bjdadventures · 5 years
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Still alive and working on wigs!! As usual, I've got a to do list a mile long. Gonna try to make better progress on everything this year than I did in 2019.
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lockescoles · 8 years
For the fictional character post... Midna :)
Thank you but I already answered it here :)
Send me a character
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So FFXV is basically my Skyrim. I just keep giving Squenix more money lmao
But hey I'm playing on Steam again... if any of yall wanna be friends my username is ChronicallySpaced
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friendfromfaire · 8 years
Man!! I was there last year and had no idea! Now I’m sad I can’t go this year :(
D= I’m sorry I missed you last year! I wish you could go to this one!
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For the identity ask: 3, 18,30
3. list your fandoms and one character from each that you identify with.This was the most difficult ask omg
The Legend of Zelda- Midna
Always Sunny- Charlie
Mass Effect- Liara
Dragon Age- Sera
idk man, i never made a list of my fandoms and now i don’t know what i like
18. what’s your patronus?Idk brb taking a quiz...A hare.
30. pick one of your favorite quotes.When I had a friend visiting from far away and was saying goodbye to them at the airport, I immediately got on tumblr after turning to walk away and saw a quote from Winnie The Pooh that has been my favorite ever since.
“How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.”
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chronicallyspaced replied to your photo:In case you punks forgot that I have a face,...
You’re so pretty!
Aww shucks! You're too nice!
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bigbanggifs · 9 years
Sorry if you've been asked this 1000 times, but do you know the best official source to buy the light sticks? I want to make sure everybody in my group has one for the show in Vegas. ♥
I got mine from YG’s Ebay store. It was a good deal but it took a long time to get here (shipping from Korea is not good for someone with no patience).
You can also get one from:
There are probably more places but those are the ones off top of my head. 
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milindso · 9 years
If you could cosplay any anime character, who would it be? (No restraint on skills/cost/etc)
I don’t usually cosplay. You pick for. oAo What anime character do you think I’m most like?
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welfycat · 10 years
chronicallyspaced said: Sorry you’re not feeling well. :( Your kitty is beautiful!
Thank you! I'm feeling a little better than I was in the night, thankfully. At the moment this is a temporary kitty that I'm keeping for a friend, but she is very pretty and snuggly. I'll try to grab a pic of my cat Athena when I get a chance.
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bjdadventures · 7 years
Beeeeh I made some changes to our mobile theme and icon. The icon features the lovely Sou, who belongs to ChronicallySpaced. 
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So Hard to Break by ChronicallySpaced
I was so frustrated with ME that I finished this instead lmfao
This bro is Jay’s character and he’s a rad dude. Hopefully I did him justice.
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nopitynopebizuk · 10 years
chronicallyspaced replied to your post “accomplishments before 9:30 AM today: i remembered how to spell...”
Jesus. I feel lucky if I can get my pants on in the morning and walk out the door without my shirt on backwards.
i didn't even attempt pants today. maybe that's why i was able to remember it. made room by deleting the pants option. i'm just in sweatpants and the first clean shirt i could find.
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casuallydressedzombie · 10 years
chronicallyspaced answered your question:chronicallyspaced replied to your post: ♫It’s...
Yeah!! I need to get more of their stuff. They keep coming on Pandora, and I really want to hear more than the same few songs!
I got their album A Lesson in Romantics and it's pretty great.
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infinitymatty · 10 years
chronicallyspaced replied to your post: i have to write a sonnet someone help me
I suck at poetry, but I know all about iambic pentameter if you’re writing a Shakespearean sonnet….
yeah please go ahead and do that facebook me but i might fall asleep. can you do it sunday?
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milindso · 10 years
We've been trying this vegan cookbook lately and i just thought you should know i made tacos using cauliflower last night lol. They were delicious.
I heard, and now I fear for my life
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malicwanderer · 10 years
How was life in 2006?
*does math in head* 
See.... I was fifteen and in 8th/9th grade.
Had friends I saw every day at school, decent grades with not much pressure. I was lucky enough to be kind talented academically.
Never got to do anything or go anywhere cuz no money, but I was a lot less averse of piracy back then so I still got new games semi-regularly.
I was a little bit of a jerk, not too much tho. I was really repressed though, so much so I didn't ever realize I was doing it. It'd be a good five years before I learned to properly feel an emotion besides anger. Yay being raised a boy in modern society. Emotionally sensitive boys do not last long in public grade school...
Honestly though my biggest feeling looking back on that time is just how much simpler everything was. My biggest concerns were can I get/play this new game, do I get to sleepover this weekend, and will I pass my classes. (And like I said I was lucky for that last one being less of an issue that it was / is for some others.)
Sometimes I wish I could go back to then, keep all the personal growth I've had and just go back to not having to worry about bills and crippling loneliness, y'know.
I especially miss the seeing my friends five times a week part. I'd give an awful lot to be able to have that now, with my current friends. (Including you ;)
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