furrypawsitive · 2 years
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Perilaku kucing, fakta atau fiksi? 😺😺😺 Mitos perilaku kucing: Kucing yang buang air sembarangan di luar kotak pasir sedang balas dendam. Penjelasan yang lebih mungkin: 😾 Stres atau gelisah 😾 Kondisi medis (terutama jika terjadi tiba-tiba) 😾 Kotak pasir yang tidak cocok/nyaman (ukuran, tipe, pewangi) 😾 Kurang bersih untuk standard si kucing 😾 Dijaga oleh kucing lain (jika ada lebih dari 1 kucing di rumah) Saran: 😸Evaluasi lingkungan melalui perspektif kucing dan hilangkan sumber stres atau kegelisahan. 😸Perubahan perilaku yang tiba-tiba harus diperiksa ke dokter hewan untuk mengatasi penyakit atau rasa sakit yang menyebabkan perubahan perilaku. 😸Carilah kotak yang sesuai untuk kucingmu berdasarkan ukuran tubuh dan material yang disukai. 😸Bersihkan lebih sering. 😸Sediakan kotak pasir lebih dan taruh di berbagai lokasi di runah, jangan berdekatan. Ada mitos seputaran kucing yang konyol atau lucu, tetapi kita harus berhati-hati agar tidak menyakiti kucing, sengaja atau tidak sengaja, karena salah asumsi. #ForceFreeDogTraining #CatTraining #TrainYourCat #PositiveReinforcement #ClickerTraining #ScienceBasedTraining #ModernDogTraining #FearFree #TrainWithoutPain #AnimalTraining #JakartaDogTraining #DogTrainingJakarta #jakarta #BogorDogTraining #CibuburDogTraining #cibubur #BaliDogTraining #LatihKucing #CatLover #CatLovers #CatLoversIndonesia #CatKnowledge #Kucing #Cats #CatFacts #FaktaKucing #MengenalKucing #IlmuKucing #TentangKucing #PencintaKucing (at Jakarta, Indonesia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpCS1QfLBKB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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furrypawsitive · 2 years
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Cat behavior, fact or fiction? 😺😺😺 Cat behavior myth: Cats refusing to use the litter box are exacting revenge on their humans. More likely explanations: 😿 Stress or anxious 😿 Medical conditions (especially if it's a sudden change) 😿 Unsuitable/uncomfortable litter box (size of the box, the type of litter, fragrance) 😿 Not clean enough for the cat's standard 😿 Guarded by other cat (if multi-cat home) Suggestions: 😸Evaluate the environment through the cat's perspective and remove the source of stress or anxiety. 😸Any sudden change in behavior should be checked by a veterinarian to rule out medical conditions such as illness or pain. 😸Find the right one for your cat based on body size and preferred material. 😸Clean more often. 😸Provide more litter boxes and spread them out around the house, not grouped together. Some cat myths can be silly or funny, but we have to be careful not to (intentionally or unintentionally) cause harm because of what we assume to be true. #ForceFreeDogTraining #CatTraining #TrainYourCat #PositiveReinforcement #ClickerTraining #ScienceBasedTraining #ModernDogTraining #FearFree #TrainWithoutPain #AnimalTraining #JakartaDogTraining #DogTrainingJakarta #DogTrainingBogor #BogorDogTraining #CibuburDogTraining #cibubur #LatihKucing #CatLover #CatLovers #CatLoversIndonesia #CatKnowledge #Kucing #Cats #CatFacts #FaktaKucing #MengenalKucing #IlmuKucing #TentangKucing #PencintaKucing (at Jakarta, Indonesia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpCSGi_LeUI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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furrypawsitive · 2 years
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6 ways to reduce stress at the vet clinic (first time or returning), doggy edition. 1. Make the car ride comfortable 🔸Let your dog "go potty" before the ride. 🔸Use a familiar smelling crate or blanket. 🔸Use medication for motion sickness from the vet, if necessary. 🔸Spray your car interior with DAP like Adaptil, if available in your country. 2. Bring a variety of food your dog likes 🔹Unless your dog is fasting for a medical procedure or too sick to eat. 🔹Food is great to help reduce stress and to distract your dog's attention from your vet's procedure. 🔹Food is great for stress indicator. Stops eating? Dog is too overwhelmed. Take a break. 3. Bring a mat or a lightweight dog bed 🔸Use a mat to help your dog settle while waiting. 🔸A vet exam table may be too slippery or cold. A non-slippery and familiar mat can provide more stability and grip on the exam table to make it more comfortable. 4. Comfort your dog, do not reprimand 🔹Talk to your dog, give treats, or a toy. 🔹If the waiting room is busy, let the receptionist know you will be taking your dog for a sniff in the parking lot or waiting in the car. 🔹If your dog is struggling, do not get angry or forceful. 5. Let your dog acclimate, no rushing 🔸Let your dog sniff around and urinate in the parking lot before going in. 🔸Let your dog get used to the new environment. 🔸Do not rush the process. Your dog will be more willing to move forward if he feels comfortable. 6. Do not use the leash to gain control 🔹A leash is for safety precaution, not to control the dog. 🔹Try luring using food, targeting your hand, or using your voice. 🔹If your dog is not comfortable with a harness yet, stick to a collar but never pull on it. #ForceFreedogtraining #DogTraining #TrainYourDog #PositiveReinforcement #ClickerTraining #ScienceBasedTraining #ModernDogTraining #FearFree #SnackFeederNotPackLeader #DogLover #TrainWithoutPain #AnimalTraining #DogKnowledge #JakartaDogTraining #DogTrainingJakarta #jakarta #DogTrainingBogor #bogor #BogorDogTraining #CibuburDogTraining #cibubur #BaliDogTraining #DogTrainingBali #bali #LatihAnjing #LatihAnjingmu #IlmuAnjing #RPlusDogTrainer (at Kota Wisata Cibubur) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkXEWasPjmy/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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furrypawsitive · 2 years
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6 ways to reduce stress at the vet clinic (first time or returning), kitty edition. 1a. Never force the cat into the carrier 🔹Make the carrier a fun and safe place. 🔹Make the carrier available at all times at home. 🔹Feed in the carrier. 🔹Choose a carrier that you can easily disassemble and put together. 🔹Spray cat pheromone like Feliway. 1b. Carry the pet carrier with BOTH hands 🔸Would you prefer a smooth ride or a bumpy ride? 2. Bring a variety of food your cat likes 🔹Unless your cat is fasting for a medical procedure or too sick to eat. 🔹Food is great to help reduce stress and to distract your cat's attention from your vet's procedure. 🔹Food is great for stress indicator. Stops eating? Give your cat a break before continuing the procedure. 3. Bring a towel or a blanket 🔸A vet exam table may be too slippery or cold. A blanket your cat is familiar with can help him feels more comfortable. 🔸An extra blanket to cover your pet carrier if it makes your cat feels safer. 4. Comfort your cat 🔹Talk to your cat, give treats, or a toy. 🔹Do not leave your cat unattended while waiting. 🔹Avoid putting the carrier on the floor. You can put it on your lap or next to you if the seat is empty. 5. Use the least amount of restraint 🔸With cats, less is more. 🔸With the appropriate carrier, you do not need to drag the cat out, open the top. 🔸Find a comfortable position for the handler and the cat when doing a procedure. 🔸If your cat is struggling, take a break. 🔸Do not reprimand or be forceful. 6. Do not scruff your cat 🔹That is a right only a mother cat has up to a certain kitten age and weight. 🔹Scruffing will increase stress. #ForceFreeDogTraining #CatTraining #TrainYourCat #PositiveReinforcement #ClickerTraining #ScienceBasedTraining #ModernDogTraining #FearFree #TrainWithoutPain #AnimalTraining #JakartaDogTraining #DogTrainingJakarta #jakarta #DogTrainingBogor #bogor #BogorDogTraining #CibuburDogTraining #cibubur #BaliDogTraining #DogTrainingBali #LatihKucing (at Kota Wisata Cibubur) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkXDlDwvM8M/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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furrypawsitive · 2 years
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puppy training ≠ obedience training Puppy training classes should include: 🔹puppy parent education 🔹proper and safe socialization opportunities 🔹force free training 🔹nurturing human-animal bond Puppy parent education: Knowledge for taking care of a different species is not supposed to be "common sense". It is perfectly normal (and encouraged) to look for a qualified help to make our dog happy. Proper and safe socialization opportunities: The window of opportunity for puppy socialization may close at around 16 weeks. But socialization should continue into adulthood to prevent regression. Puppy classes usually run for 5 or 6 weeks during which puppy parents are equipped with knowledge to continue socialization and training outside of class. Force free training: Starting at around 8 weeks old, puppies already have the capacity to learn. We can absolutely start training them. But, make sure to do it safely and kindly by not using fear, pain, aversive, or intimidation to teach. Dogs deserve to learn without the fear of pain or intimidation. Nurturing human-animal bond: Training should open a two-way communication. Not a "do as I say" type of relationship. To quote Zazie Todd, PhD (@zazietodd), "In general terms, when we provide dogs with what they need, it means they have good welfare and they are happy. When dogs have what they need, they are less likely to have behaviour issues, and they are more likely to have a good relationship with us. So instead of thinking about obedience, we should think about happiness. Everyone loves their dog. And I think everyone wants their dog to be happy too." #ForceFreedogtraining #DogTraining #TrainYourDog #PositiveReinforcement #ClickerTraining #ScienceBasedTraining #ModernDogTraining #FearFree #SnackFeederNotPackLeader #DogLover #TrainWithoutPain #AnimalTraining #DogKnowledge #JakartaDogTraining #DogTrainingJakarta #jakarta #DogTrainingBogor #bogor #BogorDogTraining #CibuburDogTraining #cibubur #BaliDogTraining #DogTrainingBali #bali #LatihAnjing #LatihAnjingmu #IlmuAnjing #RPlusDogTrainer (at Kota Wisata Cibubur) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjZZuORLZff/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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furrypawsitive · 2 years
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Things to check before declaring a dog not food-motivated. 🔸Health. Is the appetite still there? Does anything hurt when eating? 🔹Preference. Is the food the kind your dog likes? 🔸Stress level. Is the environment too stressful? Is it too distracting? Are you too scary for the dog to be hand-fed? Toss it on the ground, and give some distance. 🔹Past experience. Has there been any negative experience around food? Punished when approaching food? Being force-fed when ill? Bitter medication hidden in food? Improper counterconditioning process where food is presented before the "scary/painful" thing happens? 🔸Level of Difficulties. Is the task you ask too hard for the dog's current skills? Is the food reinforcing enough for this level? Can you think of anything else that can affect whether or not a dog wants to take food? Alt-text available. #ForceFreeDogTraining #CatTraining #DogTraining #TrainYourCat #TrainYourDog #PositiveReinforcement #ClickerTraining #ScienceBasedTraining #ModernDogTraining #FearFree #SnackFeederNotPackLeader #TrainWithoutPain #AnimalTraining #JakartaDogTraining #DogTrainingJakarta #jakarta #DogTrainingBogor #bogor #BogorDogTraining #CibuburDogTraining #cibubur #BaliDogTraining #DogTrainingBali #bali #LatihAnjing #LatihAnjingmu #RPlusDogTrainer (at Kota Wisata Cibubur) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjZUyWjJP_M/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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furrypawsitive · 2 years
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Do you want to utilize food to train your dog (or cat) but have been hearing conflicting things? The truth about training using food: 🔹It doesn't make your pet fat. Overfeeding does. If your pet is having weight issues, please see your vet. 🔸It doesn't teach your pet to beg. Reinforcing "begging" behavior does. 🔹It doesn't spoil your dog or cat. Whatever "spoil" means. How do you define "spoiled"? Evaluate if the "spoiled" behavior is being reinforced in some way. 🔸Human food doesn't cause them to steal food. Being careless of where we put our food does. For pet-safe list, see ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center. 🔹Food is a primary reinforcer, which means it doesn't need a conditioning process to be a reinforcer. But remember, each animal is an individual. They will have preference. One type of food may be more reinforcing than others to different individuals. It's a personal preference. So don't be afraid to use food. If you worry about your pet being dependent on food during training, reach out to a professional trainer to help you train properly. Yes, there is a proper and improper way to use food as a reinforcer for training. Alt-text available. [Image Descriptions: Text on each slide corresponds to caption bullet points. Background is of various colors. ID 1: black text on a light blue background with various drawings of different pet food on all four corners of the image. ID 2: black text on a light orange background. ID 3: white text on a dark gray background. ID 4: black text on a dark orange background. ID 5: black text on a white background. ID 6: white text on a dark blue background. ID 7: black text on a light blue background.] #ForceFreeDogTraining #CatTraining #DogTraining #TrainYourCat #TrainYourDog #PositiveReinforcement #ClickerTraining #ScienceBasedTraining #ModernDogTraining #FearFree #SnackFeederNotPackLeader #TrainWithoutPain #AnimalTraining #LatihKucing #JakartaDogTraining #DogTrainingJakarta #jakarta #DogTrainingBogor #bogor #BogorDogTraining #CibuburDogTraining #cibubur #BaliDogTraining #DogTrainingBali #bali #LatihAnjing #LatihAnjingmu #RPlusDogTrainer (at Kota Wisata Cibubur) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci-ImCSrURV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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furrypawsitive · 3 years
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Anjing menggeram (berapa pun ukurannya) bukan mencoba untuk "sok jago". Anjing itu merasa terancam. . Anjing chihuahua yang menggeram/marah (atau ras kecil lain yang sering diremehkan orang) bukanlah hal yang lucu. . . #ForceFreedogtraining #DogTraining #TrainYourDog #PositiveReinforcement #ClickerTraining #ScienceBasedTraining #ModernDogTraining #FearFree #SnackFeederNotPackLeader #DogLover #TrainWithoutPain #AnimalTraining #DogKnowledge #JakartaDogTraining #DogTrainingJakarta #jakarta #DogTrainingBogor #bogor #BogorDogTraining #CibuburDogTraining #cibubur #BaliDogTraining #DogTrainingBali #bali #LatihAnjing #LatihAnjingmu #IlmuAnjing #AnjingAgresif https://www.instagram.com/p/Ca8Z4ccvcDO/?utm_medium=tumblr
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furrypawsitive · 3 years
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A growling dog (no matter the size) is not trying to be a "tough guy". The dog feels threatened. . An angry chihuahua (and other small breeds that people tend to underestimate or see as "sissy" dogs) is not a laughing matter. . . #ForceFreedogtraining #DogTraining #TrainYourDog #PositiveReinforcement #ClickerTraining #ScienceBasedTraining #ModernDogTraining #FearFree #SnackFeederNotPackLeader #DogLover #TrainWithoutPain #AnimalTraining #DogKnowledge #JakartaDogTraining #DogTrainingJakarta #jakarta #DogTrainingBogor #bogor #BogorDogTraining #CibuburDogTraining #cibubur #BaliDogTraining #DogTrainingBali #bali #LatihAnjing #LatihAnjingmu #IlmuAnjing #AggressiveDogs #DogAggression https://www.instagram.com/p/Ca8W2fdvSM-/?utm_medium=tumblr
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furrypawsitive · 3 years
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"Society wants to have it two ways with regard to dog behavior. We expect dogs to act like the Littlest Hobo and, when they offer even the most innocuous warning, we are shocked and take great personal offense. We expect dogs to be grateful for our taking them in and caring for them, and refuse to accept that they have likes and dislikes, fears and frustrations, and that they do what works, just as we do. Even though we are much more violent and aggressive as a species, we expect dogs never to be aggressive. If our dogs use aggressive behavior, the shock and sense of betrayal lead us to fear the aggression problem and attribute more significance to the incident than is justified rationally." James O'Heare The Dog Aggression Workbook Note: after looking it up, The Littlest Hobo is an old Canadian TV show revolved around an intelligent stray German Shepherd dog that saved different people in need in different episodes of the show. It seemed to be a similar idea to Lassie. [Image Description: the above quoted text with a light green background and a cartoon drawing of an angry, barking dog on the top left corner.] #ForceFreedogtraining #DogTraining #TrainYourDog #PositiveReinforcement #ClickerTraining #ScienceBasedTraining #ModernDogTraining #FearFree #SnackFeederNotPackLeader #DogLover #TrainWithoutPain #AnimalTraining #DogKnowledge #JakartaDogTraining #DogTrainingJakarta #jakarta #DogTrainingBogor #bogor #BogorDogTraining #CibuburDogTraining #cibubur #BaliDogTraining #DogTrainingBali #bali #LatihAnjing #LatihAnjingmu #IlmuAnjing #DogAggression #DogBook #AggressiveDogs (at Kota Wisata Cibubur) https://www.instagram.com/p/CawiInZPItK/?utm_medium=tumblr
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furrypawsitive · 3 years
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Be present when walking your dog. Avoid playing on your phone or listening to music too loud you can't hear your surroundings. Be your dog's eyes when he's busy. Enjoy your time together. #forcefreedogtraining #dogtraining #trainyourdog #positivereinforcement #clickertraining #sciencebasedtraining #moderndogtraining #fearfree #snackfeedernotpackleader #doglover #trainwithoutpain #animaltraining #dogknowledge #jakartadogtraining #dogtrainingjakarta #jakarta #dogtrainingbogor #bogor #bogordogtraining #cibuburdogtraining #cibubur #balidogtraining #dogtrainingbali #bali #latihanjing #latihanjingmu #ilmuanjing #anjingkita #anjingjakarta https://www.instagram.com/furrypawsitive/p/CZSHPULP8NG/?utm_medium=tumblr
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furrypawsitive · 3 years
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Hi dog lovers! Kalau kamu mau melakukan hal baru dengan anjingmu, baiknya berencanalah daripada tiba-tiba/spontan. Dengan "planning", kamu dapat mengurangi kesempatan anjing mengalami pengalaman pertama yang buruk (negative experience). Janganlah mengharapkan anjing untuk selalu menyukai hal yang kita lalukan. Mereka mungkin mentolerir. Tapi bukankah lebih baik lagi jika mereka menikmati waktunya bersama kita?! . Ps. Mohon ikuti protokol kesehatan publik. Social distancing tidak hanya demi kesehatan kita semua, tapi juga membantu memberikan jarak rasa aman anjing. . . #forcefreedogtraining #dogtraining #trainyourdog #positivereinforcement #clickertraining #sciencebasedtraining #moderndogtraining #fearfree #snackfeedernotpackleader #doglover #trainwithoutpain #animaltraining #dogknowledge #jakartadogtraining #dogtrainingjakarta #jakarta #dogtrainingbogor #bogor #bogordogtraining #cibuburdogtraining #cibubur #balidogtraining #dogtrainingbali #bali #latihanjing #latihanjingmu #ilmuanjing #anjingkita #anjingjakarta (at Kota Wisata Cibubur) https://www.instagram.com/p/CX0uACzvwGg/?utm_medium=tumblr
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furrypawsitive · 3 years
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Some may do more, or less, than others given the right circumstances. If they have the tools, they can use them. Breed, past experiences, learning, and the individual dog play a part. . . #forcefreedogtraining #dogtraining #trainyourdog #positivereinforcement #clickertraining #sciencebasedtraining #moderndogtraining #fearfree #snackfeedernotpackleader #doglover #trainwithoutpain #animaltraining #dogknowledge #jakartadogtraining #dogtrainingjakarta #jakarta #dogtrainingbogor #bogor #bogordogtraining #cibuburdogtraining #cibubur #balidogtraining #dogtrainingbali #bali #latihanjing #latihanjingmu #ilmuanjing #anjingkita #anjingjakarta https://www.instagram.com/p/CV2dubUP_p-/?utm_medium=tumblr
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furrypawsitive · 3 years
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Positive reinforcement works better. It works on all species (no matter the size, breed, perceived personalities, etc). It takes into account who the learner is, not what the teacher thinks the learner should be. It demands the teacher to be proactive and creative. It helps the teacher learn what the learner finds reinforcing. . It does take a lot more effort on our part to avoid giving punishment on "bad" behavior (prevention, management, rewarding desirable behavior, fulfilling doggy needs). But isn't our dog worth it? . #forcefreedogtraining #dogtraining #trainyourdog #positivereinforcement #clickertraining #sciencebasedtraining #moderndogtraining #fearfree #snackfeedernotpackleader #doglover #trainwithoutpain #animaltraining #dogknowledge #jakartadogtraining #dogtrainingjakarta #jakarta #dogtrainingbogor #bogor #bogordogtraining #cibuburdogtraining #cibubur #balidogtraining #dogtrainingbali #bali #latihanjing #latihanjingmu #ilmuanjing #anjingkita #anjingjakarta https://www.instagram.com/p/CVDBwJghOgy/?utm_medium=tumblr
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furrypawsitive · 3 years
Beberapa alasan anjing suka menggali: 🐾 Termoregulasi = tetap dingin saat panas, atau tetap hangat saat dingin. 🐾 Mereka dapat mendengar atau mencium bau makhluk di bawah tanah 🐭🐰. Beberapa ras (seperti terrier) berkemungkinan besar akan menggali untuk mengejar hama. 🐾 Mengubur benda. 🐾 Melarikan diri dari sesuatu atau mendekati hal yang lain. 🐾 Kurang stimulasi. . Apa yang harus dilakukan? 🐾 Sediakan tempat berlindung di luar yang lebih baik, atau persingkat waktu di luar. 🐾 Sediakan tempat alternatif untuk menggali (seperti kolam anak-anak atau bak kecil berisi tanah dengan treats atau mainan tersembunyi) & memblokir akses ke area terlarang. 🐾 Seperti di atas. 🐾 Mengatasi penyebab kebutuhan untuk melarikan diri atau motivasi untuk meninggalkan rumah (eksplorasi, jelajah, mengikuti anjing lain, mengejar sesuatu, dll). **Jika menggali berlebihan (disertai dengan bahasa tubuh yang stres) dan hanya terjadi saat kamu pergi, carilah bantuan profesional untuk memandu kamu** 🐾 Berikan kesempatan olahraga fisik dan stimulasi mental yang cukup. . Menggali adalah perilaku yang self-rewarding (menyenangkan diri). Hindari meninggalkan anjing tanpa pengawasan. Jangan memberikan hukuman dalam bentuk apapun (verbal, fisik, dll). Hukuman (selain masalah kesejahteraan) dapat mengajarkan anjing untuk takut menggali di depan manusia, tetapi tidak ketika tidak ada manusia. Hal ini membuat lebih sulit untuk me-reward menggali yang benar. . 🐶🐺 Beberapa breed anjing telah dikembangbiakkan secara selektif untuk menggali. Jadi bekerjalah dengan sifat ini, bukan melawannya. Berpikirlah "bagaimana saya bisa memberikan outlet legal untuk ini?" bukannya "bagaimana saya bisa menghilangkan perilaku ini?". . . #forcefreedogtraining #dogtraining #trainyourdog #positivereinforcement #clickertraining #sciencebasedtraining #moderndogtraining #fearfree #snackfeedernotpackleader #doglover #trainwithoutpain #animaltraining #dogknowledge #jakartadogtraining #dogtrainingjakarta #jakarta #dogtrainingbogor #bogor #bogordogtraining #cibuburdogtraining #cibubur #balidogtraining #dogtrainingbali #bali #latihanjing #latihanjingmu #ilmuanjing #anjingkita #anjingjakarta (at Echo Beach) https://www.instagram.com/p/CU9acj4J618/?utm_medium=tumblr
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furrypawsitive · 3 years
A few reasons some dogs like to dig: 🐾 Thermoregulation = to keep cool when it's hot, or to keep warm when it's cold. 🐾 They can hear or smell creatures underground 🐭🐰. Some breeds (like terriers) are more likely to dig to chase vermins. 🐾 Burying items. 🐾 Escaping from something or to approach something else. 🐾 Lack of stimulation. . What to do? 🐾 Provide a better outdoor shelter, or shorten outdoor time. 🐾 Provide an alternate place to dig (like a kiddie pool or a small tub filled with soil with treats or toys hidden) & block access to forbidden areas. 🐾 Similar to above. 🐾 Address the cause of the need to escape or the motivation to leave home (exploration, roaming, following other dogs, chasing something, etc). **If digging is excessive (accompanied with stress body language) and only happens when you leave, look for a professional help to guide you** 🐾 Provide physical exercise and mental stimulation opportunities. . Digging is a self-rewarding behavior. Avoid leaving dogs unsupervised. Do not give punishment in any form (verbal, physical, etc). Punishment (aside from a welfare issue) can teach dogs to be afraid to dig in front of humans, but not when humans are around. This makes it harder to reward appropriate digging. . 🐶🐺Some breeds have been selectively bred to dig. So work with this trait instead of against it. Think along the line of "how can I provide a legal outlet for this?" instead of "how can I get rid of this behavior?". . . #forcefreedogtraining #dogtraining #trainyourdog #positivereinforcement #clickertraining #sciencebasedtraining #moderndogtraining #fearfree #snackfeedernotpackleader #doglover #trainwithoutpain #animaltraining #dogknowledge #jakartadogtraining #dogtrainingjakarta #jakarta #dogtrainingbogor #bogor #bogordogtraining #cibuburdogtraining #cibubur #balidogtraining #dogtrainingbali #bali #latihanjing #latihanjingmu #ilmuanjing #anjingkita #anjingjakarta (at Echo Beach) https://www.instagram.com/p/CU9Z4eCB7gK/?utm_medium=tumblr
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