do not know how this ‘tumblring’ works, I just know I was annoyed with livejournal’s switch to follow russian rule and… knew I had a tumblr so thought who cares if that’s not how it’s supposed to work? Easier than creating something new?
Even though i have no idea wut im doing w/e
A long long time ago, in a galaxy far, far, away… I journal-ed everyday. It was the only way for me to express my emotions and thoughts and… stop feeling them?
Teenaged-dom was bs im just sayin’
Somewhere along the line writing shit emo poetry and my thoughts and feelings turned into copying scripture and writing out desperate prayers to be freed from… life, I guess. Pain. My unhappiness. My life.
Yay religious dogma
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BUT THEN adulthood came [partner currently sitting beside me playing Assains Creed - ‘Are you actually updating livejournal?’ ‘No, I deleted that, this is tumblr’ ‘Oh, right, silly me.’ Rude.] and with adulthood came jobs, more stress, more bills, less time, less happiness, and less friends!
Which also meant I stopped writing. I no longer had the emotional energy (or the reg kind) for doing anything that required… thought.
Life was hard enough.
AND THEN MY WORLD COLLAPSED AROUND MY EARS I found out I had been cheated on for almost a year, I stopped believing in/following my childhood cult religion, I began to question monogamy, I started studying witchcraft and just… man, LIFE happened. I just went on a long painful ride.
And then I lived with strangers, lived with people I loved, shagged random blokes, realised o hey polyamory is a thing I am, had a divorce, spent a sex-filled week with a dude I’ve liked since childhood (realised that relationship wasn’t happening anytime soon), got high for the first time, went to raves, dated a hot band-dude, tried to find a hot chick on tinder but chickened out
and then I moved to the other side of the world
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o hey southern hemisphere wat up
which meant HEY LOOK I can afford medication and therapy and maybe even get a high education the FUCK?
Which meant Hey Megaera let’s talk about your childhood, your shit addict parents, your super angry grandfather, your abusive ex, etc etc etc
Feelings? Emotions? What are those? Feeling nothing is like so much easier. Running away from my past and problems - easier. Not confronting my demons, weakness, and the scared little child that lives inside me - EASIER.
But, yeah, whatever, I’m a complete adult now so I guess I should like… deal with that shit. ‘cause otherwise I will become my biggest fear
my mother
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So I guess this is me attempting to process shit again. It hurts to write a bunch but typing on a keyboard is easy soooo whatever. I can be a 30 something something from somewhere posting on tumblr. That’s fine….
Everything’s fine.
Except that I still have no idea who I am, what I’m doing, or where I’m going. But, that’s cool, right? It’s all part of the… ride?
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poisoncircus · 10 years
Not only are child christian cults terrifying, but the fact that my sister and I were in one is a nightmare!!
1:05 to 1:10 I'm the girl in the back left with a red shirt complete with 90's scrunchie.
Wach as I am clearly brainwashed into singing by bright colors and waving my arms around! This lady I remember being awesome as a kid but now I'm pretty sure she has a couple screws loose! Whatever the case these videos have become hugely popular for some reason. Now we have to live with the fact that we are helping brainwash children through their tvs all over the world! ...........sorry kids!
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christianandnerdy · 4 years
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Are you in a Christian cult? It’s always that obvious and Christian cults will never labeled themselves as a cult. Some cults are easy to identify like the Mormons and the Jehovah’s Witnesses but other aren’t so easy to identify such as non-trinitarian churches or independent churches that appear biblical on the outside but very cultish in the inside. The only way to know for sure is to be so familiar with biblical truth that when falsehood appears you’ll be able to detect it. #christianandnerdy #christiancult #ldschurch #jw #jworg #onenesspentecostal https://www.instagram.com/p/CDsvDtjFvJy/?igshid=yo94xegf8ed6
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ridenwithbiden · 4 years
New Rule: Nut Pick | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)
#CatholicCult #CatholicCourt 7 of 9 Supreme Court Justices 
#ChristianCult #TrumpCult Catholics are only 20% of Americans 
#Atheists #Agnostics #ScienticficSecularHumanists are 25% of Americans 
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ridenwithbiden · 4 years
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christianandnerdy · 2 years
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"For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast." Book of Ephesians 2:8-9 Works can't saved you, there's nothing you can do to earn your way into heaven. Being a member of a church organization won't save you whether it be Presbyterian💕 Lutheran, Baptist or nondenominational but the reason we are members is because as saved people we are called to fellowship and grown in faith with the saints. #ephesians29 #ephesians28 #jworg #jw #calvinist #calvinistgirlcomics #calvinistgirl #christiangirl #jwgirl #jwgirls #christiancult #godsplan #godgrace #john316 https://www.instagram.com/p/CemPTAVPsMK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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christianandnerdy · 2 years
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The guy that did that viral tik tok video about Jesus being racist, is now saying that Jesus isn’t the only way to salvation. When a minister or religious influencer teaches something that is questionable or boarder line heretical, rest assured that you’re only seeing the surface of the the iceberg. #Repost @christianpostintl ・・・ Jesus isn’t the only way to salvation, insists TikTok pastor Brandan Robertson, whose progressive preaching on the Chinese-owned and video-focused social networking service has reached millions A graduate of Moody Bible Institute and onetime parishioner of the Anglican Church in North America’s Chicago-based Greenhouse church planting movement, Robertson illustrates a well-worn trajectory for “evangelicals” who squish on sexual ethics, ultimately jettisoning from their beliefs an orthodoxy that first became optional and now is proscribed. #hereticaltheology #falseprophets #christiancult https://www.instagram.com/p/CcO1EHBpycN/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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christianandnerdy · 2 years
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Let’s just say that I need to choose a business partner for a start up company and the only thing I can know about these potential partners is their religion, potential partner number one is an active Catholic Church member, potential partner number two is a active Presbyterian, and potential partner number three is an active Mormon, hands down I would choose the Mormon. Sad that I didn’t choose the Christian, the work ethic of the Mormon is commendable, I worked with a few of them in the past, I also spoken to others who had worked with active Mormons, and the stories are similar, they are honorable and hard working, it is a standard that I continually aim for. I love how they run their community, very wholesome and family friendly, so I have to issue with their overall culture, they have a great culture, but you can call your church, the church of Jesus Christ and still lead people away from Jesus Christ. Definition matters, every Christian Cult starts with an unbiblical view of Jesus Christ, the Jesus of the Mormon is the spiritual brother of Satan, the Virgin Mary of the Mormon had sexual relations with God the father in order to conceive Jesus, to the believer these concepts are unbiblical and completely blasphemous, for that reason and many others Mormonism isn’t Christianity. I love my Mormon friends, but if I was to call them brothers in the Lord I would be lying because I know it’s not true and all I’m doing is flattering them just to be liked, and if you know me then you would know that I hate being confrontational, I hate being a contrarian, but when it comes to biblical truth, if I’m silent when false teachings are being taught, then I’m only encouraging it. When you speak to someone about their faith, never go about it in a mean spirited fashion, like the old saying goes “don’t cut someone’s nose and then tell him to smell the roses” #mormon #mormonism #christianandnerdy #ldslife #christiancult https://www.instagram.com/p/CbwdmX6LJLT/?utm_medium=tumblr
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christianandnerdy · 5 years
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Whenever a church states that they are one true church on earth, it’s a cult. #calvinist #calvinistgirl #calvinistgirlcomics #cult #christiancult https://www.instagram.com/p/B995M6Kl-YJ/?igshid=11w4frtl5ejqh
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christianandnerdy · 5 years
A spiritually dangerous cult #Repost @frankrojas002 ・・・ JW IS A CULT... FALSE TEACHERS AND PROPHETS WHO HAVE MADE FALSE PREDICTIONS ABOUT THE END OF THE WORLD.... THE DONT BELIEVE JESUS IS DIETY, THAT HE IS GOD #jw #jworg #cult #christiancult https://www.instagram.com/p/ByPykU4lJew/?igshid=1miwag40m1hjl
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christianandnerdy · 5 years
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"For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast." Book of Ephesians 2:8-9 Works can't saved you, there's nothing you can do to earn your way into heaven. Being a member of a church organization won't save you whether it be Presbyterian💕 Lutheran, Baptist or nondenominational but the reason we are members is because as saved people we are called to fellowship and grown in faith with the saints. #ephesians29 #ephesians28 #jworg #jw #calvinist #calvinistgirlcomics #calvinistgirl #christiangirl #jwgirl #jwgirls #christiancult #godsplan #godgrace #john316 https://www.instagram.com/p/BvtDp-FFXgT/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1u2k63rg085iq
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