#school chaplains
gwydionmisha · 5 months
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qupritsuvwix · 1 year
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findafight · 9 months
Okay, two things;
1. Mr Clarke was 100% Steve’s bi-awakening. When he had him for science someone made reference to “Mrs Clarke”, prompting him to joke about the fact he’s not married.
And bb!Steve, half joking, says “don’t worry, if you’re still single when I’m grown up I’ll marry you.” Everyone else who heard him say it assumes it’s a joke, and later Mr Clarke takes him to one side to explain he really shouldn’t be making those jokes, bc his parents have the money to send him to military school.
Post-season 3 Steve will sometimes jokingly ask him “still single? I’m a man of my word”.
The party, upon learning what this actually means are horrified and try to keep the two apart at ALL costs (except Lucas, who upon thinking it, thinks that they’d actually work pretty well together).
Also, I like to imagine at some town event or other, Steve’s talking to Mr Clarke, commiserating about the kids, and then Robin comes over, dragging Mr Hauser, bc she needs to introduce him to Steve (who doesn’t initially remember who is, then yells “Lottery guy!” and hugs him).
Misters Clarke and Hauser spend the rest of the evening commiserating on being unwitting gays mentors.
2. I love the idea of Steve, half way through an art house movie, turning to Robin in disgust and announcing “okay, it was being heavy handed - *now* it’s just condescending.”
Also, I feel like he’d get a real kick out of Metropolis - assuming they’d be able to get hold of that in the 80s.
bb steve and his bb crush on cool science teach Mr. Clarke!! But also mr clark and the mortification of being hit on (even jokingly) by a student. I think he can combat this by reminding Steve he knew him when he was thirteen. Likely an effective counterattack! Plus Stobin matchmaking their gay mentor teachers with each other would be funny. Maybe by accident but then they realize they can do it and like....why not? and Mr Clarke and Mr Hauser are like these children think they're slick but end up getting along?
ooooh yes! steve's like can't there at LEAST be SUBTLETY? and yeah I think he would be down for metropolis! There was even a restoration made in the mid eighties that i think some well known musicians (i think Freddie mercury and bonnie tyler) made the soundtrack for. So it would definitely be available! and somewhat relevant to pop culture I think Bonnie Tyler was nominated for a Grammy for it. i also think Steve and Robin could get a kick of Cabinet of Dr. Caligary. I think there was a restoration of it in the 70s or 80s as well, and it's definetly weird enough to be on robin's radar!
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fooltofancy · 2 months
theology conversations with my dad are also very funny because he will very earnestly say something and i have to very earnestly be like dad that's a heresy.
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plethoraworldatlas · 4 months
A bill moving through the Indiana legislature would allow chaplains to assume official positions in our state’s public schools, creating an environment ripe for religious coercion and indoctrination of students. SB 50 blurs the line between church and state, undermining a fundamental principle of the First Amendment.
Additionally, SB 50 does not require chaplains to obtain the same educational degrees and professional certifications that school counselors and other school staff must obtain. Student support services should be provided by trained, certified school professionals – not unlicensed, government-selected clergy.
Public schools in Indiana are religiously diverse, and all students should feel safe and welcome in them.
(Indiana only petition)
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alicentsgf · 1 year
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Alicent Higtower & Revelation 12:1-6, 13-18 'The Woman of the Apocalypse'
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bikerlovertexas · 1 year
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chirhos · 2 years
I want to go to seminary so so badly just because i want to be in that environment and know things but i don't feel any kind of call towards ministry and i'm probably actually going to be an engineer. which leaves me reading a lot of books and going to every possible church group event to manufacture the environment i want
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border-collie · 1 year
Sometimes I get comfortable enough that I temporarily forget that I’m living in a mutinous state that’s happily siding with overt fascism.
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katruna · 12 days
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gonzodangerfeels · 1 month
She's like, come on I know you wanna see it...
you told me all of last fall
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nando161mando · 2 months
Conservatives Push to Put Chaplains in Public Schools (who needs books, supplies, healthy lunches, or a school nurse?)
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tenth-sentence · 3 months
Landed women continued to found schools and the chaplain to Philippa of Hainault established the 'Hall of the Queen's scholars of Oxford' in 1341 and named it after his royal patron.
"Normal Women: 900 Years of Making History" - Philippa Gregory
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elierlick · 3 months
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Tennessean trans man David Scott Ryan III transitioned in 1949, around age 26. He became a pastor in 1955 while passing as cis and preached throughout Arkansas and Oklahoma for years. Narratives like David's narratives don't often end well, but David successfully fought to live as a man! Here's his story:
Born in rural Oklahoma on 9/22/1923, David privately transitioned in 1949 before marrying his first known wife, chaplain Margie. He then married another woman named Gwyn after leaving Margie in 1953. He later married a third wife, Glenda, in 1960.
David was outed after his 1961 bigamy arrest. It's unclear if his bigamy was accidental or even real. Gwyn filed for divorce in March 1960 before he married Glenda in June, but documents do not show if the divorce was completed. Glenda filed the bigamy complaint herself for unknown reasons. Was it jealousy? Was David outed? Was she feeling neglected? Glenda did not speak with reporters.
David was far from the first trans man arrested for marrying a woman. Yet, the courts did not know what to do with him. The judge dismissed his case after 4 months of jail and he stayed out of the news for a decade.
There are countless cases like David Ryan in the mid-20th century- trans people who make the news for a few weeks before fading into history. However, thanks to new archive technology, we can trace David's story further. He re-married a woman named May Louise and they divorced in 1971. He then married for a 5th and final time to high school teacher Imogene Cox in 1975. He took up jobs at a construction equipment site and Walmart in Evansville, Indiana over the following decades.
David passed in 2002 from heart disease at age 78. The mortician must have insisted on using an "F" for David despite "M" appearing on his other documents (why?). Local news reported that David loved to play instruments and paint. 50 years after transitioning, he still worked with the church.
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codewithcode · 1 year
Texas lawmakers approve allowing public schools to hire chaplains to counsel students
Texas would allow public schools to use campus safety money to hire chaplains to counsel students under a bill approved this week by state lawmakers and sent to Republican Gov. Greg Abbott ByJIM VERTUNO Associated Press AUSTIN, Texas — Texas would allow public schools to use campus safety money to hire chaplains to counsel students under a bill approved this week by state lawmakers and sent to…
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Talahasse Principal forced to resign after parents complained about her giving an art lesson on the nude statue of David to 11 and 12 year-olds. 🤨
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