#chubby reader x slico
admrlthundrbolt · 4 months
Reckless Paradise (Silco x Chubby Reader)
Having a food cart in the Undercity could be boring. But having Jinx as a regular customer made for interesting moments. When she has a fight with her father and comes to you for comfort. Well Silco thinks it's time to meet the person that his daughter always seems to run to.
Hey guys, I'm back at it again. So I just watched Arcane and fell in love with Silco. That of course means that he became my immediate muse and needed a story written. Anyways I hope you enjoy.
Jinx slammed a fist against his desk. “I just don’t understand why I can’t go to the meetings.”
Silco sighed. “Because your not old enough.” He gave the thirteen year old girl an irritated look. “We’ve been over this, it’s not safe for you.”
Her eyes began to water. Not wanting to let him see how upset she was, she ran out of the room.
As he watched her go his heart panged with sadness. It was always a hard task to tell her no.
Rushing down the street, she went to the only other place that felt safe. Your food cart was outside of the brothel. Joking that the workers there were the ones that needed a good meal the most. This logic kept your pots empty and pockets full. It also came with the bonus of the bouncer looking out for you. Something you were going to snub your nose at.
So to see one of your favorite customers stomping over to you. It was a sight to behold. The small blue haired teen was in a mood you rarely saw her in. Sneaking into your secret stash of fresh fruit. Something you kept on hand for her. You started peeling and slicing, as she plopped down on a stool.
“How's my favorite customer doin'?”
Folding her arms onto the edge of the cart, she laided her head on top of them. “Fine.”
As you put the final piece of fruit in the bowl you sighed in a exaggerated way. “To bad. I suppose I could trade this bowl of fresh fruit for a bit more information.”
She perked up at the offer, but raised her eyebrows in suspicion. “How much do I have to tell you?”
With a shrug you said. “Enough to make you get it off your chest.” Then you stuck out your hand. “Deal?”
A smile spread across her face and she shook your hand. “Now give up the fruit.”
Chortling at her demand, you slid the bowl to her. Then listen to her complain about her dad. You could see both sides of the argument. A kid that wanted to make her father proud. On the other hand a dad trying to keep his daughter safe. It was a tricky situation to say the least.
“I can’t stand when he treats me like a kid. When is he gonna take me seriously.” Her eyes began to water again.
Leaning forward you put a hand on her head, ruffling her hair. “I know you don’t want to hear this, but he just wants to protect you." She gave you a hard look, still you continued. “That being said, you should always know that you’re welcome here.”
Her grin returned, only to dampen. “Yeah, you’re probably right.”
Putting a hand on your hip, you smiled brightly. “Of course I am. You can make up when you get back home.” Wiping down the cart top, you put away the last of your wares.
Shaking her head feverishly, she stayed glued to the stool. “Nuh uh, I’d rather sleep on the streets tonight.”
Bitting your lip, you thought through the options. Only one solution seemed the way to go. “I can’t let you sleep in a random ally. Come on, were going to have a sleepover.”
Jumping up, she helped you finish packing up and push your cart home.
He paced behind his desk, eyes occasionally darting between the door and window. Where could she be, it's getting late. The door opened, only for Sevika to walk through.
Her eyes looked over him and she scoffed. “She's still not back.”
He grumbled under his breath. “No, obviously not.”
Rolling her eyes at the boss’ mood, she nodded her head towards the window. “I'll go look for her, anything to calm you down.” Going back through the door she barely caught his last comment.
“As you should.”
She could hear the worry bubbling up, so she let it slide.
Bring a spare blanket and pillow to the couch, you set up a temporary bed. As Jinx skipped towards you, you gave her a mock glare. “Did you brush your teeth?”
She nodded with a frown. “The paste tasted weirded.” Then jumped onto the couch.
Tucking her under the blanket you laughed. “Sorry I only have mint. Now off to bed, need to rest up if you want to help me with the cart tomorrow.” This got her to settle down quickly. Brushing a bit of hair, that wouldn't fit into the braids you gave her, you turned off the lights.
Doing your own nightly routine, you were bombarded by thoughts of the girl lying on your couch. You tried to look after anyone that needed it, but Jinx was a special case. She had been through so much tragedy in her young life. She also had a habit of clinging to you after a fight with her father.
A sudden knock at your door startled you from your pondering. Waiting a moment, hoping it was someone at the wrong place. But as another louder knock sounded, you made your way over to the door.
Sevika grunted in annoyance and glare into the distance. It didn't take long, after asking around, to find out where the brat had gone. A food cart that hangs around the brothel. The only problem was no one would tell her where you lived. How was she supposed to question you if nobody would give up your location.
After more time than she would like to admit, someone spilled the info. It was a useless little welp that often gets thrown out of the brothel for wanting free services. He called you a stuck up bitch, because you wouldn't give him the time of day. So he was all to happy to direct her to your home.
Now that she was in front of your door, she hoped this would be simple from here on out.
Though when the door opened it wasn't at all what she expected. There you stood plump and with prominent laugh lines on your face. You looked all of a motherly type. So the frown on your face as you stared at her seemed out of place on you.
“Can I help you?”
She glanced past you and her eyes widen as she spotted the girl. Pointed her out, she said. “I'm here for her.” Seeing you block her view, by closing the door a bit, she added. “Bosses orders.”
Narrowing your eyes at her, you flashed a look over at the kid. Stepping outside of the doorway, you quietly closed the door behind you. “I'm not sure who your boss is, but I can make a guess.” You placed your hands on your hips as an exasperated expression sat on your face. “Look she's already asleep and doesn't want to go home. Do you really want to carry her back kicking and screaming.”
She cringed at the thought, the brat was bad enough in a good mood. Giving you another once over, she thought back on her search for you. Not one person had a bad thing to say about you. Plus if the brat was comfortable staying with you, what was the harm.
“Tell you what, my cart is set up at the brothel. Why don't you let her father know that he can pick her up to his leisure there tomorrow. I'm sure the gesture would make a better impression on her than dragging her home.”
You made a good point. So with a shrug and a smirk she said. “I'll let him know the situation. But I can't guarantee that I won't be sent back to kick in your front door.”
Putting your hands up in a sign of peace you shook your head. “No need, if he insisted I'll let you in. I just think him picking her up would mean a lot. Be it tonight or tomorrow.”
With a nod she starts making her way back to Silco. Only to stop after a few steps and turn back to you. “You know you have quite the reputation around here. Made it more of a challenge than I would have liked to find you."
This caused a sheepish smile to settle on your lips. “It helps when you can provide a hot meal.”
Her smirk deepened. “Maybe"
When she got back to the office he was half asleep in his chair. Slamming the door shut, she quietly snickered as he jump in his seat.
“Wha.” He scanned the room and glared as his eyes landed on her.
She couldn't help but noticed how the look fit much better on him than you. “I found Jinx.”
Glancing around her, his visage swapped to one of confusion. “Well, where the hell is she.” He gestured about her and grew more agitated.
Folding her arms across her chest she slid onto the chair before the desk. “With a food vendor that sets up shop in front of the brothel.”
Rubbing his temples, he tried to kept his temper in check. “And you didn't bring her back because?”
“The woman made to many good points.” She then launch into a recap of her conversation with you.
As the explanation was given, he couldn't help but agreed with you on most points. What he didn't like was you not giving him his daughter. How dare you keep what belongs to him, even if it was for only a night. He could tell by the way that Sevika spoke of you, it seemed you had garnered her respect. Which was a hard won thing to achieve. “Do you agree with her?”
This caused her to pause. Then realize that even if it wasn't what he wanted to hear, the truth was her answer. “Yes, she has the trust of the common folk and Jinx. Trying to disrupt either could result in negative backlash.”
He had to consciously unclenched his jaw. It was a thought out and comprehensive analysis. But not what he wanted to consider. “I suppose that given the situation, a little time apart could do us some good. Does she seem of the trustworthy sort.” His scrutinizing gaze rested firmly on her. Taking in any body language that may betray her thoughts.
“In all honesty, I didn't hear a single bad thing about her. Except that waste Mitch, but his opinion matters as much as a sewer rat's. It's like she's made herself a positive facet in the tunnels of the Undercity.” Placing her hands on the arm rest she leaned forward. “She might even be able to help with getting through Jinx's teenage years. Having some one she can confided in that's outside of the family business. Someone that you could keep in your back pocket for times such as these.”
The suggestion made his hackles fully lower. That could be a great boon in helping keep his daughter in line. For the first time that night he smiled. “Yes, it may be the right moment for me to meet this vendor. I will be freeing up tomorrow morning to gather Jinx from this woman.”
Nodding she had to restrain herself from smirking. She had a feeling that this meeting would be an entertaining event, to say the least.
He walked down the street with his usual swagger. The past couple of years had his reputation skyrocketing. Taking shimmer from a small lab to a large scale production had made him a respected yet feared person.
Still it seemed there were people like you. People who weren't under the thrall of his power. So to say he was taken aback at seeing you for the first time, would be an understatement.
Your cart was homey and decorated with many personal touches. There were a few plants hanging about the canopy. Odd sizes of seating set up in front of a bench attached to the cook top. Jinx was next to you, listening to you give her patient instructions.
Then there was you. Comfortable casual clothing clung to your plump body in an alluring manner. Your cheeks were flush with effort as you mixed together a bowl of ingredients. A beaming smile made him glance away, for fear your brightened expression would blind him.
He pauses and took a moment to gather himself. This was not at all the type of senerio he saw himself stepping into.
You noticed movement not to far from your cart and glanced towards it. It wasn't hard to realize it was Silco, Jinx's father. The marred eye was his biggest giveaway. Still you couldn't help taking in his lithe figure and handsome angular features. You had no idea that such a tantalizing treat was scouring the Undercity, right under your nose too.
It was a few moments later that he heard his daughter call him over. Putting on his best face he made his way over to the pair. “Hello Jinx, how pleasant to see you this morning.” He was hoping the jab would be understood.
She looked up at him with excitement as she flipped the cooking batter. “Hi, can you believe how good this smells. I've never had breakfast from here.” She turn her attention back to the cook top and continued flipping.
“Well thank you honey. I'm glad that you feel that way." Facing him you nodded your head at the seats. “Take a seat, it won't be long before it's ready.”
He was grateful for the invitation. She was right about the smell, it was heavenly. “I believe I will take you up on that. My daughter didn't give you to much trouble, did she?”
Shaking your head with a chuckle, you began to plate up some fresh fruit and hot cakes. “Not at all. If anything she's been a great help. Didn't even complain about waking early to set up the cart.”
She perked up and jumped onto the seat next to him. “Yeah, we were out here before the morning rush. You should have seen all the people that came by.” She began shoving food in by the shovelful.
Noticing a plate had also been slid in front of him, he took a bite. It was delicious, the pairing of the lightly dressed fruit and warm pillowy cakes. He hadn't enjoyed a meal this much in a long time. Finishing the dish faster than he would have liked to admit, he couldn't keep his gaze from you.
You moved with such practiced precision behind the cook top. The way you wielded your knife made him believe you could transition into a proper assassin easily. But as he looked over at his daughter, smiling and chatting with you. He knew that you were in a better postition here.
Finishing the delectable dish he brushed away any debris from himself. “Thank you for the fabulous food. But I think it's time we be on our way.” He stood, then turned to Jinx. She was disappointed, though she followed his lead.
Smiling at the duo you held out a container filled to the brim with various items. “Here's something for the road. And I don't want either of you to hesitate to come back either.” Winking at the pair, your smile widened at the happiness on the kid’s face.
Nodding at you, he hoped his expression didn’t show how flustered he was. You were stirring feeling in him that he hadn’t felt in quite some time. “We will have to do this again then, Mrs….”
A more alluring cast settled on your face. Full attention landing on him you said. “Actually it's Miss (Y/N).” Holding out your hand, you gave his a healthy lingering shake.
Keeping a calm appearance he released your hand. “A pleasure, until next time.” Walking away with Jynx, as she called out her goodbyes. He couldn't help glancing back. Only to be shocked at your eyes raking over his own figure. Your gaze met after a few moments and you gave him a heated look. The spell broke as his daughter yanked him forward, going on about how much fun she had with you. It had him thinking about all the fun times that you and he could have together. But that would come in time. For now he would enjoy you through the stories Jinx were telling.
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