#jetstorm needs a hug
cc-cobalt-1043 · 1 year
Transformers robots in disguise 2015 "the Shadow lurks:
chapter 3: dwelling
Jetstorm awoke with a gasp, he'd had another nightmare.
He pulled his knees up to his chest as tears rolled from his optics, he could feel his whole frame trembling.
He hated these nightmares, but he just couldn't get rid of them, why couldn't they just go away.
Sighing he got up from his berth and grabbed the music player Sideswipe had gotten him for his birthday a few months ago and as quietly as he could left their room to get a cube of energon.
After drinking the energon cube he sat atop the ledge overlooking the scrapyard.
He reached over for his music player and for a while simply basked in the melodious feeling that the music provided.
He sat like this for a while before getting up and deciding to head back to the scrapyard.
As he got up, the song "creep" started playing on Jetstorm's music player.
Despite the overall dark tone of the song he rather liked it, in a way it resonated with him.
The song played as he walked back down to the scrapyard and through the gates.
He came to a stop in front of a stasis pod and shuddered at the form inside.
It was him.
Even unconscious Shadow Raker's form seemed to sneer down at him, Jetstorm shivered at the unpleasant memories just looking at his former master gave him, yet at the same time he couldn't look away.
Jetstorm was worried that Shadow Raker would break out and most likely come after him and his brother.
Drift had assured both him and Slipstream that the pod was sealed tight and there was no way Shadow Raker would escape.
But for once Jetstorm didn't fully believe his teacher.
He knew fine well Shadow Raker has escaped far worse than this and he had a nagging suspicion thst he wasn't quite through seeing his former master yet.
Unable to look at the pod anymore Jetstorm went to the command center and sat down against the cold metal exterior that was the former front section of the Alchemor.
He reached for his music player and turned it back on.
Jetstorm could feel his optics becoming heavier and heavier and at some point the darkness swallowed him whole.
Meanwhile Optimus was approaching the command center.
He had gone for a night time drive, as he often did to try and relax and was just returning.
When he returned he recognised the faint sound of what he recognised as Music playing from near the command center.
He arrived at the command center and saw a form he recognised as Jetstorm passed out in front of him.
Worried he knelt down and performed a quick scan of the young minicon relieved to find he was only recharging.
However he decided he would have Ratchet check him over just in case.
Comming Ratchet to meet him at the medical tent Optimus picked up Jetstorm and carried him with ease to the medical tent.
Ratchet met him at the tent alongside Drift.
"Is he alright?" Drift asked looking extremely worried.
"He's fine Drift, I just want Ratchet to run a few scans just to be sure." Optimus said.
Drift nodded though he didn't look very reassured.
Optimus lay Jetstorm down on the berth.
Ratchet ran his scanner over the young minicon.
Once that was done he looked at the results.
"Drift, has he been sleeping?" Ratchet asked.
"He says he has, but I honestly doubt he has." Drift said.
"Well he definitely hasn't, he hasn't slept in 2 weeks, his systems eventually crashed as a result." Ratchet said.
"What can I do to help him?" Drift asked.
"I'm going to give him a sedative to help him tonight, but I suggest trying to talk to him, if he won't talk to you I would suggest someone who knows how to deal with trauma like his." Ratchet said.
"Windblade mentioned she had a friend named Chromia who is a therapist, she said she would talk to her about getting her to talk to Jetstorm, I may have her talk to Slipstream as well, he hasn't said so but I believe he is also suffering." Drift said.
"Good idea, I know very well about this sort of thing." Ratchet said nodding.
Ratchet went to prep the sedative.
Drift looked over at Jetstorm who had begun to stir.
"Huh, what's going on?" Jetstorm asked in a panicked voice looking around rapidly.
Before Drift could do anything Optimus went over to Jetstorm and put a reassuring hand on his shoulder.
"Everything is alright, you should be resting young one." Optimus said in a reassuring voice.
"I can't, I'm scared." Jetstorm said tears streaming from his optics.
"Everything is alright little one, you're safe." Optimus said rubbing Jetstorm's shoulder comfortingly.
Something the prime said must of worked because Jetstorm closed his optics and was immediately fast asleep.
"It comes from experience." Optimus said seeing the suprised look on Drift's face.
Ratchet administered the sedative and after a moment allowed Drift to take Jetstorm back to the ship.
Slipstream was awake when Drift returned.
"Is he alright, master Drift?" Slipstream asked.
"He is fine now Slipstream." Drift said setting Jetstorm down on his berth.
Drift sighed before looking at Slipstream.
"Slipstream, a friend of Windblade is coming tomorrow to...talk with you and Jetstorm." Drift said.
"You mean a therapist." Slipstream said seeing right through Drift's words.
"Yes." Drift said nodding.
Slipstream was about to speak but Drift interrupted.
"And before you say you don't need it, you do, you are just as upset as Jetstorm is, you were trying to hide it but I can tell, I know you well enough Slipstream." Drift said.
Slipstream sighed and nodded, admittedly he was extremely tense, and had been since Shadow Raker had been captured, but he thought he'd gotten good at hiding it by now.
Drift seemed to notice what Slipstream was thinking and pulled the young minicon closer, very much like you would an upset child.
Slipstream and Jetstorm basically were kids.
"You shouldn't have to hide your feelings Slipstream, they are every bit as important to me as everybody else's, I don't want you to be upset or scared to communicate how you feel." Drift said.
Slipstream tensed visibly then sighed.
"Admittedly I am worried master, he has escaped far worse than this in the past and if he does escape, he could hurt me and Jetstorm again." Slipstream said.
"Listen to me Slipstream, you are my students and therefore my responsibility, if he wants to get near you, he'll have to pry you from my sparkless husk." Drift said.
Slipstream seemed slightly reassured but Drift could tell he was still worried.
"Rest Slipstream, we will discuss this more in the morning." Drift said.
Slipstream nodded and lay down falling back to sleep.
Drift watched both his students for a moment to make sure they were both peacefully resting before laying down and falling asleep himself.
Chromia looked over the two files she was given.
Windblade had contacted her earlier in the day and asked if she could speak to a close friend's, pupils as she put it.
She was now studying the files before she left.
Name: Slipstream
Age: 15
Personality: loyal, kind, humble, slightly stubborn
Issues that need addressing: will often not talk about issues that bother him, doesn't believe his opinions are valid despite being told they are, will often bottle up anger or stress and won't discuss it
Chromia frowned, that certainly wasn't good, she'd dealt with this sort of thing herself and she knew it was never good to bottle up stress or anger.
However she was confident she could get through to him.
She turned to the other file.
Name: Jetstorm
Age: 12
Personality: kind, loyal, brave, stubborn, humorous, adventurous and full of energy
He also loves music
Issues that need addressing: like Slipstream he often won't talk about issues that bother him, will often close himself off when upset, severe lack of confidence in himself despite reassurance from others, like Slipstream will often bottle up anger or stress
Chromia's frown deepened as she read Jetstorm's file, clearly she was going to have her work cut out with these two, but she was going to do her best to help them.
She packed a few things then went to her assistant Moonracer.
"Moonracer, I need to leave for a little while, could you take charge while I'm gone?" She asked.
"Of course." Moonracer said nodding.
Chromia thanked her and left.
As she left she got on the comm, she knew another bot who could help her, a bot she knew would also be very happy to return to Earth.
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lucidia-sys · 9 months
Autism3 crack things lessgo
Sentinel: I just WISHED you two would listen to me sometimes! Jazz: [*had to turn up her headphones because he'd been yelling*] Longarm: [*never stopped paying attention, just has that kind of face*] - Sentinel: Wish I could just be hugged sometimes by a short enby royalty. Optimus: Wha- Longarm: [*falling over themself running over*] - Jetfire: What be Sentinel sir doing? Jetstorm: Jazz told him receptors look pinkish when lying. Jetfire: Why? Jazz: Watch- Hey Sentinel, do you love me? Sentinel: [*covering his flappers*] NO!! Jazz: [*smug cat girl face*] - Sentinel: Come on, say something indecent to me.. Longarm: [*sitting on his chassis, very eepy from working 3 days in a row*] Well you're very loud, Sentinel: Wait- Not wh- Longarm: And it freaks out Jazz, so please be more mindful Sentinel: Imsorry- - Sentinel: Longarm, I'm mandatiting you for the next week. Longarm: [*excited*] REALLY- I mean.. really? Jazz: [*slight giggles*] - Cliffjumper: Ew.. Queers. Jazz: Do I need to invert your horns or something? Longarm: Can't we just get along??
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Hi! Welcome! My name's Leo, any pronouns (get creative) and this is my masterlist!
More about me here!
Requests are OPEN! Please read the rules below before you do so :3
NO NSFW. Making out is the most I'll do, but anything more is a no-go. (I don't mind dirty jokes, I just suck ASS at writing smut)
No detailed descriptions of triggering topics! No suicide, SA, self harm, etc.
No hurt/no comfort! I'm sorry if you want that, but you aren't going to find it here. I need my happy ending lol
No kids of any kind. Pregnancy, birth, all that is just kinda eugh for me. No disrespect meant, I just don't like to write it.
I now impose a FOUR CHARACTER LIMIT. If you'd like to request a poly group (I.e. Constructicons, multi-fandom, etc.) that's ok, but I might not get all the characters right, or the writing might not be up to par.
If you have any questions, just ask! My askbox is always open to any and all questions, queries, and curious minds that enter it!
I write for all the fandoms on this list! If you want to see another fandom, just ask! If it piques my interest, I might add it.
That being said, fandoms I WILL NOT write for include:
Transformers Bayverse (anything Bayverse tbh)
My Hero Academia
Harry Potter
Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss/anything Vivsiepop
TADC/ The Amazing Digital Circus [please note, I don't have any problems with this media! I just don't want to interact with the fandom :((]
❤️ -I'm pretty good at writing this character!
🧡 -Not as good at this one, but still alright!
💙 -Still building hcs for them due to lack of content
Viktor Humphries ❤️
How it started
Late Night Date Night
Long Time, No See
Hug Time
AL-AN 💙❤️
SFW Alphabet
Trellis 💙❤️
Domestic Drabble
Spike ❤️
Ultimate Husbando
Jet ❤️
Ultimate Husbando
Herobrine 💙
Nothing yet! Request something to change that! :3
Kuro 💙❤️
SFW Alphabet (WIP)
Riki 💙❤️
SFW Alphabet (WIP)
Jetfire (TFA) 💙🧡
Nothing yet! Request something to change that! :3
Jetstorm (TFA) 💙🧡
Nothing yet! Request something to change that! :3
Skyfire (G1) 🧡
Nothing yet! Request something to change that! :3
Blitzwing (TFA) 🧡
Starlight, Star Bright
Bumblebee (TFA) 🧡
Optimus (TFA, TFP) 🧡
Bumblebee's Very Large Conjunx
Sparring Match Gone wrong Right
TFA Optimus + Megatron Comfort
Ratchet (Any) 🧡
Cuddle Time
Megatron (TFA) ❤️
TFA Optimus + Megatron Comfort
SFW Alphabet
Roxana Prism 💙❤️
Sound of Silence
Reginald Crane 💙🧡
Nothing yet! Request something to change that! :3
John Juniper 💙🧡
Nothing yet! Request something to change that! :3
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anotherhumanpet · 9 months
Munday asks!
🎮 — favorite video game(s)?
There's several and they all make the cut for their own reasons.
Red Dead Redemption 1 and 2 are favorites not only for their game play and stories, but for the environment they take place in. Course, I've always been fond of the general concept around the old west so this doesn't come as much as a surprise to me, but still. In hindsight as well, I think it's hilarious that I didn't even know of the series until my brother alerted my parents and I to the upcoming release of the first one, and our parents promptly decided it would be a good birthday present for me. Boy what a lovely mistake that was.
Stardew Valley is another favorite too due to the sheer comfort it brings me now days. Although the fast paced nature of it can be a little bit stress inducing, the incredibly low stakes of everything makes it relaxing enough that I don't care. I just stress myself out with over achieving, such as when I'm trying to rework the fields for spring thaw. (I need that fucking freeze clock like no other.)
💖 — what was one of the greatest/happiest moments you’ve had in the rpc?
Man, there's been lots. Like, for all my frustrations and grievances both IC and OOC, I have had tons of wonderful moments that I cherish with all my heart and wouldn't trade for anything in this community.
I think my default memory will always be this snippet I played out between Jetfire & Jetstorm (my muses) and an Optimus they were hiding out with at the time. And to make a long story short, they winded up being invited to someplace they technically weren't supposed to be at by a friend, so Optimus had to negotiate for their safe return from the friend's boss - who was pissed about their presence but not necessarily looking to start a fight over it; just very angry and guarded. So when the boys finally landed safely on Optimus' grounds, Optimus acknowledged their return with a simple, "Good. [pause] Good." and immediately marched over to them to give them a hug.
Honestly, the bonds those boys forged and the story I had going on there was probably my peak. I wish I could recreate it but I'm not sure I ever could.
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lifetimeshipper · 7 months
Life's New Adventures and Secrets
Chapter 5
Nightback felt something on his back, looking up he saw his father's arm wrapped around him, "Dad?"
Slowly Steeljaw's optics opened. Strongarm looked up, "Steeljaw?"
"Are you alright, Strongarm?" He groaned softly.
"Yes, I'm just happy you're okay," she says as she hugs him. He groaned from the hug but he didn't mind a little pain if it was from his mate. She buried her face into his neck, "I was so scared I lost you."
"You could never lose me, I'm too stubborn to leave you two."
She smiles, "I know. Your son almost got himself killed looking for revenge."
"What? How?"
"Mom," Nightback whined, gritting his teeth.
"He and his friends had a run-in with two Wolf-Cons while looking for the Wolf-Con that hurt you."
"You did what?!"
"I was upset about you getting hurt, I wanted to get the Wolf-Con who hurt you. I'm sorry."
Trying to stay calm Steeljaw cleared his throat, "I know you were only trying to help but you could have gotten hurt, possibly even killed. Don't do it again."
"I know, I won't. I'm sorry, Dad."
"You're lucky Metalsound, Predaking, and Grimlock went after you three," Strongarm put in.
"Yeah, I know," Nightback said.
"Did something happen to Emberwing?" Steeljaw asked after noticing Thunderhoof and Metalsound on the other side of Med Bay with Emberwing lying on a berth.
"One of the Wolf-Cons scratched her leg pretty badly, but she should be okay," Strongarm replied casting a concerned glance to Metalsound and Thunderhoof. "Jetstorm and Slipstream were also in here but they left with Drift a bit ago after waking up. Thankfully, they were only banged up a bit."
Thunderhoof walks over to them, causing Nightback to whimper in fear, "Hey, Thunderhoof," Steeljaw greeted his old friend.
"Hey, how are you feelin'?"
"Sore, but good."
"I'm just glad you're okay. We can have someone else look after Emberwing. You're going to need your rest."
"Thanks, buddy."
"How is she?" Strongarm asked, worried for the young femme.
"She's recovering."
"That's good. Has she said anything?"
"Only that she knew she had to get as far away from them as she could, and she wasn't leaving the boys behind," Thunderhoof explained.
"Well, thankfully she didn't leave them behind."
"Yeah, she has a good sense of loyalty. Also, she's grounded for tomorrow."
"Um, Thunderhoof, sir?" Nightback asked hesitantly.
"Yes, Nightback."
"Don't be too hard on Emberwing, she tried telling me that it wasn't a good idea. I'm sorry."
"Thank you, Nightback," he said before walking off.
"That was very nice of you, Nightback," Steeljaw said, "And you're grounded too."
"I know," Nightback said with his ears folded back.
"He gets that from you," Strongarm said with a giggle.
"You know you love it," Steeljaw said as he folded his own ears back.
"Like father like son. But yes I do love it, just looks too adorable not to."
"Make sure you don't keep him up too long," Ratchet warned Strongarm, "He still needs his rest."
"I'm not. You rest now," she says looking at her mate.
"OK, I'll still be here in the morning. You listen to your mother," he told Nightback as he hugged them both.
"I will, Dad."
Metalsound sighed as she looked up at the stars. The day just kept replaying in her processor, Steeljaw had gotten hurt. She went to sit with Strongarm to make sure she was okay. Her daughter followed after the boys and she got hurt. It scared her to think of what would have happened if she, Predaking, and Grimlock hadn't made it in time. Letting out a shaky sigh she shook her helm trying to stop the lubricant from escaping.
Thunderhoof walks up behind her and puts his arms around her, "Youse alright, babe?"
"Not really, and I know this is our anniversary but I can't help but worry about what happened today," she replied, her arms holding his for comfort.
"Just try to put that all aside so we can enjoy our day."
"You may have to help me with that," she replied with a small smile, turning her helm her lips collided with his.
"I will," he said as he kissed her back.
"Drift has agreed to watch Emberwing," she whispered.
"That's good," he whispered back.
"We should get going," she replied as she popped his aft playfully with her tail.
"You should be careful or you're gonna get me turned on."
"Maybe I'm trying to," she teased as she led him to the rock quarry.
"Later my dear, later," he said with a smirk.
Once they made it to their destination she took his arms, wrapping them around her waist. Leaning back against his chest she looked to the stars, "Beautiful aren't they?"
"Yes. But not as beautiful as you."
"You're just saying that," she giggled.
"No, I'm not."
With a soft purr, her tail wrapped around his waist. 
"I love you, Metalsound."
"I love you too, and I miss this."
"I miss this too."
Metalsound sees the faces of the two Wolf-Cons flashing before her optics, especially the black and red one. She can't get them out of her processor and she keeps getting that strange feeling every time she thinks of them. She's trying to enjoy her anniversary but she's finding it hard to, she just can't stop thinking about the events of the day and those two Wolf-Cons.
She pulls away from Thunderhoof, "I'm sorry, I just can't get into the mood. I need to be alone for a bit," she says before walking away. Thunderhoof watches her walk away, he sends his love to her through the bond but lets her have her alone time.
Ratchet does his rounds checking on the patients, when he comes to Steeljaw he finds Strongarm still in the bed with him. With a sigh, he shook his helm with a smile. At least he's sleeping.
Strongarm looked up at him, "Oh, hey Ratchet."
"Hey. I didn't wake you, did I?" He asked quietly.
"Not really."
"Can't sleep?"
"I keep listening to his spark pulse to make sure he's still with us. I'm just so worried."
"I know, but he's out of danger now. Staying up this late won't be good for you either."
"I know, and I know you much prefer me to be somewhere else, but I'm kind of restricted here."
"What do you mean you're restricted here?"
She moves back a bit revealing his tail around her, "Out of habit he wrapped his tail around me before he went to sleep and I can't remove it without waking him so I'm stuck here."
Ratchet chuckled quietly, "You can stay, as long as you get some sleep," he told her as he started to leave.
"I will," she whispered as she laid her helm down on Steeljaw's chest. Steeljaw woke up with a bit of a startle and looked around before looking at her.
"It's okay, Steeljaw. It's okay," she crooned.
"I'm here."
"I thought you were back in our quarters."
"I'm kind of stuck," she chuckled as she motioned to his tail around her waist, "And I didn't want to wake you."
He looked down at his tail, "Oh," he then pulled her close, his tail still around her, "I just had a bad dream about those Wolf-Cons we fought. I dreamed they killed you and Nightback."
She could feel her spark breaking, whispering his name she caressed his cheek, "You won't lose me or our son, I promise."
"I'm gonna make sure I don't," he whispered back as he held her tightly.
"Steeljaw, you really need to rest. I know you're worried," she whispered as she rested her helm on his chest, "But you need to try to get some sleep. Ratchet will make me leave if he sees that you're awake."
"You're not leaving my side. Don't worry I'll go to sleep, I can rest easier now having you in my arms and knowing you are safe."
Strongarm just smiled as she closed her optics, listening to his spark pulse. He watched her for a moment then closed his optics and went back to sleep.
Chapter 1
Next Chapter
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noelady · 3 years
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Can’t stress how much I love this little man.
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nightflake · 4 years
Heyo lovies! I know it has been AGES since I drew or postes anything. I actually sat and sketched a lot, trying to find my drawing style, maybe made my own cartoon.
Anywho i did a LOT of sketching. A WHOLE sketch book full. Problemo is now I have to color em. And it takes time since i dont got the tools to do it digital. Traditional water colors are my forte.
So untill then, have a look at my water color rough paper 2 minutes into a painting.
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I am hopeless
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flakieflakeigo · 4 years
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I will find you. And adopt you.
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stormingjets · 4 years
“Some of you are.... desperately in need of the physical affection.”
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ilovedainironfoot · 2 years
I still have drawings to do from the drawing challenge but i can’t focus on them and i need distraction while doing them so i open it again !!!!
The game is called “How do they react?”( i think you all know by the time ;)
It’s pretty simple:
-I made a list of characters from three different fandoms ( LOTR/THE HOBBIT, NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM, TRANSFORMERS ANIMATED) and you can choose up to 10, any of them
-then you come and ask me “How would they react” followed by the idea of your choice and I will write a whole paragraph on each of them
EXAMPLE :  You have chosen Bifur, Bombur and Thorin and your ask will look like this: “How do they react if they met a unicorn? for Thorin, Bifur and Bombur !”
( I took the unicorn but it can be anything : if they were teleported on another planet, if they could cross the walls, if they want to learn a new language ect ect )
if you want to have an idea of what it would look like, I already wrote some stuff on my masterlist :)
-Gimli                -Gloin            -Dain Ironfoot           -Thranduil          
-Thorin             -Bifur             -Bofur                      -Aragorn          
-Lindir            -Beorn             -Radagast
-Boromir           -Galadriel       -Bombur                  -Bard
-Eowyn             -Ori                -Dori                        -Nori
-Elrond             -Oin              -Bilbo                        -Balin
-Eomer             -Dwalin         -Alfrid                        -Thror
-Théoden         -Thrain         -Faramir                    -Dis
-Gandalf          -Denethor     -Sam          
-Jedediah                 -Octavius           -Lancelot          -Akhmenrah
-Theodore               - Attila                 -Sacagawea     -Larry
- Dr.McPhee            -Amelia Earhart   -Kahmunrah     -Ivan
-Napoléon               -Al Capone          -Laaa               -Tilly
- the Captain of the Tuskegee Airmen who isn’t named in the movie but is cool anyway
-Optimus prime                          -Sentinel Prime              -Ultra magnus
-Jazz                                           -Bulkhead                      -Bumblebee
-Prowl                                         -Jetstorm                        -Jetfire
-Wasp/Waspinator                      -Ratchet                         -Blitzwing
-Lugnut                                      -Starscream                  -Megatron
-Rodimus Prime                        -Longarm/Shockwave    -Red Alert
-Blurr                                        -Cliffjumper                    -Wreck-gar
-Arcee                                      -Perceptor                     -Wheeljack
-Omega Spreme                      -Grimlock                       -Snarl
-Swoop                                    -Ironhide                        -Strika
I will NOT write anything sexual. The only thing i’ll accept will be kiss and hug but nothing else and nudity only in a non-sexual way. And also i’ll no write anything related to death and violence.
tag : @shrimpsthings @flowerieta @estethell @mrsmidnight15 @moony-artnstuff @yacrimago @linasofia @lathalea   @missiemoosie
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Ah, I need a hug! Top 5 huggers from tfa Autobots, please.
Okay, I'll try my best! XD
5. Jetfire & Jetstorm
4. Jazz
3. Arcee
2. Bumblebee & Bulkhead
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cc-cobalt-1043 · 1 year
Chapter 4: Therapy
The bee team were relaxing when suddenly the alarm went off.
"We have incoming." Fixit said.
They all ran to the command center weapons ready but Windblade smiled when she recognised the ship.
"It's alright, I know them." She said urging the rest of the team to lower their weapons.
The bee team stood down and allowed the ship two land.
Out came two Autobots, a bright blue femme bot and a cherry red Mech Bumblebee recognised very well.
"Knockout." He said surprised.
Knockout broke into an all too familiar smirk.
"Hello Bee, long time no see." Knockout said.
The two shook hands.
"It's so good to see you." Bee said.
"Likewise, and it's good to be back here." Knockout said.
"Uh Bee, who's this guy?" Grimlock asked looking at Knockout.
"Oh, guys this is Knockout, he's a former Decepticon who joined the Autobots near the end of the war, and he's a very good friend of mine." Bumblebee said.
"Knockout, this is my team." Bee said introducing Knockout to each member of the Bee team, aside from Optimus, Ratchet, Windblade and Jazz who Knockout was already well acquainted with.
Attention then shifted to Chromia, who introduced herself.
"Hello, my name is Chromia, I'm a friend of Windblade and Knockout and I'm a therapist, I work to help Autobots and Decepticons alike adjust to their new lives." Chromia said.
"She's very good, she even helped me a bit after I joined the Autobots." Knockout said.
Introductions were carried out and soon Chromia began her sessions, assisted by Knockout.
Chromia spoke with Slipstream and Knockout talked with Jetstorm.
Chromia and Slipstream were sitting on a crate in the medbay.
Chromia was smiling warmly at Slipstream who was rather tense.
"Alright Slipstream we're going to begin now, I will be taking notes throughout this session, and I want you to tell me to stop if you feel uncomfortable or need a break, okay." Chromia said smiling warmly at Slipstream.
Slipstream nodded and with that the session began.
At first Chromia asked Slipstream some small questions before beginning the more serious ones.
"So Slipstream, how did you end up working for Shadow Raker?" Chromia asked.
"It was when me and Jetstorm were young I was 6, and he was 3, our parents died in an explosion and we were living on the streets for several months just trying to survive, Shadow Raker found us and offered us a job working for him, in exchange he would give us energon and shelter." Slipstream said.
He clenched his fists tightly.
"But he lied, he used me and Jetstorm as tools, he sent us out to steal for him and whenever we failed he would either lock us out of the base, beat us or refuse to feed us, he treated Jetstorm the worst, just because he was the youngest, the weakest and the most accident prone, he treated him like his slave and there was nothing I could do to stop him, I hate him, I hate everything about him and if I could I would subject him to every painful thing he has done to us over the years, but he doesn't even deserve that, he deserves to go offline." Slipstream growled out.
Slipstream took a long deep breath and sighed.
Chromia looked at the young minicon, his whole frame slumped slightly after he'd finished his tirade, clearly he'd been holding that in for quite a long time.
After a few moments of silence Slipstream looked up at Chromia.
"I'm sorry, it's just, I've been holding a lot of that in for a good while now." Slipstream said.
"That's quite alright Slipstream, this kind of thing is perfectly natural, especially for a situation like this, thanks heavens I was sitting down when I reviewed your records, it's appalling you and your brother had to live with such a monster." Chromia said.
She then decided to change the topic.
"I trust you and your brother are much happier with Drift." Chromia said.
"Very much miss Chromia, master Drift is such a wonderful bot, he has his flaws of course, but he has really changed our lives for the better, he provides us with a home and energon, he trains us to defend ourselves, he taught me and Jetstorm how to read and write, he even comforts us when we are sad or when we have had nightmares." Slipstream said.
Chromia could practically feel her spark swell with emotions.
"You all seem very close." Chromia said.
"We are miss Chromia...we're like a family." Slipstream said.
"Drift seems to have quite a fatherly bond to you two." Chromia said.
"Admittedly Jetstorm and I do see Master Drift like a father, but have never had the courage to say so." Slipstream said.
"Why not?" Chromia asked curiously.
"Because we fear he would not feel the same way towards us. Slipstream said.k
"From what you've described to me Slipstream he does seem to feel the same way about both you and Jetstorm, I feel if you do tell him how you feel, you may be pleasantly suprised." Chromia said.
Slipstream was silent, thinking everything over.
"Just think about it for now." Chromia said.
Slipstream nodded and smiled.
The two talked for a while before Chromia declared their session over and Slipstream went to wait for Jetstorm.
Jetstorm soon appeared followed by Knockout.
"Now remember Jetstorm, same time tomorrow, and think about what we've talked about." Knockout said.
"Okay, thanks Knockout." Jetstorm said looking the happiest Slipstream had seen him in a long time.
Knockout left and Jetstorm and Slipstream got some Energon.
The two sat down and discussed their therapy sessions.
"Knockout was so fun to talk to, he loves his paintjob, he even buffed some of the scratches I missed the last time." Jetstorm said.
True to his word there wasn't a single scratch on Jetstorm.
"He really knows his stuff." Jetstorm said seeing the impressed look on Slipstream's face.
"Jetstorm, you know how me and you think about master Drift, as a father figure?" Slipstream asked.
Jetstorm nodded.
"Well Chromia told me, that perhaps we should tell him how we feel." Slipstream said.
"Knockout said the same to me." Jetstorm said.
"Well,do you think we should tell him?" Slipstream asked.
"I don't know, I really him to think of us as his sons as well as his students, but at the same time, What if he doesn't feel the same?" Jetstorm asked.
Slipstream nodded.
"This is something we must think about." He said.
A little sneak peak for part 5:
Sideswipe woke up, but something was strange, he was back on cybertron, alongside a yellow mech, one he hadn't seen in such a long time.
Suddenly there was the sounds of bots yelling as well as blaster fire.
The mech started pulling Sideswipe along with him, both of them running past many fighting bots in an attempt to escape.
The unthinkable happened when a stray blaster shot came flying through the air, hitting the yellow mech square in the chest.
Sideswipe tried to help but it was no luck. The bots bright yellow paint, faded to gunmetal gray.
The scrapyard:
Sideswipe awoke with a jolt and sat up in his berth his whole frame trembling and shaking, and in his despair he said a name, the name of a bot he could never tak to again.
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silkling · 3 years
Good day, @pastelpaperplanes. It’s me. Again. Here with another fic for your C&M Prowl. This time it’s the Jettwins edition! The fandom needs more jettwins content, so I made some. Fear not, this time it’s just silly fluff and sibling idiocy. Hope y’all like it! Fair warning, this is a long one.
Jetstorm woke up to the smell of something cooking. That in and of itself wasn’t all too odd–Jazz enjoyed cooking, and it was fairly common for the three of them to eat breakfast together in the mornings when their respective jobs didn’t require an earlier start. However, Jazz also had a large sweet tooth, and so did his brother, which meant his breakfasts usually consisted of things like pancakes and waffles and other similar sweetened breakfasts. Jetstorm didn’t mind sweets. He loved a good dessert just as much as Jetfire did, but for his meals, he preferred savory food. Usually, this meant Jazz would have to cook a smaller portion of something like cyber-hen eggs or mecha-hog bacon for him. However, this morning was notable because the food Jetstorm smelled cooking wasn’t sweet. It also seemed milder, somehow, than the strong smell that usually filled the house when Jazz cooked.
Curious, the young bot shifted under the covers, scowling when he realized that Jetfire was once again tangled around him. They both had their own rooms, but the twins would often sleep curled up together if the mood struck. It was comforting to have the familiar weight at his back at night, but in the morning, when he wanted out of bed, it was irritating to have to fight his brother’s unconscious body for freedom. Finally, he succeeded....only to end up throwing himself halfway off the bed, face pressed to the floor and legs tangled in what little blanket Jetfire hadn’t stolen from him. Jetstorm just lay there in defeat for a long moment, then pushed himself up onto his hands and pulled his legs free. He slid fully to the floor, then slowly stood and crept out of his room while Jetfire slept on. As he closed the door, his brother sprawled into the warm spot he had previously occupied, even further rolling himself into the blanket as he did so.
Jetstorm sighed, rolled his eyes and crossing his arms, only to pause as he realized he’d left his visor on his nightstand. He tilted his head, considering for a moment before shrugging and going to follow to smell that had woken him. He stepped out of the hallway that led to the bedrooms, only to pause when he saw who exactly was at the kitchen counter. It wasn’t Jazz. No, it was actually their guest. Prowl stood there, mixing something in a pot over the stove, dressed in a loose sleeping robe that Jetstorm recognized as belonging to their guardian. Ah, that was right. He’d come over the day before to talk with Jazz, and they’d spent so long together that it had been dark by the time Jazz suggested Prowl might as well stay the night.
He still remembered the day they’d met the strange mech. After Prowl had thrown their frisbee that day in the park, and Jazz had seen him, their adoptive father had all but tackled the smaller bot on a hug so tight Jetstorm was still surprised he hadn’t broken anything. They’d stayed like that for a long time, Jazz just whispering things to Prowl is a tearful rasp that Jetfire and he hasn’t been able to hear. His brother had made to interrupt, but then he’d heard the hoarse “I finally found you” from the white mech and it had clicked. This was Prowl. The same Prowl Jazz had told them about (though he’d only ever been able to bring himself to tell the twins about his lost friend on a couple occasions, the topic obviously still painful to their guardian), the same Prowl that Jazz had spent the past several years trying to find. He’d pulled his brother back, hissed a hurried “Do not be interrupting, it be Jazz’s friend Prowl that he be telling us about” at the orange mechling, and his brother had stilled as the realization caught up. After that, they’d all eventually made it back to the house, where Jazz and Prowl had talked for the rest of the day while the twins played in the yard, and though the black and gold mech had left that night, he had also become a somewhat regular guest. Though, sometimes Jazz had to literally drag him here.
“You’re staring.”
Jetstorm startled at the smooth voice, stifling a yelp. He flushed when he realized he’d just been standing there, lost in thought. “I am sorry.” he said after a brief pause. “I was thinking you were Jazz.”
Prowl turned his head to look at the youngling over his shoulder, and Jetstorm was startled to see that the Praxian was without his own visor just as he himself was. “I take it Jazz cooks for you two in the morning?”
Jetstorm nodded, then sniffed at the air and padded over, peering curiously at the food the older mech was preparing. “What you be making?” he asked, curious. “Jazz and Jetfire like sweet breakfast, so we be having that often. But this does not be smelling sweet.”
Prowl paused, frowning. “I know Jazz has a sweet tooth.” he said after a moment. “But would all of you prefer something sweet?” he seemed hesitant, and Jetstorm quickly realized he seemed displeased with the idea. It seemed this bot too preferred a non-sweet breakfast.
“No.” he assured. “They be eating not sweet breakfast as well. I be liking not sweet better for my breakfast. Sweet is for desert, I think.” he explained.
He noticed Prowl’s faint hum and the way his shoulders relaxed. “I see. Then it seems you and I are of the same thought.”
Jetstorm nodded, then stared at the ingredients laid out on the counter. “What you be making? I am not recognizing this.”
“Currently, I am preparing miso. It is a broth traditional to my home, made with a metalli-plant product and energon. I also plan on making rice and some egg roll.”
The youngling perked up at the mention of the last food, head tilting. “How do you be rolling an egg?” he asked, confused.
Prowl blinked, glancing at him. “You prepare the mix, then pour a thin layer of it in a heated pan, and as each layer cooks you roll it on itself, push it to the side of the pan, and add another layer.”
Jetstorm stared, brain struggling to picture his that would work, before he gave up and asked another question. “Can I help? Jazz is be cooking with me sometimes.”
Prowl seemed startled by the question, before he paused and nodded. “...I can take care of the rice. The miso just needs to simmer until it’s served. I can guide you through making the egg roll, if you’d like?”
Jetstorm perked up, beaming at the elder bot. “I be liking that very much!” he said eagerly. “Thank you!”
Prowl blinked slowly, then nodded and gestured at the young bot. “Get a bowl, a whisk, and some cyber-hen eggs.” he instructed, rummaging in the cupboards for rice, he stopped in surprise when he noticed a rice cooker, shaking his head as a small smile twitched at his lips. He shouldn’t be surprised. It was Jazz, after all. He pulled the rice cooker out of the cupboard, then found some rice in the next one over.
Jetstorm, meanwhile, gathered the things as instructed before turning back to the elder mech. “What else I be needing?” he asked
“Sugar, salt, soy sauce, and rice vinegar.”
The youngling gathered those as well, and turned his attention to Prowl once more. By that time, the older bot had set the rice to cook, and turned to focus on his cooking companion. Seeing the littler bot standing eagerly, Prowl restrained a smile. This was odd, but it was also....nice.
He guided Jetstorm through making the mix for the egg roll, letting the youngling do all the work as he kept watch. By the time the bot was almost done cooking the second roll, Jazz and Jetfire trudged into the kitchen, bleary eyed and curious at the smell of food.
Jazz recognized the meal immediately, perking up. “Makin’ yer favorite breakfast, Prowler?” he rumbled, walking past his friend to grab dishes, bumping their shoulders as he did. At his friend’s snort and muttered “obviously” he just chuckled and shook his head. Then he went out to the dining room, Jetfire following with cutlery. Prowl and Jerstorm transferred the food to serving dishware, then brought it out and sat down.
Jetstorm watched as the older ninja sliced the egg rolls, taking a few pieces for himself, then ladling miso into a small bowl and scooping rice onto his plate. The other three followed suit, and Jetstorm was about to spoon some miso into his mouth when he noticed both adults were simply lifting the small bowls to their lips to drink the broth. He blinked, startled, but shrugged it off and followed suit. If that was how it was meant to be consumed, who was he to disagree?
He returned his attention to Prowl as the older bot went to eat a bite of egg role, holding his breath. He blinked, then made an approving hum and took another bite. “Very well done, Jetstorm.” He said softly.
The youngling beamed at the praise, taking a bite of his own portion and humming. This was nice! It was very faintly sweet, but not too much so, and it went well alongside the rest of the breakfast.
“Prowl’s right, Jetstorm.” Jazz grinned at his young charge, “Ya did a fine job this mornin’, mechling.”
“Thank you.” Jetstrom said with a faint, shy grin.
“You be the one who is making the egg?” Jetfire asked, surprised.
“Yes, Prowl be teaching me!” Jetstorm chirped cheerfully, grinning at his brother. “Do you like it, brother? It is not being as sweet as your normal breakfast, but I think it is tasting good.” he hummed, taking another bite.
Jetfire hummed, pausing as he took a bite. “It is tasting good.” he said after a moment of thought. “Is it supposed to be so lumpy?”
At that, Jetstorm winced. While it was true the egg rolls tasted good, they were indeed lumpy and a bit wrinkled. He had struggled with rolling them properly, as each layer was so thin it broke too easily. “No.” he said despondently.
“That doesn’t matter.” Prowl said smoothly. “You did very well. Better than I did the first time I made these. My first attempt wasn’t even edible.” he murmured into a sip of miso.
Jetstrom blinked. “Really? So I is not being too bad at rolling the egg?”
Prowl quirked his lips. “Really. You just need to practice.” he paused as if thinking. “I...would also not mind cooking further meals with you in the future.”
At that, Jetstrom looked positively delighted. “You be hearing that, brother?” he crowed. “I can be cooking with Prowl again!”
Jetfire snorted into his rice. “You be saying that like you be winning something, brother!” he snipped. “Cooking is not being fun! It is so boring it be making me want to sleep!” he complained.
Jetstorm bristled. “That is not being true!” he protested. “And anyway, you be finding anything without action boring!”
Jetfire bristled, looking like he was going to snap something back when Prowl cleared his throat. “Jazz told me you two work during the day?” he said smoothly, redirecting their attention to him.
Jetstorm grinned. “Yes! Jetfire and I are being delivery bots! We are riding are special bike, it is being called Safeguard! We have been the ones who be building it!” he chirped.
“Impressive.” Prowl said, tilting his head.
Jetfire preened under the praise. “It is not always be working right, so we always be having to fix and upgrade it, but one day we will be making it work and then we will be the fastest delivery bots on all of Cybertron!”
“That is only being happening if you can be steering right when you drive!” Jetstrom cut in with a grin.
“I can be steering right! I am not the one who crashed us into the river!” Jetfire snarled in return.
“That time I was only be crashing us because you were being distracting!”
“I was not being! You could not be seeing the road right, brother! Are you being sure you do not need optical correctors?”
“I do not be needing them!” Jetstorm bared his teeth.
(Jazz watched, grinning into his bowl of miso, as Prowl once more redirected the twins from their argument. His old friend asked another carefully constructed question, trying to pull the two younglings into a proper discussion, and he felt something warm and fond settle deep in his chest. He’d missed Prowl something fierce in the years since the little ninja had gone missing, and a part of him was scared he’d never see Prowl again whenever he left his sight. But seeing this, his old friend and one of the most beloved people in his life, interacting so naturally with the little bots he’d adopted and come to love as his own sons...it did him something good. This, right here, was everything he had ever wanted for his future. Eating a nice, home cooked meal with his family, just enjoying a peaceful, easy morning. He knew Prowl would have to leave soon, but if he could have more days like this...he’d be happy. This was good. This was what home was supposed to be.)
Jetfire set down his gaming console with an irritated grumble. He’d lost. Again. For some reason, he level he was on kept stumping him every time he tried it. He grumbled, flopping into a wide sprawl on his bed and staring at the ceiling of his room, which was decorated with a giant glow in the dark dragon sticker. He was bored. He couldn’t play with Jetstorm; his brother had gone with Jazz to the grocery store. But...Prowl had stayed. Maybe he could see what their adoptive Sire’s old friend was up to?
He slipped out of bed, having gotten properly dressed after breakfast, and padded out of his room. He checked the living room, but found it empty, and then wandered around the house until he saw the older mech in the back yard. He paused, watching him through the window. Prowl shifted into a crouch, hands pulled in against his hips, then shifted his weight slowly to his back foot before moving swiftly to shift his weight forward, leap straight up, and execute a complex twist and kick in the air before landing in a wider, lower crouch, one leg bent and the other straight, almost sitting in the grass, with one arm up by his shoulders and the other remains tucked close to his hips. Jetfire gaped, eyes going wide at the maneuver. It was complex, but Prowl had made it look so smooth and even, his movements natural and easy and Jetfire wanted.
The youngling hurried to the door, opening it and pouncing into the yard with an eager look. “That is being so cool!” he gasped, loud and delighted.
Prowl startled, body going stiff as he jerked to attention and snapped his head towards the smaller mech. “What?” he asked, confused.
“You did the kick and twist, yes? I was being watching you!” Jetfire chirped, practically bouncing in place. “It is being very cool. Do you be thinking you can teach me?” he asked, eyes wide and pleading and oh-so-hopeful.
Prowl faltered, stuttering as he tried to gather his thoughts after being so roughly startled out of his meditative mindset. After a moment, he managed to gather himself, and he straightened to stand fully. He was dressed in a loose tank top and sweatpants he’d borrowed his Jazz, once again wearing his visor, and his feet were bare. He’d come out here to the yard to practice some of his forms while his old friend was shopping. He’d thought Jazz had taken both younglings with him, but apparently the orange twin had stayed behind. He cleared his throat, frowning. “I am not sure.” he said haltingly.
Jetfire blinked, then frowned. “Please?” he asked earnestly. “It be looking fun and cool and I is being wanting to be able to do that too.”
Prowl sighed, crossing his arms and regarding the youngling. “I can’t teach you the maneuver you saw me do. Not yet. It took me training and practice before I could do that. Lots of it.”
Jetfire blinked, then sagged, signing. “I be understanding.” he said quietly. If it really did take that much training, he couldn’t fault the mech for not wanting to teach him.
Prowl paused when he saw how down the mechling looked, and he sighed. “...if you are willing to start with something less exciting, I would be alright with beginning to teach you the basics.” he offered. He didn’t know why he was doing this. Maybe it was because it felt wrong to see the orange youngling so down. Maybe it was because he remembered how he’d enjoyed bonding with Jetstorm that morning, and maybe it was because an old, long-buried part of him remembered how nice it felt to go through the forms with another frame at his side.
Jetfire perked up at the offer, the action almost puppy-ish in the way the little bot visibly brightened and his eyes lit up. “You be meaning it?” he asked eagerly. “You are really being okay with teaching me?”
“As long as you’re prepared for less glamorous lessons in the beginning.” Prowl said, bemused. At Jetfire’s rapid nodding, the ninja’s lips twitched. “First, you need better clothes. We don’t have proper training clothing here, but sweatpants and a tank top will do. Don’t wear your shoes.” he instructed,
Jetfire snapped a salute, then turned on his heel and raced to change. When he returned, he was dressed in his own tank top and sweatpants, and and came to a stop in front of Prowl. He was all but vibrating with his eagerness.
Prowl tilted his head, then nodded. “I want to teach you meditation at some point, as being able to slip your mind into a calm, still state is rather important for later lessons. But for now, I can teach you warm-up stretches and basic stances.” he said.
Jetfire made a face at the mention of meditation. But, he did remember that maneuver earlier. Prowl had looked so peaceful, and so calm and serene, and if that was a result of meditation than Jetfire was willing to give it a go. “Okay!” he chirped, snapping another salute.
Prowl exhaled a brief huff of laughter, then gestured the youngling to his side. “Do as I do. I’m going to guide you through a set of warm-up stretches. It will allow your body to be properly prepare for the real action.” he explained.
Jetfire nodded, then did as Prowl indicated. He watched as the older mech slid his feet into a wider stance, then arched down and to the side, stretching his arms down to touch his ankle and keeping his legs straight. He held that position, then slowly pulled up and repeated the action on the other side. After a brief hesitation, Jetfire copied him.
They spent a while slipping though various stretches, and by the end Jetfire was surprised by how he ached. It was bearable, but his body also was definitely not used to that type of activity. Still, he had to admit, his limbs did feel almost...looser, and he could understand why these stretches would be important before doing something more serious.
Prowl was watching the youngling carefully, and he nodded as he seemed to observe...whatever he was looking for. “Are you ready to continue?”
Jetfire nodded. “Ready!”
“Good. Try to copy me as best you can. I’ll correct you if need be. Right now, I’m going to just show you a few simpler stances.” He explained.
Prowl shifted, then stood with his back straight, feet planted shoulder width apart, hands fisted, and wrists crossed at his front near his hips. Jetfire stared, then mimicked him carefully, brow furrowed.
“This is the ready stance. It’s very easy to slip from this stance into the other basic forms.” he explained. “Hold it as you are. I’ll correct you.”
He slipped out of the stance, then walked forward and paced in a circle around the youngling. At his back, he pressed his palm to Jetfire’s spine. “Straighten further. Posture is important for what I’m teaching you. Poor posture can lead to improper balance, and that can in turn lead to injury.” he said carefully.
Jetfire straightened his spine, waiting until Prowl was in front of him again. The Praxian nodded. “Good. Now copy me again. I’ll show you another.”
He stepped back, slipping into the ready stance, then spun on his right heel 90° to the left, stepping forward with his left foot as he did. His left leg bent, his right remained straight. His left arm raised, elbow bent, to block in font of his face, and his right arm was bent tucked to his hip, hand fisted. Then in one movement, he lowered his blocking arm to bend and tuck at his hip, hand fisting, while his other arm shot out straight into a punch. He held that, then shifted his left foot back, arms relaxing to lover at cross in front of him at his hips until he was once more in the ready stance.
Jetfire watched everything with rapt attention, as as soon as the older bot looked at him he did his best to copy. He slid into the ready stance, about to move when Prowl stopped him.
“Slowly. Keep your back straight all throughout.” Then he stepped back and walked around the youngling to observe him carefully.
Jetfire did his best to copy what he’d seen Prowl do, but even he could tell it wasn’t perfect. The surprising thing was that, every time Prowl noticed a mistake in his stance, he’d put a hand out to halt the youngling, gently correct it, and then let him continue. Jetfire performed the whole maneuver several times, Prowl making corrections every time he did, until finally the Praxian nodded.
“Good.” he said, sounding pleased.
Then he moved to stand next to the youngling. “Together, now.” he encouraged.
And so they did. Jetfire could tell that Prowl’s movements were much more fluid, much more elegant, but at that moment he didn’t care. Pride filled his chest and he grinned as he came to a finish in the ready stance. As soon as he saw Prowl shift out of his own finishing stance and relax, the youngling launched himself at the older mech in a hug.
“Thank you!” he gasped, loud and delighted. This wasn’t as exciting as that twisting air kick, but for once Jetfire didn’t mind the lack of action. He’d found his body challenged all afternoon, his mind having to constantly work to keep track of every inch of his body to keep his form right, and he liked it. “Can you be teaching me more?” he asked eagerly.
Prowl blinked, then relaxed and shifted his arms to awkwardly hug Jetfire back, though the youngling didn’t seem to mind the stiffness of the action. “Not now. Your body needs rest. It’s not used to such activity. But...how about I teach you more the next time I’m here? In the meantime, practice those stretches and that maneuver.”
Jetfire blinked, then beamed. He stepped back, standing another salute and laughing. “Okay!”
At the the youngling’s playful actions, Prowl could only smile and shake his head.
(Jazz watched from the window, his lips pulled into a wide grin. He and Jetstorm had returned a short while before. The blue twin was digging through the kitchen for a snack, and Jazz had come looking for his other son and friend. He’d come to the window just in time to see Prowl step next to Jetfire and see them both shift through what he recognized as one of the first most basic sets of Circuit-Su. The full maneuver was actually much longer, but that was the first part of it. Jazz had watched Prowl perform it countless times in their youth. He watched his son laugh and tackle his old friend, and found his grin growing. He knew he couldn’t stop Prowl from continuing his self-imposed mission, but maybe, just maybe...he could give him a home, and more importantly, a family, to return to. Though, as he watched Jetfire send Prowl a sloppy salute and watched Prowl smile, he realized that maybe the twins were already taking care of that.)
Dinner had come and gone, and Jazz and Prowl were out in the backyard, talking about...whatever it was they talked about. The Twins were curled up on the bed in Jetstorm’s room, staring at the large glow in the dark nebula painted onto the ceiling.
“Brother?” Jetstorm said quietly. “What you be thinking about Prowl?”
Jetfire was quiet for a moment, before he spoke. “I is liking him. He is not treating us like younglings when he fight, and he is not getting angry when I mess up when he is teaching me.”
Jetstorm nodded. “Yes. He did not be angry when I did not make the egg roll correctly.” he agreed.
Jetfire hummed, seemingly thinking hard about something. Jetstorm couldn’t resist. “Do not be thinking too hard, brother! I am not being sure your processor can handle the strain!” he crowed.
Immediately, Jetfire seemed to snap out of whatever train of thought he’d been stuck on. He rolled to face his brother with a snarl, eyes narrowed. They were both dressed in pajamas, and Jetstorm wasn’t wearing his visor. “Did you just suggest I’m being stupid?” he barked, eyes narrowed.
Jetstorm blinked at him, eyes wide and innocent. “Is it not the truth, brother?” he asked. “You could not even finish one level on your game. You be having to ask me to beat it for you!” he stated, grinning at his twin.
Jetfire growled and tackled his brother. Jetfire yelped, and they rolled and tussled on the bed as they tried to pin each other. “I is not being the one who bought salt when we be needing sugar!” Jetfire barked, briefly rolling on top of his brother.
Jetstorm sputtered, heaving forward and managing to roll them both over. “That is not being my fault! Someone else be putting salt with the sugar, and the bags be looking the same!” he protested. He managed to pin Jetfire, sitting on his brother’s stomach and smirking down at him. “And I am not the one who be spilling soup on Jazz!”
Jetfire hissed up at his brother, bucking underneath him....and sending them both crashing to the floor. Both twins froze, breaths stilling. They were supposed to be asleep. Sure enough, the door opened and Jazz peeked in, they could see Prowl glance though the open door behind him. The Praxian was once again dressed in a borrowed sleeping robe, and neither adult was wearing their visor.
“Really boys?” Jazz deadpanned. “It’s 11:00. Go to sleep. You have work tomorrow.”
The twins shot him identical grins, sheepish and embarrassed, and pulled each other up onto the bed. “Goodnight.” came two voices from the heap of blankets and younglings. Jazz felt himself soften. “Goodnight, boys.” he said warmly. To his surprise, he heard a soft voice behind him speak up. “Sleep well, little ones.” At their sleepy murmurs, he closed the door with a click.
In the bedroom, Jetstorm stared up at the ceiling. “I be liking Prowl.” he said softly. “I do not be wanting him to disappear again.”
At his side, he heard a sleepy grunt of agreement. “Me too. I be hoping we can make him to to stay.”
Jetstorm smiled. Yes, that was what they could do. If they showed Prowl that there was something for him here, maybe he would stay. “Goodnight, brother.”
A yawn. “Goodnight.”
(Outside the door, Jazz stood calmly under Prowl’s probing stare. He was grinning, lazy and pleased, and he knew what his old friend was thinking. Still, he wouldn’t say anything until the Praxian did. Yet, it seemed he wouldn’t, because he only huffed and shook his head, taking one more look at the twin’s door before turning towards the guest bedroom. As he left, Jazz’s grin softened and he glanced at the closed door. Yeah, the twins were growing on Prowl. He just hoped it stuck. He wasn’t ready to lose his friend a second time.)
In the guest bedroom, Jazz and Prowl both sat on the bed. Jazz had followed his old friend, wanting to have one last talk before he settled down to sleep in his own room. The two mechs sat in silence, Prowl staring out the window at the night sky. On the nightstand, Jazz saw a bundle of gold fabric. It took him a moment, but he remembered where he’d seen it. It was the sash that Yoketron had often worn. Well, that was as good a point as any
“....I know I can’t stop you from continuing your little mission.”
“No. You cannot.”
“Yeah. Figured.” Jazz sighed. “So I won’t. I ain’t sure I can help you either. I’ve looked over all the police information on the case, Prowl. You’ve told me what you know about it, and...well.” he sighed. “To be honest with you, the police don’t know all that much more than you do, mech.”
Prowl exhaled roughly. He’d known his friend had joined the force, and he couldn’t deny a part of him had been hoping for more information in the face of Jazz’s willingness to lend aid. “I suppose I should have expected as much.”
Jazz grimaced. “I’m sorry, Prowl.” He glanced at the old sash. “I know how close you and your Sire were.”
Prowl flinched, looking down at his lap. “Indeed.” he said, voice tight.
“Made me jealous, you know.” Jazz mused. “Seein’ how much ol’ Yoketron would dote on you...sometimes I wished my own Sire and Carrier would be like that. I was more an heir to them than a son, I suppose.” he mused.
Prowl winced. “I...I may have been my Sire’s heir, but...I do not think he would have been angry had I chosen a different path. If things....if things were different.” he admitted, voice quiet and pained.
Jazz smiled sadly. “Y’know, I think you’re right. You were his son first, and his heir second. That’s what made me so jealous.” he chuckled. Then he sighed, leaning back on his hands.
“I got over it right quick though.” he mused.
Prowl looked up, surprised. “You...did?”
“Yep.” he grinned at his friend. “How could I stay jealous when I learned why he cherished you the way he did?”
“What do you mean?” Prowl blinked, now just very confused.
“I learned how easy it is to love you.” Jazz confessed. He pushed himself closer to his friend, gaze fond and adoring.
Prowl stiffened, inhaling sharply. Jazz knew he was remembering their first kiss in the dojo gardens, shared over a handful of gifted flowers and hidden behind leafy bushes. He knew he was remembering the many quick, stolen kisses that followed. Kisses to lips, to cheeks, to foreheads and noses and jaws. They never took it further, then. They were too young, too shy and only just learning of their own intimacies, not yet ready to share that with another.
“Jazz...” Prowl whispered. “I’m not sure...” he trailed off.
Jazz smiled. “I’m not sure it’s a good idea either.” He admitted. “But that don’t mean I’m not willing to try. I think it’s worth it, Prowl. I think you’re worth it.” For a second, he held his breath. Hoping, praying that he didn’t just screw this up forever and that he wasn’t about to lose Prowl again.
Then his friend swallowed, and ducked his head. “I think you’re worth it too.” he whispered. “I want to, Jazz, but there’s so much that could go wrong.”
Jazz paused. “I know.” he said seriously. “What you’re doing is dangerous.” He said.
Prowl let out a shuddering breath. “Then how...?”
“We take it one day at a time, my mech.” Jazz said, leaning in and meeting Prowl’s uncertain gaze.
“One day at a time.” Prowl whispered. “That sounds...reasonable.”
“Good.” Jazz grinned. “I’m gonna kiss you now, Prowl.”
The Praxian let out a breathless laugh. “Then do it.”
And he did.
(That night, two aching souls reconnected. It was a fragile bond, riddled with cracks and insecurities. That sparks that fueled it both burned bright for each other, it was only the uncertainties of the lives the two mechs led that kept the two sparks from fully reaching for one another. That night, two bots relearned their love for each other in a series of kisses, long and soft and sweet. There was passion, but not of the fiery kind, for tonight was not about that. Kisses and whispered words of affection and apology and assurance were exchanged, and slowly, festering cracks began to heal. That night, Jazz and Prowl remembered why they had fallen for each other in the first place, and they fell only further as they exchanged truths and promises from their very sparks. They could not be sure of what was to come, but they could know they would have each other’s strength to borrow whenever they had need of it. That night, Jazz regained a lost love he had only ever hoped for.)
(That night, Prowl began to heal.)
The song for this one represents the relationship between Jazz and Prowl, but also the familial bond building between Prowl and the twins. It’s “Love Can Build a Bridge” by The Judds. Thought it’d be fitting for the relationships and character journeys in this little family unit.
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Do It For Him/Her | Sworn To The Sword ~ Drift | Dreadlock + Human! Female! Reader x Slipstream/Jetstorm
Do It For Him/Her | Sworn To The Sword
Drift | Dreadlock + Human! Female! Reader x Slipstream/Jetstorm
Transformers - RID2015 (Cartoon)
Plot: Drift teaches the Reader how to weild a sword if they are to protect the twins, as the twins needed a knight.
A/n: Totally not inspired by the Steven Universe Episode by the same name.
Originally Started On: 07/27/21
Published On: 07/30/21
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You turned the corner to the street where your uncle's scrapyard is. You brought your sword with you. It was a sword that your mother gave to you when you were little. It had a handle. You happily knocked on the door of the scrapyard. Russell your cousin opened up the door. He smiled and hugged you.
"Hello (Y/n)!" Russell said.
"Hey. What's happening?" You asked.
"Nothin much! Drift and the twins are outside." He said pointing to the backyard.
"Alright." You ran outside. You were recieving a sword fighting lesson by Drift after he noticed how you excel in sword fighting. He decided to help you improve.
"Alright (Y/n). Everything begins with your stance. Remember:" Drift said.
"You do it for them, and you would do it again. You do it for them that is to say you do it for them." Drift said showing you how he attacks.
"Keep your, stance wide. Keep your frame lowered. As your moving forward balance is the key. Right pede left pede now go even faster. As your moving backwards keep your optics on me." Drift Instructed showing you how he is attacking the decepticon with precise.
"Keep my stance wide" You said. 
"Good" Drift said.
"Keep my body lowered" You added.
"Right" Drift said. Nodding.
"As I'm moving forward..." You lose focus. Drift grabbed your sword and faught the holo-decipticon.
"Concentrate. Don't you want them to live?!" Drift sternly said..
[Right pede, left pede" You said.
"Yes, but put your whole frame into it" Drift explained helping your form.
"Everything you have, everything you are. You've got to give, On the battlefield. When everything is chaos, And you have nothing but the way you feel. Your strategy and a sword. You just think about the life you'll have together after the war" Drift projected an recording of the war for cybertron, he was fighting for his cause, and you noticed how cruel it was. Then he showed a recording of you and the twins together.
"And then you do it for her, That's how you know you can win. You do it for her, that is to say. you do it for them.." Drift said disipitating the hologram.
After fighting for awhile, you looked down at your hand that was bandaged, and the twins gave you some juice before you take a sip however, Drift was in front of you. 
"Deep down you know, You weren't built for fighting. But that doesn't mean. You're not prepared to try." Drift exclaims starting the process up.
"What they don't know. Is your real advantage, When you live for someone. You're prepared to offline!" Drift proclaimed. He continued to show recordings of the war. 
"Deep down I know, That I'm just a human." You said. Dropping your sword with a look of thought.
"True." Drift said.
"But I know that I can draw my sword and fight" You said holding up your sword again lunging towards the Holo decipicon.
"But you know that you can draw  your sword and fight" Drift said with you.
“With my short existence" You said with a thrust against the hologram.
"Good." Drift said.
"I can make a difference" You jumped up and lunged towards the Holo. And stabbed your sword through it.
"Yes, excellent." Drift said.
"I can be there for them." You said.
"I can be their knight" You holds your sword on the ground.
"I can do it for her" You said. Dragging the sword down to the hologram.
"You'd do it for her" Drift said. 
"Okay, now do that again" Drift confirms to you.
"Yes, sir!" You confirm, doing just that.
"You do it for her, and now you say"
"I'll do it for them"
The twins has seen less and less of you whenever your out practicing your sword skills, they later were aware that Drift was trying to get you ready for battle Russell didn’t find this okay, you’re just a human! So the twins decided to interrupt your session with Drift. Drift however was angry. 
“You have to understand, in a battle she has to protect you both.” Drift said.
“We’re fine on our own!” Jetstorm said. 
“Well, you guys are too important to be in the FIGHT!” Drift said remembering what happened the last time. 
“No we’re not! We’re perfectly capable of handling ourselves Lady (Y/n) could easily get hurt! She’s a human! We’re replaceable, but she’s not! Commander Drift!” Jetstorm said. Finally Drift snapped. 
“WHY WON’T YOU LET ME DO THIS FOR YOU MASTER!” Drift then covered his dermas. 
“I mean, why won’t you do this for her?” Drift asked. 
‘Very well, fight is over. I have to think about this.” Drift said. He walked off, leaving both you and the twins alone. 
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lifetimeshipper · 2 years
New Life, New Obstacles
Chapter 21
The guys came running into the room, "We heard you shouting. What's wrong?" Steeljaw and Wheeljack asked with concern, each running over to their mate.
Arcee and Strongarm looked at each other, "We need to go for a drive." Arcee bent over to Fixit, "Don't tell them yet." Then the two ran out, transformed, and drove off before the mechs could say anything.
"What's going on?" Wheeljack asked Fixit and Metalsound as the Mini-Con turned off the monitors.
"Uh, I have something to do," Metalsound said before running out.
"Um... I got to do something as well, they'll explain when they get back. I promised Denny I would help him with something," Fixit says before rolling out.
"That was odd," Thunderhoof said as he watched the two leave. Steeljaw and Wheeljack look at each other with confused expressions, they can tell that their mates are hiding something from them.
Strongarm sighed once she and Arcee had gotten far enough away from the scrapyard. They both transform and sit under a tree, "I can't believe we're sparked," Arcee states as she sits down.
"How are we gonna tell our mates?" Strongarm asked.
"I don't know," Arcee replied as Metalsound finally caught up to them.
"Why did you two run off?"
"We're not sure how to tell them. Steeljaw's not even sure if he wants to be a sire yet and Dad still thinks I'm too young to have a mate let alone have a sparkling."
Arcee pulled Strongarm into a hug, "I know this is scary, I'm scared out of my mind right now. But I'm also happy. I mean we're going to bring life into this world."
"Yeah, you're right. I'm just a little scared because I'm new to all this."
Metalsound joins in on the hug, "I believe you both can do it. I can't wait until Thunderhoof and I have a sparkling."
The other two femmes just smiled. They don't know that they're being watched.
Night has fallen and the femmes haven't returned yet and the guys were starting to get worried. "Where are they?" Steeljaw wondered out loud as he kept his optics on the gate.
"Not sure. I'm starting to get worried," Wheeljack replies also watching the gate.
"Then why don't you go look for them instead of waiting here?" Drift asked as he, Thunderhoof, and Ultra Magnus walked over to them. With a growl, Steeljaw ran off and transformed driving out as fast as he could go. Ultra Magnus, Wheeljack, Drift, and Thunderhoof quickly followed after him.
They reached the area where the femmes were and found evidence of a scuffle. Drift quickly deployed his Mini-Cons, "Carefully search the area," he told them. The twins both bowed in response before taking off into the forest. "Something happened here, for the three of them to get caught off guard like this..." he trailed off as he tried to think.
Steeljaw sniffed around, "I smell another presence with our mates," he growls out.
Ultra Magnus looked around looking for some kind of a sign. His optics scanned the forest as well as the ground, there had to be something he was missing. They suddenly heard a scream coming from the forest and saw the twins running away from something. 
A silver-white dog-like creature was hot on their tails. Its white eyes locked onto the twins as it lunged at them. With a snarl, it bared its fangs, ready to tear out their sparks, when it was suddenly attacked by Steeljaw and taken down. The creature snarled as it tried to escape from the Wolf-Con.
"What is that thing?" Jetstorm asked as he peeked out from behind his master's leg.
"It's a Spark Eater, it works with the D.J.D. They're here," Magnus replied with a scowl. The Spark Eater continued its struggle clawing at Steeljaw. 
"You don't think..." Thunderhoof trailed off not wanting to think that the D.J.D had their mates.
"That's what it looks like I'm afraid."
Steeljaw's grip tightened around the creature causing it to whimper, "How can we find them?" He asked with a growl.
Magnus looks at the creature, "Where are your masters!?"
"We're right here, Ultra Magnus."
Five mechs came out from the shadows, two of the larger ones were holding Metalsound and Arcee while the purple one was keeping a tight grip on Strongarm. "We've been waiting for you," he purred as he rubbed his cheek against Strongarm's.
Steeljaw growled putting his ears back and Magnus glared at the mech, "What are you doing here!?"
"Why do you think? We heard that there were some traitors on this planet and so were you," he growled as his servo slowly trailed down Strongarm's body.
Feeling this mech's touch sent unpleasant shivers throughout her body, "Let me go!"
Metalsound struggled to get away from the one that was holding her, the heat from his smelting pool was starting to make her really nervous.
"Stop touching my mate!!" Steeljaw growls.
"Your mate? Now this will really be fun," he chuckled, "Want to know what makes this better?" He asked Ultra Magnus, "You'll get to see what happened to your mate. Vos, why don't you have some fun," he suggested to the smaller mech as he backed away. The mechs all look at them.
"I won't let you take my daughter from me!" Magnus shouts as he runs after the mech getting away with Strongarm.
Kaon charged at the Autobots, the towers on his shoulders surging with electricity. The Autobots all tried to dodge him, but he managed to get Drift pinned to a tree. "It's been a long time, Deadlock," he growled as he punched Drift in the stomach.
"Oh... Not long enough!" Drift countered.
"You have no idea how long we've looked for you," Kaon growled as he felt something hit his foot. Looking down he saw the twins trying to inflict some damage on him, "That tickles," he kicked the twins away, sending them flying into a rock.
"Jetstorm, Slipstream," Drift called to his students.
"Magnus, Magnus, Magnus, we're in the same situation, but this time it's your daughter. But not only your daughter but your grandchild as well," the purple mech tells him.
"What?" Magnus stared at Tarn unsure if he was telling the truth or not.
Metalsound snarled as she tried to get away from Helex who had been staring at her for a while. After a moment, he threw her to the ground. With a cry she transformed, growling at the large mech she lunged at him.
Tesarus was the only one not fighting, he just watched as Vos easily dodged Thunderhoof's head charges. Helex threw Metalsound causing her to collide with Steeljaw. In a blind rage, she snapped her jaws at him. Steeljaw grabs her and slams her down onto the ground, "Metalsound, snap out of it! I'm trying to get to my mate so stop!"
Metalsound calms down and starts whimpering, "Sorry, Steeljaw," she says as Steeljaw backs off. She quickly got up off the ground and ran over to help her mate. Steeljaw went to help Strongarm.
Arcee heard her captor let out a small scream as he started saying something rapidly in Spanish. She took that to her advantage and elbowed him in the stomach and got away from him. Holding his stomach he continued praying, his whole body shook like something had hit him with all of the strength it had.
Chapter 1
Next Chapter
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Character review!!(1/4):
Lets review the best, and worst part of RID! The characters! Let's start with some good guys!
*pls note I will only cover bots I have something to say about/want to talk about. If there's one I missed that you are curious about, send it as an ask.
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Bumblebee! Our old scout got his voice back, as well as fuck ton of stress. This Bumblebee became his own leader of this little team, and is definitely feeling what Optimus felt back in TFP. While Bumblebee is rather funny here, and has his dad moments, he doesn’t really feel like how he used to back in his scouting days, and if you were to ask me a preference, I'm definitely in favor of TFP. However, I will say I appreciate his sarcasm, and tired dad energy. All in all, Bumblebee is trying his best, and really, can you ask for more?.  In RID yes we can because fucking hell-  As such, 7/10 for our Bumble buddy.
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Aka, Wheeljack and Strongarm’s unofficial daughter. Rookie cop who constantly looks towards Bumblebee for guidance. She’s strong, clever, and honestly wants to be a good member of the task force. Unfortunately, RID made her have a constant stick up her aft, making her a tightwad. If she wasnt so focused on being a police officer, blabbing about rules and being kinda fucked up when it was convenient for her, I think I’d like her more. I do however, like her relationship with Sideswipe. Writers fuck ups aside, they honestly have a good relationship, and that’s pure. She really is at her best with him, and that's something I can appreciate. 6/10. If the writers cared about her more, Id rate her higher. No shame against her, she's got the character backbones, RID just didn't love right.
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Sideswipe; My BOY. Sideswipe is the team’s official thot. Limber, quick, stupid, gorgeous, boy is pretty much the best part of this show. Excluding a few poorly written episodes, Sideswipe is a boy that boasts of confidence and cockyness, while simultaneously being self conscious, and clingy. Sideswipe, although inept with his feelings and abandonment issues, is very skilled; pattern seeking, good with a sword, and even pretty apt with technology. There’s actually a headcanon out there where Sideswipe is more than just some delinquent (such as a decepticon), and It’s something I wish they made canon, purely because Sideswipe just appears to be a jack of all trades. Forgetting ‘Prisoners Principles’, Sideswipe is deadass a 9/10 for me. He’s a good boy who needs a hug, and a dick to suck. I literally love him so much I could cry.
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Grimlock; Decepticon turned autobot! That in itself makes him more interesting than a good chunk of autobots in general. He’s a big, bad not at all he's an absolute sweetie dinobot who likes smashing stuff, and being with his teammates. Grimlock is the classic ‘dumb, strong’ character, who’s a real bull in the china shop. I shouldn't like Grimlock as much as I do, but he's such a big, tender goofball who tries so hard, it’s hard not to love him and his big, dumb smile (seriously the way his teeth are done is absolutely so great, messed up teeth is a good character design when you know what you’re doing). So i’d give him an 8/10. Had they stopped highlighting him in that ‘he’s stupid’ light with a few episodes, he’d be a much better character. Still, he deserves everything.
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Slipstream (red) and Jetstorm (black) are Drift's students. They hold a similar honor system, and a similar want to please their sensei. Despite how alike they are, they DO have their own personalities. Slipstream is the one who takes more action, and is the more optimistic of the two, while Jetstorm easily falls into self depreciation, and is the more shy of the two. Regardless, they are absolute babies who can do no wrong in my eyes, and they deserve to be held and smooched. 10/10 ❤🖤.
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