#chromia transformers
fandomtrxsh19 · 4 months
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scentedpoetrywitch · 6 days
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in this picture ! why chromia always look so pretty weairng a beanie !?!
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cc-cobalt-1043 · 1 year
Transformers robots in disguise 2015 "the Shadow lurks:
chapter 3: dwelling
Jetstorm awoke with a gasp, he'd had another nightmare.
He pulled his knees up to his chest as tears rolled from his optics, he could feel his whole frame trembling.
He hated these nightmares, but he just couldn't get rid of them, why couldn't they just go away.
Sighing he got up from his berth and grabbed the music player Sideswipe had gotten him for his birthday a few months ago and as quietly as he could left their room to get a cube of energon.
After drinking the energon cube he sat atop the ledge overlooking the scrapyard.
He reached over for his music player and for a while simply basked in the melodious feeling that the music provided.
He sat like this for a while before getting up and deciding to head back to the scrapyard.
As he got up, the song "creep" started playing on Jetstorm's music player.
Despite the overall dark tone of the song he rather liked it, in a way it resonated with him.
The song played as he walked back down to the scrapyard and through the gates.
He came to a stop in front of a stasis pod and shuddered at the form inside.
It was him.
Even unconscious Shadow Raker's form seemed to sneer down at him, Jetstorm shivered at the unpleasant memories just looking at his former master gave him, yet at the same time he couldn't look away.
Jetstorm was worried that Shadow Raker would break out and most likely come after him and his brother.
Drift had assured both him and Slipstream that the pod was sealed tight and there was no way Shadow Raker would escape.
But for once Jetstorm didn't fully believe his teacher.
He knew fine well Shadow Raker has escaped far worse than this and he had a nagging suspicion thst he wasn't quite through seeing his former master yet.
Unable to look at the pod anymore Jetstorm went to the command center and sat down against the cold metal exterior that was the former front section of the Alchemor.
He reached for his music player and turned it back on.
Jetstorm could feel his optics becoming heavier and heavier and at some point the darkness swallowed him whole.
Meanwhile Optimus was approaching the command center.
He had gone for a night time drive, as he often did to try and relax and was just returning.
When he returned he recognised the faint sound of what he recognised as Music playing from near the command center.
He arrived at the command center and saw a form he recognised as Jetstorm passed out in front of him.
Worried he knelt down and performed a quick scan of the young minicon relieved to find he was only recharging.
However he decided he would have Ratchet check him over just in case.
Comming Ratchet to meet him at the medical tent Optimus picked up Jetstorm and carried him with ease to the medical tent.
Ratchet met him at the tent alongside Drift.
"Is he alright?" Drift asked looking extremely worried.
"He's fine Drift, I just want Ratchet to run a few scans just to be sure." Optimus said.
Drift nodded though he didn't look very reassured.
Optimus lay Jetstorm down on the berth.
Ratchet ran his scanner over the young minicon.
Once that was done he looked at the results.
"Drift, has he been sleeping?" Ratchet asked.
"He says he has, but I honestly doubt he has." Drift said.
"Well he definitely hasn't, he hasn't slept in 2 weeks, his systems eventually crashed as a result." Ratchet said.
"What can I do to help him?" Drift asked.
"I'm going to give him a sedative to help him tonight, but I suggest trying to talk to him, if he won't talk to you I would suggest someone who knows how to deal with trauma like his." Ratchet said.
"Windblade mentioned she had a friend named Chromia who is a therapist, she said she would talk to her about getting her to talk to Jetstorm, I may have her talk to Slipstream as well, he hasn't said so but I believe he is also suffering." Drift said.
"Good idea, I know very well about this sort of thing." Ratchet said nodding.
Ratchet went to prep the sedative.
Drift looked over at Jetstorm who had begun to stir.
"Huh, what's going on?" Jetstorm asked in a panicked voice looking around rapidly.
Before Drift could do anything Optimus went over to Jetstorm and put a reassuring hand on his shoulder.
"Everything is alright, you should be resting young one." Optimus said in a reassuring voice.
"I can't, I'm scared." Jetstorm said tears streaming from his optics.
"Everything is alright little one, you're safe." Optimus said rubbing Jetstorm's shoulder comfortingly.
Something the prime said must of worked because Jetstorm closed his optics and was immediately fast asleep.
"It comes from experience." Optimus said seeing the suprised look on Drift's face.
Ratchet administered the sedative and after a moment allowed Drift to take Jetstorm back to the ship.
Slipstream was awake when Drift returned.
"Is he alright, master Drift?" Slipstream asked.
"He is fine now Slipstream." Drift said setting Jetstorm down on his berth.
Drift sighed before looking at Slipstream.
"Slipstream, a friend of Windblade is coming tomorrow to...talk with you and Jetstorm." Drift said.
"You mean a therapist." Slipstream said seeing right through Drift's words.
"Yes." Drift said nodding.
Slipstream was about to speak but Drift interrupted.
"And before you say you don't need it, you do, you are just as upset as Jetstorm is, you were trying to hide it but I can tell, I know you well enough Slipstream." Drift said.
Slipstream sighed and nodded, admittedly he was extremely tense, and had been since Shadow Raker had been captured, but he thought he'd gotten good at hiding it by now.
Drift seemed to notice what Slipstream was thinking and pulled the young minicon closer, very much like you would an upset child.
Slipstream and Jetstorm basically were kids.
"You shouldn't have to hide your feelings Slipstream, they are every bit as important to me as everybody else's, I don't want you to be upset or scared to communicate how you feel." Drift said.
Slipstream tensed visibly then sighed.
"Admittedly I am worried master, he has escaped far worse than this in the past and if he does escape, he could hurt me and Jetstorm again." Slipstream said.
"Listen to me Slipstream, you are my students and therefore my responsibility, if he wants to get near you, he'll have to pry you from my sparkless husk." Drift said.
Slipstream seemed slightly reassured but Drift could tell he was still worried.
"Rest Slipstream, we will discuss this more in the morning." Drift said.
Slipstream nodded and lay down falling back to sleep.
Drift watched both his students for a moment to make sure they were both peacefully resting before laying down and falling asleep himself.
Chromia looked over the two files she was given.
Windblade had contacted her earlier in the day and asked if she could speak to a close friend's, pupils as she put it.
She was now studying the files before she left.
Name: Slipstream
Age: 15
Personality: loyal, kind, humble, slightly stubborn
Issues that need addressing: will often not talk about issues that bother him, doesn't believe his opinions are valid despite being told they are, will often bottle up anger or stress and won't discuss it
Chromia frowned, that certainly wasn't good, she'd dealt with this sort of thing herself and she knew it was never good to bottle up stress or anger.
However she was confident she could get through to him.
She turned to the other file.
Name: Jetstorm
Age: 12
Personality: kind, loyal, brave, stubborn, humorous, adventurous and full of energy
He also loves music
Issues that need addressing: like Slipstream he often won't talk about issues that bother him, will often close himself off when upset, severe lack of confidence in himself despite reassurance from others, like Slipstream will often bottle up anger or stress
Chromia's frown deepened as she read Jetstorm's file, clearly she was going to have her work cut out with these two, but she was going to do her best to help them.
She packed a few things then went to her assistant Moonracer.
"Moonracer, I need to leave for a little while, could you take charge while I'm gone?" She asked.
"Of course." Moonracer said nodding.
Chromia thanked her and left.
As she left she got on the comm, she knew another bot who could help her, a bot she knew would also be very happy to return to Earth.
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roadwrecks · 12 days
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windblade 2014
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herzspalter · 3 months
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The pining girls
Double-Sided ChromeBlade charm for TFN! I hope you like it! :D
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flonion · 6 months
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Cityspeaker and Camien Delegate Windblade, and her dutiful bodyguard Chromia!
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shenanisketches · 6 months
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Transformers Foundation #2 panel redraw with my designs
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bumblebi713 · 6 months
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autobots are totally rad
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transformers-synergize · 10 months
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This was made for a fan community I am working on. If you would like to apply these as headcanons to your own work, go right ahead
All the human stuff is real btw, I have a source linked below that goes into much more detail on the topic.
I was planning on doing the cybertronians body language or anatomy post first but decided to go with this because the info it provides helps with the other two. its also a lot shorter than the other two so I knew I could get it done a lil faster.
Sources I used while making this lore below  
Sources I used while making this lore 
https://www.heartmath.org/research/science-of-the-heart/energetic-communication/■ (had to break the link because tumblr would blacklist my post just remove the cube)
Several Wikipedia Articles about em fields and magnetoreception
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transformersbrainrot · 2 months
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Oh no he's just a little babie...
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kusakichan15 · 2 months
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Late Commissions post 👀✨
[ About me ] [ Comm Sheet ] [ KoFi ] [ Redbubble ]
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fandomtrxsh19 · 4 months
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ah yes, close friends
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scentedpoetrywitch · 2 months
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oh ! wow ! can you look at that ! i made her hair look even more pure blonde because of her skin that makes her look even more tanner and rough looking !
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cc-cobalt-1043 · 1 year
Chapter 4: Therapy
The bee team were relaxing when suddenly the alarm went off.
"We have incoming." Fixit said.
They all ran to the command center weapons ready but Windblade smiled when she recognised the ship.
"It's alright, I know them." She said urging the rest of the team to lower their weapons.
The bee team stood down and allowed the ship two land.
Out came two Autobots, a bright blue femme bot and a cherry red Mech Bumblebee recognised very well.
"Knockout." He said surprised.
Knockout broke into an all too familiar smirk.
"Hello Bee, long time no see." Knockout said.
The two shook hands.
"It's so good to see you." Bee said.
"Likewise, and it's good to be back here." Knockout said.
"Uh Bee, who's this guy?" Grimlock asked looking at Knockout.
"Oh, guys this is Knockout, he's a former Decepticon who joined the Autobots near the end of the war, and he's a very good friend of mine." Bumblebee said.
"Knockout, this is my team." Bee said introducing Knockout to each member of the Bee team, aside from Optimus, Ratchet, Windblade and Jazz who Knockout was already well acquainted with.
Attention then shifted to Chromia, who introduced herself.
"Hello, my name is Chromia, I'm a friend of Windblade and Knockout and I'm a therapist, I work to help Autobots and Decepticons alike adjust to their new lives." Chromia said.
"She's very good, she even helped me a bit after I joined the Autobots." Knockout said.
Introductions were carried out and soon Chromia began her sessions, assisted by Knockout.
Chromia spoke with Slipstream and Knockout talked with Jetstorm.
Chromia and Slipstream were sitting on a crate in the medbay.
Chromia was smiling warmly at Slipstream who was rather tense.
"Alright Slipstream we're going to begin now, I will be taking notes throughout this session, and I want you to tell me to stop if you feel uncomfortable or need a break, okay." Chromia said smiling warmly at Slipstream.
Slipstream nodded and with that the session began.
At first Chromia asked Slipstream some small questions before beginning the more serious ones.
"So Slipstream, how did you end up working for Shadow Raker?" Chromia asked.
"It was when me and Jetstorm were young I was 6, and he was 3, our parents died in an explosion and we were living on the streets for several months just trying to survive, Shadow Raker found us and offered us a job working for him, in exchange he would give us energon and shelter." Slipstream said.
He clenched his fists tightly.
"But he lied, he used me and Jetstorm as tools, he sent us out to steal for him and whenever we failed he would either lock us out of the base, beat us or refuse to feed us, he treated Jetstorm the worst, just because he was the youngest, the weakest and the most accident prone, he treated him like his slave and there was nothing I could do to stop him, I hate him, I hate everything about him and if I could I would subject him to every painful thing he has done to us over the years, but he doesn't even deserve that, he deserves to go offline." Slipstream growled out.
Slipstream took a long deep breath and sighed.
Chromia looked at the young minicon, his whole frame slumped slightly after he'd finished his tirade, clearly he'd been holding that in for quite a long time.
After a few moments of silence Slipstream looked up at Chromia.
"I'm sorry, it's just, I've been holding a lot of that in for a good while now." Slipstream said.
"That's quite alright Slipstream, this kind of thing is perfectly natural, especially for a situation like this, thanks heavens I was sitting down when I reviewed your records, it's appalling you and your brother had to live with such a monster." Chromia said.
She then decided to change the topic.
"I trust you and your brother are much happier with Drift." Chromia said.
"Very much miss Chromia, master Drift is such a wonderful bot, he has his flaws of course, but he has really changed our lives for the better, he provides us with a home and energon, he trains us to defend ourselves, he taught me and Jetstorm how to read and write, he even comforts us when we are sad or when we have had nightmares." Slipstream said.
Chromia could practically feel her spark swell with emotions.
"You all seem very close." Chromia said.
"We are miss Chromia...we're like a family." Slipstream said.
"Drift seems to have quite a fatherly bond to you two." Chromia said.
"Admittedly Jetstorm and I do see Master Drift like a father, but have never had the courage to say so." Slipstream said.
"Why not?" Chromia asked curiously.
"Because we fear he would not feel the same way towards us. Slipstream said.k
"From what you've described to me Slipstream he does seem to feel the same way about both you and Jetstorm, I feel if you do tell him how you feel, you may be pleasantly suprised." Chromia said.
Slipstream was silent, thinking everything over.
"Just think about it for now." Chromia said.
Slipstream nodded and smiled.
The two talked for a while before Chromia declared their session over and Slipstream went to wait for Jetstorm.
Jetstorm soon appeared followed by Knockout.
"Now remember Jetstorm, same time tomorrow, and think about what we've talked about." Knockout said.
"Okay, thanks Knockout." Jetstorm said looking the happiest Slipstream had seen him in a long time.
Knockout left and Jetstorm and Slipstream got some Energon.
The two sat down and discussed their therapy sessions.
"Knockout was so fun to talk to, he loves his paintjob, he even buffed some of the scratches I missed the last time." Jetstorm said.
True to his word there wasn't a single scratch on Jetstorm.
"He really knows his stuff." Jetstorm said seeing the impressed look on Slipstream's face.
"Jetstorm, you know how me and you think about master Drift, as a father figure?" Slipstream asked.
Jetstorm nodded.
"Well Chromia told me, that perhaps we should tell him how we feel." Slipstream said.
"Knockout said the same to me." Jetstorm said.
"Well,do you think we should tell him?" Slipstream asked.
"I don't know, I really him to think of us as his sons as well as his students, but at the same time, What if he doesn't feel the same?" Jetstorm asked.
Slipstream nodded.
"This is something we must think about." He said.
A little sneak peak for part 5:
Sideswipe woke up, but something was strange, he was back on cybertron, alongside a yellow mech, one he hadn't seen in such a long time.
Suddenly there was the sounds of bots yelling as well as blaster fire.
The mech started pulling Sideswipe along with him, both of them running past many fighting bots in an attempt to escape.
The unthinkable happened when a stray blaster shot came flying through the air, hitting the yellow mech square in the chest.
Sideswipe tried to help but it was no luck. The bots bright yellow paint, faded to gunmetal gray.
The scrapyard:
Sideswipe awoke with a jolt and sat up in his berth his whole frame trembling and shaking, and in his despair he said a name, the name of a bot he could never tak to again.
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disformer · 1 year
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Just some silly guys and gals from around town
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unfreeeee · 2 months
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