#chubby kitty high kitty..gonna need a snack
thebardisabird · 7 years
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My heart, que lindos…I’d be happy to write this. Daddymatsus hearing their babies some variant of “dada” (I’m gonna try to make them a little different), UNDER THE CUT!
Osomatsu He wouldn’t admit it aloud, but he was envious. A few days ago he heard his son’s first words - “Mama”. Of course you were giddy, showering your son with extra affection and doting on him each time he repeated it. Your poor husband on the other hand sat with his cheeks huffed for several days after. Anytime you tried to approach him to ask what was wrong, he’d turn his nose up and respond with a curt, “Nothing”. It was obvious he was jealous - any time your son would call out for you, his eye would give a little twitch. Thankfully that didn’t stop him from showing either of you love, but you admitted you had to feel bad for the guy. When Osomatsu left to visit his brothers, you devised a plan. Taking a picture of you and your husband from your bedroom, you headed towards your son - who was currently knocking his building blocks over. You knelt down next to him and pulled him into your lap, “Okay kiddo,” you said, kissing the top of his head, “Daddy’s being a jealous little mope, so let’s make him feel loved.” You pointed to Osomatsu’s face, leaning over your son to make sure you had his attention. The plan was to hopefully get your son to finally learn his name too, it was excruciating watching your grown man of a husband devolve into a child because your actual child learned to say ‘mama’ first. When you were sure he was looking at the photo, you said softly, “Dada”  Your son made a soft noise of confusion at first, but immediately giggled after, clapping his hands in recognition of the man in the photo. Already a great start. You continued doing so for a couple of days, pointing at Osomatsu and repeating ‘Dada’ to your son each time. It seems your hard work finally paid off one day, when your husband came to frome the race tracks, hefty winnings in hand. He was already on cloud nine with the amount of cash he was able to earn back from his bets, but paled in comparison to when his son greeted him in the living room, broad smile on his face, “Dada! Dada!”  The currency was tossed aside in order for Osomatsu to pick up his little boy, laughing tearfully as he held him in his arms. It pulled at your heartstrings to hear him so happy. You walked in to find him nuzzling your son, but when he noticed you, his expression went from tender joy to victoriously evil. He beamed at you, pointed smile adorning his features,  “I’m the favorite now.”  Eyes rolling, you turned back around. That’s not how that worked, but you figured you’d let him have his moment. Karamatsu  He wiped his hands on his apron, the sticky sweetness of the apples piling on his fingers. It was just him and the baby for the afternoon - the flower shop was covered for today and you were off getting groceries for dinner. At the edge of the dining room table was his little daughter in her highchair, giggling to herself. She brightened when Karamatsu walked toward her, a plate of fresh slice apples in hand. He sat next to her, popping one into his mouth - and breaking another slice in half.  “Open up for Daddy, ahhh” he said, moving his mouth for her to mimic. She took the apple piece joyfully, a pleased noise coming from her as she chewed. He watched her, making small indecipherable words to express her enjoyment. It was getting time for her to start learning actual words! At the thought, Karamatsu hatched an idea. Taking the other half of the apple piece, he gently smiled and lifted it to her face,  “Say Dah-dee” he worded slowly. Her expression spelled confusion, and he repeated himself, “Dah-dee. You can do it my little pearl, say Dah-dee.”  His daughter watched the movement of his mouth and very slowly she uttered roughly, “Dahhh-dee?”  Karamatsu’s heart gave an energetic leap, his breath coming out in an emotional exhale - tears immediately spilling down his cheeks. He fed her the apple piece, her face lighting up once more.  “That’s right, sweet pea…Daddy’s here,” he took her little face in his hand and caressed her head against his cheek, “And he loves you so much…”  Choromatsu  Choromatsu watched his small son play with his toys quietly in the living room. It warmed his heart to watch his child already playing with bigger things like cars and action figures though he was barely a year old. He sipped his coffee, at some point opting to sit with his son. Taking a car in his hand, he laughed softly when his son climbed into his lap to try and grab at the toy. He was propped on Choromatsu’s knee,  “Daddy wants to show you how a car sounds,” he said, leaning his head on his child’s. With wonder, the young child eyed the way his father handled the toy car. Choromatsu dragged thing around the floor, making sputtering and revving noises as he turned imaginary corners and zipped around the floor. Small hums of intrigue came from the boy, and Choromatsu smiled. He pretended to narrate an ongoing race, imagining a small track, and continued to zoom the tiny plaything to his son’s enjoyment.  Not but fifteen minutes later did he feign a crowd’s applause, lips buzzing from the constant car sounds. His son had fallen asleep in his lap, cozied up between his arms and legs. A tender smile came to the green matsu and he moved to pick up his child - to his bed he goes for a little nap. As he made his way, the young one cuddled against his father, a soft murmur just reaching Choromatsu’s ears, “Da….dee…”  Choromatsu shook as he laid his son to rest in his room, biting his lip so the proud sob that threatened to leave him wouldn’t wake his child. He exited the bedroom filled with so much love. 
Ichimatsu He was feeding her his special onigiri when he heard her say it. She enjoyed his onigiri he came to find, as he always made in shapes of things she loved: birds, flowers, even bumblebees. Gentle pats to the balls of rice and a few nimble tweaks and voilà - onigiri shaped like cat heads. Ichimatsu felt pride settle in his chest, the snacks taking on a visage to his favorite animal. He plated them carefully, heading toward his daughter who was coloring wildly in the book he’d bought her a few days ago. His hand came to rest on her head in order to get her attention, “Papa has snacks” he said, gently laying the plate on the table. At the sight of the onigiri, she clapped her hands, recognizing her favorite snack right away. She giggled at the kitty shape, and for the first time she pointed at the rice balls and then to her father, giddily shouting,  “Papa! Papa!”  Immediately Ichimatsu pressed a hand to mouth, and before he knew it, he was silently crying. Hearing his little girl call him ‘Papa’ for the first time ever…Ichimatsu wasn’t sure his heart could take such a hard hitting milestone. But when she laid her little hand on his and hummed a noise of enjoyment, he calmed. She was taken into his arms, the top of her head messed by the chubby, wet cheek of her father. His daughter continued to nibble at her onigiri, snuggling back her father in the process. 
Jyushimatsu  Chasing his little ones around the house was his current favorite thing to do. Jyushimatsu was quick enough to catch them should they trip or be close to bumping into anything, so he enjoyed running after them. Hand in hand, his twins clumsily dove behind furniture and under tables to escape his capture. He laughed, wide smile stretching at the little game,  “Daddy’s gonna getcha!”  The pair giggled at his voice, rolling under the coffee table to evade his strong arms. He bent over, a soft acknowledgement as he watched them slip through the other end. With lightning quickness, Jyushimatsu hopped over the table, landing on his feet in front of the two little ones.They were scooped into his arms without hesitation initially yelling in surprise - but that melted into fits of giggles when their father blew raspberries into their tiny cheeks. He held them close, hugging them to his broad chest, a feeling of warmth spreading over him - his two pride and joy in his arms. They looked up at their grinning father, and in soft unison said sleepily,  “Daddy…”  With that, they nestled in their fathers arms, the sudden exhaustion of trudging around the house taking them. Jyushimatsu beamed at his twin babies, their first words being said with such happiness. His heart swelled with pride, and he couldn’t stop the tears of joy from pricking the corners of his eyes. He pressed gentle kisses at the top of their heads and held them still as he sat on the couch, drifting off to sleep after them.  Todomatsu “My little princess” he cooed, nuzzling his nose with hers as he tickled her soft cheeks. The giggle that escaped her put joy in his heart. Nothing to him made him feel more happy than the sound of his daughter giggling. He lifted her into his arms, taking her to the kitchen with him, where he sat her in her high chair. You were on your way home from work, and Todomatsu promised he’d have dinner ready. Hearing her father hum, the little girl swayed gently. He took notice, a small laugh leaving him. With a quick hit of his knife, he cut a piece of the pumpkin for the tempura dinner he was making and fed it to his daughter,  “Daddy loves you, silly little girl” he said, fingertip booping her nose. She paid him a soft chuckle and wrapped her tiny hand around his,  “Daddy! Daddy!” she repeated, rocking excitedly at her father’s words. Todomatsu’s face instantly scrunched as though he was about to burst into tears, and he kissed his daughter’s forehead quickly before taking off. Wet trails ran down his face as he rushed to find his phone,  “I NEED A VIDEO” he wailed, tearing apart his bedroom for the device. 
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