#chugs macrame dndads
apricior · 6 months
imagine this
risky click opens a new pizzeria in heaven. he has finally been promoted, which means that his responsibility has also increased. however, that also means that he needs a bit more help taking care of his pizzeria.
and then he meets chugs macrame. a nice man, a highly competent accountant, who is always willing to help. and he needs someone who will deal with numbers (pizza was always risky's specialty, after all, the rest was a bit above him), so they decide to work together.
at first they are just colleagues. they get along perfectly fine, and even though it is kind of tough working with someone new at first, slowly they get used to it, and they learn to notice the small details about each other, like how chugs drinks his coffee, or the ways that risky's body cracks when he is tired.
at some point, routine becomes familiarity, and that evolves into something deeper, something more profound. late at night, they find themselves missing the other, wondering what the other's embrace would feel like. they have fallen in love with each other, slowly, almost without realizing.
it takes them a while to confess; after all, they are understandably worried about ruining their shared business. but it happens one night after closing, when it's just the two of them. one slips up and accidentally confesses his feelings, and the other just smiles and holds his hands, because he feels the same.
that night the partners become lovers, and for the rest of eternity they are thankful to share every day with the person that understands him best
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dndadspolls · 5 months
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dndadspolls · 5 months
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dndadspolls · 4 months
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dndadspolls · 23 days
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