#risky macrame
apricior · 6 months
imagine this
risky click opens a new pizzeria in heaven. he has finally been promoted, which means that his responsibility has also increased. however, that also means that he needs a bit more help taking care of his pizzeria.
and then he meets chugs macrame. a nice man, a highly competent accountant, who is always willing to help. and he needs someone who will deal with numbers (pizza was always risky's specialty, after all, the rest was a bit above him), so they decide to work together.
at first they are just colleagues. they get along perfectly fine, and even though it is kind of tough working with someone new at first, slowly they get used to it, and they learn to notice the small details about each other, like how chugs drinks his coffee, or the ways that risky's body cracks when he is tired.
at some point, routine becomes familiarity, and that evolves into something deeper, something more profound. late at night, they find themselves missing the other, wondering what the other's embrace would feel like. they have fallen in love with each other, slowly, almost without realizing.
it takes them a while to confess; after all, they are understandably worried about ruining their shared business. but it happens one night after closing, when it's just the two of them. one slips up and accidentally confesses his feelings, and the other just smiles and holds his hands, because he feels the same.
that night the partners become lovers, and for the rest of eternity they are thankful to share every day with the person that understands him best
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dndadspolls · 24 days
you already know who i'm going to submit EVERYONE GIVE IT UP FOR RISKY CLICK!!!!!! and i'm also going to add chugs macrame and walter the immoral
alrighty , those have all been added !
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starstruckxstray · 3 months
@keeperofquestions || The Quest for Purpose
The deep maroon of night had long set over the city. The bloody beams that shaped the wicked star above cut only by looming, dark monoliths, some of sleek modern style, others rotted by decades of apathy.
Beneath the neon-lit smog trudged the small shadow, her head low like a beaten stray and pace stiff and cautious. A faint cough rang from corrupted lungs, causing a dust-colored paw to pause from its search to press against her muzzle. From what she could tell there were no other souls, thankfully, but the polite habit still urged her to cover her bestial mouth. She should really stop smoking.
Her eyes of pale, muted gold opened, their glow shifting meticulously over the dust and rubble. It was another restless night, one where she couldn't sleep and wasn't in the mood to try hustling at the busier parts of the hellscape. That meant one other alternative: distraction, particularly of the creative kind.
Kerosene had taken up macrame jewelry, and the colorful glass of broken bottles and windows sometimes made for interesting focal pieces. That was what she hunted for now, and from how weathered the curious building's mortor looked, she was sure to find something special here. Glossy black claws picked, calloused padded hands turned and pushed.
Over time her mind slipped into the escape of such a menial task, away from the hunger, pain, and anguish. For what seemed like hours she numbed herself from the nightmarish reality, of being an infernal creature trapped in a realm of hate and darkness. The pleasant dullness cracked when a strange glint caught her sight. "Hm?" Kerosene paused, turning her head back to the odd green gleam. It had only lasted for a blink but she saw it was indeed a pale jade light.
She watched where it once shined, then shifted to draw close. Her short stature struggled over the artificial boulders; lying beneath the toxic urban atmosphere for possibly centuries had not been kind to these ruins. The wolfish sinner crept, taking a risky leap here and there. She finally landed upon a broken down wall, just above the eerie glow. The old cement and stone crumbled from her impact. A gasp locked in her throat and heart dropped as her body toppled from the rugged edge.
A groan rose from her yelp as she laid in the pile of spintered wood and rubble. The burn of blood bubbling from scrapes spread over torn fur. She quickly ignored her fall when the night's dull crimson struck her prize, causing it to emit another greenish glow. It was almost calling to her. Kerosene crawled towards it, staring down at the object buried in powdery debris. She tilted her head, her hand hesitatively reached for it. What if it burned her? Delicately, her claw peeled the piece from its resting place. It was smooth glass, large enough to rest in the palm of her hand. She blinked, before her eyes widened upon the intricate carved lines. Like freshly-let blood, the otherworthly jade light glided along the design. A single word echoed in her mind, pushing back the mired thoughts.
It pulsed, as if it were alive.
Why, why, why?
The simple word stirred something within, coaxing her unsettled spirit. Kerosene gently flipped the glass about in her hands. "Why?" She parroted back the word weakly. Her brows furrowed as she drew the piece close. "What is this?"
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lady-divine-writes · 4 years
Good Omens - “Risks and Consequences” (Rated PG13)
Summary: Crowley surprises Aziraphale with a surprise skating excursion on Christmas night during a suspicious snowstorm. (1436 words)
Read on AO3.
“You do enjoy shoving me headfirst out of my comfort zones. Don’t you, my dear?” Aziraphale asks, warily watching his husband strap a stiff black boot to his foot. 
“Poppycock,” Crowley grumbles, struggling to unknot long laces he accidentally macramed while attempting to navigate the rows of eyelets and hooks. “Consider this an adventure.”
“This is certifiable! You do know that?”
“How? You’re an angel! What on Earth could happen to you?”
“A great many things, I imagine,” Aziraphale replies. It’s a thin response. Crowley can tell Aziraphale has a thought, a vivid one, of something plausible. 
Something that has him concerned. 
Crowley stops messing with the skate and looks into Aziraphale’s face. Aziraphale's gaze ducks and dodges, bouncing from his hands to his knees to other random things inside the confines of Crowley’s Bentley. But Aziraphale can’t avoid Crowley’s gaze, nor Crowley himself, for too long. “Sometimes, I feel as if, one of these days, I’m going to snap my fingers, and nothing will happen. Heaven will have found a way to make me mortal or …”
“Or abandoned you altogether?”
Aziraphale nods sadly. “Yes.”
“I get those thoughts, too, sometimes,” Crowley admits, going back to fixing his angel’s skate. “Too often, really. Which probably explains why you use your magic so rarely, and I use mine all the time.”
“You’re always double-checking."
“And you’d rather not know.”
“Losing my powers wouldn’t be the worst part. Inconvenient, yes, but not terrible. Abandoned by Heaven …” Aziraphale's words drift off, but their meaning lingers, clinging to Crowley's heart and building like the snow outside their windows.
Crowley winks at his husband, trying to get him to smile, to laugh, to roll his eyes and groan Oh Lord! “It’s not so bad ..."  
“... once you get used to it. So you keep telling me,” Aziraphale teases, gifting his husband with the tiniest of grins, gone all too swiftly. “Are you truly afraid of being abandoned by Hell?”
"Ngk ..." Crowley’s shoulders bounce a shrug back and forth as he thinks over his answer “... nah. Not really. They've already tried to exterminate me once, haven't they? It’s the consequences that come with it that would really suck: being mortal, having no powers, growing old …” Crowley’s eyes meet Aziraphale’s - melancholy blue eyes exposing those same fears, a subject his angel hasn’t felt comfortable bringing up before tonight. He still doesn’t seem comfortable with it, tight-lipped as an oyster. “But let’s not talk about that now,” Crowley suggests. “Tonight is for having ridiculous amounts of fun. Stirring up a little mayhem.”
“We’re going to get into trouble,” Aziraphale laments. “With the humans, I mean.”
“Nonsense. They'll never even know we were here."
“There are security cameras everywhere!”
“When was the last time you got caught doing anything on CCTV? It would be all over the Internet if you had! I'll fix it. You'll see.”
“By wasting another miracle? Or do you have a small army of rodents positioned on light poles, waiting to do your bidding?”
“Besides,” Crowley continues, overlooking the jab at what was one of his more masterfully executed, if not elaborate, schemes, “I’m not sure this is actually illegal. As long as we abide by all traffic laws and posted speed limits.”
“Where did you even get this idea?”
“From YouTube. The youths do it - barrel down frozen roads wearing bicycle helmets and hockey skates.”
"You're getting your evil ideas from children?" Aziraphale tuts. “Aren’t you supposed to be the bad influence? Not the other way around?”
“No shame in finding inspiration outside your own head.”
“Yes, well, I hope you skate better than you drive.”
“Oi! I am an excellent driver!”
“I know two rabbits and a squirrel who might disagree with you.”
“That wasn’t my fault! You’d think they’d know to get the Hell outta the way of a moving vehicle!”
“Speaking of which, we’re going to get hit by a car.”
“What car?” Crowley stops fiddling with Aziraphale’s skate to wipe down a fogged window and take a look around. Beneath the glow of the street lamps, he sees nothing but snow - a veil of flakes wafting down from the sky, pushed into swirls by the frigid wind. “No one’s out here! It’s three in the bloody morning after one of the worst storms London has had in years! You’d have to be insane to be outside!”
“My thoughts exactly,” Aziraphale mutters. “Bit early for a storm like this though, isn’t it?”
“Uh … maybe,” Crowley says, abruptly returning to his task. 
“London isn’t due for snow until January.”
“Is that so? Strange.”
Aziraphale's brow furrows as he watches his husband focus intensely on basically nothing. “Crowley …”
“Are you responsible for this?”
"Wot would make you think that?"
"Crowley. Look at me."
Crowley's head slowly lifts, eyes aimed everywhere but Aziraphale's face. At one point, he even closes them, assuming that, behind his dark lenses, Aziraphale won't notice. 
But Aziraphale does notice. Even if Crowley were speaking to him from a completely different room, Aziraphale would notice.
Because, for a demon, Crowley happens to be an atrocious liar.
“It’s Christmas night!" Crowley pleads, unable to hold back any longer. "The perfect time for a lock-yourself-indoors-and-get-sloshed sort of snowstorm, a'right?"
“So why are we not inside getting sloshed then?”
“Because this is something I’ve wanted to do for a while! And I was gettin' tired of waiting for Mother Nature to accommodate. Plus, with climate change and global warming, nothing's guaranteed, is it?” Crowley moves on from Aziraphale's right foot and begins sliding his reluctant left foot into its skate. “Live a little!” 
“I aim to live a lot, which specifically requires avoiding activities such as this." Aziraphale pauses his complaining to watch Crowley work, beyond curious what was going on inside his husband's demonic mind when he hatched this plan. "So," he says, working through the mystery out loud, "you conjured up a snowstorm, froze the streets, are in the process of strapping these awful contraptions to my feet ... would you like to tell me why?”
"Do I have to?"
"It would be nice."
"I'm a demon. I'm not nice."
"Crowley ..."
“Alright! It's because I wanted us to be together like this." 
"Like what?"
Crowley sighs. "Like humans. And do the stupidly wonderful things humans do when they’re in love: take moonlit strolls, hold hands, kiss in the rain, all that sappy shite. Humans go skating at Christmas! It's, like, number three on their list of Yuletide activities. It's almost a requirement! Even if they can't stand steady in regular shoes, they go skating. And they cling to one another, and they laugh, and they kiss, and I … I didn't want to take the chance that if I waited, I might miss ..."
Nothing's guaranteed, Aziraphale thinks as he watches Crowley sink in on himself, head bowed over Aziraphale's feet, curling as if he wants to disappear. And Aziraphale begins to understand. 
Crowley has been a ball of anxious energy for as long as Aziraphale can remember. Aziraphale doesn't blame him. Crowley has been tiptoeing through minefields since the beginning - making innocent mistakes and paying huge prices for them. As supernatural entities, it's easy to get lulled into the false sense of security that nothing bad can happen to you. 
But that's not true. 
Not at all true.
Because even a demon and an angel with magical powers aren't anywhere near the top of the food chain.
Crowley destroying Ligur with Holy Water proved that.
So did his belief that Aziraphale had been extinguished by Hellfire.
The fact that he hadn't been didn't prove Crowley wrong.
Hellfire would most definitely annihilate his angel from the face of the planet.
Crowley and Aziraphale helped save Earth for humanity, but every day, the humans work harder and harder towards their own destruction.
Nothing's guaranteed. 
Not for anyone.
"If you don’t want to go skating, that’s fine. I know it’s risky. Probably the last way in the world you’d want to discorporate."
"I can think of worse ways," Aziraphale says with a chuckle.
"We can go back to your bookshop, make hot cocoa, listen to your gramophone or ... or something.”
“The biggest risk I’ve taken is sitting right here with me. And that’s worked out so far. For 6000 years, as a matter of fact. I don’t mind taking another one. Just … try not to let me fall.” 
“Just hold on tight.” Crowley scoots down the bench towards his husband and wraps his arms around him. “I promise I won’t let you fall.”
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dandelliongirl · 4 years
What a start
to 2020
I have been working from home since the afternoon of the 16th of March and it feels like forever. I am so glad this week is Easter weekend and a 4 day vacation.
My family has been healthy and life for me hasn't changed that much other than working from home. My friend who lives across the street got a Nintendo Switch and Animal Crossing New Horizons for herself but she doesn't have Nintendo Online membership yet so we have been spending a lot of time together. Besides her and my family I have no other contacts. My friend works at the central hospital though, so it's obviously risky and probably stupid... She came to our cottage a couple of weeks ago and we had the best time going on a forest walk to collect sticks for macrame tapestries and finding photoshoot locations and spending the evening going to sauna, playing ACNH and visiting each others islands to see a meteor shower. We are planning a photoshoot for easter weekend but I think I’m going to move it to a later date. I really need time with my family and by myself after almost 3 weeks of being shut in.
I am so glad we have our cottage and I feel awful for people in one room apartments right now. Spending all my working hours and freetime within a few steps definitely affects my mental state even though I am definitely a homebody. Working from home has been going really well though since I have my own PC with two monitors and my work laptop with VPN separately. I am definitely super glad to have a stable job and the possibility to work from home through this whole covid-19 business. I really struggle coming up with local entrepreneurs to support when there are so many but I definitely feel like I have to because I am lucky enough to have a stable income.
So buying ACNH was an ordeal. My local electronics store didn't list the special edition Switch console bundle until launch day (March 20th) and the place I preordered from didn't get the shipment until 5pm. We drove about 2 hours and started off before 8 am to get the console and game from a different store only to see that it was stocked locally right after opening. Anyway I got the game and it has been an emotional journey. I hate that I got oranges and an orange airport. I'm also not very happy with my town name or my character name but despite spending months making lists and thinking about it I didn't really have better options. I also didn't want to place down the museum before I could access the other side of the river but turns out I needed to place it in order to proceed and lost one day of progress because of it. I was so upset. The map is pretty good and I eventually grew to like my island but then I got Pietro as my first camper and was forced to move him in.. I also ate 10 turnips this Sunday and was absolutely fuming because of it. The first week of listening to the same background music was also an infuriating design choice as well as the recent barrage of bunny day eggs everywhere. Anyway overall I like the game and have spent awesome times with friends playing hide and seek, doing treasure hunts and designing and decorating the place. I'm taking it easy and going my own pace even if it means avoiding spoilers (even from my boyfriend who constantly spoils something because he’s too excited to keep his mouth shut!) like the plague.
Mum and dad had the rest of their house renovated during March since the bedrooms were renovated a few years ago. Me and mum spent so much time choosing the materials and planning the new layout of the kitchen and living room but it's so beautiful now! So open and light and airy and clean!
This whole covid isolation thing has really put all of my personal goals on hold. I feel like even though externally I haven't been affected too much the whole mental side of it has taken a toll. With no hobbies me and my guy are both constantly at home and even though I love it and we have a lot of fun together I also hadn't realised how much I relied on my couple of hours of weekly alone time to work on my crafts and baking and organising the house. I feel like the first 2 weeks were spent on survival mode and then ACNH took up all remaining free time and brain capacity as a form of escapism so I'm not getting anything done and that's eating me up. Also the lack of physical activity is taking a mental toll on both me and my boyfriend since we don't have a whole lot of room and I definitely don't feel like working out when he's just haning out on the couch in front of me.. I have also had a lot of restless nights and nightmares which tells me that I'm not as unaffected as I think I am. I have definitely been avoiding the news and trying to get into some new normal routines as fast as possible. I drafted this message while in a Teams meeting where our coordinators can do their own year and resource planning and ask me tech questions when they need help. Now I’m finishing and posting this before I start the next one. I don’t want to accidentally screenshare Tumblr..
My last post was from January 19th and since then we've had a fun birthday party for my high school friend on the 22nd, a brunch at and a visit to the future wedding venue for another friend on the 23rd, an adorable photoshoot with a big teddy bear on the 29th of January, sushi with my family on the 6th of March and this whole covid situation. My colleague with whom I had a lot of issues moved away and no longer works with us. Work without her has been great and I have been thriving. I love feeling important and needed, and it gives me hope for my future since my current contract ends at the end of this year. There are 5 of us in our team looking to get a permanent contract for one of the 2 open positions so we'll have to see what happens, but I'm definitely applying anyway.
Mum is on vacation this week and went to take food to granny and grandpa's door on Monday. Today (Wednesday) I plan on leaving work early and going to the cottage, and to work remotely from there on Thursday if I have no meetings that require a more stable Internet connection. Since the kitchen renovation and a relatively warm and snowless winter we got to start our cottage season early this year. My guy is also spending Easter with his family at their cottage. It's his 27th birthday next week! We are really bad at socially distancing ourselves from our families but apart from my friend those are the only connections we have.. My spring allergies started and it's definitely hard to know if I have flu symptoms or allergies but so far I've just felt sniffly and it helps after I take my allergy meds so I think I'm safe. If either of us or any of our loved ones got flu symptoms we would definitely stay home and we are well prepared for that.
In a few months once this whole thing calms down this will feel like such a weird alternative timeline or fever dream and it will seem very unreal that a disease drove us into global and local isolation of this scale where even schools were closed. Our capital is quarantined and the police are making sure people who cross the border have a valid reason to do so.. People are placing teddy bears and other stuffed animals to their windows for children to spot on their walks outside.. Wild.
Meanwhile I'll go back to playing ACNH, dreaming of summer and finding my new norms. I hope everyone stays safe and healthy! I’m trying to get the most out of my time working from home because it means I can do embroidery and other crafts during meetings.:)
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rosethornewrites · 3 years
Monday NR, E, & M reading
The usual
Not Rated:
Enrichment, by Tkiabr (2nd in a series)
A look back in time from our Besties Huaisang and Wangji in Power Tools and Prizes: Nie Huaisang just wants to show off his newly completed fans. He does not expect that the simple act of walking into his room will lead to injury, insult, and possible interrogation. He also does not expect that he would need to tell Lan Wangji to put on a pair of pants.
What happens at craft night, by rheawrites
“What's the problem? It's just like what you were doing last time, right? With the plant hanger? Boring knots and stuff?”
Wen Qing narrows her eyes “No-o,” she says carefully, “that’s macrame. I asked if you’d help me practice shibari.” Wei Ying blinks at her. “It’s a different thing. Well, actually some of the techniques are similar but—”
“It’s bondage,” Mianmian interrupts happily, not looking up from her embroidery hoop. She pulls her needle through the fabric with a flourish. “Like, sexy, artsy bondage. Right, Wen Qing?”
Wei Ying helps Wen Qing out at queer craft night and gets a little more than she bargained for.
It's So Cold, Always So Cold, by IISkylarII
During the Sunshot Campaign Wei Wuxian is suffering through the side effects of the absence of his golden core all alone. He hardly sleeps through the night, the cold keeping him up. He can barely remember the last time he did not feel cold, he can barely remember what warmth felt like.
When Lan Wangji gets hurt during a battle due to one of Wei Wuxian's risky decisions, things change however.
Not Rated:
Comfort found in your arms, by Anonymous
"A-Ying... A-Ying doesn't know how to come down," he finally confessed, pouting. It bought the smallest of smiles to her face. She opened her arms, ready to catch him.
"Jump" she said and he shook his head, trying to cling to the branch tighter only for it to snap , making him shriek. He fell right into her arms as he closed his eyes bracing for pain. When nothing hurt, he peeled one eye open and gasped, "Auntie caught A-Ying!" He said and hugged her neck.
A Narrow Bridge, by FrameofMind & Jo Lasalle (Jo_Lasalle)
Once, Lan Wangji made a choice to step aside. Ten years after Wei Ying’s death, he finds a way back to choose again.
You, at a distance, by Pennandreamer
Rushed back to Cloud Recesses by Lan Wangji, the newly reincarnated Wei Wuxian is trying to understand his place in the world: the demands of the young man and the sacrifice ritual who brought him back; his place in the cultivation world; his tender friendship with Lan Zhan. Yet when he suddenly catches sight of the whip scars on Lan Wangji's back, things take a dark turn. How will his swelling anger at the perpetrators affect his friendship?
And what is this friendship anyway?
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szopenhauer · 4 years
Have you ever used hot wax for sexual purposes?  nooo, I don’t get it
Does any part of your body ache right now? yeah, few parts but it’s fine, I’m used to the pain
Have you ever used the phrase “for Pete’s sake?!” maybe once because usually I say for fuck’s sake if at all 
Do you enjoy listening to Drake? I don’t listen to Drake
Do you ever try to shake something in order to get it to work again? hahaha yes
Are you afraid of snakes? nah
Are remakes of things better, or the originals? usually originals are better I think 
Do you call them hotcakes or pancakes? pancakes, I never heard someone saying hotcakes before :o
Do you prefer cupcakes or muffins? what’s the difference
Have you ever made a fruitcake before? sure
What was the last thing that you made with your own two hands? not sure what was last
When is your favorite decade? 80s?
Is your bed currently unmade? like always
How easy is it to persuade you to do something? but what?
Have you ever been paid for sex? wtf no
Have you ever had a maid in your home before? we don’t have money for that
Do you know how to do different types of braids in hair? just the basic one
When’s the last time you wore a Band-aid? Where and why? recently, my hand because dog bitten me
Have you ever wanted to be a mermaid? noooo
When was the last time you were afraid? Of what? constantly, many things but mostly health related
When do you feel the most safe? never?...
When’s the last time that you did something unsafe? What was it? everything seems unsafe to me now
Have you ever owned a pet that lives in a cage? What is/was it? aquarium only
Do you fold the page you left off on in your book, or do you use a bookmark? bookmark or some replacement like another book, pen or smth like that
What’s the most noticeable thing about your face? *shrug*
Do you pace when you are nervous? it happens
Do you say grace before you eat? Sunday lunch only
When’s the last time you felt out of place? I’m out of place in general
Would you like to explore outer space? no, Earth is more important, we shouldn’t spend so much money on space 
Have you ever felt replaced? not only felt, I was truly replaced 
When’s the last time that you misplaced something important? I misplace my scissors 
Have you ever been chased before? By who/what? not counting playful ones - by drunk people, by an insect, by an dog/cat
Would you like to visit Venice? no way, it’s a scary place
Would you like to play tennis? I would like to try someday
Do you know anyone named Alice? my aunt
Have you ever seen the Aurora Borealis? on a picture on the internet 
Have you ever watched Wallace and Gromit? all of them and I love the series
Have you ever seen Ferris Bueller’s Day off? not yet, I need encouragment 
How often do you get embarrassed? so often!
How often do you engage in reckless behavior? I’m not risky
Do you enjoy listening to reggae music? not a fan
Have you ever rolled in hay before? that’d be itchy
Would you like a chance to ride in Santa’s sleigh?  why not?
Have you ever taken ballet lessons before? How about any other type of dance lessons? not ballet but we all had to attend dance classes in middle school
Have you ever caught a bouquet of flowers at a wedding before? I didn’t want to but I had to dance in a circle and that always makes me uncomfy
How much do you weigh? not enough according to BMI
Do you ever wear a beret? I don’t recall
Do you know how to crochet? How about doing macrame? a bit; nah
Do you have a duvet on your bed? I do
Is crème brulee your favorite dessert? never tried it
Did you obey your parents when you were younger? I should...
What’s your favorite day of the week? definitely not Wednesday or Sunday, maybe Friday or Saturday?
Do you ever just lay around all day? sit
Have you ever felt like you’ve lost your way? I’m lost, confused
Do you ever wish that people would just go away? yeah
Are you starting to go gray? my gf is laughing at me for that, I’ll look like Rogue from Marvel soon
Do you pray? How often? try every evening, I pray at least once a week
What’s the best play you’ve seen before? Krzesiwo when I was a kid
What did you like to play with when you were younger? many things
Would you like to slay dragons? nah
Have you ever experienced a delay of any sort? sure
Have you ever wondered how you could ever repay someone? I wish I could
What did you do today? lots 
Would you ever take in a stray animal? I did in the past 
Has your airway ever been blocked before? not counting asthma/allergy attacks - one time I inhaled a feather with my mouth while playing with my sister and I couldn’t get it out and I am scared of feathers now a bit
When it’s hot out, do you sleep with blankets anyways? I do indeed
Have you ever felt betrayed? more than once
What’s the last unfortunate thing that happened to you? my life’s unfortunate in general
When is payday? I don’t work, I’m unemployed
Do good moments or bad moments replay through your mind more often? dark scenarios that will happen
How do you feel about public displays of affection? not indo PDA besides holding hands and short hugs
What’s your favorite holiday? New year’s eve because the year is fucking over finally and I don’t have to spend money I don’t have for gifts and there are fireworks that I like
What do you want to be someday? myself but happy/healthy/rich and a good person 
What is something that you do everyday? drink water, pee, sit down...
Have you ever won a giveaway? sadly not
How important is foreplay? it’s better than sex
What have you missed most that you haven’t been able to do due to Covid-19? I’m just kind of tired of wearing a mask, washing/cleaning all the stuff I bring back from outside, checking the temperature and freaking out about every minor throat/lung problem that could be covid but besides that? I’m cool - as a spoonie and an introvert my life didn’t change much because of the plague, more because of being in a relationship or getting more ill for examples, the worst thing that happened to me due to the world situation was my hospital delay 
Do you personally know anyone who has had Covid-19? priest in my home town
Have you had it? (or think you might have?) I haven’t
What’s the name of your favorite restaurant? (chain or local) most of my fav ones got closed years ago
What is your favorite thing to order when you eat there? depends
Have you still been able to get food from there during Covid-19? been to one pizzeria this month twice to get food for my dad while he was at work but that’s all, not counting french fries I ate in my gf’s apartment once
Are you planning on eating there anytime soon when they reopen? dunno
Have you discovered any good new music during quarantine? of course
What is your favorite Starbucks drink? I don’t go to Starbucks
What was your favorite TV show when you were a kid? do you still ever watch it? animated? Moomins and sadly not but if I wanted to I wouldn’t watch the new series, just oldies
Have you been watching a lot of movies during quarantine? not more than usual/every other year
Do you volunteer anywhere? nah
What is your favorite movie on Netflix? I wish I had netflix :(
Did you relocate due to Covid-19? move out? nope, never ever actually
Do you prefer streaming music or buying it? streaming
Do you use Spotify? yeah
What was the last book you read? Five feet apart that I recommend but watch a movie too!
Do you enjoy doing crafts? not really into DIY
Do you shop on Etsy? I’d love to but can’t
Have you ever sold anything on Etsy? same
Do you play Animal Crossing? I want to in the future
What is/are your pet(s) name(s)? Łasuch 
Are there any songs you feel transport you to a world that doesn’t exist? hmm...
What are some popular things that you don’t like/aren’t interested in? I’m not into popular things in general
When was the last time you got a haircut? this summer
How soon are you planning on going back to work? (If you’ve been off) when I get the job 
What is an item you own that means a lot to you? most of my stuff
Do you have a favorite t-shirt? I like majority of my T-shirts
How do you plan on celebrating Covid-19 being over, whenever that is? what if it will never fully go away?...
When was the last time you cried listening to a song? What song was it & what made you cry? recently, not sure which was last so can’t tell why
If you have a YouTube account, what do you use it for? save my fav videos but not musical ones anymore as there’s too many, I also added some videos I made but they’re private
How often do you watch interviews with musicians/celebrities? I don’t, in my whole life I saw a bunch of those because I was interested in how couple of them live (interior design)
How often do you read biographies about celebrities? I’ve read less than 5 biographies
Do you enjoy visiting book stores? What section are you typically drawn to? whatever, it’s not like they have what I want, also I’m broke
Which do you feel is worse: using drugs or using alcohol? Why? both equally have bad consequences not only to the one who’s using but also to others around 
The last time you went out to eat, who were you with & where did you go? Did you enjoy yourself/the meal? I don’t even remember last time eating out 
How would you feel if you had to deal with the police? Would you feel nervous, upset, angry? deal how and why? 
Is singing something that you enjoy doing? Do you feel you are a horrible, alright or very good singer? very rarely and I suck
Are you looking forward to Halloween? I don’t celebrate Halloween but some decorations are neat
What was the last song that you listened to on repeat? Goo goo dolls - Iris
Do you like to make playlists? What kinds of playlists do you usually make? I throw all music into one place 
Do you like to draw? not as often as a kid
What is your biggest flaw? depends on a perspective
Last time you completed a jigsaw puzzle?  last year?
Have you ever been to Warsaw before?  more than once
Have you ever seen a bat in person before? from afar
Do you have any cats? used to and don’t want one again
Do you think that you’re fat? I’m underweight yet I look chubby 
Describe your favorite hat that you own. can’t choose only one
Does your house have a welcome mat? I’d like one that says smth like GO AWAY
Are there any rats roaming around where you live? nah
Have you ever played Mortal Kombat before?  watched a movie 
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apricior · 6 months
anyways surprising absolutely nobody i am obsessed with chugs macrame and i genuinely want him carnally. there is something about him that is so... [gets terry juniored]
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apricior · 6 months
my risky click queer headcanon is that he is polyamorous (dating david lovesatan, pepperoni toni and chugs macrame), gay (have you ever seen a straight person bend like that?) and nonbinary (pizza gender)
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apricior · 6 months
hello risky click friend. 2, 13, 15, 20, and 26 for risky click for the character ask game?
SEI i'm screaming thank you for this
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
i love that he has two different memories of shitting his pants at his 4th birthday party <3 he's so silly
13. What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot?
i feel like he would use this emoji 😀 a lot. there is something about the eyes that just look so dead inside
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
RISKYLOVE FOREVER it doesn't matter if they don't interact in canon they are real to me. also i think risky macrame is very underrated
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
CHUGGS MACRAME i feel like they would work together so well
i'm not sure what i have to do with this! do i just talk about whatever? if so, risky click is the queen of hell and david lovesatan is his persephone thanks for having me, folks
[character questions]
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