#christy stratton
tiptoesims · 2 months
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Christy Stratton from the sims 2 is wondering when you're going to put the game on. Making these sims in TS4 made me realize how many athletic, sports loving townies we had in TS2!
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heromonty · 1 year
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Dustin took the initiative to finally introduce himself to the other tenants in the apartment. Y’know, gotta blend in and make sure no one catches on to the fact that a literal criminal is living amongst them in the building.
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thepoparena · 3 months
Thoughts on "Quiet on Set"
I imagine, being one of Youtube’s “Nickelodeon Content Creators”, you want to know what I thought. QUIET ON SET, the new four-part documentary detailing inappropriate behavior and abuse on the set of Dan Schneider’s various Nickelodeon shows, starts off on its worst foot, with all the earmarks of trashy tabloid journalism. A couple of gossip journalists walk us through events and interject how you’re supposed to feel about them. There’s one moment where Leon Frierson, former ALL THAT cast member, talks about how uncomfortable some of the costuming made him, about how the noses on a nose-themed superhero costume has some unfortunate phallic resemblances, and then we cut to a writer from Buzzfeed going “and then the sneeze gag is basically a cum shot joke!” Frierson never says that. In a later episode, a similar comparison is made to a gag on ZOEY 101, but there it’s actress Alexa Nikolas making that connection from the workplace environment she had found herself in. It’s an authentic observation, where in the earlier example it was outsider sensationalization, playing to the “crusaders” on Twitter and Tiktok where the public side of Schneider drama has mostly lived over the past decade. They bring on Marc Summers, Nickelodeon elder statesman who had virtually no presence in this era of the channel, for all of twelve seconds so that he can watch a clip of a Schneider show and go “oh, wow, they aired that?”
You can imagine how the producers' eyes must have lit up when they learned that Brian Peck, former Nick dialogue coach and convicted sex offender, owned a John Wayne Gacy painting. I mean, yeah, that’s fucked up, but it has virtually nothing to do with anything. It is, however, a perfect “can you believe this” moment that can be clipped and shared on social media for shock value. It’s something that the documentary can ride as a viral moment.
QUIET ON SET was produced for Investigation Discovery, whose bread and butter is schlocky true crime documentaries. Shows like EVIL LIVES HERE and WHO THE (BLEEP) DID I MARRY. Not exactly tasteful television. The channel is owned by Warner Bros Discovery, and was simultaneously released on Max. Warner Bros Discovery owns Cartoon Network. The documentary puts emphasis on Nickelodeon being on the top of the children’s cable game, and often brings up the Disney Channel as Nick’s main competitor. At no point is Cartoon Network mentioned, because, well, nobody wants to say their competitor is doing better than them, and saying you’re doing better than Nickelodeon would defeat the documentary’s narrative. My point is that I do not believe QUIET ON SET comes from a genuine place. It’s cheap schlock shock documentary filmmaking that wants to attract the same crowd who watch serial killer shows for fun. However. It’s also a space where a lot of people who were hurt during this time at Nickelodeon have come forward to tell their stories, and that pretty much nullifies all the gross exploitation elements present in the early parts. When these people start speaking for themselves, the documentary has no choice but to let them speak, and its more garbage instincts fade away. By the time Drake Bell starts telling his story, the gossip journalists all but vanish until the end, and there’s a stronger sensitivity to everything. The topics raised are harrowing. Workplace discrimination, sexual harassment, child abuse, sexism on set, racism on set, and general mispractice paint a meaningful picture of the toxic environment Nickelodeon was allowing at this time. The stories told by AMANDA SHOW writers Christy Stratton and Jenny Kilgen are infuriating. And then the sexual assault of Drake Bell by Brian Peck. Not an easy watch. It shouldn’t be an easy watch. What a fucking awful thing. It’s heartbreaking to watch. The documentary handles it with an unexpected tact and evenhandedness. It doesn’t excuse Bell’s later behaviors, and it allows Schneider to come off as one of the few adults who handled the situation correctly, even if the rest of the documentary is largely against him. I wish this had been the tone of the entire piece. QUIET ON SET is an important document of a terrible entertainment workplace. It’s a shame they dumped a bunch of trash on top of it. It’s not an easy watch, but it’s one of those things that’s going to be referenced to a lot over the years, and I hope that the people who make children’s television were learn the right lessons from it.
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radlymona · 3 months
I’m watching the Quiet on Set documentary and the fact that Jenny Kilgen (a writer for the Amanda Bynes Show) brought a gender discrimination suit against Dan Schneider in 2000, knowing it would destroy her career but wanting future women not to be exploited economically and to be subjected to a sexually abusive workplace is utterly incredible. Like she stood up to a behemoth because she knew it was the right thing to do.
While a hoard of male writers just watched and never did a single thing to stand up for them. They just watched her and Christy Stratton be utterly degraded by him.
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cora626 · 5 months
Setting up for better Story Lines
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Christy Stratton runs the local children's home. She fosters children from ages 6-12 and when they cannot be reunited with their families, she sets them up for adoption. She provides a loving home for the children, feeds, clothes and takes them to school. She teaches them lifeskills and helps them with their school assignments. She s does get attached from time to time, but this only encourages her to make sure that the child will go to a safe and happy home.
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deatherella · 9 months
My Big Fat Poppycock Wedding Pt. 2
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The sun has set but the fun hasn't. Yes, we have party lights hanging in thin air.
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Delilah's wedding was a success. A great time had by all - even the two wedding crashers Kaylynn Langerak and Christy Stratton, who I think came to bring Avy and KyLeigh home and then stayed without the girls.
Let married life and thirteen more babies commence!
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anamandabynes · 2 years
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Dan Schneider’s Disgusting Nickelodeon Empire
The goo, roughly the consistency of an egg white, was being squirted repeatedly on the teen actor Jamie Lynn Spears' face. Spears was shooting an episode of Nickelodeon's Zoey 101 in which a costar accidentally sprays her with a yellowish-green liquid candy called a "goo pop." But Dan Schneider, the show's meticulous creator, found problems with every take, Spears' costar Alexa Nikolas recalled, making a crew member squirt the syringe of goo at Spears over and over again.
Then, in one take, the slime hit Spears squarely on her forehead, dripping down her face and mouth.Schneider started laughing hysterically, Nikolas said. Others laughed as well, including Spears' mother, who was on set at the time. Nikolas said she heard one of her male teenage castmates say, "It's like a cum shot.
"That was the shot that made it into the show."We're talking about a minor," Nikolas said. "I think Jamie was 13, and they're squirting stuff on her face to make it look a certain way."
At the time, around 2004, Schneider was on his way to becoming one of the most powerful people at Nickelodeon. Schneider joined the network in 1993 as a writer on All That.
His first series, The Amanda Show, starring Amanda Bynes, established his brand of kid-friendly slapstick comedy. Subsequent hits like Zoey 101, iCarly, and Victorious helped turn Nickelodeon into a powerhouse, leading The New York Times to crown Schneider "the Norman Lear of children's television."
A heavyset former child star with a round face and rumpled button-downs, Schneider was obsessively hands-on as the creator, executive producer, and writer on his shows, according to his cast and crew. He maintained a constant presence on the set, chatting with teenage casts for hours after filming ended. Winning Schneider over could be a career-making move; he was known to craft bigger roles and even new series for his favorites."
He was what every kid star wanted," said Nikolas, who played Nicole Bristow on Zoey 101. "They wanted to be on his show." Nikolas said Schneider could be volatile and described the on-set environment as "traumatizing." Once, Britney Spears intervened in the contentious relationship between Nikolas and Jamie Lynn Spears. Nikolas said the pop star screamed at and berated her, leaving her sobbing in the fetal position. Schneider set up a meeting to discuss the situation. Nikolas remembers being summoned into a large conference room with Nickelodeon executives, alone. Nikolas, who was 13 at the time, said Schneider started yelling at her, telling her it was "not called 'Nicole 101'; it's called 'Zoey 101.'" She recalled silently crying, as executives nodded along to Schneider's tirade.
Afterward, Nikolas told her mother she wanted to quit Zoey 101. Her mother demanded that Nickelodeon release Nikolas from her contract, and less than a week later, she was off the show."I was so happy to get out of there," Nikolas said. "It was the best day of my fucking life."
Writers and crew members had their own problems with Schneider. Six writers described working for him as a double-edged sword. On the one hand, the success of Schneider's shows provided rare stability in a chaotic industry. On the other, he regularly demanded 14-plus-hour days and expected writers and crew members to be available "24 hours a day, seven days a week," a former writer said.
A writer who worked with Schneider for years said that when he finally quit, the creator tried to erase his name from unaired episodes before being told it was impossible and illegal to do so.
"If you were in his favor, work was joyful and fun," Christy Stratton, a writer for The Amanda Show, said. "But if you upset him — even unintentionally — he would burn you to the ground."
Female writers suffered their own particular brand of indignity.While many of Schneider's leading actors were teenage girls, including Jamie Lynn Spears, Ariana Grande, and Miranda Cosgrove. Schneider once "openly stated he didn't like having female writers in the writers room" and rarely hired them, a longtime Nickelodeon writer said. None of Schneider's shows credited more than two female writers in the entirety of their runs; Zoey 101 and Drake & Josh had zero.
Kayla Alpert said that on her first day writing for All That, Schneider declared that women were not funny and dared her to name a single funny woman. "It speaks to something very dark and very wrong," Alpert said.
In 2000, Jenny Kilgen, one of two female writers on The Amanda Show at the time, accused Storybook Productions — the production company for the series — of gender discrimination and of creating a hostile work environment, two people with direct knowledge of the claim told Insider. Schneider was not named as a party, but during the mediation proceedings Kilgen said she was uncomfortable with Schneider's repeated requests for massages, according to the two people.
As part of the mediation, the other female writer on The Amanda Show wrote a letter, which Insider viewed, in which she said Schneider asked her and Kilgen to perform embarrassing activities for money and to massage his shoulders. The writer wrote that Schneider once pressured her into simulating "being sodomized" while she was telling a story about high school, to her embarrassment.
The case was settled out of court for an undisclosed amount, the two people said, and Kilgen left the television industry. When contacted by Insider, Kilgen declined to comment.
Schneider was known to hug female crew members for extended periods "as a joke," making people uncomfortable, two crew members said. Numerous Nickelodeon staffers said Schneider asked for massages from adult female colleagues throughout his time at the network. Kerry Mellin, who worked as a costumer on Schneider's shows for 14 years, and another costumer said Schneider received weekly massages from a third member of the costume team. Both said Schneider would ask the woman to reach under his shirt to massage him. The person close to Schneider said Schneider "regrets ever asking anyone and agrees it was not appropriate, even though it only happened in public settings."
"It was humiliating to observe a respected colleague having to do this," Mellin said. Schneider's power at Nickelodeon meant his shows continued to be greenlighted despite allegations that he created a hostile work environment. It also meant he could push the envelope more than your typical show creator, some people who worked with him said. One writer recalled Schneider receiving an email with a few minor notes from Nickelodeon's standards department. Schneider displayed the email on a large monitor in the writers room. Instead of addressing concerns, the writer said, Schneider responded point by point with gibberish — writing "flippity floo" and "flippity flam" — to "make this big show of thumbing his nose at the network." On-set employees rarely pushed back against Schneider, another writer said, because "you just didn't cross Dan — he was a really scary presence."
And while the network had a multitiered system to review content before it aired, some said it did not always succeed in preventing footage that could be viewed as inappropriate.Two people recalled Schneider fighting with Nickelodeon over teenage actresses' costumes on "Victorious," with Schneider — who signed off on all outfits — campaigning for the skimpier options. Some who worked on Schneider's show "Victorious" said they were uncomfortable with scenes they felt were overly sexual, such as a sketch in which cast members rubbed food on the exposed midriff of Victoria Justice.
In one battle, the network thought a skirt for Justice, then 17, was too short, while Schneider thought it was perfect, according to a writer and the costumer Kerry Mellin. The writer said Nickelodeon and Schneider compromised by making the skirt "3 inches longer." Daniella Monet, who started filming "Victorious" when she was 18, making her the eldest of the teenage cast members, told Insider some of the actors' outfits were "not age appropriate." "I wouldn't even wear some of that today as an adult," Monet added.
Swimwear was also a contested topic, a different writer said, as Schneider campaigned for teen actresses to wear "whatever was the most revealing." In her memoir, McCurdy wrote that she was pressured to wear a bikini on iCarly, with the head of wardrobe telling her The Creator explicitly asked for two-piece swimsuits.
The person close to Schneider said all costumes "were seen and approved by dozens of people, including the parents of the actors, and the state-licensed teachers on set." Mellin said that no one would force child actors to wear outfits if they voiced discomfort and that she did not feel Nickelodeon sexualized child actors more than other shows did. However, she said, people were reluctant to voice concerns to Schneider because they wanted to keep their jobs. "It's an imbalance of power," Mellin said. "Jennette felt it, the designer felt it, I felt it, all of us feel it."
Innuendo is not uncommon on children's television; the person close to Schneider said Schneider would "include some jokes intended for the parents." But four writers and crew members said Schneider proposed scenes they felt were overly sexual for teenagers on a children's show. A video showing scenes from Grande's time on Victorious went viral this summer; it includes several shots of Grande putting her big toe in her mouth, as well as pouring water on herself as she hangs upside down on her bed. One scene shows Grande with her eyes closed, moaning and squeezing a potato in both hands, begging it to "give up the juice." The sketch, as well as the ones involving Grande's nibbling her toe and pouring water on herself, is from a series of online extras that a database from Writers Guild of America West credits Schneider with writing.
Two writers said Schneider was almost singularly responsible for this online content, which they felt could sometimes be inappropriate, especially in the early seasons of Victorious when the Grande sketches were filmed. One said writers "largely avoided set when the web shows were being shot because they were largely very cringe."
The longtime Nickelodeon writer recalled feeling uncomfortable with another online extra in which the cast rubbed food on Victoria Justice's exposed midriff, turning her "into a hamburger" and squirting her with condiments. Monet said that after filming a Victorious scene in which she ate a pickle while applying lip gloss, she reached out to the network to express concern that it may be too sexual to air. The network aired it anyway.
Monet emphasized that Schneider is not the only one to blame. The network, as well as the department of standards and practices, had to sign off on everything. Monet added that Schneider's male-dominated writers rooms could result in some hypersexualized content. Most of Victorious, Monet said, was "very PC, funny, silly, friendly, chill.""But once in a while," she said, there'd be a moment like the pickle scene. "Do I wish certain things, like, didn't have to be so sexualized?" Monet said. "Yeah. A hundred percent."
For years Schneider's behavior went unchecked by Nickelodeon as he created hit after hit. Then, in 2013, Nickelodeon launched an investigation into inappropriate behavior on the set of Sam & Cat after complaints from McCurdy and Grande about a producer on the show, someone with knowledge of the investigation said. They said the investigation concluded that Schneider had contributed to the "toxicity."
McCurdy wrote in her memoir that The Creator was "no longer allowed to be on set with any actors." Two people who worked at Nickelodeon at the time corroborated this to Insider. Russell Hicks, who was Nickelodeon's president of content and production, said Schneider "was the shoulder" young stars "cried on when something happened to them." Hicks added that Schneider "understood what they were going through."
Curdy wrote that The Creator was confined to a "small cave-like room off to the side of the soundstage, surrounded by piles of cold cuts, his favorite snack, and Kids' Choice Awards blimps, his most cherished life accomplishment." An assistant director had to run across the soundstage to give notes, McCurdy wrote, extending shoot days to 17 hours from about 13.
Sam & Cat was canceled in 2014. Schneider went on to create two more shows with Nickelodeon: the tween sitcom Game Shakers and a superhero series called Henry Danger.
But online rumors of Schneider's supposed misdeeds became so widespread in late 2017 and early 2018 that Nickelodeon's parent company, ViacomCBS (now Paramount Global), launched another internal investigation into Schneider's "alleged sexual behavior," someone with knowledge of the investigation told Insider. The investigation found no evidence of sexual misconduct but did conclude Schneider could be verbally abusive. ViacomCBS cut ties with Schneider in 2018. ViacomCBS executives who flew to Los Angeles to tell Schneider the news were anxious he might retaliate, the same person said.
In 2019, Nikolas, who had been speaking out about her negative experiences at Nickelodeon, said she was contacted by a lawyer for Schneider's production company, Schneider's Bakery. The lawyer said he and Schneider would love to have a conversation and reach "an agreement" with her, Nikolas recalled. She said she turned the lawyer down.
"I know for a fact that guy's a creep," Nikolas said she told the lawyer. The person close to Schneider said a representative called Nikolas to tell her that she "could get into legal trouble for making false accusations about someone (in this case, Dan) — even if vague."
Schneider disappeared from the public eye for three years, but he resurfaced in a 2021 Times profile about his absence from children's television. The Times broke the news that Nickelodeon had investigated Schneider in 2018 before cutting ties with him. But many felt that the profile — in which a smiling Schneider, photographed reclining under a tree, teased a comeback, saying he had written and sold a pilot to an unnamed network — read like a puff piece. Liz Feldman, who wrote on "All That" as a teenager and is now the showrunner for Netflix's "Dead to Me," replied to a tweet about the article, writing:
"I worked for Schneider 25 yrs ago. I can confirm inappropriate behavior was happening even then. #metoo."
Feldman declined to speak with Insider about Schneider. Schneider maintains good relationships with many former stars, including Sean Flynn of Zoey 101 and Lisa Foiles of All That. Former Nickelodeon actors say he also remains close with Grande, the most successful of the actors he plucked from obscurity, even attending one of the pop star's concerts in 2019 at her invitation. "I love Dan Schneider," Foiles said. "He is a magic man. I think you can tell when something has had the Dan Schneider touch. He just has this level of comedic timing." Schneider's pilot still hasn't aired. Some who worked with him said it seemed unlikely that any network would hire him after the publication of McCurdy's memoir. He's spent the past year singing the praises of his former stars online, wishing them happy birthday on Facebook, congratulating Leon Thomas of Victorious on making Forbes' 30 Under 30 list, and watching Grande on The Voice. But since the publication of McCurdy's memoir, he's gone dark on social media. He hasn't publicly responded to McCurdy's veiled allegations. Some are optimistic that McCurdy's book will have a domino effect bringing more to light about Schneider and Nickelodeon. Alpert hopes a reexamination of Schneider's behavior draws attention to other "toxic male bosses" who have thrived in Hollywood. She said executives had long let bad behavior slide because so much money was at stake. Nikolas recently held a protest outside Nickelodeon's headquarters calling for the entertainment industry to better protect child actors.
”He's not a good guy," Nikolas said of Schneider, adding that countless kids have trauma because of him. "And Nickelodeon was just letting it happen."
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resurrectonomitron · 2 years
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see, we had the money it was just a little delayed christy stratton: hello i’m also involved in this screenshot
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wonders110 · 2 months
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Someone pointed me towards this old tweet by Christy Stratton about Dan.
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goalhofer · 2 months
2024 Kansas City Royals Roster
#24 Jordan Lyles (Hartsville, South Carolina)
#31 Will Smith (Newnan, Georgia)*
#35 Chris Stratton (Tupelo, Mississippi)*
#38 Josh Taylor (Peoria, Arizona)
#43 Carlos Hernández (Ciudad Guayana, Venezuela)
#46 John Schreiber (Rockwood, Michigan)*
#48 Alec Marsh (Milwaukee, Wisconsin)
#50 Kris Bubic (San José, California)
#51 Brady Singer (Tavares, Florida)
#52 Michael Wacha (Texarkana, Texas)*
#55 Cole Ragans (Tallahassee, Florida)
#59 Jake Brentz (Manchester, Missouri)
#61 Ángel Zerpa (Valle De La Pascua, Venezuela)
#63 Nick Anderson (Brainerd, Minnesota)*
#65 Matt Sauer (Santa Maria, California)**
#66 James McArthur (New Braunfels, Texas)
#67 Jacob Lugo (Bossier City, Louisiana)*
#13 Salvador Pérez (Valencia, Venezuela)
#34 Freddy Fermín (Ciudad Guayana, Venezuela)
#2 Garrett Hampson (Reno, Nevada)*
#7 Bobby Witt; Jr. (Colleyville, Texas)
#9 Vinnie Pasquantino (Chesterfield County, Virginia)
#11 Maikel García (Caruao, Venezuela)
#12 Nick Loftin (Corpus Christi, Texas)
#19 Michael Massey (Chicago, Illinois)
#26 Adam Frazier (Watkinsville, Georgia)*
#1 M.S. Melendez; Jr. (Miami-Dade County, Florida)
#16 Dustin Renfroe (Crystal Springs, Mississippi)*
#17 Nelson Velázquez (Ciudad Carolina, Puerto Rico)
#28 Kyle Isbel (Rancho Cucamonga, California)
#44 Dairon Blanco (Ciudad Florida, Cuba)
Manager Matt Quatraro (Bethlehem, New York)
Bench coach Paul Hoover (Columbus, Ohio)
Hitting coach Sean Zumwalt (Kernersville, North Carolina)
Assistant hitting coach Joe Dillon (Santa Rosa, California)
Pitching coach Brian Sweeney (White Plains, New York)
Assistant pitching coach Zach Bove (Winter Haven, Florida)
Bullpen coach Mitch Stetter (Huntingburg, Indiana)
Bullpen catcher Ryan Eigsti (Peoria, Illinois)
Bullpen catcher Allen De San Miguel (Perth, Australia)
Bullpen catcher Parker Morin (Park City, Utah)
1B coach Damon Hollins (Vallejo, California)
3B coach Vance Wilson (Mesa, Arizona)
Infield coach José Alguacil (Santiago De León De Caracas, VZ)
Assistant coach Rusty Kuntz (El Paso De Robles, California)
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cavenewstimes · 3 months
Two female Nickelodeon writers say they had to split a salary while working for Dan Schneider
For free real time breaking news alerts sent straight to your inbox sign up to our breaking news emails Sign up to our free breaking news emails Christy Stratton and Jenny Kilgen, the only two female writers to work on season one of the Nickelodeon sitcom The Amanda Show, have alleged that they were made to split a single salary – something male writers were not asked to do. They also allege…
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heromonty · 1 year
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As an up and coming politician, Buzz had the thought that he should improve his public image. Of course, Buzz being Buzz, his idea is to present a happy nuclear family - of which he currently doesn’t have and 2/3 of his children are disappointments (his words, not mine). 
Man got scammed by the matchmaker because she set him up with Christy Stratton...who is a lesbian. Sucker.
Needless to say there won’t be a second date....or even a friendship since he decided to be an asshole and she’s now kicking down the trashcan and stealing the newspaper.
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caffeinatedknives · 1 year
Sunday Currently // Vol. 09
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I don’t know why but for some reason, maybe this Sunday is different. I don't know, but guess what? I finally have the energy to post this entry online. Yes, this post is my The Sunday Currently Vol. 9. Please don’t look for the Vols. 1-8, I'm too lazy to post them here. Let's not be stuck in the past, shall we? Move on na lang tayo. Lol
Anyway, here's what's currently going on with me.
Reading  -- Unfortunately, I'm still stuck on my reading slump that I still cant even manage to finish reading Agatha Christie's The Mysterious Affairs At Styles. I actually tried reading a couple of webtoon on my phone but I can only last reading for 5 to 10 mins. I really don’t know but I feel too lazy to read lately.
Writing  -- Apart from writing on my bullet journal and this Sunday's entry, I have not made any other writing at all.
Listening  -- Yong Junhyung's "Too Much Love Kills Me". This may be an old song, but  damn I still love it as much as  when I first listened & fell in love to it years ago.
Watching  -- Spent a good half of my day watching Trigun. Yeah, that anime from the late 90's. I'm still on my anime nostalgia phase that's why I'm into watching old anime such as Trigun. I'm almost halfway through the series. After this, I prolly will watch Sailor Moon next or just continue watching Gundam Wing
Thinking  -- I'm not actually thinking about something in particular at the moment. It's still Sunday, I  just want to enjoy my weekend, worry-free..   
Smelling  -- The faint scent of my perfume I sprayed to myself hours earlier.
Wishing  -- A  stress-free work week, please... If only that is even possible at all..  *sigh*
Hoping  -- Better week than the last. Feel ko naman this is possible, tomorrow is payday. Starting a week on a payday is already a good start for a good week, right?
Loving   -- Today's is just an ordinary day. I think that’s enough reason to love this day
Wanting   -- more time please.  There's so much to do yet so little time left then it will be a busy work week again.. Hay….
Needing  -- I really should start my personal projects now: diet, learning Korean (& dance) and saving up for concerts ---> still the same from last week, because nothing was actually started so far, except for setting up my new blog on Tumblr.
Feeling  -- A bit lazy to do anything, actually. I even feel lazy to feel anything. It's as if my feelings went weekend mode too or something.
Oh well, that's about it for my Sunday. It's just an ordinary day. Hopefully by next week, I'll be here again as well to continue this. Bye for now. --Knives. :)
**cover photo credits**
Photo by Holly Stratton on Unsplash
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coriel-muroz · 2 years
Huntsville Revived #452
Christy remained unaware of Cory’s infidelity. She was focused on her children and her own career.
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“Let’s get you on the potty before we send you off to bed, okay cupcake?”
“Yes, Mumma,” Ash replied. He was getting so big so fast. Christy was very proud of him.
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“I love you, Mumma,” Ash told her as he sat on the potty. 
“I love you too, cupcake.” Christy laughed. Just like a toddler to confess his adoration for his mother while on the toilet.
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“Maybe you can sleep through the whole night tonight?” Christy hoped.
“Okay, Mumma.” Ash would try, but probably he would wake once or twice.
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If raising two boys wasn’t enough work, there was always networking going on. In politics, everyone could easily make or break your career, and Christy had fewer allies since the majority of the residents of Huntsville now considered themselves Alien-Friendly.
“If you convince the councilor to support my recycling initiative, I will back them in blocking the passage of laws allowing Aliens to own property outside of Nickelton.” Christy was always the one negotiating deals on behalf of the councilor. When would she get to run herself?
“This recycling initiative is of benefit to all. It’s good for the planet, and puts money in the pockets of those who vote for you and for us. As is stopping Alien-ownership.” Christy struck the deal.
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“You are very savvy, you know. Perhaps you should work for me instead? Once you secure this deal, come work for my office. There’s a pay bump and a track towards even more opportunities,” the councilor offered.
“It’s a deal.”
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The recycling bill went through, and the Alien-Ownership bill did not. Christy got her promotion.
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Cory, however, saw no new opportunities come his way despite the connection he had forged with Ivy.
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“What’s going on, Ivy? I’m risking my family and everything that matters to me. And I haven’t seen any advantage from it! When are you going to fulfill your side of the deal?” Cory was furious.
“Really, you aren’t enjoying our time together at all?” Ivy smiled, “You have to be patient Cory. Keep giving me what you want, and I will get you want you want.”
But Cory was running out of patience. He didn’t like being used, and he didn’t enjoy his time with Ivy - not when he knew how much it would hurt Christy if she ever found out.
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didilysims · 2 years
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I know I said I'd just post highlights, but I took a lot of pictures of the frat, and actually had a lot of fun playing it, so they're all highlights to me. :)
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Jamal sells his first masterpiece, which is important because he needs to sell 5 to get into the Artist career. Thor is slightly less productive by almost getting his sister killed through his influence. He tries to apologize by cleaning her up a bit though. :D
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Two of the boys finally get inducted into the secret society (sure took them long enough: Charlie and Freyja were in before sophomore year), and Ivy gets a little makeover to better call back to her iconic blue outfit. Thor definitely approves of her music motif, as his one true hobby is music and dance, though his active points have led him to focus more on fitness.
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And Joe finally gets a bit of the spotlight! I'm pretty sure he dated both Charlie and Freyja, but they've long since moved on, so it's nice that he's found somesim who is a) available, and b) able to handle his dearth of nice points.
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rudhira · 3 years
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Brittany is having a bit of a hard time, pregnancy doesn’t really seem like her thing. She’s having a baby with Christy Stratton, out of all people.
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