#christo fascists
I’ve told you this before but I’ll repeat it. George “Dubya” Bush began the practice of paying Evangelical pastors to preach against Democrats and in favor of Republicans.
After coming out of rehab for coke addiction “Dubya” became a born again evangelical. As dumb as he is he quickly realized that southern and rural evangelicals were poorly educated and completely uniformed bible thumpers that could easily be bought off and used as a political propaganda props.
“Dubya”, who had deserted the Texas Air National Guard and had many scrapes with the law, had his record expunged by his father who had been director of the CIA. Papa Bush helped Nixon open China to Republikkkan corporations and then as VP assisted Reagan in his war on the American middle class and poor. When “wimpy” dad ran for President, Jr fell in with evil brain bug Karl Rove who put the coke addict in charge of buying evangelical clergy. A fairly easy task because evangelical churches are independent, for profit businesses with no hierarchy to answer to like the mainstream Protestants churches or the Catholics. The effort brought in so many new Republican recruits that it continues to this day.
During the Obama years the Justice Department investigated and revoked the non-profit status of evangelical and Baptist churches that were preaching Republican culture war bullshit. This infuriated them and was largely responsible for the massive backlash against Obama and the Dems. Although this was highly underreported it was a very sore point for the GOP thieves. Even today most Dems think the overreaction by Republicans to Obama was purely racism (and let’s face it they are racist bastards) when in fact it was partly that Barry Obama had cut deeply into their lucrative propaganda/fundraising in the south and rural areas. Although it’s not entirely clear that Obama led this effort to undermine the fascist GOP it shook them to the core. They need the pastors to tell the MAGAts how to vote and who to donate to.
Today the evangelical fake Christians of the old Confederacy are the backbone of the MAGA cult and they have been groomed to accept Trump as a “mercenary” for their bastardization of religion. They are willing to overlook his embodiment of the seven deadly sins because he pushes their agenda, not because he believes in it but because he needs their money and votes. It’s a match made in the bowels of Fox News Hell. They’re aware he’s the biggest sinner in the country but he’s their last best chance to set up a Christo-fascist state. Something that wasn’t even on their radar until the Bush dynasty, Karl Rove, and the RNC came knocking on their doors. They think they’re driving the car but they’re just the limo drivers for the oligarchs and their GOP puppets.
It should be noted that there are some cracks in the armor as many college age evangelicals have been speaking up against the tidal wave of cruelty and evil coming from Trump and the GOP. Somebody must have introduced them to the New Testament and Socialist Jesus. For the most part however the old guard televangelist figureheads have been silencing dissent. The young on both sides, while very vocal, haven’t exactly turned out in the massive numbers we keep hoping for.
Republicans still rely on a coalition of evangelical bible thumpers, far-right Nazis, southern/rural gun nuts, the wealthy, and Deep South Americanized Hispanics. The Dems are still largely a coalition of adult African-Americans, Northeast/West coast progressives, the over educated, urban dwellers, and union members (except for police unions). Thanks for reading and following.
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crepusculedaemon · 14 days
Project 2025 is a totalitarian document to instruct the next republican president. The most sinister element is it’s statement that liberty is not freedom to do what we want but what their god wants.
If it were to be affective:
There would be no protections from being fired if you’re queer
There would be no protection from disparate impact discrimination
Give the president complete power over the federal government
Imprisonment of “pornographers” don’t think only people who make actual porn are in danger it conflates being transgender with pornography. Pornography like wokeness, anti-white racism, cultural marxism, and even fascism are just words used by them to condemn anything they disagree with.
And more
Sign this petition to oppose project 2025 and please tell other people about this. Please understand this isn’t the entirety of what can befall our country trump himself said states can monitor a woman’s pregnancy if he’s saying this now what else will he do as a president for four years? we cannot be divided everyone has to understand this threat EVERYONE has to stop this evil through awareness, voting, and letting people know about what these people are planning for america.
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theozgnomian · 1 month
Arizona Supreme Nazis
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Sorry to say, given that I'm usually pretty live and let live about religion, unless you try to ram it down my throat....like Christian Conservatives have been doing since before Reagan, but if you aren't ashamed of calling yourself a Christian Conservative yet, then you've forfeited your humanity. Period. Full stop.
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meandmybigmouth · 2 months
Over the past few months, different factions on the Right have presented detailed plans for what they want to do the next time they get back to the White House. Among them, “Project 2025,” launched in April 2022 under the leadership of the Heritage Foundation, stands out because it unites much of the conservative movement and the machine of think tanks as well as activist and lobbying groups behind the goal of installing a more effective, more ruthless rightwing regime.
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kelcipher · 1 year
Inside the Secret Working Group That Helped Push Anti-Trans Laws Across the Country – Mother Jones
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qupritsuvwix · 1 year
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tehjleck · 1 year
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I keep hearing about these mythical "good christians" ... do they mean these?
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If your fictional deity is all knowing - he KNOWS all of these fucking pedophiles are using him to manipulate their victims If your fictional deity is all powerful - he KNOWS, is absolutely capable of stopping them and does NOTHING.
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Jordan Peterson and pseudopsychology
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MAGA Mike.
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porterdavis · 2 months
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The one on the right isn’t shooting up public places here in the US.
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crepusculedaemon · 2 months
Chistian nationalism is anti-christian violating so many commandments they worship traditions of men, their country, politicians. They abuse others dehumanize others and justify it with their beliefs. If you care about God and the reputation of your faith you will fight this disease we all are in danger if they get more power.
Project 2025 is not evangelism or reformation it’s a blind pernicious attempt at fixing real complicated problems with personal beliefs. It will cause so much more pain then it was supposedly made to help.
Nowhere did Jesus say to reject foreign people because they don’t believe what you do, he never said to reduce a woman’s freedom, nowhere did he say to call queer people filth and maggots. Jesus taught humility, love, patience these “christians” do more harm to Christianity then satan ever will.
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theozgnomian · 1 month
The Founders on Church and State
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For all those Christians out there claiming that the United States was founded as a Christian Nation. You're ALL liars, every fucking last murderous ignorant one of you. Thank you for your attention.
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meandmybigmouth · 2 months
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kelcipher · 1 year
Texas Republican Introduces Bounty Hunting Bill Targeting Drag Queens
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republicansexscandals · 6 months
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What does he have to say about a billionaire that cheated on his pregnant wife with a porn actress he paid for sex?
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